Primal Jalapeno Poppers
Serve with Iced Peach Tea!

Primal Jalapeno Poppers
- 36 jalapeño peppers
- 8 ounces guacamole
- 1 teaspoon Redmond Real salt
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1 clove roasted garlic I always keep extra garlic I slow roasted in my slow cooker in my freezer
- 18 strips bacon
- Fresh cilantro leaves
- Fresh chives
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
- Wash the peppers.
- Cut off the stems and make a long slice down one side of the pepper.
- Clean out the insides of the pepper.
- Leave more of the pith if you want a hotter pepper.
- Make sure to not touch your eyes... the oils are all over your hands and will burn.
- In a medium sized bowl, mix the guacamole, salt, pepper, and garlic. Add any herb that you desire.
- With a butter knife, stuff the peppers with the guacamole mixture.
- Cut the strips of bacon in half and wrap one half strip around each stuffed pepper and secure with a toothpick.
- Bake on a slotted pan for about 25-30 minutes or until bacon is fully cooked.
- Let cool slightly before eating.
Do you have your copy of Keto-Adapted yet! It has tons of amazing information about how to eat this way and why it is so healthy. Here is a great review by Dr. Michael Tremba. Thanks Dr. Tremba!
Click HERE to get your copy on
Thank you so much for your love and support!
Testimonies of the Day
30 Day Accelerated Testimony:“A BIG THANK YOU MARIA! I for the first time in years feel clean. By clean i mean my mind, my energy, my body, the best way to describe it is cleansed. My irritability is gone and I am finding myself so grateful, grateful for my wonderful life, my terrific kids and amazing supportive husband. I have always been blessed with these things but I am just now consciously connecting to myself and my life. The funny thing is I didn’t even know that I wasn’t. I am truly amazed how in a little over 2 weeks your life, health and prospective can change. Thank you Maria for your kindness and passion to teach. Torri
Ps; down 13lbs in 15 days, 17 more till I reach my goal weight of 120lbs.”
Diabetes Testimony: “I had to go to the Dr today as I have bronchitis. The Nurse asked what was I doing as I had lost 12 pounds and my BP was down. She asked about my Diabetes meds and I told her I had stopped them. My A1C was 5 and when I was on meds it was 7. I told her I found Maria Mind Body Health and have been following her. My Dr was Really impressed.” – Stephanie
Photo Testimony: For most of my life I was a healthy weight, until I got in my 40’s something happened, I swelled up like Veruca Salt from Willie Wonka (the girl who eat the gum & turned into a round purple ball). For close to 10 yrs I was having digestive problems, nausea, bloating, swelling/inflammation all over my body, rashes that dermatologist could not cure. At the end of 2012 I started to read the book Wheat Belly – Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight. Kicking & screaming I did something I never thought I would do & changed my diet. Gone would be my 3-4 x a week of pasta, burgers, sandwiches, rice & sweets & switched it up for food items most Puerto Ricans don’t eat. I never eat a cauliflower in my life before the fall of 2012. Although I knew I needed to lose the weight, the weight loss was the furthest from my mind. I just wanted to feel better. I lost 25 lbs & a ton of inches – I didn’t think to measure myself. I lost the majority of the weight in the first 2 months. All that to say …dump the wheat. My next goal is to strengthen & tone. Body World @ the Museum got me worked up today. There are still plenty of people & things in this life that I want to enjoy. Gotta do this!” – Ivette
Click HERE to get your 30 day meal plans to get you off medications and start your transformation!
This lifestyle is great for kids too!
“My four year old daughter is 10 days into eating keto-adaped. I decided after repeated trouble with attitude, listening, and increasing bad anxiety to change what she was eating. Also my daughter has had very dry skin and KP which I read could be related to gluten sensitivity. I was having so much trouble controlling my daughter she was so hyper, unfocused, and having bouts of anxiety. Anxiety with a four year old seemed so strange to me because we are very scheduled and nothing has changed in our lives.
On the first day of eating Keto she was resistant but I just asked her to try everything on her plate to see what she liked. She is extremely picky. She tried everything ate a few bites of chicken and wouldn’t eat anything else. On the next day we had a hard detox day. She asked for sugary treats all day! She even said I just need a piece of bread and pleaded with me to give her some. It is kind of sad to see a small child that addicted to sugar. Having gone through my own sugar addiction two years ago before becoming Keto I knew what she was going through but we kept up and I made her Maria’s “Amazing Bread” she loved it!!!! It was our first milestone on day 3 we noticed a big difference in her hyperactivity. She was much calmer and her teachers both remarked on her excellent behavior. The improvements have continued and my picky eater is trying everything now because her taste buds aren’t constantly looking for a sweet taste. I’m so happy with all of our progress and her dry skin and KP are nearly gone!!
Thanks Maria for all of your free info and books you provide to everyone!!” – Amanda
The AMAZING BREAD that Amanda is writing about can be found in my new combined cookbook: The Art of Healthy Eating.
I love walking. Hills are my favorite!
Maria, Love your site, I’ll be sharing it w my sister who just told me she’d love to start Jillian’s workout!
My favorite way of moving,yoga, hot yoga, all yoga! I love to walk as well however nothing feels as good as yoga! Thanks
I love boot camp and group fitness classes at the gym.
Recipe looks great!
I started working out for weight loss. Now it motivates me more because I feel mentally and physically happy. I love trying new low carb recipes.
I love to run but haven’t been able to with a Burt hip for past several months
I like walking and working out at the gym
I can’t wait to try this recipe!!!!!
Walking, Running, and strength exercises are my favorite lately.
I’m a walker when I find the time.
My favorite all time workout for over the last 30 years is lifting free weights.
Love to walk!
I love lifting weights
I started Paleo in January and love it, the working out is the part I struggle with….boredom. I need to workout to gain muscle and lose a few inches but moreso to be toned….and keep with the Paleo lifestyle.
I walk when I can but would love to have Jillian’s work out!
I love walking walking and yoga!!!
I enjoy walking , running, strength training and yoga, thank you for sharing all you do on your blog to make all our lives healthier and happier you are such a blessing thank you.
Maria-I am loving your blog posts and stories from people who are sharing their various successes with you! I just got your three cookbooks in one and looking forward to trying the Chicken Parmesan tonight. Your book is way bigger than I ever expected and full of loads of important information to eat keto adapted. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. In closing I do wish to sign up for Jillian Michael’s DVD. I am loving her Yoga Meltdown and am on my 4th week with it. I would love more from her! Thanks! Sherra
I’m mostly exercising these days to heal a tight lower back and build strength back after being pretty sedentary for awhile. I love yoga, barre, walking and elliptical!
Love to lift weights!
Les Mills junkie. BodyPump, BodyAttack, BodyFlow, BodyStep with the awesome instructor Kristin Demulling 🙂
Is there a way to buy the new combined ckbk in book form AND get it in pdf too? Some authors often allow access to the pdf while the customer is waiting for the book to arrive and download it for future access. It would be great to have it on my kindle in the kitchen with me AND have it in hard copy to write in it, etc.
Hi, Sorry, I don’t have anything setup like that. I do have them available separately here.
Hi Maria your recipies look amazing. I tried your pumpkin pie and the crust tasted Just like real crust! I have type 1 autoimmune diabetes and probably celiac as I have elevated antibodies and digestive “issues” when I eat it for the past 2 yrs. I want to start a keto diet but I’m afraid because I also have androge issues. The doc wants to put me on spiro its a diuretic so I’m afraid of having electrolyte issues on the diet 🙁 plus I make min wage I don’t k ow if I could even afford it sigh. any advice? my health is rapidly deteriorating on a regular diet and its really depressing. Thank you
I think this lifestyle can be very beneficial to you. I have helped many type 1 clients with this plan. 🙂
Honestly, at this stage in my life, I LOVE chasing my 4 kiddos!! Whether it be at home, at a park, at baseball, whatever it is. They bring me such JOY!
Marie, I purchased your ebook – Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism. I came to your site to purchase another book – Secrets to controlling Weight, Cravings and Mood. However, I see you have another new ebook – Keto Adapted. Which would you recommend if I could only buy one? You say that the Keto book has every trick you know which may mean it contains info about weight loss, cravings, etc BUT the Cravings book also says it is newly updated for 2014. Help and advice please – thanks 🙂 Isabel
Definitely Keto-Adapted. It has my best most up to date information. 🙂
Thank you. 🙂
Maria- I have Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism and reading Keto-Adapted now as well as have several of your cookbooks! Thank you so much for all you do. I am just starting my journey towards being Keto-adapted, but with the few changes I have made already I am feeling more energy and just “better”. I have several favorite ways to move: weight lifting, HIIT, bicycling, Kettle Bells workouts, and I am a Zumba instructor.
I love my Malibu Pilates Chair workout.
I need to start moving and because of eating the ME way I feel like it. I play with my German Shepherds and like wight lifting.
Hi Maria and Craig,
I was hoping you could help explain how to approach a well formulated diet/ratios when you are consuming close to 4000 calories/day. I am keto-adapted, it was pretty text book for me. I have your 30 day plan, your recipe books, your metabolism book, and have watched almost all your classes. My husband has been trying to adapt for the last 5 weeks. He is having no success, and eating mostly the same things as me. I want to help him, he is tracking his eating in His effective carbs are under 30g/ day. His protein is 100-150g/day and the rest of his calories are all fat. I’m guessing it is his protein levels that are causing the problem, but he is having trouble getting them down and still eating enough fats. Is there anything obvious that you could recommend we try? He is a very athletic, fit guy. He is the type of guy who can eat whatever he wants and still outperform all his friends. His main motivating to get Keto-adapted is to see if it will actually change how he feels. He has never found anything (food wise) that changed how well he performed as an athlete. I really want this to work for him, but the highest he has ever been when we test his blood is .2-.5. Any thoughts or ideas? I am happy to read up on it myself, but have been scouring the web with no solid results on how to approach a high calorie diet when keto adapted. Thanks in advance.
This might help you. 4,000 seems like a lot. dr Attia is a big athlete (he lists his workouts here too) and takes in 3500-3800 calories a day. I would guess his protein is too high.
Thanks so much for the link. I read through a couple of his blog posts and sent the info over to the hubs. It was very interesting. I will talk to him again and strategize how to get his protein down. He was joking with me yesterday that instead of eating his regular bacon for breakfast should start cutting the meat off and just eating the fat. :o) I have been making him your coffee cake a lot, since it has such a high fat to protein/carb ratio.
I like riding my bike!
I love the idea of poppers wrapped with bacon but I’ve never heard of cooking avocado. How does it taste with avocado and no cheese? Also, how much cream cheese do you use?
I think they taste great and provide a great dairy free option. If you use cream cheese instead, just sub 1-1 for guacamole. 🙂
Wear gloves when chopping jalapeños!
Alternative Construction:
– Only remove the stems and tops of peppers, do not slice lengthwise (still remove seeds and placenta)
– Stuff with cheese, but leave about 1/2 room at the top. This is a bit of a messy operation
– Roll a strip of bacon and stuff into the end of the pepper like a wine cork, enough in to hold and rest of the roll exposed to crisp in the oven
– Stand peppers in a muffin or popover tin for cooking
– Follow time/temp of original recipe
This works well for thick-cut back that may not wrap easily