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Malted Milk Ice Cream

By September 28, 2016December 14th, 2023Desserts, Fertility and Pregnancy, Nut Free, Vegetarian

Malted Milk Ice Cream

Malted Milk Ice Cream

There is something special about the flavor of malted milk! When I was in high school, I worked at a front desk of a hotel and across the parking lot was the Medford Café. I would always get dinner from the café and I always ordered their classic malt. I always wondered what was in malted milk and when I looked it up I was horrified on the ingredients.

It was very tricky to find that malted milk flavor without the barley. After experimenting for a few years, yes, I said YEARS; I finally found the perfect malted milk flavor!

Have you ever heard of maca? Yep! Maca powder is the key to making it taste just like a malted milk ice cream!

I still love malts, I just make them keto now!

Click HERE to find my tips to keep keto ice cream soft!

Malted Milk Ice Cream

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Dessert, Nut Free, Snack, Vegetarian
Cuisine American
Servings 5 1/2 cup servings
Calories 250


  • 5 large egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup Allulose
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup unsweetened cashew milk or almond milk
  • 2-3 tablespoons organic MACA powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon Redmond Real salt


  • In a medium saucepan place the egg yolks and sweeteners in to mix on high with a hand mixer. Whip yolks until light in color and double in size. Stir in the whipping cream.
  • OPTIONAL to cook the custard (I skip this since I am not afraid of raw eggs): Place the saucepan onto medium heat on the stove and cook, stirring constantly ( see photo). Stir until thickened into a custard. Remove from heat and stir in the almond milk, MACA powder and salt. Let cool completely.
  • Place into your ice cream machine and watch the magic happen within 10 minutes or according to your ice cream maker's directions.
  • Freeze until set for ice cream or stir in your favorite swirl flavor to mix it up.


Calories: 250 | Fat: 24g | Protein: 4g | Carbohydrates: 5g | Fiber: 1g | P:E Ratio: 0.1

Click HERE to get the ice cream maker on sale. When mine broke (because of over-use) they sent me a NEW one for FREE! Love Cuisinart! 

Malted Milk Ice Cream

Want to make your kids smile at lunch? Pack them “healthified” ice cream. By the time lunch comes, the ice cream is nice and soft. Click HERE to find the thermos I use. 


I love this emotional testimony!

“My body isn’t perfect however it has perfectly carried 4 children. It has perfectly served me even when I wasn’t fueling it like it needed. These pictures make me so emotional. I remember being horrified by the first picture. At that point I was eating maybe 800 to 1200 calories a day and still gaining.Was active but in tons of inflammatory pain everyday. I had tried everything!!!!!!
I had concluded this was my life. Today I’m in awe. I can not believe what started as a way to help alleviate acid reflux has become a life changing lifestyle you couldn’t pay me to give up. The easiest change in my whole being I have ever made…
THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I AM ACTUALLY CURIOUS WHAT THE SCALE WOULD SAY. I have done all of this and have no clue my actual weight loss.
For the first time in my life I no longer feel as if I struggle with my weight. I don’t count calories, stress over food, I don’t go hungry and butter and bacon are on the menu almost daily, I’m not deprived at all.  Every time I have to defend the healthiness of my lifestyle. ALL OF IT IS WORTH IT.

The pictures speak for themselves on what’s good for my body. #keto #ketosis #lifestylechange #ketomania #blessed

Malted Milk Ice Cream
Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Liz S. says:

    This ice cream recipe sounds absolutely incredible! Classic flavor, for sure.

  • Amanda Reed says:

    Do you add the Maca powder in with the cashew milk and salt before you throw it in the ice cream maker?

  • Ursula says:

    When was the Maca powder added?

  • Can I immediately freeze it without putting it in an ice cream maker?

  • Steven says:

    What do you mean b y swirl flavor?

  • Jackie says:

    Thanks for this Maria! I was just thinking yesterday, about how much I love the malt flavor! Isn’t malt what makes the “pretzel” type breads? Do you think incorporating this into one of your Keto breads might work? If so, this is exciting news too!

    P.s. I’ve sure been enjoying and learning from the Keto Summit speakers. Thanks for sharing that link.

  • Nanabella says:

    Maria, you left out the step about mixing in the cashew milk AND the MACA powder, plus you instruct about vanilla bean seeds, but they aren’t on the ingredients list. Could you please do a little editing? It would be so helpful, because this sounds yummy! 😃❤️

  • Terri Miller says:

    Do you have a chocolate malt recipe?

  • Melissa Kendell says:

    I made your strawberry-cheesecake ice cream… to die for!! But I didn’t like how it hardened up, so I have this ice cream in maker now and I used the vegetable glycerin. Flavor is amazing can’t wait to see how it turns out!! My lunch today may be an all-vegetable smoothie and a bowl of Maca Ice Cream!

  • Monica says:

    1)Would MCT oil keep it smooth and creamy? If so, how much would you add?

    2)Any way to make this a dairy/coconut free recipe? 😛 I can’t do coconut milk/meat or animal. I’ve searched for something to replace the heavy whipping cream and all I’m finding is coconut milk. 😛

    appreciate you putting your genius brain cells on this for me Maria and Craig!!! <3

  • Monica says:

    Would an avocado replace the heavy whipping cream?
    Many(!) Thanks 🙂

  • Amanda Reed says:

    I ordered the maca powder the day you posted this and then we lost our minds and went off keto and struggled to get back on all through the holidays. We’re back in full force now and my daughter whipped up a batch of this tonight. We’re in love!

  • LuAnne says:

    Which brand of maca powder do you use? From the reviews, it sounds like they don’t all taste the same. Thanks!

  • Didi says:

    Hi Maria! First of all, I just want to thank you! I’ve bought 3 of your books now, and you are just full of knowledge! I thought I was well-read, but I am just soaking up your wisdom like a sponge. You are so great.

    After I finish the 30-day Ketogenic Cleanse, I can’t wait to try low-carb ice cream! And I’m praying that after I heal my villi that I don’t end up with a dairy sensitivity. #crossingmyfingersandtoes Haha. In your book, The Art of Healthy Eating – Sweets, I read that your preferred sweetener is one that uses chicory root, like the brand name one, Just Like Sugar. You mentioned that erythritol makes it harden up like a rock, but chicory root keeps it nice and soft. I also read somewhere on your blog, that you can add some vegetable glycerine to keep it soft as well.

    But here you use Swerve (which oh my gosh, I freaking love for baked goods so far!), which contains a blend of erythritol and oligosaccharides, right? So I wasn’t sure which one was your most recent recommendation for sweetener in ice cream. And if you recommend the vegetable glycerine as well.

    Thanks again for all your hard work, and sharing this fantastic lifestyle with us! Looking forward to hearing from you. 🙂

  • Debi Fitzgerald says:

    My daughter is allergic to almonds and cashews, so unable to use those milks. Would coconut milk work? Thanks for your wonderful recipes and books.

  • Sarah says:

    I just made this with 1 Tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder – YUM! Thanks, Maria, for another spot-on recipe.

  • Heather W. says:

    The maca link in broken.

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