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Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes

Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes

Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes


When you hear the word “Bone Health,” what comes to mind? Dairy, calcium, milk? Did you know that American’s have one of the highest calcium intakes in the entire world, yet we have the highest rate of hip fractures?

Bones are a lot more complicated than that. Our bones are constantly being broken down and built up (osteoclast and osteoblast). Unfortunately, the builder cells, osteoblasts, take longer to build bones than the destroyer cells, osteoclasts. So, if you are breaking down faster than you are replacing, then you are losing bone mass, which takes you down the detrimental path of osteoporosis. The best way to reclaim bone health is to avoid the bone robbers, skip the marketing lies (such as eating Viactiv Calcium Chews), and eat foods that build bones.

The problems with the prescription drugs, such as Boniva and Fozomax, is that instead of letting our bone shed the old de-mineralized cells, it just keeps growing new bone over the top of old bones. This will show on a dexa scan that your bones are getting thicker, mistakenly have you believing that the pharmacological drug is working. The problem is that your bones are not any stronger, still brittle, just more brittle bones. These drugs also have a lot of detrimental side effects such as intestinal distress.

So instead of relying on prescription drugs, let’s eliminate the things that cause osteoclast (BONE ROBBERS) and add in the things that cause osteoblast (BONE BUILDERS)!


1. SUGAR: This is why “calcium fortified” orange juice is so ridiculous! 100% orange juice contains as much sugar as a Coke. An 8-ounce glass = 6 tsp! Yes, it is ‘natural’ sugar, but drinking only the juice from an orange, you lose the fiber to slow the blood sugar from increasing too much. Sugar causes inflammation. Diabetics have a very high fracture risk and often are diagnosed with osteoporosis.

NOTE: bones grow at the highest rate before age 19. So are you setting your kids up for healthy bones or osteoporosis? What did you send them off to school with? Cereal and Skim Milk?

2. PHYTATES: A diet high in phytic acid, which is found in the bran of whole grains, interferes with calcium absorption. This acid binds to a variety of minerals including calcium, to form insoluble salts, called phytates, which are wasted from the body. Since grains are a relatively new food, from an evolutionary perspective, it appears that we have not yet developed digestive tracts which can break down these phytates. So eating a big bowl of cereal with skim milk isn’t going to help our bones at all.

3. PHOSPHORIC ACID: (Soda/Dt. Soda): Sodas are addictive and burn out dopamine receptors. There are some natural supplements to help rebuild dopamine to help kick the bad habit without strong cravings.

4. CAFFEINE: Caffeine causes calcium to be excreted in the urine and feces. For every 150 mg of caffeine ingested, about the amount in one cup of coffee, 5 mg of calcium is lost. Caffeine also inhibits the amount of calcium that is absorbed through the intestinal tract and depletes the amount retained by the bones. Caffeine inhibits vitamin D receptors, which is essential for bone health.

5. SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE: Regular activity and muscle building increase bone mass and reduce bone loss. Studies show that weight-bearing exercise is just as important to your bone health as taking calcium.

6. ALCOHOL: Causes absorption and causes hormonal imbalances. A “beer belly” is really an “estrogen belly” because alcohol raises the unhealthy estrogen our fat cells make by 300% and decreases testosterone for up to 24 hours.

7. SMOKING: Cigarette smoke generates a large amount of free radicals, which are molecules that attack the body’s natural defenses. Free radicals cause a chain-reaction of damage throughout the body including cells, organs, and hormones involved in keeping bones healthy. Compared with nonsmokers, women who smoke often produce less estrogen and tend to experience menopause earlier, which leads  to increased bone loss.

8. OVER-THE-COUNTER and PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: Acid suppressing drugs like Prilosec, Nexium, or Prevacid inhibit stomach acid, resulting in insufficient mineral uptake.

9. CELIAC/CROHN’S/COLITUS/THYROID DISORDERS: Digestive disorders like Celiac and Crohn’s disease, irritable bowl syndrome, or colitis interfere with the assimilation of calcium and other important minerals that promote healthy bones. Hormonal issues due to thyroid disorder and pituitary gland malfunction disturb the process of bone building and calcium regulation.


1. Vitamin D3: Daily exposure to cool sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes for the skin to synthesize to vitamin D3. The nutrient is also found in eggs, deep water fish (salmon, mackerel), oysters, cottage cheese, and mushrooms exposed to the sun. Vitamin D3 supplement should not be synthetic. Click HERE for the BEST Vit D3/K2 supplement that even my kids take daily!

2. Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 is essential for the proper formation and activation of the Gla proteins. The Gla protein osteocalcin, with the addition of vitamin K2, allows for the binding of calcium to the bone matrix. Gla protein is a key inhibitor of soft tissue calcification that binds calcium, preventing it from depositing in the vessel walls. Click HERE for the BEST Vit K2 without D3.

3. Magnesium: The United States has some of the highest calcium intakes in the entire world, yet we have the highest rate of hip fractures! So why is this??? One reason is that it doesn’t supply adequate magnesium. Studies of our ancestors’ pre-agricultural diets indicate that magnesium was probably consumed at about a 1:1 ratio with calcium. But now, the Calcium-Magnesium ratio is 12:1 in dairy. Since calcium and magnesium compete for the same absorption mechanisms, the imbalanced intake associated with our modern diet may well lead to magnesium deficiency. One feature of magnesium deficiency is the inhibition of osteoblasts (the cells that build and maintain bones). Click HERE for the quality magnesium glycinate that I personally use and recommend to all of my clients.

4. Calcium: BUT are you taking Tums in order to get your calcium??? The active ingredient in Tums is calcium carbonate, which is also found in many calcium supplements. Calcium carbonate is the least absorbable form of calcium. Many people who suffer from kidney stones have too much calcium in their urine, a condition known as  hypercalciuria. This can occur when taking poorly absorbed calcium supplements.

Click HERE to find a quality calcium and bone-building supplement

Some of my favorite magnesium and calcium filled recipes are:

1. KALE (I LOVE my Kale Chips): Green veggies often have twice as much calcium as dairy.
2. Almond milk (Cinnabon Coffee Cake): Almond milk has twice as much calcium as dairy milk.
3. Cheddar cheese (“Healthified” BBQ Chicken Pizza)
4. Sesame seeds (“Healthified” Sushi OR Salad Crisps)
5. Canned Salmon (“Healthified” salmon patties)
6. Pecans/Walnuts/Brazil Nuts (“Healthified” Pecan Sandies)
7. Cabbage (“Healthified” Enchiladas)
8. Broccoli/spinach (“Healthified” Italian Casserole)
9. Rhubarb (“Bread” Pudding)
10. Almonds and almond flour (Goldfish Crackers AND most of my recipes:)
11. Brewer’s yeast (my “Healthified” POPCORN)
12. Artichokes (Protein Noodle White Lasagna)
13. Shrimp (Coconut Shrimp: recipe in The Art of Eating Healthy: KIDS)
14. Sunflower Seeds (Protein Energy Bars: recipe in the Art of Eating Healthy: KIDS)
15. Peanuts (“Healthified” Nutter Butters)
16. Eggs (Healthified” Protein Angel-food Cake)
17. Cottage Cheese (“Healthified” Pizza “Hit” Breadsticks)

These recipes can be found in my cookbooks.

Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes

Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes
There is a detrimental mentality of parents that their children must drink milk so they offer them flavored milk in order to have them get calcium. Ingredients in Low Fat Strawberry Milk: Low-fat milk, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Strawberry flavor (water, propylene glycol, FD&C Red #40, FD&C Blue #1) Carrageenan, Guar Gum, Dextrose, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D3

It is nothing but overly processed dairy, genetically modified corn syrup, and food dye! Instead of feeding your children this harmful drink, try some of the tasty recipes for kids in my cookbooks for tons of Calcium-Filled Recipes! My Keto Strawberry Shake is a hit!

Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes

I had the honor of doing a few television cooking segments in New Orleans! Thank you Swerve! Here I am making my waffles. Click HERE to watch.

Bone Health and Calcium Filled Recipes

Testimony on Bone Health

“Hi Maria, I have to tell you 6 years ago I was told I have osteopenia, the beginning stages of osteoporosis. I started using almond flour and added magnesium 6 months ago. Last week I had a bone density test and my results were astonishing! In fact the nurse was stunned. My hip area INCREASED 8.7% and my spine INCREASED 1.2%! She told me most women lose 1% per year while going through menopause. Thank you Maria for all your knowledge. I just received your sweets cookbook and will be purchasing your slow cooker and one other to complete my collection! Love your blog and all the information!”

Click HERE to get started like Annette! You deserve it!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Thank you for the informative information.

  • SARA MILLER says:

    I’m wondering if you have any concern with the phytates in the blanched almond flour? It seems that almonds have some of the highest amounts of phytic acid. The following article talks about this more in depth – http://www.thenourishinggourmet.com/2010/09/phytic-acid-in-nuts-seeds-cocoa-and-coconut.html

    A potential solution is that we could possibly soak the almond flour in a saltwater solution overnight and dry it I wonder if the flour would still work the same way in baked goods? That would certainly take care of the phytic acid issue.

  • Megan Case says:

    I’ve moved my eating over to “Maria friendly” standards, but my one last vice is Diet soda….I really want to cut it out. We have twin babies and if I’m drinking it, how can I expect them not to want it too? I want to start them off on the right foot! What are the supplements you recommend?

    3. PHOSPHORIC ACID: (Soda/Dt. Soda): Sodas are addictive and burn out dopamine receptors. There are some natural supplements to help rebuild dopamine to help kick the bad habit without strong cravings.

  • SARA MILLER says:

    I found out that phytates in almonds are in its outer shell, so blanched flour is okay, apparently. This is according to Cheeseslave at this link http://www.cheeseslave.com/q-a-october-21-2012/

    This is still conflicting to me as Nourishing Traditions recipe for soaking almonds states that you should use almonds without skins.

  • Thanks for the article, Maria. I did a post a while back about what kind of vitamin K helps build bone and an easy and inexpensive way to get it. http://carbwars.blogspot.com/2012/10/is-there-already-cure-for-osteoporosis.html

  • Maria, I so appreciate the effort you put into your blog and your recipes. I have noticed cartons of organic egg whites at a local, health-oriented grocery store. I looked at the ingredients and no additional ingredients were listed–just egg whites. Is there any reason this would not work in your recipes such as Protein Bread? Thanks!

  • Broncobetsy says:

    I love this post!! I have been preaching to people for years how Milk isn’t all that its ADVERTISED to be!

  • Iris says:

    Maria, I just chanced upon your blog and find it totally inspirational! I have decided to adopt the ‘Maria’s lifestyle’. =] I see that it is rather similar to the Paleo diet. However cheese is allowed I presume from the wide usage in your recipes? Are all cheese allowed or are there good and bad cheese? Do they have to be organic? How about Bulla cottage cheese? I learn from your site that fat is good. I’m an active athlete, may I know the daily fat intake as a guideline? Thanks for your brilliant effort to help better others’ lives! You rock!!!

    • Thank you so much! Yes, I like cheese and use a lot of it (maybe because I am from Wisconsin!). It is best to get organic or even raw cheese if you can and always look for one without added dyes (cheddar should be white not orange). For cottage cheese, always get full fat with no added sugars. 🙂

  • arlene says:

    Maria, I’ve been looking forward to purchasing your Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism, and your Savory edition of Healthy Eating. I am Canadian and your site says they are not available here. Amazon.com says they are not able to ship to Canada. Where are your books available in Canada?

  • Luz says:

    I just bought Krill oil as an Omega-3 can you give your thoughts?

  • Hi, with my new printing for some reason Amazon won’t ship to Canada. I know, frustating. If you send me a private email with your address and which books you want I can quote you shipping direct from me. 🙂 craigmaria@gmail.com

  • Unknown says:

    Hello! This is somewhat unrelated to this posting and may be in other posts, which I will check in full later! Anyway, we have recently changed everything to “Maria’s” way of eating and cooking in our house. I have read your entire blog from first post to last and LOVE everything about it. I’m having some issues with cooking with the whey though. I can’t use the JayRobb because they process in factory with wheat and my daughter has Celiac. I use the whey from Earthfare and also Frontier’s brand I ordered online. Frontier’s does better, but here’s my problem…I whip my egg whites for the time you suggest and the get stiff and high like they are suppose to be, but as soon as I add the whey, whether I do it slowly, with the mixer, by hand folding it in, or mix it in the egg yolk mixture then fold in, it always makes my egg whites reduce to 1/4 the volume. For example, I QUADRUPLED the cheeseburger stuffed buns and only had enough “bun” mix to make 12! Any suggestions from anyone?

  • arlene says:

    That would be great! Should I send it to your contact at the top of the page?

  • arlene says:

    I did send it to your contact link. Thanks!

  • nymama says:

    Hi, we’ve just discovered your great bread made with the psyllium powder–a big hit with the kids. However (since you are mentioning phytates above) there are some concerns with psyllium and phytates AND psyllium and mineral and vitamin absorption and psyllium and fat absorption. Finding real answers online is even harder. Some say the phytates in the psyllium are very high–but it’s only in the husks. So if you purchase the seed powder (made from the seeds only, no husks) then you avoid the phytates. Yet there is at least one psyllium product boasting to be phytate-free. All confusing. Since we go out of our way to soak our nuts and avoid phytates, I certainly don’t want to undo making our nutrients more bioavailable by combining such things with a high phytate ingredient. Moreover, I read that the fact that psyllium is soluable and insoluable fiber (a mix of both) causes fat to pass through and not be absorbed and that this factor–apart from phytate issues–also causes vitamins and minerals to pass through and not be absorbed. If this is true, then using psyllium in cooking sort of undermines a purposeful nutrient-dense diet. (And in my family we find high quality fats–raw grassfed butter, olive and coconut oils, etc work very well for us so we actually don’t want something that counter-acts the good stuff there. All this is to say it seems that psyllium is controversial and I’d like more clarity on it before wholeheartedly adopting it into our diet (despite that this is the best gf bread I’ve ever made). And re that clarity it would be good to know know if the more soluble seed-only powder is superior (in baking and in terms of phytates and fat absorption) to the typical husk powder that you recommend (and which I used to try out your recipe). So sorry for the long question but hopefully you’ve done some research on this.

    • I have read some recent studies that show the phytate issue is much less of an issue than originally thought. I even saw Sally Fallon (who is even more extreme than I am) recently say this at a presentation she did. If you are still concerned, you can just avoid the recipes with psyllium in them. 🙂

  • Very nice list of calcium filled recipes and very healthy!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Maria,
    I noticed the following question on the FAQ site, “Q: Where can I learn more about eating disorders?”
    Do you have experience (either personal or with clients) on how the transition would go for someone who has anorexia, but wishes to recover? Someone who wishes to recover, but is not willing to “gain” her health back by simply stuffing her face with what conventional doctors say (i.e. 10 servings of grain, minimal fat, and moderate protein…) Someone who wishes to recover, but still wishes to be slender. NOT underweight, but slender and above all else, healthy? Otherwise…she will just relapse back into another one of her eating disorders…

    Could you offer any help? or resources?

    Thank you

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Maria,

    That’s kind; however, I am unemployed.
    Thanks, anyway.


  • Anonymous says:

    I am a sugar monster if there ever was one! And after going through a lot of fowl tasting sweetners I have to thank you so much for bringing swerve to my attention! You are a blessing 🙂

  • I shall show this to my mom! 😀 I can’t help but worry about her age, you know. It would be hard to see her suffer from calcium deficiency and have a hard time relaxing her muscles. Though there are calcium supplements in chocolate form that honestly taste good, it is still pleasurable to get nutrients from real food.

  • sophie says:

    Hi Maria,

    I know that what you might say is to contact you privately for a consultation, but as much as I would love to do that….I am in a financially-unstable situation…I hope that you might, in any case, be able to offer a little bit of advice here…

    I just found out that I lost 10% bone density in my lumbar spine since my last bone density exam, which was 3 years ago. I’m only 26.
    I don’t consume sugar, apart from the two servings of fruit I have each morning. I have celiac disease and do not consume grains either…

    Is there any way to regain that lost 10%? I’m falling apart. Literally.

    • cemmerich says:

      Personally, I would cut all the sugar (including from fruit), add in bone broth and a good vitamin K2 supplement. K2 regulates calcium metabolism in our bodies. It gets calcium where it should be (bones) and out of where it shouldn’t (plaque, kidney stones, etc.)

  • sophie says:

    I should add to the above that I am amenorrheic and have been for the last two years…no estrogen……..

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