Bath Scrub
A wonderful friend of mine gave me a very thoughtful gift of bath salts. I absolutely love this gift! She knows that I only use certain products on my skin. Everything gets absorbed and can create a toxic liver… I even had a client get out of the danger zone of high liver enzymes just by changing her topical make up and skin lotions! Your liver governs how effectively you lose weight as well as our moods.
In my new book Keto-Adapted, I included a chapter on Tips for Success. I like to make new goals for health all the time. If you do something 16 times in a row, it becomes a habit. This chapter was meant for you to pick new goals to work on and once you accomplish those, pick a new goal to work on for 16 days. Number 22 is all about your topical products. Here is a snipet from my book:
#22: Change your skin care and topical products. The liver can become congested from not only the foods you eat, but all of the make-up and soaps you use on your skin! I had one client who had her liver enzymes go back to normal once she ditched all of the lotions and make-up products she was using!
Remember the health and fitness magazines I referred to in chapter 2 on pure protein and fat? Well, I despise them for a whole other reason. I realized that the entire magazines are filled with nothing but advertisements, even the articles. I flipped through one magazine’s ten-page spread on its top choices for make-up and lotions. If the magazine writers really knew what happened to your body when you put those toxic chemicals on your skin, they wouldn’t be pushing fake tanners and toxic sun screens.
Everything you put onto your skin gets shuttled into your bloodstream just as if you ate it. Think I’m crazy? There is a huge pharmaceutical industry that uses topical patches and lotions for medical use. Many times, the topical medications are absorbed better than oral ones. So it would be silly to dismiss the effects of all of the toxic junk we apply daily.
Stop and think about everything going on your skin and gums:
Toothpaste and/or mouthwash
Shampoo and/or conditioner
I am one to enjoy wearing a light perfume. I love Elizabeth Arden’s Green Tea, but dare I put it on my skin? Absolutely not! I put it on my clothes. I suggest you start doing the same.
To read more, check out my book Keto-Adapted.
Click HERE to get a limited edition of the Hard Cover.
Click HERE to get a soft cover.
Thank you all for your love and support!
If you are more of a visual learner like myself, I have put together tons of videos to make this lifestyle easier. One video includes what topical products to use on your skin! These videos are included in my meal plan packages. Click HERE to get started!
My friend was gracious enough to share her simple yet awesome recipe with us! Thank you Julie!
To find the ingredients to make your own bath scrub (maybe for a Valentine’s Day present), click HERE. If you suffer from acne, try the Tea Tree essential oil!

Bath Scrub
- 4 cups Redmond Real salt big grains
- 1 cup jojoba oil
- 2 teaspoon essential oil..I used lavender 🙂
- Magnesium oil
- In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients.
- Add essential oil scent. You can add more or less depending on how strong you desire.
- Divide into cute jars.
- Share with friends!
Testimonies of the Day
“I bought your meal plan the big one 🙂 Really enjoying it. I actually lost 14lbs the first 12 days. Wow! Never lost that even in 1 month before.” Mary
“On day 8 of the 30 day Accelerated plan right now, dropped 9 pounds (from original 123 lbs)!” Teri
“Maria, I just have to give you a BIG BIG thank you! I just started your 30 day meal plan and in 2 weeks, I’ve dropped 11 pounds total. I can definitely tell and it’s making me super excited to keep going. I am NOT hungry ever and I love how easy it is to follow. It takes all the pain and thinking out of the planning. It’s so, so simple and fail proof. I am learning how to eat proper proportions and and what to eat and when. I hate calorie counting and never wanted to do that. This was definitely the best thing I’ve ever done. Thank you girl. You are a huge inspiration.” -Rebecca
If you want to get started like Mary, Teri and Rebecca, click HERE to get you on the right path! You deserve it!
Another GREAT Testimony of the Day
“Hi Maria, You have been helping me get my life back by getting healthy. My main request was to help me get pregnant. Since starting your way less than 3 months ago I have lost 31 pounds and am off all my autoimmune disease medications. And today, I can tell you that I found out I am expecting. I am only a few weeks along and so I can’t share with everyone yet but I owe you my gratitude. After a year long emotional journey, your way restored my body back to health.” Carrie
Get started on your path to health today with the recently improved 30 day accelerated package! Now every day has calculations for percent of fat/protein/carbs. It has never been easier to follow the keto-adapted lifestyle.
My favorite way to relax is surfing for recipes that are LCGFSF and pinning them in Pinterest.
These oils sound great. Love to try them out!
A bath is my favorite way to relax.
Reading while it is raining is always the best way for me to relax!
What ingredients would we want to avoid in skincare products? some of these labels are like reading another language!
I enjoy taking epsom salt baths to relax!
A hot bubble bath is my favorite way to relax. However, since reading your book recently I’ve realized all of our household products are full of chemicals (seems obvious now) … sigh … Trying to switch to natural products 🙂
A long bath at the end of the day!
I just realized the above link to contact me, Heidi, about essential oils isn’t working. If you’d like to learn more about the purity and potency of doTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils and/or would like to purchase them from a reputable natural health advocate, please email me at You can also learn more by visiting my website at
I just fixed it so it is working now. Sorry about that. 🙂
Another easy scrub is just using organic sugar and olive oil or coconut oil. I love BabyCakes products because they have over 20 very carefully selected ingredients and are all natural with no chemicals. Each ingredient has been very carefully selected and researched specifically to enhance skin and hair without harsh chemicals. This isn’t easy to do yourself and I appreciate the work that went in to developing BabyCakes.
I love to soak in a warm bath to relax. But now that I live by the beach, I love to sit on the sand and watch and listen to the waves. It is so relaxing!
I was looking for a recipe for bath scrub…I got essential Lavender oil from a local farmer in Murphys, CA. I’m excited to try this!
A hot bath with a few drop of my favourite essential oil and a good book and a cup of herbal tea!
Love long soaks in the tub!
I would love to try these .
I love a book and a bath!!
Curling up with a good book and a hot cup of tea!
My favorite way to relax is to socialize and laugh with people I love! I first look for small, quiet bursts to calm my mind and body and then find joy. These oils are wonderful. I’d love to make this scrub with them to really rejuvenate and have enough energy to laugh.
My favorite way to relax is to lose myself in a good novel.
Thank you for this recipe! While buying Christmas gift in December, I got a bonus gift of Dead Sea salt scrub. I love it but know that I wouldn’t buy it because of the price. This is just the recipe I was looking for. Off to look at some of Heidi’s oils…
My favorite way to relax is in the evening to sit in my comfortable lounge chair while sipping a cup of my favorite Tulsi Rose tea and either read or scroll through pinterest.
My favorite way to relax is to spend a quiet evening with my family. It is so rare these days that the kids don’t have activities to rush to or are getting together with friends, it is nice to spend some quality time with the whole family.
My favorite way to relax is to spend the day at the beach with my family, just laying there and soaking up the sun!!!
My favorite way to relax is by reading.
My favorite way to relax is going to the gym 🙂
Love the bathtub with a little lavendar oil…
I love sewing and crocheting. Always have music or a book playing as I do so! I am having a nice cup of Green tea, Dooby Brothers playing in the background in my craft room checking my emails!
My favorite way to relax is a nice hike…!
Ooh love essential oils!
I love a warm bath with scented oil in a candle-lighted room… ahh….
I am so excited to see that you use doTERRA essential oils!!!! They have changed my life!! I am been looking for “the” way to change our eating habits and am reading two of your books and considering purchasing a consultation. This makes me feel so sure that “your” way is the right way, as I believe so so so much in the healing powers of the oils!!! Yeah!!!! Happy day!
Taking a bath and reading a book.
I love essential oils. I use them in my business as a doula. I also make a moisturiser for after a shower of almond oil, jojoba oil and lavender, rose water, and rosemary essential oils. Lavender is very relaxing, so just a sniff helps me relax. Also, I got a email from Amazon to recommend a book after reading “The Wheat Belly” and I recommended your “Slow Cooker” book. I love the recipes, and it makes cooking a lot easier.
I relax with a good book and a good bath!
I love to just sit and read a book, or curl up on the couch and watch a movie with my husband. 🙂
Blog hopping or card making is my favorite way to relax!
My favorite way to relax is going to the gym or curling up and read a good book.
I love sewing and crocheting. Retired in August and I’m loving being able to relax more often! Music and books are also a favorite!
My favorite way to relax is curling up on the couch with a blanket and a book! 🙂
Reading a book by the woodstove or a hot bath.
I love a good soak and a scrub that smooths the winter skin.
a good book surrounded by a million pillows.
My favorite way to relax is a hot bath.
My favorite way to relax is a nice warm bath with lavender candles burning, and afterwards to read a good book.
My favorite way to relax in a hot bath with a good book.
I love reflexology.
A hot bath and a good book!
With a good book!
I good book by the fireplace!
I’m also looking for pure, natural face cream and cleanser recipes. Thanks.
Favorite way to relax is having a cup of tea in the sunroom next to the bird feeder.
I dropped 13 pounds the first week but none after that. I just finished week 4 and still nothing since the 1st week. I guess we all have different bodies and all respond differently. It’s quite discouraging to not lose weight, however my body does feel better overall. Certainly less aches and pains which I appreciate and though my addictive food impulses are still present, I don’t want sugar as much as before… still do, but it’s not every day.
Everyone is different. This is a great example from a client, “It took my body a bit longer to acclimate and begin the fat burning process but I did not give up. I kept hard at it, as well as exercising faithfully. By week 8 I began to see some changes. My clothes began to get loose, and by month 3 I had lost 20lbs.”
What ingredients should be avoided in the beauty products I have? It is going to take some time to transition, and I hate to throw anything out that’s safe.
Snuggle up with my dogs and a good book! Thanks for the giveaway!
my favorite way to relax is to go to the beach – Siesta Key is #1 right now – beautiful white sand and the sun shining on me!
My favorite way to relax is listening to music while in our backyard hammock! I could spend hours there!
I’ve come to adore essential oils. They are so much nicer on my senses and provide so many therapeutic benefits that I can’t even look at synthetic fragrances anymore. They give me an instant headache!
Love this post .. I made some homemade lotion bars as stocking stuffers for Christmas .. this would be great too!
Maria – I’ve watched your videos on pantry shopping which includes some information on lotions, shampoos and cosmetics. I have very sensitive skin and have to be very careful about what I wash my face with and sunscreen that I use. I live in Florida so sunscreen is pretty important. I’m confused by the product labels – even things that are labeled “natural” and organic seem to have a lot of stuff that I don’t recognize. Do you have recommendations for facial cleanser and sunscreen for your face? I also have somewhat oily skin so I cringe at the thought of putting oil on my face. I sure would enjoy a post where you elaborate a bit more on products we typically use on our skin and good alternative to the conventional. I’d like to start using natural products but I feel like I have a huge learning curve in this endeavor. Thanks so much!
Maria, I watched this video the other night, and I ordered the coconut bar soap, but couldn’t tell which shampoo you recommended…or see what it was from the picture, but I’d love to know! Thanks!
Face mask, hot bubble bath and then snuggle up on the couch with a big blanket and my chihuahuas.
My favorite way to relax is with a good audio book and my knitting!
Enjoy essential oils. Havn’t tried doTerra yet.
My favorite way to relax is going into my “room” where everything is designed for comfort. Put soft music on, put some of my fave scent in the warmer, light a couple of candles. Then grab my throw, a pillow and a good read and curl up in my recliner and take in the ambiance. The smells and the atmosphere is almost intoxicating. Love it.
Reading, enjoying a cup of hot tea, taking bubble baths, browsing Pinterest and Etsy on my laptop, trying out new recipes… a few of my favourite ways to relax.
favorite way to relax is nice cup of hot tea, hot bath and good book!
My favorite way to relax is to read a great book while in a warm, fragrant bubble bath.
my favorite way to relax is to soak in my hot tub and look up at the stars.
I love relaxing by reading to my 2 boys, while we snuggle.
I love to relax by reading a good book.
I love to relax with a good magazine and my kitty Phoebe on my lap.
My favorite way to relax is reading in a bath. 🙂
On the magnesium oil, how much should be use? Also, the link goes to an aStore promo page, not the item.
My favorite way to relax is a massage!
I love to soak in the tub and read a book!
I Love using lavender and rosemary in my bath water. It helps to relax me. I love this recipe. Since changing to this new life style I have been looking for new beauty tips. Thanks Maria!
I’ve had such a great response from this post and would like to offer each interested person a free doTERRA sample of an essential oil that best fits their needs. For those of you with a deep desire to better your health with a pure and potent form of natural healthcare, please 1) watch Emily Wright, doTERRA founder and VP of Leadership, explain why sourcing and quality matters when using something that is 50-70x more powerful and concentrated than dried herbs and 2) contact me through my website for your free sample Those that contact me by February 25th to open a wholesale membership (like Costco) can qualify for $100 in free oils. Have a happy, healthy weekend!
Believe it or not, my way of relaxing is to clean, while listening to my favorite soundtracks…:)
Would you be able to use this same scrub on your face? I’m looking for a clean & healthy DIY facial scrub.
That should work. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. I may try this for birthday/christmas presents. Btw, I have a friend that also makes great body butters. If you are interested her website is
How did you get the yellow color?
I use unrefined coconut oil and some of it is this color. 🙂