Healthy Transformation Entries
Healthy Transformation Entries
It is time to vote for the best Healthy Transformation! I love getting these amazing testimonies about losing weight, curing autoimmune disease, getting off of prescription medications and so much more. Here are the entries and now you get to decide who wins. We will be giving out a prize package for first and second place. Only one vote person. You can share on social media (twitter, facebook,etc) after you vote to get more votes!
If you want to start your healthy transformation, my 30 day plans are the perfect place to start. CLICK HERE for more information.
Here are the entries:
Entry 1: Tammy
“My journey has been a real work in progress. Having battled depression and anxiety for over 22 years, along with Type 2 Diabetes, In May 2013 I was in a very bad place. I was desperate for health, energy and Sleep!
I started on a low carb way of eating and a few months later I found Keto Through Maria. I bought the 30 day plans and an assessment, and many of your books, and embarked on a whole new lifestyle. Before this I could barely walk to the end of our lane at home without feeling so out of breath and tired, I had no energy, no hope and hardly ever went ANYWHERE. I was pretty much living in my little home cave.
Following Maria’s recipes and guidelines, using them daily along with some vital supplements There have been HUGE changes:
My picture shows a GREAT change on the outside, but it doesn’t give the picture of the changes on the inside.
One of the best changes I’ve seen with my results, is the ability to influence and encourage others on their own journey. I’ve been able to inspire and help a few others on their own health journey and that has been a wonderful experience.
All my Benefits:
SLEEP, Got Rid of Meds, Diabetes completely under control, Active/energetic, SOCIAL again, Weight loss.
- SLEEP: insomnia for over 20 years and I finally am getting at least 5 hours (compared to 2) and often 7 hours of sleep!!! THIS is such a blessing to me!
- I have gotten rid of 5 medications, I still do have to take a couple but we are lowering those doses continually and I am hopeful I will be getting rid of those too!
- My Diabetes is completely under control and I’m having numbers in the normal non diabetic range consistently. My A1C went from 12-13 to a 5.3 which is AWESOME
- I have been able to actually be ACTIVE and can do a full workout whenever I want, I am able to play with my grand babies and I have more energy than I’ve had in many, many years.
- Icing on the cake, since my before photo highest weight I have RECORDED, I have lost 70b. I look healthier, feel healthier, and I get out of the house often now. I am no longer a hermit.
Thank you for such wonderful, tasty recipes, for all of the information I get from your blog and Books. I recommend them often to friends.”
Entry 2: Nicole
“I have been fat my whole life. I never remember a time when I was a normal weight, or not on some sort of diet or purposely living the anti-diet. I have childhood memories of doctor appointments and being told I’m perfect, except for that extra 20 pounds, then 30, then 50…the number always growing as I got older. Then in 1999 I lost 50lbs on a radical low carb diet – back before anyone had heard of Dr Atkins, and low carb meant you ate eggs, salad, and hot dogs and used sheer will power to not eat like everyone else. There was no internet or sugar substitutes or resources like keto adapted to help. This was not a lifestyle change, and I of course gained all the weight back, and more, when I went to college. As a matter of fact, since 1999 I’ve been perpetually in a state of either losing or gaining massive amounts of weight. I did manage to meet the love of my life through all this, thankfully. He is my soul mate and has always loved me for my heart and never cared what I weighed, seeing both the lows and the highs.
After yo-yoing up and down (I had to lose weight for our wedding of course, and then a few years after had 3 babies back to back!) I have finally found my groove and am now living the way I will forever. The Maria way! My weight loss and journey to feeling fabulous has literally been almost effortless, once I learned the truth about the foods to eat for health, cooking techniques and recipes to make the healthified versions of the foods I couldn’t live without, and the science of being a fat burner for life!
The first picture is me when my third baby was about 4 weeks old. From April 2009 until when this before picture was taken in November of 2013, my body had gone through 3 pregnancies back to back without ever getting back to my pre pregnancy weight of 215. My highest weight ever was when I was 9 months pregnant with this little guy, at about 285 lbs. I was 265 in this before pic. I found and started living the Maria way in February of 2014. The after pic here was taken on my son’s first birthday this past October. I was 100 lbs less than I was the day I went into labor with him! Today I weigh 179, the lowest weight I’ve ever been in my entire adult life. My husband has also lost almost 50lbs to date. My mother is also living the Maria way now! The best part is, I don’t even feel like I’m trying to lose weight at this point. I’m just living! And that’s what it’s all about. Living this fabulous life! Thank you for your part in that Maria.”
“Hello Maria,
I enjoy your posts and have gleaned so much information from your website that I am your unofficial press agent. I have told a minimum of 80 or 90 people about your website and about your helpfulness in helping us healthify along the way. When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in October 2013, I knew that I had to face my demons of being a junk food addict and an emotional overeater who had to make lasting changes. I knew that Low Carb worked but was afraid of the incessant thought of returning to the way I ate once low-carbing boredom got the best of my resolve.I was exhilarated to find recipes that would allow me to have breads and muffins, as well as crepes and waffles–the very things I knew that would make the journey more palatable. I had several years of institutional food prep under my belt as well as cooking in a remote northern camp where necessity became the mother of invention, hence these alternative ingredients for baking did not pose any threats or fears. As a matter of fact, your wonderful recipes have been the lifeline in that they save you from ever wanting to “go off” the diet/lifestyle and they have truly riddled my psyche of the “oh well I went and did it now, so I might as well stuff my face with everything in sight” mentality.
Being fully menopausal, I honestly had adopted the mentality that losing a pound a week would be quite okay. I followed the lower carb program and even ate more of the allowed foods as I was afraid that I might get hungry. I lost 60 lbs in the first three months and all I did for activity was stroll for all my coffee breaks and lunch breaks. I could not believe how fast my weight came off, and how well I felt. (I power walk now!)
I am pleased to say that my diabetic meds were cut in half dosages every time I visited the doctor, approximately every two months. The end result was that I went from a combination med for the diabetes to taking 1/2 of a metformin tab within about 8 months, and have been off all diabetic meds for 4 months now, with perfect A1C results. I was on meds for 10.5 months. I am down 130 lbs in one year! Never thought this would happen 🙂
My other soap-box item that I often pontificate about is the mental clarity. I had seen bits and pieces posted about the mental clarity but did not pay much attention to it. I was on this lifestyle to change the diabetes sentence and the mental clarity was a bonus that I began to recognize. My colleague Jill is a tall, willowy 61 year old lady who began walking with me on my breaks. When I mentioned the mental clarity, she who suffered with a fuzzy head, began eliminating excess carbs in her daily diet, and although weight was not her issue, she lost 15 lbs without even trying. I would share my baked good with her and she always felt satisfied. The persons who are devout Weight Watchers followers in the office began questioning me about my lifestyle when they exclaimed, “you’ve even got Jill (who doesn’t need to lose) losing weight. I have to talk to you more about your program.”
Jill asked me if I could help her learn to bake the “Maria” way and I the seasoned cook, and Jill the non-cook, non-baker (with a little help from me) produced a veritable cornucopia of baked goods for her freezer. I have told people that if Jill can bake the delicious Maria treats and other low-carb items, anyone can do it. Here’s to living lower carb. You do great things Maria, and I am your Canadian press agent by word of mouth here on the Canadian west coast, as well as north-western Ontario whenever I go back to visit. Several of my friends and colleagues have jumped on the lower carb bandwagon with recipes that I recommend and I get to encourage them along their way. Thanks again Maria. I am forever indebted to you.”

“2007 I knew I had to do something or my “Golden Years” were going to be less than pleasant. So I started eating lots of fruit. Lots of grains. Lots of “hangry”. It was a battle of cravings. As I watched my friend doing Atkins with good results and generous portions of protein I knew I had to try it. It made dieting a lot easier. AT LAST! Then I plateaued without meeting my goal and the recipes were horrible. My family wouldn’t touch them. I kept having to lose the same 10 pounds. As in the past I knew it was just a matter of time before I gained the weight back. Then that same friend bought a new recipe book that Amazon recommended to her. She was raving about it and I wasn’t thrilled to try another unappetizing recipe. So she forced “The Art of Healthy Eating Sweets” on me and WOW was it GOOD! My family even liked it. The science that was included in the book convinced me to try the Accelerated Weight Loss program. I cleaned out my pantry and toiletries, improving each day. I’m in 9 months and now my ears are wide open. In the past I had always tried to ignore the messages my body was sending me because I didn’t understand the cause and effect of the things I was doing. Over Thanksgiving I enjoyed cheesecake, pumpkin and pecan pie with a weight loss. YES WAY! I’m gluten free. Grain free. And guilt free. I have surpassed my goal weight and can now sneeze and run without LBL (Light Bladder Leakage). I have made it past the turning point. I’m confident about not repeating history. With everything I have learned I won’t be regaining the weight. Keto Adapted is just about all I talk about anymore. I’ve become very zealous about sharing. Scary version? What if Amazon hadn’t recommended Maria Emmerich?”
“I started in mid-June and my family all joined me in July. My husband lost 67 lbs and went from a size 38 to a size 32 pants. He is off of bp meds and his cpap, and fixed his cholesterol.”“I have lost 63 lbs. I started at a whopping 320 (only 5 foot tall) and am down to 256.6. I have fibromyalgia and eating this way helps my pain so much! I feel so much healthier, no more glue in my gut, and no more insatiable hunger. My daughter was told she was borderline insulin resistant, adhd, and had a behavior disorder. She has lost 38 lbs, and no longer has any symptoms of any of her conditions. She sleeps better at night and has amazing grades in school this year, her first year in Junior high.
My oldest daughter also lost around 12 lbs, which was all she needed to lose. My husband is at his goal. I have a long way to go yet, but I’m going to keep on trucking. Keto is the way to go.
(The first photo was taken in April of this year.)”
“I remember thinking to myself, “Here we go again; another diet. We’ll see if this Keto thing really works.”In 5 short months, we have become transformed. We both are seeing a doctor who introduced us to this lifestyle and is monitoring our medical statistics. We are finding that this does really work![unordered_list style=’square’]
- My insulin was 16.7, down to 8.2. My sister’s insulin was 20, down to 6.8.
- I have lost 75 lbs (and still going). She has lost 50 lbs (and still going).
- My pant size has dropped from 28 to 20. Her pant size has dropped from 20 to 14. I love the hand-me-down clothing.
- Our skin and scalp is healthier, and our foot and leg pain is gone.
We are also educating our family and friends who are asking many questions about what we are doing. Our mom has lost weight and her diabetes medication has been cut in half. My sister has worked on reducing the carb footprint in her house, and my teenage nieces are beginning to learn that healthy food tastes good, too! They especially like the ice cream. This year we swapped out all of our traditional Christmas cookies for “healthified” versions, and they were a hit!
The best part of taking this journey has been navigating the changes together. We have learned a whole new way of Keto cooking with Maria’s recipes, how to shop in natural food stores, how to order food when eating out, and how to enjoy indulgences without the guilt. Fat is good for you! We are amazed daily at how this does not feel like a “diet.” We are not hungry and do not have cravings. We are not consumed by thoughts of food. We are satisfied, which is why this really does feel like a forever way of life.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and recipes with us!
Sincerely, Kelle Hasenberg (far left), Krissy Cooper (3rd from right and 2nd from right)”
“These are a few of the meds I no longer have to take since starting a Keto diet in May 2014. I have lost 27 pounds…still a ways from my “after” photo, but feeling 100% tip-top and loving how I look and feel.
The prescription bottle contains a generic of Imitrex that I took for migraines. I haven’t had one migraine since Easter 2014…I used to get them at the rate of about three/month. I hated the side effects of that medication.
Not pictured is Afrin nose spray because I threw that away. I swear I was addicted to that stuff. ”
Entry 8: Lisa R.
“Dear Maria, Your site, recipes, and your books are amazing! Definitely my go-to for recipes of all kinds. Our transformation comes without pictures. Eating a ketogenic diet just worked too quickly for us, I guess. My 5-year old daughter has Celiac Disease (as do my other kids). We have been gluten-free for 4 years. However, she recently started getting eczema all over and had developed a cough that no one else was getting. The eczema started on her shoulder and started working its way down her chest and arms. Within 3 days of taking out grains and sugars her eczema was GONE and her cough was GONE. She LOVES eating this way and feels special. She is such a trooper.
I have joined her with the ketogenic diet. Besides losing ten pounds in the last 6 weeks, ALL of which has been fat according to my body fat scale, my transformation story is a little more feminine. I debated whether or not I should share it, but I figured it might help someone. Prior to the ketogenic diet, my period would last 12-14 days. A full week of spotting, followed by my period with a little spotting afterwards. Not cool…or cheap. Now my period is down to 5 days!! This all happened within 6 weeks!!!! I cannot tell you how much I love these changes and the ones that are sure to come as well. Thank you for all that you do!”
“Hi Craig and Maria, I’m so grateful for finding your great website with amazing recipes. I don’t even know how I found it. I’ve been trying for years to compete in a figure contest (it’s similar to a bodybuilding show). I finally hired a professional coach to get me there. I followed her instruction religiously. I worked out at least twice a day. I was on an eating schedule to have meals six to seven times a day. This workout and eating schedule consumes your life. The effect of the eating schedule took a huge toll on me. My exercise was forced because I had no energy. I was eating 240 grams of protein a day. This was just under 2 grams per pound of body weight. My body couldn’t take all the protein. It was making me sick. The only reason that I was losing weight was that I had bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. Also, it is a big pain to carry food with you ALL the time. I asked a trainer at my gym if this was normal? He said yes. He eats Paleo but sees people all the time on this type of high protein diet for competition. I said there must be a different way. I tried one more time to talk to my coach. She said, “Suck it up, this is the way it is.” I fired her and went to search for other ideas. Paleo seemed a bit too high carb for me and I kept searching.
Yeah!!! I finally found Maria Mind Body Health. I bought the books. Then I bought the accelerated program. I got a great start and felt amazing. Once I got to ketosis, my energy went thru the roof. Cardio was easy. My lifting increased to levels that I never thought were possible. I picked a new competition date. I contacted Maria because I knew that she had coached other athletes in this type of endeavor. Maria, you are amazing and I can’t thank you enough. The diet got easier. I felt great! I was lifting heavy weights and progressing well towards my goal. A week out from a competition like this is called depletion week. Bodybuilder’s typically take laxatives and diuretics. This is an extremely unhealthily way to approach anything. I contacted Maria and asked, “What do I do? I want to do it in a healthy way and right now I feel fantastic.” She advised me not to do the typical body builder depletion week instead I did a fat fast. I felt great and lifted the heaviest weights that I’ve ever lifted during depletion week. Just to let you know the body building community is not on board with the keto diet. They think that I’m crazy. I was back stage at the competition and eating fat bombs. The other athletes couldn’t believe that I could eat that and they are so yummy. It was so much fun to compete. I placed 6th among an amazing group of women. I will compete again. I’m helping other now do it in a healthy way. Thanks again to Maria and Craig :)”

“My before and after (so far, photo on right). The first pic was from last Christmas and I was horrified when my soon to be sister in law insisted I get in the family pic but it inspired me. I hung it on my fridge and I look at it everyday to make sure I never get that way again.”
Entry 11: Tasha
“Hi Craig, Maria, Kai and Micah!
This is a picture of myself with my 7 children! We are having a Keto-Christmas this year thanks so much to you!!!!
For so many years I had been programmed to believe that all fats were bad for me! I avoided things like avocados eggs and bacon, because I didn’t want to get fat! As you can see from the picture, we do not avoid bacon in our home any more!! We love bacon, and we love fats!!!
I have been educated, and can now feed my family healthy! I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my attention span, as well as my children’s ability to focus and concentrate for long periods of time! They are no longer hungry 1 hour after they had just eaten breakfast! I have learned how to fuel my body and feed my children the right fuel for their growing bodies! They all ready had a lot of energy being kids, but now they are LOADED with energy!!! We have enjoyed making many of the keto recipes together, but really enjoy eating healthified foods. Thank you Maria for educating me and sharing your knowledge to help me keep my children thriving with nourishing meals and snacks!
You are appreciated more than you know, and your beautiful children are so blessed to have you as their mother! Much love in Christ, Tasha”
Entry 12: Revvy
I have been following your blog for almost two years now. I wanted to change…but….. I never took that step. I dabbled with your recipes and tested them on my family. We found that we liked most of them.I suffered from insomnia, eczema, mood swings, painful menstruation, dry itchy skin, and my fingers would go numb almost daily. It wasn’t until 95 days ago that I decided to take the full plunge. I wanted to try this for my daughter who is a type 1 diabetic but didn’t feel comfortable having her do a diet I couldn’t do myself. We have read many medical journals and reports on how a Keto diet will help with this adventure we are on with her. I had already purchased your 30 day meal plan and all of your cook books. I just needed to implement this new lifestyle into my life.
I was 267 at my heaviest (not counting a pregnancy where I tipped the scale at 305). Today I am 205. I am not where I want to end up but I am on a great journey. I no longer have painful menstruation, dry itchy skin, mood swings or insomnia. My fingers are getting better. It is longer between bouts. I feel better than I have ever felt. On January 1 my family of 6 will be joining me in this journey. I am so excited about what is to come for me and my family as we get healthy and live our lives to the fullest.
This is a picture of me at my heaviest and me today. Thanks for all you do! Revvy”
VOTE NOW for your favorite transformation story! Also share on facebook and twitter to get your friends to vote. Voting ends January 16th. Good luck!
Amazing stories! Just submitted mine–hope it’s not too late.
Thank you for posting these, Maria! They’re so inspiring.
Wow. Just Wow. How are we supposed to choose? Wonderful, exciting, touching, inspirational.. each of them. Way to go, folks. You know you are all winners…. !!
And Maria — I love my healthified life, and find myself continuing to re-read your books and enjoy your making so many of my fave foods, Maria’s way. Thanks for what you do! Happy New Year to you, Craig and the boys.
Thank you! Yes, they are all winners for sure. 🙂
All were fabulous and inspiring and winners! I felt guilty choosing any one person or family. A whole family – how great! Making changes when you have young children – what a gift of health for their future! Good luck to all and to all as ‘keto adapted’ year.
Maria I don´t know anymore 🙁 I have acid reflux on keto.
I am eating nut-free dairy-free keto, fasting in the morning, making sure I don´t drink water at meals. I eat meat, coconut oil, eggs, cocoa powder, green vegetables.
I take betaine HCl (2 tablets, each 650mg) and digestive enzymes and l-glutamine.
What is causing this? Egg whites? BPA from coconut milk? Cocoa powder?
Hmm, it is hard to say. May just take time to heal. I have seen great result with my supplement plan (Gastro intestinal plan here):
Hi Audrey,
I am by far no expert and Maria’s recommendation of her supplement plan is most definetly the way to go. But by my own experience, I’ve noticed that when I take in a little too much coconut oil, I get acid reflux… Might wanna try replacing some of the coconut oil with another oil and see if you still have the same problem. Hope this helps 🙂
MCT oils, like coconut oil, can take a little bit for you body to get used. Just increase them slowly and you should be fine. 🙂
I used to get heartburn sometimes when I ate coconut oil. I have found tho, that I am over it now. I eat 1T 2-3x a day now. I am eating no eggs, a little meat and greens and some other fibrous vegs. No starches besides the fibrous vegs. Maybe that is the key to getting used to it? Or maybe you’re sensitive to eggs and that’s the problem? I’m going to try adding them back in after awhile. Even cocoa powder can cause reactions, related to nuts. Im going to try nuts again too after awhile. I also need to up my coconut oil I think. Fat truly is the bomb for sustained satiety and getting into ketosis…Im getting there!
Hope any of this helps 🙂
All amazing stories, but I was very touched by the first ladies story. Myself and my husband are also enjoying our new way of eating and I have lost around three kilo’s since late November when starting keto.
My husband has also lost around five kilo’s.
Thanks so much Maria.
Yes, all very inspirational. 🙂
They are very inspirational and a testament to the “Maria Way”. I really do connect and associate with Anita and although I am just beginning this way of life I, too, have become a Maria cheerleader and happily share the webpage, the Facebook page and the Amazon store —especially the cookbooks. My husband has become accustomed to me speaking about Maria as someone we both have known for years. Congrats to all entries, thanks for sharing your inspirational stores.
Thank you Jacci! 🙂
Maria, how long does it take to build one pound of muscle if I am strength training two to 3 times a week and eating keto? I’ve read that it can take one month?
I usually don’t have any muscle aches the next day after strength training. Is this because I am recuperating faster eating keto? I read that I should feel sore, and this indicates that my muscles are repairing themselves.
So if I don’t feel sore, then can I strength train/lift weights every day?
Thanks, Maria for all that you do. You are truly an inspiration!
That is probably an ok estimate. Everyone is different. Keto does help you recover faster. It is probably a good idea to not strength train on consecutive days (or at least not the same muscle groups). 🙂
Amazing stories. I am so excited. I am in my 2nd week of the 30 day accelerated plan. I have been very hungry though. I have eaten some olives and pickles and some almonds. They are not on the plan, but I am so hungry I feel it like that is better than eating crackers.
You will get through it! Try to stick with snacks in the plan if needed (keto fudge, fat bombs, etc). 🙂
Thanks Maria! I needed the encouragement. I made the fat bombs last night.
I am finding that I will eat very much less than I would have of olives or such. So I am taking longer to get into ketosis but I will do it. If I had to be starving, it would never happen more than a few wks. I have been on another diet that’s good, but makes me eat allowed cheese and nuts and such cause Im so hungry. I am not going to live hungry anymore. I don’t get over it in a 3-4 days like everyone says.
I AM keeping my meat intake down and no eggs (right now, can’t wait to try them again in a few wks and check for any reactions). Im staying away from nuts and seeds for the same reason right now, might have allergies, and also to get into ketosis. Hopefully i can eat them (moderately) and still lose wgt in a month or so.
I had a strong sweet craving out of the blue (havent had a starch — dairy, grain, bean, fruit, root veg — in over a week), after a good dinner tonight even but I just pondered the strength of it (like, wow!) and didn’t eat anything; decided I was going to eat another tbsp of coconut oil but never did lol (I dont bother with fat bombs etc due to sloth and I don’t want to trigger any sweet cravings. I just eat straight coconut oil. It’s rly not bad alone.)
Stay strong, you can do it!
I’ve been staring at this page in amazement, several times a day, for weeks…
That is so great! These are very motivating for sure. 🙂
Are you still accepting votes for this. I notice one of the girls is now at 24% when she was 23%? I thought the deadline was January 16. I hope the winner is announced soon. It wouldn’t be fair to continue allowing the votes in when the deadline was clearly posted, that’s just my opinion, of course.
No we aren’t. We have the results from the 16th recorded and are working on lining up all the prizes for the winners. Will be posting soon! 🙂
My vote is for Tasha (entry 11). It’s possible but NOT EASY to switch a family w/ young children. Blessings to all!