My heart goes out to all the people suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a life-debilitating disease that some doctors often dismiss. I however believe that there are many causes to this and I have had much success with my clients who follow my meals plans and supplement regimes. Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disorder characterized by soft tissue pain and fatigue, which is ironic because even though they are extremely tired, the pain causes an inability to sleep.
Vasoactive neuropeptides play a huge role in FM and Chronic Fatigue. In a healthy body, these neuropeptides are eagerly catalyzed to small peptide fragments that activate hormones, neurotransmitters, and our immune system. These neuropeptides, along with their binding sites are immunogenic and are known to be related to a wide variety of autoimmune diseases. They play an essential role in sustaining vascular flow in our organs, control memory and attentiveness, as well as control our thermoregulation. They are powerful immune regulators with powerful anti-inflammatory activity, and have a significant role in protection of the nervous system. When this neuropeptide is malfunctioning, pain and other detrimental issues start to snowball.
Vasoactive neuropeptides are also co-transmitters for acetylcholine.
Let’s dive into why a “well-formulated” keto-adapted diet helps lower the debilitating side effects of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue:
INFLAMMATION: One of the reasons so many people are dealing with inflammation is because a rapid rise in blood sugar, which causes biochemical changes in the cell. Choosing low carbohydrate foods is one of the best ways to decrease inflammation. When blood sugar rises, sugar attaches to collagen in a process called “glycosylation,” increasing inflammation (and increases wrinkles!) Athletes also mistakenly eat too many carbohydrates that hinder their healing and recovery time because they are constantly inflaming their joints.
SUGAR/GLUCOSE/FRUIT: Sugar decreases our immune system, which also increases fibro and chronic fatigue. There is something called a “phagocytic index” which tells you how rapidly a particular lymphocyte can gobble up a virus, bacteria, or cancer cell. Glucose and vitamin C have similar chemical structures, so what happens when the sugar levels go up? They compete for one another when entering the cells. And the thing that mediates the entry of glucose into the cells is the same thing that mediates the entry of vitamin C into the cells. If there is more glucose around, there is going to be less vitamin C allowed into the cell. It doesn’t take much: a blood sugar value of 120 reduces the phagocytic index by 75%. So when you eat sugar, think of your immune system slowing down to a crawl. Sugar is disguised in our foods as sucrose, corn syrup, maltodexterin. Even fruits and fruit juices contain a lot of sugar. Sugar also increases blood sugar which causes inflammation and pain.
HORMONES and LIVER FUNCTION: Some ways we get too much estrogen is exposure to chemicals that mimic estrogen such as many plastics (microwaving food in plastic dishes or using plastic wraps and containers) or eating non-organic food. Beef and chickens are typically given potent estrogenic substances (‘super-estrogens’) to make them more productive. People develop estrogen dominance as a result of a high-carb low-fiber diet, consuming excess fructose, drinking alcohol, having a “Tired-Toxic Liver (see chapter in Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism), or environmental factors…all of which we have some power to control. The liver is a filter of sorts. It detoxifies our body, protecting us from the harmful effects of chemicals, elements in food, environmental toxins, and even natural products of our metabolism, including excess estrogen. Anything that impairs liver function or ties up the detoxifying function will result in excess estrogen levels. If your liver is tired and toxic, a special diet plan would be in order to help. Estrofactors is a product by Metagenics that detoxes the liver from excess estrogen (click HERE to find).
CANDIDA: An overgrowth of yeast can cause muscle and joint pain, difficulty concentrating, chronic fatigue, neurological disorders, insomnia, bowel dysfunction, a weakened immune system. These symptoms very similar to fibromyalgia. If you have been on antibiotics, have low moods and you crave carbs and sugar, you could have an overgrowth of yeast. A low carb, low sugar diet along with the correct probiotics help to kill the yeast. Click HERE for a proper probiotic (not all are created equal). And in that case, we would need to eliminate foods that can cause candida to grow… even mushrooms!
EXCITOTOXINS: Monosodium glutamate (MSG or Accent), aspartame (NutraSweet or Equal), hydrolyzed protein, are exitotoxins to our brain and should be eliminated by everyone. They are found in just about every boxed and packaged food out there. Excitotoxins excite the neurons in the brain, causing them to fire so rapidly that they die. Once these cells are dead, they can’t be remade. What is really scary is that when we initially eliminate these food additives, symptoms initially get worse as the body detoxifies.
PHOSPHATES: Most fibrous foods such as seeds, wheat, and oats have phytic acid. Many people with chronic fatigue and fibro have a genetic defect that prevents the kidneys from excreting phosphates. The phosphates build up in the bones, and eventually the muscles, ligaments and the tendons. The high phosphate level damages the cells’ ability to produce ATP (energy) and causes the muscles to spasm. Coconut fiber does not contain phytic acid so it helps improve mineral status when you replace this for wheat flour in your baked goods.
FREE RADICALS: An abundance of oxidative damage to the cells can cause fibro and chronic fatigue. When you are keto-adapted, there is less oxidative damage! A well-formulated keto-adapted diet doesn’t damage our immune system and creates less free radical damage in our cells. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules produced in the mitochondria that damage protein tissues and membranes of the cells. Free radicals happen as we exercise. But ketones are a ‘clean-burning fuel.’ When ketones are the fuel source, ROS (oxygen free radicals) is drastically reduced. Intense exercise on a high-carb diet overwhelms the antioxidant defenses and cell membranes which explains why extreme athletes have impaired immune systems and decreased gut (intestinal) health. A well-designed ketogenic diet, not only fights off these aging antioxidants, it also reduces inflammation of the gut and immune systems are stronger than ever. Restoring the cells and eliminating free radicals is essential and eating a well-formulated keto-adapted diet will do this.
For suggestions on supplements, click HERE.
MINERAL DEFICIENCIES: Magnesium is a miracle mineral that about 70% of people are deficient in (mainly because it takes 54mg of magnesium to process 1 gram of sugar/starch!). Insulin stores magnesium, but if your insulin receptors are blunted and your cells grow resistant to insulin, you can’t store magnesium so it passes out of your body through urination. Magnesium in your cells relaxes muscles. If your magnesium level is too low, your muscles will constrict rather than relax, which will increase pain and decrease your energy level. To fix this problem, eat a low carb diet and consume magnesium glycinate (click HERE to find).
FOOD ALLERGIES: Having a food allergy, such as gluten, inhibits your intestines to absorb iron and B-12; both are essential for energy production. When we inhale, we carry oxygen through the hemoglobin to the mitochondria of our cells that burn fat and create energy. If we are deficient in iron, we can’t carry the oxygen to the mitochondria.
NIGHT SHADES: Another possible source of pain comes from the “nightshade plants.” Vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant contain a chemical alkaloid called solanine. Solanine can trigger pain in some people. If you are in question, I suggest eliminating these foods for 1 month to see what happens.
OTHERS: Not getting into REM sleep, imbalance of omega 3 to omega 6 ratio, a damaged immune system, and parasites (which damage the immune system).
If you suffer from this disease and would like more help, I would be honored to help with a consult. Click HERE to find my services.
Plan Plan Plan is the key to success
One trick that works for our family is that Craig helps clean up after dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. I often fill my slow cookers with a main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day!
To get over 300 slow cooker recipes, check out The Art of Healthy Eating: Slow Cooker, click HERE to order.
Happy Eating! Thank you all for your love and support!
I am more like you than you realize… you can find me opening a Kettle and Fire organic beef broth instead of making my own broth quite often.
Special Deal!
Kettle & Fire have setup a special deal for our followers. Get $10 off your first order! Just CLICK HERE to get this great deal!
I am more like you than you realize… you can find me opening a box of Trader Joe’s organic beef broth instead of making my own broth quite often. BUT when I am not overwhelmed with work, I slow down and prepare a lot of things I know I should be doing such as making my own bone broth.
NOTE: The longer you cook it, the darker and thicker it will get. If you use homemade bone broth in this recipe, you will not need guar gum as a thickener. Click HERE to read more on bone broth.

Take-Out Crockpot Beef and Broccoli
- 1 pound Beef Chuck Roast sliced into thin strips
- 1 cup beef bone broth
- 1/2 cup organic tamari sauce or coconut aminos
- 1/3 cup Natural Sweetener
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil
- 3 cloves garlic minced
- 1 tablespoon fresh ginger grated
- 1/2 teaspoon guar gum thickener, if you aren't using homemade bone broth
- Celtic sea salt and pepper to taste
- 1 cup broccoli florets steamed
- 1 package Miracle Rice rinsed (click HERE)
- In the insert of the slow cooker, whisk together beef broth, coconut aminos or organic Tamari sauce, natural sweetener, sesame oil, garlic and ginger.
- Gently place your slices of beef in the liquid and toss to coat.
- Turn crockpot on low and cook for 4 to 6 hours.
- When done, if you did not use homemade bone broth (which is very thick) in a small bowl, whisk together the guar gum and cooking liquid to create a sauce, pour into crockpot, stir to mix well.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Cook on low for an additional 30 minutes to thicken. Toss in your broccoli florets and serve hot over Miracle Rice.
To make the cauliflower “rice,” cut the cauliflower into pieces and pulse in a food processor until small pieces of “rice.” (click HERE to find the one I love on sale for $30! Original price $78!).”TIP: You can also use the heart of the cauliflower for rice, or use for making “French Fries.” (TIP: can do this up to 2 days ahead of time and store in fridge for easy lunch/dinner options). Stir fry the cauliflower “rice” for about 3-5 minutes or until cauliflower pieces are done to desired liking.
Helpful Cooking Tip: All crockpot temperatures differ a bit, yours may differ in temperature than mine (click HERE to find), I suggest cooking this for 4 hours on your first attempt. 6 hours will most likely make “shredded” beef instead of slices, so decrease cooking time by 2 hours if desired. We did it for 6 hours and loved it!
Testimony of the Day
Another Great Testimony
“When I began my journey with you I was size 3X. I had terrible mood swings and depression. I was diagnosed with autoimmune diseases such as fibromyalgia, idiopathic thrombocytic pupurra (I.T.P.), osteoarthritis and asthma. I had fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, eczema, rosacea, skin tags and migraines.
I am now an extra large, I have no depression or mood swings. Though there is no test to prove it, I feel I no longer have fibromyalgia. I no longer use inhalers for asthma and I feel that has disappeared too. The damage from the osteoarthritis unfortunately cannot be reversed. My low blood platelets from the I. T. P. use to average a count of 30, 000 and now sit between 70 and 80, 000. My iron count averaged around 2 or 3 and I use to get infusions every 6 months. I now average a count of 10 and haven’t had a infusion in over 18 months.
A recent ultrasound shows my liver is now normal. My blood pressure is stable. Skin tags are gone, eczema flare ups are rare and my rosacea is better. Migraine headaches are a thing of my past. I haven’t had a cold in over two years. I have removed 90% of prescription medications from my medicine cabinet. Nobody can convince me that this is a coincidence. I believe 100% there is health benefits to this way of eating.” -Terri
If you too want to start healing your body, click HERE for a consult. With the right diet and supplement plan, you can feel like a new person!
My favorite is a beef roast with veggies!
My favourite thing to make in my CrockPot is bone broth. I invested in grass-fed beef bones from a local California rancher. They produce the best, richest broth I’ve ever made. Truly a wonder food!
Chicken and veggies
I love slow cooker applesauce – there’s gotta be a way to make something similar, right?
I love making ragu sauce in a crockpot.
Salsa Chicken
Also, this may already exist (I haven’t looked) but bbq meatballs
Pulled pork is our favorite SC recipe so far.
My favorite is turkey drumsticks slow cooked in the crockpot, second is pulled pork.
Ossa bocca
I love your Korean short ribs in the crockpot.
Any kind of meat: I love tender roast
Chicken and dumplings!
Pot roast and vegeatbles
I would really love this slow cooker. I have an old crockpot that only has hi and low settings! Maria, I have 2 of your books and just bought the slowcooker cookbook. All I need now is the slowcooker! 🙂 Rock on, Maria. You are an inspiration!
Sweet and sour pork.
Hi Maria: The first thing in the slow cooker will be chili…just like my mom used to make. Then I will do up some pulled pork. That is always a hit. Then I would like to try the slow cooker chicken enchilada I keep seeing on FB. So you see, I have a plan for the new slow cooker!!
My family’s favorite is beef tips and gravy. Think I’ll put some in for today’s dinner – thanks for the inspiration! This crock pot looks amazing!
And recipe would be meatballs!
My family’s favorite is chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes. Think I’ll put some in for today’s dinner – thanks for the inspiration! This crock pot looks amazing!
Pulled pork sandwiches
Need a good crockpot chili recipe. Thanks for all you do!
I absolutely love the cilantro chicken with coconut milk I. The slow cooker. So yummy so easy. Thanks Maria.
I like to cook a whole chicken in the crock pot and use it in different recipes. One quick question. I have Fibro and I have replaced nut flours for wheat and eat a handful of nuts just about everyday. Is there phytic acid in nuts and nut flours? How much nuts can a person eat a day?
I could have used this slow cooker during the holidays.
Maybe a dish with fish? You usually don’t see that in the slow cooker!
I love pot roast cooked int e crockpot!!
Salsa chicken! Not sure it can actually be healthified. It is simply 3-4 boneless skinless breasts with a jar of salsa (i get a local brand which is lower sugar). Cook for about 4 hrs, then serve with sour cream. Delicious!
Chicken and dumplings. However, I am looking forward to making the Beef and Broccoli recipe. It is simple and reads as if it will be savory.
This sounds delicious. 🙂
Would love to win this! I would do roast, we always do chicken in the crockpot either BBQ, or a sweet and sour version, also love to do chili, even a crockpot “lasagna” grain free
pot roast with vegetables
A big pot of soup.
Love this recipe!
Bone broth!
pork tacos
I would love to see a healthy beef stew or barbacoa.
Vietnamese Phó beef soup
My favorite thing to do in the crockpot is chicken!! Boring, maybe, but delicious. I always put in frozen boneless, skinless chicken breast and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with whatever seasoning I’m in the mood for and put a pat of butter on each breast. Pour a little water beside each breast and slow cook about 5 hours. Always perfect and always yummy!
Chicken noodle soup!
roast beef and veggies…
Country fried steak with salsa.
The Balsamic Chicken recipe in your cookbook, The Art of Healthy Eating – Slowcooker, is my go to recipe for delicious chiken!
A recipe my daughter calls candy meat but you already did in korean shortribs!!
I’m not sure since I do a lot of “healthifying” recipes myself or find it relatively easy to make substitutions. One thing I’ve never tried in a crockpot is cake. Therefore, I think I’d like to see a rich moist cake done with almond flour or coconut if can get a nice texture and no egginess. If you have already shared this, my apologies, I’m fairly new to your blog and haven’t done a lot of searching yet.
I do have a couple recipes in my slow cooker cookbook. 🙂
I would LOVE to win this awesome crock! The first thing I would make in it would be Maria’s Take-Out Crock-pot Beef & Broccoli 🙂 My favorite crock Pot recipe…hummm….I guess I will choose the 1/2 boneless pork loin that I toss in with diced onion, 2 tsp of beef bouillon crystals and a can of Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce on top. When it’s done we slice it for one meal and then I do pulled pork for the second night 🙂 Thank you again Maria for all the help you have give me along my journey! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!
PS….I am reading through The Art of Healthy Eating this week 🙂 I am Loving it! Congrats on your amazing and continued success on getting your Life back!
My favorite slow cooker recipe is Chili. Great giveaway thanks for the opportunity.
Hmmm…I love pork shoulder in the crock pot, but I’m a fan of any dish that is easy and tasty!
Nice appliance for slow cooking these great recipes.
Seasoned , slow cooked pulled pork. Love it!
Taco soup or chicken divan
Chicken, Broccoli, Rice casserole!
I would love an easy, creative way to cook faux rice, cauli-rice in the slow cooker so it doesn’t get soggy! Maybe even a new casserole with cauli-rice!
soups and chilis!
I used to love making the grape-jelly and chili sauce meatballs in the crockpot!
This looks amazing! I always use my Crockpot to make roast. Not near as nice as this Crock, though!
My favourite is Crock pot Chicken with Mushroom cream sauce
chicken stew
My crockpot is used a couple times a week. My favorite slow cooker recipe would be chili because it’s perfect for cold weather here in Wisconsin!
I would love to see a recipe for Anything Chinese in the crock pot!
Chuck steak…love when it falls apart.
My favorite recipe (which I happen to already have healthified) is ropa vieja with low carb tortillas and lots of avocado.
I’ve yet to try any of your crockpot recipes. But I did make your chili and let it simmer in the crockpot on low for 5+ hours and it was delicious!
Pulled pork!
My favorite is beef & broccoli take out until I made the protein lasagna in the slow that’s our favorite, too!
I would love a healthified reci
Pot roast ! Yum.
A Picnic pork shoulder with red salt! It is amazing.
Chinese with chicken in it.
Opps I would love a healthified version of lazy man cabbage rolls! Love your recipes, they’re amazing!
Pulled pork is my favorite crock pot recipe, but I’m awaiting the arrival of your book for more ideas.
I would love to see a fabulous vegetarian entree for the slow cooker?? I love stews too. With my hectic crazy hours, a slow cooker would be a great thing for us! I could throw everything in and work my usual 12-18 hours and actually have good food ready to eat at normal eating times rather than just grabbing anything I can find in the house (usually all bad too).
Marianara sauce! I am in love with marinara sauce and now that I have my own slow cooker, I can make the healthy stuff 🙂
I love pot roast in my slow cooker!
I love pulled pork or bbq ribs.
Reuben cabbage rolls! Such a healthy comfort food!
I LOVE chicken, with onion, and fresh green bean!!!! top with butter and seasoning..yumm
Chicken and dumplings!
We love creamy Mexican chicken.
My husband bought me your slow cooker cookbook for Christmas and after making your creamy Mexican chicken last night, he is definitely glad he did! Tonight I’m making this very same beef and broccoli. Now I just need a new crock pot! I love all of your recipes and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t make something that you have “healthified.”
Your Korean short ribs are my fav so far!
A healthified version of potato soup would be great…maybe using some cauliflower in it as a thickener would work well!?
Would love a healthified meatloaf recipe! Thx!!
I’ve seen recipes of cobblers in the crockpot. I would love a healthier version of a peach cobbler!
Pot roast is my favorite!
I love to make hot beef sandwiches from a chuck roast.
I would love to win this and donate it to the manor I work for ..
Pulled pork!
I would so love to win this crockpot as the one I have has been making batches of my newly discovered favorite non-stop….bone broth!!!
Love us some smoked ribs in the crockpot.
Soups and bone broth!
My favorite slow cooker meal has to be chili but since it’s Carnival Season in Louisiana the runner up would be red beans and rice (this year I’m going to make cauliflower rice instead of white rice).
Protein lasagna, or broccoli/Chicken/ or Thai chicken, well just about everything has turned out great!
Chicken and dumplings.
Definitely bone broth!
I haven’t cooked anything with a slow cooker yet, but would love to try vegetable stew.
My favorite crockpot recipes is soup or salsa chicken
I would love to see a slow cooker chicken & dumpling recipe healthified. Thanks for your wonderful recipes!!
bbq anything
I have a recipe for Stupid chicken that has canned mushroom soup, canned cream of chicken soup and canned mushrooms, it is really easy but would prefer it to be more healthy, It makes its own gravy.
Beef and pork roasts
Pulled pork!! I’ve got some slow-cooking at home right now! Yum!
Spaghetti Sauce has always been a crock pot favorite in our house.
One of my favorite is vegetable beef stew
bone broth.
fav/easiest crock pot recipe is chili
Slow cooker curried chicken!!! I just made it yesterday. We add a little full fat sour cream to tame it down for my kids and they love it too. I was just saying I totally need a new slow cooker!!
I always love a pot roast or chili with beans or chicken marala. Can’t have the cream of mushroom soup or marsala anymore or the beans or even the chili powder. Would love to make these more healthy!
Mine is roast with onion soup dry mix on top with mushrooms if I have them. Love to win
Yum that looks so delicious! I like to make roast chicken with varied spices and sauces
Your ham and cauliflower augratin recipe. A definite family favorite.
pot roast
My family loves a good chicken and rice in the crock pot. I’m sure with your inspiration dishes I could find a way to make it “healthified”. 🙂
Pot roast!
We love Maria
Crockpot Chili for sure or maybe a crockpot dessert 🙂 Thanks Maria for the chance to win!!
We love Mexican dishes here in Southern California, so chile verde (pork with green sauce), chili colorado (beef in red sauce) or any other taco filling using either fresh or whole, dried chiles. A great dessert would be Buñuelos (crispy tortillas sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, usually enjoyed with Mexican hot chocolate), although that isn’t a crock pot item.
Bone broth!
Pulled pork is my favorite recipe to cook in the crockpot.
chicken noodle soup… (dumpling, rice any of those)
Not gonna lie, Maria’s coffee cake in the crock pot is probably my favorite thing that has ever come out of it! I just went to lift the lid off my curry chicken and it broke off in my hand! Guess I’ll wait 14 days before buying a new one in case… 🙂
Curried chicken…and so many others! 🙂 Believe it or not, I’m STILL using my Westbend slow cooker that I purchased in the 70’s! Yep, that’s right: the 70’s. It must have been one of the first – with a very 70’s colour: orange! 🙂
Pulled Pork, Chicken or Beef.
sloppy joes
My mom’s crockpot chili beans – would love to see those ‘healtified’
Just had your ham and cauliflower dish for dinner, amazing!!! Your granola is cooking up now for breakfast too love it!!!
Menudo or posole would be great if it can be healthified and cookable in a slow cooker. Thanks for all your great information.
My favorite slow cooker recipe from Maria’s book is currently the chili. (Of course, that is bound to change once (IF) the warms!) The recipes I have made were mostly well-liked by the family, … but there are many more I’m planning to try.
Pulled BBQ Pork
I would like a good low carb beef stew recipe for the crock pot. I can’t seem to get over that it won’t have potatoes nor carrots.
beef stew as above, and applesauce – thank you!!! Love using slow cookers – and have your cookbook which I am slowly getting through –
Pulled Pork
Love my pot roast!
I would love to healthify Chalupa beans which is pinto beans cooked with pork roast and wonderful spices. I miss my pinto beans!
I think this Take-out Beef & Broccoli would be my favorite! I need a crock pot though!
I love to make vegetable beef soup in the crock pot! And oh how I would love to have this beautiful crock pot to use. 🙂
I would like a good beef stew or chicken soup recipe for the crockpot!
Slow cooker vanilla cake! Thanks for the giveaway!
Pulled pork and chili are my favorites in a crock pot.
Similar to pulled pork, but done with boneless chicken breasts! Yummy! :0)
Bone Broth!
I love shredded bbq pork for sandwiches in the crock pot, would love to see a healthified version.
Beef Stroganoff…my kids love that recipe!
Pulled Asian spiced pork that I serve with a delicious Asian coleslaw.
Chicken and potatoes or Chili : )
I can’t wait to try this recipe! I am about to start the 3o-day program and I’m just looking forward to feeling better and more energetic!! Thanks Maria!
Hi Maria,
I have been searching everywhere for your Lobster/Cauliflower Risotto recipe. The link above doesn’t exist anymore. Would you mind posting the recipe, possibly?! Thanks so much!!
My partner, Greg, loves to do ribs in the crock pot. A friend of ours cooks them that way and they come out perfect. You can put any kind of rub on them, pop them in, cook away.
Low Carb Chili. Always great in a crockpot.
A nice pot roast! Simple but good!
A roast big enough to feed a family of 7.
I love your chicken curry recipe. I am half Indian and I have to say that the flavor is very authentic. I make my own coconut yogurt and it tastes great. Thanks!
I have tried to make yogurt from coconut milk, but it just wouldn’t thicken. Do you have any ideas for me?
Definitely pulled pork is a fav of late, also pulled chicken. So many others! Bone broth, whole chicken for dinner as well as using for other recipes. Could always use another slow cooker!!
Thanks to you Maria, I’ve gotten back to using the crockpot! Beef, pork, chicken, I cook them all. I forgot how convenient the crockpot is! Thank you, again, Maria!
looks Amazing!! Can’t wait to try it 🙂
I love my crockpot and after 12 years I think it is time for a new one. I love to make my bone broth in my crockpot.
Taco soup, bone broth or chilli.
Chicken Cacciatore
For sure venison roast
I love sweet sesame chicken! The regular recipe tends to have sugar, though. It would be awesome if I could somehow healthify it.
2 crockpots=Low carb bbq ribs and greens…yum!
Our family LOVES Beef Broccoli…..guess I’ve found what I’m having for dinner tonight…:)
Roast Beef
I would love to see chili and also white chicken chili healthified.
So far my favorite is Coconut Kale Chicken Soup.
My fav is Pot Roast w/vegis!
I don’t have a favorite crock pot recipe but would like to have my Mom test a spaghetti sauce made in a nice crock pot like this one! My Grandma used to make an awesome recipe and I would like to try to make one as close to hers as possible! Thank you for the great give away!
Any kind of “fat beef” with some root veggies:)
I love cooking pork tenderloin in the slow cooker. Or buffalo chicken.
Mexican chicken taco filling, cooked in salsa verde until it shreds at the touch of a fork.
I love to do chili or a bolognese sauce that I can use over zucchini noodles or as a base for eggs in purgatory – love how slow cooker meals extend options for so many meals after!
congratulations on your good result of Healthline’s Best Health Blog
Contest of 2013. In our website we talked about it with a post! Congratulations again and see you soon!
Favorite crockpot recipe? Pot roast!
Pulled pork in the crockpot is amazing…and I don’t even use any liquid smoke! I would love to have this unit, mine is so old and decrepit!
I like making a variety of things in the crock pot. When my son was struggling with his cancer I made bone broth in my crock pot. I browned the meat/bone on the stove top and put it in the crock pot with the other ingredients. I got the recipe from a cancer cookbook. I had my crock pot going for one week changing out the meat/bone during that time and adding more water, etc. to make more. I refrigerated it in quart canning jars. He took out what he wanted as he wished and warmed it to drink. I did all I could but unfortunately he lost his battle with his cancer Sept 10 2012. Now I continue to try to take care of my many health issues with the limits I still have. My sister has cancer since 2005. Our parents died from cancer. I want to avoid cancer for myself. I have enough health/pain issues to deal with. Now, off to decide what to put in the crock pot next!
I had one of these and wore it out!
Cheesy queso with sausage. Pardon me while I drool in myself. CHEEEEEESE!
Chicken with sweet baby rays BBQ sauce.
I would like to see a healthy chicken chowder or beef stew. I love stews!
Pot roast with cream of mushroom soup and onions, yummy
I would make a bone broth!
My favorite slow cooker dish is Italian beef for sandwiches.
Pot roast
Chicken and dumplings
love to see a healtified version of pot roast with the onion soup packets!
My favorite slow cooker recipe is for salsa beef. The recipe consists of nothing more than a beef roast and a jar of good salsa. Throw it all in on low for 8 hours. After work, there will be a yummy shredded beef for tacos or over ‘rice’. Add a jar of salad and dinner is served.
Taco soup!!
Bone broth
Can a person have to many crock pots, I think not. Love to cook so many items in mine. Chili, soup, chicken, pork, ham, and the list can go on and on.
I’d like to see a healthy version of chicken and dumplings, maybe we could use “oopsies”?
Pot roast and veggies!!
Homemade tomato sauce!! I can control everything that way!
Pot Roast with Red Radishes
Creamy Chicken and Noodles
Overnight Oatmeal with fruit, etc. Definitely need a healthier version.
I love this cooker, my little sister has one and just loves it so much. I would love to see my mom’s beef tips and rice healthified. I use the crockpot for this, it uses cream of mushroom soup, beefy onion soup mix, sour cream to make a nice rich gravy, she always served with white rice, was a real comfort food growing up. Thank you for all your wonderful posts, I am retired, 60, trying to get healthy due to pre diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight….and the aches and pains too! This crockpot would help in cooking healthy recipes to boost my new lifestyle, thank you.
Would love to see a healthy stroganoff
I love white chicken chili during these cold months. Would love to see a healthy version!
Bone broth is my favorite to fix in a slow cooker
Beef Stroganoff
Love to use the crockpot and would love to win this model since I don’t have one with removable insert. I make weekly bone broth and lots of thai dishes, chilis, pork shoulder/loin dishes, and of course lots of chicken dishes.
I loovvvveeeee slow cooker pulled pork, it gets so tender!
Pulled pork is one of my favorite crock pot meals and I also love salsa chicken. I’d love a healthified tortilla for my tacos… I use romain a lot but there are times when a girl just wants a tortilla. I use the low carb wraps, but I know that you don’t recommend grains. I’m taking small steps… but I am not grain free just yet.
Venison & Broccoli!!
I have never tired a slow-cooker? would very much like to try. VERY expencive here in Norway.
Make stew quite often, but ribs has got to be one of my favorites……sweet and sour, honey garlic ………any kind
Chicken for tacos
Beef stroganoff
Now THAT slow cooker actually looks big enough for me to feed my whole gang!!! What a great giveway! If I had to pick a slow cooker recipe to be healthified, I’d say Mongolian Beef! I have a great recipe for it, but haven’t been able to make it for awhile as it’s full of sugar! 🙁 Hope you can help!
crockpot barbecue chicken
Definitely chili!
Roasted beef & veggies 🙂
I love to cook a whole chicken in the crock pot, shred the chicken, and put the bones back in the pot to make stock overnight.
This looks amazing. I want to make IT! 🙂
However, my favorite recipe that I would love to have healthified is chicken and noodles.
chicken corn soup
Breakfast casseroles are a favorite!
Probably the easiest, which is slow cooker turkey breast with just onion soup mix! It’s delicious!
Slow cooked chipotle chicken. Yum!
Sweet & sour chicken
Boneless skinless chicken pieces
3/4 cup good salsa on top
2-3 pkts of your fav sweetener on top
Cook on low for 6 hours.
I love all your recipes! Thank you for sharing them:)
Pulled pork
Chicken Picata love it in the slow cooker so easy to do
Beef Stew!
chicken and noodles
Chicken enchilada soup…yum
Kale and sausage soup
Bone broth!
I love chili made in my crockpot! This broccoli and beef recipe looks awesome, headed to the kitchen to get it started today. Atkins makes a Beef Merlot frozen dinner that I’d love to see you develop. It has a really good flavor.
Great website!
Great site!
I had this slow cooker loved it!! The base finally gave out and would absolutely love to win this one.
Chicken and dumplings please.
I’ve got two favorite slow cooker recipes at the moment: Cabbage Soup from and Chicken Thais from !
Stuffed peppers!
Healthy Curry
Pot roast with homemade noodles.
I would love to see healthified short ribs.
I love Whole Crockpot Chicken cooked slow all day
Pulled Pork!
My grandson and I’s favorite to come home to is roast beef! Mmmm mmm mmmm ♥
3 envelope roast! My fav.
Chicken and dumplings!
Thank you. Making pulled pork tomorrow in my really old crock pot. A new one would be appreciated.
Soooo many ideas come to mind to put this crock pot to use!! The things you can do with whole chickens…. Good luck to all!
Oops for got to check the Notify me box…. ~hugs~
I love most things cooked in a slow cooker. It is about the only way I cook any more. It’s quick and simple. I’ve had back issues for years and doctors have just about decided it is Fibromyalgia. Cooking in a slow cooker is so much easier than having to bend and lift things out of the oven. My easy “go to” is either chili or chicken ‘n dumplings.
My favorite crock pot recipe is beef stew, with dumplings.
The recipe I’d like to see healthified is either chicken chili or barbecued chicken (whole). 🙂
I love a slow cooker! My current one heats on high! YIKES! Always has, which is great if you want your supposedly 10 hour cooktime to complete in 2! Gosh, what would I like to see healthified? Maybe a Gumbo recipe. I use mine (quickly) for chicken with sauces (well, I used to). I always cook something different so it is hard to select just one recipe. Sorry, but I do use mine frequently!
Chicken and fluffy dumplings!
I would love to see a healthy mexican dish
Hi Maria! I just found your blog and I am so happy I did! Great info!! Btw, my favorite slow cooker recipe is Roast Beef and veggies! 🙂
If I win this, it’s going to my daughter. Her crockpot broke(the ceramic pot cracked) so she puts ingredients in a bag to cook them. Their favorite recipe is pork chops with mushroom soup and potatoes. Thanks for the opportunity.
I love to make chicken tacos with chicken cooked in the slow cooker.
I would like to see a healthier version of french onion soup
Beef stew!
I love to cook chicken breasts in my crock pot to use in other recipes.
BBQshort ribs
I just started using an old crockpot I have-made the best bone broth ever! I just made the Take out Beef & Broccoli & that is now my fave dish!! 🙂 Can’t wait to try more! Thanks!!
My favorite thing to make in the crock pot is Kalua Pig. This recipe sounds fantastic! I love miracle rice and noodles!
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Hey! Hope that you have your crock pots loaded up and helping to keep your family warm in this record breaking arctic weather! I would make bone broth with beef bones. I have gotten in the habit of making chicken bone broth and love having it in the refrigerator! Thank you, as always. Ann
some more mexican dishes! I love salsa chicken and beef mexican dishes.
Could you sub arrow root for the guar gum?
That should work. I prefer guar gum for lower carbs. 🙂
Creamy Mexican Chicken!!!
Cauliflower Mac n cheese with sausage ………. Drooling right now!!!!!
AHHH too hard to pick just ONE!!!! I love soups of all flavors 🙂 and pot roast and pulled pork and yummmmm…..I love it all haha 🙂
Chicken and dumplings 🙂
This was DELICIOUS!!! Even the pickiest kiddo ate it ;). I even tricked them with the rice!! Yay!!!
I say chicken and dumplings too! YUM. One of my favs. Also Chili is very good or the old Beef Stew. 🙂
The short ribs are definitely my favorite!!
This is my favorite gluten- free recipe I threw together one day when I was craving comfort food =) I am happy to share it with you all, I hope you enjoy it! Gluten free-Scalloped Potatoes and Ham “Cooked in the slow cooker”
3 to 4 Pounds Yukon Gold Potatoes- Sliced medium with skin on washed well!! (Option)
½ Cup fine Chopped Onion or Chopped Green Onions
1 ½ Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
2 ½ Cups Cooked Diced Ham
2 12 oz. Carton (box) of Gluten free “Pacific” Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 12 oz. Carton or (box) of Gluten free “Pacific” Condensed Cream of Celery soup
2 ½ Cups of Butter Milk or Low fat Milk
¼ Cup Un-salted Butter (sliced into pieces)
1 tbsp. Garlic Power (I love garlic)
1 tsp. Black Pepper
½ tsp. Paprika (Option)
“You really don’t need salt with the condensed soups and ham”
Combine potatoes, onion, cheese, ham in slow cooker. In medium bowl, combine condensed soups, black pepper, paprika, unsalted butter, garlic powder and buttermilk; Stir together well, pour over potato mixture in slow cooker. Cover and cook on HIGH for 4 hours, or until potatoes are tender. Gently stir just before serving. Please open Crock Pot lid away from you so you don’t get burnt from steam. Leaving the potato skin on gives you more nutrients! Makes 6 to 8 servings. Enjoy!!
Crock pots are a great tool for making food with rich complex flavor. Some of my favorites are chili, beef paprika, pot roast, and home made soup. Yum.
Hi Maria, Just letting you know that the magnesium amazon link doesn’t work. Thanks for a great piece on fibromyalgia 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
Pot roast is probably my families favorite. I also enjoy doing pork barbeque, or chicken with salsa, and lots of different soups in my crock pot. Could really use a new one…mine is about 10 years old and the temperature settings are wonky!
just tried this recipe tonight and loved it!!! I’ll make it a lot in the future- thanks Maria!
My family enjoyed the Brocolli Beef and I will definitely make this again. And while I appreciate knowing the nutritional breakdown, I have no idea what a serving is. That is the most frustrating thing about all of these recipes. I just don’t have the time to measure out the final product then divide it by four. Has anyone else done that and know how much a serving is?
Maria, could I replace the Swerve with coconut sugar instead?