Sugar Free Marshmallow
Vegetable glycerin is something you may have never heard of but is an important ingredient in this Sugar Free Marshmallow. It tastes sweet but it is not metabolized as sugar in the body and does not cause a rise in blood sugar. It is often used as a sweetener in foods marketed to diabetics. The reason you need it to make these marshmallows is because vegetable glycerin has a moisture-attracting property. The same way that adding glycerin to a lotion helps keeps your skin stay plump and soft, adding glycerin to foods, such as these marshmallows, helps them stay soft and chewy.
Click HERE to find it on sale.
I have been so excited to share this new sweetener information with all of you but I was waiting for not only myself to test my blood sugar with it, I wanted feedback from other diabetics; both Type 1 and Type 2 for feedback on if they have ANY rise when using this new sweetener called Allulose. And the results are in… Allulose does not increase blood sugar at all! Yahoo!
Here is a screen shot of a Type 1 diabetic testing it (thanks RD!)!
Allulose is an all natural sweetener (not an artificial sweetener) and the brand All-u-lose has a few products that are awesome! The sugar-free honey is to die for! The sugar-free Maple syrup is also super tasty on it’s own!
If you despise the aftertaste or cooling effect of erythritol you are going to love Allulose! It tastes just like sugar. It also caramelizes and melts like sugar!
Click HERE to find it online!
These sugar-free Marshmallows also make great S’mores with my low carb Graham Crackers and sugar free The Good Chocolate Bars! Get some HERE

Sugar Free Marshmallow
- 2 tablespoons Further Food gelatin
- 1/2 cup cold water
- 1 1/2 cups Natural Sweetener
- 1/2 cup hot water
- 1/2 cup allulose OR vegetable glycerine
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1/8 tespoon almond extract
- Add gelatin to cold water and let sit for 5 minutes.
- Meanwhile in sauce pan, stir all sweeteners, vegetable glycerine and hot water.
- Heat the sweeteners on high until 245 degrees F (soft ball stage).
- Gradually add the hot mixture to the gelatin mixture, stirring constantly. Then slowly add the vanilla and almond extract while stirring.
- Use a stand mixer to beat on high until stiff peaks form. It will look like beaten egg whites.
- Pour in lightly greased 8" square pan, or for thinner marshmallows, use a larger pan or add to piping bag and make desired shapes. Allow marshmallows to set (about an hour) and cut into desired size.
- Coat with desired coating (SMORE marshmallows; use healthified graham crackers and dark chocolate mixture, dip top of marshmallow in chocolate and then dip into crushed graham crackers) Or dust with cocoa powder.
- For peeps, use natural yellow food coloring to color granulated swerve and dip the piped marshmallow shapes of chicks and bunnies in the erythritol to coat.
- HINT: if marshmallow is mixed to much and hardens or hardens as you are working, just warm up the marshmallow mix a bit and it will be usable. It works just like real marshmallows! Store in airtight container.
Maria-I am loving your blog posts and stories from people who are sharing their various successes with you! I just got your three cookbooks in one and looking forward to trying the Chicken Parmesan tonight. Your book is way bigger than I ever expected and full of loads of important information to eat keto adapted. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Thanks! Sherra
Click HERE to get your copy! Thanks so much for your love and support!
To make smore’s click HERE to find my “healthified” Graham Cracker.
Click HERE to find my “healthified” chocolate bar.
Testimony of the Day
Phone Consult Photo Testimony: “After our phone consult I was inspired to take the leap and clean my pantry! I CAN do this!” – Kelly
Just think about the money you will save on NOT purchasing these foods!
30 Day Meal Plan SAVING Money Testimony: “I just wanted to let you know that I was a little concerned when I looked at your meal plan, everyone I seen on your blog had a lot of weight to lose. I only had 15lbs to get to my goal weight. The last 15 are always the stickest!!! I was spending 2 1/2 hrs in the gym aday, running 10 miles and lifting. I have been eating the Maria way for 1 week and am down 7lbs!!!! I feel amazing!!! I now am in the process of adjusting my whole family. My husband is a professional athlete and usully eats a very large amout of calories to just get him through his workout and daily activities. He is now eating normal sized meals and has tons of energy!!! This plan I thought was going to be super expensive just to feed him! It is saving us money at this point! Just want to give you a big THANK YOU!!!” – Kristin
To get started on your transformation, click HERE.
I’ve never heard of vegetable glycerin…where can I find this in supermarkets?
You might be able to find it in the grocery store. Otherwise it is right here:
Oh my goodness-I was recently feeling a little sad at the prospect of not having a healthified marshmallow recipe (would so love to have smores again). I just pinned this!
Thanks SO much for the idea, Maria!
Will these ‘melt’ or ‘toast?’
They should. 🙂
Is this gluten free ?!
Yes. All my recipes are. 😉
Do they have glycerin bitter after taste?
Nope, it doesn’t. 😉
Can I just use xylitol or erythritol instead of swerve? I don’t do the ‘digestive resistant starch’ that Swerve uses.
Yes, that should work. 🙂
Oh my gosh Maria!!! I was hoping you would post this!! Thank you soooo much!!!
I read that vegetable glycerin could be used in homemade ice cream to keep it soft in freezer. Never tried it.
Keep the recipes coming! I made the cheesecake ice cream last night… OMG! I have a question for you, Maria, and hope you have time to answer. I used to be “addicted” to chewing gum, but quit cold turkey once I started to eat the “Maria way”. I do miss it, and was wondering if this is an okay alternative? It’s sweetened with Xylitol? I don’t want to start a new addiction, but sometimes it would be nice to chew gum again 🙂 THANKS!!!!!
And here’s the link, sorry:
Yes, I have a couple options here. 🙂
Awesome, Maria, thank you! Which would you recommend, and will the Spry chewing gum kick me out of ketosis? Is this something I could enjoy daily, or just as a treat? My apologies for all the questions – I’m so grateful for your answers 🙂
It shouldn’t kick you out of ketosis, no. I think you could have a piece or two a day. 🙂
I’m referring people to your website like crazy since I discovered you a few weeks ago 🙂
What are your thoughts on coconut sugar – like those on : ? I know it’s not calorie free but is it a good substitute for those who are not pre-diabetic and are negatively affected by sugar alcohols?
I talk about it in detail in my book Keto-Adapted. It is just sugar in the body. I don’t recommend it.
What do you think of the concept “the smarter science of slim” by Jonathan Bailor?
He recommends more protein, at least 30 grams (up to 50) at each meal to make protein synthesis possible and claims that less protein than that is just wasted and not used for new muscle tissue and repair in your body. He also says that the process of turning protein into sugar requires more steps (and uses up the calories of the protein at the same time during digestion and conversion), which is why the body is more likely to store carbs or fat as body fat (he points out that if there are too many fatty acids in the body, it will not burn the additional fat that is eaten but store it as fat – he is not against fats, but advises to choose wholefood-fats such as avocado, olives, coconut, cocoa).
Bailor explains that although fat doesn’t spike insulin, it is also not as satiating as water, fiber (from low-starch vegetables) and protein.
I have read keto-adapted two or three times but am still confused about these aspects. Thanks for reading!
Well, I would have to completely disagree about fat not being as filling. The more fat my clients eat, the less calories they consume because they are full all day. Also, too much fiber can elongate the intestines and cause problems.
Hi Maria I was just making your Danish recipe. I love it, but after looking at the package and adding it seems there are a lot more carbs than the recipe states. Any ideas?
The carbs in erythritol (Swerve, etc) don’t count as they are not digestible. 😉
I’m kind of “up a creek” with sugar substitutes. Tried them all and get stomach upset with all but stevia…JLS was somewhat ok but I can’t afford it with any frequency. I’m pretty much left with stevia, which is really not good on its own. I’ve been doing a honey/stevia combo out of desperation. Any other ideas would be much appreciated.
Maria, I made these the other day for my marshmallow-loving son. Although he normally doesn’t like my cooking, he did like these…and considering it’s the only marshmallow I’ll allow in the house, he’s not missing the other kind. I only had Swerve confectioners, so I used that. I did notice, they melt nicely, though they didn’t brown when I tried to ‘toast’ them. Thank you so much for the recipe!
Awesome! Glad to help. 🙂
Hi Maria, how can I heat the sugars to 245F? My thermometer did not move passed 210F but I went ahead and mixed this mixture with gelatin. It looks really liquidy, no stiff peaks:(, What am I doing wrong?
I use one like this. Quick and easy. 😉
A part of the marshmallow mixture fell to the bottom and hardened as jello, the other part is a lot like marshmallow. In either case it turned out to be an amazing and healthy dessert. I will be making it over and over again!
I’m wondering if I could manage to make marshmallow whey crispies. Hmmmm. May have to work on that one.
Hmm, not sure. Let me know if you try it. 😉
I’m wondering if these marshmallows would be toastable on a fire. I made a sugar free marshmallow recipe very similar to this one, no vegetable glycerine, and they melt into a puddle at the hint of heat.
I think they should be. Let me know if you try. 😉
I just tried making these and somehow they are way too sweet, even for the kids. Is it possible to melt them down and add them into a new batch with no/little sweetener?
Otherwise I love the texture!
You can half the sugar if you like. 😉
Hi Maria, thanks for your feedback. I was also asking if I could melt down the current marshmallows and re-make. do you think that is possible to melt them down in the pot and bring it up to soft ball and then add to more water/gelatin and they would still (re)set?
Hmm, not sure if that would work or not. 🙂
I tried to roast these marshmallows to make smores, but they melted away to nothing. They start dripping like water. Taste and texture of cold marshmallow is good.
When do you add the glycerine? To the gelatine mix or to the hot mix and when?
As it says in step one, add to cold water. 🙂
Only the gelatine is mentioned in step one. The vegetable glycerine is not. I do not see the glycerine mentioned anywhere other than the list of ingredients. I have seen this done with corn syrup and they add that to the hot mix…is that when you add the glycerine or should it be added to the gelatine and water in step one? I tried making this, but it did not work, so I am thinking I did not mix something at the right time?
Oops, sorry. Fixed it above. 🙂
Thank you! I am so dying to try this-my favorite Easter candy was the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs like your picture above…for years never ate them because of the calories, sugar, etc…so am dying to try this out!
It worked! They came out perfect! I was so happy I could not stop playing with them! How do you store these? It made a nice sized batch-one large sheet cake pan-I made them a little flatter so I can use them for various recipes. You may want to mention that they have to whip for a very long time-I almost gave up thinking I did something wrong again, but when I went to move the whisk I noticed it was firming up-then it turned white and fluffy…I am happy.
Awesome! Thanks!
This sounds yummy. Thanks for the sugar free marshmallow recipe. I have never heard about marshmallow. I love to make new and creative recipe. I will definitely try this tonight.
Thanks! Hope you like it. 🙂
Hi! I don’t see vegetable glycerine on the astore link in this blog post. It’s only sweeteners. Can you try to repost the link? Thanks!
Here you go
Do these need to set in the fridge?
When my batch set up in the fridge, there is a white fluffy layer on top of a glycerine layer. How can I fix that?