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Low Carb Eggplant Recipes



Eggplant, lovely eggplant! Most eggplant has a mild flavor, and when raw has a spongy texture, so eggplant can absorb many different types of flavors. When cooked, it acquires an almost-silky texture, and is great for dips as well as thickening soups.  So I thought I would share some of my  low carb eggplant recipes.


Low Carb Eggplant Recipes

I love it for bread substitutes like my French Toast, you would never guess it is eggplant! And about 2 years ago, I spoke at a company “lunch and learn” program and had a game called “Guess the Secret Ingredient.” Out of the 250 people that tried the “Bread Pudding,” only 2 people guessed it!Low Carb Eggplant Recipes


You can get way more nutrients by substituting healthier nutrient-dense veggies for “whole grains” without the excess sugar and calories!


To read more on how to eat for weight loss, check out my book: Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism.



Low Carb Eggplant Recipes
Re-fried Beans Made with Eggplant instead of Beans! (recipe in: The Art of Eating Healthy: Savory)


Traditional Re-fried Beans = 183 calories, 6.6g fat, 7g protein, 24g carbs, 6g fiber (18 effective carbs)

“Healthified” Re-fried “Beans” = 93 calories, 5.6g fat, 5.7g protein, 5.8g carbs, 2.6g fiber (3.2 effective carbs)

Low Carb Eggplant Recipes

EGGPLANT TIP: To make the eggplant more “bread-like” and reduce its naturally occurring bitter taste, you can “sweat” the eggplant by salting it. After cutting the eggplant into the desired size and shape, sprinkle it with Celtic sea salt and allow it to rest for about 30 minutes. Rinsing the eggplant after “sweating” will remove most of the salt so your end product isn’t too salty.


1. “Bread” Pudding
2. Moussaka (Greek Lasagna)
3. “Healthy” Grilled Cheese
4. Eggs in a Frame
5. Lasagna (Nutritious and Delicious Cookbook)
6. Hamburger Helper (The Art of Eating Healthy: Kids)
7. African Nut Stew (The Art of Eating Healthy: Savory)
8. French “Toast”

Using White Bread = 170 calories, 23 carbs, 3 fiber
Using EGGPLANT = 90 calories, 6 carbs, 3 fiber

9. Baba Ganoush (The Art of Eating Healthy: Savory)
10. Eggplant French Fries

Potato = 116 calories, 0g fat, 3g protein, 27g carbs, 2g fiber (25 effective carbs)
Eggplant = 20 calories, 0g fat, 1g protein, 4.5g carbs, 2.8g fiber (1.7 effective carbs)

11. “Bread” sticks and Marinara
12. Calzones

HEALTH TIP: Did you know that even though it is an awesome low carb food, it is part of the night shade category, which is a common allergy for many people? It is part of the nightshade (Solanacene) family, which also includes tomatoes, potatoes, chili peppers and tobacco! Many people are sensitive or allergic to properties in eggplant and other nightshades. If you suffer from arthritis or migraines, I suggest you skip nightshades of all sorts, including tomatoes and eggplant.

Testimony of the Day

“Hi Maria, You have been helping me get my life back by getting healthy. My main request was to help me get pregnant. Since starting your way less than 3 months ago I have lost 31 pounds and am off all my autoimmune disease medications. And today, I can tell you that I found out I am expecting. I am only a few weeks along and so I can’t share with everyone yet but I owe you my gratitude. After a year long emotional journey, your way restored my body back to health.” Carrie

Get started on your path to health today with the recently improved 30 day accelerated package! Now every day has calculations for percedfnt of fat/protein/carbs. It has never been easier to follow the keto-adapted lifestyle.


Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


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