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Thanksgiving Traditions

By November 24, 2014February 3rd, 2019Uncategorized

Testimony of the Day

30 Day Accelerated Testimony: “”I have had weight issues since I was a child. I had tried many of the weight loss diets from WW to Slim Fast to the Cabbage Soup diet, etc. But when a friend of mine told me about Maria’s blog I thought I would check it out. I was having migraines and was having mini seizures three sometimes four times a month. Since I have cut out not only grains but all flours except using almond and coconut flour that Maria uses in her recipes and have gone completely ketogenic not only do I not have any migraines but I’ve not had any seizures.

The reason for my long dialogue is to say that it works. I along with countless others on Maria’s facebook page and other fans of Maria’s blog will tell you it works too. Thank you Maria for showing us the right way to being healthy. God bless you and your family.” – Jolena

Photo Testimony:Photo taken in June 2014 before starting Keto with Maria’s plan.  Look at that surly face!  Not happy at how I look, LOL.  After photo  Oct.29th,  having lost 30 lbs and much happier.  Love this lifestyle of eating.  NO cravings and often not having ‘real’ hunger.  I think I would like to lose another 20 lbs but I am happy to be healthy and at age 63+ I am not taking any prescription meds and want to keep it that way.

Thank you Maria for sharing all your knowledge with us, the great recipes and continued support.” – Sue

If you want to get started on a path to health and healing, click HERE. You will not regret it!

 Thanksgiving Traditions



Thanksgiving was never the same to me after my grandpa Vince died on Thanksgiving morning. He survived his first heart attack at age 32, but with the diet that his doctor recommended it is no wonder his heart never healed.  He eventually required heart surgery at age 45, then another one at age 52. At that point, the doctors gave him 5 years to live; he made it 9 and died at age 61 on Thanksgiving morning. He was given nutrition advice from his doctor to never eat eggs, butter, or saturated fat.

Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday and still kind of is. I love that it isn’t about presents. It is about family, love and food. It is about slowing down and cooking real food with the ones you love.

The year Craig was out of a job and our adoption was on hold, many days Craig and I struggled to put on a smiling face. Craig decided to emphasis just what Thanksgiving is about and made the “Thanksgiving Box.” At our family gatherings we often sit around and visit for a few hours before eating. We set out the Thanksgiving Box with strips of paper and have everyone write what they are thankful for on the paper without writing their name on it. I like that we have a few hours before dinner because my siblings and family really seemed to take the time to think about the past year and why they are thanThanksgiving Traditionskful.

We all gather around my mom’s kitchen island and fill up our plates (buffet-style) then take a seat at the large kitchen table. After we indulge in the amazing meal Craig picks one strip of paper out at a time to read words of thankfulness. The fun part is we then have to guess who wrote each one. Many times the most meaningful words come from someone who you wouldn’t guess.

After a few years of doing this, my mom brought out past years of what people wrote. My other grandpa Jerry who is now past had some really cute meaningful words that brought tears to our eyes.

This year, I am thankful for so many things and one of them is you. Yes, you… when times were tough and it was hard to wake up in the morning, I had this blog to keep me going. It was my reason to wake up.

I want to with you a very Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

 Thanksgiving Traditions


One of my favorite Thanksgiving movies is called What’s Cooking. It is a charming portrait of four families dealing with family issues that we all go through and come together for Thanksgiving and express their culture through their cooking. What is so cool about it, is that every family is a different ethnic background and it shows how they all celebrate Thanksgiving with their own special foods. My favorite part of the movie is when the camera jumps from family to family as they sit down to their Thanksgiving feast and all the arguing stops as smiles appear on their faces.

In the end of the movie, you think these families have nothing to do with each other and they live very far from each other, but they all live on the same street. I love how diverse we can all be, yet celebrate the same traditions in our own way. What are your traditions?

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Victoria says:

    I’m thankful for you health restoring blog Maria! Many best wishes to you and your family from Toronto, Canada.

  • How do you deal with someone who says you need therapy because you’re stupid enough to believe a load of flaky American so-called research? Currently I’m ignoring it, but it’s certainly hurtful to know that’s how I’m viewed, just because I gave up gluten despite not being celiac, and cut back carbs! It seems pretty sensible and non-radical to me, otherwise I wouldn’t do it. Keep up the good work, Maria, and my best to all out there putting up with the same scepticism/rudeness I am!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      I’m sorry you have to deal with that. Why is it that the people trying to feed their body with healthy things and things that make them feel good are the weird ones and the ones pumping chemicals and junk into their body are the ‘normal’ ones. Sad. Just know that in the long run, you are the one that will feel amazing! 🙂

    • kelly mac says:

      Sceptical friends — sorry you are having to deal with that too. Reminded me of something my mom always said “the proof is in the pudding”. Have been meaning for years to find out the origin of that saying — but to us, it always meant, you can’t argue with something that has proof. Your proof will be how great you feel, lost pounds and an improved life. Just keep doing your thing and you may be suprised what people say later…. (like — wow! ) 😉

    • Lenarenee says:

      SF, I’ve noticed that the word about fat is slowly changing. I hear people talking at the markets, and waiting in lines. Hopefully your skeptical friends will also hear the change in thinking that’s going on. In the meantime, you can arm yourself with memorized info., especially if you can follow up with the name of the studies and websites where they can look it up themselves.
      My favorite is the study done decades ago that forever skewed the idea of what a healthy diet is, as it was done during Lent, and the participants gave up red meat! Wish I could find that source for you, but I’m off to work.

      But isn’t it funny how these people who steadfastly argue that the diet info their doctors gives them is correct, yet at other times return from an office visit and call them quacks?!

    • Andrea S. says:

      Oh please know that you are not in the minority in this! I think people tend to say really rude, ignorant things when they don’t understand your choices, but that’s the beauty of it, it’s your choice, and may your renewed health be a testament to the choices you are making.

  • Kristin says:

    What a beautiful story! So I just have to share something with you. I love your stories, and getting to know you through your blog- sometimes you almost seem like a friend. I get excited when there’s a new post. You are a blessing from God, and I am thankful for you and your wisdom, and your willingness to share it.
    Ps I saw what’s cooking many years ago and I enjoyed it too!

  • Janet t says:

    Maria, Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all that you do for me through this blog! You are a treasure and I am so grateful to you and your family for my healthy lifestyle. and I loved my consult package and the 54 pound weight loss and loads of energy and sleep! Joints are healing. It has been amazing how a change of eating habits has changed my life dramatically. I still cannot almost believe how that food change has made such a significant change in my life and health. How incredible. Have a great week! xo. I am truly grateful for your research and experience. THANK YOU.

  • Sandra says:

    Maria ~ I also am thankful for your blog and glad you get up every morning to write to “us”! God bless you and your beautiful family this Thanksgiving. I love your tradition and may try it out this year! We usually go around the table and say what we are thankful for – but it would be fun to “guess” what each one is thankful for after reading it aloud!

  • I’m thankful for uou, Maria, for sharing your recipes and knowledge and exposing the truth behind nutrition!

  • Caren says:

    Maria, You are truly an inspiration! I have only been following your blog/facebook and this lifestyle for a few months, I really enjoy your posts especially the ones with the boys in them (they are adorable) I was so intrigued by your story of adoption I went thru all the old archives, I think I’ve read every post what a blessing!
    I have learned so much from you, and after reading everything on your blog, I feel like I have a new friend and look forward to new posts to see what my new friend and your family are doing. I’ve lost 20 lbs so far and need to lose another 70lbs and with all your wonderful recipes I know I will finally get there.
    So, I’m thankful for you, and for you letting us be part of your life thru this blog, and for the wealth of information and recipes you give us. Hope this is your best Thanksgiving ever!

  • Donna says:

    Thank you so much for creating recipes of “normal” foods that my family loves! (meatloaf, chocolate cupcakes…) On Thanksgiving, does it matter if we use our daily allotment of carbs at one big meal, or have “dinner” at lunchtime and dessert a few hours later with a little protein? Thank you!

  • Darlene says:

    I’m so thankful that I read Wheat Belly, followed by discovering your blog and a few other ones that are so supportive of this lifestyle! I know a delicious, truly healthy recipe is only a few mouse clicks away. It’s wonderful to log on to your blog and feel the support of others experiencing the same things! Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Belinda says:

    Hi Maria,
    I couldn’t let this time go by without telling you how grateful I am for you & Craig, your knowledge and your perseverance in your efforts to educate us in ways that we would Never knew because all lot of this vital information is often kept secret. Most doctors don’t know even a third of this information. ..but what’s even worst, they don’t want us to know!!

    Its just mind-blowing to see the extent some of them will go to convince us that we cannot be healed by natural remedies and healthy eating. Sad!

    I really believe that God has used you (and still using you) to help so many people. On days that you ever doubt your unyielding efforts are useless, please open your blog and check back here (often). We’re all living proof that you’re VERY MUCH LOVED & APPRECIATED.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family this year. Because of you, my Thanksgiving this year will be different (from a food perspective)! 🙂

    Lotsa love,


  • linda says:

    Hi Maria and Craig, Thank you for your Keto Adapted Webcast and the book. I’ve been following a keto diet for well over a year – transitioned from a low-carb, high protein, low fat diet like lots of other folks when that didn’t quite work.

    But, I’m writing to all the others who are troubled by the sceptics surrounding them. It’s not easy, but stop offering information or advice unless specifically asked. You can only take care of your own, in the end. Keep educating yourself so you remain steadfast and calm – just wait since I really believe in a few years we may be the only healthy people around. Books to read: Death by Food Pyramid (Denise Minger), Why We Get Fat (Gary Taubes) or his much heftier Good Calories, Bad Calories, Grain Brain (Dr. Perlmutter), Wheat Belly………

    The proof is mounting, but there is so much that needs to change in our food supply before this lifestyle becomes easy.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans!
    From Burlington, Ontario, Canada

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