Orange Chicken Main DishPoultry Orange Chicken YOGA I didn't always like yoga. I was a "no pain, no gain" type of…Maria EmmerichMarch 18, 2013
First Foods for Babies Baby and KidsBreakfastDairy FreeDessertsVegetarian First Foods for Babies Testimony of the Day “Hi Maria! So, I came to you just what, 8 weeks…Maria EmmerichMarch 17, 2013
Paleo Pesto Noodles BreadEgg FreeMain DishNutrition EducationVegetarianWeight Loss Paleo Pesto Noodles PALEO PESTO NOODLES For a healthy and delicious alternative, try my Paleo Pesto Noodles. We…Maria EmmerichMarch 17, 2013
Tomato Gorgonzola Bisque Appetizer and SidesSoup and SaladsVegetarianWeight Loss Tomato Gorgonzola Bisque Testimony of the Day "I started 8 days ago and I too have lost 7…Maria EmmerichMarch 16, 2013
Corned Beef "Noodle" Casserole Beef and Red MeatsBreadDairy FreeEgg FreeMain DishNutrition EducationSlow Cooker Corned Beef "Noodle" Casserole Testimony of the Day "Hi Maria, I wanted to send you a note and tell…Maria EmmerichMarch 15, 2013
Crockpot Mashed “Faux”tatoes Dairy FreeEgg FreeHoliday RecipesNut FreeSlow CookerVegetarian Crockpot Mashed “Faux”tatoes Crockpot Mashed Faux Tatoes I know a lot of you have tried cauliflower mashed "faux"tatoes…Maria EmmerichMarch 14, 2013
Keto Peppermint Patties Dairy FreeDessertsEgg FreeHoliday RecipesVegetarian Keto Peppermint Patties Testimony of the Day "Hi Maria! My husband and I (and our 3 boys mostly)…Maria EmmerichMarch 14, 2013
Vanilla Bean Cheesecake DessertsHoliday RecipesVegetarian Vanilla Bean Cheesecake Testimony of the Day "I wanted to give a new updated testimony. The pictures on…Maria EmmerichMarch 11, 2013
FUDGSICLES Dairy FreeDessertsVegetarian FUDGSICLES Testimonies of the Day 30 Day Accelerated Testimony: Hi Maria, I just wanted to write and…Maria EmmerichMarch 9, 2013
Keto Popovers BreadDairy FreeHoliday RecipesVegetarianWeight Loss Keto Popovers Keto Popovers If you haven't noticed, I do not allow advertising on my site. I…Maria EmmerichMarch 6, 2013
Keto Athletes Dairy FreeEgg FreeNut FreeSupplementsVegetarianWeight Loss Keto Athletes KETO ATHLETES One question I get asked often is, "I'm an athlete. Can I do…Maria EmmerichMarch 5, 2013
Chicken Nuggets Dairy FreeSnack Chicken Nuggets Testimony of the Day "Hi Maria, You have been helping me get my life back…Maria EmmerichMarch 5, 2013
Wheat Free Foods Giveaway and Gift Ideas ContestHoliday RecipesVegetarian Wheat Free Foods Giveaway and Gift Ideas Wheat Free Foods Giveaway and Gift Ideas Paula has made this such a lifestyle that…Maria EmmerichMarch 5, 2013
Cauliflower Risotto Appetizer and SidesEgg FreeFish and SeafoodMain DishNut FreeVegetarian Cauliflower Risotto Testimony of the Day: "Maria, I have struggled with weight loss my entire life since I…Maria EmmerichFebruary 28, 2013
Depression and Diet Uncategorized Depression and Diet Depression and Diet Testimony of the Day “The very first time in my life I…Maria EmmerichFebruary 26, 2013