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Slow Cooker Curry

By February 9, 2012November 14th, 2018Main Dish, Poultry, Slow Cooker

Slow Cooker Curry


I get A LOT of questions about yogurt…even the plain Greek yogurt has too much sugar for me. Naturally fermented (homemade) yogurt that doesn’t contain gelatin (yes, most brands have gelatin) has a carbohydrate called lactose that is converted to lactic acid. This is what makes yogurt sour tasting and causes the protein to curdle which makes the liquid into a solid.

Our moods are directly correlated to the intestinal flora of our gut…the nervous system actually come from the gut to the brain (in the pasted they thought it was the other way). The first thing I recommend for my clients who are dealing with depression or low moods is a quality bifido bacteria. To read more on how to beat depression without the side effects of prescription drugs, check out Secrets to Controlling Your Weight Cravings and Mood.
Slow Cooker Curry

Here is an easy dinner for all of you busy families! I put everything in a Crockpot the night before. When I woke up, I pulled the Crockpot shell out of the fridge, plugged it in. When I got home, I had an awesome dinner waiting. I also served NAAN Bread (recipe in THIS cookbook) and Miracle Rice with it.

Slow Cooker Curry

6 cloves garlic, minced
2-inch piece fresh ginger, minced
4 TBS curry powder
1/3 cups chicken broth
2 cups Coconut Milk (or sour cream) (or my homemade Keto Dairy Free Yogurt)
6 bone-in skinless chicken thighs, about 2 1/4 pounds
1 1/2 TBS Celtic sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 head cauliflower, broken into large florets OR 2 packages Miracle Rice
1 red pepper, cut into slices
1 yellow pepper, cut into slices
1 green pepper, cut into slices

2 cups eggplant, cut into strips
1 bunch fresh mint, chives or cilantro leaves, chopped
1 lemon, cut in wedges

Season the chicken all over with salt and pepper. Add all the ingredients except the lemon wedge into the slow cooker. Cover and cook on HIGH for 6 hours.

Divide curry evenly into bowls and scatter freshly torn mint, chives or cilantro on top. Serve with a wedge of lemon. Easy and yummy!

NUTRITIONAL INFO (per cup) = 292 calories, 10.2 carbs, 2.3g fiber


Testimony of the Day

Hi Maria,

For many years, I have been plagued with many auto-immune maladies.  Most of them were just bothers, skin problems, aches, burning tongue. I had been on a low dose of Prednisone since 2002.  About a year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with Pericarditis and then after several months of tests, Giant Cell Arthritis ( which is inflammation of the arteries going through my temple to the brain). The tests showed major inflammation in my body so I was put on very large doses of Prednisone.  That caused many more problems. We have been trying to lower the dose for about 6 months and it has been up and down.  I have had lab tests every two weeks for the last 15 months.

Then, 5 weeks ago, I began my life style change mainly because it was touted to be good for inflammation and I had gained lots of weight with the help of the Prednisone. After the first two weeks into your program, my inflammation tests were still high  but last week, both indicators showed that my levels were in the normal range. That is the first time in more than 10 years. I can’t tell you how happy that has made me and my family.  I am a believer!!!!! I feel good. I don’t miss either the gluten or the sugar. I can’t thank you both enough for the guidance and information. It just proves that you can teach an old dog, new tricks. Thanks again, Molly”

If you want to get started on your path to healing, click HERE. Don’t wait another day!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Anonymous says:

    I have done as you do before-load the crock the night before. I think I read not too long ago that for food safety purposes, you should not put the actual crock in the fridge w/ uncooked food. I think it supposedly takes too long to get up to temp. I have switched over to storing stuff in pyrex and dumping into the crock in the a.m. when I need to get everything ready in advance.

    Just something to look into. I’ve done it, and it is probably fine most of the time, but maybe not that much work to put it into a different container and then dump into the crock in the a.m.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Maria ~ I love your recipes! Have you considered an all crock pot recipe cookbook? For us non-cooks crock pots are a life saver! If I could do every recipe in a crock pot I would. Thank you for all your amazing recipes and nutrition info! Kate

  • This sounds really good-can you do it with chicken breasts and is the curry really hot and spicy? I love spicy-but my kids and hubby not so much lol maybe can add it in my own bowl separate? And yay! I have a slow cooker I never use so this would be a great cookbook and be awesome for at least a few nights a week to have a good dinner ready to come home to 🙂

  • Eric says:

    The cultured coconut milk seems somewhat hard to obtain. If I cant find it, is regular coconut milk an acceptable substitute?

    • cemmerich says:

      Yes, that should work. It will have a slightly different flavor and you may want to use a little less (as milk won’t be as thick). 🙂

  • Susan says:

    Hi – I made this last week and while tasty, did not look at all like your picture. Mine was more soup like and rather yellow from the curry. Definitely did not have the “creamy coating” the picture shows….Did I do something wrong or is this a picture of what it looks like before it went into the crock pot.

    Loving your 30-day plan….not losing weight, but my blood sugars have been awesome…exactly what a Type 1 Diabetic wants!


    • cemmerich says:

      Awesome Susan! Keep up the great work! That is something to be proud of.

      I am sorry. I just updated the recipe a couple days ago. The Chicken broth somehow got changed. It should only be 1/3 of a cup. 😉

  • tami says:

    Hi Maria, I make my own kefir from whole milk…will it sub for the coconut kefir?

  • Beth says:

    Hi Maria! I am supposed to be making this today and have a couple questions. (Thanks for clarifying on the broth). I can’t find the coconut milk kefir. Can I use the yogurt or sour cream and coconut milk instead ? Does that reduce the broth even more and would I put the yogurt in for all day too? I’m thinking not. Also I’m using boneless thighs, it’s what I had, so thinking too it would not need as long a cook time? I appreciate it! 🙂

  • Mary says:

    Can you update the quantity for the chicken broth in the slow-cooker cookbook? I just noticed the difference. Mine is in the crockpot right now with the extra broth!

    • cemmerich says:

      Sorry about that. We plan to the next time we order. We have to purchase thousands of books at a time to keep the cost down.

  • Mary says:

    Everyone loved it! It was a little soupy, but had great flavor. I had to vamp a little and mix up my own curry powder. I’ll try it with less broth next time.

  • FaithG. says:

    I tried to click on the link for the Naan bread but it didn’t go to a recipe. Is there a keto friendly recipe for naan?

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