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Chewy Protein Sparing Bread

I love how popular my original Protein Sparing Bread recipe is and I am always trying to improve it!

My protein sparing bagel recipe has been a sensation on my private Facebook group called Protein Sparing Modified Fasting (which you can go HERE to join the group for free support and encouragement)! I thought, why not adapted the chewy protein bagel recipe into a Chewy Protein Sparing Bread! It is perfect! This recipe also makes great Chewy Protein Sparing Buns and Chewy Protein Sparing Pizza Crust!

If you would like to watch a video on how easy it is to make my Chewy Protein Sparing Bread, I posted a quick video on my Instagram wall @mariaemmerich


To make my Chewy Protein Sparing Bread, I used Wholesome Yum allulose monk fruit blend! Other sweeteners like erythritol will not work to make my Chewy Protein Sparing Bread. Allulose melts and creates a soft bread.

Wholesome Yum brand of allulose is the best quality allulose and they even ship to Canada!

Wholesome Yum has the best quality natural sweeteners. Wholesome Yum also doesn’t use harmful additives like some brands!

I also love Wholesome Yum because they are also a kind small family-owned business. You all know I love supporting small business!

Click HERE to order Wholesome Yum Allulose

Use code MARIA to save 10%! 

Click HERE to watch a very helpful video on Protein Sparing and how to do PSMF properly and avoid the weight loss mistakes I see all the time! 

Chewy Protein Sparing Bread

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Bread, Carnivore, Dairy Free, Nut Free, PSMF Recipes
Cuisine American
Servings 12
Calories 45



  • Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
  • Separate the eggs (save the yolks for another recipe like my keto ice cream, hollandaise, mayo or lemon curd), and place the whites into a large CHILLED bowl or stand mixer (if the bowl is warm, it activates the gelatin and will gum up). Add the Wholesome Yum allulose, gelatin, salt and cream of tartar if using and whip the whites for a few minutes until VERY stiff.
  • Turn the mixer to low and gently mix the egg white protein powder into the whites.
  • Note: If adding yolks, lightly combine. But note, the yolks will increase fat and can increase likelihood of falling.
  • Grease a bread pan with Primal Kitchen Avocado oil spray and fill with protein sparing Wonder Bread mixture.
  • Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Turn oven off and leave bread in the oven for 15 minutes to avoid the bread from falling.
  • Let completely cool before cutting or the bread will fall. Cut into slices.
  • Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 4 days or in the freezer for up to a month.
  • CHEWY PROTEIN SPARING BUNS OPTION: Make bread into 18 buns on a greased cookie sheet bake for 13-15 minutes.
  • CHEWY PROTEIN SPARING PIZZA CRUST OPTION: Place a piece of parchment onto 3 large pizza pans and spray the parchment with avocado oil spray. Divide the mixture onto the pizza pans and spread thin. Bake for 10 minutes before topping with sauce.
  • TIP: Click HERE to watch a very helpful video on Protein Sparing and how to do PSMF properly and avoid the weight loss mistakes I see all the time!


Calories: 45 | Fat: 1g | Protein: 10g | Carbohydrates: 1g | Fiber: 1g | P:E Ratio: 10


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Thank you so much for all of your help since I started…you and Craig are really an invaluable resource.” Jessica

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Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • martha says:

    I tried this one and the one made out of white egg protein and both of them were chewy not in a nice way. I feel like a cow chewing forever.
    Also, the crust is difficult to digest.

  • gina says:

    that comment regarding chewing excessively is so strange as i’ve been making this regularly and it only differs a little with welcomed chewy texture as any “doughy” bread would be …..I willing to bet the recipe or and the ingredients were off to warrant such a bizarre response/outcome…..no disrespect here just confirmation and clarity to encourage review and re-do and to “encourage” all whom have not tried the fabulous recipe❤️

    • Denise Cunningham says:

      Agreed. I don’t find either excessively chewy at all.

    • Brenda says:

      Do you have any tips on how to make it successful? I have read many different comments on this bread. I would love this to work especially for a pizza crust.
      Thank you!


  • Monica Ryan says:

    Which allulose of the 3 available should I purchase?

  • Leasa Breeden says:

    I’m so excited to try this one with the gelatin! I was extremely intimidated trying the one with egg white powder. I finally took the plunge and made buns first and they turned out delicious!! GAME CHANGER!!! then…. I made the loaf and it turned out so great! Both of them with a hand mixer even! I beat them for apprx 12 mins each time until very stiff- thank you Maria!!!

  • Gail says:

    Is 4 Tbsp of gelatin correct, not tsp? That’s alot of gelatin!! Thanks!!

  • Wendy says:

    Can one add the gelatin to the egg white powder and water version and get the same texture as described here?

  • Chris says:

    I cannot do any sugar alcohols. Digestive issues. A
    re there any alternatives ?

  • Judy M says:

    Is there a vegetarian sub for the gelatin? Agar agar? Glucomannan? Thank you.

  • Reba says:

    I cannot get Allulose (rural Greece), can I use Splenda perhaps? I don’t use much sweetener in many case. Love your egg whites & gelatin recipe for noodles. Bet this one is a winner too!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      You can use a different sweetener, but the crust will not brown without allulose, and the texture of the bread won’t be the same. Allulose browns and melts while other sweeteners crystalize and do not brown the crust.

  • Sheron Johnson says:

    This Chewy Protein Sparing Bread is the Bomb. I always had a issue with the protein Sparing Bread. It was hard for me to swallow .But not no more. Maria you have out done yourself. I felt like I was eating dessert. I can now imagine my self-making Cinnamon bread .Thank you Maria

  • Jeannie says:

    I’m not one to comment on sites, but I have to say that Maria’s bread was a game changer for me and keto. Bread was my Achilles heal on any diet, but with this bread it has helped me enormously on keto. I live in Australia and can’t buy allulose, so I just used powdered monk fruit which worked fine for me 😀. I have just ordered allulose online, so will give that a go with this recipe. I also usually add in some egg yolks which makes the bread softer I find.
    Thank you so much Maria 🙏 you are very generous with all your advice and I recommend your site to everyone

  • Esther Anthony says:

    Hello Maria,

    I appreciate all of the effort that you put into creating these recipes. I was so grateful to find a healthful solution for my love of bread. I noticed that a YouTuber took your recipe and added powdered butter to it in efforts to enrich the texture and flavour of the bread. She gives you full credit for creating your truly marvellous original recipe. I noticed you mention in your current iteration of your recipe that adding the yolks to the recipe adds fat that prevents the bread from rising properly. Do you think that adding a bit of powdered butter would do the same? I would appreciate your opinion on this as you’ve performed such in depth research on how different ingredients tend to react to each other, I truly trust your insights and directions.

  • Tina says:

    Does anyone have suggestions for a replacement for the egg white protein powder? (The powders give me a negative histamine reaction.) Thank you in advance.

  • JoEllyn says:

    Hi, Maria!
    Can you recommend a good egg yolk powder to purchase? Thanks!

  • Monica says:

    Hi Maria!
    In Sweden I cant’t get hold of any allulose so I use powdered sukrin which is powdered erythriol and my bread has a fine brown crust!
    Just wanted to ask anyway – I don’t experience this recipe to make it more chewy than the others. But, it feels more damp and not to dry as it can be. And that was a gamechanger to me!! But what am I doing wrong since it never gets chewy…using beef gelatin by the way.

    And one last thing – bought your book with Keto comfort foods, just love it!!!! Everytime a mail from you appear in my inbox I’m excited as a child for all the wonderful recipes you create!
    Thank you so so much for your innovational creative mind!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Thank you for the kind words!! I’m not sure why your bread isn’t chewy. It works fine for me. Store it in a ziplock bag lined with paper towels to help with the dampness.

      • Monica says:

        That’s the best thing with this recipe – the bread is so moist, that’s what I meant when I mentioned damp…otherwise the psm bread tends to be a bit dry. And thank you for your reply 😊

  • Karen Vome says:

    Every time I eat Protein Sparing Bread, I get knocked out of ketosis. Any idea why? I do increase the to allulose to 1/2 cup. Could that be the reason? I love it, but it knocks me out of ketosis.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      What are you eating with the PSMF bread? Egg whites and allulose will not knock you out of ketosis. Also, how are you checking your ketones and why are you checking ketones?

      • Karen Vome says:

        I usually eat grill cheese. I have a Biosense to check my ketones. I was in Ketosis all the time before I started eating the bread. I often eat it by itself or with grill cheese. I am not too worried about it. It just seems odd. I have added 1/2 to 1 cup of Allulose to the bread. I just
        wondered if I could eat too much or the Allulose could knock me out. I absolutely love the bread. I am still losing weight.

        • Maria Emmerich says:

          Allulose cannot kick you out of ketosis, so I don’t really know why your monitor would show that. But unless you have a very specific circumstance that requires you to track ketones (like epilepsy) there really is no need to test ketones. If you are staying at or under 20 total carbs per day you will achieve ketosis. More is not better when it comes to ketones. Many studies have shown that above about 4 to 5 mmol there is not any added benefit. And if you are metabolically damaged (insulin resistant) your body won’t be able to utilize ketones for energy as well as others that aren’t insulin resistant. So that can result in higher ketone levels. Also, if you don’t workout it can also result in higher levels. Blood ketone levels are simply the difference between ketones produced and ketones used. Watch my Youtube video “Why You Shouldn’t Chase Ketones” https://youtu.be/FGuw4axhM0c

  • Becky says:

    When I make PSMF bread I always add the yolks in at the end so I’m hoping if I use the yolks with this recipe for hamburger buns it will turn out well. I am assuming the gelatin is for the chewy texture and the allulose is for sweetness and browning? I am carnivore so I don’t add sweeteners. I am hoping for a good result.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Yes, the gelatin is for a chewy texture. The allulose browns the crust and also improves texture, but you can omit.

  • Robbert says:


    I’m about to start keto (did it before and it worked) but i miss bread so much. however since I’m from Europe (the netherlands) could you make an european version with grams? Of course i can convert, but experience shows that this isn’t always correct for the recipe.



    • Maria Emmerich says:

      You will LOVE my bread recipes! Currently our software does not allow for conversions to grams, but the conversions are pretty straight forward to do on your own 🙂

  • Erika says:

    5 stars
    Love this recipe! Question tho, can you freeze this bread?

  • Kathy says:

    5 stars
    I love this bread. But lately it’s falling. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong but the inside is not cooked and the outside is overly browned. I think it may be my stove.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Hmm could be, especially if it worked before. Is it warmer where you are? The bread tends to fall in humid or hot climates.

    • Renee says:

      I know someone mentioned that, if they cook PSMF bread in an oven that is greasy, it doesn’t turn out as nice.So maybe?

  • Megan says:

    Deeeeeeelishhhhhhh!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • Michelle says:

    Is it normal to have little spots of the egg protein throughout the bread or does that mean I didn’t mix enough after adding?? I followed the recipe but it still fell unfortunately. I am going to try again because I was able to still use some of it and I did enjoy the taste…yay!

  • Heather says:

    Can you omit the egg white powder and the bread still turn out?

  • Amy from Pittsburgh says:

    I have been making the plain protein sparing bread for years and tried this one recently. It is FANTASTIC!! I wasn’t sure I would like it with the sweetener. I made it exactly as the recipe directs and it was so easy, perfect, and totally 100% delicious.

    Thank you so much for this awesome recipe. Having bread to eat on a carnivore (ish) diet makes my life so much easier. I love sandwiches and this is perfect!

  • Jeannine Brock says:

    Has anyone tried any of the bread recipes at 9000 feet?

  • Veronica says:

    María can I make this bread using just eggwhite powder instead of the eggwhites? Thank you in advance😍

  • Paula Hess says:

    Maria! This bread! It is SO GOOD! Even my hubby, who is extremely picky with lo-carb recipes, asked for seconds! Thank You for posting this for us! I cannot wait to try more of your chewy bread recipes. What did you say that makes it chewy? Anyway, I ordered one of your cookbooks last night…the Easy dairy-free keto recipes book. Looking forward to making more of your delicious recipes! God Bless you and your family, Paula

  • Mayra Islas says:

    Can you use Agar instead of gelatin?

  • Renee says:

    I read many article warning about alluolose and it’s connection to cancer. Are you able to shed light on this? Is it a fermenting sugar? Might try it without the allulose and see how it turns out, but would like to do is with it as well.

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