Look at this cute healthy snack a very special mom sent with her kids lunch today! Now that is one amazing mommy!
“Hi Maria — here’s what I did with your “Cheez It” crackers from your Kids cookbook. I put them in individual bags with a cute sticker and they are gold to my boys! “ -Kim
Thanksgiving Side Dish
One of my favorite Thanksgiving movies is called What’s Cooking. It is a charming portrait of four families dealing with family issues that we all go through and come together for Thanksgiving and express their culture through their cooking. What is so cool about it, is that every family is a different ethnic background and it shows how they all celebrate Thanksgiving with their own special foods. My favorite part of the movie is when the camera jumps from family to family as they sit down to their Thanksgiving feast and all the arguing stops as smiles appear on their faces.
In the end of the movie, you think these families have nothing to do with each other and they live very far from each other, but they all live on the same street. I love how diverse we can all be, yet celebrate the same traditions in our own way.
One family tradition that Craig started is the “Thanksgiving Box.” We often are rushing from one family meal to another (both of our families live in the same town so we hit both meals) and it seemed as though we sometimes missed the meaning of Thanksgiving in the midst of all the chaos. So Craig started a tradition where everyone has to write what they are thankful for on a piece of paper and put it in the “Thanksgiving Box” that he made years ago. At dinner we read what everyone wrote and try to guess who wrote each one. It is a great way to remind us what the day is all about. What are your traditions?

Green Beans with Chorizo Vinaigrette
- 1 clove garlic
- 2 ounces sugar free chorizo sausage chorizo casing removed, chopped
- 1/2 cup coconut vinegar or apple cider vinegar
- 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
- 4 tablespoons macadamia nut oil divided
- 2 tablespoons organic beef broth
- 1 teaspoon Redmond Real salt
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 pounds green beans trimmed
- In a blender, combine the garlic, chorizo, coconut vinegar, paprika, lemon juice and coriander until smooth.
- With blender running, drizzle in the oil and 2 TBS broth until well combined. Season the dressing with salt.
- Heat coconut oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
- Saute the green beans in the oil until tender and browned, about 10 minutes.
- Add the vinaigrette and toss to coat.
Testimony of the Day
“Maria, I came to you at the end of May and started eating differently and really working on my health 28 May 2013. I came to you for a lot of reasons. I’ve been low carb for several years but I was stalled with what I figure is at least 70lbs left to lose. I knew I am allergic to gluten so I didn’t even eat gluten. But my stomach would cramp after I ate and I was constantly feeling unwell. Then I started feeling like I had the flu and I was ran down all the time. Eventually I had body aches and my hair was falling out by the clump. When I finally had some energy my heart even started racing for no reason. I was also very depressed and having insane mood swings. I was also feeling overwhelmed by life. All of these things are out of character for me. It got so bad I used all my leave at work trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Still no answer from the doctors.
At the time I worked out 4 days a week with kettlebells and I did some cardio once in a while but I couldn’t keep the weight off. I’d lose and regain the same 20 lbs every month (so I’d go from needing about 70 to lose to 90 to 70… it was awful). I’d be ok all day and then have intense cravings at night. I thought I was having issues with my thyroid because I have family history with that but that wasn’t it. So, I was sick. Very sick.Somehow I stumbled on your page. I’m so thankful! I read the recipes a million times and I was obsessed with your webpage. Everything looked tasty, and it seemed easy. Also there was gluten free bread and the ingredients were simple. I hadn’t had bread in over 2 years! I think I made 1 recipe of yours and didn’t tell my fiancé or my son it was new. They both loved it and I didn’t feel sick afterwards.
I decided right there that I was going to do a consultation with you. It didn’t even take a week to start feeling better or start losing weight. My heart stopped racing and I suddenly had more energy than before. I slept better and deeper than I have in forever. My mood swings stopped and I started feeling normal again. I actually feel healthy! I can’t even remember the last time I felt like this. My forearms and the tops of my legs look liked I had ingrown hairs and now you can’t even see that. And suddenly I started having color in my cheeks – people think I wear a smidge of blush – but I rarely ever wear makeup.I’m getting married in 2 weeks. My bridesmaids and even some of the vendors for our wedding have noted how calm and relaxed I am. I went and tried on dresses for the wedding and bought one in a smaller size. I went last Saturday to have it adjusted. The dress fit so perfectly that I only had to have the shoulder taken up and a bustle put on. (I can’t wait to send you those pictures!)
In the beginning my fiancé was sneaking the food thinking it was “bad” for him and enjoyed every bite with a smidge of guilt. I always got a laugh out of that.I also started feeding my 11 y/o son your food and he has so many favorites he can’t pick. He used to have eczema and “chicken skin” on his face, arms, and back. He even started getting acne – and I felt bad because I had it awful as a teenager. His skin has cleared up really well and you can’t even tell he started having issues. He even looks like he’s dropped a bit of weight too (love handles and his belly mostly). The real hardest part of eating this way for us is keeping food in the house. I haven’t been able to freeze anything because it’s gone the second I turn around! I spoke so highly of you to my parents that my mom started making your sub bread for my dad – who is also allergic to gluten. He loves it. He also loves the clam chowder.So now I’m down 40 lbs and it was probably the easiest 40lbs. I dropped the weight between the last week of May until September and now I’ve been losing inches fairly rapidly. I love kettlebells still and basically use them 4 days a week and do some cardio (20 minutes or less) once in a while. I’m stronger than I was before by a lot and I am thinking clearer than I was before also. I have to be honest though – there are some weeks I’m so busy I don’t get a chance to work out (but I make sure I sleep)! This is the lightest I’ve been since my son was 4. Everyone has been telling me how much better I look. My dad said when I saw him in October that this is the healthiest he’s seen me in years.I’m not done yet. I have some more weight I want to lose; our honeymoon isn’t for another couple months so I’m very excited to see what I can do in that time.
The cost of getting that consultation was completely worth it in my book. I even went and bought all of your books in ebook and print so I wouldn’t ever be without the recipes. I feel amazing and I can’t put a price on that. Yeah, you’re pretty much an angel in my book. All the love in the world to you and your family, HollyP.S. This is a picture of me the weekend we got engaged – October 2012. I’m basically wearing a very tight 16 or in some clothes an 18. All the work I put in from September – May and I still looked the same. It was very disheartening. The bottom picture is of me last night. I am now wearing a loose 12 or in some clothing lines a comfortable 10. The hardest part now is keeping an outfit I like because in a month I end up smaller than before.”
I just feel so much better living Wheat/grain free
Living Healthified has giving me back the joy of cooking. It has given me back guilt free satisfying meals. My physical & emotional health is great! I’m off an extremely high dose of anti anxiety medication. A medication I never ever left home without. I rarely experience migraines, no longer eating maloxx like it was candy. Since living Healthified I finally feel like I have my gut healed. As a celiac, I had given up on enjoying cooking, eating living ” normal”. But thanks to grain free Healthified lifestyle , Life Is Better then Good.
Heart disease and borderline diabetic.. Working hard on getting healthy !
Living this lifestyle I no longer have hypoglycemia episodes which I would have daily. I also have lost weight and don’t feel the need to count calories.
I have more energy, sleep through the night (no longer waking up at 3A), acid reflux is gone and I’ve lost 19 pounds since July 22!! Thank you!
I’ve lost 85lbs!
I feel better and my lab work for my diabetes is already greatly improved in only 3 mos being grain & sugar free!
I feel instantly lighter. No bloat or heavy feeling and greatly reduced pain.
I spent a long time like most others doing low fat. Calorie counting diets to no success. After I was diagnosed with PCOS I was told that grain free sugar free low carb diet was the way to go. I was skeptical at first but went through the motions to begin with. Then I really started to enjoy it. I was noticing that I was feeling better. Bouts that I had with depression had just disappeared. My pants were getting looser, which was a great excuse to go clothes shopping. But after all was said and done I had dropped 70 lbs. It was amazing. And my family is pretty good with this lifestyle change as well. So all around, what a wonderful thing this has turned out to be.
Maria has helped me for a couple of years now and she very generously continues to help me! I am a high maintenance client but Maria is always there for me!! If you would like to be healthy and happy too please don’t hesitate to contact her ! It is worth it!
Winning an ice cream maker of course would be an added bonus! 🙂
I have weight loss, and a new joy of cooking!
The lifestyle Maria supports and teaches gives me energy, no cravings, haven’t been sick in years!!
I feel better and my brain doesn’t feel like it’s in a fog anymore. I have more energy, and my digestion is a lot more efficient. The one thing in your cookbooks that I can’t live without, is the sub roll/bread recipe. So easy to make and so delicious. I never really missed bread when I went grain free, but I would miss this if anyone tried to take it away from me.
I have lost 98 lbs and will be running my first 1/2 marathon a week from today
We are starting that January 1. We are in the middle of a move and I can’t start studying and moving at the same time. I know I will feel better. If I eat anything with sugar I do not feel good. Husband has AFIB and I believe changing his diet will help him with that. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I don’t get as hungry as before low-carbing. I can keep going for 4 hours, no sweat, if I have to. 🙂
Losing weight and feeling better.
I am just starting. Very excited about eating better and weight loss!
I have fallen in love with your site. It just makes sense. I have been diagnosed with being pre- diabetic with insulin resistance. I have been trying to go low carb with high protein but was still hungry all the time. I started adding the fats like your site suggested and now the weight is coming off, I stay fuller longer and I feel better. .
I don’t retain water like I used to — my IBS is better and I feel so much better overall. If I accidentally eat some wheat, I can really tell. Love your site and your work! Keep on fighting the good fight.
Lost weight, inches, and my skin is clearer.
I dont have tipe 2 diabetes anymore, my hipotiroidism sintoms are so much better, an 45 lb down, energy, so good!! Thanks Maria!!!
I originally started this lifestyle to lose weight. Now I continue this lifestyle because I feel great, am more energetic, and it’s an incredibly easy lifestyle to maintain.
I have shared Maria’s Mind Body Health FB page on Facebook. I have been an advocate and follower for over a year or two. I purchased your 30-Day Meal Plan Package back in July and have lost 15 pounds since by being grain free and sugar free. It has been grand. I feel so much better. I hope to win the ice-cream maker along with your wonderful recipes.
I no longer have acid reflux. I feel 100 percent better.
Feel ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Grain and sugar free is the only way for me–total control of my diabetes without meds! At 5’9″ and 130, it’s not always about weight, but my husband has lost about 30 lbs. Thank you for all the testing and sharing tasty, realistic recipes and your research/knowledge. Liked and shared…
I have lost 30 lbs…my glucose readings are a lot lower and my cholesterol and triglyceride readings have decreased.
Love your website and your recipes. Can’t wait to try more.
lost 50 pounds
Filling in all the “gaps” left behind by grain removal has pointed me in a direction of exploring an array of amazing flavors within nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits.
I too don’t have that bloated heavy feeling and am more “regular”!
Thank you Maria and Craig! I love your recipes and can tell a wonderful positive improvement in my overall health. Not to mention weight loss!
I followed your plan quite closely for a long time but got off track for the last year. I’m working toward getting back on track! I want to feel as good as I felt when I was on your plan: more energy, no brain-fog, better health. I love ice cream and always wondered what ice cream maker you used.
My husband and I started following a gluten free lifestyle because he was diagnosed with having a gluten intolerance and ulcerative colitis. However, I have found eating gluten free (especially pre-packaged food) is not the right way to go about it (has way too many carbs/sugars) and we have actually been gaining weight. I recently came across your website and a light bulb went on. I have purchased a couple of your books and have been reading & absorbing everything on your site about eating low carb + gluten free. So the past week I have been eating your way and have already lost 5 lbs. Thank you so much for the work and knowledge you have put here on your site.
You won!! Congrats! 🙂
Just send a message (contact above) with your address. 🙂
My high blood pressure has finally normalized! I am finally starting to lose weight after 2 years of trying with conventional diets. My bloodwork looks wonderful and I have Metabolic Syndrome so it’s a miracle.
I feel so much better eating this way. No more anxiety, ADD, prescription medication, afternoon slump, fatigue… I finally feel like I can live life to the fullest 🙂
Maria, i am enjoying your newsletter so much and would love to start eating your way but I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption this summer and it is tricky. Do you have any suggestions or modifications I can make?
I am a faithful follower of Maria’s Facebook page and blog and have learned so much from her. I have lost 20 pounds since becoming totally gluten free and low carb and no longer need to take my reflux medication, which I had taken for 10 years. I am feeling so much better, but have plateaued for two months now. Maria’s health assessment and 30 day menus are at the top of my wish list. This ice cream maker and a stand mixer are on it too ;). Thank you Maria for all you do and for so generously sharing your knowledge and answering questions. Am so excited’ for the release of your next book. You inspire me!!!
I’ve lost weight! this morning I’m down 31 pounds!!! I would LOVE an ice cream machine!
I feel SOOOO much better doing low carb high fat! I’ve only lost about 5 lbs in 6 weeks, but I’ve got candida issues that are FINALLY clearing up after trying nearly everything. My headaches are minimal instead of every day. My stomach aches are minimal instead of every day. Also, I’ve noticed such an increase in energy. I don’t need a nap every weekend! I don’t get as hungry and it takes less food to fill me up! I feel so satisfied too!!! Never in my life have I had so little cravings for junk food! I’m planning on continuing this way for life… my next hurdle is the holidays, but I have an action plan, so I’m feeling pretty good about it!!!
More energy, less brain fog, no antacids required!
I used to get severe stomach pains. No longer get them since going grain free.
I just got a shipment from nuts.com and am looking forward to trying soon of your recipes I have not tried yet. My digestion issues are so much better when I am grain and sugar free.
It was one of my kids birthday and I didn’t have time to make a cake. I was going to make the tiramisu cake from your recipe but life just got in the way. So instead I bought something from the bakery. Initially, we all enjoyed it but the aftermath was a whole other story. My kids and I crashed so badly that even the 17 year old birthday girl noticed. I swore to myself to never let that happen again. I will take the time to preplan everything, most importantly the birthday cake.
I “like” you on Facebook!
I shared about your website and giveaway on Facebook!
By going grain-free and sugar-free, I no longer have that “chicken skin” on my upper arms, either! And no more heartburn. Yes!
I have not started yet, but am starting tomorrow and cannot wait to see changes!!
My family has instituted more and more grain free foods and my father and my mother are both losing weight and look much healthier. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love eating sugar and grain free. My overall health is improving!
It isn’t always easy eating gluten and sugar-free. I was at a ladies’ Thanksgiving brunch this morning and had to bypass all the muffins, sweet breads, and pigs-in-a-blanket. But I still had my fill with lovely quiches, salad, and fresh fruit, as well as, wonderful fellowship! I find that it’s definitely worth any sacrifices made. I’m losing my bloated gut and digestive upsets and gaining energy, better sleep, and mobility.
I have required constant meds for reflux, GERD and all the crappy symptoms that come along since pregnancies and am now 64. Insurance has permanent rider prohibiting anything but meds for GERD. NEVER would I have thought carbs were what was causing all the havoc. As long as I keep carbs way down no problems. Too good to be true. Am not losing more than few pounds since June, but have no intentions of ever eating old way again. Can’t explain how free I feel without dealing with all those lousy symptoms. Thank you Maria
Eating grain and sugar free has helped me lose 52 lbs.!!
I have lost thirty lbs so far and i feel great! I would love the icecream maker so i can make low carb icecream! Yum! And cant afford one so it would be great!
I no longer have the desire to eat crappy foods. If it isn’t nutritious (and delicious) why bother!
I have noticed a reduction in my MS symptoms, especially the fatigue since going gluten and sugar free. So glad that I found Marias blog and the wonderful recipes she shares.
Thanks for all you do to help get people started on a healthy lifestyle
I grew up on processed foods, and have had to teach myself to cook, and then teach myself how to cook again when I gave up grains. I believe it is changing my health and saving my life, and probably my partners life too. Not only has my weight started to drop (slowly) but my mood, and mind is healing too. I’m so thankful for Facebook and the internet for all these wonderful teachers and pioneers. Thank you Maria .. Your work is important.
I love having some options when I am craving something sweet or even something naughty like pizza! I manage keeping my ihsulin needs as low as possible by eating low carb, and so many great recipes here have helped me not feel deprived.
I have to do with out sugar.Would love to win this to make my own ice cream.
I am still working on going completely grain free. I am most days but there are some days that are hard. I have definitely noticed the difference – that I feel soo much better the days that I am successful!!
I have been living the low carb way since April of this year. I’ve lost 35 pounds, I have COPD, Arthritis and Hypertension, all three have been positively effected by my new lifestyle, I feel better, breathe easier and the loss of weight has made the arthritis easier to deal with.
I own the Joy of Organics Food Buying Club. I feel so blessed to cook your recipes and use your wonderful information to keep us healthy.
Just a few days in on my new lifestyle thanks to this site and Maria’s wonderful recipes. Would love an ice cream maker to make delicious sugar free ice cream!
Had a hard day with too many carbs, but am hoping to get back on the wagon tomorrow. I want this way of eating to work!
Thankful for all the great supplements she has recommended that have helped my G.I. issues. I feel better mentally and physically when eating KETO style (usually… hoping to master it better : )
Grain and sugar free cooking and eating became my saving grace after I was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago. I did not know how to handle this disease, and the information from the doctor’s staff was not helping control my blood glucose numbers (“keep the carbs under 250 per day and eat low fat”). After finding several informative diabetes websites, and finding a new doctor (!), I learned what to do in order to keep myself healthy. And after finding sites like Maria’s Mind Body Health and All Day I Dream about Food, I learned how to enjoy food again!
Eating no grains, sugar inc fruits, dairy, and high carb veggies has really made my chronic fatigue, Lymes/Mold disease seem like it was never there.
Actually this testimony perfectly describes ME! I’ve been low carb for several years and lost weight but still have about 70 lbs to go and am stalled. I’ve been waiting for some money to come in in order to consult with you and hope to have a testimony to send in one year from now!
Your way of eating has greatly improved my life. I am currently trying to recover from anorexia on my own and let me tell you, it is not an easy process AT ALL. Once I found out about your way of eating I decided to follow it and my view of food has improved. I have made a bunch of your recipes and they are very good. I have been wanting SO BAD to make the ice cream for soooo long now, but my family cannot get an ice cream maker so I would LOVE to win this one!!! Thank you!
We’ve just discovered Maria’s site and are excited to get started. We’ve been vegan-ish for several years, but the need to go grain free for autoimmune issues has come up.
I feel excellent
My health has improved in every way. I am down 65 lbs since cutting out grains and sugars. I no longer ache. I no longer am plagued by many of the issues I once was. This may sound strange, but feeling bad was so normal for me that I didn’t realize just how bad I felt.
Amazing….the weight has come off nearly effortlessly and I am not hungry. I am learning how to eat differently, and once I made the leap it has been pretty easy to stick to. My energy level is better as well. Keep up the great work!
I’ve been fighting high cholesterol for years. Cut out all meds. 6 weeks ago. Feel great ,but not sure of levels yet. I would love an ice cream maker.
Hi! I have been wheat free and low carb for two months! And in those couple of months, I have lost 17 lbs and only on one if my disbetic meds now! I feel so much better! And my acid reflux is getting better as well! I’m really glad I made the change to this lifestyle!
My reflux has been reduced.
It is so easy to keep my weight in check by eating this way. I never have cravings and don’t feel out of control. I feel that I can eat really anything I want because there are so many amazing recipes!! 🙂
Just feel better (plus no acne and cramps).
My RA has gotten so much better! I’m about 97% pain free now and go to the gym and lift heavy weights. A year and a half ago I was afraid I’d have to go on Disability. Now people who don’t know me can’t even tell anything is wrong.
Living grain free and sugar free has been amazing. I have so much more energy and have lost the brain fog that I used to think was a normal part of growing older. Also those little aches and pains that I used to live with from past injuries have gone away. One more thing is that I have a way lower stress level. Life is good !!!
Liked and shared! I have just started trying grain free, wheat free and sugar free. I am on week two and it has been a challenge. I have slipped up at times but compared to the vicious cycles and road I’ve been on with food I am hoping this will work. I am trying to put an end to the binges. An ice cream maker would allow me to not feel deprived as I live this new lifestyle. This ice cream maker would allow me to create things I am not able to create right now. It will ease the stress and temptations I have with (sugar filled) store bought ice cream.
I’m down 4 pants sizes, I think clearer, cravings are gone, joint pain is gone, depression is gone, acid reflux is gone. My new lifestyle has done wonders. Real food is so healing!
My body has much more energy, mind is clear and I am losing weight. I can play with my kids!
I have been grain free for 4 months ever since I found out that I have Hashimoto’s, autoimmune disease. I feel now like I used to a long time ago: full of energy and life!
Living grain and sugar free allows me to keep the weight off! It’s the only way.
I love this way of eating because I finally feel so good. I’m happy and I have more energy. I’m not into my smaller slacks again, and I like the way my face looks. What’s not to like?
I ran across Coconut Crystals and am wondering if they are just another sugar or can they be used on Maria’s plan??? It looks like it is sap from the coconut palm tree and not the actual coconut. Some Paleo cook books use this product. I’m looking for your input, Maria fans!
Nope, it is just sugar.
Thank you so much for the response…not all things coconut are equal! I guess I’ll have to wait for the Stevia Glycerite to arrive in Bangladesh!
Been low-carb for the past few weeks again and the one thing I notice is that the joints dont ache like they normally do. I think I am grain-free but not 100%. I am taking some baby steps right now as I still have some things that are not quite healthy, but I felt a necessity. I typically get horrible sugar or “sweet tooth” cravings in the afternoons, but I have seen those diminish lately. I would love to try your bread recipes….but I am scared. Whipping those eggs up and then folding them in…I feel is a little past my expertise in the kitchen! but one of these days I am gonna give it a try. Love your site and info. Just ordered one of your books recently, so excited to see what is in it. 🙂
Living this was has helped me to lose a little weight, also my nails are stronger and my hair is now starting to fill in were I was thinning. I have been sleeping better too when I can get a full 8 hours of sleep.
Maria, I read all of your posts and I am so intrigued by your vast knowledge and your compassion for those you help. I really want to get started on changing my eating lifestyle. I don’t have major problems with “general” foods…lactose or GF. But I’ve gained 40 lbs in the last 5 years, have Hypothyroid which they are now treating, struggle with some depression, have high blood pressure and food pain. I have one of your e-books. I am a Culinary Specialist and love to cook, bake, etc. I develop recipes for my work and my hobby and I admire the work you are doing with your recipes. I just need to start experiementing in an area that is a little foreign to me and “TAKE THE LEAP!” I would love to visit with you some time. The Ice Cream Maker would be AWESOME! Thanks for your educational posts and great recipes!
I cannot tell you enough how much better and better I feel each day… Like each day begins full of life and recharged! Amazing, Amazing things that you have taught me… I cannot thank you enough!
I am able to maintain my weight and feel great!
My health has improved in several ways since starting and maintaining a sugar-free/grain-free diet. I have lost a significant amount of weight (after trying for many years, this is the ONLY thing that has ever really worked for me!) This diet has also improved my snoring, skin, and inflammation issues. I am also significantly more active than I used to be, due in big part to having lost a lot of weight. So overall, my life has benefited greatly from this way of eating and living. Thanks!
Eating the “Maria Way” has increased my energy which was huge for me! Also, my labs taken at the doctor’s office are now all normal where previously it showed I had hypothyroidism. I have also been sick just once this past year, normally I would get sick every 2 months with whatever was going around. Thank you Maria for sharing your incredibly helpful information!
I’m no longer hungry again shortly after I eat and feel better overall.
I love how this lifestyle change has inspired me to focus on caring for self!
I thought if a recipe calls for both Swerve sweetener as well as Stevia glycerite that the S.G. should be omitted? Some recipes say to omit it but others call for both Swerve AND S.G. so now I’m a bit confused! Please clarify- Thanx 🙂
This way of eating makes me feel energized
For the first time in years I seem to have energy in abundance! My house has never been cleaner or more organized.
Love feeling better with more energy and am from Texas so looking forward to trying this chorizo/bean dish!
Next month will be two years of eating LC and grain, sugar and process food free. I’m down 36 lbs of my 45# goal and I no longer have knee pain or stomach bloating. I feel and look wonderful. I recently purchased Nutritious and Delicious and love the recipes. Now, I’m off to buy the Slow Cooker book for my DH, who loves cooking with the crockpot!
I don’t have the joint pain and mental fog that i have when eating carbs.
A very good recipe for loosing weight !
Love the recipes to support the weight loss I have struggled with! Thanks!
I have been eating LCHF for almost 6 months, I lost 33 pounds, joint pain is gone, feel more alert, energetic, can concentrate better, feel in control of my food decisions.
i lost over 20 pounds!
My IBS is now under control
I have lost weight and I don’t have as many headaches!
I don’t have heartburn and that cough that comes with it, like before. This was something that I didn’t even notice until I wen’t back to what others call ‘normal’ foods. I like not having that yucky feeling in my stomach, the nasty taste that comes up… eww.
I started to enjoy food instead of worrying it would make me gain weight, and my cooking skills improved significantly thanks to your amazing recipes 🙂 Also, my mood and energy are now skyrocketing, and I am more creative than ever. I am introducing all family and friends to a sugar and grain free lifestyle, and it’s delightful to witness how they become healthier and happier!
Awesome! Thanks!
***Maybe my question was overlooked or missed – I wanted to know why some recipes that call for both Stevia Glycerite and Swerve have a note that says ‘(omit if using Swerve)’ and some do not say to omit it. From previous old posts you’ve stated that Swerve is erythritol with stevia already so it’s not necessary to use Stevia Glycerite and yet later posts do not have this note to omit if using Swerve. Please clarify! Thanks-
In some recipes I find that mixing Swerve and Stevia give a more balanced sweetness. You can sub all Swerve or all Stevia as you like. 😉
We are on day 21 of your 30 day plan. I have lost weight, and inches through my middle. I feel so much better (even though I wasn’t feeling bad before). My husband and three teenagers are doing this with me, and are definitely feeling great. I didn’t know if I could keep my 18 year old boy satisfied, because he’s always hungry. But, by eating the Maria way, he doesn’t get as hungry, and can be satisfied by one healthy meal. He is, however, begging me for ice cream. So, I’d LOVE to win this ice cream maker!
Thank you for everything, Maria!!
My blood glucose has dropped to near normal levels and I am steadily losing weight after only 3 months. I was a huge skeptic coming in as I had been eating low fat for decades and viewed low carb/high fat as an unhealthy way to eat. I’m beginning to come around.
anxiety and depression symptoms have disappeared!
I am 45yrs old, a stay at home mother to four teenagers, I don’t do drugs nor do I drink alcohol too often BUT I’m an addict! A SUGAR ADDICT! (the first part of recovery: To admit your an addict) I tried everything to control my sugar cravings but nothings ever worked! I’ve cried out for help but everyones told me they don’t know what to suggest…then I found you, mariamindbodyhealth.com (the second part of recovery: to do something about it) and now I’m on the right road to recovery! I’m slowly purchasing all your books from the “Mommy Fund” money found in the washing machine and dryer from my teenagers pockets.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart and MY BIG FAT GREEK BUTT! (soon to be small)
I love knowing my family is eating so much better. This morning I made Cheese it crackers for my son’s school snack, Blueberry crunch for his breakfast, and the Pizza Hit breadsticks for his lunch and I was just giddy because it also was so easy! And he loved it all! I kept the sink full of hot soapy water and washed as I went so I had no dirty dishes piled up when I was done. Thank you Maria!
Awesome! Thanks!
I’ve been grain free and sugar free for nearly two years and have lost 35#. I feel wonderful. And I’ve been able to decrease my HBP dosage by 50%. Thank you Maria