Back to School Struggles
I’m reading a booked called Heavy, which is a memoir of a mother who is helping her young daughter lose weight. Well, I should be honest…I’m not reading it, Craig is. After 12 years of marriage, Craig still reads to me before bed. I suffered from insomnia before I realized I was deficient in a few things (including magnesium, which is no surprise considering what my diet was! It takes 54mg of magnesium to process 1 gram of sugar or starch! No wonder magnesium is the most common deficiency! So before I added certain supplements for sleep, Craig read to me to help calm me down and he continues to do so, even though my sleep issues are gone.
Anyway, in the book, she writes about how at school, they have stations. One of the stations is a “snack station” (which her daughter spent most of her time at). Really!? Craig and I remember getting in trouble if you ate in class. What are your biggest hardships when it comes to your kids eating healthy?
I can’t believe the responses I received when I posted this question on Facebook! Here were some shocking responses:
1. Grandparents! They all live locally (meaning they are around them almost daily) and think eating real food is an obsession of mine I’m trying to punish my kids with.
2. Honestly, the PTA is our biggest obstacle. Several times a month, the students have the opportunity to get or buy food as a PTA fundraiser-nachos, pizza, ice cream, even the “waste-free lunches” from Whole Foods aren’t something I would choose for my kids. My son has food allergies so we eat mainly from home regardless. I’m not really worried about my own son’s healthy eating. However, I don’t think “we” as a school community get to talk about childhood obesity when we are allowing so much crummy food weekly in school. It’s so hypocritical.
3. Once my daughter hit middle school, she could eat the hot lunch or order from the a la carte menu-burgers, fries, pizza, nachos, etc. I made a deal that I would give her $20 per month for hot lunch. Whatever she didn’t spend she could keep. She hasn’t bought hot lunch since 5th grade. (She’s now in tenth.) best money I ever spent.
4. The school giving me a list of “approved snacks” that includes skim milk, fat-free sugar-free pudding, and pretzels…it’s going to be a long year.
5. I have joint custody with my ex. When my daughter is with me, she eats 80% of the time grain-free sugar-free. When she goes to her dad’s, he feeds her easy processed food. She has to be gluten free due to celiac, but that is the extent. He sees cooking from scratch as too expensive & time-consuming, despite his degree in exercise physiology & his family history of issues with thyroid, diabetes, blood pressure, & cancer.
6. Food that is offered at grandparents’ and friends’ houses…my oldest (10 years old) is getting better at making smart decisions when faced with food choices, but it’s still hard for her and practically impossible for my 6-year-old. 7. It really bugs me that in my kids’ schools they have banned homemade treats. All treats (like for birthday celebrations) have to be processed, store bought.
8. I am a teacher and I would say the choices on the school menu. Pizza, pizza and more pizza!
9. My daughter is going into her junior year and we have been eating this way since she was in 3rd grade. I can say from elementary school all the way through high school food is still used as a reward. Her good behavior has one her several pizza parties and ice cream parties that she cannot attend. Her freshman year in cooking class her teacher was so rude to her and would tell her a few bites of whatever they baked wouldn’t kill her. Lots of peer pressure and questions all along the way. Our best year was 6th grade because her teacher’s father was a celiac so he understood. We have never been able to have her eat school lunches.
And that was just a few of them! The theme of the answers were the same, school, grandparents, relatives…shouldn’t those people want your kids to thrive too?
Doesn’t this looks like a “healthy” sandwich to send to school? We all know that we need to stay away from sugar, but “whole grain” bread is high in sugar, higher than some candy bars and sugary sodas, and some scientists have proven that two slices of whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar levels as high as if you were eating a candy bar. Why does it take the mainstream media so long after a new study to report health benefits? BECAUSE they would lose all their advertising! I had to sign a waiver when I would be on TV that I won’t bash whole grain or cereals…they didn’t want to lose their advertisers! It’s truly shocking. According to the Life Extension article, eating two slices of whole wheat bread is worse than drinking a can of Coke or eating a candy bar. The original 1981 study at the University of Toronto found:

Nutella Cupcakes
- 6 large eggs
- 1/3 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup coconut oil melted, OR hazelnut oil OR butter
- 1/2 teaspoon hazelnut extract or vanilla extract
- 1/4 teaspoon Redmond Real salt
- 1/2 cup Natural Sweetener plus 1 teaspoon stevia glycerite
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 cup unsweetened macadamia nut milk or low-fat coconut milk
- 1/2 cup Sugar Free Nutella see recipe below (12 of 24 servings)
- 2 cups raw hazelnuts
- 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup Natural Sweetener or equivalent
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or hazelnut extract
- 1/8 teaspoon Redmond Real salt
- 3 tablespoons hazelnut oil could use other oil like coconut
- Heat oven to 350° F.
- Grease muffin tins with coconut oil or avocado oil spray.
- Whisk or beat the eggs until whites and yolks are well-mixed.
- Stream in the oil or butter while continuing to whisk.
- Add salt and extract and mix until combined.
- In a separate bowl, combine the natural sweetener, coconut flour and baking powder.
- Then mix the dry mixture into the egg mixture until well combined.
- Add in the macadamia nut milk or low-fat coconut milk.
- Divide the dough among 6 large muffin cups.
- Dollop 1-2 TBS of Healthified Nutella on each muffin before baking.
- Bake for about 15 to 18 minutes, or until just turning golden on top.
- TO MAKE NUTELLA: Can be made 1 week ahead of time.
- Heat the oven to 400 degrees.
- Spread the hazelnuts evenly over a cookie sheet and roast until they darken and become aromatic, about 10 minutes.
- Transfer the hazelnuts to a damp towel and rub to remove the skins.
- In a food processor, grind the hazelnuts to a smooth butter, scraping the sides as needed so they process evenly, about 5 minutes.
- Add the cocoa, natural sweetener, vanilla, salt and oil to the food processor and continue to process until well blended, about 1 minute.
- The finished spread should have the consistency of creamy peanut butter; if it is too dry, process in a little extra hazelnut oil until the desired consistency is achieved.
- Remove to a container, cover and refrigerate until needed.
- Allow the spread to come to room temperature before using, as it thickens considerably when refrigerated.
- It will keep for at least a week.
Recipes like this can be found in The Art of Healthy Eating Kids.
If you would like to help out a small family, rather than large business, I am happy to announce that you can now get my books as a high-quality ebook that works on any platform. This is an ebook format that works on any computer or mobile device. It is a beautiful pdf that has all the full-color pages and layouts as the printed books with a click-able table of contents and searching capabilities. This is extremely useful when trying to find a recipe. These books are much higher quality than the ebook platforms (Kindle, apple). Plus, most of the profits don’t go to Amazon or apple! Just go here to get your copy! Just Click HERE or select “My Books” above to get your copy now!
Testimony of the Day
“Hi Maria, I wanted to send you a note and tell you thank you. I recently had a second baby (January) and was talking with a friend about buying the Wheat Belly book a year ago and never reading it. She and I shared similar food journeys and the transformation for her to this lifestyle was life changing. So with her encouragement I read the book during my son’s first month.. I decided to give this lifestyle a try on April 1st, 13, for 30 days. No sugar/no gluten… I must be crazy, but for 30 days I can do anything. But the transition to this way of living was fairly seamless for a self proclaimed food addict. I have always been a heavy person, dieted my whole life…but the urges to binge and cravings would always win over. Not this time. I couldn’t believe the way the body reacts once you take away those things. My desire to binge is completely gone! I was a secret eater…wait till the hubby went to bed, then hit the pantry, eat a entire bag of chips, etc. Also, a trip to the grocery store, whether I had ate or not was usually an entire trip of salivation. But once I made this change, none of that happens anymore. It’s liberating.
I found you through that same friend (Joy Chrest), and have been ever so thankful. Your recipes have kept this the easiest way of life. More work? sure. But for better health, I’ll take it. I will say I am not as disciplined as you….yet. But I’m light years ahead of where I was just 4.5 short months ago. I’ve done low carb before…but with your help…I can do low carb and not feel like I have to eat bacon 24/7. From your pancakes, to your lemon bars, I’m amazed at the fact, not only are they good…but they are low carb! I made a pan of brownies and some magic cookie bars around July 4th. They stayed in my freezer for weeks. NOTHING stayed around here that long before, let alone anything made in an 8×8 pan! It was eye opening to find out that indeed I WAS the biggest snacker around our house. The things that hang around here now, never would’ve lasted had I continued eating my ‘old’ way. I am working on converting my family. They do not complain about the healthified meals I make, but I need to fully convert my pantry. And since I’m the one that grocery shops, it’s up to me!
So in total I’m down 25 lbs (50 since delivery) and over 20 inches,. I can just feel the change in my body, so I had to do a comparison today and that’s what I wanted to share with you! The before is when I was pregnant, as it’s the only time I’d be in front of a camera. An excuse to be fatter so to speak. But now, I don’t mind pictures at all. Because I’m finally liking what I’m seeing! THANK YOU THANK YOU. I’m so grateful for all the ideas out there of other people living this, it makes it so much easier. I’m also grateful for the acre garden I planted this year, keeping our dinners filled with the ‘good stuff’! Now on to chickens!
Keep doing what your doing. For people who don’t believe or say it’s to hard, take it from someone who has let food rule her life..all her life. It works…you can get over the cravings and addiction…and you will feel amazing!
P.S. I have been waiting 37 years for someone to tell me to put butter on everything AND lose weight! WOO HOO!”
We have gotten some amazing feedback on the 30 day meal plan option. One email said “Holy Moly! That included more tips than I thought it would! I certainly see where I went wrong with my grain free/low carb diet before this!”
But Craig and I are perfectionists, so he helped me add even more detail along with a grocery checklist for each week. Click here to get started on your “after” photo!
Do you think the “nutella would work without the hazlenuts? Can you suggest a nut-free substitution or can I just leave them out (I know that defeats the purpose of the recipe!) . Here in southern Ontario, Canada a lot of our schools are nut-free due to allergies. I’d love to make these to pack for my kids’ lunches, but obviously the hazlenuts wouldn’t work.
You could try a seed like sunflower seeds. 🙂
Hi! We just purchased THE ART OF HEALTHY EATING – KIDS. No kids here, other than us being kids at heart. In the cookbook, you reference 1/4 c. almond milk or coconut milk for the cupcakes. I noticed in your post, it was 1/2 c. Which one should I use, or is it pretty much depending on how dry every thing looks?
As a side note, this morning we tried your Protein Waffles from THE ART OF HEALTHY EATING – SWEETS. They were awesome!
It is 1/2 cup. I updated the book but they new print versions are a few months out. 🙂
Thanks! I’ve made a note of it. 🙂
Can you list the ingredients in LUV sweetener & chocolate? This info isn’t on their site & there’s no contact info either to ask. What’s listed is “Stevia, chicory root inulin and so on to perfectly mimic table sugar.” Wondering what the “so on” is.
It is a proprietary blend of sugar alcohols. I have seen the list (I wouldn’t promote them until I did) and there is nothing to worry about. 🙂
Thanks. Is there sorbitol, xylitol or malitol because I can’t handle those?
The only sugar alcohols I approve of are erythritol and xylitol. 🙂
Thanks! Xylitol causes blood sugar spikes for me.
Yeah! Another recipe based on coconut flour – please keep going:) maybe I will try coconut butter instead of hazelnuts but the taste might be to strong?
Thanks! Worth a try. 🙂
Looked over at the LUV chocolate link and several sound yummy, but I can’t find any nutritional info. listed anywhere.
They have the ingredients listed here. 🙂
I notice that you use a lot of eggs in your recipes – which we can’t do – and was wondering how plausible it would be to try a recipe like this using flax-seed “eggs” instead. Suggestions?
Thanks a mil.
That should work. I would just avoid recipe that say to whip the whites. 🙂
Maria, do you promote Sweet LUV All-Natural Sugar Alternative over or on the same level as Swerve? What is the differences between them?
Yes, it is a different blend of sweeteners but all “Maria approved”
I’m new to your blog and LOVE it!!! Would you please tell me where I can get the Stevia you use, I can’t seem to find it. Thank you so much.
I you click on the ingredients, they link to where you can get them. Thanks! 🙂
I tried looking at some of your books previews but they would not open. Is there something wrong with the site?
Make sure you have Adobe reader installed for viewing PDF files. 🙂
I do have Adobe and for some reason I can not open it! 🙁
Hmm, maybe try a different browser. Or right click on it and save to your computer and then open it from there. 🙂
Also you approve of xylitol correct?
Yes, that is a good option. 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks for the link with the nutrition info! If I have reaction to the chicory in Just Like Sugar, do you think I’d have the reaction in this chocolate? Also had to giggle with my first thought on the nutrition facts – Who could divide an ounce of chocolate into 2 or 3 servings! Must be someone with greater willpower than mine 🙂
Not sure. Just like sugar is all chicory root so these should have much less in them.
Thanks for your responses, Maria. As far as I can see, this sugar substitute is less expensive than Swerve… and to top it off, FREE shipping! I will have to add a candy bar or two! haha Thanks 🙂
I just received my shipment of LUV sweetener, candy bars, and baking chocolate. I LUV the sweetener as it has absolutely NO after taste that I can detect. I am anxious to bake with it. I have been a milk chocolate lover, so this dark chocolate is different, of course, but it is a very good dark chocolate. It is not very sweet, but it soothes the choc appetite. I’m sure the choc chunks will be wonderful in my cookies 🙂
Awesome! Thanks for the feedback! 🙂
Just an FYI, Remember chocolate candy bars have caffeine in them Last night I had part of the dark chocolate candy bar at 10:00 pm. I think this was a big mistake as I was awake until 3! I forgot about the caffeine in chocolate and the dark seems to affect me more so. But it was good 🙂 The macadamia nut bar is my favorite.
Is it possible to get the grocery lists for the meal plan? I must’ve purchased it before there was a list.
Hi, Yes, just reply to your download email and Craig can send them. 🙂
Just ordered some LUV sweetener. Hopefully it won’t have as much of that cooling effect that I hate in the baked goods. Looking forward to trying it (but not in these cupcakes because I’m allergic to hazelnuts!)
I have some of your older cookbooks, so when subbing LUV in your recipes (like when they call for erythritol+stevia glycerite or Just Like Sugar) do I try the same amount? Also, I have powdered pure Stevia extract (NuNaturals) which I like using better than the glycerite. Would I use less powder to be the equivalent of the liquid extract?
Thank you so much for the coupon! I hope they’ll have more in the future!
Yes, it should be a 1-1 sub. 🙂
Thanks! 🙂
I’m in the process of making these nutella cupcakes with my 8 year-old son. I can’t believe how much he loves the nutella! It really is delicious but it really has a bitter taste in my opinion compared to the fake stuff so I was so surprised how much he likes it. I only had almond flour so I’m making the batter with that instead of coconut flour. I used half the eggs and double the flour but the consistency was so watery of the batter that I am afraid I did something wrong in my conversion. We are waiting to see how they turn out. Did I use the correct conversion???
Close. So the conversion is this:
So it might have needed a little more almond flour and a little less liquid (almond milk). 🙂
I would start with the ratio in the link for the flour and eggs then slowly add the liquid until it is the right texture. 🙂
That’s exactly what I did. Double the flour, half the eggs and half the almond milk. They came out delicious!!!
Made these last night. They were great. They even kind of looked like yours. 🙂 My nutella wasn’t exactly the way I think it should have been, but next time it will be. I know where I went wrong. I’m trying to get my daughter on board with this way of eating, and these will help. Thank you.
Awesome! Thanks! 🙂
I know grandparents can be bad for treats … but this one is not! I eat healthy & have a healthy pantry & fridge. Started out by need & now is for both healthy need & choice! Since my grandkids were little they knew what to ask for when wanting treats at my house 🙂
Thanks as always for recipes that are tasty & healthy.
Just made the healthy nutella and I love it. Hope my kids also love it as I haven’t been buying the one in store although they’ve been asking. It’s so easy to make! The only drag is washing the food processor 🙂
Thank you so much Maria!!!!!!
Should batter be dough or runny like batter?
Never mind. They turned out yummy!! :). I used chocolate chips instead of Nutella by sprinkling them on top and they turned out great!!! 🙂
These look delicious! Would I be able to substitute milk instead of almond milk?
That would be ok. Just use whole milk.
I just made these for the first time and wondered if the amount of coconut flour was right, as the batter was very soupy. Hubby suggested adding more coconut flour, so I doubled it to 2/3 cups, and then it rally thickened up after the mixing, to more of a dough-like consistency. If it’s normal to be runny at first, that would be a good hint to add to the recipe instructions. I thought for sure something was wrong. FWIW… Thanks!
What brand coconut flour are you using? Some brands absord less moisture than others. Good job adjusting based on the batter. 😉
I used Bob’s Red Mill. They taste pretty good, but maybe next time I’ll knock it back a bit closer to the original measurement.
Yes, I has two people test the recipe and both liked it as is. Also, I know bob’s red mill almond flour doesn’t bake like other almond flours so maybe coconut is different too.
To make the nutella can we use hazelnut flour or does it have to be the whole nut?
I haven’t tried it with flour. 😉
Just made the Nutella and it is very bitter. Did I over cook the nuts??
Yes, that could be what happened.
I know this is over a year old, but just made the Nutella – YUM! I have a trader Joes, and just bought a bag of the roasted unsalted hazelnuts…worked perfectly and get to skip a step.
Thank you!
OMG the Nutella is amazing! I haven’t even tried the cupcake yet. Its hard to believe its a good for me! I used half for the recipe and saved the rest in the fridge.
The muffins got stuck to the bottom and fell apart a little. I greased the muffin pan alot. Should I use muffin wrappers next time?
Yes, that would probably be a good idea. 🙂
Random question, but do you recommend a certain amount of time before bed to stop eating like 2-3 hours? If I am eating 100% sugar and grain free does timing matter? I ask b/c I ate one of these muffins 30 minutes before bed. opps! It was too hard to resist trying one when they came out of the oven.
Megan, as far as them falling apart and the wrapper idea, yes, that works, but I like the crunchy outside of the muffin that comes from not using a wrapper. What else that works is to spray the muffin tin well, then cut a circle of parchment paper just for the bottom of the muffin tin. You can run a knife around the edge of the muffin when they come out of the oven and they pop out very easily. Just another idea 🙂
Thanks Donna. That is a great idea b/c it was the bottoms that got stuck!
Could I use sunflower oil in the Nutella recipe?
That is an ok option, but there are better oils. 🙂
Hi Maria,
I have tried following recipe und people around me could not tell the differente between both cakes.
one I made with 125g Sugar and the other with 125g Xylit sugar and as below:
150 g Nuts (roughly chopped – I have the Thermomix)
3 Eggs
125g Sugar or Xylit
180 degrees Celsius for something about 50 Minutes always check with the toothpick.
Each in a small 6″ round baking form greased
Original recipe is:
300g Hazelnuts
250g Sugar
6 Eggs
And another thing: where could it be laying the bad breath???? How long do I have to wait until my body gets used to a small quantiy of carbohidrates and I can get rid of the bad breath???? Thank you in advance. Ingrid
I discuss this in detail in a chapter of my book Keto-Adapted. 🙂
ups…and I do have your books…. I will check that. Thank you!