Dairy Free Manicotti
If you do a search for “Dairy Free Manicotti,” all you will find is Manicotti filled with fake soy cheese. Soy protein isn’t the health food it claims to be! About 20 percent of babies in the United States are now fed soy formula, but the estrogens in soy can cause long term harm your baby’s sexual development and reproductive health that is irreversible. Babies consuming soy formula ingest about 5 birth control pills worth of estrogen every day.
1. THYROID ISSUES: Phytoestrogens are estrogen like. Mega consumption of these isoflavone are found in soy burgers, milk, soybutter and are very harmful for thyroid function.
2. CANCER: The estrogenic and toxic effect is linked to breast, uterus, and thyroid cancer.
3. INFERTILITY: Soy is linked to growth disorders, thyroid problems, infertility, and tumors.
4. TIRED TOXIC LIVER: Soy has toxic chemicals that clog up the liver and can’t be metabolized, unless fermented.
5. MINERAL DEFICIENCIES: Soy has anti-nutrient properties that block absorption of minerals from intestines (which in turn slows the thyroid).
6. DIGESTION: Contains enzymes inhibitors that reduce protein digestion.
7. Processed soy protein contains carcinogens such as nitrates.
The total caloric intake from soy in the Chinese diet is only 1.5%. Modern soy doesn’t resemble traditional Asian soy in any way. And to make matters worse, soy has become one of the biggest genetically modified crops in the world, with most (over 90%) of it being GMO. So, now we have all this soy milk, most of which is not organic, going into our babies, and our general population, who all believe it is healthy; all because of marketing.

Dairy Free Manicotti
- 8 large squid
- 3 large avocados ripe
- 1 large egg
- 1 tablespoon fresh parsley chopped
- 1 tablespoon fresh basil chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 cups Primal Kitchen Marinara Sauce
- Pinch dried oregano
- Clean calamari body. Remove tentacles and fins (if needed, I purchased mine with just the body shell). In mixing bowl, avocado, egg, spices salt and pepper. Stuff calamari with mixture. Close each end with a toothpick. In roasting pan, place squid and pour over marinara sauce. Cover pan with foil, bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve.
OPTION: Make it Mexican by using cilantro and cumin in place of parsley and basil and replace Marinara sauce with salsa.
“Thank you for yet another delicious recipe, and all your hard work. I’ve lost over 25 pounds since following your plan, and my husband has lost about the same. Take care.” – Rebecca
Testimony of the Day
“I found Maria in April of 2012, in my 2nd semester of graduate school. Which was when the photo of my before picture was taken. My mom had sent me a link to her blog and I immediately started trying her recipes.
Shortly after, I decided to take her health assessment and started a diet plan and supplements she had suggested. Before the Maria Way I was eating over 100+ grams of carbohydrates a day and who knows how much sugar. I was experiencing intense hungry and mood swings when my blood sugar would drop between meals. Less than a week eating the Maria way and I longer had fluctuations in my blood sugar and as a result I could think clearer! But then the stress of graduate school kicked in and I began returning to my old eating habits. In January of 2013 I attempted to start eating the Maria Way again and even joined a gym. -Emily”
To get fast results, click here to get started.
Today’s giveaway is This GALLON jug of coconut oil is worth $120!
All you have to do is 3 things:
1. “Like” Maria Mind Body Health on Facebook.
2. Share Maria Mind Body Health with your friends and family.
3. Leave a comment below on how the sugar free and grain free lifestyle has helped you or a loved one!
A winner will be picked June 8th and posted on Maria Mind Body Health Facebook page . Good Luck!
And the winner is…. Maria Alfaro!! Congratulations!
Although I had heard about giving up grain and sugar, it wasn’t until I had a friend who I watched change before my eyes and the benefits she was enjoying that I finally decided to make this work for me. Being an avid cook/baker, this has not always been easy but now that I’m about 9 months into this lifestyle, I would not go back. I feel fantastic, met my initial goal weight, eat delicious foods and am much healthier. I even ran my first 5K and am preparing to run my second one this weekend! 🙂 This is truly a healthy lifestyle that works!
No more afternoon energy crashes!
eating low carb and sugar free is so freeing and easy. body and mind feels so much better and imagination soars
Our family is so much healthier now….no more sinus infections and we never get sick anymore!!!! We love eating the Maria way! 🙂
It helped me eat less and be more energetic!
Love the recipes, thank you!
I am sleeping so much better, Maria’s help with supplements has basically eliminated my hot flashes and I’m losing weight! What could be better??
Today marks the end of three weeks and I have more energy, I think clearer, my blood sugar has dropped over 70 points, and I’ve lost 8 lbs! Love it! I don’t see myself ever going back. Thank you.
I feel so good! More energy, mental clarity, and an overall sense of well-being. It took me 4 weeks to start feeling better – so don’t give up. The scale didn’t move, but I felt so much better. It took fat fasting to get the scale to move. So, to feel better than I ever have, I eat Keto. To lose weight, I fat fast. Thank you Maria!
I have just started this whole “new” world of a kenogetic diet and I feel great! I have two young girls and would normally need a nap during the afternoon, but now I have more energy than I have felt in a long time! I have only been on this diet for a couple days now and have already started losing weight which was a HUGE surprise!!
Thank you Maria for all that you do 😀
Lost weight and reversed my pre-diabetes diagnosis. Love this way of eating!
Being a senior I find age as a big obstacle in keeping fit and energetic. Eliminating whole grains and refined sugars has helped us achieve a greater energy with less medical problems. Her recipes are also helping to change my children’s future and their children’s future as well.
Today marks the end of three weeks of eating this way. I have more energy, I can think clearer, my blood sugars have dropped more than 70 points, and I’ve lot 8 lbs. I feel great and I can see myself eating this way forever!
We have a lot steadier energy now
Going gluten/gran free keeps hubby out of Crohn’s flair s.
Feeling great after my first week! I love all the amazing and delicious recipes. The supplements are a Godsend. I was already cooking with coconut oil before I started, so I am happy that it figures so prominently into the plan. Looking forward to my “after” picture!
It is helping me with craving control.
My health has dramatically changed by going grain free/dairy free/gluten free/sugar free, etc – I am currently following Paleo and cant believe the difference. I am over 50 and have tried every “diet” out there. It wasn’t til I went “free” that my weight and medical problems went away. I have lost the menopause “belly” only after 3 months. My only regret was not taking actual measurements – but I went down 4 pant sizes. Weight is one thing but how I feel physically and mentally is worth so much more.
Such a great giveaway!! Thanks for all you do!
I have more energy and feel better! Now I just need to convince my mom she should eat this way. 🙂
Best result of going grain-free – no more brain fog!!!
Best result of going grain-free – no more brain fog!!! (Email corrected)
Still trying to get my husband to ditch the rice, bread, and pasta. He has noticed the weight I have dropped, and that I have more energy. For Health reasons he needs the diet more than I do, but with high blood pressure the docs are telling him to stay clear of high fat foods, salt, and eat whole grains. 🙁 He has no issue eating my low carb breads and desserts, but still insists on having wheat bread in the house. Slowly I am going to get him to give up rice!
I didn’t realize how hard it was to go dairy free, but recipes like this help make it easier! So excited 🙂
Going grain free, dairy free reduced the antibodies against my thyroid.
I’ve never tried Tropical Tradition’s coconut oil. I’ve always used a different popular brand. Would love to win this! Thank you…and I LOVED your webinar!
I have been feeling great! I slipped a few weeks back and felt HORRIBLE. My hubby has also started and is feeling great and losing weight! Thx for all you do.
Love the blog and books! Would love this giant coconut oil…
Just started the 30 day accelerated plan and loving it all ready. More energy and feeling satisfied! thank you!!
It has helped me become more aware of what I am eating.
Many thanks to you Maria for the life changing advice….since I started I am feeling better each week and having a good weight loss.
My chronic inflammation has decreased significantly. I continue to experience consistent healthy weight loss and my sleep patterns have improved after nearly 20 years of severe insomnia.
What an amazing thing that God spoke in my mind that says, “take psyllium husks”. I never dream that I accidentally and found you and your website a few days ago by researching different links! Ive ordered your books and very anxious to learn about Maria’s way of eating! Thank you! I don’t own Facebook and don’t wish to own one. I can spread to my family and friends about you! Thanks for all you do to help many people!
Since the Keto adapted way, not only have I been able to loos weight, but I have such clarity of mind and in general feel great!
After several years of “gluten-free” I discovered this site. I have many health issues including candidia, fibromyalgia, numerous food and environmental allergies, RSD, and of course obesity. I started Maria’s way of eating last Labor Day. Although I have lost less than 20 pounds which is a gigantic disappointment next to all of the other great testimonies on this site, I have had much less problems with my allergy symptoms. My fibromyalgia which has almost run my life has been much improved. I know I have a long way to go. And perhaps, as I less my candidia, I will finally start losing more weight.
I love that this WOE curbs my appetite and makes me feel full. I also feel better both physically and mentally! Thanks Maria.
No more migraines, allergies, skin rashes, and the list goes on….
I have just begun my transition to this lifestyle and am grateful for your site and services! I received the art of healthy living and am making a couple today!
All I can say is having ulcers for the last 3 years, I have not had GERD since starting. I have went from 151 and weighted myself today at 134 in 1 month and 1 week next Monday. All the energy to get thru the day and even do a long paddle on the river as the sun goes down. Fantastic
I love Keto! My husband and I have never felt or looked better. DH just had his yearly physical and the doctor told him he is in the best health of his life at almost 43 years old! I will never eat sugar or grain again!
Since going grain free and higher GOOD fats, no more carb cravings! Crave real food and hunger issues don’t rule my world!
I used to always get sick. That’s not the case anymore. I am the one they call to fill in at work because someone called in sick.
I am excited to be starting this journey!
My mother (70+) has had amazing results and she feels great! Sold!
My family and I are loving eating the Maria way. Hubby was diagnosed as diabetic back in February. Within 3 weeks of eating Keto he not only lost 9 lbs., but he also dropped his insulin to the non-diabetic level – and all he did was change his diet. This WOE is a awesome and we tell everyone about how great it is to eat the Maria way!!!
Now….if I could just get Maria to come up with either a butterscotch syrup or butterscotch pie recipe. It wouldn’t even need a crust. I just love butterscotch and have yet to find a recipe that would “healthify” it. Oh yeah, a non-carbonated root beer would be awesome as well. I had bariatric surgery back in 2008 and cannot tolerate carbonation of any kind.
Thank you SO MUCH Maria for all that you do and have done for us!!!
I love how I feel fuller longer!
Maria, I went sugar and grain free months back, held out on dairy, but after listening to your podcast yesterday and ordering your book, I am ready to take the plunge and try to overcome my thyroid, fibro, arthritis, etc. Can’t wait. Thanks for your work!
Recovering from an “autoimmune” disorder.
I omitted grains from my diet in March and saw some improvement relatively quick. Finding Maria however has me feeling even better AND losing weight! Down 8 pounds in the last 2 1/2 weeks! I love all the recipes I have tried and so does the family!!
I love coconut oil I use it for every thing! id love to win this gal. I go thru it so Fast!!!!
Keto = Health. Need I say more?
I have more energy eating the Maria way and less brain fog. I have lost inches in my waistline which has been difficult for me to do up until now. I am 5’7″ and weighed 140 pounds when I started and now weigh 135 pounds. Love it! Thanks, Maria!
my PCOS is gone! after a month and a half eating grain free and sugar free (in addition to gluten and mostly dairy) my blood work came back with 0 markers of PCOS! 🙂
I feel so awesome and am no longer a slave to cravings! My family has lost weight as well. My parents now have the energy to play with the dogs every morning and evening!
I don’t think this sounds like a recipe I’ll be trying.
It took a YEAR for me to get over carb/sugar cravings; but the keto lifestyle is the ONLY ONE I’ve been able to stick with for years and years. At last I’M in control, not my tongue! My bloodwork says I’m healthier — and I FEEL it!
Maria, I started following your blog for the recipes, but I love, love, love your in depth explanations of how it all works to make us more healthy. I love to be able to share with friends and family so that they will have a better understanding of why the grain free, sugar free and keto lifestyle is the most healthy way to live.
I have also changed my lifestyle and have lost 40 pounds and a few nuisance ailments such as rosacea from changing my way of eating.
Thank you!
I used coconut to clear up my skin a few years ago. My most recent love is Keto Fudge. Found recently a Misto so I can oil my cast iron pans without using sprays that contain silicone and propellants.
I did Marias health assessment and have been taking supplements suggested and have noticed a considerable reduction in inflammation and back/joint pain.
Aches and pains gone!
Acid Reflux gone!
Hot Flashes gone!
40 lbs. gone!
I have more energy for my family, less crashes, joints ache less, and has helped my psoriasis decrease.
Before giving up grain and sugar, I went through my monthly prescription for Imitrex for migraines before the month was up. I’d just have to hope I didn’t get a migraine before I could refill my prescription. Now that I’ve given up grain and sugar, I rarely have migraines and hardly ever take Imitrex.
I have improved my blood sugar & lost weight. Less joints pain, headache, more energy & not as hungry.
fewer cravings, not as hungry=all good!!
Losing weight and reversing my “pre-diabetic” status. Thank you for all you do!!!
I am still trying to bring it all together. Have been stocking my pantry with your recommended items. & saving your recipes. Working on deleting sugar & wheat from my diet. I have five of your books & working on getting more. Thanks for all your hard work. Hoping to sign up for a consultation.
Thanks Maria for the new found health I have since I have started eating this way almost a year ago. The medicine I am on usually increases the patient’s weight. I have kept my weight from creeping up and my blood tests are BETTER now after being on medicine and eating the ME (Maria Emmerich) way! The docs can’t believe it. It is not the norm for sure. I am so grateful to you and your caring ways and for prayer that led me to you and your way of eating. Thanks 🙂
Thank you Donna!
45 days after eliminating sugar, grains and processed foods, the extreme knee pain I had been experiencing for nearly 3 years was completely eliminated!.
I have easily remained eating this way for 2 1/2 years now, with the following results:
I no longer have gas and bloating from the carbs,
I regained an abundance of energy and stamina,
my ‘foggy’ memory has significantly improved, as has my complexion,
constipation is no longer an issue (with add’l help from probiotics),
I no longer get extreme tartar buildup on my teeth,
and I dropped 35 #’s and I feel and look great at 59 yrs young! 🙂
Because of my obvious results, my husband has now eliminated the 2 liters of soda he used to drink each week and he now uses erythritol to sweeten his coffee, instead of the previous 4 tsp of sugar! He’s coming around 🙂
I will never go back to the way I used to eat.
I have EVCO in my coffee each morning and VCO is my primary oil used for cooking and baking. I would love to win this CO as I have never tried the Tropical Traditions brand. Thanks Maria for your books and your website!
6 1/2 weeks into the keto meal plan. I feel better and don’t need that afternoon nap anymore!
After eliminating wheat and oats (I am gluten and avenin sensitive) from my diet, I no longer had horrible achy muscles after working out, the
“forever-hungry” feeling slowly disappeared, and the keratosis pilaris, aka “chicken skin” on my face and arms has disappeared almost entirely! I also started using coconut oil as a lotion after showering and that helped my skin even more. I also used to have occasional migraines. They were never frequent enough for me to get medicated, but now I haven’t had one for 3-4 years! Now if I accidentally ingest either of those foods I have a horrible reaction that lasts up to 24 hours.
As for sugar, I never noticed the effects of it until I made a promise to myself to go without it for 30 days. Afterward, I noticed its drastic effects. It makes my energy level extremely high to what my mom has called being “deleriously happy” lol… then I crash a half hour later and am almost falling asleep and my brain feels fuzzy. I no longer eat half-gallons of ice cream in a sitting or shove sweetened coffee and tea down my gullet every day like I used to, and generally feel that my energy levels are more stable and my mind is more clear. Now I prefer my coffee black, with heavy cream, or with an emulsified tbsp of coconut oil 🙂
I would love to have that vat of coconut oil! I have gotten my family to move away from using margarine all the time and they have grown to like it. I found your blog googling Bernaise sauce recipes and can’t wait to try it out!
Your diet is giving me some great help with knowledge for losing weight and getting healthier!
I feel so much better since I started ME way of eating. I really look forward to each blog because there is always something to learn or a new neat recipe.
I’m totally new to this forum and this is the first time I write a journal to hopefully put my thoughts and ( fingers crossed ) motivate me to lose weight.
I’ve always been overweight since I was a young boy. And I’m sick now , I know I’m not as active as it should be and as a result I get tired faster and therefore , then I am not as active as I should be back ! Something caught in a vicious circle. I have three small children and I want to be more active with them and not be afraid to go out with them if I will not be able to do the activities they want to do .
In the past, I’ve managed to lose weight, but then I got married and everything slowly creeped back .
My husband started on his journey of weight loss in September of last year when he found out that his mother was diagnosed as being diabetic. At 380 pounds he knew that he was headed on the same path. After 3 months he had lost about 50 pounds. I decided that for my own resolution I would finally begin my journey toward a healthier life. When I pregnant with my son 4 years ago I had been diagnosed as having gestational diabetes so I knew I had to loose some weight and change the way I was eating. I came across your page looking for ways to enjoy some of the things that I missed since I started on the diet. Since January I have lost over 30 pounds, I have more energy and I feel better over all. My back would hurt all the time before, I was a shocking 38 H bra, now I am a 36 DD and best of all my back doesn’t hurt anymore. Thank you Maria for making healthier versions of my favorite foods and sharing them with us, it has helped me stay on and motivated.
Great job!
My A1C has been normal for 1.5 years.
I found you through Pinterest, made a bunch of your stuff and four books later I am feeling great. I was suffering from constipation, bloating, fatigue and mood swings. My overall health and energy level has improved. My friends and family are tired of my siting facts and healthified options. My husband knows when I say “Maria” exactly who am talking about. Thanks!!
When following this way of eating, I can feel the difference in pain and swelling in my legs after a long night shift.
My shoes even fit better.
My cholesterol levels have dropped, no more sugar crashes, I used to carry candy in my purse because my sugar would drop so low and 10 pounds just fell off
Just starting
More than 85 lbs gone!
I have so much energy now that I’m not eating grains and dairy! My family is starting to come on board as well.
I got serious at the end of March when we returned from a vacation where I ate too many things that weren’t good. I have lost 20 # and 2 pants sizes since then. Thank you Maria for all your info and recipes. Your desserts and muffins are helping me get my kids switched over.
It is so great to eat the things that I have always been afraid to eat because of the Heart association guidelines. I am enjoying great food and don’t miss gluten one bit!!
Coconut oil is a wonder food & helps curb my cravings.
My friend at work keeps talking about this way of life and how it has changed her. I’m jumping on board! I’m so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!
I’ve rid myself of most of my ‘brain fog’ from staying on a low carb/sugar free/keto way of eating. Yeah!!
Coconut oil is a Godsend! We shouldn’t fear healthy fats!
Besides losing weight, it has helped to keep my mind clear. Sugar really messes with my mind and memory, it also makes my bursitis flair up. As far as grains those mess with my stomach. I feel so much better without the both of them.
No more sugar cravings since following Maria! =)
I am just now starting to follow a Vegan lifestyle per my doctor’s orders. I want to be around for my grandkids! Thanks for all the great recipes and ideas!
Since eating the “Maria” way I do not get the tremendous blood sugar dips about 2 hours after eating that would leave me weak and shakey. I’m in month 3 of eating this way and can’t wait for more healthy advantages!
I have IBS and Gluten intolerance. Grain free/ sugar free makes it all better.
I love that I don’t have brain fog eating gfsf! I feel so much better eating this way…and love coconut oil for pretty much everything!
I have lost 10 pounds (starting 6th week) and my GI is functioning much better. I no longer crave the junk food
its helped control my autistic sons extreme behaviour swings.
It has helped me get over being hungry all the time, the constant craving for sweets, and I’m losing weight and feeling better.
It has helped me lose weight and feel less bloated during the day!
Great blog and wonderful recipes!! Maria you do very inspiring work!
This lifestyle has made me feel so much better and weight loss is an added benefit.
Your recipes have helped me become a better mom! Thank you so much. Having a stable blood sugar has made such a huge difference in my life!!
I have been eating this way for a little over a year. I have lost 60 pounds and feel great.
Way to go!
I attended one of your classes last November and bought 2 of your cookbooks. I am incorporating your recipes into our life by introducing new ways to cook and make it healthier and tasty at the same time. To date I am now 37 lbs. and 27 inches. Excited to make this a life change and continue to keep the weight off and stay healthy!
LOVE all the recipes. The success rate is awesome. Before I found Maria the low carb
recipes I would try failed horribly more often than not. THANKS!
It has helped me getting stomach pains, gas, indigestion and bloating. It has helped my kids tremendously with their ADD and none of us have gotten sick since January when we started.
The best thing about living sugar free/grain free is the quality time I get cooking with my daughters. They will never have to battle with the food issues that I have because they know how to eat real food!
I am 53. I feel better than I have since I was in my 30’s. Its not just the weight loss
I am so confident in this way of eating that I will never go back…
It is the only way I can loose weight. Diets with grains included never worked no matter what, and it wasn’t until I tried a keto adapted lifestyle that I started to loose my extra baby weight.
I have only been eating this way for a few months, but have not had this much energy in years. It has also helped me with all the mysterious aches and pains that no doctor could ever explain. I am s-l-o-w-l-y starting to lose weight. I have a long way to go, but am so excited to have finally found a lifestyle that is helping me be healthier!!!! Thank you!
I no longer have horrific heartburn, indigestion, exhaustion or depression like symptoms! Love making this change. I am five months in, down approximately 30 pounds and loving life!
To tell you the truth I haven’t started the Keto lifestyle. I just found you on FB. I just received your book “Keto Adapted”. If I didn’t have a family to feed I’d read it straight through till I was done. I’ve never wanted to do that with any books I’ve ever read. I’m learning a lot and I can’t wait to get started. The one thing I have done is limited my carb intake. I noticed no mater what I did I always had the feeling of bloating in my gut. It has work. Reading your book has really turn me around and I’m more than ready to get started. From what I’ve read so far first thing in the morning I’ll be visiting my cupboard to ditch many-a-things! Thank you for sharing your expertise with people like me who are looking for help in getting healthy but not getting the help from our doctors.
My sister has lost 60+ lbs on a keto adapted lifestyle.
Newly diagnosed wit T2Diabetes, this has help me get myself under control and on my way to be able to be around in the future for my kids… and I love the recipes!!
I feel better! No more cloudy mind and more energy!
Helped me to lose weight and feel great! 45 pounds so far! Thx for all your recipes and help!
No more bloat or gas.
I used to have severe heartburn after every single meal! Now it’s only after eating canned tomatoes!
I have been sugar free for 3 months, grain free for the most part as in I have had a grain product maybe 4 times in the last 3 months. Sadly I have had no noticeable results but I don’t miss the sugar. I do plan to continue this route and see what happens.
Maria has saved my life!!!!! I have severe RA, and eating the “Maria way” has greatly improved my symptoms! Love, love her recipes!
No more pain, except when I fall off the wagon, that is the sugar wagon.
No more health issues, reflux, migraines, or joint pain.
I have lost over 30 pounds and lots of inches! I feel great!
I love eating the Maria way. Everything we’ve tired tastes great. The only thing that is tough is finding all the ingredients as soon companies don’t ship to Canada 🙁
I feel so much better, with more energy! This has been the best thing to happen to me.
Since giving up wheat/grains in october our family feels so much better! my husband no longer has high blood pressure and doesn’t need his meds any more. I don’t have the killer cravings all the time and ups/downs so much with wanting sweets as I used to.
I have not tried grain free/sugar free yet as I have just found your page today. I enjoyed reading all the testimonies and learning about this lifestyle, thank you:))
Changed my like completely. All aches and pains gone, and exema gone, and I am back to my fighting weight:)))). Thank you Maria, you know what you have done for me:)))). Blessed to have you in my life and blessed for all you did for my kids too:)))
A friend of mine has recently gone keto, a few months ago. Minus the physical changes in her looking healthier and healthier, she seems more energetic as well. She is dealing better with daily stresses and is keeping on top of her life seamlessly. It’s very inspiring. I am working on cutting out my over eating of sugar. And she inspires me to do so.
The Healthified Lifestyle has helped me lose weight, my asthma is gone, blood pressure is perfect, seasonal allergies are better, skin issues healed, muscle tightness is improving, and I feel better all around.
I’m still struggling getting to be keto on a steady basis, but I have managed sugar free and I am feeling so much better.
Sugar free is easy for me, grain free is harder. Sugar free just makes me feel soooo much better!
Eating this way (Marie’s way) has helped the inflammation and ache in my varicose veins. It has only been since Easter of healthy eating but I notice a hug difference. One day I had failed, had sugar, and oh the pain I felt in my veins-didn’t sleep that night. I don’t want to ever go back to eating my old way.
I’m still struggling to be keto on a steady basis, but taking the recommended supplements and feeling so much better that I started exercising regularly. Love coconut oil and use it for more than just cooking.
Eating Maria’s way has eased my joint pain & mood swings. My husband thanks you;)
I sooooo love your work!
And want coconut oil.
Feeling lots better! BP lower, and have reduced meds.
Its helped my face clear up, and lose that hard to lose fat I’ve been trying years to get rid of! Plus I LOVE coconut oil and its benefits!
I no longer get migraine headaches after going gluten free!
I am finding there really is no better way! Happy and Healthy is really what its all about!!
Feeling energized! Learning everyday. Struggle still though with getting the family going with it.
My husband and I are on week 3 of no sugar or grains. We are feeling great and trying to transition the whole family over. Love trying your recipes, and reading your blog!
feeling much better
I have been able to drop 40 lbs so far eating a keto diet.
As a family that is a affected by celiac disease I find your nutrition blog and cookbooks so helpful in controlling our diet and keeping us GF.
I have lost 30 lbs. and the psoriasis I have had for years is almost gone. I also sleep much better.
Awesome! Great job!
No more mood swings 🙂
I just realized yesterday that Im down 15 lbs since I started mid-March! Thank you Maria for recipes and knowledge! within days I no longer had afternoon brain fog. I have more energy!
helped with my all-over bruised feeling
Started 2/1/14 due to blood work coming back unfavorably. High blood sugar and high cholesterol had come down, lost weight, hoping it will help keep breast cancer from coming back at well.
fairly new to this website. i’m very interested in learning more. i have already switched to using coconut oil and giving up white sugar and most grains. there’s so much to learn!
I’m losing baby weight like crazy and less irritable thanks to Maria’s keto-adapted plan!! 20 more pounds to lose by my sister’s wedding in October! I’m actually confident it will happen!!
It’s helped with my fasting blood sugar!
I love the way I feel now that I’m fully into the keto world!!! I use a lot of coconut oil so winning a gallon of it would be amazing!!!
I have experienced many things! I don’t have migraines anymore, my blood sugars are more controlled (I’m a type 1 diabetic), and I’ve even lost some weight. The most amazing and rewarding thing I’ve noticed, however, is not with myself, but my mom. She went “all in” with me for eating the Maria way and has lost so much weight in just a month! Her clothes are too big and she has more energy! I’m excited to see what this lifestyle continues to bring us!
Lost 8 pounds and still losing feeling great
Great giveaway prize! I love your recipes and posts, thank you!
Other than the obvious weight loss and energy we all see the one thing that impacts me everyday is the loss of pain. Arthritis and join pain at times has been unbearable and I can feel it flair if I put one thing in my mouth I’m not supposed to. Join pain is completely gone and that is awesome. Ty
Still struggling with losing the sugars but when I do, I feel lighter and more emergetic.
This is health!
My mind and belly feel better!
Great giveaway! I love your recipes.
This WOE means better health all the way around; asthma is better, joint pain is gone, more energy and to my family’s delight a better state of mind and no mood swings. I appreciate all the time and energy you and Craig put into this. Thanks.
I have been gluten free for 25 yrs which helped greatly with digestive issues but wasn’t enough. 6 years ago I developed ulcerative colitis and went dairy free which allowed me to get off steroids. Now for several years I heave been grain free also. I rarely have a flare up anymore. Love coconut oil! I buy big bottles of it and they disappear quickly
Helped me to get rid of constant headaches and blurred vision, as well as other bad things… Wish I could make everyone among my family and friends aware of the benefits of eating gluten/wheat free and non-processed food. There are so many bad products out there that are presented as healthy..and people get trapped… It is changing and I believe we are on the right track.
This lifestyle, I believe 100%, improved my fertility. I am now on my second pregnancy, we had our first baby in 2012, it took 8 years with “unexplained infertility”, then after about a year of high fat, grain free, sugar free eating, it happened! I also no longer suffer with Reynaud’s Phenomenon or sports-induced asthma.
I started eating a keto diet to help my husband who has Crohn’s. He is feeling so much better in just a few weeks and has lost 40 lbs. I’ve lost 12.
Eating sugar and grain free has stopped the food cravings. Before the cravings were so intense it was like a mental disorder. Now, I can even turn down I’ve cream.
Keto is the best woe ! I no longer have cravings , I’m not hungry all the time , more energy and my cycle comes without and effects on me . That’s just a little bit of why I love this woe ! Oh ya I love coconut oil !!
After a very rough pregnancy, I stared implementing a keto diet plan with my family. I have lost 80 lbs in the last year!I feel a million times better with much more energy. I am still learning how to eat this way…it’s a process but so far the results are amazing!
P.S. Would LOVE to win this, I use coconut oil for so many things! From cooking to skin care, it is amazing on sensitive baby skin too!
Way to go! Would you mind sharing your story (and before after photo if you have one)? http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/contact_me/
My acid reflux is gone & I don’t need numerous naps throughout the day! We enjoy coconut oil in our house.
For the two weeks I’ve been eating low carb I’ve felt better than I ever have before. Even if nothing else changes that alone is worth it.
I am gluten free, but I noticed when I cut out grains, the bloating, especially in my face disappear. I am on a struggle now with sticking to a diet..but this would definitely help me 🙂
I have diabetes type 2 so going sugar free and grain free has improved my blood glucose considerably. My a1c went from 8.1 to 6.6 in 2 months. I have also lost weight by doing keto and keeping carbs under 30g per day. So far I have lost 23 pounds.
I’m so addicted to sugar. It makes me a miserable person, and not a good mommy. I can’t wait to begin the process of working with Maria and finding the woman, wife, and mother I am meant to be!
Maria, you are an inspiration every day! I have much more energy and am able to avoid the post-menopausal spread when I eat the Maria way!
You know… It is amazing how much better I feel. I was having some Pretty horrible stomach issues. Constantly running to the bathroom or having cramping. Well since I have went sugar free and grain free (it took me a while to come to grips that that’s what I needed to do) my stomach has been having pretty close to zero issues!!! It’s an amazing feeling. Right now I am in the phase of exploring new recipes and getting adjusting to this new eating way of life.
I stopped eating wheat and was surprised that it was not as difficult as I had thought..and I love(d) bread. Stange that now it does not taste right anymore. I quit sugar when I heard it called the ‘cocaine of our society’. Nice side benefit was weight loss. I still crave sweet but I’ve come a long way. Still have a way to go 🙂
I no longer rely on daily narcotic pain killers! Had to search for my over the counter meds recently because I had forgotten where I put them!
This way of eating has eliminated my pre-diabetes, taken away my swelling, my sore joints, and helped me lose 30 lbs, this is a lifestyle for me and I’m happy for it.
Still pretty new but NOT hungry! A bit discouraged not losing very fast and trying to control T2– but I can do this!! Love the encouragement
There are no many ways it has helped me, it’s hard to list. One of the main reasons is that I sleep sooo much better now!! It’s a HUGE plus for me!!
Since I found Maria’s websites her recipes and advice by her blogs… my husband and I are both grain and gluten free. His blood sugars are now in normal range with no medication, we’re both losing weight and feeling better. love coconut oil but since we are both senior citizens I find it a bit pricey… sure would be great to win!
Going grain and sugar-free has kept my joints from hurting. Any time I eat something off Keto I can feel the throbbing and know I consumed something off my diet.
I’ve never felt better being grain/sugar-free!
Where to start?? No migraines, no heartburn, no afternoon tummy bloat, no acne.. And on and on :). I wish I would have known about this in high school when fat was demonized and we ate all carbs and then tried to compete in track and cross country! I really enjoy no more sugar crashes too. Being hungry but not shaky and sweaty and inhaling the nearest carb I could. It’s terribly freeing to not have to worry about keeping food around for that drop every couple of hours. I love exercising and then not eating for hours without any overwhelming hunger. And I love love love the taste of fat 🙂
I am such a happier and nicer mom when my body is free from sugar!!!
Coconut oil is a wonderful healthy way to curb cravings!
going grain free keeps inflammation from forming in my body
I am working up to it but, it is a process for me. It is difficult to “unbrainwash” yourself from a lifetime of marketing by megabrands and get factual reliable information.
I’ve eaten Gluten Free for a year and a half. I didn’t eat a lot of substitute grain foods but did use some substitute flours in cooking. It is a real eye opener when you learn how much sugar you consume! I’m only on week 3 and an so happy to find a diet plan that is for Gluten free. I have more energy, I’m not HUNGRY all day and night like I used to be. I never realized how inflamed my body was until trying Maria’s plan. My hands and feet no longer swell, the redness is leaving my face and for first time in many many years my complexion is not beet red!
Think I may have to permanently remove dairy : ( but at least I know how to on this plan.
Sincerely Grateful,
Fell off the wagon and feel bad. Back at it this week, and feeling better too!
Makes my mood betters and a better mom!!
Hugs & I both lost migraines and arthritis.
I’ve been wheat free for a couple mths now but due to lots of other food allergies, I’m still trying to figure out what I can eat and what not! That’s half the battle and very frustrating. I want to learn more about keto and go for it! I purchased your 3/1 cookbook on Amazon.
Sugar free/grain free has changed my life. I have seen such a difference in headaches, stomach pain/nausea, and energy. I have lost weight too. I still have aways to go, but glad to see changes. Planning to start my mother, who has Alzheimer’s, on this journey, later this month! 😉
Just started using coconut oil, and am already a fan!
I’ve been planning on making this, but can’t locate the squid in my area. I did find cuttlefish though. Do you think that would be a good substitute?
That might work. Let me know if you try it. 🙂
I just found your website this evening and am fascinated. I have several allergies to try to get around, including eggs. I was wondering if you could think of a substitute for them in this recipe? I would love to try this recipe. So glad it is dairy free. I was wondering about your cookbooks… are there lots of recipes that include dairy and eggs? I really want to try the ketogenic diet.
You could try this. 🙂