When eating a ketogenic diet, the most exposure to carbohydrates is overnight especially towards morning as the liver produces glucose to keep your brain fueled and to prepare you for getting up. Therefore, if you are eating a very ketogenic diet, the blood ketones go up during the day as you burn more fat for fuel (as apposed to a high carb diet where the opposite happens).
Something to consider, a ketogenic diet rapidly induces insulin resistance. This is a normal physiological response to carb restriction. Carb restriction drops insulin levels. Low insulin levels activate hormone sensitive lipase. This breaks down fatty tissue into ketone bodies (blood ketones). Your muscles prefer to run on ketones and so they become insulin resistant leaving the glucose in your blood for other cells (like the brain).
However, while muscles are in “refusal mode” for glucose any glucose put into your bloodstream, from food or gluconeogenesis (blood glucose made from protein or other tissues), will rapidly spike blood glucose. This is fine if you stick to LC in your eating. It also means that if you take an oral glucose tolerance test you will fail and be labelled diabetic. In fact, even a single high fat meal can do this, extending insulin resistance in to the next day.
So if you are getting a blood glucose test, you can increase your carbs to 150 grams a day for 3 days prior and your blood glucose levels will show normal according to the standards. Otherwise, you can look at a better marker for metabolic syndrome which is you HbA1c levels. If these are low (5.5 or less is what a doctor will define as low diabetes risk, 5 or less is ideal), it doesn’t matter what your fasting blood glucose levels are.
Also an interesting note, when mice in a recent study by Ortman, Prinzler and Klause were allowed to select their own diet, lo and behold, the mice chose (by calories, not weight!) 82% fat and 5.6% carbohydrate. Sensible mice!
If you would like to read more on how to become keto-adapted with a “well-formulated” diet, check out my book KKeto-Adapted
Click HERE to get a limited edition of the Hard Cover.
Click HERE to get a soft cover.
Thank you all for your love and support!
Corned Beef and “Hash”

Corned Beef and "Hash"
- 5 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1/4 cup Fresh parsley leaves chopped
- 2 tablespoons Coconut vinegar or apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon onion diced, or shallots
- 1 tablespoon stone-ground mustard
- 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice
- Fine sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
- 1/4 head cabbage sliced into "noodle" shape
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil or butter if not dairy-sensitive
- 1 teaspoon garlic finely chopped
- 1 1/2 pounds corned beef cut into bite-sized pieces
- 1 avocado halved, pitted, peeled, and cut into chunks
- 4 large eggs poached, for serving (optional; omit for egg-free)
- To make the vinaigrette: Place all the ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth. Set aside.
- To make the “hash”: Slice the cabbage into noodle-like strips or small pieces. Heat the oil in a sauté pan over medium heat and sauté the cabbage and garlic until the cabbage is very tender and soft, about 8 minutes.
- Add the corned beef and toss gently to combine and heat the beef, about 4 minutes. Gently mix in the avocado and sauté for another 2 minutes, just to warm the avocado.
- Drizzle each serving with the vinaigrette and top with a poached egg, if desired.
Testimony of the Day
“Good morning Maria, I had to share some exciting news with you! This morning I weighed myself like I always so and for the first time in over three years, I weighed UNDER 200lbs. 199!!! It’s been three and a half weeks since I started eating your way and reading your metabolism book.
I just got your HAQ assessment over the weekend and finally just got all the supplements in the mail yesterday. I have lost 24lbs in 3.5 weeks but most of all I feel incredible and have a healthy happy relationship with food that I have never had before. I know this is just the beginning, but I had to share my milestone with you! I had many days before I found you that I thought I would NEVER weigh under 200 again. You have given me hope and empowered me to take back my health. Thank you!! With my warmest regards, Shauna”
Click HERE to get your 30 day meal plans and start your transformation like Shauna and Richard!
Another Great Testimony
“I had plateaued after two years of eating paleo and then eating what i THOUGHT was the “the Maria way”.. which was really my own version – high protein, moderate fat, low carb. Could NOT figure out why I had stopped losing – and actually had started gaining. And more interestingly, as the heaviest weight lifter in my BodyPump class, I had to go down on my weights slightly, and that bothered me. I was only half trusting the Maria way because I was still afraid of fat. I have since DOUBLED my fat intake, cut my protein down to a more moderate amount, and all of a sudden I am losing again. It’s amazing!
My energy is so much better, and I can see my muscle definition again. Maria, you do know what you are talking about, and many of my friends are being recruited to your way after asking what I’m doing. Thank you thank you.” -Alli
Maria, this looks delicious! Right now I’m staying under 10 grams of carbs per day to get into ketosis, and I’m wondering if the 4.6 grams of carbs that you listed are total or net? Thanks for the recipe!
Thanks! I always list total carbs (I don’t count net, only total). 🙂
Hi Maria,
So we should measure total carbs and not net/effective carbs when keeping under 10grams a day? I’m slowly moving into this new way of eating. I bought 2 of your books and your health assessment so I’m on a bit of a learning curve.
Thanks for all you do!
Yes, when I talk about carbs I am talking total carbs. 🙂
Wonderful recipe. Thank you Maria!
Could u do the meat in a slow cooker? If so, would it be roughly the same cooking time?
That should work. I would think it might take a bit longer. I would use a meat thermometer to be sure. 🙂
Do you have a place on your blog, forum, or in your books where you give a detailed explanation of why you no longer use net carbs (and just go with the total carbs)? Using them has always worked well for me, so I am intrigued by the change.
My book Keto-Adapted talks is all about why to eat a ketogenic lifestyle. 🙂
I have Keto-Adapted as eBook and searched “net carbs” and total carbs. “Net carbs” not found; “total carbs” found once. I understand the BENEFITS of ketosis!
You’ve got some pipes on those arms!
I discovered your blog a few months ago, and a lot of my health issues have resolved thanks to you, the blog and all your books.
I have two questions, and hope you have time to answer them!
I used to drink a lot of Diet Sodas (especially 7UP), but have switched to Vitamin Water Zero. It’s naturally sweetened with erythritol and stevia leaf extract. Are you familiar with this product? Is this okay to drink?
Also, I LOVE raw spinach, but it’s not listed on your “preferred veggies” list in Keto Adapted (at the end.) Is there a reason for this?
I just finished making your amazing salad dressing (I eat it every day), and yesterday I had friends over for your chocolate molten cake and none of them believed me when I said it was both sugar+gluten free (they still don’t.)
Maria, THANK you for being such a great inspiration! Food used to be a struggle, but now it’s fun, social, yummy AND healing.
Thanks! Vitamin water zero is an ok option in moderation (it still has food dye). Spinach is an ok option for keto. That is so great! Love when the word of health is gretting spread to more people. 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to answer! I really appreciate it 🙂
I have purchased your plan and am eager to begin living “the Maria way”. I have watched your videos and skimmed through some of the written materials. Which book do you suggest I read first?
I know you are asking Maria, but I am reading Keto-Adapted again. I think it is her best book. It really brings everything together that I have ever read any where else. Since my first reading, I get it out once a month and learn something new each time. It helps keep me on track.
Thanks Katy! You are a sweetie! Would you mind writing a review on amazon? It really really helps!
I really think you would enjoy Keto-Adapted. I REALLY appreciate your support!
Yes, Keto-adapted would be the best place to start. 🙂
Hi Maria-
I wondered if you have heard of incidences of night sweats occurring in those having adopted a keto-adapted lifestyle? Perhaps with relation to a hypoglycemic state that is more likely to occur at night.
Thank you for your time and wisdom.
I haven’t heard of that from this diet, no. Likely a hormone imbalance or other issue. I could tell me with a health assessment.
Made this last night and it was fantastic! Another great recipe!
I have a question after re-reading the chapter in Keto adapted regarding auto-immune issues. I initially skimmed over the thyroid section as I had a thyroidectomy several years ago and am on a current dosage of 100mc of synthroid, but then I read your “scraping gum” comment. So my question is: are the supplements at the end of that chapter recommended for only those people with thyroid issues or should I be investigating these too?
Thanks for you help.
Have been loosing @ .5lbs a day since starting your way and I am never hungry. Really great stuff!
After reading GLUCOSE NUMBERS and KETOGENIC DIET in the above segment, I am a little confused. If I have been following a low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet for 2-3 months, will my blood sugar be up in routine blood panels? This won’t be fasting because my numbers (cholesterol, triglycerides, BS, etc.) have always been good.
Both of my grandmothers were diabetic and my mom is a diabetic, so I am trying to be proactive.
It depends on your situation. In some cases they can go up with the traditional test, but as long as A1C is low, it isn’t a concern. Here is a good explanation of the situation.
I was wondering if you could recommend a good multi vitamin?
I ordered this book on Monday with Amazon Prime. I really want to make this recipe tonight for St Pat’s Day. Its late and coming tomorrow. Any chance you could email me just the recipe? No problem if you cant, but I know it never hurts to ask!! Thanks 🙂
Sorry I don’t have it off hand:(
Actually I will make your Reuben soup. I am too addicted to your recipes!
Thanks ❤️