Note: The more cocoa you add, the darker your chocolate will be. I’ve always been a “milk chocolate” girl!
A Skype client from Australia just mentioned to me that she added English Toffee stevia to this recipe! Great idea Adri! Click HERE to find the flavored stevia.
FOR NUTRITIONAL BENEFIT add 2 tablespoons Unflavored Collagen! Click HERE to order the collagen I love that has 0 carbs! Use coupon code: MARIAMINDBODY for 5% off

Keto Fudge
- 1 cup coconut oil soft yet still solid
- 1/4 cup unsweetened full-fat coconut milk
- 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/4 cup Natural Sweetener or a drop of stevia glycerite
- 2 tablespoons Further Food Chocolate Collagen OPTIONAL
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
- 1/2 teaspoon Redmond Real salt
- Place the coconut oil and coconut milk a medium sized bowl and mix with a hand mixer on high for 6 minutes or until well combined and glossy. TIP: I used my stand mixer.
- Place the remaining ingredients in the bowl and stir on low speed until the cocoa is combined (so it doesn't poof all over your kitchen). Increase speed and mix until everything is well combined. Taste the fudge and adjust to desired sweetness.
- Place a sheet of parchment or wax paper along the inside of a loaf pan. Spoon the fudge into the pan.
- Place the loaf pan in the freezer for at least 15 minutes, until just set.
- Use the edges of the parchment to pull the fudge out of the pan.
- Place on a cutting board and remove the parchment paper.
- Use a sharp knife to cut the fudge into squares.
- Store in an airtight container in the freezer; it will liquefy if you leave it in a warm area.
Fertility Testimony
Dealing with a difficult pregnancy? Check out this awesome testimony from a pregnant client who was stuck on bed rest: “Hi, Maria, I actually went to the doc yesterday for a checkup and you won’t believe it. My cervix is back to normal! Thanks be to God! I’m still on bed rest, but I wouldn’t do any differently now anyway. This is obviously working for me. Thanks again for your suggestions. I bought the prenatal vitamin you suggested and really like it so far. God bless, Dianne”
Plan Plan Plan is the key to success
Recipes like this can be found in my cookbook…Yes, I even have a fudge recipe in The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker! One trick that works for our family is that Craig helps clean up after dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. I often fill my slow cookers with a main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day!
To get over 300 slow cooker recipes, check out The Art of Healthy Eating: Slow Cooker, click HERE to order.
Happy Eating! Thank you all for your love and support!
• Tropical Traditions Home Page:
• What is Virgin Coconut Oil:
• How to Use Coconut Oil:
Testimony of the Day
“Maria helped me lose 75 pounds in just over a year. The Maria way cleared up many health issues I had been struggling with, some my whole life. Losing the weight and getting into the best health of my life also helped me and my husband get pregnant after 7 years of trying and two miscarriages. We are due with our little girl in February. Thank you Maria Emmerich for changing my life.” Leah
Click here to get started on your path to health!
Many clients come to me with fertility issues and want help getting pregnant. When women are eating a low fat diet, this causes their hormones to not produce enough progesterone. Estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA, and testosterone are made from cholesterol; if we don’t eat enough, our bodies take cholesterol from our endocrine system to use for brain function and repair. When that happens, it’s almost impossible for our bodies to maintain hormonal balance. When following a low-fat diet, what are women eating? Carbs! I was guilty of this and dealt with estrogen dominance at a young age. But I now have found balance with my hormones. But since both Craig and I have a passion for adoption and have seen the millions of children who need homes in the orphanages, we feel that we are destined to adopt.
Carbohydrates are metabolized into sugars which cause weight gain and insulin resistance which in turn disturbs normal ovulation because it converts healthy estrogen into androgens (testosterone). This is a classic sign of PCOS that I see quite often. Starch, sugar and caffeine increase androgen production and women often complain about dark hairs on their face and inability to lose weight. Saturated fats and cholesterol make healthy hormones, including thyroid hormones, which also help with fertility. We cannot have proper hormonal balance and conceive a child without adequate amounts of saturated fats.
I often start my clients out with eating a “fat bomb” three times a day. A fat bomb is basically a tasty treat made with coconut oil, cocoa powder and stevia (basically this keto-fudge recipe). But if that is too rich for you, I also suggest stir frying with coconut oil, using it in spreads like my “nut butters” and I always use it in my baked goods. Coconut oil is high in Lauric Acid (LA). LA is found in two sources: coconut and breast milk! It has been proven that breast feeding women who eat coconut products have higher levels of LA in their milk. This is important because it boosts the immune system. Other awesome properties of LA is that it increases the baby’s brain and bone development. Our bodies can store LA so start consuming coconut early on in pregnancy helps with milk production.
Cholesterol so important during fertility and pregnancy, it is the foundation of normal cell function and it helps us digest fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K which are essential in formation of healthy fetuses. Full fat dairy is also filled with healthy cholesterol, but I do find some clients to be dairy sensitive and for those clients we need to use other sources of saturated fats such as the coconut oil and quality animal fats, seafood and egg yolks.
HEALTH TIP: I do not recommend losing weight while pregnant or breastfeeding. You store toxins in your fat cells. When eat a keto-adapted diet, you lose weight by burning body fat rather than lean mass, like you do with low-fat diets. For example, if you are losing 1 pound of body fat every four days, that is 3500 calories worth of toxins in your blood. Your blood stream becomes very high in toxins because they are getting released from your fat cells. Passing them to your fetus or baby is undesired.
Another Fertility Testimony
Hi Maria! So, I came to you just what, 8 weeks ago? I asked for help with 2 matters. Weight loss and infertility. I know from my measurements that weight loss is occurring and we found out this week that I am expecting!! How’s that for fantastic news?! In just 2 monthly cycles, my body was able to do what it hasn’t been able to do in 3 years ( I started your eating plan on day 1 of the first cycle).
When we went low carb after discovering a family member has epilepsy blood sugar numbers improved for everyone in our family-especially my husband. I’ve lost about 30 lbs too (More to go, but this would sure help on the journey!)
I FEEL ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not sluggish, not moody, thinning out, and glowing!
I have been grain free and sugar-free for over a year now and have lost over 130 lbs. my husband has lost over 150 lbs! Your website and books were one of my first resources that helped me change our lives. I went from barely being able to walk up our stairs to power walking and jogging. Thanks for all of the great info!
Lost weight, feel better, stable blood sugar!
I don’t feel as tired & my dark circles have disappeared
Wow, great giveaway, good luck everyone! I don’t even know where to begin. Since going grain and sugar free I have lost 37 pounds, feel better, look better, and sleep better. I have no more gout, my skin is clearer, I have no more horrible stomach pain, and I just generally feel better than I have in years. I can’t see me ever going back to eating the way I did before, there is just way too many benefits of eating the way we were meant to. Thank you Maria for all the info and recipes, you have been a tremendous influence in my journey to change my life!
I’ve been following the Maria-way for over a year now. I’ve lost 70 lbs and have another 50 to go. This is not a diet but a way of life and we’ll be following a Healthified lifestyle for the rest of our lives. Our weight is down, our BP is down and we’re feeling great! Thank you Maria!
I love that almost all of my health issues have gone away by going grain free and sugar free! And after trying everything under the sun to get my hormones in order…gf/sf has completely helped!
Well the biggest notice… 130 lbs lost baby, so glad to have that off, I feel amazing!
Since trying Maria’s recipes and way of eating I have not had migraines which was my first and for most concern. In the process I have lost weight and gained energy and also my asthma is so good I do not use my inhaler hardly ever. There have been more positives then I could hope for and hope they keep coming!
Yum! I only used 1/4 tsp salt and I’m glad I did that, it’s salty enough. Really nice!!! Great for that sweet tooth!
obviously I’m not participating in the draw 🙂 but good luck to all !!! ♥
My skin is clearing up and more energy.
Just starting so its a lot of on and off but I always feel so much better!
Oh my, I think I would be in heaven if I won this!! Maria has opened my eyes to the best way of eating!! I feel great, my blood sugar is better and no more bloat!!
I love that I don’t get sick anymore. I feel so much better, better mood, attitude, general well being.
I have lost 60 pounds, and still losing, more energy and feel great
Way to go!!
Being grain free and sugar free is the only way for me to be…. I don’t get sick and feel sooo much better over all.. plus losing extra pounds is good too.
Being grain-free and sugar-free has cured my blood sugar issues. I’ve struggled my whole life with cravings, carb binges and an extra 15 pounds. It may not sound like much weight, but combined with how I feel, this lifestyle has revolutionized me!! I love your website and your books, thanks for what you do!!
I have lost 30 pounds so far. I feel so much better and I look forward to my next Dr. visit. Here’s to kicking high blood pressure.
Going grain and sugar free seemed like a challenge in the beginning. We where overwhelmed at the information that I found out there. Then I found Maria Mind and Body. Maria’s blog and Face Book has it all broken down in a way that made it so much easier! My hubby has gone from 330lbs to 295. You might say no big deal, but he really was addicted to sugar. It was almost funny. I’d buy a box of cookies or make a loaf of bread and get up in the morning and it’d be gone. He would stay up and eat it till it was gone. AND not even realize he was doing it.
I myself have lost over 30lbs. I’ve gone from a size 20 to a very loose 16! I feel so much better. And tho I still have bad days. The fibromyalgia is getting under control. I am so grateful for the information that I get from Maria Mind and Body! I’m grateful that (tho I can’t afford a consult) I can go to your blog and get answers to my questions.
I have lost 30 lbs and going strong. 🙂
I am just starting so hoping to feel better real soon!
No more reflux, no more lipitor and down 30+ pounds!!!!
I just started and am very excited….
I LOVE coconut oil… to cook with, on my skin, as a facial moisturizer. Since I got your book and started following grain/sugar free I feel soo much better. A few times I’ve slipped and eaten something I shouldn’t and it’s amazing how immediately I feel like garbage (need to purge my cabinets and freezer so I don’t mindlessly do that anymore). Haven’t been doing it long enough to get off the diabetes meds yet but am confident that is soon to follow!!
I have lost 25 1/2 lbs and feel great. Hardly ever hungry in between meals.
I feel great! More energy than I have had in years! Husband is off type II diabetis meds and high blood pressure meds! Love eating healthy and not feeling deprived.
Grain free, potato free, sugar free, legume free for 10 years…SO much healthier on so many levels!
No swollen feet or join pain, have more energy, no more brain fog and down 32 pounds.
Love coconut oil.
I have been living a low carb lifestyle for 3 years. However the additional education your blog provided prompted me to go grain free and further invest in myself.
Feel great, losing weight, sugar under control. Hair and skin are smooth and healthy.
Since I started to use Glutamine as you recommended my life has changed for the better. I have tons of energy that I never had before. I just finished your book and can’t wait to implement more of your suggestions.
I have been playing around eating grain free for about a year but recently have started having some problems, heartburn, perimenopause, joint pain, etc. This past 2 weeks I decided to get serious about my health. I have cut out grains, dairy, diet soda ( I love soda), artificial sweetners, caffeine. I am drinking bone broth daily, reading labels and even walking the dogs daily. I am feeling so much better. I need to lose weight but for me just feeling better means the world. I forgot to mention that I also have MS. Thanks for the recipes!!
If loosing 20 lbs wasn’t enough, my sleep apnea and snoring has dramatically improved, just ask my husband!
Coconut oil is one of the best things I done for my health.
I like you on Facebook and share you all the time. I have all of your books and I’m always cooking the Maria way. I have lost 30 pounds since going grain free and sugar free. I’ve been doing this 11 months and I don’t feel deprived thanks to your awesome advice and recipes. My constipation issues are gone. My seasonal allergies are minimal. I’ve only gotten sick once with the flu this year and normally I get sick 3 times. Thanks for everything you do.
I have been a blog follower for a couple of years but I just took the plunge and ordered your HAQ and the 30 Accelerated Meal Plan. So far I day 3 I have dropped around 5 lbs and looking forward to many more benefits as the days go on with this lifestyle.
I love coconut oil! It has improved my digestive tract, cured thrush and heals all over the body. On a low carb/low sugar diet, my diabetes is under control – NOT what one doctor ordered which was very high in carbohydrates. Grateful for the find of coconut oil!! It has made my life much better.
Wow I love this giveaway!! I think I will be in love with that Keto fudge recipe too Haha I’ve been doing grain/sugar free for over 2 years now and haven’t felt this good in years. My health has improved immensely with my blood work as proof. I no longer have to take all of those medications that “supposedly controlled” my diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Those meds were failing miserably. I wish I would have known that following a sugar/grain free diet could have avoided all those issues and so glad I do now 🙂
My whole family is healthier since giving up wheat/grains two years ago! I’m never hungry and we never get sick. I love your blog and FB page and have three of your wonderful books! Thank you so much!
Love how I feel, losing weight is a bonus.
I have lost weight, about 25 lbs. I’ve been cheating a bit though and the weight is starting to come back on, but have resolved to get back to it again. When I am eating LC I have no reflux. My tryglycerides went from 150 to 83 and blood sugar also went down.
Within three months, I lost everything I wanted to – 45 pounds. Off for three years, cravings gone, blood lipids rocking, energy boosted, mind clear, no more heartburn, never ravenously hungry before meals.
Thank you for your wonderful and encouraging information! You are changing so many of our lives for the better. My family feels they know you. I am forever saying “Maria says…”! I just received your slow cooker cookbook and am deciding what to simmer first! My husband and I are big fans of coconut oil and use it every chance we have. Our favorite way to use it is in our morning coffee.
Everything is better! Mood, weight, and I can fit in my “skinny” pants again!
I love the way I feel when I eat Maria’s way, but haven’t been able to sustain it for more than a week or two. I just keep coming back to it and trying to make it stick.
Lost 18 pounds since July (have about 10 more to go), more energy, no more acid reflux and sleeping through the night!! Woo Hoo!
Thanks Maria for all the great information on good health that you provide on your blogs. It has amazingly improved my health, cholestrol and weight. I have lost 20 pounds in four months with using your recipes and food item recommendations. The coconut oil from “Tropical Traditions” is my favorite. I mix it in everything I eat. Grains (Corn) and sugar was killing me and I have so much more energy now. I love the stevia glycerite and my family can’t tell the difference. Thank you for all your encouragement and love you give helping people live longer and healthier lives.
My G.I. issues are so much better thanks to Maria. I was scheduled to have a colonscopy and endoscopy earlier this month, but now that my symptoms are gone after started her “protocol”…I hope to never have to have any of that done. So thankful for all she has taught me.
Huge lover of Coconut Oil. Being dairy free while doing Pure Protein/Fat days have been made so much easier because of this healthy oil. Would love to have some of Tropical Traditions!
Mostly grain free…..even after a full year,I’am still learning.
Ordered 2 of your books to learn even more.
I want my son to take your supplement test,he has headaches daily.
Love your site!
I’m losing weight and I no longer have to live on Pepto Bismol as my diet staple!
Feeling great with mental clarity, even the most minor, inadvertent slip of allowing grains causes me stomach cramps and discomfort for hours; there is no doubt that I will never go back to eating grains!
Just learning. .would love this
Hi Maria,
How do you feel about added resistant starch to a vlc diet? I have been doing a lot of reading and it seems that it could be very beneficial. I have made raw green dehydrated plantain chips (at 95 F), and have been eating raw unmodified potato starch in cold drinks and foods. Do you see the benefit of feeding gut bacteria in this way for endogenous butyric acid production? Or are there still a lot of useable carbs? Trying to figure this out still. Thank you for any info you have!
I sleep through the night, don’t hurt everyday, have much more energy, no headaches, no sugar cravings, and my face is clear for the first time ever!!! I have also lost 7 pounds while dropping two sizes. So thankful for the changes your blog has inspired!!
Instead of like, can we say LOVE! The best part for me so far is SLEEP 🙂 And, I feel more energized in the morning.
I have so much more energy! I lost 40 pounds in a year with little exercise – just making the effort to move instead of standing still. I went from a size 16 to a size 10. I no longer cough in the morning! My skin is clearer. Minimal headaches – even the cursed menstrual headaches!!! I live in dry Colorado and when I’m eating right, I rarely have to use lotion to moisturize – my skin is not dry!!
love eating healthy! it has helped me to feel less bloated and has also helped clear up my skin…….
My moods are very even now as a result of discovering you and all the other keto resources. Thank you for all you do for the good of others. God bless you!
I Have been sugar free and low carb for just over a month and have so many changes taking place. I have been using coconut oil for years. It not only does amazing things for my skin. I feel a brain lift when I ingest coconut oil.
My A1c and fasting readings are in the normal, nondiabetic range, and I am a II diabetic.
Since going gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free two years ago, I have lost 45 lbs and have better blood sugar control.
joint pain is gone!
Eating grain free has changed my family’s perspective on healthy eating. I feel fantastic, digest more efficiently, and have an active role in preparing nutritious food. The best part is teaching my five year old how to eat the right way at a young age. I am never going back to the old sugar addicted me. Maria empowers families through education and clear tutorials in order to foster a complete, healthy lifestyle. She gives confidence to kitchen novices so that we too can master the art of healthy eating. Cheers to grain free!
Since going grain-free I’ve gotten rid of that “brain fog” and become more in touch with my body and how what I put into it affects me. Thank you Maria!
I asked this in the forum but didn’t get an answer:
I know coconut oil is high in healthy fats but I prefer to use pastured butter or lard in my meals. To make up for the lack of coconut oil, I like to have 2/3 cup of coconut milk every day (in healthy desserts or soups etc.) -> that’s about 30g of coconut fat, but maybe not enough of MCT? Should I try to incorporate more coconut oil in my diet or is this amount sufficient?
(usually I eat 95g fat, not more than 35g carbs and 65g protein, + currently I have problems with regular periods, I’m in my 20s)
another question I asked before: I have 2 TB of gelatin every day – thats 15g protein, but I read somewhere that the protein in gelatin is useless to the body (I’m asking because I don’t know if I should include gelatin in my daily protein count – if yes, I would get to much protein, which might affect the ratio and turn into sugar..)
Grain and sugar free has helped my RA tremendously! Last year I could barely move but now I’m 95% pain free!
Claudette, I have RA too! I started to eat grain free in May 2013. My pain was initially reduced and I went off my Orencia infusions. Not a good idea as now I am in bad shape! I truly wish that you are different from me and that you stay pain free! I will stay on this diet and hope that may be by next month of May I will be in your shoes, lol! All the best to you! Barbara.
I hope you are med free soon. I still take my Enbrel, but i had to go off for about 3 months due to an insurance issue and I didn’t get horribly worse, like I’d expected to. We are reading Grain Brain right now too and it is very scary! I’m so glad we gave up the Sugar and Grains! I will never cheat like I did those 2 days on vacation either. I learned my lesson. Hope you continue to get better and that we both go into remission!
I LOVE this way of eating!! I personally have had major relief from year round environmental allergies – if I slip up the allergies come right back. Maria’s recipes are GREAT and I appreciate the way she explains things so well!
This way of eating has improved my health in so many ways– weight management is easier, eczema and acne are gone, no more indigestion, and best of all, my ability to focus and maintain my energy is through the roof! One unexpected health benefit is that my fingernails are crazy strong, no matter how long I let them grow! I like to joke around with friends and family that this way of eating is making me super human, and my fingernails are my superpower.
I love not living in a carb fog anymore! I’ve also noticed a big (positive) difference in my mood and general outlook on life. When I eat carbs/sugar I notice that I have a much shorter fuse :/
Thanks for all that you do!
My whole family is healthier, feels better, has lost weight & improved blood pressure/cholesterol/diabetes/thyroid issues! Thanks for all you do & this opportunity as coconut oil is a staple for us!!
I’ve lost 17 kg so far and it’s been great!
Is the plastic bucket that the larger amounts of oil come in “ok” or would it be similar to drinking out of plastic? Would you transfer it to a glass container?
I love you site and have lost 50# and feel so much better. You help keep me on tract.
Rafflecopter says your giveaway has not started. Did I do something wrong?? Will it start soon??
I think all the above comments are exactly what I would of said and more. If you haven’t tried the “Tropical Traditions” coconut oil, don’t wait. It will improve all your ailments and cooking oven fried chicken is so yummy. It has made my dental checkups unbeliveable and no cavities with strenthening my teeth. If you smoke, one should be doing oil pulling for the health and whitening them too. Throw out the floride toothpaste and make the coconut oil toothpaste. Amazing taste!
I get the same thing when I click on the Rafflecopter link.
My crazy voracious afternoon hunger/cravings went away, and my family hardly ever gets sick with colds or the flu.
Just starting out…my husband, 5 yr old granddaughter, and me! Can’t wait to see what progress we will make!
I have just started this journey, I’ve been at it almost a week. I already notice a big difference in my energy levels and how I feel on a daily basis. I’ve already lost a couple pounds too.
I feel better I have less intentional issues and I am seriously less crabby. I would love to win the coconut oil. I found this oil on your amazon page and it’s the best tasting. Thanks for EVERTHING you do!
Feel so much better and have more energy 🙂
Love everything you post, best blog ever! I am now fascinated with learning more about oil pulling. I learn so much from you!
6 months in. Stronger (close to squatting 100 lbs); Skinnier (down 25 lbs); Saner (every day is no longer an emotional roller coaster).
Oh, and my cycles have regulated themselves and PMS is greatly reduced!
everything is better…I sleep better, I feel better, food tastes better (who knew??!), sex is better…my husband is happier 🙂 diabetes runs in my family and now I know that I don’t have to worry about a life on insulin- my health is in my own hands! Thanks Maria for all you do!!!!
I have been cooking/baking with it for so long, I really, really love the taste. I also have no problems with this oil even though I don’t have my gall bladder.
Grain free, sugar free has helped me keep my weight down and my joint pain is better. And I love tropical traditions coconut oil!
A ketogenic diet (using many of your recipes) has helped me control my epilepsy without drugs, regulated my previously low progesterone, and I’ve lost 10lbs.
Since living a grain-free, sugar-free lifestyle for the past 2 + years I no longer have high blood pressure and my husband has lost 25 pounds and his cholesterol levels are drastically improved.
I am not having as much inflammation in my joints being low carb and sugar free.
We are huge fans of coconut oil here and use it every single day. However our budget has been very tight lately and I’m becoming rather concerned. This would be an amazing help. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am trying to get healthy by going gluten and sugar free. I find that my acid reflux has gotten better just by going gluten and sugar free
My total A1c has gone from 12.7 to 5.1 since changing to a low carb sugar free grain free lifestyle. I’ve also lost weight.
I’m always looking for a way to get more healthy fats in! Going to make this right now 🙂
Coconut oil is my favorite baking ingredient for low-carb goodies. I love that it’s so healthy and versatile. I’ve never tried the Tropical Traditions brand but would love to see how it compares.
LOVE my new-ish low carb, sugar free, grain free lifestyle….Am slowly but surely getting my family on board!!! Coconut Oil is a staple in my house. I make myself little dark chocolate squares with coconut oil, Swerve, 100% cocoa and a dash of vanilla. Gotta have at least one or two pieces a day so I really go through the coconut oil. Sometimes I even mix it up and use a little peanut butter, or some shredded coconut or a couple almonds or walnuts, or hazelnuts. Been thinking about buying coconut oil in bigger containers!!!! This would be perfect!!!
Grain-free and sugar-free has helped me obtain normal blood sugars, so I know I’m not doing damage to my already battered pancreas. Love coconut oil in a big way…hope I win!
The heartburn I used to have is all but gone now! I used to buy Tums by the caseload!
I’m so looking forward to making this! I’m feeling so much better (digestive wise) since not eating carbs. Thank you Maria for your great recipes and ideas!
I have been eating low carb and sugar free for some time now and it’s amazing the difference it has on my digestive health and it has helped my skin a bit too. I love the tropical traditions coconut oil. I use it in cooking, baking, for my skin, and just recently tried it for oil pulling. I have been gradually losing weight since the beginning of the year and am thinking about trying to get pregnant. How do you make sure you don’t continue to lose weight while pregnant? I work out a lot and pretty much follow your advice on eating.
Love coconut oil and I am in need of some. I need to get more soap, toothpaste and baking done.
After eliminating wheat and sugar from my diet I have lost 55 pounds, brain fog is gone, eczema gone, blood sugar normal, triglycerides normal, good digestion, ease of menopause symptoms, more energy, no food cravings, happy outlook, in control of my eating and mood, . I’m a new woman!
Have been grain free for over a year…lost a few pounds. must be doing something wrong but not giving up… maybe this is the next change..better coconut oil
Grain free has alleviated all my headaches and as for being grain free and sugar free I have now lost up to date 25 pounds in 2 months! The results are AMAZING!
I’ve lost 40 pounds, lowered my blood pressure, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol (raised HDL), and kissed my GERD goodbye. It’s hard to remember how sludgy and sick I used to feel all the time!
Much less arthritis pain!!! Healthier bowels…no more acid reflux, better sleep…finally satisfied….no uncontrolled hunger…have not had an off day in almost 3 years…no temptation to “cheat” cause I am already “cheating everyday” because I have no feelings of deprivation…my mouth has not “watered” at the smell of food…..I am totally satisfied!!! Love this feeling and this health!….and the info and knowledge from Maria!
I love cooking with coconut oil. Five weeks into this journey and feel so much better on so many levels. This would definitely keep me from running out because I find that is my worst enemy. I need to keep the right food in stock.
I’ve been doing a Ketogenic diet since the end of June, and I’ve lost 70 lbs! I still have a long way to go, but I can definitely tell the difference in how my body functions throughout the day! No sugar, low carb, high fat; the only way I’ll eat for the rest of my life!
How will this help me on my keto-adapted journey, you ask? Have to seen the price of coconut oil? I know you have. It’s crazy expensive. Winning this will save me a ton of money.
I love my coconut oil!! I have switch over and have never looked back!
My fibromyalgia symptoms have greatly improved since going grain-free, LCHF in March. Husband has been able to get off on diabetes medication.
I have testament to the goodness of coconut oil: Saturday night I burned the palm of my hand on my iron. I immediately went to my jar of coconut oil and applied it to the burn. I reapplied it throughout the evening, and the next morning you could barely tell I had burned myself! I’ve never had a burn heal so quickly!
I had weight loss surgery (Duodenal Switch) and need to keep my carbs below 50 but need the fat content and coconut oil helps with that
LOVE coconut oil! Thanks for the giveaways! 🙂
I’ve been eating low carb for a few years until I finally got pregnant after trying for a while. This goes right along with this article. I actually got pregnant the first month we tried..when I was still on Atkins. I didn’t bother upping carbs because I didn’t expect to get pregnant so quickly. Long story short…I miscarried very early. Then came the depression and along with it, about 15 or so lbs. After a year of trying and being obsessed with it, I gave it to God. And I went back on induction and lost the weight I had gained. I felt so good again. The week after I got back into my skinny jeans, I found out I was pregnant!I credit my low carb lifestyle for both times getting pregnant. I intended to stay at maintenance level during my pregnancy, but I was kidding myself. I gained 70 lbs! Ridiculous, yes, but thankfully I have lost almost all of it in 11 months, thanks to again…the low carb lifestyle. Only recently though have I started focusing on getting more fat in. I naturally ate about 65% fat before, but now I’m making sure some of it comes from healthy sources like coconut oil. And I’m loving the newfound energy! I can almost keep up with my very busy 11 month old.
I use coconut oil a lot and have recently gone to a sugar free, low carb, high fat way of eating – 21 lbs gone, more to go, and feeling much better!
I have lost 24 pounds since 9-09-13. For the first time I’ve lost weight in years. I have put on so much weight with all my pregnancies. Before I started a low carb no sugar grain free way of eating, I was having a lot of upset gi and indigestion. That has completely cleared up and my carpal tunnel is much better! I love coconut oil! I use it to make me fat bombs. It’s a great way to include it in my daily diet!
I love coconut oil!!! Use it daily as part of my bipolar treatment, cook with it daily, use it as a moisturizer, lubricant, and for burns.
Grain-free, sugar-free is the way to go for me. Perphaps the best benefit for me (besdides just feeling great) is that I can eat without having to count calories and still lose weight. I am coming to believe that what you eat is perhaps the most important aspect of ones overall health.
I am on just starting a journey of going grain free, sugar free, and dairy free! I have been using coconut oil for awhile now, and LOVE it!
I switched from olive oil to coconut oil and my dad seems to keep adjusting his insulin (less and less). We love it at our home. Going to try oil pulling to remove bacteria from mouth.
I would love to win the coconut oil so I have a steady supply of this amazing oil to help me achieve a healthy weight.
I have been able to lose weight and keep it off thanks to many of your delicious recipes.
My acne has disappeared! I no longer have huge breakouts 🙂
LOVE love love Coconut Oil! Thank you very much for the giveaway!
I’m still new to the keto lifestyle, but I’m loving it! I’m less hungry during the day, so I don’t snack. I no longer take starbucks breaks (and am saving$$!) More than anything, I feel positive that I’m making the right choices for my body and my future.
Hi Maria ~ been following your newsletter/blog for about a month. I have tried low carb diets before and I lose about 5-10 pounds and then I can be on it for months and not lose anything so I have been apprehensive to give it another try. I would however love to win the coconut oil as it has become a staple in my house. Will be trying the fudge for sure. Thank you for all your information.
Looking forward to this experience!
My keto journey is just beginning, & coconut oil is a staple in my new lifestyle!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Right now I get the Trader Joe’s Organic CO, which is a good price, but we go through SO MUCH! Like a 16 oz. jar a week, pretty much. Would love a big tub like this!
Love anything made with coconut products which are low carb.:)
Just started this diet and I am gagging on it! (which is a good thing.)
I love coconut oil. Since really starting to eat low carb, grain free, etc I have used 5 containers or more of coconut oil. I have yet to try a recipe I have not liked! I think it’s amazing. I have lost weight, added energy and feeling great! Thanks Maria!
Hey Maria! Would this fudge count for a pure protein/fat day even though it has the coconut milk in it? My guess is no but I wanted to double check. This recipe looks delish!
Maria, Thank you for this recipe! I have a terrible sweet tooth at night and I think this Keto Fudge is the answer to my late night cravings. I have been looking for a better way to get more coconut oil in my diet and this recipe is the answer. I have my first batch setting up in the freezer right now 🙂
I am down 25 pounds and my husband is down 40 pounds. I went from a tight 16 to an 8! AND I am still losing weight and building muscle. Love all the energy I have now!
I’m not as moody! 😉 I’m a better version of me and I love it!
I have “liked” on Facebook and shared! I am very new to this. I am trying to save up to buy all of your books. I would love to win this! Thank you for the chance!
I have lost 22 lbs by cutting sugar and lots of carbs from my diet. I love your blog and all the great recipes. Love my Coconut oil too!
I have lost 50lbs so far by cutting sugar and starch out of my diet. My body feels good all of the time. Not like before when I was tired all of the time and over-ate all day long. I plan on continuing this path of health and wellness and I can’t wait to reach my ultimate health and fitness goals.
I am now controlling my sugar craving and reversing my insulin resistance. The increase of energy is amazing, even in a short time
My 5 year old son has suffered from skin rashes on and off over the last 3 years. I decided to stop giving him steroids and find a solution to the problem. With in one month of implementing a grain free/ sugar free diet, my sons rashes were gone. By the second month my husband lost 25 lbs, my 3 year old slept longer at night, I lost 15 lbs and my acne was gone. I have recently purchased Maria’s secrets to a healthy metabolism, and it makes sense! I am a registered nurse, and know a good amount of medicine. I am amazed at Maria’s abundant knowledge! She offers solutions to medical problems that many medical doctors and psychiatrists don’t have answers for. Maria, never stop doing what you do! You have a special gift!
Listening to Secrets…. Hard to listen to it while exercising… So much info that I want to write down. Thank you so much for this book and the info in it!
Not only have I lost 24 lbs but I sleep better,feel better,have more energy and just feel so much better. This way of eating is so easy for me. It makes me feel like I DO have control of my body and health which has been spiraling out of control for years. I am on my way to being fit and healthy. Thanks Maria!!
More energy, no acid reflux, no bloating, no dark circles under my eyes, lost 40 pounds…. All around better 🙂
Love all the healthy recipes and tips on your site! I am a work in progress and this site is very helpful.
I would SO love to win this- it’s hard to find coconut oil and/or many healthy/organic/lo carb ingredients for lo carb cooking & baking in my area & have to usually travel to 4 or so different places that are in 4 different directions from me!!
You are a Rock Star! All I have to say!
My family and I are just starting on this low-carb, no sugar, gluten-free life. Already my hubby feels better- less inflammation means no more joint pain!
I would like to try this fudge
I have lost weight, relieved migraines, gotten off of any prescription medication including Zoloft, the little purple pill and antihistimenes.
It will help with all things healthy.
I feel more full. One of my challenges with type 1 diabetes is that foods run through my gut quickly (I don’t make amylin or insulin), and I get hungry within an hour of eating. Adding good fats makes me less hungry and keeps my blood sugar more stable.
Mmmmmmm, fat bombs! Keeps me from eating icky candy when I need quick energy.
I haven’t started yet. I’ve been working some recipes into our menu and plan on starting in January. I think I will be more successful making such a big lifestyle change if I don’t start on it heading into the holidays. I have definitely been more aware of carb intake and have been using Swerve in some recipes. Can’t wait to join all of these success stories and would love some coconut oil to get started!
I would like to start incorporating coconut oil in my diet, and this is something I could not afford to buy right now. I’ve been doing low carb since Aug 1 and am down 24 lbs as of this morning. Thanks for your recipes & this great give-a-way!
I’m new to the low carb, wheat free way of eating. I’m economically challenged, but would love to try this!
I love coconut oil! It’s my go to oil for almost everything!!!
I use coconut oil everyday on my skin and it is great to use to make dessert!
You wouldn’t believe all the coconut oil,coconut flour,coconut milk I have in my kitchen. Gonna make this fudge.
Just started up on MOnday, we will see how it goes.
About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and early type 2 diabetes. All the doctors wanted to do was pump me full of harmful drugs. After some extensive research by my son and myself I learned of anti inflammation diets, eating organic and processed food free. It took about 6 months of eating low carb and mostly organic, but I was nearly pain free, and completely drug free. I have made real changes and intend to continue on my path to wellness.
My blood pressure is better, I can breathe better, I am not hungry all of the time, and I have lost 15 lbs 🙂
All of these comments are amazing! I have been grain free since January 2013 and sugar free since Oct.15 2013. Yes, I was still holding on to some sugar in January, though I had started using Swerve for all my baking at home. Now, I am off all sugar and even after only 3 weeks I feel an amazing difference. I have so much more energy and my mind is clearer. I am always learning something on Maria’s blog. Thank you so much for all your time and effort Maria!
Just started incorporating coconut oil into our diet so this would be wonderful. I keep reading all that your website has to offer and am really interested in starting this lifestyle for so many reasons. Feeling optimistic!
I’m diabetic, and always looking for healthy and low-carb things to eat. From what I’m learning about coconut oil, I think it’s one of the most nutritious item a person should have in their pantry.
I’ve shared and shared. Love your facebook posts, your blog posts, your cookbooks. I’ve been gluten free, sugar free and coconut FULL for awhile, but still heading towards grain free. I have fewer headaches and the nausea I used to have every afternoon is gone! Wow! I’ve lost weight too. Both of my parents have Alzheimer’s so I’m looking for a lifestyle change that lasts and hopefully prevents developing dementia! Thank you for all that you do!
After several tours in Afghanistan I was diagnosed with PTSD. My body is recovering from all the toxic air, food and environment. Changing my diet has helped so much. Love your healthy secrets book.
I stumbled upon your blog when looking for a healthy rice pudding recipe (grain-free). My mom and I made it tonight and it hit the spot! Such a fantastic combination of texture and flavor. Thank you for creating such recipes, you’ve got a fan!
Going grain-free has allowed me to stop relying on Melatonin when trying to fall asleep. My body is no longer struggling to digest foods that make it tired and sluggish and therefore goes to bed peacefully. Moreover, I wake up refreshed and without a belly pouch that usually sticks out each time I had grains the day before.
I liked your wonderful page on Facebook as Elena Vo and also shared it with my friends. Thank you for your great work!
Using your recipes has changed my life! I no longer have medabolic syndrome!!!
Ive been grain/sugar free for 5 weeks and have lost close to 20 lbs. Im new to this site, so i look forward to trying your recipes!
Awesome! Way to go!
I have always been a “healthy eater”, or so I thought. I thought that processed foods (carbs, of course) were good for me as long as they said “organic”. I started researching the concept of eating real foods recently when diagnosed with a rare type of kidney cancer. Now, if I happen to eat grains, I wake up with a killer headache. If I eat processed sugars and even organic, raw sugars, I get dizzy and feel tired soon thereafter. No thanks, I’m taking my health seriously now, no more telling myself something is healthy just because it’s organic-if it’s processed, it’s not for me.
Going grain free is just one less thing my body/brain has to deal with. Finding workarounds and adaptations has also encouraged me to explore food regions I’d prob. never think to try before; it’s also nudged me to get more creative with recipe development and meal planning 🙂
Eating this was has helped me lose 75 pounds and feel so much better. I know I am healing myself from the inside out and I love it!!!
Love coconut oil!! Could eat it plain! Hope I win!
I have been living grain free for ten months. I am happy that I have lost 40 pounds but the greatest blessing is that my sugar cravings and mood swings disappeared.
I have only been grain free for about a month but already I can feel that my body has become “fat-burner” rather than a “sugar-burner”. I was doing just gluten free before this but the difference in the way I feel is beyond explanation. I feel alert, energetic, ambitious and alive! I have lost a few pounds but I would keep all those extra pounds just to feel this wonderful, but thankfully I don’t have to so it’s a win win! Coconut oil is one of the main components in this lifestyle and I hope I can win again 😀
As a competitive athlete, I have always relied on Carbs for those long 3-4 hour training sessions. As a kickboxer, unfortunately those carbs were my enemy as well, since i had to make my weightclass each time I competed. Finding Maria’s blog was life changing. I was able to fuel my body to enduring grueling sessions everyday, maintain muscle (which a lot of fighters end up losing during their weight cut because of the massive caloric deficit), and make weight at 30 years old and having had 2 kids so far. Thank you Maria!
Awesome! 🙂
My health gas improved and I have way more energy then before! Love your recipes Maria!
This way of eating has helped me a lot. I have suffered from anorexia for quite some time now and looked at food as something gross that I didn’t really need, but learning your ways of eating has made eating more pleasurable and my relationship with food has changed. I still have a long way to go, but simply wanted to thank you for such amazing and delicious recipes and I would love to win 🙂
I love eating GF and SF! I feel great and am losing the weight that I have not been able to lose. I’m grateful for this change.
My family loves coconut oil and we use it for cooking and also for health purposes. This giveaway would be a great blessing to us! Thank you!
This is the most amazing fudge I have ever had. I LOVE it!! Thanks for the recipe.
I’m just embarking on my new wheat and sugar free way of life. I absolutely love coconut oil and cannot wait to try the keto fudge recipe. To think that all my PCOS/hormonal issues were caused by unhealthy wheat, sugar and carbohydrate consumption … Hoping the damage can be reversed. Thanks Maria for the inspiration, and of course the great recipes.
Next month will be two years as sugar, grain, bean and processed food free and I’m looking forward to celebrating the holidays with a variety of Maria’s “heathified” cookies 🙂 I lost 8# in the first two weeks and am down a total of 36# now (10# more to go to goal!). During the prior 3 years, my knees were so bad that, at the end of the day, I would go upstairs and not be able to go down again until morning. I knew I would eventually have to have something done, but was holding off. After 1 1/2 months I no longer had ANY pain in my knees. I can now actually jog up and down the stairs. Previously I suffered from constant gas/bloating and I could never add salt or eat salty foods as my face/hands would swell and I would have trouble breathing. Those problems no longer exist. I can now eat sausage and bacon and flavor my foods with celtic salt. I truly love all the healthy foods I can now eat. And I look and feel remarkable at 58 yrs young. Oh yeah, I also treat myself to desserts every day now and do not stress that I will gain back my weight. Is that amazing!
I am rarely hungry anymore!
Most of my friends and family now call me an organic freak! And I say because of Maria! I am constantly saying Maria said this….Maria said that…. :-). I am nearing 50 and I have the energy of a teenager!! Food doesn’t taste better than healthy feels!!
We’ve only been on about 3 weeks as a family, but I’m already noticing more energy. I have fibromyalgia – I haven’t seen a real difference in my pain yet, but I’m very hopeful. I have a daughter with weight issues who has been resistant to the eating change, but she’s very grateful for your recipes! Thanks for your help.
Learning to become wheat free & sugar free has changed my life drastically for the better. I have been so desperate to get the weight off, to feel better, but it seemed like I ended back where I started ” Failure ” That is because I failed to plan a lifestyle change. The foods that I thought were healthy, weren’t , and the foods my husband ate, I felt were unhealthy, yet he maintained his slim & trim. When I first heard of this WF & SF way of life and started going through my cupboards finding all the hidden culprits that had invaded my food, I was angry beyond words. Any wonder , I was feeling defeated with all of my efforts. Well praise God, my life has since changed me around to where I am today. The first big change was when I could actually think with a clear head. My brain fog disappeared and I could focus on a task at hand without jumping all over the place. Especially when I would get in a conversation with anyone. Change #2 : I felt alive for once in my life, I had excess energy and I was glowing from my inside out. People noticed my skin had cleared and was glowing. I accredited the Coconut oil for that. This is one staple that lives in my home. Change # 3 : I have dropped some of the weight and lost inches. My double chin has disappeared too. I can actually walk by a mirror now and not feel disgusted with myself. All in all, I would highly recommend this forever way of eating to anyone who truly wants to get well. Lay down your poisons now, for you will be giving your body the greatest gift of all. ~ Blessings ~
Being grain free is a liberating feeling! No more cravings for ANYTHING! No bloating, who wouldn’t want that. I have enjoyed the recipes and health tips and everything Maria provides in her blog! And you will too!
Coconut oil is the best in the morning with coffee! and I also use either stevia or xylitol for my sweeteners. Thanks!
I feel so much better and have only been taking baby steps. And the Amazing Bread really is amazing.
I have osteoarthritis and it is soo much better without grains and sugar! Also, my 10 year old daughter is doing so much better without them! She can run and jump now, without pain! 🙂
I bought your book just over 2 weeks ago. I’ve been off and on vegan for years, struggled with those last 5-10lbs of glamour weight despite being really active (i’m a professional dancer and aerialist plus I love running and strength training). I started looking into suppressed thyroid or celiac disease as I was consuming a lot of wheat and soy. I’d even tried raw vegan for a while but constantly felt bloated and hungry. But when I came to your site something just resonated with me. I’ve been on the keto path for 2 weeks and 2 days and I’ve lost 4lbs (epic for me, it has taken me a full year in the past to lose 10lbs) and I haven’t had any of my IBS symptoms since day 1. I have fought constant sugar cravings for as long as I can remember and so your keto fudge and other recipes are a beacon of light for me. I’m 31 years old and I never get my period and my husband and I are quite anxious about being able to conceive in the near future. So thank you and I’m following your blog with great interest.
Eating on this new plan has been made so easy with websites and recipes such as yours. Your information has been soooo interesting and helpful. Thank you so much for all the work you do. I feel better at 53 than I have in about 25 years. No more bloat and my belly has really shrunk. I look like I’ve lost more than 20 lbs. I’m doing this clean, healthy eating for life!
Maria’s way of eating is phenomenal! I eat less, tummy is smaller and cholesterol is lower.
starting is the hardest part
I lost weight and my face doesn’t have hormonal break outs any more! And to think years ago the dr. said that my face would only quit breaking out when it stopped making hormones.
Eating this way has given me tons of energy to keep up with my kids and the constant snacking is gone.
I can’t believe how good I feel cooking with healthy product. I have the energy to cook now!
Being grain and sugar free has helped with inflammation of my joints and helped me to lose over 140 pounds over the last few years!
We are about to start grain free and sugar free. I am determined to get this last 30 off.
I am just beginning to go grain free, low carb. Currently , I am on meds for hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, and anxiety. I hope to get off most if not all meds & lose weight!
So enjoy healthy living! Skin looks better, inflammation has decreased, and the afternoon slump? It’s gone!
Not only has learning about and eating the Maria way helped bring about a change in my career (I’m a Dietitian who now whole heartedly believes in this way, no more counting calories or recommending low fat products) but for me personally it has eliminated my constant hunger and for that, I’m grateful!!!
I’ve lost 30 lbs. I feel so much better. I’m walking daily. I’m so happy!
I’ve lost 8 pounds! I’m not hungry any more, and I’m not boated, constantly eating and thinking about eating all the time.
Being grain and sugar free makes a huge difference in my overall wellness. I would love to be able to make more and more grain free goodies with coconut oil. 🙂
I love coconut oil! I have been using it to make treats that are healthy for me and my hubby for a few years now. I also love using on my skin and my hair. It is a great oil for cooking. My hubby and I have lost weight using it along with a low carb diet.
Made your Chocolate Walnut Bark with coconut oil the other day. Delish!
Ok, so here goes. I never enter these kinds of things because I just do not know what to say. I really really am enjoying the new way of life and healthy eating. I never in a million years thought I would like it if it was “good for you.” I have come to find out that I not only like it, I love it!! I have energy, I have less weight each and every week and am on my way to a healthy BMI. Words just cannot express how grateful I am to have found the grain/sugar free way of life!!! Thank you!!
I am finding that I have more energy and that my thinking is clearer than before.
No grain and sugar makes a person feel GRRRRRREAT!
I don’t know if I’ve already entered this one… so if this is double please disregard it! I love this philosophy because it focuses on giving the body what it needs, not depriving it! Thanks for the giveaway!
I’ve been using this brand coconut oil for 1 year. Love it. I’ve done the research on the other so called oils. This brand coconut oil is the best. I’ve lost 40 lbs. going gluten, and sugar free. It’s not been easy, but this site has helped. Looking forward this coming holiday trying some of Maria’s recipes, maybe I won’t be so tempted. Thanks!
Maria, in the 4 months of eating grain free, low carb, and high fat, I’ve dropped 12 lbs and feel great. I found your blog when researching food to make for my diabetic toddler. The more I read and tried of the great recipes, I realized that this way of eating wasn’t just for her, it would benefit my whole family. My older two kids enjoy everything I make from your recipe books as well. I love that we have made this life style change and that I am able to stabilize my little one’s blood sugar. I too have eliminated my hypoglycemic symptoms and find that I can now skip meals no problem. I used to be a huge bread, pasta and pastry person, but I don’t miss that stuff one bit. Thanks so much for the great knowledge that you share!
Taught me how to eat right & to live!!!
Oh, I can write a novel about my grain=free, carb-free living. First of all, my belly isn’t bloated as much anymore, I need to sleep less than ever before, and I feel better overall. My skin is clearer as well. I suffer from recurrent yeast infections and this way of eating makes the symptoms less painful. Another benefit of this is my weight! I have lost a few pounds of fat, but not muscle. I look thinner , but still fit. I hope I will win. It would make me very happy!!
Day three of the Accelerated Plan, going well but saw this recipe for Keto Fudge and couldn’t help making some for my family…of course I had to add a little melted Bakers Chocolate to give it some extra fudge flavor…and the result is YUM! I have about 50 lbs to go, lost 20 already in about 2 months just reading Maria’s books, yes all of them. I live in Bangladesh so it’s hard to find ingredients but I’m making it work so far!!! Thanks Maria for your knowledge and your love to share it!!! Susan Lynn
Awesome! Way to go! The keto fudge is a good option on the 30 day plans. 🙂
I am not having all the thyroid symptom’s and I’m finally losing weight. Eating about a 1/3 cup of coconut oil a day. Crazy.
Less Brain fog and more energy!!
I am reading her books and have signed up for the webinar. I’m taking baby steps and have lost about 5lbs in 3 days! I can’t wait to see when I go gung-ho!
I feel so much better.
I don’t even want sugar anymore. Instead, I crave veg and fruit. Great for me and my family…
Am I still eligible for the giveaway?? Wholly Cow! That Coconut Oil would be a dream 🙂
I made a cheesecake with your caramel sauce for some friends who came over for dinner ( we had flank steak and roasted veg for dinner) and My friends’ husband said the dessert was the best thing he ever ate! ( that include full sugar options as well!!) It was a shining success!
I so love how I feel when I’m eating clean and sugar-free! I have such mental clarity, energy, and presence. Thank you Maria for being a great resource and sharing your experiences… we definitely benefit!
A ketogenic diet using your recipes has helped me lose 30 lbs in 2.5 months. I limit the coconut oil recipes I try, because it is so expensive. This would open up so many opportunities! Especially since I’ve asked for your books for Christmas!
Grain-free and sugar-free eating has improved my health in several ways–I’m lighter
I love being sugar and grain free 🙂 losing weight and staying happy
I have lots of energy now!
Fewer cravings for sure
Hey Maria! I have a whole lot of cacao powder! Can I use this in replace of the cocoa powder for the keto fudge??? I would love to make this for holiday treats! Thanks so much!
Yes, but not sure what the ratio would be. 🙂
my skin clears up with this way of eating
My blood sugar is remaining stable with no big dips or increases.
Love reading all these comments!!! Ditto ditto ditto!!! I love keto fudge wow so good 🙂 – a friend suggested cinnamon fudge so I thought since cinnamon is helpful with insulin control – why not! I cut the recipe in half just in case it didn’t turn out – the verdict: yum yum cinnamon bum 😀
Since going grain and process sugar free, my joints don’t hurt as much. I feel healthier and I’ve lost weight. Love using coconut oil for making coconut oil chocolate bars, toothpaste, and as moisturizer.
First I read the book Wheat Belly, then I discovered Maria & bought her books & gave as gifts to my daughter & daughter in law the metabolism books. I have lost 66 lbs since learning about gmo’s bad carbs & wheat issues.
So would love to win one of her contests!!
No longer have my pulse pounding in my ears or indigestion after every meal. I already like you on Facebook
Hi Maria, I love the flavor of this fudge – thank you! I do have a question though. When I use Swerve, there is usually a granular texture to the item. How do I get rid of this? I have noticed it in both this recipe and in the Lemon Curd. Thanks!
just got around to trying this recipe and I am obsessed. This fudge is DANGEROUS. I made a version with peppermint extract as well… so dangerous. I can barely stop myself with this stuff, it just melts in your mouth!
Been following a keto diet for 1 year, lost 70 lbs, less aches, IBS gone, blood sugar normal, mood improved, and many more benefits. Can’t wait to try the fudge recipe!
Awesome! Way to go!
can you use regular erythritol in this recipe or does it have to be the confestioners. I notice you say or a drop of stevia…..I have both but not the confectioners and I’d like to make these this morning
You can try grinding it to make it finer (so the texture is smoother). 🙂
I am trying to make this fudge and am not sure how to proceed. I have never used coconut milk before and am not sure if I am suppose to be using the liquid from the can or the cream that is at the top of the can. Thanks for your help 🙂
I figured it out. And my oh my this fudge is delicious!!
Oh my goodness!!! This is delicious!!!! Thanks Maria!!
I don’t have the full fat coconut milk or the almond extract (but I have vanilla and chocolate extracts) is there some way I could substitute???
You can try skipping the almond extract. For the coconut milk, you could try unsweetened almond milk, but you might have to adjust the moisture (coconut milk is thicker). 🙂
How much almond milk would I use?
I would try less 1/8 cup and add more as needed (make sure texture is right). 🙂
I absolutely love the Keto Fudge!!! What a delicious way to get coconut oil in your diet. Whenever I need to add more fat to reach my 80% for the day this is added into my snack in the evening. I have been doing the intermittent fasting since day one so I make sure to have my snacks about an hour after my dinner.
I completed day 28 since switching to the Keto-Adapted lifestyle and was amazed. When I started I had a whopping 200 excess pounds to shed. Knowing the last time I was at my goal weight was 27 years ago I was terrified that this would not work for me but I have followed the program diligently and it has already paid off. I have shed 26 pounds in 28 days and am feeling better than I have in years.
I am 62 years young, have multiple health issues and have been extremely sedentary for decades. This 26 pounds has come off without exercise. I also started an intense liver cleanse which I regretted as that has sent me into more of an uncomfortable detox than anticipated but I am sticking with it and am now feeling better. I also injured my back 36 years ago while competing in power lifting. Just started seeing a new chiropractor 4 weeks ago and that has made a huge difference. Also, I know the weight loss will ease my low back pain.
I have placed an order for the supplements recommended by Maria and will be starting back to the gym next week. I am so encouraged as I know that I will surely shed the rest of my excess weight. Having dropped 26 pounds with no exercise or supplements to support me just think what will happen as I add those in as part of my health care regime.
Thank you soooo much Maria for what you are doing.
God Bless – KaraAnn
Awesome! Thanks!
Hi! Can’t wait to try this, but I’m new to the Maria way and unsure if I’m supposed to use canned coconut milk or the refrigerated coconut milk that is sold in the dairy section.
I always use canned. 🙂
I use canned also.
Holy crap this is amazing! I’ve been on for about a month and have lost 13 lbs… loving your recipes!!
I have some issues with chocolate, so have made a white fudge, skipping the cocoa and adding coconut flakes and vanilla! Awesome! Might try some minced organic macadamia nuts, also. I just wish it didn’t have to stay cold, as it would be great to bring along for when I can’t get to healthy food.
How many servings does this recipe make?
As it states in the recipe above, 12. 🙂
Ugh…Just noticed I’m out of coconut milk…Can it be replaced with something like Heavy Cream…I’m on day 1 of the keto accelerated program.
Well, I try to have clients stay dairy free for the first month or so. Really helps to get adapted and losing weight faster. 🙂
Comment: The Keto Fudge is my favorite recipe thus far for getting good fat into my diet. At the end of the day if I haven’t consumed enough fat I have a couple pieces. It’s always in my fridge. Do calories matter? I am morbidly obese and just weighed myself after completing day 56/week 8 of the keto-adapted diet and I’ve gained 4 pounds. I use the ketone sticks and have shown on the high end of ketosis every single day. I do the intermittent fasting and I log every single thing that goes into my mouth every day. I am spot on for maintaining the 5, 15, 80% for carbs, proteien and fats or extremely close to that. There have been a few days when I went over 20 grams of carbs. My highest was 27 grams a couple days. I had seven days during the past month that I was under 10 grams of carbs but my norm is 14 – 15 grams of carbs per day. I also stay between 65 – 80 – grams of protein. Do you think dairy could be interfering with my weight loss? I’ve been considering going dairy free for a while as I have serious sinus issues and can barely breathe due to being so stuffed up. My sister stopped dropping weight also but I know she has not being doing enough fats. The thing is she hasn’t put on any extra weight and I have and I’ve been following the program religiously. The only other thing is my calorie count is quite high by the time I get my protein and carbs in then add enough fat to maintain the 5, 15 and 80% ratio. When I read the book I thought I didn’t need to worry about counting calories but maybe I misunderstood that part. I literally don’t know what to do at this point. I love all your recipes and know that eating the keto way is much better for my health so I have no intentions on discontinuing eating this way yet I’m so discouraged about the weight gain. Also, my daughter bought me all the supplements you recommend and I have been taking them every day for the past three weeks. Is there anything you can suggest for me to try.
Yes, calories do matter. My meal plans are great for this. Some people are used to eating much larger volumes of food and it can take a little bit to adjust and have your stomach shrink to what is the required amount. That is what is great about my 30 day accelerated meal plans. They are portioned out for the right amount to lose weight. 😉
Good evening!
This recipe was the first of the “Maria” recipes that I have tried. It is fantastic, absolutely love it. It seems to be an essential part of losing weight.
I’ve been low-carb for a long time (originally lost 105 pounds and kept it off for 8 years), but have not been able to shift my weight since the 20 pounds I gained after getting married (5th anniversary coming up). When eating Keto fudge regularly, I was able to lose 8 pounds! Not much, but miraculous because nothing I was doing was bringing weight loss.
Currently, I am up in weight again. We were eating out frequently, and some of my food choices where higher in carbs than I though, which led to carb binging. 🙁 It is so hard to get off of the carbs when you are back on the roller coaster. If I have some carbs (wheat) because “I really want it” or “I deserve that treat”, then 24 hours later….and have the same irresistible urge….for wheat carbs. 🙁
So, I have re-focused myself this week. Recognizing the wheat-carb pattern. I have lowered my protein, increased my fats. And what happens?? TONNES of energy!! Today, had a full day. Work, errands, shopping, cooking and cleaning. I have made things for the next few days. Washed all my dishes, include pots….which I usually fill with soapy water “to soak”. Cleaned. And I made a double portion of Keto Fudge – one for home and one for work.
On top of everything…. I felt like washing my wood floors. Felt like it!! It might not sound like a big deal but it is one of the things I rarely do because it seems like such an onerous task. Clean!
Now I can relax and read Maria and Craig recipes. 🙂 Thanks so much!
That is awesome! Thank you! 🙂
Eee!!! Congratulations to Leah, I remember her before/after photos, she looks great!!!
Can you use Xylitol in place of swerve?
Yes, that is an ok option. 😉
I use xylitol or erythritol all the time for my Keto Fudge. There is always a batch in my fridge. I also love putting chopped walnuts in it. Sometimes I put coconut flakes in, I add a teaspoon of coffee extract at times or a 1/2 teaspoon of raspberry emulsion to change the flavor. My tastebuds love the coffee/chocolate or raspberry/chocolate mix.
I made the Keto Fudge last night. It was great. I’m also going to use it for a frosting.
Ok, I’m a little embarrassed to ask this…but here it goes. How much is too much when it comes to eating this fudge? I mean, the first day I got a little carried away and felt a little sick….the second night…I didn’t feel sick, but I had it for dinner. Any thoughts?
Well, I would try to keep it to 2 servings or so a day and get the other things I recommend in my meal plans at meal times. 🙂
Maria, I just made this and it is, seriously, lick the beaters YUMMO!!! I had a little problem with chunks of coconut oil not wanting to break down, so I ended up liquefying the recipe. Then I stuck it in the fridge for about 10 minutes to harden it back up. When I took it out of the fridge, a crust had just started to form on top of the mixture, and the rest was still liquid. Put it under the beaters for 3-4 minutes and it came out really nice and creamy. I will do this next time and skip the first phase of the recipe. Just purchased your 30-day plan, and am excited to get started.
Awesome! Thanks!
This is fantastic! I, too, licked the beaters, and the spatula, and the bowl…surprised any of it actually made it to the freezer! So so good, thank you!
Hi Maria! I love your keto fudge and have made it before but don’t have any canned coconut milk right now but lots of coconut cream. Could I use this? If I can how do I figure out the nutritional difference use coconut cream? Carbs,fat,protein? Thanks for all u do <3
That should work. The fat content will just be a little higher which is ok. 🙂
Thank you 😀 I used the coconut cream and they were great! I am thinking of using the coconut cream all the time now 🙂
Hi Maria,
I gave up caffeine and chocolate in all forms when I was diagnosed with IBS & Crohn’s disease so I am wondering about carob. I am also battling Candida overgrowth which is presenting in rash form among other things. Do you consider it a “Maria safe” alternative? Will it negatively affect Candida if used with candida safe sweeteners? I would like to make a version of Keto Fudge with carob if so. Sounds yummy!
I have been experimenting with carob, blended with erythritol, coconut flour, almond milk, Jay Robb vanilla whey protein and butter. I think I am negatively reacting to the butter but it’s kind of fudge like but more like frosting. It gets me by so I don’t grab bad sweets. Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us!
It has 92g (and 54g sugar) of carbs per cup so it has too many carbs for me. The sweeteners I use are safe for when you have candida.
I think I just died and went to heaven… this is absolutely delicious! Thank you for sharing it!
Do you recommending storing this in the fridge or freezer? How long would you say it stays “good” for? Thanks!
Coconut oil is quite stable so it should last at least 2 weeks or more in the fridge. Otherwise it does freeze well. 🙂
I love this fudge! I have always made it with full fat canned coconut milk. I was wondering if the Tropical Traditions coconut cream would work as well?
I think it should. 🙂
Can I use the swerve granular product
Yes, it works great in all my recipes. 🙂
I am so glad i found this website via pinterest!
I was diagnosed with PCOS a few days ago. I had followed a keto lifestyle for a few months, before i went a bit downhill… people around me kept trying to throw me off my eating & i got so tired putting up with it, so i caved in. I was eating terribly again and as a result my body hasn’t been right since.
It’s nice knowing there is actually a site like this, will a lot of support, recipes and ideas.
I’m literally about to purchase your books on amazon, i can’t wait to get my inspiration back 🙂
Thank you for all this wonderful information!
Thank you so much! 🙂
I have a quick question that doesn’t involve fertility, but breastfeeding. I am very interested in becoming a “fat burner” rather than a “sugar burner”… but I know in the beginning of your book you talk about fat releasing a lot of toxins. I am currently nursing my 4 month old, and I don’t want to be feeding her a bunch of toxins. Is there any form of this “diet” (lifestyle 🙂 ) that I can follow? I also thought I’d note that I’m not overweight and therefore don’t have a lot of fat to lose… does this also mean I have fewer toxins that would be released into my breastmilk? I haven’t felt well for years, and want to start making changes NOW! Thanks for your time! 🙂
There is nothing wrong with being a fat burner when nursing or pregnant. If you lose significant weight, the toxins stored in those fat cells will be released. But if you didn’t have a lot of toxins stored (didn’t eat processed foods, dyes, etc.) before, there aren’t toxins to release. 😉
Thank you! I am on day 4 and super excited to keep going! Thanks for all you do— and thanks for the quick reply, I really appreciate it 🙂
My mom LOVES fudge! Actually anything chocolate. I wanted to make her a treat but at the same time show her how she can emjoy her favorite foods following my keto lifestyle. I followed your recipe/ to a tee but they did not turn out like fudge 🙁 the consistency is very gritty/sandy and the almond flavor is very strong. Are they supposed to not be fudgy like? Any suggestions? I want to try again! It’s almost like the ingredients needed heated up before freezing.
What sweetener did you use? If granular Swerve (or erythritol) try grinding it into a fine powder (or use confectioners Swerve). 🙂
I’m now at the stage where I don’t put any sweetener into these, and my boys love them too thank you, darling
Awesome! 🙂
Does anyone know how many fats and/or carbs there are per portion of this delicious looking recipe?
It is listed in the recipe. 🙂
These are amazing! Made them with vanilla and orange extract. YUMMY!
Next time I will use less swerve. Start with 2 tablespoons and adjust from there as I did find them sweet. But very delicious.
I’m still nursing my 19 month old but would really like to start implementing your way of eating. I noticed your health tip here and in Keto-Adapted and I’m wondering if I should wait until I wean her or if there is a way to get started without the risk of passing the toxins in my breastmilk. Love Keto-Adapted and can’t wait for the cookbooks I ordered to arrive! Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated!
It depends somewhat on how clean you were eating before. If you weren’t eating a lot of toxin filled foods, they it isn’t as big of an issue. Also, if you lose the weight slowly now (while breastfeeding) that will help too. 😉
Thanks so much for your reply! That’s reassuring. I’m not really looking to lose weight…maybe 5-10 lbs but that can wait. I’m more interested in the health protective and disease prevention benefits, most notably the cardiovascular and neurological aspects. Thanks again!
Hi Maria – What is one serving? I must be missing it 🙂 . My batch usually produces about 30-32 squares from a regular size loaf pan. If you have the serving measured out in grams or oz’s that would be awesome. Just want to make sure I’m not overdoing the serving size. Thanks!!
It says on top of the recipe card “Serves 12”. So in your case, about 2 1/2 squares. 🙂
Thanks Maria! I was eating 2-3 squares, but now one square is Mmm-Mmm good enough.
Hi Maria, I switched to eating this way when I was 5 months pregnant. I gained very little weight and lost it with the birth of my daughter. I am exclusively breast feeding, but know that I will continue to lose weight eating this way! What do I do if I don’t want to overload my baby with the toxins I am releasing by eating this way, but believe this is the best way to feed my own body?!
Just try to watch your weight and try not to loose too much during breastfeeding (like less than 15 pounds or so). 🙂
I loved this fudge! I have been needing something sweet and this more than hit the spot with just licking the bowl 😉
I have made this twice now SO GOOD! I added macadamia nuts to it the second time. The whole family loves it.
Can you use Splenda for Baking? Instead of Swerve? I have noticed other Keto Sites recommend it.
Also, How big is 1 serving 1 inch square? or smaller?
PS Day 3 of 90 day meal plan!! We are having so much fun cooking as a family, and it’s great recipe’s!!
Not fussy, not weird things, only yummy and easy!!
Thank you soooo much!
Nope, splenda is mostly maltodexterin, which is higher on the glycemic index than sugar.
Thanks! Glad you like it. 🙂
Thank you!
serving size square?
For the fudge: should I shake the can of coconut milk to blend or refrigerate and pour off the thin milk? Thanks!
You can do either. If you skim it they will be richer and thicker. 🙂
Which do you use–the liquid or cream? Or better to mix them together and then use 1/4 cup?
I’m not sure what you are referring to…
When I open the coconut milk can, the cream is at the top.
Do I scoop
out 1/4 c of that to use in the fudge or scoop it out and use the watery milk only?
Shake it well to combine before using;)
I’m confused about whether to mix the cream at the top
of the can with the watery liquid and then use 1/4 cup for
the fudge or just use the liquid and no cream.
My fudge wasn’t very sweet. I didn’t have the Swerve confectioner sugar. I used stevia glycerite. Is the amount of one drop correct?
Depends on the brand and type of stevia used. Some are more concentrated than others. I would just taste the batter next time and adjust accordingly. 😉
Thank you so much! I’m on day three of Accelerated, and feeling fantastic this morning! Without coffee!!!
Hi Maria – Just started keto eating after your class. I’m confused about erythritol and swerve. My package of Swerve shows 1/4 c has 60g carbs. So I thought I’d make these with just erythritol and stevia, but when I looked at erythritol, it appeared it had just about as many carbs. That would put 1 serving of this keto fudge at 6g carbs. Do you not count the carbs in Swerve and erythritol for some reason. I tried to read up on your site about Swerve but couldn’t find anything specific about carb counts. Thank You for your help!
Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that isn’t digestible. So the carbs don’t count. 🙂
Yipeee! I’ve been experimenting making my own caramel cocoa butter and this opens up all kinds of new treats to create! Thanks bunches!
I am 15 weeks pregnant and although I had to go off diet for a bit in my first trimester because I was so sick I am trying to get back on track, keep my weight gain appropriate and do the diet after baby’s birth. You said you don’t recommend weight loss during pregnancy and breast feeding but isn’t pretty common/normal to lose weight while you’re breast feeding…and I don’t know a woman who wouldn’t mind it. I want the baby to be as healthy as possible but now have anxiety about going back to the diet after the birth. Any thoughts on this?
Well, if you didn’t eat a lot of things with chemicals and junk in it, then you wont have much to detox when you lose weight. So that is also a factor. 🙂
Love your site. Your recipe is missing a step though – at step 3 I think you need to tell us to spoon the fudge into the loaf pan. 🙂
If I do not have a machine mixer is it possible to mix these ingredients by hand with a whisk or spatula? Thanks
Yep. It may just take longer;)
Just made this and it’s in the freezer chilling! I must say though, it could be eaten without even finishing it in the freezer! It makes a wonderful mousse, or I would think even a great frosting, as long as cake is kept refrigerated?! Just curious if there if a peanut or almond butter version that could be made? Thanks for all your dedication!
A true fat bomb doesn’t have any carbs… No nuts;)