NEW Keto-Adapted Video!
We are always trying to improve our services and make life easier for you. We have made a very in-depth and detailed video on Keto-Adaption, how it works, how to calculate the right ratios of protein, fats and carbs, as well as how to test if you are in ketosis.
This video is included in my nutrition packages. Click HERE to get started on your path to health and healing today!
Testimony of the Day
“Hi Maria!! I need to tell you Thank You!! I wanted to let you know 2013 has been the best year of my life. I am so happy I found your blog, and signed up for a consult. I’m down over 60 pounds, and off all but 1 prescription medication!!! I was taking over 600 pills a month, prescription and non-prescription. I had headaches everyday, had no energy, severe acid reflux and had severe IBS. For the first time in my life I feel amazing!!! My body is changing, and it feels great. I used to be a carb loader, now I have turned my body into a fat burner thanks to you!! You have given me back my health, which I am forever grateful!!!! -Tanya
Click HERE to start your journey to a keto-adapted diet!
Have a sore throat?
Skip the trick of using honey in your tea for it’s healing properties! Honey may be less refined and more natural than white sugar, but honey is still high in calories and fructose. It contains sugar and calories just like any other sweetener. One teaspoon of natural honey contains 22 calories. Honey actually contains more calories than sugar, as one teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories. The biggest problem with honey is that it is roughly 50% fructose.
One of the big contributors to the aging process and the development and perpetuation of degenerative diseases is Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). Glycation is when a chemical reaction occurs between proteins and either sugars, lipid peroxidation products (free radicals from oxidative damage), or the breakdown products of sugar. So sugar plays a big role in glycation as does oxidative damage (think PUFA oils and sugar inflammation).
Glycation is the forming of sort of a crust around our cells. Many different studies have shown that this crust contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, asthma, stroke, cataracts, glaucoma, PCOS, autoimmune disease, and much more.
So what role does fructose play here? Studies have shown that fructose enables glycation reactions ten times more rapidly than glucose![35]
Sure, honey does provide some nutritional benefits that are lacking in white sugar. Honey contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B6, though it contains only traces of these minerals. Additionally, honey doesn’t even get close to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommended daily standards. Although these trace vitamins might make honey a slightly better choice than white sugar, it’s still not a healthy food. Despite the fact that several websites claim honey to be some kind of miracle food, most of these statements are mythical and unproven. If you still think honey is worth using in your baked goods because of the vitamins, let me put it another way: only 2% of honey contains vitamins! And in most cases, store bought honey doesn’t even contain the pollen that is claimed to have health benefits.[36]
Honey without pollen is a watered down, synthetic scam. The majority of honey on supermarket shelves is made from an ultra-filtering process that heats honey to high temperatures, using high levels of pressure to force it through exceptionally small filters to eliminate pollen. Why are they doing this? It is so manufacturers can hide where they are getting the honey from. And why would they want to conceal the honey’s source? Well, because most of the honey comes from Chinese markets that are responsible for allowing dangerous antibiotics and ample amounts of heavy metals to enter imported honey products.[37] Makes you want to throw away those athletic “Honey Gel Packs” doesn’t it!
You might be thinking, “OK Maria, then I will only buy honey from my friends who make their own.” In that case, remember that by weight, a homemade batch of honey is 82% sugar. Half of that sugar (40% of the total weight) is fructose, and the honey still contains only trace amounts of vitamins and minerals.[38] Your body doesn’t care whether you ingest honey or table sugar; once they enter your bloodstream, you produce an abundance of insulin. To your body, sugar is sugar. All types of sugar should be consumed cautiously, even if it is honey.
Read more on glycation, natural sweeteners, coconut sugar and much much more in Keto-Adapted.
Click HERE to get a limited edition of the Hard Cover.
Click HERE to get a soft cover.
Thank you all for your love and support!
So instead, try adding gelatin to a cup of tea with a TBS of coconut oil. The warm gelatin coats and soothes your throat while the anti microbial properties of coconut oil kill infection-causing bacteria. More on how gelatin heals click HERE.

Healing a Sore Throat without Honey
- 1 bag chamomile tea
- 1 cup boiling water
- 1 teaspoon Further Food gelatin
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- Natural Sweetener to desired sweetness, or stevia glycinate
- Place a tea bag in a cute tea cup.
- Add in a cup of boiling water.
- Stir in the gelatin, coconut oil and natural sweetener.
- Enjoy.
LOVE this Maria. Pinned and bookmarked.
This is just in time! My son is very congested, coughing, and said his throat hurts a bit. This just started yesterday. I told him to lay off any sweets that he might be eating when I’m not looking before he gets really sick. Then I started feeding him keto (instead of regular low carb). He told me he doesn’t know how I can diagnose him before he even gets sick, how I know just what will fix it, or why he never gets sick at my house (but when he does get sick it’s at his dad’s). Before we switched to low carb/real food he was sick every month and I had to always take off work. I never was able to take a vacation because I was always using all of my leave. He hasn’t missed any school in a long time now. It’s actually nice to plan vacations/time off – and actually be able to take them!
Just in time here as well. Thank you, Maria.
Hey Maria, are you a certified nutritionist?
I have a degree in exercise and nutrition. Pretty much everything I practice I learned on my own through research since then though. Never got certified as I didn’t think it was helpful to sit and learn about the food pyramid.
Will do…thank you!!!
Good morning Maria— I purchased the 30 Day Keto-Adapted Meal Plans and video (for accelerated weight loss & healing) last Wednesday (1/22)…was your new “Keto-ADapted” video part of the package then? if not, is it possible to still have access to it even though I purchased last week? thank you!
Just message Craig (contact above) and he get get it to you. 🙂
I just received my Great Lakes Gelatin – can’t wait to try it!!
Once I start taking your recommended supplements and following your eating plan, how long does it take to see any results? Weight loss, feeling better?
Maria, do you know if Agar Agar would have the same healing properties as gelatin? I bought a package of it once to make my own jam and have a lot left over. I’m reading that it is a perfect “vegetarian” substitute for gelatin. I wonder what your thoughts are on this.
I don’t know if it has quite the same health benefits as gelatin.
Hi Maria-just wanted to mention something to you that I found absolutely insane. As a Type 1 Diabetic, I follow JDRF and the ADA on facebook. JDRF posted tips to deal with the flu, one of them including eating 50 grams of carbs every 3-4 hours when feeling ill. Here’s the link: It makes me crazy that this is being encouraged to heal! Thank you for everything you do, this tea (and a keto-adapted diet, no 50g carbs every few hours for me!) has been a lifesaver this season.
Crazy! Sad that they advocate that type of thing and so many people listen. 🙁
Maria, at least you don’t have to travel all the way to France to use your elegant individual lemon squeezer made famous by France’s oldest restaurant, La Couronne in Rouen (est. 1345). La Couronne and thousands of other fine restaurants and hotels in Europe added an extra touch of class by having this elite citrus squeezer accompany their famous fish dishes and adorn their tables. And for someone like me – I am a hopeless classic – I would at least have used it for a paperweight!
Would love to know where you got the cute teapot warmer! I’m just beginning to like hot tea (Cleavers tea), and thinking of getting myself a little tea service and that would be an excellent addition. TIA for info.
Hmm, it was a while ago but I think it was just Target or something like that. 😉
I don’t need to lose any weight, just want to stay healthy. Would the keto-adapted diet be suitable for me, and how much do you use dairy? I have issue with dairy.
Yes, I have had many clients that didn’t need to lose weight but needed to get healthy. This lifestyle is great for that too. The 30 day accelerated meal plans are dairy free. You can just add the the portion sizes as needed to maintain weight instead of lose. 🙂
Hi Maria,
I purchased the 30 Day Accelerated Plan a couple months ago. Would it be possible to purchase the new Keto Adapted Video without buying the whole 30 day plan again? Thanks so much for all that you do!
Just use the contact above and Craig can get you the video. 🙂
Thanks! I’m not sure which contact you mean. I am not seeing a place to contact Craig, there is just the ordering of the books and services but no place to just be able to email…..
Maria, would Knox gelatin be okay? Not sure where to get Great Lakes in Canada. May be going to States next week. Where can I get it there?
I get mine online so not sure. 🙂
Knox gelatin has only gelatin in the ingredients list. Would that work?
It is an ok option. 🙂
Laura, I just contacted the company to get the same info and this is the Canadian distributor info they gave me and I just ordered from them a few minutes ago.
Here is a distributor in Canada:
Jean-Philippe Groulx Beef Collagen Hydrolysate (green can) and Beef gelatin (orange can)
Kinesyne Consultants
(514) 865-6636 if you call him I believe he will sell individual cans
3-92 Rue A Guidon
St. Theres, Quebec J7E5P2 CANADA
Hope this helps!
Thank-you! I will check asap
Mary, I checked out the CDN website for the gelatin and it looks expensive. I found it on iHerb for much less (17.99) I think and shipping was $4.00. I don’t know if there will be duty to pay but doubt it. Worth a look
I am making a recipe that calls for honey. What could I substitute for honey?
You can try xylitol honey. 🙂
I just recently ordered some Manuka honey for medicinal purposes, cuts, wounds, etc. I cut my thumb on a mandolin (hindsight-should have gotten stiches). Five days later, I read about raw honey helping with cuts and healing. After 2 hours, the inflammation had been drastically reduced. I have been using raw honey now for 3 days and my cut is healing beautifully. I wish I had taken pictures to show the improvement. I’m using my raw honey until my Manuka honey comes in. Have you ever heard of Manuka honey for medicinal purposes? The brand I ordered is certified, UMF approved.
I know I am not eating the honey, but my skin is absorbing it. Do you think that will have the same affect as if I had ate it? I didn’t know if it would still have to be broken down by my liver. I know using the honey is a temporary thing until my cut completely heals. I was just curious.
I haven’t heard of that, no. You will absorb some but not all of it. 🙂
Is there a vegan gelatin that you recommend?
None that I know of that would give these health benefits. 🙂
This is an awesome tea and soothing my sore throat this morning!
Do you recommend any different oils for the tea? I’m nursing a baby with a coconut allergy – so it’s out for me too (for now…). Thanks!
You could try avocado oil;). Or macadamia nut oil.