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Butter Poached Lobster

By January 19, 2014February 18th, 2023Bread, Egg Free, Main Dish, Moods and Hormones, Nut Free, Weight Loss


butter poached lobster

My grandpa Vince survived his first heart attack at age 32, but with the diet that his doctor recommended it is no wonder his heart never healed.  He eventually required heart surgery at age 45, then another one at age 52. At that point, the doctors gave him 5 years to live; he made it 9 and died at age 61 on Thanksgiving morning. He was given nutrition advice from his doctor to never eat eggs, butter, or saturated fat. He was living off of fake butter substitutes and popcorn. His doctor would be shocked if I served him a dinner like this Butter Poached Lobster!

Cholesterol is not the bad guy that we have vilified; it is vital for every cell in your body. You cannot live one day without it! It does not damage arteries, it repairs arteries![8] I like to refer to cholesterol as the firefighters in our body. They help stop the inflammation that is occurring. When you kill the firefighters (cholesterol), sure your cholesterol numbers will go down, but did the inflammation (fire) go away? No, it didn’t.

butter poached lobster

Cholesterol is so important to the human body that nature has devised a backup plan in the event your diet falls short. When that happens, your liver steps in to make cholesterol to give your body a baseline level. The high levels of insulin that are released in a low-fat, high-carb diet also trigger the body to tap off leftover blood sugar into the liver to make cholesterol and triglycerides which are used for energy and fat storage.

In its natural, unstressed state your liver makes 75% of the cholesterol your body needs. The rest you have to eat, which is my favorite food group: butter, meat, whole-fat dairy products, shellfish, and eggs.

If you deprive yourself of cholesterol, your liver overproduces cholesterol to make up the difference and stocks up. This overdrive state can’t shut off until you start eating cholesterol again. So, a low-cholesterol, high-carbohydrate diet can actually lead to heart disease!

Most importantly, the biggest contributor to heart disease risk is inflammation. A well-formulated keto-adapted diet is very low in inflammation. Sugar and carbs are the big culprits when it comes to increased inflammation. Coronary Artery Disease occurs when an LDL particle (usually a small dense one) gets lodged in a lesion (caused by inflammation) in the artery wall. It then releases its cholesterol into the artery wall which starts the formation of plaque. So if you have very low inflammation and no arterial lesions for the LDL to get stuck in, your cholesterol numbers aren’t really relevant.

“We’ve long known that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease. In the absence of inflammation or injury to the endothelial cell, the cholesterol would never go through the arterial wall and it would never stay there. – Dr. Dwight Lundell”[59]

Well formulated keto-adapted diets:
1. Reduce body fat much more than low-fat diets, even though the low-carb groups are allowed to eat until fullness [10, 11].

2. Lower blood sugar and improve symptoms of diabetes [12].

3. Increase HDL (the good) cholesterol much more than low-fat diets [13].

4. Change the pattern of LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol from small, dense LDL (very bad) to Large LDL [114, 15].

5. Cause a greater reduction in blood pressure [16, 17].

6. Lower blood triglycerides much more [18].

They improve ALL biomarkers of health MORE than the low-fat diet still recommended by the authorities.

If you want to get started on a well-formulated keto-adapted diet, take the planning out and get my 30 day meal plans which include a very detailed grocery list. Click HERE to get started on your path to healing. 

butter poached lobster


Beurre Monte is a butter, an emulsification of 80% milk fat, 18% water, and 2% milk solids. Heating butter above 160 degrees will cause it to “break” or separate into its different composition parts. A Beurre Monte is a techniques of keeping melted butter in an emulsified state between 180 degrees and 190 degrees, which is perfect to poach seafood, meats and low-starch vegetables.

Beurre Monte can be set aside on the stove after being prepared but it should be used within an hour after you make it.


GREAT news! If you’re an existing ButcherBox member I’ve got deals for you too. You can get Butcherbox LOBSTER TAILS mailed to your front door! 

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Butter Poached Lobster

Maria Emmerich
NOTE: Do not forget to remove the shell. On my first attempt, I didn't remove the shell and the lobster didn't poach like it should... an expensive mistake!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Egg Free, Fish and Seafood, Main Course, Nut Free
Cuisine French
Servings 4
Calories 771



  • 1 head cabbage sliced into thin "noodle" like shapes
  • 3 tablespoons fresh thyme chopped fine
  • 1/2 tablespoon butter or coconut oil
  • Redmond Real salt to taste


  • 4 lobster tails shells removed (I use Butcherbox)
  • Butter cut into 1/2 inch chunks
  • 1 tablespoon water


  • In a large pan, saute cabbage noodles on medium with 1/2 TBS butter or coconut oil and tarragon (or other herb).
  • Saute until soft like a noodle.
  • Set aside.
  • To find out how much butter you will need for poaching the lobster, place the shelled lobster tails in a large pot, side by side; add just enough water to cover.
  • Remove the lobster tails and set aside; and measure the water in the pan. **NOTE: This is the amount of butter you will need in order to poach the tails.
  • Make sure to bring the lobster tails to room temperature before you begin.
  • To make the Beurre Monte, bring 1 tablespoon of water in a saucepan (which is large enough to fit the lobster) to a boil over high heat; reduce the heat to low and begin adding the chunks of butter (a little at a time) whisking to emulsify. Once the emulsion is started, you can safely add the butter faster without it breaking.
  • Hold the temperature of the Beurre Monte between 160 and 190 degrees for poaching.
  • If it gets too hot, the sauce will "break" but it will still taste good.
  • The mixture should have the consistency of a very thick butter sauce.
  • Use a thermometer and bring the beurre monte up to at least 160° degrees, but not over 190° degrees. Depending on how large your lobster is and how many you are preparing, will determine how long you need to poach them; about 5 to 7 minutes.
  • They should a soft consistency and look as if not completely cooked, if you over-do them, they will be rubbery. The lobster should be no longer opaque in color, but white when done.
  • Remove lobster from the Beaurre Monte and serve over Cabbage Pasta.


Calories: 771 | Fat: 10g | Protein: 140.9g | Carbohydrates: 25.3g | Fiber: 6.9g | P:E Ratio: 5

If you like your lobster sandwich style rather than over “cabbage pasta” make a lobster roll with my homemade baconnaise and a Protein bun! I had my leftover lobster this way!

butter poached lobster

Plan Plan Plan is the key to success

Recipes like my cabbage “pasta” can be found in my cookbook The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker. Cabbage is so cheap and lasts forever, I always keep one in my fridge. Cabbage pasta can be made days ahead of time and stored in an airtight container in the fridge for easy additions to dinner.

One trick that works for our family is that Craig helps clean up after dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. I often fill my slow cookers with the main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day!

To get over 300 slow cooker recipes, check out The Art of Healthy Eating: Slow Cooker, click HERE to order. 

Happy Eating! Thank you all for your love and support!

butter poached lobster



Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Becky says:

    Hi Maria is your new book out yet? I looked and did not find it.

  • Dawn says:

    I really like your cookbook The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker. Really makes eating healthier easy.

  • Debbie Meissner says:

    Thanks again Maria for introducing me to sugar free and grain free eating. It has helped me get my cholesterol numbers looking better.

  • Karla T says:

    I feel so great when I stick with the eating plan. My heartburn goes away completely.

  • Marilyn Curttright says:

    Hi Maria, Thanks for your blog, your recipes, your methods. So many people will tell you what not to eat, but you actually give people options. We are feeling so much better, people at work are commenting about my new size (dropped 4 slacks sizes in about that many months). 🙂

  • Debra Schramm says:

    Since going grain and sugar free I’ve lost weight, have more energy and in overall better health.

  • Relizabeth says:

    After a short stint with trying some “healthy” carbs this past weekend…I felt the yucky effects of eating more carbs and do not want to do that again. My brain and gut feel so much better with all the healthy fats. Thanks for your help Maria. I’d love to win the necklace. It’s beatiful/

  • Barbara says:

    I’ve lost weight and feel GREAT…!!!

  • Teresa Hemphill says:

    Without your recipes and information, I don’t think I ever would’ve changed my eating habits. Thank you!

  • Tina G says:

    I am enjoying your book, The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker! Thank you so much for making grain-free and low-carb tastier! I could not imagine eating any other way!

  • Sandra says:

    Haven’t been eating this healthy in a long time…feeling better each week!

  • Anne Logston says:

    Hey, Maria. Your butter poached lobster recipe above says to serve with Tarragon Cabbage Pasta, but the cabbage recipe listed above only uses thyme, no tarragon. Should we substitute the same amount of tarragon instead of thyme? Since tarragon has such a strong flavor, I’d think not, but . . .

  • Noelle says:

    SO excited for the new book! Will it be available in the package deal that includes all books??? I’m thinking of buying that package for myself for Christmas. 😀 Thanks!

  • Dita says:

    I feel so much better when i low carb and go gluten free and your blog helps me to do both!! Thanks.

  • Deb says:

    I’ve been eating LC and grain, sugar and process food free for almost 2 yrs now. I’m down 36 lbs of my 45# goal and I no longer have knee pain or stomach bloating and I’ve been able to reduce my HBP dosage by 50%. I feel and look wonderful. I find either a new recipe or a new concept nearly everyday on site. I’ve never made noodles w/cabbage and am going to try it tonight. Thanks again Maria

  • Angela says:

    Thanks for the woderful recipes that you continue to so generously share with your readers.

  • Monica Hughes says:

    I’ve been following the lowcarb grain free lifestyle since 10/10/2013. Not long! I’ve lost about 12 pounds and regained some energy and am sleeping much better. The whole family’s doing it and I’m hoping for lots of improvements for us all. Love your recipes!!!

  • unterderlaterne says:

    I have tree of your cookbooks my next purchase will be the *slow cooker*one.
    What is the new one called?
    Thank you Maria!

  • Debbie says:

    I am excited to hear that there is a new book. What is the name of the new book and how can
    I order it. thanks Debbie

  • Deb says:

    I just bought the Slow Cooker book and your recommended crockpot for my husband for Christmas. He likes to cook with a crockpot, so I thought I’d get him a healthy recipe book. Gee, I guess this will actually be a present for me too if he starts cooking more ! 🙂

  • Elli says:

    Maria, I have a random question about erythritol. The nutrition label says there are 4 grams of carbohydrates per teaspoon, and 0 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber, and 0 calories. How are those carbs processed? How can there be 4 grams of carbs with 0 calories?

  • WoolyNC says:

    No more reflux!

  • fredrica says:

    I do not eat a lot of proccessed foods, mostly fruits, veggies, meats. I used to be a sugar addict, it was hard to give up, but now the benefits are the taste of food is better, less issues with weight gain, etc. I have had issues on and off with wheat for some time and eat it very sparingly.

  • Renae Galletti says:

    Thank you Sienna for posting that! I too have been competing in figure for the past few years and your story about the typical “clean” diet could have been written by me! Because of that I wasn’t sure I would even be able to keep competing and was so frustrated. My husband and I have been following this lifestyle for the past six months and I love it but I was worried about how well it would work once I start prepping for a competition again. I couldn’t find much info on other competitors who not only use a straight keto diet for show prep but also follow it year round. Your pictures look great and have me excited to compete again in the spring!

  • Corrine says:

    I like both on Facebook 🙂 I am just starting my grain free and sugar free lifestyle… I have recently been diagnosed with auto-immune hypothyroidism and am doing my part in helping my body heal! Right now, its a bit more strict as I am working on an anti-candida diet with my ND. Here’s to hoping my energy levels come up and my digestion improves. 🙂
    Thanks Maria!

  • Jennifer Weinzirl says:

    I have slowly changed my eating habits to be “healthified”. I enjoy baking and trying new recipes. It keeps meals interesting in our house. I feel incredibly better than I ever have. Less stomach discomfort and a noticeable improvement in my skin. Thank you Maria!

  • Kate Troxell says:

    My hypothyroidism and overall health have greatly improved thanks to Maria 🙂

  • Anna B says:

    I have so much energy!

  • Debby Robic says:

    Love your Slow Cooker cookbook, Maria – and the slow cooker you recommended! Haven’t tried the cabbage “Pasta” recipe yet, but I am looking forward to it!

  • Sharlene says:

    I have several of your books and find something new almost every day. I’m feeling better and I don’t hurt as much.

  • Jen says:

    Love your recipes–I have so much more energy and feel better when I eat grain free!

  • Caroline says:

    So excited about your new booK! Can’t wait!

  • Karen says:

    Still working on feeling good! I’ve just begun the journey. So glad to find that wheat products are NOT irresistible any more. I don’t seem to care about them. Hurray!

  • Fernanda says:

    I am currently going through a struggle with anorexia and eating your way has improved my relationship with food. I never thought I could eat the foods that I’m eating and I feel so much more relieved and happy thanks maria!

  • Jennifefr says:

    Your way has helped me lose weight and gain energy! Thank you!

  • Loren says:

    Can you share the baconaise recipe?

  • Amy Y says:

    Since starting a healthified way of life I have lost 6 pounds – in less than two weeks. Feel great about that and can’t wait to continue on this journey and try out so many of Maria’s healthified recipes. Next on the list: cabbage noodles, what a great idea and would be great with Swedish meatballs or beef stroganoff. Also, love the Sheer Addiction necklace. All of her jewelry is amazing.

  • Tanya C says:

    My husband and I recently started this new lifestyle (within the past 6 months) and I LOVE the fact that my cravings for sweet desserts and junky foods have decreased to almost nothing. So thankful for Maria’s willingness to share her talent and passion with all of us!

  • Wendy Nickerson says:

    On my way to a healthier me-day 4 of the meal plan!

  • elise says:

    Because of this life-style, I have been able to get my hormones more in line! Also, I can ward of diabetes because I am keto-adapted. 🙂

  • Lindsay says:

    Such an amazing giveaway! I’ve never felt better since changing my way of life. Being able to live my life without getting sick, having more energy to take care of my family, and look better than I did in high school, is beyond amazing. Thanks for all your fantastic knowledge and recipes! It’s been life changing!

  • Griffice says:

    I have lost weight and no more prescription pills….after 50 years of migraines….gone!!!

  • Bri says:

    I have not started this type of diet yet… I am hoping to get the cookbooks soon! It sounds promising!

  • Angie says:

    Well, I lost 30 pounds after having my second child and I only have 10 more to go to reach my goal. I’ve been following the low carb high fat diet and I found you. Thanks to your wisdom and dedication to inform the world on nutrition I have been able to change my diet to a lifestyle and there is no way I’m going back to how I was eating before.

  • Maria says:

    So far I’ve lost 17 pounds, that was something that was a bonus. My blood sugar has evened out, which is the best thing to happen so far! I’m no longer irritated if I don’t eat right away and my brain feels “clearer” :).

  • Anita says:

    Beautiful give away… don’t know if this is where I leave a comment or not. Hope So!

  • Rene Hughes says:

    Can’t wait for the new book! Tons of great info!

  • Tiffany says:

    We’re not quite grain free and sugar free yet, but we’re working on it. We try to eat at least one meal a day both grain and sugar free, and bot my husband and I feel like we have more energy, and that we eat less junk food.

  • Leslie J. says:

    Having Lyme Disease, the Maria lifestyle is essential to healing. It helps to keep my inflammation lower.

  • Brenda says:

    I’m just gathering information and ingredients to get started. I’m hopeful.

  • Stacey says:

    My skin is looking great and have tons of energy to cook healthy meals for my bf too 🙂

  • Meta Brackbill says:

    By changing to Maria’s “healthified” lifestyle, I have been able to get off of several medications, including ending Nexium which I had been on over 2years. Thank you!

  • Kymberlee says:

    When I was off sugar I felt amazing… Sadly I haven’t kept it up.. I need to get started again cuz this necklace wld look lovely on me if I was healthier looking…

  • Laura Monk says:

    This is a lifestyle that I will continue for the rest of my life…thank you for all the education and creative cooking!

  • Tina says:

    Whenever I avoid grains and sugar I feel so much better and have greater mental clarity!

  • Cami L says:

    Going grain and sugar free has helped me be the healthiest I have ever been in my life! Mentally and physically I feel great. Even more importantly, my family is now embracing this lifestyle. My husband, my children, my mother, and now my brother’s family are all following Maria now and enjoying the results. Thank you for the gift of health!

  • Joni says:

    I have less allergies and more energy now

  • Sherry says:

    I feel GREAT….

  • Sandra says:

    I feel better being grain and sugar free and it has helped me keep my blood sugar under control without so many meds 🙂

  • Lori Devaney says:

    Going grain free and sugar free has helped me lose pounds AND reduce my cholesterol (raising the GOOD cholesterol, too)!!! Thanks for your continued encouragement.

  • jill says:

    i’ve lost around 20 lbs and intend to lose some more!!

  • toni says:

    Alot less water retention when eating wheat free and low carb!

  • Mamavalveeta03 says:

    Maria, I haven’t yet undertaken the plan, but it sounds like a much healthier way to live and thrive than what I’m doing now (which is trying to survive the sugar cravings of my husband without succumbing to them myself!). I want to lose 30lbs. and get HEALTHY again so that I can run after my granddaughter!

  • Linda says:

    My mind is clearer and I’m sleeping so much better!

  • Kim says:

    More energy!!!!

  • Stacey says:

    Hi Maris, is the keto-adapted diet helpful for managing familial hypercholesterolemia, the hereditary form of high cholesterol? I happen to have it and I refuse to take statins. I’m only 43, walk daily, yoga once a week, eat grain free/ sugar free/ low carb/ paleo inspired diet. My LDL is over 6. I don’t have any of the risks like smoking, drinking, diabetes (136lbs), low triglycerides and I have optimal blood pressure, kidney and liver function. By the way you have some wonderful recipes. Thanks!

  • Julie says:

    Fewer migraines and more energy overall!

  • Rebecca says:

    I liked both on FB, too. I find I can do grain free fairly easily. It’s the hidden sugar in things that gets me.

  • April says:

    I have been able to become healthier and lose weight without feeling deprived and struggling with uncontrollable cravings. I feel very happy that I am able to eat delicious foods and share them with my friends and family while knowing that we are all becoming healthier in the process! Thanks Maria!

  • Heather says:

    Everything in my life has changed, I can breath after I eat, no more hives, no more snoring, no more insulin resistance, no more swollen lymph nodes. I could continue but you get the point.

  • Katie says:

    I am just starting to realize the benefits of a sugar free diet, especially now that I am pregnant.

  • Lacy H. says:

    I just started eating a keto diet a few months ago because I have tremors. I’m noticing that eating this way has helped a lot. I’m hoping someday they will totally gone.

  • Elisabeth says:

    I’m new to grain and sugar free and love all the support from fantastic blogs like yours!

  • Penny says:

    I just noticed today that a skin fungus I’ve been battling for years is gone. I’m continuing to have great blood sugars and have dropped 13 pounds.

  • Stacy says:

    I was having horrible IBS symptoms, but going grain and sugar free has alleviated all of that for me. As well, I was having electrical vibrations in my fingers. Yes, very strange, indeed, and a symptom that my doctor had never heard of. I went through the battery of tests for Multiple Sclerosis, but nothing showed up, thank goodness. But the electrical currents would keep me up at night, and I hated not knowing the source. Well, after going grain and sugar free, those are also gone.

    At this point, we can only surmise that the gluten and/or chemicals in the foods were making my neurotransmitters fire, even firing down to my hands. In any case, it was my body’s way of saying it did not like how I was eating.

    Other benefits are that I sleep 100% better. My mood is better. My focus is better, and my energy level is steady, with no more peaks and troughs.

  • Cassy says:

    Would love to win this,and bless someone I know who really really wants this 🙂

  • Laura says:

    Hi Maria. Cabbage recipe looks great. What is the bread pictured with it? Is there a recipe for it?

  • Stacy says:

    Maria – is 1 lobster tail really 4 servings? Or is it that there is enough noodles and sauce for 4 people? And how much butter do you use? Above it says Kerryland butter cut into 1/2 inch chunks, but I was not sure if this was 1/2 cup (1 stick). Thank you.

  • Barbara says:

    I made this for New Year’s Eve dinner and it was AMAZING! My new favorite way to prepare lobster! Have a wonderful 2016 and thank you for all the research and work you do!

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