Epic Giveaway
I get people all the time saying they are eating keto and aren’t getting the results they thought they would.
Stop wasting your time and let me help you!
When you are living a ketogenic lifestyle, fat is king. But you don’t want just any fat. You want quality, pasture raised and grass fed animal fats. One company that really gets this right is Epic. Their fats are of the top quality and taste fantastic no matter how you use them. Click HERE to find them on sale.
I get people asking all the time, “If I cut out dairy, how will I get enough fat?” It really isn’t that difficult if you think about all the wonderful fat sources there are! Epic does a fantastic job of making this possible! I use their Duck Fat to make my dairy free hollandaise!
My meal plans cut all dairy; including butter and whey protein, yet they are still ketogenic with about 80% fat. AND the food tastes awesome! You do not have to eat a jar of Epic Duck Fat… even though it doesn’t sound too bad… let me guide you through a successful journey of becoming Keto Adapted.
Epic has generously donated 3 jars of dairy free fats! It is easy to win!
1. Like Keto Adapted on Facebook and share with your friends and family!
2. Like Epic on Facebook!
3. Comment below with a recipe link on what dairy free ketogenic recipe of mine is your favorite (can be a blog post or cookbook recipe).
I enjoy the Keto Fudge!
I love the dairy free Bulletproof peanut butter chocolate ice cream recipe. I’m buying an ice cream maker this weekend and will be making it to take to a party! It’s so decadent!
Those fats look so intriguing…dreaming of using them.
I absolutely love your dairy free hollindiase sauce
I like your Chocolate Zucchini Muffins!
Wow, those look fantastic!
I am intrigued by your “Tapioca” Pudding recipe. Tapioca pudding was one of my favorite comfort foods before I started trying to eat keto.
I’ve been waiting for April to buy your new cookbook because there was no room in my budget by the time I found out about it! About to go do that now!
Thank you so much for what you do Maria & Craig! This information has been revelationary and revolutionary for me and my family. Question…I have 3 very active boys 20, 15, 13 …High performance athletes and the 2 oldest are big time into bodybuilding/weight training while the youngest is a competitive soccer player and avid fitness enthusiast :0) They’re very conscientious about their caloric intake and whether the keto way is the best way for them. Can you help me?
I am so looking forward to trying these fats.
Love your Sweet-n-Sour Chicken. I was missing Asian food but not any more.
The link to epic in the raffle copter box takes you to some sort of snack bar, not their epic fat page.
But I do follow their fat page.
My favorite dairy free recipe… dairy free breakfast pizza.
Love the coconut flour “twinkies” with the chocolate option. I make them into mini muffins and we love them as a holiday or birthday treat.
I love fats. People always say how I must be totally bored on a keto diet and that I could never actually make that a lifestyle. Boy are they wrong! The diversity and sumptuousness of fats is freedom itself!
I recently just began Keto (added to having done Wheat Belly 1st) and can’t wait to see/experience the results.
One of my favorite recipes! http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/sausage-gravy-and-biscuits/
Ok I’ll bite.
The bulletproof ice cream
I really enjoy the Keto Fudge!
Maria I love all your recipes and everything you do. You have changed my life. I took a week vacation with my adult children and grands in Breckenridge and didn’t gain a pound. Your way has influenced my husband and my three adult sons. The long arm of Maria! I’m still trying to get my dd on board. She has adenomyosis and I know you can help her but she is stubborn to give up her lifestyle. I won’t give up steering her in your direction.
Keto Fudge!
That hollandaise is a real winner, just like I’d like to become!
Bulletproof Ice Cream!
I also enjoy the Keto Fudge!
Last night I made the zucchini ragu in your new cookbook and LOVED it! I have a little leftover sauce so I’m going to try it on something else today.
I bought your newest cookbook a week ago. So far, I’ve loved every single recipe I’ve made. All the dairy free dressings are amazing…especially the caesar dressing! One thing I grew up eating for breakfast is Cream of Wheat. I made your Cream of No Wheat yesterday, and it was incredible!
OMG! Duck Fat, can’t wait to sauté and fry things up from Quick and Easy Ketogenic Cooking
I love Shrimp and Grits from Quick and Easy Ketogenic Cooking Cookbook.
Keto Fudge ALL THE WAY!!!!!
mmmm they would make delicious broth!
Keto Fudge is good.
YUMMY!!! Love these so much!! Hard too Pick just one recepie but Definatly love love your sloppy joes made with these fats added!! So rich and delicious!
Made the red velvet cupcakes with dairy-free “cream cheese” frosting for my niece’s birthday last weekend. The flavor was perfect and she loved them! http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/red-velvet-cake/
Any of your gummies! Great way to get gelatin/collagen!
Roasted cauliflower, one of my favorite foods.
Love all of your cookbooks I would love to try these different fats too.
I’m just getting started in Keto and haven’t tried very many recipes. I was told i should do dairy free so I need to really delve into your recipes and books more.
So far my favorite is honestly the mayo! I don’t feel guilty using it and eating it, and it’s so easy!!
I made keto fudge for the first time this week, it’s awesome!
I love this dairy-free ice cream (but I still love dairy and will never give it up).
My favorite is, hmm…I don not know what to choose, lots of theme!I love the sausage gravy and biscuits recipe , but I will like a dairy free version !!
I love the dairy free hollandaise
Too many to note.
Would love to try these.
I second the mayonnaise. Delicious!
Oh yeah! http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/turtle-cheesecake/
The Avocado Hollandaise is so the one http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/green-eggs-ham-avocado-hollaindaise/
Omg I so would love to win..your tortilla recipe is our favorite! I make enchiladas all the time..I live in South Texas where tortillas are a staple!
Keto fudge
just found this blog and im so excited
I would so love to win. I was attempting to eat diary but gained weight… need to go dairy free again. My go to bread http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/toasted-sub-sandwich-and-panini/ because its great to shape it into buns, bread sticks or for small sandwiches.
I absolutely LOVE your fudge recipe!…

My favorite is (still) your Chicken Skin Taco Shells http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/taco-shells-2/ and the recipe for your CHICKEN “CHIPS”! http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/taco-dip-and-jicama-chips/
I make these ALL the time! I make them for everyone and they’re always SHOCKED when I tell them what it is! Gosh, I’m going to dispense with pride and just say that I really, REALLY want to win this one! Thank you for the great contests, Maria. You’re incredible! xo
Awesome fats to have at ones fingertips! Send them this was Maria! I’d love to give these a try! Gonna look for these this weekend! Great idea!
Bulletproof peanut butter chocolate ice cream recipe
We love the dairy free hollandaise!
Too many to decide on just one.
Keto fudge
Would love to try these in many things!
Dairy free chocolate shake from your newest cookbook.
I know what to do with these! Tallow in biscuits, duck fat in EVERYTHING, pork lard to simmer meats in….
Your keto fudges!!
Awesome giveaway!
I’m new to keto and to your website. I searched your website for a recipe that I know I will enjoy and here it is: http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/almond-joy-ice-cream-and-benefits-of-coconut-milk/
My husband would like to try the dairy free key lime shake and your chocolate or vanilla (or both) dairy free keto ice cream recipes.
As of today, my fav is http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/almond-joy-ice-cream-and-benefits-of-coconut-milk/. (ask me tomorrow and it might be something else as I try out one new recipe of yours every day!)
I would love to win
Would love to try these. Have recipes for each one of them.
We love this torte: http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/flourless-torte-with-brown-butter-glaze/
I’d use the duck fat to fry parsnips!
Is it possible to have type 2 diabetes and not have a elevated fasting insulin level even though bg levels are high? I’m working on becoming keto because I would do anything to feel better. Thanks for all you do Maria. I want to try you rainbow sherbet soon.
I used to think hollandaise was something to be afraid of when cooking. It seemed simple ingredient-wise, but hard in actual production. Now you’re got me loving it! That’s my favorite!
I’m new to keto diet and just purchased quick and easy Ketogenic Cooking and love it. Love Breakfast custard as a dessert
I’ve gotta go with the Dairy Free No-Bake Cheesecake. Yummm!!!
Baconaise! Since I can render my own bacon fat (duck season is over here, so I can’t get any ducks to render!. All the sweets would be good, too. Although I’m starting to have my sweet tooth not bother me so much, these days.
Cooking with lard is life changing!
Keto Bread – dairy free version. It’s my staple!
Summer is coming up so right now it’shttp://mariamindbodyhealth.com/dairy-free-bulletproof-ice-cream/ So good
I absolutely love the Keto Fudge!
The Keto Fudge. Awesome……plus I get to lick the bowl, the spatula AND the beaters with absolutely no guilt. Thank you Maria!!
I’ve made this a few times, its simple and easy. http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/orange-chicken/
I’m not dairy-free, so I couldn’t give a testimonial, but I’d love to try the no-bake cheesecake. http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/dairy-free-no-bake-cheesecake/
Breakfast chili!
The fudge.
Just started the whole keto thing recently, have your new Keto cookbook. Was wondering where I would get duck fat, and what it would look like(packaged) still need to figure out the coconut aminos? just ordered my first ever bag of Swerve . It is all a learning curve, baby steps.
All the things! Especially http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/keto-fudge/
The rainbow sherbet. http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/rainbow-sherbet/
The Ice-cream cake is fantastic and my daughter loved it. http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/ice-cream-cake/
I like your BLT Coleslaw recipe in The Ketogenic Cookbook. It ‘s really different and is a great dish for a get together.
I love this recipe! My daughter prefers it not frozen. It is also amazing with cocoa powder added! http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/restaurant-ideas-and-avocado-sorbet/
My family loves your Avocado Hollaindaise sauce! http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/green-eggs-ham-avocado-hollaindaise/
My favorite!
They are all good.
I want to try the sour patch candy: http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/sour-patch-candy/
Favorite dairy-free recipe is http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/rainbow-sherbet/
Looking forward to being able to enjoy our favorite summertime treat!
My husband and I are really enjoying your recipes, even our children are commenting on how tasty recipes are! We gave made the 20 Minute Ground Lamb Casserole twice now & love it! Tried it with ground beef. I just made the Chicken Caesar Wraps also & loved them!
My husband can’t eat dairy, your recipes are a life savor for us to have some variety in our life. Love your Hollandaise
I’m pretty new to all of this… would love to try these to add into the other good fats I’m using. Also loving perusing your recipes.. will be trying some for sure!
Everything chocolate, chocolate cupcakes, French Silk Mousse and I could go on …
My favorite is the paleo chili! Love to make a big batch and bring it to work for lunches!
My local Hy-Veena just started to sell this and I was wondering, before I buy one of these, which is your favorite and what do you use it for/with?
I like to fry Brussels sprouts in any of their fats!
I’m a southern girl, so biscuits and gravy are a must http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/sausage-gravy-and-biscuits/