Here is a video of the process of making my low carb bread recipe.
The first time I made my low carb bread recipe, it turned out PERFECT! But guess what? I was just messing around with my new-found obsession with psyllium powder and didn’t write anything down! ARG
So it took me 8 pounds of almond flour to experiment and finally get it right (a very expensive mistake). Yesterday, Craig made the buns because someone suggested that that always add in Apple Cider Vinegar and my memory came back! YES, I added cider vinegar to that first batch!
So, if you made the bread before and it turned out “gummy” please try it again. These are amazing!
Want to learn more about the ketogenic lifestyle? My all new Keto Courses are perfect and include everything you need to lose weight and heal your body. CLICK HERE to get started.
BUSY FAMILY TIP: Make a triple batch of this dough, bake and keep the sub bread in the freezer for an easy addition to your next picnic! All you have to do is cut open the bread (toast it if desired) and fill with your family’s favorite filling. No need to stop at Subway or Quiz-no’s. This will take you less time and save you tons of money.
This recipe and many other innovative options are in my Savory Cookbook Here.

“HEALTHIFIED” SUB (June 2013 update!)
1 1/2 cup blanched almond flour (5 oz) (or 1/2 cup coconut flour or 2.5 oz)
5 TBS psyllium husk powder (no substitutes) (45 grams) (must be a fine powder, not whole husks)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp Celtic sea salt
2 1/2 TBS apple cider vinegar (1 oz)
3 egg whites (6 egg whites if using coconut flour) (about 3.5 oz for almond flour option, 7 oz for coconut flour)
7/8 cup (a little less than a cup) BOILING water (or MARINARA – for more Tomato Basil Bread!) (7 oz)
OPTION: Use 2 whole eggs (Almond flour version) or 4 whole eggs (coconut flour version). If you are having trouble with it rising using whole eggs you can try egg whites. Also, if your buns looks nice and big but then deflates after removed from the oven, try reducing the baking powder to 1 1/2 teaspoons.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium sized bowl, combine the flour, psyllium powder (no substitutes: flaxseed meal won’t work), baking powder and salt. Mix until dry ingredients are well combined. Add in the eggs and vinegar and mix until a thick dough. Add boiling water or marinara into the bowl. Mix until well combined and dough firms up.
Form into 4 to 5 mini subs (the dough will rise about 2 to 3 times so I start mine as a 1 inch disk, see picture below) or one large sub/loaf and place onto a greased baking sheet. Bake for 55 minutes (45-50 minutes for smaller shapes like buns). Remove from the oven and allow the bread to cool completely. Cut open with a serrated knife. Fill with desired fillings. Makes 5 servings.
NOTE! If you are having an issue with a bubble, try weighing your ingredients as listed above. I use this kitchen scale. 🙂
Traditional Sub Bread = 198 calories, 6g fat, 4g protein, 41 carbs, trace fiber
Almond Flour Sub (egg whites) = 209 calories, 14.2g fat, 8.2g protein, 15g carb, 9.8g fiber (60% fat, 15% protein, 28% carbs)
Coconut Flour Sub (egg whites) = 136 calories, 2.1g fat, 7.3g protein, 17.3g carb, 11.7g fiber (14% fat, 21% protein, 51% carbs)

CHICKEN CLUB: Smoked Chicken, bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, onions (see above photo)
TUNA MELT: Tuna, tomato, sharp cheddar: toast in a broiler until bread is crispy and cheese is melted (see bottom photo)
MEATBALL SUB: use my “healthiefied” meatballs and no sugar marinara
PIZZA SUB: fill with your favorite pizza toppings, no sugar marinara, mozzarella: toast in a broiler until bread is crispy and cheese is melted
PANINI: Cut bread into thin slices. Heat panini maker on high. Fill with desired sandwich fillings. Butter the outside of the sandwich and fry until bread is golden brown. Click HERE to find the panini maker I love, on sale now for $45! It was $90!

Made into ‘fingers’ for Halloween Fun! |
“Maria, I have to say this has been amazing, I have taken Zantac in the morning and night for 18 years and was thinking about switching to the purple pill as the Zantac was not work any longer. My wife and I read your book and took your assessment test and I started around mid January, I am on my third week with NO antacids and NO heart burn at all! I also had 4-5 nights a week that could not sleep more than 4 hours, I’d wake up at 1am and not be able to go back to sleep. I am now sleeping 7-8 hours 6 or more nights a week! Thank you for your book. Feeling better at 59.” – Garth
What are your goals for today? Diet does NOT mean deprivation!
Click HERE to get started today!
Thank you! I can’t wait to try this recipe. My son begs me to stop at Subway every time we get in the car. I have been eating low carb/semi-paleo for a while now but it’s been harder to get my kids to make the switch without a lot of complaining (they are actually young adults but have developmental disabilities and are very resistant to change.) I was so excited to find this site so now they can still have some of the things they enjoy while eating much healthier. I hope to buy your books soon.
Thanks for the kind words and support! 🙂
I love your low carb bread and have been baking successfully for a few months now. It is a “bit” bland and I’d like to add swerve to it, would this affect the rise?
Thank you for all your terrific recipes. I made the switch from regular healthy eating, all the “good” grains and was ready for bed by noon. Went LOCHF over nite in July and haven’t looked back since. Waaaaaaay more energy!
Swerve should work fine. Or a mix of spices will spice it up too. Thanks!
I made a double batch, added l/3 cup of swerve granular and it is very tasty. I put it in the oven wiped my counters down, turned around and saw the apple cider vinegar still in the bowl, geesh…… forgot to add it…it’s another good loaf regardless.
Thank you!
Hi! I just tried making this (twice) and it looked like bread. It Smelled ( mmmm! ) like bread. But it was black on the outside once it started baking, and PURPLE inside! Obviously I did something wrong but hang me if I can figure out WHAT? Directions are straightforward?!!? If you see this and you have any idea what I did can you let me know? THANKS in advance for your help
Please read the comments above. It depends on the brand of psyllium (some brands turn purple. The Jay Robb I use doesn’t).
Hi, just started a keto diet a month ago and have been using your cookbooks-love them! Made this bread this morning and it’s purple. Don’t see the Jay Robb brand on his website or Amazon. Any other ideas? Thanks!
That is from the minerals in the psyllium husk. Doesn’t effect flavor or anything. You can try a different brand (I use Jay Robb here:
The baking powder is reacting with the acid (apple cider vinegar) to change the colour of the food when heat is applied (ie it is baked). Baking powder with aluminum in it reacts to acidic ingredients, causing this discoloration and what many people find to be a “tinny” or metallic taste. Fortunately, this is easy to rectify by buying baking powder that does not contain aluminium.
I made this bread for my husband and he liked it, but he experienced low cramping, bloating, and chills. I thought he was having a food allergy. He has taken the psyllium husk powder in the past with water and did not have any problems (only a teaspoon of powder). I would like to continue to make it for him. Can you offer an insight to what happened?
Boy, not sure. Never heard of that before. If it continues I guess I would suspect one of the other ingredients then (since he has had psyllium before).
Hi Maria, I’m sensitive to egg white, get those symptoms if I eat any. I was about to ask if there is a substitute for them.
No. Sorry:(
I can’t find anywhere else to comment in the replies so here goes. Is the unflavored psyllium (like in metamucil) okay to use? Not sure if that’s what you’re referring to.
Not sure if that would work. I just get psyllium husks whole and grind them into a powder.
I tried this for the first time yesterday….with the almond flour and egg whites….. First batch was the recipe as is; and the bread raised and looked glorious, then it all fell when I removed from the oven…. it was about 2′ high. (Baked in a smaller loaf pan). Tasted good so I thought I would try again and doubled the recipe. Filled the pan up a little better and again, in the oven it raised, had a nice rounded hump on it. When I took it out of the oven, it deflated and turned out about 2 – 3′ high. Mine is getting done in about 30 minutes which seems fast compared to other comments. With the second loaf, I reduced the temperature to about 325 degrees after 30 minutes to allow it to be in the oven longer in case I was taking it out too soon. I have not tried reducing the amount of baking powder yet. I am grinding my fiber in a Nutra Bullet and adding it. ….water is heated to boiling…. What should I try next? Between bread and almond low carb pound cake, I used about 6 cups of almond flour yesterday. Thanks! I can tell this will be great once I get the hang of it. February 19, 2017 – 7:41 EST.
I made it last night and it started to flop so I put it back in for an extra 15 minutes and it turned out amazing😀
Hi Maria, I just made this bread for my cousin and in preparing it for the oven I took a piece and made a small roll so that I could sample it before giving it to her. It is absolutely delicious. I think the ACV made it smell like sourdough bread when it was baking. I will definitely make this again (for me). Can you tell me the nutritional values per average slice of the bread? I know my cousin will ask me. Thank you.
I had this question too, so I figured up it is 26 net carbs for the entire loaf. Just divide by the amount of slices you make.
Looks really good. Can you please tell me if the breads in the pics are made w the almond or coconut? Do you prefer one over the other?
Thanks for the speedy reply! Am heading right to the Jay Robb site for new psyllium powder and some of that good vanilla pro powder. I’ll practice til I get it right. Also will send everyone I know to your site. I’ve just discovered it and have hardly begun to see all there is to see. Really appreciate the how-to videos. AND the one with the boys cracking the eggs! : O
You must have read my mind! I’ve been craving a panini for a while. I’m making one tonight!
YES! I can’t wait to try making these tomorrow. This may be a silly question…but with one recipe, do you just form one long sub, or 5 subs?
You can make the subs as big or small as you like. When I made this one, I formed 5 subs before baking. 🙂
You are a marvel and a life saver! May I please share your recipes on my Low Carb Club ZA page on Facebook, I will of course give you all the credit?
Yes that would be fine. Please just link back to the original. 🙂
Thank you thank you thank you!!!! We just had these today with our chili for supper. Texture is amazing for a grain free bread. I used egg whites and made 6 small burger type buns. Will be making these regularly from now on.
Thanks Nancy! 🙂
I made the bread today. It came out perfect. The color was a warm golden brown just like wheat bread.
11/4 cups almond meal
5 tbsp ground Psyllium Husk
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp paprika
2 eggs
1 cup boiling water
Baked at 350 degrees for one hour.
Absolutely perfect!!!
Did you omit the vinegar or forget to put it here? Thank you.
Yum! Thank you! 🙂
Hi Maria,
I had watched your video several times and followed the procedure steps by step but my bread failed to rise for second time,I do not know where I am missing out.
Have your ground the psyllium into a very fine powder and weighed it?
I am using psyllium husk powder and your recipe mentioned 5 tablepoon so I did not weigh it.
Try weighing it next time. 🙂
I’ve tried it twice also…weighed both times and decreased the baking powder the second time…it still tastes great, but it keeps flopping. ???
I remember that the temperature of the oven should be 375 if you have a regular one, not a convection oven, correct?
I think this updated recipe (with vinegar) will work at either temperature. You just need to watch the bread (as with any bread recipe) and take it our when the top is brown and it if somewhat firm to the touch. 🙂
Hi Maria, I tried baking a loaf today using the coconut flour option and from the outside it looked so hopeful it had risen beautifully and then i cut it open and it was just a huge air bubble with an inch think of gummy dough on the bottom! Do you know what might have happened? I was so disappointed because yours looks so good!! I really want it to work!! The only thing I can think that i did differently was i beat the egg whites slightly before mixing them into the other ingredients. Do you think this would have made the difference?
Maria, great looking bread! I just posted for you over on my FB page. 🙂
A question, you mention the dough rises up on baking. The two eggs in the recipe are all that I see to add levening power? Have you tried adding baking powder to this or also making a yeast bread with it?
If so, what happens?
Thanks!!! Beautiful sammy!
I haven’t tried any levening powder. I don’t think the yeast would work. It feeds on the sugars in regular bread to rise and those sugars aren’t there in this one. 🙂
The recipe has baking powder? I am confused?
Maria, where do you get the psyllium husk powder? Isn’t that what Metamucil is made of?
I get mine here. It basically 100% fiber. 😉
Hi Maria, we just discovered your blog (*LOVE*). We will be able to try this kind of recipe in a while after we complete our hCG and transition to Paleo.
You mentioned “greasing” the pan for the dough. What do you use for the grease?
Thank you – UM&W
Thank You! I love this coconut oil spray.
I just made this and mine came out very blue almost purple, is that normal? Have all your books. Reading “secrets to a healthy metabolism. Thank you.
It does have a slight purple hue to it. The longer you let the dough sit, the more purple it gets. I left a batch over night and it was really purple (still tasted great!). So it’s best to bake it right away. 🙂
Oh, and thanks for your support!!
In your GI comparison, how much sugar does that represent? I want to share this info with my mom (who is struggling to know what to cook other than bread, potatoes, rice and pasta) but the point would come across stronger if the amount were precise. Thank you. 🙂
That doesn’t represent an amount of sugar, it is a measure of how quickly the sugar enters our blood stream. The higher the number, the quicker and bigger the blood sugar spike (Bad!). To find the total amount of sugar that enters the blood from any food, just subtract the sugar alcohols (like from Swerve and Erythritol) from the total carbs and then divide by 4. That is the number of teaspoons of sugar in the blood.
Almond Flour Sub (egg whites) = 209 calories, 14.2g fat, 8.2g protein, 15g carb, 9.8g fiber (60% fat, 15% protein, 28% carbs) so with the sub recipe it would be 1.3 teaspoons of sugar in the blood stream, which is a little over 4 grams of carbs right????..
15-9.8 is 5.2/ 4 is 1.3 teaspoons of sugar in the blood stream. a normal blood sugar is 1 teaspoon or 4 grams. am I getting that right?
thanks maria, reading your blogs sure helps a lot and your books and your personalized assessment and plans. thanks so much maria…I have never learned so much in my life.
I never subtract fiber (my clients are kicked out of ketosis with too much fiber). I always use total carbs. So this is 15g of carbs per serving (if trying to lose weight you want to be below 30g a day).
What I don’t understand in this calculation here – how is it that you calculate with grams (grams of carbs, grams of fiber) and then end up with a result in teaspoons… How does that work??
That is how it works. 4 grams of carbohydrate is about what a teaspoon of sugar is. 🙂
Ah ok. Thanks for the explanation!
Hi Maria. Concerning the low carb sub I used coconut flour a half cup as the recipie says but when I added the eggs it became really soft and by the time the 1 1/2 cups of water were added the dough was mushy or like a paste. Which makes sesne. Because 1 1/2 cups of bleached almond powder is far more than the recommended coconut flour so to add the same quantity of water would not have the same results; at least mine didn’t. Nevertheless I added about 3/4 more coconut flour, rolled it into a subway shape and voila…a tasty subway bread was created. My question is was the measurement for the coconut flour an error? Pls advise.
Coconut flour absorbs much more moisture than almond flour. You typically use 1/3 the amount of flour when using coconut flour. 🙂
Stacy, you said that you added 1½ cups of water! The recipe calls for 7/8 of a cup. If you actually used 1½ cups of water, that’s why it was mushy. I have to admit, however, that I *still* have issues with my baking, but I keep trying. 😀
I guess I need to do more research! I only had a vague idea about GI numbers, thanks for clearing that up for me!
That website above explains the quantities they use to compare glycemic index. They give each participant a serving comtaining 50g available carbohydrates. So for sugar, that would be about 1/4 cup. For bread, that would be 4 slices (According to the nutrition facts on this loaf of “whole grain white” Sarah Lee). So if you wanted to give your mom a 1:1 visual, you could tell her a slice of bread will raise her blood sugar more than a tablespoon of sugar. (using American measurements)
Ok, so I initially wasn’t impressed with this dough recipe, because its really sticky and I am just a freak and don’t like sticky things on my hands. lol. I was only able to make 2 decent size hoagies out of this. I used almond flour. With all the comments about it not rising, I wasn’t expecting much, but it actually raised more than I thought, and looks like a whole grain bread! I cooked the two hoagies for 50mins, and just took them out, but it seemed to need a lil more time, so I just turned off the oven and have them in there. I plan to go one a hike tomorrow, and one of these hoagies is going on the trek with me. If I can cut them in half successfully (I am horrible at cutting bread), and it looks picture worthy, I will take a pic and post it on your FB page. Thanks as always, Maria!
Thanks! Yes, the key is to not overwork the dough. It will be sticky before baking. 🙂
Sad face. They didn’t turn out. The ‘rise’ was an illusion–a hollow air pocket. When I cut the hoagie open, it was still uncooked. Should I try coconut flour instead?
post long ago…..but made a measuring error and used too much water. resulted in the ‘pop-over’ ballooning effect you describe. took a bit to find my error….. planning to try purposefully over hydrating to make little cream puff like pop overs to fill!
How much did you work the flour? I’m trying to figure out what is causing some people problems. 🙂
What exactly do you mean “work?” lol. I used a hand mixer til it was combined and let it sit out for….5-10minutes before making it into two hoagies.
I bet the waiting is what affected it. I added the note to the recipe that it need to bake right away or they gel up and don’t cook through. As soon as the ingredients are combined, I form the buns and put them straight in the oven. 🙂
I just made this, with high hopes for a good bread substitute. I had the same hollow result though, layer of thick dough on bottom and a high crispy crust with a huge pocket in the centre. I followed the recipe exactly and put in oven straight away, so don’t know what the problem was. I’ve decided to give up on trying to make any low carb bread substitute…..they never work out for me.
Tracy, was the water boiling? Also, what flour brand and type did you use? Bobs red mill doesn’t work.
Hi Maria.
Yes, the water was straight from the boiling jug (I watched your video three times before I attempted this lol )
Not sure of the brand, don’t think we get Bobs Red Mill here (in Australia). I haven’t been able to get anything labelled almond ‘flour’, just almond meal and maybe that’s the problem. I have blanched some raw almonds and am going to make my own ‘flour’……then one more try. Looks like I’ve given up on giving up….?
It doesn’t rise much, but if you make it pretty flat, it will cook more evenly and you can still use it for sanwiches! It tastes AMAZING!
I have made it with almond meal and it comes out fine. Maybe it was the psyllium. Was it a fine powder?
Hello again. Thanks for the replies. I tried it again and this time it worked out! I did everything pretty much the same, the only thing I can think of is that I let it sit for a few minutes after mixing in the hot water, and maybe wasn’t as fussy about getting it into a good shape, so I guess that’s the key.
Nice bread alternative, quite dense, but that’s fine for me. Next time I will do rolls.
Thanks for the recipe and the help. Love your blog.
Awesome! Glad it worked out. 🙂
We have the same problem. It is our first go. It looks good but seems to be hollow!
Did you use the egg white recipe update above? The egg white version rises better and gives more consistent results. The end product is a light fluffy bread like a wonder bread. If you like a more dense bread like a multigrain bread, you can try the whole egg version (2 eggs or 4 eggs with coconut flour). Thanks!
Hi. Yes it was the egg white recipe. We only had husk though. But today we have psyllium powder. Any other suggestions before we much another lot up?
Having psyllium husk powder is essential. If you have whole husks, you can grind them into a fine powder and that will work too, but it is easier to just get the powder. Good Luck! 🙂
Great improvement with the husk powder. It eats fine but has turned purple. We did not hesitate, as soon as the mixture was finished we put it straight in the oven. So, the only thing different was the powder. We are improving though.
B and T
So I did some more experimentation with this because I got one that did the same (first time, worked otherwise for me). If you get a hollow bread like you are describing, lower the oven temperature. Try 300 degrees for 50 minutes for buns and 60-65 for subs. There is a ratio of temperature to rising. It will rise less at 300 (maybe 2x) but is less likely to be hollow. At 350 is rises more (maybe 3x) but is more likely to be hollow. 🙂
I was very surprised to read the Bob’s Red flour doesn’t work as I have been using it and it works just fine for me. It’s the only almond flour I can get in my town. We love the bread!
I’ve ended up reducing the psyllium husk powder amount by 1T and increasing the almond flour by 1/4c. and I never get the air bubbles any more. But each time I get a new batch of the powder I go back to the original recipe to test that batch out 🙂 I also love adding seeds to my bread! Hemp hearts and sesame seeds or sunflower seeds are really yummy!
Try the updated recipe with vinegar. It makes a big difference. 🙂
I was just about to add that it didn’t work for me either, even though I followed your video to the letter. I went over the comment section again and came upon your response below from Oct 2, 2012:
Tracy, was the water boiling? Also, what flour brand and type did you use? Bobs red mill doesn’t work.
Bob’s Red Mill is the only almond meal/flour sold in grocery stores where I live. Time and time again I have read many low carb recipes that state not to use this brand. Makes me wonder what is different about their brand, and why it’s sold in abundance. =(
I don’t know. I get mine online. Much cheaper too. 🙂
I finally decided to put some Psyllium Husk through the coffee machine and have a go, it came really fine when ground. This was quite great but my little buns were quite small and did not rise very much at all but this said, wow, it was so nice to have an actual hamburger with “bread”. I only had the mince, the lettuce and some cheese and it actually tasted quite nice!!! I’m going to try a few more pf your recipes which call for “psyllium powder” now that I know the grinding trick works a bit!!
Yay, Glad it worked out. 🙂
PS: I wonder what makes the dough turn purple… very interesting!
Hmm, I’m not sure about that one. 🙂
I think that you have this sussed now. Depends on the psyllium. I am going to search round in the UK to see if I can get the one that you use.
Thanks again.
Mine turned purple, too. but tasted good..
it’s the chia seed that turns the bread purple. the boiling water causes their color to leach out but there is zero negative effect on the nutrition of the recipe. -mary
I love the flavor and texture of the sub rolls. Mine turned purple too. They taste great but look a bit funny!
I tripled the batch and baked in a regular bread pan and the middle has a spongy, damp texture to it. I baked it for longer than you suggested as it was too wet. It’s also very dense. Any idea’s what happened?
I think the key is to add the boiling water, mix just until combined and then place in the oven. The more you work this dough, the more it “Cooks” and gums up. 🙂
Hi Maria – I just made a doubled batch in a loaf pan last night – what is the proper cooking time for a doubled batch? Thank you!
This recipe doesn’t work as well in a large loaf pan (it tends to not cook through). I make them into flat disks (for buns or a nice long garlic toast of foot-long sub type bread). I start them about 1/2 inch thick and they rise to about 2.5 to 3 inches thick. The 50 minutes (for buns size) and 65 minutes (for sub size) works well. I added a before and after picture above. 🙂
I can not get this bread to work. It is gummy when I add the water, not dough like yours. Help!
Almond flour or coconut? Not all coconut flours are the same and you may need to adjust a bit based on the dough. Did they still bake up ok? I have had some comments that even though their dough was stickier than mine, they still turned out great. 🙂
Maria, I made this with coconut flour and I must say I’ve never EVER expected it to be soooo good! It really smells like a sub bun and I just loved it! I have one question: do they freeze well? I was just about to say I need to make a big batch and have them always available!
oh, just found the answer (somehow my first search didn’t work), never mind 😉 THANK you again for your lovely site and recipes!
Love the bread! How do you store it? Does it need to be refrigerated? Thanks!!
Yes, in the fridge. If I make a large batch I store them in the freezer. 🙂
Can you tell me about your process? About half the people are getting good results and other half aren’t. How hot was the water, how much did you knead it, how long after needing did you bake it, etc. Thanks!
I kneaded mine a little long I think, because I had trouble forming it into the six small buns I wanted. It did work out though. I baked them the full 65 minutes and they came out great! They look and taste very much like whole wheat dinner rolls, which are also very puffed up and full of air. I tried a hot one with butter. Delicious!
Thanks so much for this recipe, Maria! I love all kinds of bread, and since I went wheat free a year ago I’ve tried a lot of recipes with almond flour, coconut flour and flaxseed meal. I’ve been able to make some very good tasting muffins, but never anything that came close to a wheat roll or bun or loaf of wheat bread. Seems like it’s the psyllium that makes the difference. This is the first time I’ve used it in a recipe.
Soon I’m going to make this recipe into 12 dinner rolls. I doubt that anyone will suspect they’re not whole wheat!
I read your book, “Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism,” and thought it was great. I recently purchased one of your cookbooks. I’m sure I’ll buy more soon. 🙂
Thank Robert! Glad you liked them. Also, thanks for your support! 🙂
Hi Maria,
My rolls tasted good but had a grit to them. Is this the psyllium powder? I got it at a specialty health market.
Yes, I would try grinding it into a finer powder. 🙂
Just please don’t try to fool people with almond flour unless you are 100% certain they don’t have nut allergies!
Do you know where we can get a big enough loaf pan to make a normal size loaf of bread? I think they make sub pans too?
I have lots of options here! 🙂
Possibly dumb question, but why heat the water at all? Is there a reason? Just found your blog and am in heaven. I’m fighting PCOS and trying to get pregnant (with the help of a doctor, which is SO expensive) and really need to get my hormones under control.
If you don’t add boiling water they won’t rise at all. 🙂
Maria, do you use extra eggs if you use coconut flour? I know it absorbs a lot more than almond flour.
After retesting this recipe several times, I removed the coconut flour option. It just didn’t bake through properly like the almond flour version.
I am unable to find your revised version of this recipe. The bread looks fantastic!
Did you just omit the reference to coconut flour, or were there any other changes?
Thanks for your help.
The above recipe is updated. There is an addition of baking powder and some tweaking of ingredient ratios and baking instructions. Good luck! 🙂
How much coconut flour did you use? I only see measurements for almond flour. Thanks!
I recently removed the coconut flour option. It just didn’t bake through as well as the almond flour. 🙂
Ah, okay, thank you!
i used coconut flour and they were beautiful…..until i took them out of the oven. lol It was like watching a pool raft deflate. I was sooo close!
I made a loaf and that’s what happened to mine but I used Almond
Try 1 TBS less psyllium and bake a little longer (until slightly firm to the touch). 🙂
Is Psylliun seed husk powder that same as psyllium husk powder? I bought two different ones and that’s what they were labeled. One was much more fine and a greyish color, the psyllium seed husk powder was more brown. I’m going to buy it in bulk next time.
They should both work if they are both powder. Happy Baking! 🙂
Hi Maria,
Is the butter supposed to be melted or room temp?
I am working on an update to this recipe. After about 7 pounds of almond flour I think I have it worked out! 🙂 I will update in a couple days.
Want to try to make these…are you still getting people with the gummy uncooked problem using almond flour instead of the original coconut flour?
Also I notice in the comments you talk about adding boiling water, but this is not mentioned in the recipe…just listed as ” 1 cup water”, or “add water”….Was the boiling water part for the coconut flour?
I am working on an update to this recipe. After about 7 pounds of almond flour I think I have it worked out! 🙂 I will update in a couple days.
Made this last night and it came out looking like flatbread, nothing like the photo. Baked for the 65 minutes, and it was still gummy inside. I used it for a sandwich anyway, and it was pretty tasty. Looking forward to the recipe update!
It appeared that the recipe had been updated so I tried it again last night. Fantastic! I couldn’t believe how much the results looked like a whole wheat sub roll. Tasted great too. Thank you so much for this recipe. It will be a regular!
Thanks! 🙂
Where is the pdated recipe located? I made the coconut flour version tonight, before reading all the comments, lol. Gummy. But I will be eating it anyway, probably toasted. :o)
The recipe is updated above. The Coconut flour version doesn’t rise as well as the almond, but they should both work. 🙂
I also can’t find the revised recipe.
It is updated above (egg whites, etc). The most consistent version for rising is the almond flour one. Happy Baking! 🙂
I’m giving this a go right now, back later with my verdict as I did have a few issues with the original recipe, but it was nice enough! Thanks Maria!! Sorry to hear about all those lbs of flour!!
Oh yum! new recipe with almond flour, I used broth instead of water (as per the old recipe) and YUM! Love the modifications, makes the bread much nicer, less “funny” in the middle! Yay!!! i♥u and your recipes and all you do for us!!!
Thanks France! Glad you likes it. 😉
I just tried the revised recipe and it turned out great! It’s so nice to eat something that feels “bready”. Hooray!!! 🙂
Awesome! 🙂
I made the updated recipe today using almond flour, and they turned out great! I sliced them in half to make garlic bread to go with zucchini noodle lasagna. My husband and I were so happy to have bread to sop up the sauce with again! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you! 🙂
I just tried making this with the coconut flour. I didn’t knead it though, I just mixed it. I divided it into 2 loaf pans & baked it for 1 hour. It turned out really rubbery.
I added a video of the process. Hope that helps. I have noticed that it cooks through better on a cookie sheet versus in a bread pan. Happy Baking! 🙂
I just made this – and it does come out crispy on the outside and a little moist on the inside, but it tastes good, like a whole grain bread. I did not wait until it cooled completely – I cut it open and spread some Delice De Bourgogne cheese (sp) on it and yum – finally I have something to spread my delicious cheese on. Thank you, Maria!! Also dipped into chicken soup with butter – quite yummy. – Camala 🙂
Thank you! 🙂
A couple of days ago I made six buns with this recipe and it came out great. Today I tried it with the tomato basil marinara and it bombed. The sauce was very hot, but not actually boiling, and that may have been the problem. Also, I added the cold eggs to the mix before adding the marinara, and that may have also been a reason for my small rolls coming out flat and gummy.
So, while the oven was still hot, I started over and this time I used boiling water and I threw the eggs in after I had stirred the water in a little bit. When I add the boiling water, the mix immediately bubbles and fizzes. If that doesn’t happen, then I know I’m in trouble.
The second batch (with the boiling water) had no problem rising, and it came out great.
Thanks for posting! The boiling water does seem to be key to them rising properly. Thanks!
Can these be stored on the counter? Or do they need to go in the fridge?
I store mine in the fridge or freezer. 🙂
This is my all time favorite recipe. Husband who is not low carb prefers this recipe even over any other type of bread. Can’t keep them around very long….go figure.
Thank you Marilyn! 🙂
This looks great! I must say, though, as I started reading the comments about the failed attempts, I was about to leave the page and not try it. I’m glad I read further to see you revised the recipe and everyone is having great results. Where do you get your almond flour?
Thank you! I get mine here (honeyville):
HELP! What did I do wrong? I followed the recipe precisely and was so excited when I saw the rolls rise in the oven. I took them out at 50 minutes and let them cool. Big surprise when I cut into a cooled one, it was all air inside, no bread! I used Yerba Prima brand of Psyllium husk powder, would that make a difference? I also thought, ok just put some butter on the inside to try a taste, and honestly it was gross.
I so thought that this would work and I would be able to take a roll with me when I go out for lunch or dinner, and at least have some kind of bread with my meal. What do you think is the problem with what I did?
Thanks – Sandi ☺
Have you watched the video I added above? I haven’t tried that psyllium, but it looks like it should work. You could try another brand. Happy baking! 🙂
I had the same problem. I made the coconut flour version, used a cookie sheet, powdered psyllium husk, and followed all instructions. They looked great but when I opened them, they were wet and they caved in. The worst part was the smell. I think the smell was the psyllium husk powder. It was disappointing bc they looked so good. Love all the other recipes I’ve tried from your site. Has anyone had the smell problem with this bread??
I would try a different psyllium. One of the things I love about this bread is that is smells just like my moms fresh made bread when I was a kid. 🙂
In your video of the bread are you using the same amounts as in the recipe? I ask because your loaf as you put it in the loaf pan is much larger like double the size of mine. Your dough practically filled the pan whereas mine didn’t touch the ends; not even close.
That video is of this recipe (which is about double this one).
I followed it exactly but the bread smelled like vinegar and was soggy. It also had a purple hue… really bad! I am not sure why. Not having bread at breakfast is a killer for me.
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Yay! I’m glad you got it working. 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
Hi Maria. I finally bought a different psyllium powder. What a difference!! They tasted amazing and no funny smell at all. In fact they even smelled good. So thankful for your recipes!! 🙂
I’m going to try the revised coconut flour recipe (almond allergy).
I will try using room temp eggs (vs. cold), since by reading the comments, it seems that hot boiling water is imperative. Maria, are your eggs room temp?
I don’t bring my eggs to room temp but you could do that if you like. The water has to be boiling. I pour mine straight out of my whistling tea pot. 🙂
just made this for first time. i used coconut flour…it turned out perfectly! i loved them. been on a quest for non-bread bread. this has ended the quest for me! I cant wait to double the batch and make in a loaf pan.
i made it as you presented it with the recipe. i have a cuisinart water filter machine that makes hot water…so water was quite hot. as it was very sticky i added a little bit of oil on the outside of the dough to more easily form them without sticking to my fingers and this helped alot. i did not overwork them and as i stated they turned out perfectly!
Thank you for another great recipe!
Thank you! Glad you liked them. I love the smell of fresh cooked bread that they have. 🙂
Maria I followed your video to a T and it came out perfect. Thank you so much. I bought your kindle book today also. I used almond flour
Kathleen Miller
Yay! Thanks for your support! 🙂
What an amazing recipe! I’ve been dreaming of a recipe that looked and tasted like real bread, and this is it! I used coconut flour and made sure to shape my buns the way I wanted them to look when they were done. I noticed that people were saying they didn’t raise much. Mine were absolutely perfect! You are my new baking hero Maria!
Thank you! Glad you liked it. I used over 10 pounds of almond flour getting this one right! 🙂
Tried this recipe this evening and they turned out great! We stuffed them with carnitas and had some coleslaw on the side.
Fantastic! My honey said “I love your buns” LOL!!
BTW – they are very filling.
Thanks for sharing.
Funny! Love it! 🙂
I forgot to mention that I baked my five mini subs for 50 mins, then turned the oven off & left the bread in the oven for another 15 or 20 mins. The outside was crispy and the inside was perfectly done. The two that were left from last night’s dinner, I stored in the refrigerator in a ziploc bag. Today they were still just right to eat with some chicken salad.
Thanks again, Maria.
I made these as five small breads using the coconut flour and shared them with two other people eating gluten-free and low-carb. They are wonderful! There is another batch just out of the oven that I added 1/2 tsp. each of garlic powder and oregano. This recipe is over-the-top better than store bought gluten-free bread! Thank you for sharing this!
Thanks Gretchen! This is a regular at our house for buns, subs, bread, pizza dough, etc. 🙂
PS – I forgot to mention that I also loved your book ‘Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism’ and wrote a review on my blog as well as gifting my sister and sister-in-law each with a copy. One of the ladies that I shared the bread with also purchased a copy. Great information for the metabolically challenged 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
I could not get the Jay Robb psyllium husks and so I got the Yerba psyillium powder. The bread rose beautifully, but it was wet inside and spidery (my daughter’s description)and a bit gummy. I see there is an updated recipe, but all I see at the top is one with coconut flour as an option and you said it was not an option on the new recipe. Sooo where does one find the updated recipe? Thanks!
The above recipe is updated. What brand almond flour did you use?
I just made this. Mine sank in the middle when i removed it from the oven………… and I used almond meal as i was out of the flour………..It is yummy. Just worried that it has 10 carbs per 1/5 of a serving. I want to double it next time to make a loaf………..
The 10g is almost all fiber so I don’t count that. 🙂
Ok yes I know see the 3.3 net carbs…………Thank you.
I made this before and didn’t shape the sub so good-did you double your batch for that or what’s the secret to make a usable sub? lol How long was it and that? Also for the buns I bought a mini muffin top pan-could I make buns with this in there? Think I may try it again if I can get it right
I just made one big sub out of a whole batch for the photo. This bread is very filling and you would be very callenged to eat the whole thing! 🙂 The pan would work. Thanks! 🙂
I am going to buy the physillum husk but need to know the amount I need to buy. There are different sizes in your amazon store link.
Depends on how often you are going to make this bread. I typically buy a 24 oz bag. Thanks! 🙂
I just found your blog yesterday looking for a grain free bread recipe – I made these last night with coconut flour -OMG best grain free bread I’ve had to date! They did turn out kind of purple-ish in color but the taste & texture were fantastic. Thank you for a great recipe!!
Awe, you made my day! Thanks! The purple comes from the NOW brand psyllium husks. I have used a couple others (Jay Robb and another organic brand from the local health foods store) that didn’t turn it purple. 🙂
I love it! I made these today and they turned out so wonderful! i am so grateful! i wanted some more light bread and i love it!
Even our friend who had lunch with us didn’t want the white bread anymore! He loved it too! I am totally SOLD on these ones! love it!
thanks for the recipe, it turned out great, no airholes, no purple colour, looked like a wonderful “wholegrain” bread roll! Wonderful.
I made some pictures in case you’d like them
Thanks! Glad you liked it. I would love if you posted the photos on my facebook page here 🙂
I made rolls for sloppy joes!! They were amazing!! I used almond flour and it was easy peasy to make. The whole family liked them too. So nice to know the exact ingredients in our food. I will post the pics on your facebook. 🙂
Awesome! Thank you! 🙂
I made my first batch with almond flour and they were ok (had a bit of a funny taste to them and were kinda “webby” inside. BUT…I have made my last 3 batches with coconut flour and am in LOVE with these! To me, the coconut flour produced a lighter, fluffier and more bread-like consistency with no coconut taste. Thanks so much Maria!!
Thank you! 🙂
My first loaf is in the oven now. I just checked it and looks beautiful! I didn’t use an electric mixer, just a wire whisk and a wooden spoon. I used Coconut Secrets Coconut flour and Now brand psyllium powder. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!
My loaf looked beautiful, but when I cut it, it was a little under-done, so, I sliced it open and baked it a little longer. It tasted good, but was pretty dense. I decided to try a wrap instead. I used your quesadilla wrap recipe and LOVE it! Thanks so much for all your great recipes!
Thanks MaryLynn. I will be posting a couple extra tips for this recipe to help get it right. Hopefully they will be posted later today. 🙂
I made buns tonight with almond flour, they turned out fantastic! They top half of the bun was “airier” than the bottom but they tasted great with a slice of fontina cheese!
Thank you so much for developing and posting the recipe! I can’t wait to try it with coconut flour.
FYI, I substituted one of the eggs for egg white substitute and added a few teaspoons of Nutritional Yeast and 1 tsp of onion powder.
I have a picture on my FB page, sorry about the lighting, it doesn’t do the colour of the buns justice, they are a nice whole wheat colour.
Thank you for posting the photo! 🙂 Can you tag me in your photo? Thanks!
FB Wouldn’t allow me to tag for some reason even though I have the picture set as visible to the public. I uploaded it your FB page with a link back to this page. 🙂
Thanks for trying. 🙂
Maria, I am in a conundrum. The text recipe for these call for two egg whites, but your video shows you adding in two whole eggs. I take it that I should add the whole eggs?
Thanks for clarifying!
Hi, I just updated the recipe to include only whites. I found that the inconsistency that some people were seeing was a reaction between the fat in the yolks and the psyllium. It works great every time with just whites! 🙂
OMGoodness! These were SO GOOD! Thank you!
Thank you!
Is it egg whites or whole eggs. I’m about to make this. Gonna do the whites and see how it turns out. The video has whole eggs. Just want to be sure. Wish me luck.
We found that is rises better and more consistently using only egg whites, especially with the almond flour version. 🙂
Turned out perfect. Thanks. 🙂
Awesome! 🙂
Funny. I had this on my “to try” list for awhile and just finally had the required ingredient and did it today, but before your update 🙂 I used psyllium seed husk powder as that’s what I found. And I made four buns out of it. (I did watch the video first, so good to know what it should look like ahead of time). And they were perfect perfect perfect. Egg yolk and all. I made the crab sandwich from another posting. Just happened to find a big can at Costco this afternoon by chance. And happened to make bacon this morning by chance. It was meant to be. I froze two to test that out and am very excited. My husband is only so so on the egg buns / revolution rolls — he might really eat a burger or a sloppy on these !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome.
Awesome! Thank you! 🙂
So are you supposed to use egg whites or the whole egg? It says egg whites on the recipe but in your video it looked like you used whole eggs……….I made them with just whites and they were very wet and gummy/undercooked in the center, even after an hour and a half…..
It is egg whites. We just determined that the yolks were keeping it from rising for some people and making it gummy. With just whites it is awesome! 🙂
Thanks for all the great information on breads but I was wondering why you put the husk in the receipe. Doesn’t it give a laxative effect.
I write in my book how to slowing increase your fiber intake. Most Americans get way less fiber than they really need. 😉
Mine turned out a bit weird, but I guess it was because I used 2 whole eggs. The taste was really good, but they rised in the oven and the tops of them were hollow when I sliced them!
Try it with only egg whites. Rises much better. 🙂
So I did some more experimentation with this because I got one that did the same (first time, worked otherwise for me). If you get a hollow bread like you are describing, lower the oven temperature. Try 300 degrees for 50 minutes for buns and 60-65 for subs. There is a ratio of temperature to rising. It will rise less at 300 (maybe 2x) but is less likely to be hollow. At 350 is rises more (maybe 3x) but is more likely to be hollow. 🙂
So I did some more experimentation with this because I got one that did the same (first time, worked otherwise for me). If you get a hollow bread like you are describing, lower the oven temperature. Try 300 degrees for 50 minutes for buns and 60-65 for subs. There is a ratio of temperature to rising. It will rise less at 300 (maybe 2x) but is less likely to be hollow. At 350 is rises more (maybe 3x) but is more likely to be hollow. 🙂
Thanks. I see you changed it from 2 to 3 egg-whites since the last time I saved it. I’ll make these again when I’m out of induction.
Yes, more consistent rise with just whites. I have the option above to use whole eggs still if that works for you. 🙂
How did you form the calzones?
Just press into a flat circle, add ingredients to 1/2 of it and fold the other half over. Then press the edges together to seal. 🙂
I made the subs before, they turned out great, was feeling brave so I doubled the recipe for a real loaf of bread.. dough was fantastic, not sticky, almost filled the pan to the top before baking. I was excited. My beautiful bread fell before taking it out of the oven. I sliced a piece and have gummy center 🙁 What did I do wrong? I followed the recipe, doubled it, added egg whites-we’re not supposed to whip these stiff right?, incorporated the eggs a little bit in the dough then added my boiling water and it foamed, Mixed with mixer. Should I should be using my hands. I had a dough that wasn’t sticky and was all together. I used Honeyville almond flour. Baked at 350 for 60 min. Thanks!
For some reason when this is made in a bread pan, the bottom doesn’t cook properly. I have made a loaf just on a cookie sheet (using the coconut flour option) that raised up about 3 times its size and although it is only a mini loaf, it still worked well for bread. 🙂
I had a Panini today and I am soooo happy! I haven’t had a Panini in well over a year and they used to be my favorite way to eat a sandwich. It’s been so long, I wasn’t sure my Panini maker was even going to work!
Thank you for providing this recipe, Maria, and the idea to make a yummy, hot, grilled sandwich. I made 4 “rolls” last night and was pleased at how much they rose and how soft they still were this morning. The video really helped me with the prep. Like others, I’ve tried many wheat free bread options and this is the best one yet!
Keep ‘em coming!
Oh, I also purchased your book, Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism. I devoured it! Great information!
Awesome! I’m glad you liked it. Thanks for posting! 🙂
Maria, I haven’t read all the comments, so perhaps this has been asked already. If so, I apologize. I made this bread, as a sub, with the tomato basil sauce. It had a wonderful flavor but was very heavy. Did I do something wrong or did the sauce make it heavier than it would be with water? It tasted more “authentically bread-like” that most any other low-carb, gluten-free bread I’ve made, so I really want it to work, but sure would like it to be a little lighter. I am not a white-bread person. I’ve only eaten whole-grain, hearty bread for years but now am LC, GF so that’s not the issue. It was just so dense and heavy. Any suggestions?
Hi, you have to make sure the liquid is boiling hot. Also, did you use psyllium husk powder? It has to be a fine powder to work (I grind mine in a blender). Thanks! 🙂
Hi, Maria
I made this recipe and it ROCKS!
Thank you 🙂
Thanks! Glad you liked them. 🙂
I made the coconut flour version of this (to avoid excess omega 6 of almond flour) and it turned out pretty well. The outside gets really crunchy and golden and the inside formed nice big holes. I made mine about 50% smaller than recommended and still ha to almost double the cooking time- maybe it was because of the coconut flour. The inside was a bitty gummy still by the end but I ended up just cutting it into slices and then browning up the middle. Was really nice with butter. I’m going to try making a really flat one to minimise the amount of “middle” next time. Also, I want to try it as a meat pie crust. I added a tsp of poppy seeds and a teaspoon of sesame seeds to the mix for extra pizazz :p
Ah, but admittedly I used psyllium husks but not the powder. Can I just put the husks in the blender to turn them into a powder?
As it states above, you have to use psyllium powder or this recipe won’t work. I just put mine in my Blendtec blender for a while until a fine powder. You could also use a coffee grinder. 😉
I ground down the psyllium husk with a mortar and pestle (didn’t work in the blender- just blew around). It was a good workout 🙂
Really cool, definitely nicer with the powder. I still had to cook mine longer than recommended. Not sure why. The only thing I did differently now was use baking soda plus vinegar instead of baking powder because all the baking powders i’ve come across are full of non-paleo junk and preservatives. I’m excited to try and work out what I should use them for! It’s been so long since I have had bread that I have no idea what to put on them that will be nostalgic. I used to do chicken avocado and cheese but I don’t eat dairy anymore. And as an Aussie doing paleo, grain-based vegemite spread is out too. I’m thinking cinnamon and coconut cream wil remind me of when I used to put ricotta and cinnamon on bread. Off to try it now!
I ended up having firm coconut cream (reminiscent of ricotta) salt and olive oil on the bread. Was excellent. It didnt even cross my mind that it wasn’t real bread.
Awesome! Glad it worked out! 🙂
Hi, Maria! Do you really mean half a cup of coconut instead one and a half of almond meal? I can hardly wait to make this
Yes, if doing the coconut flour option, it is 1/2 cup coconut flour and 8 egg whites (or equivalent egg white liquid).
Thank you very much!
Oh woow these were fantastic. I did not have almond flour, only moderately pulsed almonds, and not even 1 1/4 cup, only 1 cup. added 1/4 cup of what I had in my pantry, soy flour, which is a fairly reasonable low carb alternative I think. I sprinkled the subs with some cinnamon. Also, half way through the baking process I flipped them over to prevent the “dough on the bottom” phenomena. Not sure it had any impact, my the bread turned out delicious with evenly distributed “filling”.
I’ve had celiac disease for 23 years and never have I been able to bake such a great gluten free bread on my own, and believe me, I have tried! The fact that it’s low carb is almost too good to be true!! Thank you for a great recipe!! Will come back to this recipe many many times more!
Thanks Isabella! 🙂
Can you bake this in a bread machine?
I don’t have a bread machine so I haven’t tried it. If you do, let me know if it works. 🙂
OK! I’m always up for a challenge. I’ll experiment and let you know!
FYI, does NOT work in a bread machine! Worth trying! Did not cook through so I had to throw the whole thing out. Oh, well. That’s the price of experimentation! I did successfully make some rolls with both the almond and coconut flour recipes on a cookie sheet in the oven. The coconut recipe came out better actually. With the almond flour, I had to use 1 1/2 cups instead of 1 1/4 cups. Not sure why, maybe because I live at flat sea level(or maybe a little below-wetlands, flood plain). Thanks so much for your recipe!
Thanks for trying and reporting back so others know. Thank you! 🙂
Hi Maria:
I tried your original recipe a week or so back using almond flour & whole eggs. The mini subs were very good (as I reported back to you), but they didn’t rise much.
Yesterday, I tried the “new & improved” version using coconut flour & egg whites. Wow! Those buns really did rise while they baked. I formed six, and they rose to the size of regular hamburger buns! Tasted great too.
Thanks again for a super recipe.
Awesome Deidre! Glad you liked it. It is a bread staple at our house! 🙂
I’m trying to find out why it’s not working when I make it. My dough stays sticky and soft even after beating it for a few minutes. When you measure your almond flour, do you pack it or just stick the measuring cup in the container and shake it a little to get it even at the top? I just scoop in the bag and do a light shake to get off the excess and wondering if I’m actually putting in less almond flour than I should be. It definitely doesn’t look nice and dry look yours does in the video.
The only 2 things that seem to make this not work are the brand of almond flour (Bob’s Red Mill doesn’t work, it is a different product than other almond flours) and not have a fine powder on the psyllium husk (the finer the better). Good luck! 🙂
Just a note: When I made this with almond flour, I used almonds I had ground myself; the recipe worked fine.
Thanks Deidre! 🙂
The problem with Bobs red mill is that it is more dense so you should weigh the measurements rather than measuring….makes a huge difference.
I have a loaf in the oven now! I can’t wait to make a toasted “pizza” sub with it! I’ll report back later!
Holy moly these rolls are wonderful! I made them for the third time yesterday, this time with the coconut flour option and NOW brand psyllium husk powder (yay! no more purple!) and just egg whites and they are simply divine (I had the rising/falling, hole in the middle, soggyness problem that others experienced before). I went to a big craft festival with my family yesterday and popped a roll in my purse so that I could get a pit beef sandwich from a vender (not grass fed, but I make exceptions once in a while)–brought along my homemade mayo, too, and mixed it with the horseradish they had and I was in heaven. 😉 Trying to plan ahead for Thanksgiving, so I just cubed up the remaining rolls and toasted/dried them out in the oven–I’m going to mix them with cubes of the protein bread done up the same way for our stuffing. My folks aren’t following my WOE, so it’s a huge deal to me that they are letting me make the stuffing! I bet it’s going to be awesome.
Thank yo so much Cristina! It took a lot of trial and error to get them right but they are pretty great now! 🙂
Sorry, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to post a comment to the post itself (only to a comment to the post).
Maria- have you ever tried making these into a sourdough? They really look like they should have that nice tart sour taste of a sourdough. I don’t know if adding some vinegar or lemon juice would mess up the chemistry of it (I’m not much of a baker), but you are.
I’m revving up my courage to try these. Thanks.
Agreed! Oh and I just tasted one of the dried out cubes. Helloooooo mock pumpernickel croutons! So good!
Roxie, I haven’t but that sounds like a good idea! I would replace the equal amount of water for whatever you add. Good luck and let me know how it turns out! 🙂
Roxie I was wondering the same thing about sourdough. I LOVE sourdough and was hoping that Maria might have a recipe. . . 🙂 Repost if you have tried it, please! 🙂
Christina, I looked at the NOW brand and it had such terrible reviews and everyone stated that it had a clumping issue. I would love to find a psyllium powder that doesn’t turn my bread purple. I bought whole husks (Health Plus 100% Pure Psyllium Husks )thinking that if I ground them myself they wouldn’t turn purple. I was planning on trying again this weekend.
I tried this today. I left it in for 75 minutes. It was still pretty gooey in the middle ( I cooked as a whole loaf ). Flavor was great. I did use Red Mill. It seems to be the only kind I can get. Why does it not work? I’ll try it again using an electric mixer as this was the only think I did differently from the video.
I’m not sure why Bob’s doesn’t work but a couple people have posted that it didn’t work with Bob’s but does with others like Honeyville. 🙂
I used Bob’s Red Mill on mine and they were great. Made 5 buns.
I don’t think Bob’s works because it is not finely ground nor is it blanched. That’s what I read somewhere. I use JK GOURMET which is similar to Honeyville.
Maria, I made those following your video instructions closely, and the taste turned out great, they rose well, but for some reason the inside was not cooked well and didn’t raise that much, they reminded of a bubble with perfect crust and half baked base (I cooled them before cutting). I had to cut them open and out in the oven to bake the insides like that. Do you have any idea what could possibly go wrong? May be the temperature too high? I love this bread and hope to make it right next time. Thanks!
Hmm, maybe try starting them out flatter. They raise a lot with just whites so if you start them at about 1/2 thick disks, they will raise to a nice bun size. That may help with the cooking through. 🙂
Also, the almond flour version does seem to be more consistent. 🙂
Still no luck 🙁 I used good almond flour (not Red Mill), made them flat, experimented with different temperatures, and same result. Gummy base and hollow inside. The only thing I can think of is that husk should be powdered more (I use NOW brand). Will try tomorrow!
So I did some more experimentation with this because I got one that did the same (first time, worked otherwise for me). If you get a hollow bread like you are describing, lower the oven temperature. Try 300 degrees for 50 minutes for buns and 60-65 for subs. There is a ratio of temperature to rising. It will rise less at 300 (maybe 2x) but is less likely to be hollow. At 350 is rises more (maybe 3x) but is more likely to be hollow. 🙂
Alona, I have finally pinpointed the bubble with gummy bottom issue. It isn’t oven temp or anything else, it is the psyllium. We have always used Jay Robb psyllium and it always worked great so it was hard to figure out what the bubble came from. Then the most recent batch of Jay Robb psyllium that we bought gave us a bubble every time. So I reduced the amount of psyllium and that worked great! I used 2 tablespoons for the batch. The batter will be pretty sticky and almost runny but it will work (you can add an extra 1/4 to 1/2 cup almond flour if you want a less sticky dough and maybe slightly denser result). Good Luck! 🙂
I don’t normally comment on recipes I find, but I just have to tell you how amazing this recipe is! I LOVE bread and not being able to eat it has been killing me. Most bread substitutes are really dry, dense, and heavy but this is so fluffy and soft. It’s just like french bread and is so delicious, so healthy, and super easy to make. I just want to thank you a million times over for sharing such an amazing thing! Thank you!!!
Thank you! I am glad you liked them! 🙂
Still loving this recipe. I experimented and made pizza bread the other day! I used pizza sauce instead of the water, added 2 tbsp of your pizza hut spice mix, chopped pepperoni, sun dried tomatoes and grated mozzerella on top. Delicious!
That sounds amazing! Yum! 🙂
Whoo hoo! Finally, after a good many of those batched, I’ve got it! I have something that looks and tastes like bread!!! I’m so excited. I’ll get some pics for your wall Maria! The only thing I did differently this time is raise the temperature of my oven. All ovens are different and I remember you said you had a convection oven, which right off the bat is 20°C more for my oven! I put them in on 400°F, and after 10 minutes turned it down to about 380°F (on my oven, all I know is that it was hotter than the usual 350°F I used to use) and they rose, and unlike last time, they weren’t hollow! They actually look like bread and aren’t gritty like they used to be, nor rubbery, nor spidery!!! *yay* Yum!!! I’m so excited that I persevered!
Thanks France! We do love these, especially the almond flour version. Made amazing buns! I added the note above about the convection oven. Thanks! 🙂
Oooh! I forgot to mention, I did make them with coconut flour and lo and behold, I’d forgotten you’d updated the recipe and went with the old one yolks and all!!! Fancy that, I just realised this looking at someone else’s comment about the revised recipe! *doh*
I don’t think I can paste an image in the comments, but you can see the photo here (that link should work if you copy and paste it I think. I’ll post it to your FB page too)
of my buns (cut fresh out of the oven) and also of the lovely sandwich I had for lunch (smoked salmon, lettuce and cream cheese!)
Thanks France! They look great! 🙂
France: Tried your method on raising the heat on my oven and my batch was much better. Made into buns so I am seeing little sliders soon. I also used my hand mixer to mix everything up quicker which helped the batter not set up into lumps–so the insides are much more breadlike and even. Trying a sub loaf soon.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this bread Maria-you are brilliant!!
Yay! Thank you!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thanks! Glad you liked them. 🙂
This isn’t good. I can not seem to make this without getting hollow. I bought a different kind of almond flour. Do you think its because you can only use the Now Psyllium Husk powder?
Yes, having a fine powder is very important for good results. 🙂
I had the same results and ended up drying them )) My guess the temperature was wrong, so tried to lower it first- same thing. Next time will increase the heat- it worked for some people. Good luck))
Ok, I have non-convection oven and struggling with this recipe. Each end of my loafs are good but middle not so good. Will try at 375. I can tell this recipe is worth perfecting!
Actually, if the middle is hallow, try using less psyllium. 🙂
I tried this recipe with almond meal that wasn’t blanched and psyllium husks instead of the powder as that was what I had. They still turned out well – not crispy, but very much like whole grain buns. They are so filling all by themselves with a little butter. Heaven!!! Can’t wait to try them with a hamburger, The gluten free ones fall apart. Thanks so much!!
I tried this recipe for the bread bowls first and that recipe had 4 egg white for the same ingred/qty as this recipe. This one has 3 egg whites. I made it as above but the dough did not look the same as the bread bowl one – more crumbly like cutting in shortning for pastry. Hopefully it will turn out OK but even when I added the boiling water it did not incorporate everything as well – appeared to have some ‘lumps’. Is it really supposed to be less egg whites for this version. I am not a ‘baker’ so I really don’t know the chemistry behind what’s in a recipe. Thank you.
Yes, it should be 3. I updated the bread bowl recipe. I have made these many times just as listed above and they always come out great (especially the almond flour version). Just make sure to mix the dry ingredients well before adding wet. 🙂
Hi, I can’t seem to find pysillium husk powder other than plain metamucil – will this work ok?
I can get organic husks, I just don’t know if it’s possible to turn them to powder myself without a lot of time/effort/things I don’t have like a vitamix?
Many thanks!
I use whole husks (organic Jay Robb) and gind in my Blendtec into a fine powder. Just run it in your vitamix long enough so it is a fine powder. 🙂
FINALLY! I have been dying to make this bread forever. I can’t believe how easy it was to make. I didn’t have blanched almond flour, but I had almond meal from Trader Joe’s. It came out like a dark crusty bread. I wish I could post a picture. I sliced it open and made garlic bread with marinara sauce. I can’t believe i have a nice crusty bread to eat!!! I did have to stick it back in the oven for a few minutes as it was a little gummy…but it is fabulous!!
Thank you! Glad you like them. They are a staple in our house! 🙂
totally delish, love loved them, why did they turn purple inside?
Certain psyllium (like the NOW brand) turn purple. Others like Jay Robb and other organic husks don’t. Not sure why. Thanks! 🙂
This is still not coming out like your pictures. Hollow inside. I bought the NOW stuff. I even have the NOW almond flour. I wonder about the egg whites . You said you use medium eggs. I made a half batch and used one large egg white. Would that make a difference? BUTTTT they do taste better with the NOW brand. I had 2 with cream cheese for lunch. Very good! I could live with this but it sure would be nice to have real thick bread!!
I would use more. My eggs vary a lot (from my neighbor) but I would actually say they are more like large on average. Thanks! 🙂
I’ve made these a couple times. The first they came out tasting great, yet they were very hollow in the middle and stringy. Today I made them with yolks and did not work the dough at all after it was mixed. The only additional working done was to shape them into rounds for a bun. (Bison burgers tonight). They turned out splendidly awesome! I waited until they completely cooled to slice one open and check, yep perfect… the dough as little as possible if you are having trouble with this one….it is definitely worth a few tries to get this one right… so good for when you just want a sandwich! Thank you, Maria!!
Thanks Jennifer!
Tried these today. No phyllium husks in town–except for a bottle of plain psyllium powder capsules at Walmart. I was so in the mood to try these,I painstakingly opened enough capsules for 5 TBS. Ha. They turned out looking like the rye color and seem lumpy but crispy on the outside and softer on the inside–lots of holes, but boy they taste GOOD and whole-grain like. No flax flavor which I am tired of trying to disguise in bread.
When I put everything together, the mix seemed batter like with more solid lumps forming. Should I wait until those lumps and batter solidify more into more like the dough look I see in the picture? I have read we should get it in the oven quickly, so I kind of just dumped a glob in place that was pretty wet. Yours looks really like a lump of dough. Will order the psyllium powder and opening all those capsules was a real time eater. Ha. Another thing: I just used almond meal I processed in my food processor, including the husks, or whatever you call the brown stuff.
Now that is dedication to cooking healthy! 🙂 I have left my dough on the counter for an hour before baking and it still worked out for me. I beat it until it starts to solidify before forming into a shape. Happy baking! 🙂
I just tried this recipe. I used 2 whole eggs instead of 3 egg whites. I tried to grind the psyllium husks into a powder, but had little luck.
They still turned out great.
They were gummy with a hollow inside when they first came out of the oven. After I let them cool fully, the inside seemed to firm up and redistribute. I’m going to try baking them at a lower temperature next time as they were a bit dark.
Thanks for the fantastic recipe. I’ve been looking for something to make burgers with and these will be perfect!
Thanks! 🙂
Hands down the best grain-free bread recipe out there. I’ve tried a dozen other recipes and the final product was always more like a cake than bread. Those recipes called for the use of 5 or more egg yolks which I believe contributed to a somewhat pungent smell.
I’ve baked a few batches using your recipe – both the almond flour and coconut flour versions (with egg whites, boiling water). In both cases the buns rose beautifully. I baked at 350F, non-convection, 65 minutes – bread consistency and fluffiness was perfect. I found the taste a bit ordinary. I did try one batch with sesame seeds and another batch with black olives; very good results! Is there anything else you can suggest to spice up the taste?
I did try the marinara sauce version. Unfortunately I misunderstood your instructions and used room temp sauce. Needless to say, the bread did not rise at all but the taste was still ok.
I’ve been grain-free for three months. Due to the lack of grain-free baked goods from grocery stores, I’ve taken up baking. Which one of your cookbooks would you recommend for a beginner baker like myself (one with your pizza crust recipe?)
Congratulations on a very interesting and informative blog.
Thank you! You could try putting Italian spices and a little Parmesan in the mix. The marinara is nice too if you have it boiling. 🙂
Could you substitute the almond flour for flax seed flour?
That should work. Happy baking! 🙂
I recently had gastric bypass surgery and your bread is a godsend! I make smaller rolls as if they are to large they fill up my pouch to quickly. Have you ever tried putting in unflavored protein powder? I have to eat a lot of protein so I wonder how it would effect it. I baked them at 375, set the timer for 65 min, but at 50 min they were done. The bottoms were slightly burnt, but not to bad. Maybe because I made nine smaller rolls instead of five. I notice in the video you use parchment paper, I used a regular cookie sheet. Do you find the cookie sheet to be a problem? It is a darker, non-stick cookie sheet and I used pam to keep them from sticking. Thank you
You can either use a piece of parchment or just spray the cookie sheet. Thanks! 🙂
I finally tried these tonight. I used almonds I ground myself and Now brand psyllium husk powder. I followed your video directions (thank you!!) I made 4 rolls and I cannot believe how wonderful they look! I am torn between cutting into one now and waiting for turkey leftovers at my mom’s place. The amount of time you spent on this recipe, and answering all the comments is unbelievable.
Your books are all on my Christmas wish list, and if someone didn’t get them for me I’m buying them all for myself!
Now I dream of you developing a pasta recipe that I can use in my Kitchen-Aid pasta maker. Like I said, I dream!
Thank you! Pasta has still evaded me. 🙂
Can you substitute the almond flour with flax seed flour?
I think that should work. 🙂
I love this bread!! I tried grinding the psyllium husks into a powder and could still feel the grit.. like eating sand. I had some sugar free orange Metamucil and tried that and love, love, love it. I can get by with the slight orange taste. Also, I had a problem with the rolls cooking all the way inside, but read the instructions (again) and saw that the heat should have been 375 in my oven. I grind my own almond flour or meal. Thank you so much!!
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Maria–can you please tell me how many full eggs the recipe used to call for if you use coconut flour? I think it was 4 but I’m not 100% sure. I liked that recipe because it worked EVERY time for me…perfectly! So I’d like to keep using the old version. Thanks!
Hi, I updated it with a note above for those that like the whole egg version. 🙂
I tried this recipe today with almond flour, NOW brand psyllium husks and 2 whole eggs. It rose very high, but I had the same problem as others with it being empty inside. Next time I will try with 2 egg whites. But the reason I’m writing is the taste of the bread – it was bad. I’m guessing its the psyllium husks powder making it taste like that. I’m not sure if I can make myself eat it. I even added a smidge of onion and garlic powder, but it didn’t seem to help. I didn’t see anyone else talking about the bread having a nasty taste to it – is it just me or has anyone else noticed this? Does different brands of psyllium husks taste different? Any suggestions on what I can about it? Thanks for any suggestions or tips.
There must have been something wrong with your psyllium. Mine bread tastes great! Maybe try another psyllium like Jay Robb. Thanks! 🙂
Figures crossed 🙂 bread is in the oven! Making a panini sandwich for dinner with a few dehydrated sweet potato chips. Next up will be your pizza crust made with the psyllium husk powder.
I appreciate all your recipes! Anyway, I have just found out that I am highly allergic to eggs. Do you have any ideas on how to alter your recipe to accommodate that? Thanks for any ides.
Thank you! Not sure if it will work in this recipe, but you could try the flax egg replacement. You blend 1 tablespoon flax and 3 tablespoons water for each egg in a blender until gelled. Good luck! 🙂
I made these twice, with almond flour I made in my Magic Bullet from sliced, blanched almonds. I used Now brand psyllium husk powder and they were a dark colour, but the taste is fantastic, and they rose great! I enjoyed turkey salad sandwiches with turkey left-overs, and a grilled panini with my kids, and tonight I cut one up and had it with cheese fondue for our New Years feast. It is such a miracle to have bread again after a year and a half grain free!! Thank you so much for all the effort you put into perfecting this recipe for us!
Awesome! Thanks! 🙂
OK. So I ordered some Jay Robb psyllium husk powder and it just arrived. And I just discovered that it isn’t really a powder. Is this what you use? Or do you further grind it into a powder. it’s called Organic Psyllium Seed Husks, and it certainly doesn’t look like “whole” husks, but I wouldn’t describe it as a fine powder either. I specifically asked for a powder since I had read the recipe and most of the comments. Do I need to grind this some more?
Yes, that is what I use. I then grind it into a fine powder. 🙂
This is aimed at readers in the UK. We have just made this recipe with using 2 whole eggs. Then the psyllium husk from My Protein in the UK. We ground the husk in a coffee grinder. The result was absolutely spot on. Just like the pictures. We put this on as the last psylium powder we used turned the bread purple! Thank you Maria.
Thanks for posting the tip! 🙂
RE: purple psyllium color -Psyllium mostly comes from India but is grown worldwide which means a wide variety of soil conditions which result in all sorts of minor variations. My father was an orchardist and could note differences in flavor from different parts of the 309 acres of apples. Try diifferent brands and you see the difference in the psyllium husks.
Thanks for the information! Good to know. 🙂
I have finally got it! Yes. I was doing everything right but they were coming out wet inside and kind of hollow. It was the temp. of the oven. It was TOO high so it was cooking the outside but not the inside. I have a gas stove and lowered it to 230 ish. And it worked. Came out great!
Hmm, I haven’t tried it lower like that. Might be the trick to getting them more consistent. I will give it a try and let you know! 🙂
Hi Maria I need some help with this recipe.
I have made the coconut and almond versions and have the same problem each time. Then look like they are rising beautifully; but inside there is just an enormous air bubble. so the top starts to burn as there is no substance under it and the bottom remains half cooked.
Can you give me any suggestions?
So I did some more experimentation with this because I got one that did the same (first time, worked otherwise for me). If you get a hollow bread like you are describing, lower the oven temperature. Try 300 degrees for 50 minutes for buns and 60-65 for subs. There is a ratio of temperature to rising. It will rise less at 300 (maybe 2x) but is less likely to be hollow. At 350 is rises more (maybe 3x) but is more likely to be hollow. 🙂
Hi, I have finally pinpointed the bubble with gummy bottom issue. It isn’t oven temp or anything else, it is the psyllium. We have always used Jay Robb psyllium and it always worked great so it was hard to figure out what the bubble came from. Then the most recent batch of Jay Robb psyllium that we bought gave us a bubble every time. So I reduced the amount of psyllium and that worked great! I used 2 tablespoons for the batch. The batter will be pretty sticky and almost runny but it will work (you can add an extra 1/4 to 1/2 cup almond flour if you want a less sticky dough and maybe slightly denser result). 🙂
Ok now I am officially confused. The now above says to lower the oven temp to 300 if you are getting the big hollow and gummy center. The post above says to use then Convection oven conversion. Dying for “real” bread. Please clarify.
Thanks bunches!
Hi, Sorry for any confusion. We have boon working hard to find the formula for this one. I am confident that we have figured out the hollow bread issue though. The lower the temperature, the less likelihood of a bubble (and less rising). Someone even said they cooked it at 230 (after having the bubble issue) and it worked! 🙂
Hi, I have finally pinpointed the bubble with gummy bottom issue. It isn’t oven temp or anything else, it is the psyllium. We have always used Jay Robb psyllium and it always worked great so it was hard to figure out what the bubble came from. Then the most recent batch of Jay Robb psyllium that we bought gave us a bubble every time. So I reduced the amount of psyllium and that worked great! I used 2 tablespoons for the batch. The batter will be pretty sticky and almost runny but it will work (you can add an extra 1/4 to 1/2 cup almond flour if you want a less sticky dough and maybe slightly denser result). Good Luck! 🙂
Hi Maria,
I made these into buns and loved the taste! After they cooled they fell. Do you know what I did wrong?
Also, I live in high altitude, do I make any changes to the recipe?
Thanks! That means they needed to cook a little longer. 🙂
Great to know! Do I make adjustments for high altitude cooking?
My dough is kind of gooey. Do I need to add more flour since I live at high altitude?
It is a bit sticky of a dough, but not too sticky. It should be a bit firm. It it is very sticky I would add a little almond flour (if doing that version). I would just form buns and try it. 🙂
Is there another brand of almond flour you can recommend instead of Bob’s Red Mill that works? How about Arrowhead Mills, or do you just grind your own?
I like Honeyville for smaller bags (5 pound) and for large bags. I usually get 25 pound bags and store extra in freezer. It is only $4.29 a pound that way! 🙂
Tried this recipe this morning and it turned out AWESOME! Made dinner rolls/sandwich rolls with it. Fantastic!
I do have 1 question…have you ever tried to press this into a pizza crust? I’m having difficulty with cauliflower crusts and think this may make a great crust. Thoughts? Thinking about trying it tonight but was wondering if you’ve tried it already and how it turned out. Thanks!!!
Thanks. Here is exactly what you are looking for! 🙂
Thank you for responding! I was going to try this but was waiting for the protein powder which I ordered last week (which is why I was looking for an alternative). Lo and behold, it came in the mail today! Very excited. We’ve been in search of a good pizza recipe for a while now and this is what is for dinner tonight!
please, there HAS to be an alternative to Psyllium Husks… they’re ridiculously expensive in the UK.
Sorry. It is what gives them the rise. Here is another great bread recipe. 🙂
I haven’t tried this, but you could try glucomannan. It is another soluble fiber. 🙂
My sister raved about this recipe. I tried it SEVERAL time and each time the buns were a flopped. And she kept telling me how good and very simple the buns were to make. Last week I went to visit my parents. She gave me a bun making “class”. They were delicious!!! The only difference was that she used whole husk and I used the powder. Upon returning home, I purchased the Whole Husk Psyllium (small flakes) and tired the recipe again. They turned out DELICIOUS!!!!!! Love this recipe!
I can’t wait to try this! Look so yummy! I’m slowly turning paleo and I’m so sad to say byebye to my lovely bread. But with this recipe, I think I won’t miss my bread anymore!
Do you have a pizza crust recipe? Just asking 😉
Thanks! This pizza recipe is AMAZING! 🙂
will almond meal work if the almonds weren’t blanched first? I bought almond meal in a health food store, the only thing they had, but it isn’t totally white like it probably would be if the almonds were first blanched? answers please! I’m so glad I came across this blog! My brother can’t eat gluton so I’m trying to find yummy gluton free recipees! Thanks ahead of time!
I have made it with almond meal before and it worked pretty good. The psyllium husk seems to be the key ingredient (use a whole husk psyllium and powder it). Thanks! 🙂
I made these today. Formed them into bun shapes. They baked up beautifully, puffed up, the inside was cooked, no big holes and a wonderful chewy bread-like texture. The only thing that is stopping me from loving these and making them again is the amount of psyllium powder. It doesn’t feel right to me to be putting that much into my body. I have IBS as it is and don’t want to cause any more distress to my system. (Not to mention they psyllium powder smells weird.)
Has anyone experienced stomach discomfort with all this psyllium?
I write in my Metabolism book about how to slowly increase you fiber intake. Most people don’t get nearly enough fiber in their diets, but if you increase it too quickly you can have some discomfort. Our bodies take a little time to adjust to it. 🙂
Ive read thru the posts and no one has tried to do an egg substitute. I’m curious if you have any input. My son needs to be grain free, dairy free and egg free for awhile. Hopefully he can add eggs back at some point. thanks.
Hi, I haven’t tried it but I think it would work in this recipe as the whites aren’t whipped or anything. Let me know if you try it. 🙂
I made the buns, doubling the flour so they weren’t so gooey. They turned out pretty good but didn’t rise but 1″. What can I do to make them rise?
What flour (coconut or almond). Doubling the flour is what kept them from rising. Maybe try a different psyllium if you aren’t getting a good dough (still a bit sticky but not wet after beating in boiling water for a couple minutes). 🙂
I used almond flour. When I tried making them the first time they were gooey, the same as Jolene’s comment below. They rose about 1″ and were not dry inside as your picture shows. You had mentioned that I add a little more almond flour but they were still gooey. When I added 1 extra cup, I could actually work with the dough, forming it into a ball. I’m a bread fanatic and would like to have buns/rolls as pictured. They still taste better than gluten free bread though.
My guess is that you are using Bob’s red Mill almond flour. That doesn’t work the same in recipes as other almond flours for some reason. I buy 25 pound bags and store extra in freezer. Only $4.29 a pound that way! 🙂
I’m using Whole Foods store flour in the bulk bins. Is that the problem? How long can I store 25lbs of flour?
I have never tried Whole food almond flour. I would guess it is the psyllium then. This is a good option (ground into a powder) or the Jay Robb. 🙂 Almond flour will last a very long time in the freezer. We have easily had some in there for more than 6 months. 🙂
Hi! Just curious how everyone else’s “dough” is. I’ve made these several times now and thank you so much for this recipe because they are fantastic! But the dough in your picture actually looks like a dough, mine comes out super sticky and gooey and I just have to sort of goop it into shape on parchment paper. It comes out beautifully when baked so it’s not a big deal, just messy to shape LOL.
I do the Almond Flour version and follow the recipe to a T mixing it in my Kitchenaid Mixer.
We have enjoyed many sandwiches with this and I have even made garlic bread and cheese bread with it(we’ve cut a lot of things, but do still have dairy). My husband especially appreciates this recipe, he missed me making sandwiches for his lunch at work.
It might be the psyllium (and how fine a powder it is). That can make it soak up more or less moisture. Either way it should still work. Thanks! 🙂
Hi Maria, I love your site and your books and don’t know what we’d eat without them! But I am having such a hard time with this recipe. I have made 8 batches of rolls so far and every one has been hollow inside. I have tried whole eggs, just the whites, convection, no convection, 350 degrees, 300 degrees, and even bought another brand of psyllium husk powder. Every time, the rolls are completely hollow. I use the Honeyville almond flour. I so want this recipe to work. Could you put a thermometer in your oven at the temp you bake these to see the exact temperature? Maybe it’s the brand of psyllium husk powder? Maybe my water is too hot? If you could nail down how to make these successfully, I think they could be the all time best low carb recipe as I can tell the flavor is very good. I so want to try the calzones, monkey bread, bread bowl and cinnamon rolls, but since they are based on this same basic recipe, I am nervous to waste ingredients until I can get this right. Thanks for any help you can give 🙂
Sorry you are having trouble with this one. What I find to be the most consistent if you are having a hallow bread is to use Jay Robb Psyllium ground into a fine powder and bake at 300 degrees F (with egg whites). I have both Jay Robb and NOW psyllium and the NOW psyllium gives a hallow middle sometimes (at 350) where the Jay Robb doesn’t. 🙂
Does anyone know of a brand of psyllium husk powder in the UK that doesn’t turn purple? I bought some from The bread came out perfect.. apart from its dark purple colour lol.
Hi Simon, I realise this is 2 years later but I too suffered the same issue with my psyllium. I found one that works from I buy the organic psyllium husks and grind them down myself.
Someone above also mentioned myprotein but I have not tried that.
I just wanted to thank you – this recipe is AMAZING. I made it last night, with almond flour. HOlY MOLY! I couldn’t believe the texture when I was making the dough, and after cooking (I did mine at 325 for about 60 mins, 5 rolls) the were puffed up SO beautifully. When I cut into one, I seriously could NOT believe the gorgeous, bready texture. I slathered on some butter and took a bite, then took it in to my husband to make him try it LOL! We will be having these tonight with pulled pork. AMAZING! THANK YOU!
Thank you Hilary! 🙂
I made these last night – They were AMAZING! I couldn’t believe the texture and taste – so good! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hi Maria,
I grew up in France on baguettes and all sorts of delicious breads. Of course, all based on wheat flours … my wife and I decided to go totally grain free (especially wheat), sugar and starch free, and low carb high fat in general. It has been a great success for our health and well-being (lost 24 lbs in 3 months and that shows!). Anyway, our kids used to love bread and while I don’t miss it myself one bit (despite my childhood spent in France), I found some baking recipes here and there which I adapted to their tastes. But your recipe is by far a BIG WINNER 🙂 There is one thing though: I watched your video above and while the bread I made turned out fine (no purple colour, no air bubble), the dough I got seemed to be drier than yours. I respected all the quantities but something happened when I added the egg whites, the mix turned very granular under the mixer. Adding the water improved things but the dough remained sort of very rough and did not show the same stickiness and flexibility you obtained in the video. I will try to add more water or a bit less flour next time (1 cup instead of 1 1/4). But I will definitely redo it, it is by far the best bread recipe I have found so thanks for sharing!!
Thank you James! Hmm, did you use the coconut flour version? Coconut flours vary a bit from brand to brand so you might get a little different consistency. But if it turned out great, then no need to adjust! 🙂
Have you tried using this bread recipe and making French Toast from it? I saw you used it for some other things like the french onion casserole and it made me wonder how it would be as french toast—maybe add a little vanilla extract/cinnamon/sweetener to the mix? I’m just wondering how it would be after soaking the bread in the egg mixture if it would be too soggy since the bread itself is “spongy”? Let me know! Thanks.
I think this would work great as french toast. I would just follow a french toast recipe like this and just use this bread instead (just leave out the nutmeg if you want). 🙂
Hello Maria, I tried the recipe twice (I sent a comment a few days ago but it does not show up). The 2nd time, I used only 1 cup of flour, added one full egg to the 3 egg whites, and added a bit more boiling water (1 1/3 cup maybe). I baked at 350 F for 55mn. The result was short of amazing: big fluffy buns looking exactly like white wheat flour buns! And because it was so airy, the almond taste was not pronounced. I was amazed! Just had half a bun with a big slice of aged gouda and ham, wow! Thanks for the recipe, bread is on the table again 😀
Awesome! Thanks for posting James! 🙂
Maria, my son likes it so much he now refuses standard bread at his daycare lunch … that is quite surprising but a relief to me as I did not know how to prevent him from eating grain based stuff outside home. I will now be baking this bread regularly, should become a staple 🙂
I showed your blog to my wife, very impressed!! It will bring a new dimension to our nutritional journey.
That is so great! I love when the kids like my recipes too. Thanks! 🙂
Hello there – I found your site and this interesting recipe today on Pinterest! I am VERY excited as I am on the FODMAPS diet (and a vego to boot) and this sounds like it could work for me. Most things I can eat are sooo “carby” and most things with low carbs feature beans of some sort that I can’t eat. I’ve always tried to be careful not to eat too many carbs – so this sounds FANTASTIC! I was wondering – do you think you could used unbleached almond meal? Bleached is so darned expensive – at least where I live – in Australia! Anyhoo – looking forward to having a thorough look at your site! Thanks again! x
Thanks! I think it would still work, the consistency might just be a little grainier. Let me know if you try it. 🙂
Hello Maria,
I posted some pics on my (lousy) FB page. The link is public:
I tweaked the recipe you posted in order to get these fluffy and delicious buns. The flavor is quite unique and “bready” at the same time, i.e. it does not taste like almonds, nor does it taste like psyllium or eggs. It is quite amazing. Look at the texture in the close-up picture, just like gluten full wheat flour!
Those look awesome! Thanks for posting. 🙂
I have found that the psyllium husks give it a different flavor than most are used to (mine also turned purplish…will try a different brand next time). Before adding the boiling water, I added 3 TBS molasses to the measuring cup and then topped it off with boiling water to make 1 cup. They turned out dark brown (like Outback Steakhouse bread), but have a slightly sweet flavor that covers up the psyllium husk flavor. Yummy!! Trying some now with honey, and plan to try it out to make some rye bread!! Thanks so much for this wonderful and amazing recipe!
Hi Maria, My first loaf using the almond flour recipe turned out fine but every loaf after has had a big bubble or been web like inside. I changed nothing. Doe s it matter how much you handle or mix the dough…and what temp? I have a convection oven So it automatically lowers the temp from 350 to 325. Should I set it so it convect bakes at 350 as you recipe says bake at 350. All my ingredients are new and like I said the first loaf was great. Any Ideas?
I’m not sure why this happens sometimes. I think it is dependent on the psyllium. Sometimes it is more active than others. I have noticed that if this happens, cooking it at a lower temp (300 on our convection oven) helps. You could also try 1 TBS less psyllium (less rise but less chance of a bubble). Also, don’t start it out too thick. The thicker it is when you start, the more chance of this happening. I have tried a dozen times to turn this into a loaf and it always has a bubble and is gummy on the bottom. Works great for buns and subs though. 🙂
Hi, I have finally pinpointed the bubble with gummy bottom issue. It isn’t oven temp or anything else, it is the psyllium. We have always used Jay Robb psyllium and it always worked great so it was hard to figure out what the bubble came from. Then the most recent batch of Jay Robb psyllium that we bought gave us a bubble every time. So I reduced the amount of psyllium and that worked great! I used 2 tablespoons for the batch. The batter will be pretty sticky and almost runny but it will work (you can add an extra 1/4 to 1/2 cup almond flour if you want a less sticky dough and maybe slightly denser result). Good Luck! 🙂
Thank you so much for this reply…At least we know what the problem is. I will try with less amounts of psyllium and see how it turns out. I guess the first new batch of psyllium we get will be a test batch to gauge how much to use. Oh well, the end product is well worth the effort. If I get a hollow batch in test run perhaps I will cut it up and toast and try making chips or crackers from it.
I baked a loaf and raised my oven temp to 375 and turned convect off as an experiment…as i had already lowered…the loaf turned out with no bubble and wad done all the way through at 65minutes…i think my psyllium may be more concentrated as you said. Thanks for responding so quickly.
I tried this bread recipe yesterday and it is amazing! Having tried several grain-free bread recipes since changing to grain-free, I was not expecting this one to be any different but I was pleasantly surprised. I have now bought 5 of your books Maria, and I want to thank you for helping me and so many others!
Kathy King
Thank you so much Kathy! 🙂
Has anyone had success using Yerba prima psyllium husk powder? I bought it knowing ONLY a powder would work, but the normal serving size is 1 tsp (5 grams) for 15 cal, 4.5g fiber. Whereas NOW foods serving size is 1 TBSP for 34
cal, 6.7 g fiber. That means 1 TBSP Yerba prima would have 45 cal, 13.5 g fiber?! So they must be ground differently? Should I use less than 5 TBSP Yerba prima for the recipe or just try and see what happens?
I have actually used that brand and it worked well. I am not sure about the NOW one as it seams different than other brands (and also turns bread purple color). Happy baking! 🙂
Maria you’re a lifesaver! These subs taste exactly like the real thing! So yummy!
Thank you!
*sigh* I didn’t read until after I made a double batch first attempt…that Bob’s Red Mill almond flour doesn’t work. :/ I’ll let you know what happens anyway!
Maria: I just made these rolls and OMG, how delicious they are. Next time I will cut back on salt to 1 teaspoon as they were a bit salty for me. Do you think this will make a difference? The centers were perfect and the rolls were crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. I made them with just egg whites, not he whole egg. Can you tell me how to store them and how long they will last. That’s a joke, I’ll probably polish them off in 2 days!
Thank you! It should work fine with less salt. It is more about the psyllium. I store mine in the Freezer. 🙂
oops, just realized that I put 2 teaspoons salt in the recipe. Please forgive my previous comment. I’m going to make another batch with 1 teaspoons salt. Maria, thank you soooo much for this recipe. I have been looking for a good bread or roll for sandwiches and this is it!
Maria, I made this SPECTACULAR recipe using Yerba Prima psyllium husk powder (and Bob’s Red Mill coconut flour) and while I ended up LOVING the outcome anyway (the batch is GONE, just 2 days later), I think the consistency was way off. Definitely came out more as “fiber rolls”. The outside was tough and crunchy, inside was soft/chewy but a little bit airy, and tasted how I imagine bran would (haven’t had in years). Not much like the even-consistency buns you come out with.
I think this was because the Yerba Prima powder has a much higher fiber content per tsp, so using the full 5 Tbsp packed a LOT of fiber! (AROUND 65 g!)
Do you think that was it? Maybe I will achieve better consistency using slightly less?
I hope I can get the consistency right because even though I still enjoyed them, I’m DYING to make the cinnamon rolls (which uses the same ratio) and I don’t think they would be great like this.
I’d really appreciate your input!!!!!!! Thanks 🙂
Thanks! That could be why. You can try using less of your psyllium next time. 🙂
I officially give up with this recipe, I’ve tried it 6 or 7 times, followed the video, changed my ingredients, ordered psyllium husk powder, cooked it at 350, higher and lower temp, with whole eggs and just egg whites, every time I get the same air bubble at the top with a lower layer of gummy dough which never seems to dry out even with increased cooking time. I just can’t get it to work, there must be some magic to it!
As James says below, the key might be to add more fat. Keep the yolks in and add some additional butter. I think some psyllium is almost too active and needs to be slowed down. 🙂
Hi Olivia,
A shame you couldn’t get a tasty result. In the last batch I tried (it is my 6th or 7th by now) I decided to add a big chunk of organic grass fed unsalted butter to the dough (around 100g I think, which I melted prior to adding it). It made the buns even more tasty but not as airy / holey as my previous batches (which we really good too, see my pics here: )
The butter made the buns perfect to me because I am really a big fan of high fat diets. The original recipe is very good but I miss the fat when no yegg yokes are added + fresh bread and butter is a killer taste combo! (at least to someone who grew up in France like me …)
Thanks James! That is a good tip.
Might be an idea, thanks James, I always end up adding a tonne of butter when I eat it so have no problem adding it into the recipe. Did you follow all the other parts of the recipe?
Hi Olivia,
Yes, otherwise I follow the recipe as maria shows it in her video. Quick and easy 🙂 But if you check my link again, you will notice a couple of minor differences in the amount of water and eggs. It probably depends on the psyllium powder, type of almond flour (the one I buy is fat reduced from the manufacturer but I will try today with one that is not so) and oven. I was lucky not to experience any of the issues reported by some posters. All I am doing is fine-tuning this recipe to my taste. My opinion is that the recipe given my Maria should be taken as a template, a good one at that 🙂
My wife has been using this base for baking small bread-cakes (stuffed with chocolate nibs and a little xylitol for sweetening them), cinnamon rolls with added butter and xylitol, etc. You can really vary the recipe as you wish and the bread keeps very good in a bread box for 24 hours.
Thanks James! 🙂
Thank you so much for this recipe! I’ve made it 3 times now and its amazing!! My hubby and I like the almond flour one better than the coconut flour one. I found that my coconut flour version filled had more larger air pockets, and seemed a little more dense (which in my experience has always happened when I bake with coconut flour) hubby is very greatful to eat something that has the texture of real fluffy bread and that tastes great. thanks again for your hard work to provide us with recipes!
Thank you! 🙂
Holly more calories and more than double the amount of fat? I don’t see how this is ‘healthier’.
Don’t be afraid of fat. Watch this to start:
My lifestyle is 60-70% of my calories from fat. It is the carbs that cause inflammation that need to be avoided. 🙂
What happens if you use Bob’s Red Mill blanched almond flour that is different than other almond flours. I have some in the oven. They look great I hope they taste good. Would almond meal from Trader Joes work better?
Most people that have used it say it doesn’t soak up any moisture and the batter stays runny or very wet.
Hello, thanks so much for the recipe. They turned out great. I used Now almond flour and Now pysillium, all egg whites, and turned the temp up on my oven as suggested by the above reviewer. Very, very happy with these.
Hello I’m from Holland and found the recipe. It looks amazing. When i tried them they where hollow 🙁
Is it possible to give the recipe in gramms instead of cups?
Thank you!
If you get a hallow bread, try using only 2 Tablespoons of psyllium. (the note above describes this). Some psyllium is too active and will cause this. The dough will be pretty sticky, but they will turn out. 🙂
It took me a few tries, but I finally got this. These are so worth it. I use the almond flour version. Awesome!
Hello, is it possible to give this recipe in gramms instead of cups?
In Europe we are not used to work with cups…
Maria, what’s the nutritional info for the coconut flour version? Thanks! I finally made them right, it took a bit less water and egg whites 🙂
Hi Alona. I added it above. Thanks! 🙂
Thank you–thank you–thank you!
I saw this on pinterest, then made my way here & tried out the almond flour/egg white version, and they are perfectly fluffy… my husband is a burger junkie and I’m trying to get him to go grain free with me–this will definitely help. I added some italian seasonings and garlic–yum! These are remarkably quick and simple! Next time I’ll try the coconut flour and maybe the marinara sauce. Mine didn’t turn purplish, they’re a lovely toasty brown (used honeyville almond flour & NOW psyllium powder–made 6 burger rolls). I’m going to be sharing this with all my paleo/gluten free friends! I can’t thank you enough 🙂
Thank you! I’m glad you like it. 🙂
THANK YOU!!!! For all your work! You did not give up and now we all have a wonderful option for bread! I am so happy with this recipe! I actually have loved all your books and your recipes, but this one is special. The 2nd time i made them i made my self a grass fed hamburger and it was amazing having a bun that felt and tasted like bread! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping so many people, isn’t the internet an amazing tool.
Della 🙂
Thanks Della! 🙂
I just made these and they are simply divine!! I am so happy! The consistency and texture is the closest thing to real bread I have ever tasted and I have been gluten free for 20 yrs and grain free for one year. I am soooo happy I found this website…Maria you are an amazing scientist and chef!! My 5 buns came out PERFECT.
Thank you! 🙂
Made these for the second time today and they worked this time! I think the major difference was your top to make them think because they rise lots! I think this avoids the funny middle. Thanks again for all your hard work and care to make sure your recipe works
Maria, you are a genius… I don’t know how you come up with such amazing recipes! My Mom is constantly on yo-yo diets, but the one thing she constantly comes back to is low carb. I wanted her to be able to eat something delicious because I think that being happy while eating is nearly as important as eating high quality whole foods, so I made these last night. They bubbled more than your pictures, so I’m going to use less psyllium next time, but otherwise they are stunning! I can’t believe how close to real bread they are! My Mom was thrilled. Thank you so much!
Thank you! 🙂
Hi Maria!
I wanted to add my two-cents and share my successful experience with the recipe. I watched your video first. Then I prepped my cookie sheet with a nice coating of oil. Next I ground up my psyllium husks (from Trader Joes) in my Cuisnart. I added the baking powder and salt. I then added enough meringue powder (aka egg white powder) to equal the three egg whites (with mine, that was 6T). Then I stuck in whole almonds and pulsed to get them to a fine meal consistency. While doing all of this, I was heating up water – added an extra 12 T water to compensate for the dried egg whites – so that the water was at a rolling boil when I pulled it out. And I immediately dumped the whole thing into the food processor and pulsed just until it was all mixed. Then as quickly as I could, I formed five flat discs using oiled hands and stuck the cookie sheet into a hot oven. Total success! I just had one bun w/ some broiled tilapia in it – a million times better than any fish sandwich at any restaurant. Thank you for being so persistent and working this recipe to perfection. I see it’s the same formula basically as the wraps, which I’ve done w/ success, but this seems easier.
Thank you Anita! 🙂
Yay!!! Had been searching high and low for a paleo bread recipe that didn’t taste like dessert! This bread looked and tasted like soft whole wheat bread and the crust is amazing! I even fooled some non paleo guests with it. It fills you up much quicker than unhealthy store bought bread, so you end up eating less but feeling satisfied. Sometimes you just need that bread fix. I made my first loaf last week using 4 whole eggs, and 1/2 cup of coconut flour. After mixing the dough (took about a minute) I quickly formed 4 rolls and got them in the oven asap. Left them in there for 65 min. and they came out absolutely perfect! No bubbles. I was going to post a picture but I don’t think I can here. [The ONLY thing I noticed about this bread is that I can’t seem to get it crispy, like toast or bruschetta. Not in the oven or the toaster. Any ideas? That’s pretty trivial though considering it’s great the way it is. Right now I’m baking a loaf with coconut flour, 8 egg whites, & some herbs – hoping it turns out as well, fingers crossed! Thank you Maria for creating this wonderful recipe!
Thank you so much! I find it takes a bit longer to crisp up. It helps to have some weight on it (Like in a panini press). 🙂
Hello Maria,
I thought you would be interested in this article:
So your buns make all of us burn even more fat 😀
Nice! Thanks for the link! 🙂
I made my first attempt at these rolls today and I think they came out very well! I used almond flour for mine. I did get the big air holes in my rolls so I’m thinking my psyllium is too active and maybe I’ll try reducing the amount next time. It was a little damp in the middle but not soggy by any means and it didn’t stop me from eating the entire roll. I loved the crisp and chewy crust! It really did remind me of a wheat bread, both in looks and in taste. Does psyllium become less active after you open it? And what do you do with your left over egg yolks? :). I hate to waste them but I can’t think of anything to do with them either.
Thanks! If the psyllium is more active like yours, you will get bigger holes inside and it will hold onto more moisture. If you try it with less psyllium, it should be less moist inside. Don’t know about psyllium after it is opened. I use my yolks in creme brule or ice cream. Otherwise you could try the whole egg version above. 🙂
Don’t know what to do with the egg yolks ?? But an omelet of course 🙂
Add a full egg to the bunch of yolks and you get a nice fatty omelet full of good fat and minerals / vitamins. Fry some bacon beforehand at medium-high temp, remove the bacon, pour the whisked eggs and gently fry it in bacon fat.
It is very simple and a super treat 🙂
Yes! Good idea James. 🙂
Hello Maria,
You know, being half-French, I came to realize that your recipe looks a lot like the recipe for the French “chouquettes”, these delicious fluffy balls of buttery dough full of pearl sugar. See this pic:
The preparation of the dough differs in the sequence and ingredients (wheat flour, sugar) but the healthy substitutes in your recipe makes it possible to bake a healthier version of the French chouquettes.
The preparation sequence is:
– boil water and butter together, remove from heat
– add the flour, psyllium, vanilla extract and sweetener all at once into the boiling mix
– mix until the dough is smooth
– add egg white (of full egg) one by one, mix well every egg before adding the next
– make small balls on greased baking sheet and stuff them with “pearl sugar” (use a healthy sweetener instead – or simply sprinkle them with powdered xylitol)
– bake them as you do with your buns (watch the timing as the chouquettes are much smaller).
It is really good, I tried it yesterday evening 🙂 My kids ate almost all of them …
Oh man, I might have to steal this from you! Sounds awesome! Thank you! 🙂
Have you tried replacing the psyllium husk powder with chia seed powder. I heard that you should be able to use them interchangeably. My buns came out good except we really don’t like the taste of the php. Tomorrow, I’m buying more chia and trying these again. Thanks for the recipe.
I have not but it is worth a try. Let me know if you try it! 🙂
My sixth attempt was a success! No hollow bread! This time I weighed the almond flour instead of measuring 1-1/4 cups. The amount of 1-1/4 cups almond flour should equate to 5 ounces. (My previous attempts I merely filled the measuring cups and leveled the top. Apparently I have very fluffy almond flour and was only using 3.75 ounces using this method) I actually had to pack my almond flour like brown sugar to get the measurement of 1-1/4 cups to equal 5 ounces on my trusty kitchen scale. I recommend those who have attempted this great recipe and failed use their kitchen scale instead of measuring volume in cups.
Awesome! Thanks for posting! 🙂
Fantastic recipe! Almond flour is super expensive here so i decided to start with only 2.5 TBS of psyllium and just hope for the best (reckoned slightly unrisen rolls would be better than ones full of air!) They came out perfectly. Unfortunately, a public holiday yesterday left me in dire need of a corrective apple day today so no rolls for lunch but my fiance and I did crack one open last night, fresh out of the oven and smothered with macadamia nut butter and almost died on the spot they were so good (we’ve been starch, wheat, gluten and sugar free for almost two months now so “real” bread is the things of dreams). I think i might be making this once a weekend, every weekend, for the rest of my life 😉
Thank you! 🙂
Theses buns are so good! Thank you Maria! I make them with the 1st version (2whole eggs) and it works great for me, as they rise a lot. I make 6 buns, wich I soak in a bowl of sesam seeds before I cook them for 50 minutes. It tastes a little like a bagel! Yummy!
Is there a way to combine the flours? Part almond, part coconut? Love the texture of the almond flour, but like that the coconut is lower fat…
You could try it, but don’t be afraid of the fat. I eat high fat (60-70% of my calories from fat), moderate protein and low carb. 🙂
Love this. Worked 1st time 🙂
The taste was WONDERFUL! However I have a giant hollow loaf 🙁
Ok – read above. Next time will use 1/2 the psyllium powder…
Just finished baking my first loaf. I love Deli-style Triscuits ( now verboten) so I added a lot of caraway seeds to the dough and voila-perfect. I am so happy and I could just kiss you ! You are a genius I love this bread!
Awe, thank you! 🙂
I’m allergic to both almonds and coconut. Is there another kind of flour I could use?
Hmm, there are a couple options. Like pecan meal or hazelnut or hempseed or flaxseed meal. 🙂
This is my favorite bread! I can take it with me to the cities so if we stop for lunch I don’t have to try and eat a sandwich out of a lettuce leaf! I can just put it on my bun!
I read your note about the psyllium husks perhaps causing the big bubble in the bread so right off I cut it in half and added a 1 1/2 T of whey protein and 1 T extra of Almond Flour. It was still not firm, but I was able to pile it with a spatula to make 4 hamburger buns and one sub bun. I have made this twice and I probably over mixed it both times but I had no problem with the rise at all. BUT, I did notice that if I kept peeking in the oven (they were beautiful), that would cause them to fall, they would rise back up again, but I probably lost some volume, so leave the oven door shut!
This is my second experiment and it turned out better than the first. But still no cigar!
First time I followed the original recipe as it was at the time (used ground up Whole Foods Psyllium Husk- 5 T., Honeyville flour, whole eggs). Shaped into 5 buns. It turned out very puffed up and eggy and weblike inside and fairly hollow.
This time it didn’t rise at all. I used only 3T of Jay Robb psyllium and 3 egg whites with a little bit of yolk in it (I was clumsy). I baked it as 2 sub rolls on the flattish side. Baked at 325 in my convection oven for 50 minutes. It was much more bread like in consistency and appearance. Still a bit eggy rather than bready. But it really looked like bread. Still tasted pretty darn good with nice pastured butter on it.
I’m not sure what to alter next time. I’m not usually a very methodical chef, and there are so many different variables in this to mess with.
Maybe 3’s the charm. I just tried these for the third time. This time I used 5T of psyllium. And I reduced the salt to 1/2tsp. because I’m salt sensitive. I made it into 4 rolls and baked for 40 minutes (325/convection). They rose nicely and developed a nice crust. After they cooled and I opened them, they weren’t hollow, but they were a bit “lite.” I guess from the pictures, they look like they have the “tooth” of a real sub roll, i.e. chewy and firm. These were more “airy” and fluffy in mouthfeel. They looked very breadlike.
Am I expecting way too much?
I’m wondering how to “revive” them after they’ve been sitting around for a while. They seem to get quite soft and the “crustiness” disappears. Is there a way to bring them back to prime form? The rolls aren’t big enough to cut into slices and pan fry, and i no longer own a toaster.
The less psyllium you use the less airy they will be. If you want it more dense, try 1 TBS psyllium and a little less liquid. 🙂
Eating piece right now warm from the oven with butter. I added a tbsp of wheat bran to mine because I wanted it to have sort of a bran taste too it. I could imagine doing ground nuts as a sub for the wheat bran to make it gluten free. Delicious. Mine did not rise a whole lot but they got a nice crust on them. I think I will just make them bigger next time. Two requests in case you are looking for more recipes to develop (and let me know if they are already in your cookbooks as I have two of them). Brown Bread, like the kind they serve in Ireland. And Sourdough. Yum, yum yum!
I made these yesterday, delicious! Do you have any recipes for adapting this to sourdough or brown bread?
Thank you! I haven’t tried but that is a good idea. 🙂
Is it also possible to have hollow bread by not using enough psyllium? In each batch I have used only 2TBS and each time they are hollow and gummy.
Hmm, do they still rise a lot? If so, maybe try 1 TBS (and maybe less water). 🙂
I’m curious why the recipe only calls for 1/2 cup if you use coconut flour? I would think the almond flour and coconut would be an even swap? This is my first try at a Paleo bread and I have a batch in the oven right now using the coconut flour, but after watching your video…I’m not sure it’s going to turn out since the texture of my dought looked totally different than yours…hence my question regarding the amounts of flour. Thanks in advance for your help!
Nope, coconut flour absorbs a lot more moisture. Here is a chart for converting to coconut flour. 🙂
I just found this recipe, and I gave it a try, as I wanted ‘dinner rolls’ with my ‘Meatzana’. Oh my goodness, this bread was light, fluffy and super tasty, especially with Kerrygold butter. I was able to make 6 for the recipe, and I am just thrilled by the results. Simply amazing, Maria!!! Both the recipe and you! Thank you
Awesome! Thank you! 🙂
I made this recipe into 5 rolls and had perfect results. They rose, and had air pockets, and I sliced them in half and froze them. I have a huge question! I wanted to know about adding pecans and raisins and honey to this recipe. What do you think will happen? I’m fearful to try with my budget and I wondered if you had tried to add anything to this recipe other than the marinara.
Sounds good except for the honey. No need for added sugars. You could try stevia or Swerve to make them sweet. 🙂
Wow I made these last night thank you thank you thank you had a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast soooo good!
Hello i bought psyllium husk capsules, where max. dose per day is 2 capsules. How would i use this husk? AAnd can i use coconut flour? SOme comments says that it does not turn right? Thanks
I am not sure if you could use the capsules or not. I haven’t tried that. The coconut flour version works great! 🙂
I made these for supper last night using them as hamburger buns. They turned out great! I used whole eggs and did not experience the “gumminess” some readers did. My husband loved them which is a total bonus. He is the pickiest eater alive (think Mikey from the cereal commercial, he hates everything). Thank you!
Late to the party once again, I tried making this revised recipe with almond flour (NOW Brand–Honeyville on the way) and using the reduced psyllium, and here’s what I got:
One long loaf that was hollow in the middle from end to end, but was thoroughly cooked. No odd-colored crust, either. I hand-mixed…too much working? All I have is a blender and a food processor, and I figured the food processor would work the dough too much.
I used Frontier psyllium husk powder (from the 1 lb. mylar bag), and only used 2 T.–I will try again using only 2 t. to see what happens.
What I did with the hollow loaf: I put it to use as a “funny pita”–I sliced the loaf about 3″ from each end, then stuffed the cavity of each with chicken salad and microgreens, and we ate the weirdest-looking pitas I ever saw, but they were delicious! The center section got stuffed as well, and used for lunch the next day.
I’m about to embark on another try (almond flour again) with only 2 t. Frontier psyllium instead, and will bake it in a casserole dish–if it comes out hollow again, I’ll use it like a pot-pie crust, only for soup service instead. If it comes out the way it SHOULD, we’ll have wedge-shaped sandwiches, and I’ll be closer to knowing exactly how much psyllium I should use for a proper loaf. I love it when I can re-use my failures!!
Next week, my Honeyville should be here, and I can try a third time…and if it still doesn’t work, I plan to move onto the coconut flour version. And maybe then I’ll see what the food processor does to the dough.
I have finally been able to make 6 consecutive batches of this bread and they were all excellent. It took me quite a bit of trial and error and note taking. But i got it. I have had success by weighing the ingredients (thanks to a previous commenter). I use 5 oz of almond flour (Honeyville), 45g psyllium husk (full 5T- Jay Robb), 7 oz boiling water and 1oz of cider vinegar, 3 egg whites, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking powder and assorted herbs, e.b. chives, dried onions, carroway seeds, garlic powder, etc. I beat it all with a hand mixer. It’s to die for.
Thank you so much Maria for such a great recipe. I have also experimented with a variety of psyllium husk powder, and think that Jay Robb’s blows them all out of the water. I tried to save money by buying unflavored psyllium from CVS. Couldn’t understand why it smelled so nice while baking. Then I took a bite and then, too late, read the label. Maybe unflavored, but not unsweetened. Lesson learned. Back to Jay Robb.
Thanks for the notes! Yes, Jay Robb is definitely worth it for me. 🙂
Did you do it with the vinegar? I have never had anything but perfect results with that recipe (updated above). Even when some yolk gets in (even when I use whole eggs). Also, I would use a metal bread pan. Those silicone ones don’t bake the same. 🙂
I just made the coconut flour version of these, and I am still in shock. They turned out absolutely perfect, I can’t believe it. Crunchy outside, bread-like inside, didn’t fall apart at all, held up with condiments added, wow. I have been searching and searching for so long for a recipe like this to use for a burger bun- sorry, just can’t get on board with the whole bun-less burger situation 😉 Thanks so much- fantastic, unbelievable recipe.
Thank you! 🙂
Wonderful recipe!! I just made the coconut flour version, because im out of almond flour at the moment. It turned out great. Thank you so much for this. I now have a great recipe for hotdog buns, hamburger buns, and subway!!
Thank you! 🙂
When did you add vinegar? Is this from the sourdough suggestion above? Do they taste more sourdough like? I love this recipe. I am making bread 2-3 times per week and will have to add the vinegar the next time I make it. I just made rolls this morning so it will be a few days. As always, thank you!
With the eggs. I updated it above. Nope, it just make the rise and texture much more consistent. It so much better!! I will be posting a recipe soon for a whole loaf (basically just double this recipe in a loaf pan). It works as a whole loaf of bread now!! 🙂
I’m looking forward to your whole loaf recipe. I have now had 2 failures trying the double portion and putting it in a loaf pan. The first time I probably used too wide a pan and it turned out very squat. The second time I used a narrower loaf pan and it came out much higher. But I was really disapointed to find that it was just as dense and almost pastelike or rubbery as the first loaf. I used double the 5oz almond flour, 45 g. jayrobb psyllium, 2 tsp baking powder, salt, one time I used real egg whites the second time I used liquid egg whites. The first loaf I used a full cup of liquid (water and vinegar) and the second time I used 12 oz water/vinegor combo. Both loaves were a flop– only one was a better shape than the other. I think I am going back to the rolls/buns format. That worked every time. I really would like to get a loaf that I could count on. Sigh.
It requires less water. We do 11-12 ounces. It also needs to cook for about 75 minutes. 🙂
Hi Maria, just wondering about the update you just did – previously it was 2 to 5 tbsp of psyllium, now it says 5 only. Is that something to do with the vinegar? I made these today from the recipe I wrote out a while back so I didn’t have the updates and I found that 2 tbsp of my psyllium worked well, though it was my first time! The inside of the ones I made are not as solid looking as yours…
Heather from Canada
Yes! The vinegar makes a huge difference. It came out perfect every time! It even works as a loaf (double batch and make in a loaf pan)!
Hi Maria, I made the updated recipe today and it didn’t rise at all… I measured exactly, mixed it well in my KitchenAid until it firmed up… So sad.
Heather from Canada
What brand of psyllium? Make sure it is a fine powder. I take my Jay Robb whole husks and put in my blentec for several minutes until it is about 1/2 the volume of when I started. 🙂
It’s from the Bulk Barn in NE Calgary actually, I’ve had good results so far and no weird coloring. I ground it very fine in a coffee grinder. I think what happened is a wee bit of yolk got in there and it stayed flat. I made another batch to try out the coconut version and was very careful with the yolks this time, and they rose.
Hmm, try using less water. That seems to work for me, especially when I double it to make a loaf. (10-12 ounces of water for a loaf)
Almond version didn’t rise much again. How thick are the raw buns when you make them? Maybe I’m making them too flat?? I reduced water as suggested.
Heather from Canada
With this updated version, I don’t flatten them out much. Maybe start at about 1 inch thick and rise to about 2 inches. 🙂
I’m starting to think that any amount of egg yolk that gets into the mix is an invitation to a very dense, almost rubbery texture to the bread. I just baked up a double recipe (to make a single loaf of bread) using egg whites (and the measured ingredients) with a tiny amount of egg yolk that sloppily joined the rest. The result is a very compacted texture, very few bubbles and a pretty squat loaf. Another problem is that I used a silicon loaf which is IMO considerably wider than most loaf pans. I think if I had used a narrower loaf pan that forces the dough up rather than out, then I would have yielded a taller and more useful loaf. But the very compact texture would still be there.
I have experimented with the roll using one whole egg and 2 whites and I got the same dense bread. Then made the monkey bread the other day, and a small amount of yolk that slipped in and my end product is more like bread pudding than like a bready, cakey thing. It’s very dense and heavy with no holes in it at all. The mouthfeel is kind of like a heavy custard. As it was, I had to lower the temp quite a bit over the recipe because it was browning much too fast, and I did leave it in the oven long enough to cook.
I did make it with vinegar (I’m the one who reported about a week ago that vinegar seemed to make an important difference). Then you changed the recipe. The vinegar didn’t seem to help with my loaf, though. Probably I’ll need to experiment a lot more (just as I had to do to perfect my rolls) to get the loaf right– pan size, type of egg, oven temp, time in oven. All those factors are important. Because I use a free-standing portable convection oven, it doesn’t correspond to anyone else’s. I need to bake all of these at 300 or they get too brown. And I usually bake 4 rolls for 40 minutes. Today, I baked the bread loaf for 55 minutes. All with vinegar.
I didn’t use vinegar (don’t remember why not) for the monkey bread, but that’s a horse of another color.
Made the new recipe and they were great! I loved the old ones as well tho. I used whole eggs and coconut flour with 5T psyllium powder. I do notice that there is more rise when I bake them in my toaster oven with convection “on” vs. my conventional oven.
This recipe makes me to the “happy dance” Can’t wait to try it this weekend!
You are too cute! Thank you! 🙂
If you cant’t have eggs, is there anything that you suggested to replace the egg whites?
Tracy Mathews
You can try a flax egg replacer. 🙂
I have the NOW brand of psyllium husk powder, and Jay Robbs. I attempted to make these tonight with Jay Robb’s psyllium husk. I made 5 mini buns, and after 55 minutes they looked great. I cut one open, but the middle was pretty raw still. I put them back in the oven for another 10 minutes, checked the one that I had already cut into, and it looks better, but still a little moist in the middle. I turned the oven off, and plan to leave them in there for another 10 minutes while the oven cools down. Do I need to do anything special with the Jay Robb Psyllium husk to make it more into a powder? I want to attempt these again with the NOW brand psyllium husk to see if there is a difference. I REALLY want these to turn out like your picture. They look AMAZING!!! Also, what brand of Apple Cider Vinegar do you recommend?
Grind the husks into a fine powder (blender or coffee grinder). They absorb more moisture that way. Also, weigh the ingredients as listed above. It comes out more consistent that way. 🙂
Maria, I have found that I cannot make scones with my Gluten-Free Bake Mix using ground almonds (almond meal), so my guess with folks getting the insides of the bread still moist is due to differences in almond flour. Judy made perfect biscuits, I think it was, with my bake mix, but I tried it twice and it was a gooey mess! Just thought I’d mention that as well. Baking sometimes requires sleuth work for why it doesn’t work as well for another person.
Hi Maria,
Do you know of a baking powder without corn starch? I am going to try just using 1 tsp non-aluminium baking soda as a substitute.
Thanks and can’t wait to try this!
If you can’t find one you can substitute this. 🙂
Just made these and I wish I had read the comments before diving in.
They turned out a very dark purple but I mixed everything up and then boiled the water so maybe they sat too long before I put them in the oven. They also didn’t rise at all – I may have worked with them too much plus I used Bob’s Red Mill.
I will try again another time and hope they actually come out like your picture. I was so excited 🙁
Thank you Maria for your creative recipes!
Others have posted that Bob’s Red Mill doesn’t work as well as other almond flours. It is coarser. I use this one. 🙂
I just pulled this out of the oven and I am anxiously awaiting it to cool off so I can taste it. I made it with the marinara and it smells heavenly. The end goal is to make panini with fresh grilled chicken breast cutlets, spinach and a home-made sun-dried tomato and garlic spread, but I will sneak a quick taste with butter once it cools.
My only concern, I hope I baked it long enough. I made a single loaf and baked it for 60 minutes at 350 degrees.
How can you tell if it is cooked by look/touch? When I pulled mine out of the oven it was still soft, but when I lightly pushed on the top crust it sprang back fully. The bread seemed soft to me since I read several posts that indicated that the crust was crispy. I am new to grain free baking and these tips would be very beneficial, especially since not all ovens are calibrated the same.
Going to work my way through more recipes since there are so many yummy sounding ones.
I make sure it is somewhat firm to the touch and nicely browned. That ensures it has a nice crust on it. 🙂
Is it 1 1/2 cups or 1 1/4 cups of almond flour? The video said 1 1/4 cups but the recipe says 1 1/2. Thanks for all of the time/resources you invest in creating healthy recipes. You are very gifted & a real blessing!! You have a beautiful family & I pray that the Lord prospers you in every area of you life. You are much appreciated :-)!!
Yes, it is 1 1/2 cups in the new revised recipe. I have to update the video. 🙂
If someone (anyone!) could share which BRAND of coconut flour they made work with this recipe, I would be so grateful. I tried Bob’s Red Mill to no avail, and I’m allergic to almonds! My sub ended up spidery and wet with this flour, even with the apple cider version. It seems some have made it work–could it be my brand of flour?
I use this one. 🙂
Hi Maria… can I make psyllium husk powder by processing the psyllium husks? Our bulk store only carries the husks.
Yes, that is what I do. I buy Jay Robb and grind in my blendtec until they are a fine powder (about half their volume). 🙂
Hi Maria,
Thank you for posting this wonderful recipe. I am looking forward to try it real soon. One small question though, could you share how many grams/oz does 5Ts of psyllium husk powder weight? For some reason, husk powder in my country is quite expensive (100g=4USD) so I think I will try buying a bulk of 2kg from oversea supplier. Is 2kg too much for bread making? Could you suggest any other recipes that may utilize the husk powder?
Thank you so much,
Yes, it is 45 grams of psyllium (I use whole husks ground into a fine powder). It is great for buns, rolls, sweet rolls (like cinnamon rolls), bread. I think your would use it if you bought 2 kg. 🙂
Thank you for your quick reply, Maria. 🙂 One more question, if I can. I intended to buy the BulkPowder Psyllium Husk Powder, do you have any idea if this brand will work? And in many of your other recipes, you call for whey/egg white protein, can those be substitute by husk powder? If not, could you suggest sth else?
Sorry, I said “one more question” but they just keep popping out of my brain. Thank you so much, I learned a lot here.
That should work. Just make sure to grind into a fine powder (I put mine in my blendtec until about 1/2 their original volume). 🙂
Hello – I recently found your website and was itching to make these rolls. I could not find un-flavored psyllium powder, only psyllium husk flakes, so I ran that through my mini processor. I also read the comments that Bob’s Red Mill almond meal flour does not work well but it was all I could find, so I gave it a whirl.
I have followed the recipe and they are not bad considering two main ingredients are not what you specify! I made four rolls. They did not rise very much, they came out of the oven very grainy looking (which is good) I gave them a thump on the bottom as I would have any other bread and got that nice solid crust, slight hollow sound back.
After cooling and slicing, they do not resemble the lightness of your pictures, they are more dense, but not super dense. I will try the egg whites next time. I put a little cream cheese on one to try it, the texture is good – I am left with a slight oily mouth feel, I assume that is from the fat content of the almond flour. All in all a good start for my first time!
I am enjoying your blog and your information. Thank you so much!!
Thank you!
Has anyone been able to suss why these might not rise? I’ve made several batches of both versions and while they taste great, they never get very big. I’ve weighed my ingredients carefully so I’m confident the problem isn’t in the ratios. Any suggestions would be incredibly helpful!
Try powdering the psyllium even finer or using another brand. I use Jay Robb whole husk psyllium and powder it until it is 1/2 it’s original volume.
This looks great. I have two of your cookbooks but found out soon after getting them that I am allergic to eggs and dairy. Would this recipe work a replacement for the egg white?
I haven’t tried it but it should work. I would do the almond flour version. Let me know if you try it. 🙂
I tried this recipie today and the outside came out crispy and tasted very good (like real bread !!!!) but I had to throw it away because it did not rise and the inside appeared to be raw and humid…Used Honeyville and frontier psyllum husk powder….dont know what went wrong….
That is typically due to the psyllium. Did you grind the psyllium husks until they were about half their original volume and then weight 45grams?
This is the BEST non-gluten bread recipe EVER. I will make this every week. It is PERFECT. Thank you!
Awe, thank you! 🙂
Just made these last night and they tasted FANTASTIC; however, they came out purple. We’re talking 8 year old girl’s birthday party purple, not a slight lavender hue. They went into the oven immediately after making dough, so they didn’t sit around at all. They went in white & came out purple. They are purple inside too! So my question is, how do you get yours to stay such a nice white color? I baked them on a parchment lined baking tray & I used Bob’s Red Mill almond flour & Horizon Organic Egg Whites. Any ideas?
The purple color comes from the psyllium. Some brands turn it that color. I use Jay Robb whole husks and grind them into a fine powder. That is what I used in the pictures above. 🙂
Maria –
I LOVE this bread! Thank you so much for this fantastic recipe. I have made it 3 times in the past week. It’s still purple, but what’s a little purple when you’re eating bread! Tonight I made French Onion Soup & they actually held the cheese up & held together in the soup and didn’t disintegrate. Amazing. It appears that they are, but can you PLEASE tell me if they are Wheat Belly friendly?
I actually go a little further than Dr. Davis and am 100% grain free. So yes, all my recipes are Wheat Belly friendly. 🙂
Hi Maria, wondering if you can give me some advice? I have been making these buns with sunflower seed flour because my son has nut allergies. I also use the Yerba prima psyllium because the Jay Robb is made on shared lines wih nuts. The first time I made them I used the measurements. They rose nicely but were soft and a little webby, not too bad though, but would not stand up to a burger. Delicious though! The second time I used the weights and was surprised that they didn’t rise as much and the tops didn’t smooth out like they did before. But the texture inside was perfect! These will definitely hold a burger! So, I’m thinking something about the sun-flour is different, and I’m wondering if I should try slightly more psyllium? I make my own sun-flour out of raw seeds, grind and sift it so it is fine. I also grind the psyllium and sift it to make sure it is a powder. Also I really can’t handle this dough, just scoop it out & plop it on the cookie sheet. The first time this worked fine. Maybe I should just wet my hand & smooth them out? Any advice would be appreciated, this recipe tastes so good, I’m determined to make it work with sunflower seed flour!
I think almond flour might absorb a little more moisture than sunflower seed flour, but not sure. That might be what the difference is. 🙂
Hi, I’ve made these using almond flour and they turned out wonderful. I was afraid to try the coconut flour because of having to use so many egg whites and not wanting to waste egg yolks. I was wondering if anyone has tried using a combination of coconut and almond flours. I do that with muffins I make and they turn out great. I suppose I’d just have to experiment with the right ratio of eggs for the different flours?
To answer my own question, I made them successfully with 1/2 almond flour and 1/2 coconut flour and 5 egg whites. They turned out terrific, wish I could post a picture of them. I had the idea from the muffin in a minute recipes where I combined almond and coconut flours, it cuts down on the carbs a bit.
Thanks so much for the recipe, this has been my favorite and I’ve tried quite a few of them.
Awesome! Would love to see a photo. Could you email me? craigmaria at
Hi, I made two batches tonight — well 3 batches actually because the second batch was a double batch. They turned out well. I used the Yorba Linda or Yerba (sp?) brand and they did turn out purple but tasted great. I ate one hot out of the oven with butter like someone had done above, and my hub ate the other half with butter. He hates “fake bread” stuff and he’s not even on low carb and he said this was really good. I am wondering though: “What brand psyllium husk powder can I get that won’t turn the sub purple?” You are right the purple color doesn’t affect the taste BUT I’d like to show them off to my low carb buddies….
Thanks for sharing your recipe with us maria — you probably have made a big difference in my ability to adhere to low carb with giving me a sandwich alternative at times. Thanks much.
Thanks! I used Jay Robb psyllium and that doesn’t turn them purple. 🙂
Hi Maria, i just hada go at making the bread, watched ur video a few times which was really helpful followed directions to the t but when i pulled it out the oven it had risen and looked great then poof it sank…stil taste lovely not doughy or nething but tips on how to get it not to sink?
Make sure to weigh your ingredients and maybe cook a little longer. It should be somewhat firm to the touch before you take it out. 🙂
I just ripped the corner off one of these freshly baked buns to taste it. I seriously I can’t even believe how much this tastes like a whole wheat bun. You are an absolute genius. After baking them for about 60 min, I cooled them and cut them in half noticing they were a bit wet (as some others have experienced). Here’s how I solved the wetness issue: I just sliced all the buns in half and broiled them for about a minute and a half with the centres facing up (keeping an eye on them to ensure they did not burn). They became nice and toasty and no longer gummy! I’m not a fan of regular toast bread. It’s the Italian and French bread that attracts me, so this is exactly the type of bread I needed a replacement for. Thank you!
Awesome! Thank you! 🙂
I’ve tried many low carb bread/roll recipes and this one is my favorite. The receipe could not be easier, my results are consistent, and the finished rolls have the look and feel of yeast risen grain breads!
My first time out I used Now psyllium poweder and my rolls, while tasty, were blueberry blue. Using either the Jay Robb or Whole Foods Organic 360 psyllium powders fixed the color problem.
I also use All Whites Liquid Egg whites. I found 1/3 cup + 3 T. of egg whites along with just under 7 oz. is what works for me.
I recently got a craving for cinnamon bread and thought I’d try a variation. I followed the basic recipe, adding Swerve to taste with the dry ingredients. After everything was mixed, I folded in cinnamon to taste. I was aiming for swirls of cinnamon throughout the rolls, which is more or less what I got. They smelled amazing baking and they taste yummy!
Thank you Maria for this fantastic recipe and the inspiration!
Awesome! Thanks for the tips! 🙂
I am so eager to try out this recipe, but I do have a question. Are you using fine or coarse Celtic sea salt in your recipe? Thanks so much for sharing your recipe. =)
It is a fine salt. 🙂
I made this bread using Bob’s Red Mill Almond Flour/Meal (even though it supposedly doesn’t work with this recipe). My bread rose but fell after cooling a few minutes. I sliced it into narrow slices. It’s purple and flat but it still tastes amazing. I’m going to try making buns next time and now I have the Honeyville Farms almond flour. I’ve tried a lot of low-carb breads, and they’re pretty good, but this one is the best! Thanks for the recipe.
How many servings in the loaf of bread?
As you can see here:
It is 10. 🙂
as best I could tell it was way more than 2-1/2 tablespoons of ACV used in the video…..had you doubled or tripled the recipe in the video?
It is best to weigh the ingredients as listed above. 🙂
Hi Maria,
I’m really excited to have purchased your cookbook this past week. I also purchased your metabolism book on kindle and am almost finished reading it. Thank you. It contains a lot of useful info. I cleaned out my pantry and replaced everything. Anyways…I made the sub bread and have it in the oven now. I decided to see if you have any hints on your site and noticed the addition of apple cider vinegar that isn’t in the book. How does this change the bread? I hope it comes out!
Thank you! The ACV and the weights make a more consistent result. 🙂
This is just amazing!! BEST bread substitute I have ever made! Will be sharing this one with everyone I know…makes me want to stop strangers in the street and tell them about this amazing recipe! Am going to have so much fun playing around with this! Thank you so much for this! *wipes tears of joy from eyes*
Thank you! 🙂
I made this bread last night using the coconut flour, followed the instructions to the letter. Even watched the video. It was disgusting. I don’t know what happened. All I could smell was vinegar while it was cooking and the taste was horrific. 2.5 tbls of vinegar is a lot. Is that correct?
Something must have gone wrong because this bread tastes and smells amazing when it is baking. Go by the weights, not the measures. 🙂
The first couple times I made these they were purple. I finally bought the Now psyllium husk powder and they are great!! Smell wonderful in the oven. It really does make a difference which psyllium powder you use!
First of all, thank you both for such a great recipe! I was wiping away tears of gluten as I opened up one of these rolls and slathered butter on it 😉
I am posting here now because I had some failures ….well, 4 of them….until I got to the perfect roll. I am hoping my comments may help someone else pinpoint where their rolls took a left turn to Albuquerque…Now please keep in mind that each batch of rolls tasted fabulous! We ate every last one! But mine did not rise the first time and so I was on a mission.
Batches 1 and 2 had only a small amount of rise. But no purple. Oh, and I had just received egg white powder for a different recipe so away we went! The egg white powder was my only substitution in this recipe. For batch 2 my Honeyville almond flour had just arrived, and I did get just a smidge better rise, still with the EWP….sigh…
Batch 3…well, I realized that my baking powder was OUT OF DATE!! Seriously, who checks that?? Husband saved the day by buying fresh and this time I used real egg whites…I owed it to all that’s good and healthy to stop with the substitutions and just make the recipe already! So…made the rolls…put them in the oven…and PUFF! Well, purple puffs actually. I think the baking powder, being fresh and active, kicked the psyllium (not J Robb brand). Unfortunately, these were a little gummy, so back to the blog comments I went. Ingredient weight came up and I thought, well, definitely worth a try….
Batch 4, perfectly tender….perfectly purple. Really perfect roll consistency. Weighing the ingredients made all the difference for me.
Batch 5…okay, now that we have the recipe down pat, let’s shake this up a bit…I rushed home from work today to try this idea….I wanted a bit more yeasty flavor and I thought, well, I had just received some nutritional yeast (had never tried the yest before), why not add some? How bad could it be? It smelled yeasty, so???? I made the recipe exactly as posted plus added 2 T of nutritional yeast.
Wow.Za. Crazy delicious…..and get this…..NO PURPLE!!! Apparently the yeast is helping the baking powder and psyllium live in harmony!
Baking is such a beautiful science!
Thanks! Thanks for the tips! Weighing does make all the difference. I will have to try the yeast. 🙂
Is nutritional yeast different than dry active or instant yeast? Mine didn’t rise at all, and I’m not sure what went wrong. Maybe yeast will help?
Yes. It is totally different. But there’s neither in that recipe…
Yay!! Made this for the first time tonight. I was worried when they came out purple. After reading the comments on the site, I decided to eat them anyway. Was awesome to have a sandwich on bread!! I followed the directions and weighed the ingredients rather than measuring them. I made 5 rolls that resembled (purple) hamburger buns. When I cut them, they were light and airy, done all the way through. I cooked mine at 350 for 45 minutes. Perfect!! Thanks for the recipe!! I’ll try a different brand of psyllium powder in the future.
I am probably going to be asking a stupid question but I really want to make these rolls. AND…I’m terrified after reading ALL the comments. When I am weighing on my kitchen scale, my 1 cup measuring cup states without anything in it, it weight 5 oz. Once I put the flour in the cup do I take into account for the 5 oz? I don’t want to mess up . HELP!!
Place the cup on the scale and hit the ‘tare’ button (or similar, it will zero out the scale). They when you add flour, etc it will just be the weight of it not the measuring cup. 😉
I made these with almond flour first and then with coconut flour. I prefer the coconut flour version. We use the flour from and have great success with it!
My only issue with these is that I feel like they sit in my gut like a lead brick. Eating is pleasant (especially smothered in grassfed butter!) but the after effects make me feel….sick? Why? The psyllium I suspect. 🙁
They have a lot of fiber. Most people don’t get enough fiber and increasing it can take the body a little time to adjust. 😉
Wow! This is great. And you’re right about it having to be Psyllium Powder and about the weighing. First time I attempted to grind my psyllium husk into powder and it hadn’t formed a dough as good as yours and so it turned out a bit doughy. Second attempt is in the oven and looking good. I’ll have to make sure not to jump the gun on cutting it as it’s amazing what that cooling time does to even out the inside. Thanks so much Maria for a great recipe that fits my GAPS/SCD diet too!
Oh, and today I made this loaf using organic walnut flour (which we can get in New Zealand) so I could make a fruity loaf – it worked so well – I just used the same weight walnut flour and I was away.
Awesome! Thanks for the tip. 🙂
I have made a discovery after making these rolls upteen times. As they were still coming out a bit gummy in the center, I further reduced the liquid by using only 3 oz. of egg white instead of 3 1/2 oz. I kept everything else as it is. This made all the difference and I’m now getting consistently perfect rolls or even larger sub rolls. I’m happy. And it is so wonderful to be able to turn out my “daily bread” with a recipe that is so simple that I memorized the ingredients after a very short time. Baking these is now second nature to me. I have a a cookout to go to this Sunday and I intend to BMY rolls for the burgers or whatever. Thanks.
Awesome! Thanks for the tip. Yes, if anyone is still getting some gumminess on the inside, reducing liquid should help. The psylliums seem to differ a bit in how much moisture is absorbed. 🙂
I like the taste of the almond recipe but my wife prefers coconut. So I’ve been experimenting with half coconut (1/4 cup) half almond flour (3/4 cup), and 5 egg whites formed into 8 buns. They come out great! Thanks so much for your recipes Maria!
Awesome! Thanks for the tip. 🙂
This is for Jennifer (Aug.1st.2013) You are wonderful and thank you for taking the time to write a lengthy post. I just made my first *Maria* bread and tastes fabulous. Mine did not rise much. It was rather wet when I gathered up the dough to put it in the pan and it was totally gummy inside, although I weighed everything and even reduced the water. The Idea to add yeast is just fantastic ! I wonder how many more tries until I got it perfect.
It is such an expensive bread.
To bad the link you gave is for “whole husk” which you said not to get.
I use whole husk in my recipes. You just need to grind it until it is about half its original volume. 🙂
I tried the bread last week and it came out gummy on the bottom. So I made these today for the first time. Honeyville almond flour, NOW psyllium powder, 2 whole eggs, 3/4 cups boiling water. Started baking at 350, then read the comments on hollowness, so after 10 min. reduced to 300 for another 45-50 min. Then left in oven for another 1o-15 after turning off. NOT purple, NOT gummy, NOT hollow – like real buns!! I made them a bit small (got 8 buns from the recipe), but they were great! Thanks!!
Awesome! 🙂
Made into buns, this is less likely to get the hollow gummy issue than a large loaf. 🙂
Hi I just wanted to share that I made this today, making some little slider buns (how I usually eat burgers), a regular hamburger bun, and some…rolls that I just cut in half and made into more buns (because I couldn’t figure out how to make shapes, I’ll get better). This was my first time attempting to make any kind of bread or working with dough. I made the almond flour version and I used whole eggs because I didn’t have any cartons of egg white and I was just that lazy. I used Organic India Psyllium Husks, which say whole husk on the can but are actually very finely ground so I didn’t put them in the blender. I baked at 300 in my old gas oven for 50 minutes.
Halfway through the smell was DIVINE. I took them out at exactly 50 minutes and they were perfect, soft inside, crusty outside. Everything rose, nothing was gummy. They tasted so…so…so good, and I seasoned with nothing but the sea salt. My mind is blown and I’m getting all your books.
Thank you! 🙂
I made these with coconut flour and whole eggs, and they turned out perfect (I made 6 small rolls and baked them for 45 min.)! I added some Italian seasoning to the water as it boiled to add some flavor since I didn’t have any marinara on hand. This is such a great option to have to lunches to bring to work, and they were super easy to make. I’m a teacher, and so everyone eats lunch at the same time which means a line for the microwave. I’ve tried a few ready-made low carb breads, which were so dry and tasteless that they were hard to swallow. This is a great alternative! And now I can finally have a real BLT again 🙂
Wow, this is fantastic! Thanks so much for posting this recipe.
I have been experimenting with different low carb substitute for a while. Oopsie breads is kinda bland, the plain flax bread is way too strong. I am hoping this will be a nice balance.
I mase these tonight, they were tasty, but turned out an almost purple color! Any idea what would cause that?
The brand of psyllium does this. Some turn purple. 🙂
I am a nutritionist from Germany and I just want to say: “I love your recipes.”
Especially this dough. I have baked the subs and the cinnamon rolls and they are fantastic.
My clients love your recipes as much as me an so it is easier for them to follow their diet.
Best, Jenny
I made these into 12 adorable slider buns — cooked for 50 minutes at 350 and they are perfect!
Love these just as they are but today added 2 tsp of nutritional yeast…they have a wonderful “yeast” flavor to them now that takes this to a whole new level! Just wanted to share! Thanks for all the wonderful recipes and “coaching”!
Awesome! Thank you!
Going to try a make these today. I have been reading the comments and watching the video over and over before I attempt these buns. Couple of questions before I waste ingredients though:
1. I purchased the Jay Robb brand psyllium husk seed and I am wondering if I need to grind them into more of a powder. I measured and weighed out 5 Tbs (as is, not ground finer) and it only weighed 21 grams. What do I need to do differently? GO with 45 grams or 5 tbs.?
2. On the boiling water is it supposed to be 7/8 cup (how many ounces would that be?) or 3/4 cup?
Thanks for the help and great recipes. I am looking forward to trying these.
1) Yes, this is a good indication that it isn’t ground enough. Try to grind more until it matches closer to 5 TBS = 45 grams.
2) Use the weight for the water. 🙂
I was wondering if I could use some whey protein for part of the almond flour?
Not sure. I have added protein powder to this with success (not lowering almond flour). 🙂
I went ahead and ground up the Jay Robb Psyllium Seed Husks to a finer powder and than weighed the ingredients instead of measured. I used my whoopee pie pan and filled 8 holes for 8 buns. At least I hope I get 8 buns out of it. (:
They didn’t turn out purple like the last time I made the loaf with a different psyllium powder.
Thanks for the follow-up. I also made your pumpkin bread today and had to restrain myself from eating the full loaf!!! So delicious!
OMeffingG!!! Just made mini loafs with coconut flour and egg whites and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I can’t thank you enough for the recipe. I do have one complain though. I made 6 buns and ate 3 in 1 sitting. Now I only have 3 left and have to make more 🙂 I will definitely be doubling or quadrupling the recipe next time.
Thank you again,
LOL! Love this comment. 🙂
This looks awesome. Can’t wait to try.
How long does this bread last after baking? What’s the best way to store it?
We store it in the freezer.
Thanks for the reply. Do you happen to know how long the loaf version lasts at room temperature?
I would guess less than a week. We keep ours in the freezer. 🙂
I tried the recipe and while is tastes great, the bread turned out flat. I tried making a full loaf.
It looked like it was raising well, but when I took it out of the oven, it seemed that it was hollow at the top and it just collapsed back in onto itself when I manipulated it.
I used Pure-le natural psyllium husk powder and Now Real Food un blanched almond flour.
I cooked it at 350 degrees for 50 minutes.
Any tips for my second attempt? It tastes awesome and I really want to make it work.
If trying to make a loaf, use this recipe. Ratios are a little different and there are tips here to getting it right:
Another awesome recipe! I used whole eggs with Coconut flour and they turned out great. I made them into buns, now I am making the loaf. Thanks Maria!
Hi Maria I was wondering if I could halve the recipe so that I only make what I need and if I could sub regular white vinegar?
Yes, that would work. I prefer a coconut vinegar or apple cider vinegar as white vinegar has gluten.
Some days befor I baked the Bran on a pizza stone, It turned out wonderfull.
And today I made typical german “Semmelknödel” (Bread dumplings?) whith these bread.
That’s great! Thanks!
#1. THANK YOU. I can’t stop noshing on this.
#2. Your arms make me miss my “working out” days.
Thank you! 🙂
Is this safe to eat once a week during pregnancy
That should be fine. 🙂
I have made these rolls using almond flour & coconut flourin the past but I just tryed with sunflower seed flour that I ground myself & they turned out great. I think this may be my new favorite flour. I used 2 eggs & followed directions for almond flour. I have never had much success with the whites, always come out too “wet” or gummy. The whole eggs work perfect. They were even slightly crisp like french bread 🙂
Thanks for the tips. 🙂
Made this last night using a muffin top pan and they were WONDERFUL!!!! The best bread tasting bread!!! thank you for all your work so the rest of us can just enjoy!!!
I could use some advise baking this bread.
I tried the following and well the resolt is not what I had in mind.
2.5 oz = 71 gram – coconut flour
5 TBS = 45 gram – psyllium husk powder
1 tsp= 4.7 gram – Celtic sea salt
1 oz = 30 gram – apple cider vinegar
6 egg = 200 gram – whites (using coconut flour)
7 oz = 200 gram – BOILING water
shape = one large sub/loaf
350 degrees F. = 177C – in my electric powerd pre heated oven for 55 minutes.
Remove from the oven and allowed the bread to cool completely.
see resolts:
pic 1:
pic 2:
thank you in forward
It looks like your psyllium should have been a finer powder. Try grinding it more. Also, you can try making it into a couple smaller loafs so more moisture gets out. 🙂
Thank you for your reply.
Forgot to mention
2 tsp = 7 grams – baking powder,
in my previous post.
Please see picture to see how fine the powers are. I added sugar in the picture for comparison (not in the recipe)
In my previous attempts I divided it into 2 and 3 parts. Unfortunately with the same results.
Someone just posted that they had problems then used the brands I use and it worked. 🙂
I think that brand is not available in my region. Just to make sure, could you provide me with the brand name and there ingredients. Sometimes they add something else beside psyllium husk powder.
The one I use is 100% psyllium husk powder.
I use Jay Robb psyllium husks and almond flour. 🙂
success with my second attempt! yay! i used coconut flour and egg whites. i made 9 puffy rolls with chewy exteriors – baked @350 for 50 minutes.
my first try using coconut flour and whole eggs was not good – no rise whatsoever!
what a difference – and i’m so glad i tried again.
thank you!
sorry for the dubble post. I could not see the previous one until after I posted a second one.
After trying these twice I finally figured out MY problem. Expecting this to make a dozen is WAY over doing it. 4 or 5 normal size balls will make a bun you expect to see. Mine were fluffy, purple, and had the right texture and flavor but were far to small. They didn’t rise like a regular yeast bread like I expected. As for the purple? I can’t get them into the oven any faster so I can deal with purple.
I was so nervous to attempt this after reading all the comments. I wondered about using a combo of flours, then I saw Garth’s comment where he used both. I chose to follow his ratios but I cut the recipe in half so I wouldn’t waste so much flour if it flopped. I made 4 rolls and they came out perfect. Next time I’ll make them a little wider as they didn’t spread as much as I wanted. I made ~3 inch disks using a muffin top pan. I did use Bob’s Red Mill almond meal (1.25 oz) & coconut flour (0.65 oz), 2.5 TBS/22.5 grams Vitacost Psyllium husk powder ground more in a coffee grinder, 1 tsp Bak powder, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 oz apple cider vinegar, 3.25 oz liquid egg whites, 3.5 oz boiling water, some garlic powder. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Love your site!!
I absolutely love this. I made the first ones using coconut flour and they were very good. I have been experimenting a bit and had great success. I had to whir the psyllium husk in my vitamix to get powder but it worked. I used almond meal that I had ground myself. But the recipe I came up with is absolutely wonderful. I used 1 1/2 cup almond meal, 1/2 cup coconut flour, 10 tbsp psyllium husk, 4 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp salt, 5 tbsp cider vinegar, 6 whole eggs, 1 1/2 cups boiling water. I followed the directions for the recipe. I made stuffing for a turkey by making the rolls. As soon as they were out of the oven I cut them in half and let them cool. I cubed the rolls to make the stuffing cubes and made giblet stuffing. We had this last Saturday and it was enjoyed by all of us. Yesterday I made pizza. I patted the dough in the greased pans and baked them in the oven for about 20 minutes. I was surprised by how high the dough had risen. Then I sauced and topped the bread and cooked it for another 40 minutes ( it may have been longer because I didn’t really keep track) or so til the cheese was melted and starting to brown. It had a nice thick pizza consistency. Now if only I could figure out a way to get that good yeasty smell and flavor into it all. I prefer a thin crisp crust pizza but this is the way most in the family like it.
Also I am wondering if those who are having difficulty with the rolls rising are using old baking powder because that would affect the final product.
Unfortunately, I am having tremendous difficulty with these. I’m trying to make the coconut flour version, but no matter what I do, they won’t rise any significant amount. I’ve tried a couple different brands of psyllium (including one with an Amazon review saying they worked for this specific recipe!), the water is boiling when I add it, and I bake immediately at 350. I make the version with vinegar and 6 egg whites.
Do you use the egg whites that come in a carton, or do you use fresh? If the former, could I ask what brand you use?
I have used both fresh eggs and carton (100% whites).
Maria, thanks so much for the time and ingredients you spend to perfect your recipes!
James W., thanks, as well, for your experiments. I do have to ask, since your posts of 2/6, 2/8, and 2/10/13 (which has a link to your photos and other directions) have different amounts of flour: which versio