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Chocolate Energy Bites

By June 23, 2014January 8th, 2025Dairy Free, Desserts, Nut Free, Snack, Vegetarian

Extreme Athletes and Keto-Adapted Diets

Are you an extreme athlete and still believe the “carb loading” myth? The 2012 western states 100 energy bitesmile race was won by a guy who started ketosis a year ago and he beat the record by over 21 minutes! Click HERE to read the whole story.

Our bodies store over 40,000 calories of fat, but we can only store 2,000 calories of carbs. This is why, when “carb-burning,” marathoners “hit-the-wall” and constantly need gel packs and Gatorade. They are still low in performance at the end of races, too, due to the depletion of carbs in their muscles and liver.

A ketogenic diet spares protein from being oxidized, which preserves muscle. Branched-chain amino acids are considered essential because your body can’t make them, so you need to consume them for proper muscle building and repair (as well replenishing red blood cells). What I found so interesting is that BCAA oxidation rates usually rise with exercise, which means you need more if you are an athlete. But in keto-adapted athletes, ketones are burned in place of BCAA. Critics of low-carb diets claim that you need insulin to grow muscles; however, in a well-designed low-carb, high-fat diet there is less protein oxidation and double the amount of fat oxidation, which leaves your muscles in place while all you burn is fat!

energy bites



energy bites

To read more on keto-adapted diets and athletes, check out Keto-Adapted.

Click HERE to get a limited edition of the Hard Cover.

Click HERE to get a soft cover.

Thank you all for your love and support!





 Post-Race Marathon Foodenergy bites

When I ran marathons, one thing that frustrated me was the post race food options. Gatorade, chips, bagels, candy-bars, and bananas. None of these I would consider eating, so I would pack a post race meal and Craig would have to plan to watch for me closely to be at the finish line with my recovery food (which was quite difficult at busier marathons). I didn’t believe in those energy gels or energy bites either so I often had l-glutamine and other amino acids packed with me.

Since I dream all day about recipes and my other passionis movement, I thought about all of you racers out there who need something convenient to pack. These Energy Gel Bites are not only really tasty, they are filled with the nutrients your muscles are screaming for after a hard race!


Chocolate Energy Bites

Chocolate Energy Bites

Maria Emmerich
Helpful Tip: Click on the ingredients to find them on sale online. I rarely go to the grocery store. It saves me a lot of time and decreases temptations!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Dairy Free, Dessert, Egg Free, Nut Free, Snack, Vegetarian
Cuisine American
Servings 12
Calories 182


  • 1 cup coconut oil soft yet still solid
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon Further Food gelatin
  • 1/2 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate chopped very fine
  • 1/4 cup Natural Sweetener or a drop of stevia glycerite
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon Redmond Real salt


  • 8 teaspoons l-glutamine powder
  • 8 teaspoons l-carnitine powder
  • 8 teaspoons electrolyte liquid
  • 8 teaspoons Spirulina powder see below


  • Place the coconut oil and coconut milk a medium sized saucepan and heat until the oil is melted.
  • Sift in the gelatin (don't dump in or it will clump up) and stir with a whisk until well combined and glossy. Remove from heat.
  • Place the remaining ingredients in the saucepan and stir until the chocolate is combined.
  • It may be separated at this time, but whisk once in awhile for 10 minutes. It will start to thicken.
  • Taste the fudge and adjust to desired sweetness.
  • Place a sheet of parchment or wax paper along the inside of a loaf pan.
  • Place the loaf pan in the freezer for at least 2 hours or until gelatin is set.
  • Use the edges of the parchment to pull the fudge out of the pan.
  • Place on a cutting board and remove the parchment paper.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut the fudge into squares.
  • Store in an airtight container.


Calories: 182 | Fat: 20g | Protein: 0.4g | Carbohydrates: 0.4g | Fiber: 0.3g | P:E Ratio: 0

I highly suggest adding the electrolyte supplement to this for an energy boost. Click HERE to find. 

To read more on why people complain about low energy on a low carb diet and how to increase energy click HERE.

Testimonies of the Day

From a phone client who is a body builder and was stuck at a plateau:“Good morning!! I have great news!! Even though I am still waiting for the results from my blood work I weighed myself this morning and I lost 3.5 pounds since Wednesday!! I don’t know why I wasn’t losing weight before I haven’t changed anything. I have been feeling great too, I don’t think I’ve had anxiety at all this past week!! Thank you!!” Jessica

From a Personal Trainer and Marathon Runner: “I started reading your books after a client asked my opinion on your nutrition plan (I am a personal trainer/group fitness instructor). I decided that to have an accurate answer for her, I needed to try it out myself! My family and I were already eating fresh and “clean” and dairy-free, but grains/sugar were still very much a part of our diet. As of January 1st, I cut out all grains, sugar, and dairy. Given that I can teach up to 18 hours of group fitness classes in a week, my initial thought was that I would never have enough energy, but to my surprise, I felt great and started seeing more definition in my body. It’s now been three and a half months and I continue to enjoy your recipes and the way I feel! Additionally, I am an avid distance-runner (half and full marathons), and ran a half marathon last weekend, the first of that distance going grain-free. I felt amazing the entire run, never needing a goo or gel pick-me-up at all, and finished with one of my better times and in the top 20 of over 1300 women. Thank you!” – Darci

Photo Testimony: “I wanted to give a new updated testimony. The pictures on the left side are me about 5 years ago before I had kids. I worked out like crazy and ate 800 calories a day and still felt unhealthy and uncomfortable. The pics on the right are me after 2 kids and perfecting my ketogenic eating habits thanks to you! You have made it possible to eat delicious food and be healthy, happy, and comfortable. (Well along with Jillian Michaels)! Please know how many lives you are changing for the better. Thank you!” – Emily

If you want to get past your plateau, click HERE to get started!  You deserve it!

 energy bites

Another Great Testimony

“Maria, You are so wonderful for all your work and support. Since I’ve been eating correctly I haven’t craved a thing. You are a wealth of information and have something for everybody.

My doctor told me I’m like wine, I keep getting better the older I get. Wine, yuk.

Now that I had both knees replaced this last year I can walk without pain. In my 50′s and too young to be OLD. I’m totally off all Narcotics and anti-anxiety drugs (5yrs), which I was in a total funk and actually lost those years of my life. After a breakdown and being put in lockdown – it scared me straight. My family says they are glad I’m back.

Thinking I was eating well, I couldn’t seem to drop the extra 50 pounds, 5 months now and I only have 15 to go to be back to the weight I was after a gastric bypass. I’m excited to see by my new lifestyle how much more I lose and better I look. This has been the first time in my life that I’ve been able to change my lifestyle so easily and I know for a fact it will last. I do keep getting better, I feel great and get lots of compliments.” – Kat

SPIRULINA: It is a sea vegetable in concentrated form (Enhances Immune System, Improves Digestion,  Suppress bad bacteria like candida and ecoli and help strengthen the good digestive bacteria that help reduce stomach bloating and help increase digestive health, Increases Energy and Endurance,  Detox’s metals and toxins from the body and blood. It is a great detoxifier because it naturally contains manganese, zinc, copper, selenium and other minerals that help neutralize free radicals that cause cell damage. Cleanses the liver and kidneys. Balance blood sugar levels to help control cravings, appetite, and weight, Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, Reduces inflammation and water retention, Reduces seasonal allergies, Anti-aging: high antioxidants, Eye Health: more beta-carotene than 10 carrots! Enhances nails and hair, Spirulina is the highest source of vitamin B-12. Are you a female/an athlete/or have a food allergy and are low in iron? Spirulina is very high in available iron which is very important to supplement with especially if you are female.

Click HERE to find. 

Read more on Spirulina HERE.

energy bites






Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Valerie Pergolizzi says:

    does the spirulina make the bites a green color?

  • Jeanne says:

    Looks similar to your keto fudge! Right? I love your keto fudge btw… I add cayenne pepper and cinnamon to make a Mexican chocolate bite. I use a silicone brownie bite pan to mold them.

  • Stephanie E. says:

    Thanks Maria! I needed this post today. I have been trying to follow the Keto diet as best I can from the knowledge I gather from your blog posts and FB for the last three weeks. My husband gets paid this Thursday and I am so excited to actually get started with your plan. I am five months pregnant, and still training for my first 10km race two Sundays from now. It has been mentally hard to follow your eating advice when everything I’ve learned about fitness nutrition is so different. But this blog post was timely and encouraging. I can’t wait to make these energy bites as I know I can run 8km but have been worried about finishing well! Energy has been my number one speed bump, I hope that by following your plan 100% it will help me leap over that bump!
    Stephanie E.

  • WBray says:

    Should you only choose 1-2 of the additions? Or do all 4??

    • cemmerich says:

      Up to you. You can add them all. 🙂

      • WBray says:

        Thank you! I think when my husband comes back from RIMPAC I’ll make him some of these for his workouts! His dad is a marathon runner who tried keto, but gave up before adapting because he still wanted to run- and felt he ‘couldn’t without the gels and such. Maybe I will link him to these.

  • Allison says:

    Does spirullina have iodine in it, as well, or is keep the better alternative for supplementing iodine (I need thyroid support, especially since I no longer use iodized salts)

    • cemmerich says:

      Kelp is a good source. I use it as noodles. Spirullina does have some iodine but it varies in levels.

  • Allison says:

    Oops… that was supposed to be kelp

  • KFrancis says:

    How do these hold up in summer heat? We plan to do some hiking and would love a high energy, shelf-stable treat.

  • Marianna says:

    Hi Maria, this is a bit off topic, but I hope you can help. My estrogen levels are extremely low and I’m not menstruating (in my 20s). In addition to seeing an endocrinologist I met with a nutritionist yesterday, who recommended I eat more estrogenic food like soymilk, tofu and flaxseed. Do you have any thoughts on this? I’m not sure if she even knew what she was talking about (she was very negative to low carb (I didn’t even mention a ketogenic diet) in an annoying+stubborn way.) I would be so grateful for your input, Maria. I can’t afford a consultation with you right now, but hopefully I will soon. Thank you!

  • EerngyBits are also made of spirulina. Can I purchase those instead of this brand you have in the picture?

  • Deb says:

    Maria, I didn’t have gelatin so I used 1 TLB of coconut flour and then added 1/2 cup of Nat’l peanut butter, just cause everything chocolate tastes better w/PB 🙂 IMO. Froz them in ice cube trays and these are totally awesome! I was adding butter and CO to my foods and buying fattier hamburger, etc. trying to get my daily fats up, but now I just pop one of these in my mouth. What a treat!

  • Whitney Swanner says:

    My kids and I can not tolerate Swere, unfortunately :(. Can it be replaced with stevia glycerine in any of ur recipes? Is it a sugar alcohol? Thank u 🙂

  • Art says:

    Maria, what is the electrolyte liquid?

  • sophie says:

    Would you still recommend someone with adrenal fatigue add the 8 tsp electrolyte liquid for energy to this recipe?
    I ask because in Dr. Wilson’s book on Adrenal Fatigue…he talks about the balance of potassium and that it is too high in people with AF…(the odd part is that my blood levels show normal levels of potassium)….
    The other thing, however, is that I consume A LOT of salt and I know that salt intake can have a lowering effect on potassium…
    Adrenal fatigue is not easy to understand…Could you help explain this a little.

    Thanks <3

    • cemmerich says:

      Well, this recipe is just for if you are in a race or athletic event. So then it is good. As for adrenal fatigue, I talk about it in my book Keto-Adapted. 🙂

  • Angie says:

    This is an amazing recipe! Thank you!

  • Linda says:

    Are you sure that Swerve and other sugar alcohols do not contribute to candida? I have been enjoying a few of your dessert recipes over the past month and my “old nemesis” has returned (yeast infection). Could there be a connection? I am pretty strict about what I eat (no sugars, no gluten). Please say that it’s a coincidence!!

    • cemmerich says:

      I don’t think it does but everyone’s metabolism is different so it could be possible.

      • Linda says:

        Thanks for replying, Maria. I really appreciate your dedication to your readers. I will have to cut back on Swerve for a bit and see what happens, then re-introduce.
        Let me just say that your Healthified Bread recipes have really opened up our menu to new possibilities. My husband has been a diabetic for 20 years and has been missing bread like crazy. Thanks to you, we now can have sandwiches and toast, etc. like “normal” people. We have found that we are not crazy about your Protein Bread, but I still bake it exclusively for the FANTASTIC French Toast that can be made from it! My husband laughs and says, “We are now dipping eggs in eggs, and serving them with eggs!”
        I have just ordered one of your books for the very first time! I am so excited! Thank you for all you do. Blessings to you and your family.

  • Nicci says:

    Hi Marie,

    I read your book ‘Secrets to a healthy metabolism’ as advised by my doctor and absolutely loved it. Over the past 4 weeks I have applied as much of the principles/supplements you suggested and I have noticed dramatic changes in the way my body functions and I feel great! However, I am in training for my next Figure bodybuilding competition and have gained 1kg fat mass (maintained muscle mass exactly, composition tested using a DEXA scan). Do you have any advice on how I can start reducing my body fat %?

    Thank you

  • Nicci says:

    Thank you for your response Maria. Can I ask which package you would recommend for me?

  • Joy Winston says:

    Maria, What do you think about LC products???

    Our pizza shells are created using rich protein and fiber. They are void of most starches and sugars which researchers show lead to a number of illnesses including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

    LC Foods Pizza Shells
    come in a package of 3 for $11.98 ($3.99 per shell).

    Each shell measures approximately 12” in diameter making our pizza shells a great value for your money!

    • cemmerich says:

      I am ok with a few of their products, but you do have to read ingredients. Some have grains which I don’t like. The pizza you refer to has wheat starches and too many carbs (12g) for me. 🙂

  • AP says:

    I will be doing my first full marathon in January. After just doing a 10mile race like you i couldn’t believe all the Gatorade, gel and candy handed out during the race and then all the carbs after the race was over. What do you recommend during and post race besides these fat bombs 🙂 ? I noticed during my 10 mile I really needed salt but I didn’t have any on me! Plus I wanted like coconut oil shots not get shots! Please advise on overall marathon nutrition. I still struggle now with getting my body keto adapted. Thanks!

  • Michelle says:

    I recently had the ALCAT done and have multiple food sensitivities. One of my mild sensitivities included “coconut” and most of the fatty fishes, flax and “casein/whey”. I’m especially bummed about the coconut, because I depended on coconut oil for health and don’t want to eliminate it. I have low thyroid function and my adrenal tested low, low cortisol. I imagine that healing my gut is of utmost importance, and I working on it with l-glutamine, fermented foods, bone broth and cultured, grass fed dairy. I am gluten free already. I can’t do pecans or walnuts or cashews. I’ve done low carb/low glycemic to get my a1c down from 5.8…but because of my adrenals, I’m now told not to go too low in carbs, and no skipping meals. I’m pretty much a nutritionist’s nightmare. I’m in the medical profession and pretty up on the nutritional stuff, but I’m so confused now! I was wondering if your program could help me with fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis and hormonal function?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      I find that those allergy tests have many false positives. I go by how my clients react to ingredients (do the food effect them). 🙂

  • Carol says:

    Hi Maria,
    I’m an endurance runner and this will be my 3rd time to try to convert to a fat burner instead of a sugar burner. I am determined! Have a marathon this fall and I really want to run it fueling low carb. I also sweat a lot of salt so I’ve needed to take in a lot of salt during my runs. What would you suggest to fuel with during and after my long distance runs? Thank you so much for all that you do!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Yes, you can do that. I tend to fuel with a normal meal before and after and use something like this if needed during race. 🙂

  • Angela says:

    This might be a dumb question, but the additions – are they really 8 whole TEASPOONS??? That seems like a ton for 1 batch of bites! 🙁

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