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Epic Giveaway

By April 1, 2016February 9th, 2017Uncategorized

Epic Giveaway


 Phone client email update after 1 week!!!
 Epic Giveaway

I get people all the time saying they are eating keto and aren’t getting the results they thought they would.

Stop wasting your time and let me help you!

Click HERE to get started! 

Epic Giveaway


When you are living a ketogenic lifestyle, fat is king. But you don’t want just any fat.  You want quality, pasture raised and grass fed animal fats. One company that really gets this right is Epic. Their fats are of the top quality and taste fantastic no matter how you use them. Click HERE to find them on sale. 

I get people asking all the time, “If I cut out dairy, how will I get enough fat?” It really isn’t that difficult if you think about all the wonderful fat sources there are! Epic does a fantastic job of making this possible! I use their Duck Fat to make my dairy free hollandaise!

Epic Giveaway

My meal plans cut all dairy; including butter and whey protein, yet they are still ketogenic with about 80% fat.  AND the food tastes awesome! You do not have to eat a jar of Epic Duck Fat… even though it doesn’t sound too bad… let me guide you through a successful journey of becoming Keto Adapted.


Epic has generously donated 3 jars of dairy free fats! It is easy to win!

1. Like Keto Adapted on Facebook and share with your friends and family!

2. Like Epic on Facebook!

3. Comment below with a recipe link on what dairy free ketogenic recipe of mine is your favorite (can be a blog post or cookbook recipe).

Winner will be chosen April 15th. Good Luck!
AND THE WINNER IS…. Will Griesmer!! Congrats and thanks everyone for entering!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


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