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Protein Sparing Bread Hawaiian Rolls

Protein Sparing Bread Hawaiian Rolls

If you love my protein sparing bread, you are going to LOVE my protein sparing bread Hawaiian Rolls recipe!

I wrote my protein sparing bread recipe over 15 years ago and I had many variations. Sometimes I added the yolks back in (like this recipe), and in some psmf bread recipes I didn’t. I also used less egg white powder because that creates a softer bread; however, less powder causes the bread to fall if not made properly so I added more egg white powder to my latest recipes in order to help people have success making my protein sparing bread.

I have also made crouton like in this recipe and even used it as a protein sparing flour or bread crumbs too. You can use this flour for breading on fish or anywhere you would use traditional flour.

It is fun to see everyone jump on the bandwagon and make my protein sparing bread recipe in various ways. Some recipes however, add ingredients that I do not recommend for health nor weight loss. So just be aware when making a version of my protein sparing bread, that other versions of my recipe, I don’t always approve of.

The past 15 years, I’ve made my protein sparing bread so many different ways. I’ve made protein sparing bread croutons, protein sparing cinnamon bread, cinnamon fry bread, cinnamon rolls, protein sparing bread popcorn, caramel popcorn, protein sparing bread danishes, protein sparing pizza, dessert pizza, Dutch baby pancakes, deep dish pizza, protein sparing bread angel food cake, protein sparing bread tiramisu … you name it! If there is something out there that someone is doing with this bread, it’s likely I have already done it!

But one thing I did overlook and someone on our private Facebook group (which you can join for support HERE) mentioned was a Hawaiian style sweet roll.

As you may know we spend time in Hawaii now (mainly to help limit Craig’s pain when the weather gets cold) so this was a natural fit to our protein sparing bread recipes!

To make my protein sparing bread Hawaiian Rolls, I used Keto Chow NEW egg white powder! I also make these keto bread Hawaiian Rolls with Keto Chow whole egg powder which made the protein sparing bread a bit softer.

Keto Chow not only makes the BEST egg white powder, they also make my favorite mineral drops, liquid magnesium and electrolyte drops! Click HERE to find! 

I want to tell you just how special of a company Keto Chow is to me and my keto family!

Keto Chow is owned by Chris and Miriam Bair. Their first introduction to the ketogenic diet was when their oldest son started having seizures.

As the Bair’s followed the medical advice that was given to them, they were introduced to keto as a potential last-ditch effort to treat seizures if medication #13 was not successful.

Because that last medication worked, they all but forgot about the ketogenic diet until years later when Chris decided he wanted to lose weight and improve his health. As the Bair family started keto, they quickly realized how effective it was, but it was daunting and time-consuming.

Even though Miriam and Chris researched as much as possible, they still made mistakes like not getting enough electrolytes so they created Keto Chow electrolytes. They also wanted to make LIVING an effective ketogenic lifestyle easier especially for those living with seizures so they created Keto Chow mixes.

Over the past decade, I have become very good friends with Miriam and Chris! They even took me to dinner for my birthday this past year since I was traveling for work and speaking at Low Carb San Diego!

The Bair family is the nicest family I have ever met! I am not exaggerating. The whole family, even their children are super kind! They always have a smile on their faces!

I was so honored that they wanted to create the BEST egg white powder for my protein sparing bread and other recipes like my keto Dutch Baby pancakes with me!

If you are looking for the BEST quality egg white powder to make my protein sparing bread and Hawaiian rolls, I highly suggest ordering a large bag of Keto Chow Egg White powder! And add a bottle of electrolyte drops to your order to help keep you feeling great while you do protein sparing modified fasting days!

Click HERE to support small business and stock up on egg white powder! 

Use code MARIA10 for 10% off!!

Click HERE to find the ice cream scooper to make my Protein Sparing Bread Hawaiian Rolls!

Protein Sparing Bread Hawaiian Rolls

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Bread, Nut Free, PSMF Recipes
Cuisine American
Servings 12
Calories 49



  • Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and spray with Primal Kitchen Avocado oil spray and set aside.
  • Separate the eggs (save 4 yolks for adding back in later), and place the whites into a large bowl or stand mixer.
  • In a small bowl, mix together the Keto Chow egg white powder, allulose, nutritional yeast (if using), salt and cream of tartar. Add the dry ingredients to the egg whites and whip the whites for a few minutes until VERY stiff.
  • Turn the mixer to low and GENTLY mix 4 egg yolks into the whites (if using). NOTE: If you over mix the dough after adding the egg yolks, the bread will fall more.
  • Gently fold in the pineapple extract.
  • Use a large 4.6 ounce ice cream scooper (click HERE to find) to place 12 mounds of the dough onto the baking sheet, just so the mounds touch each other.
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Turn oven off and leave Hawaiian Rolls in the oven for 15 minutes to avoid the bread from falling.
  • Let completely cool before cutting.
  • Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to a month.
  • OPTIONS: You can make this into a loaf of bread, or use as the bread base in any of my other recipes like the cinnamon rolls HERE or my danish recipe HERE or my Pizza Crust HERE to have a softer bread. 🙂
  • Loaf: just place in a loaf pan and bake at 325 for 30 mintues.
  • Sweet recipes (Cinnamon rolls, danish, etc): Replace the bread with this recipe (minus the pineapple extract) and continue with the rest of the recipe.


(Without yolks):
31 calories, 1g fat, 6g protein, 1g carbs, 1g fiber
P:E Ratio 6.0


Calories: 49 | Fat: 2g | Protein: 7g | Carbohydrates: 1g | Fiber: 1g | P:E Ratio: 3.5


You can make this recipe into donuts! Just substitute the pineapple extract with vanilla extract, add 1-2 more tablespoons sweetener, then bake in a donut or bagel pan!  Top with chocolate, glaze or your choice of topping. Melted the good chocolate makes a great topping!


“Maria Emmerich! Not only is she a blessing, she is so brilliant to say the least. I can honestly say that if I would not have reached out to her I would not be who I am or the amazing way I feel till this day.

Years back… I was not feeling this way.  Aches, pains, inflammation flare-ups non stop and  days I could hardly walk. I was referred to a rheumatologist I was told I have spondyloarthritis. I was prescribed a few medicines and methotrexate being one of them, which I later on learned was the culprit for my headaches, dizziness, nausea and severe fatigue.  Methotrexate is known for other problems it can cause, but I did not and could not stick with it any longer to find out the other damages it would have caused me . And that is all because of Maria Emmerich.  Her wisdom, information and advice is phenomenal

I followed exactly what she advised  me to do to heal all the things that ailed me. Soon after starting Maria’s plan for me, I was able to stop all prescribed medicines from my rheumatologist! And I can honestly say It was because of her I feel like I feel today…which is amazing!

I went to my last rheumatologist with a whole different body so to say.  My Dr. was amazed at the difference he saw in me.  From once hardly being able to move, bend or twist with extreme fatigue to what he was seeing that day was … it was like he was shocked and looked shocked.  His exact words were “whatever you’re doing, keep on doing it”.  And to my shock he was not one bit shocked when I told him I went off the medicines he prescribed me 6 months prior.  He also said “well then you’re the first person I am legitimately taking off those meds.”

And I can honestly say that is all because of Maria and Craig Emmerich! I am beyond grateful and thankful  to then for not only giving me the knowledge and tools I needed to heal what ailed me.” Jennifer

Most people I consult are doing keto totally wrong. Get fast results with the my Mind-blowing Keto School!

Click HERE to check out my supplement plans!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Wenchypoo says:

    By chance, can this be made into a loaf? If so, you may have just answered the prayers of MILLIONS trying to closely replicate store-bought white bread! I myself will attempt to make sandwich buns out of it by using Pyrex custard dishes instead of the scooper.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Sure! I hope you love it 🙂

    • C. King says:

      I have made this into a loaf. Line a bread pan with parchment paper, fill the loaf pann and bake for 30 to 40 minutes at 350°. Follow instructions as you would with the protein sparing bread.
      Slice and refrigerate up to 2 or 3 days or freeze. I take a piece of parchment paper I baked the bread in and use it to keep each slice from sticking together.

  • Kelly says:

    Can you please tell me why you prefer not to use or eat egg yolks?, I thought the egg yolk was the most nutritious part of the egg. I would love for people email back why they don’t have egg yolks, everyone have a great & safe day!.

  • mari says:

    I clicked on the eggwhite powder, but it gave me an error
    message of 404? Also, I thought you guys were making your own?
    Thank youmar

  • Jeanette Marino says:

    Would substituting powdered Monkfruit sweetener (the one that’s preblended with erythritol) negatively affect the texture/flavor of this recipe? Thanks in advance!

    P.S. – your ice cream recipe was the last push I needed to get my husband on board with converting to a keto-based lifestyle with me over a year and a half ago. Thank you for all the work you (and your husband & kids!) do to make this healthy lifestyle easier and more interesting!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Yes, you can omit the allulose or substitute. The rolls just won’t brown like they will with allulose.

      Yahoo! That warms my heart ❤


    the link to Keto Chow support them isn’t working. How do we order the egg whites?

  • Kelly J says:

    In the egg white mixture whipping step, how long did you mix yours in your mixer? I tried 5 minutes and it seemed stiff, but the rolls collapsed in the oven after the bake time was over.

  • Sandra says:

    Hi Maria, thank you for this awesome recipe! Just wanted to ask how many qts is your mixer?

  • Jesseca M Norris says:

    Would it be okay to solely use egg white powder like the alternative to the protein sparing loaf bread? 🙂 If so, would it be the same adjustments? SO appreciate you and ALL you do!!!
    1½ cups egg white protein
    ¼ cup allulose (optional)
    ½ teaspoon Redmond Real salt
    ½ teaspoon cream of tartar
    1½ cups water

  • Charlotte Estess says:

    Are you recommending Keto Chow flavored powders? I see lots of keto people using them but it has milk protein isolate and sucralose so I wondered if you use them.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      While I LOVE the people at Keto Chow and promote the egg white protein powder I collaborated on and their electrolyte drops, I do not promote their meal replacement shakes. They contain whey and Sucralose which I don’t recommend 🙏

      • Charlotte Estess says:

        Maybe they’ll work with you on creating a version with egg white protein and a better sweetener 🙂

  • Chantel Brown says:

    Hi Maria, Could you please share what brand of powdered allulose you use. I have had a hard time finding one that does not upset my stomach and send me to the bathroom.

    Thank you!

  • Trish W says:

    Hi Maria! I’m a long time follower and love everything you and Craig are doing to educate the keto community. I’ve learned so much from your ways.

    But I’m in a pickle. For whatever reason, I can’t get any of these egg breads right. They always fall and are too dense almost like styrofoam. Am I not whipping long enough?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      If it’s like styrofoam, you’re over whipping after adding the powder. If it falls, you’re likely not whipping the whites enough before adding the powder, aren’t leaving it in the oven after baking long enough, slicing it too soon or it’s humid where you are. Watch my YouTube video for troubleshooting tips on each variation 🙂 https://youtu.be/ZT3jtdbIsDE

      • Tracy says:

        I just want to get clarification on this. In the video it seemed like you added all ingredients and then whipped all at once. Is that right? Should I whip the egg whites first then add the dry ingredients? Thanks so much❤️

        • Maria Emmerich says:

          Correct, except add in the yolks & extract at the end 🙂 The written recipe gives full instructions.

          • Linda R says:

            In a small bowl, mix together the Keto Chow egg white powder, allulose, nutritional yeast (if using), salt and cream of tartar. Add the dry ingredients to the egg whites and whip the whites for a few minutes until VERY stiff.

            This is from the above recipe. I don’t see where it says to whip eggs first, before adding the dry ingredients?

          • Maria Emmerich says:

            That’s correct. For this recipe you can add it all together and then whip the whites 🙂

      • Linda R says:

        Ugh I’m struggling to understand this…. Do you whip your eggs for a bit before adding your dry ingredients?.:. The above reply is really confusing.. it looks like you are saying you whip eggs a bit before you add the dry ingredients…

        • Maria Emmerich says:

          In a small bowl, mix together the Keto Chow egg white powder, allulose, nutritional yeast (if using), salt and cream of tartar to. Then add these ingredients to the egg whites and whip the whites for a few minutes until VERY stiff. You will whip all these ingredients together at the same time.

          • Linda R says:

            Ugh ok… I’ll play with it again. Thanks for the quick responses! Love the recipe adventures and information you provide! ☺️

  • Amber Elrod says:

    Can this bread be frozen?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Absolutely. Store in an airtight container like a Ziplock bag in the freezer for up to four weeks 🙂

  • Heather Bilgen says:

    What is the right size of cookie tray ? I used an 11×16 and made 12 buns but I think the tray is too large as too much space between them when placing the dough and the buns spread out too much which made them flat. Would 9×11 be too small then?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Make sure the dough touches when you place the scoops on the baking sheet. That will help prevent them from spreading as much. If they fell flat, try whipping the whites longer next time too 🙂

  • Mary says:

    Could you possibly use a muffin tin for the Hawaiian rolls?

  • Michele says:

    What do you suggest if you can’t find pineapple extract?

  • Deborah Beaumont says:

    Can you use another sweetener besides allulose. I only have liquid allulose – can I use that?

  • Bev says:

    Can you use liquid egg whites from a carton?

  • Holly says:

    I have bought the jay robb egg white protein powered you suggested before. Can we use this? Thanks! Love all your recipes!!!❤️

  • Susan says:

    If I use another egg white protein without the sunflower lecithin that KC has will the recipe still work?

  • Mary says:

    I’m making Hawaiian rolls today. If I store them in the refrigerator or freezer, do I just warm them in the oven, cover with foil?
    Thank you!

  • Carol Frederick says:

    Finally got around to making these. I left out the pineapple extract because don’t care for it and they turned out wonderful!
    Thank you, Maria!

  • Joy says:

    I have a question about the scoop you use and recommend. Does it make the traditional (like store bought) Hawaiian roll size or does that scoop size make them larger than that? Thank you!

  • Jessica Watts says:

    I think I messed up I bought egg white powder with the sunflower lectin does that mess up keto way of eating?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      That’s okay. It’s used to keep the egg white powder from clumping and it’s a very small amount. It is safe 🙂

  • JJ says:

    You mentioned that you’ve used whole egg protein powder before. Do you still add it with the whites during whipping or should it be incorporated afterwards like when adding yolks?

  • Lhw23 says:

    Powder Allulose? Does it matter if you use granular or confectioners?

  • Pam says:

    I made these hamburger size on a silicone bun pan and baked 20 min – I cool and then individually freeze and they are everything! I thaw in the microwave on low for 30

  • Deborah Beaumont says:

    I’ve whipped this for 10 minutes and it’s still too liquid. What could be the problem?

  • Jessica says:

    For some reason I only got 8 buns using the scoop recommended. Have you ever heard of this issue?

  • Anne Dalin says:

    I’ve been making the Hawaiian buns and they are soooo good. My husband is a big fan of them as well. I bought a large cookie scoop and, but it seems too small. I found one that’s 3.2 oz and considered extra large. Is that the correct sized scoop?

    BTW, I used butter flavored extract, and the buns remind us of brioche. 😋

  • Jane Andrews says:

    Can I use jay robb egg white powder instead?

  • Annalisa says:

    Could these rolls be made without allulose? Here in Italy it’s not available (in Europe in general is not approved for human consumption), moreover I would like these rolls to have a neutral taste. Thanks!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      You can omit the allulose; they just won’t brown as much. For neutral flavor, leave out the extract too 🙂

  • AnnMarie Myers says:

    Hi Maria.

    I’m new to your site and just tried this recipe.
    Did I miss an ingredient?
    I’ve been mixing forever and it won’t get passed the liquid stage.
    I’ve wasted so many ingredients. What have I done wrong?!?

    8 large egg whites (separated from whole eggs)
    4 large egg yolks (omit for better PSMF macros)
    ¼ cup powdered Allulose
    2 tablespoons Nutritional Yeast (optional)
    ½ teaspoon Redmond Real Salt
    2 teaspoon cream of tartar (to help stabilize the whites)
    ½ cup KETO CHOW egg white protein powder
    1 teaspoon pineapple extract, optional
    Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Spray

  • Jessia says:

    Looks amazing can’t wait to try it out.

  • Ashley says:

    Can you use whey protein powder instead of egg white powder?

  • Lisa says:

    I’ve made this several times (with the original wonderbread ingredients) and never had an issue. Today I’ve wasted 2 batches of ingredients because it just won’t whip! 😭 I’ll probably pour this batch into a muffin top tray for some biscuits but what am I all of a sudden doing wrong and how do I fix it? It’s on my weekly rotation for months

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      1. Please watch my YouTube video making it to see technique.  https://youtu.be/jbrDcFAx9X4?si=JRqfNee9DdcdCEwM
      2. Use real eggs and separate the whites. Carton egg whites are more likely to fall. 
      3. Whip the heck out of them! Everyone under-whips the whites!
      4. Don’t use protein powders that have fat. Fat causes whites to fall.
      5. Do not touch the whites with any water. Not a drop.
      6. Don’t make it on a humid day unless you have AC. The whites will fall. 
      7. Leave it in the oven after it bakes. I leave it in for at least 30 minutes. 
      8. Slice it the next day when completely cool. 
      9. Or try adding 1/4 cup more protein powder. Some brands are different. 
      10. If it’s too stiff like styrofoam, do not whip a long time after you add the protein powder. You have over mixed the protein powder into the whites.

  • Cindy Hopkins says:

    After baking and cooling, are these rolls sturdy enough to slice, layer with ham and cheese, pour melted butter and seasonings over the top then rebake?

  • Lisa Garza says:

    Does the Nutritional Yeast alter the flavor in any way? I know it says it’s optional, & I really enjoyed these without it, but kinda hesitant to add it. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️

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