Testimony of the Day
30 Day Accelerated Testimony: “By the way, I’m down 15 pounds in 16 days of the nutrition plan! I’m under 150 for the first time in years!” – Dawn
PHOTO TESTIMONY: “Two years ago, my son was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. We struggled mightily for the first few months until we found the somewhat obvious solution – don’t eat sugar. And that means no grains, no starch, no fruit and no ‘sugar’ – it’s all just sugar. Thanks to Dr. Richard K. Bernstein and Maria Emmerich, my son has achieved fantastic blood sugar management and eats a luxurious diet. He has normal blood sugars – regularly achieves A1c’s in the 4’s – and eats like a king! (I estimate 50% of our meals are directly attributed to your recipes Maria and all are LC).
But this story isn’t about him – it’s about me. I went along on this diet change ride also, as has the whole family (over my dead body would I eat something which would raise my son’s blood sugars). In fact, it was interesting – after diagnosis and before we made the transition to Maria’s WOE, occasionally I would test my own blood sugar on something carby – a cookie, or a bowl of ice cream…my blood sugar would be sky high! 150 mg/dL or even higher! (I highly recommend everyone buy a cheap blood sugar meter and experiment for themselves). I’ve always thought of myself as a healthy guy, tall, strong enough, work out here and there, but I did have chronic GERD – since the age of 12 – and have even had a major surgery (fundoplication) due to morphological damage on my esophagus from the acid reflux. ‘But Hey!’, I thought, ‘that’s pretty normal – everyone else seems to have it too’.
So I just took my PPI’s and Zantac for over two decades and dealt with it. And then something funny happened. Ever since I have been off all carbohydrates except for green leafy vegetables, my blood sugar has dramatically improved, and guess what? All symptoms of GERD/acid reflux are gone. Vanished. I’m off all medications. I’m even getting sick less and have taken ZERO courses of antibiotics. And I’ve never eaten better. It looks like it was the wheat…or maybe the higher blood sugars from carbs that caused this chronic GERD all along!
And to think I used to try to soothe my stomach with a piece of toast!!!
I’ve lost 40 pounds, 10” around the waistline and have tons of late afternoon energy ta boot. Its unbelievable! the damned fountain of youth! No way Im going back now! And look at the attached picture how my body just changed – worked out before and after the same amount! It’s the diet! Thank you and Warm Alohas to you and your family Maria! You are thought of as a special ‘Auntie Maria’ in our house!” – RD
If you want to get started on a path to health and healing, click HERE. You will not regret it!
I am thinking about holding a keto cooking class in my house but I’m having a hard time deciding what to cook and bake. This is where YOU come in! Leave a blog comment on what you would like to see me cook and you could win this amazing Whip Cream Dispenser worth $149.99!
To enter the giveaway all you have to do is 3 things:
1. Visit Keto Adapted on Facebook.
2. Tell your friends and family about Keto Adapted.
3. Comment below on what you would like to see me cook and bake.
And the winner is… Maggie McCoy Pogue!! Congrats and thanks everyone for entering!
Dispense whipped cream, soft cheeses and buttercream frostings in seconds with this powerful tool. Three different dispenser nozzles let you add a decorative flourish for garnishes, cake toppings and festive borders.
Designed for hot or cold use.
Uses N20 cartridges (sold separately) to create swirls of whipped cream, frostings, soup, soft cheese, pastry cream, jellies and more.
Includes three different spouts for creating decorative shapes.
Makes approximately 2 quarts whipped cream.
Add Gourmet Injectors (sold separately) to use the Gourmet Whip for filling pastries, poultry and more.
Crafted of dishwasher-safe brushed stainless steel.
Hygienic airtight system, HACCP qualified.
Side dishes. I’ve got the main dishes and desserts down just struggle with side dishes.
I second side dishes
Would love to see how you make the thin crust pizza- I can’t quite make it crispy like your!
Some breakfast recipes would be nice.
More pescetarian main dishes, side dishes and desserts
Being new to your program and just learning this style of eating, I would love to see one of your “go to” meals for a really busy day.
I’d love to see side dishes and snacks.
This has been the #1 item in my wish list on Pinterest for many months now. The uses are endless. First thought is anyone of your cheesecake receipes decorated in delicious whipped cream made from cream or canned coconut cream.
I am wondering what would happen if you loaded it with your protein roll batter which is already so airy? Would they turn into giant high rolls? Could you try it out???
Ice Cream! That is the one thing that I have a hard time saying no to, and it derails me every time. I need a safe alternative.
shakes with right macros. crunchy crackers that are dairy and coconut free and keto.
How about key lime pie?
Starbucks makes a few pound cakes / coffee cakes I would love to have keto/low carb. My favorite was the “low fat blueberry” coffee cake. Also the lemon pound cake was really really good too.
I thought of these because I used to use a dispenser like that when I worked at Starbucks, many years ago.
I’d love to see prep ideas for freezing meals and also good “pairings” to get the most nutritious, yet keto, meals.
I would like you to develop some recipes for spiralized vegetables.
loving your cookbooks! Have two so far
Would love to see demos on some of the keto biscuits and breads.
More bread demo’s. For the life of me, I can’t get those right. Even after watching your how to videos. :/ Or some keto indian dishes. I love Indian food.
I loved your quick lunch ideas post and appreciate any recipes and ideas for quick meals. I always want to try new recipes, but I often don’t have time.
I would like to see a demo of some type of noodle replacement and fried faux rice
Chicken Thai Soup…..Love it.
Cook..hmmm…side dishes and a few quick main dishes.
Cauliflower beignets. I have the pan just haven’t had the time to try.
Definitely breads and desserts with crusts….
Vegetable sides…
Maria, I would love to see easy recipes with 5 ingredients or less and batch cooking ideas..
I love that you always give dairy free options. Thank you!
I’d like some ideas on turkey “stuffing”, please.
New to low carb eating. Not having a whole lot of success losing, not gaining that’s a start…. Breakfast is a hard one for me because I’m not a lover of the egg or “shakes”. I’v made omelets, fritattas and almond flour muffins. What else is there? I was able to perfect a tasty meatball recipe that’s very versatile and works in soups as well as a main dish. More multipurpose recipes would be great too. Looking forward to seeing new recipes.
I am happy for ANY and ALL ideas and suggestions! Still learning SO much from you!
I think for the holidays to demostrate a holiday meal or even a christmas cookie exchange would be awesome
I would like to see you demonstrate “bready” baking goods without too many nuts, coconut or eggs. How to you curb the cravings for bread. How do you know how much fat to have to counter spacey feel from lower carbs?
Can you make healthified old fashioned rolled dumplins.
I think a bread demonstration would be great!
Bread, pizza crust, pie crust!
I agree on the bread demonstration ! Can’t get it right…
I’m still learning so any and all recipes would be appreciated. I have the meats down good, but haven’t tried any breads yet. it is very difficult to find the needed ingredients where I live. have to order them on line and I don’t care to do that. shipping is too expensive for someone on a fixed income, so have to do with what can be found locally. we grow our on veggies, so no problem there. Thanks. love your posts.
Well I have to be almost dairy free…. only butter or ghee is allowed. I was in an almost Keto…but due to the bad breath I got scared and skipped for a while… now I am trying to go back on 75g Protein, 50g Carbs and rest on Fat…. I am preparing quite a lot of your recipes (best Videos) and enjoying them. The amazing bread is great…. but it seems I have Problems with Chia… quite a lot of headaches, Thank you!!!!!!
I can not send this comment…. they are asking me to fill in somewhere but I do not see where…. Programm fail
Definitely bread!!!!
I’m training for the Disney half marathon in January, and I’d love to see something that I could take with me on the road for the long runs. The frozen fat bombs (i.e., keto fudge) won’t do it. I’ve been taking macadamias, but would love to see bars or something similar to stick in the Nathan.
Beef dishes – I’m so tired of steaks and stir frys.
Just tried your Sweet “Potato” casserole and it was delicious!!! Would love other side dishes for Thanksgiving dinner.
I would say bread and biscuits!
I work a lot of hours during the week, so I’d love to see you demonstrate how to do a big afternoon of cooking on the weekend and have heat and go foods for the week!
individual size bread recipes
I would love to see a type of pretzel bread & a week’s worth of freezable meals in 3 hours or something comparable!
i would love a gourmet whip!
I am Still learning the process =)
I would love to see a low carb lasagna made! And although its easy, a cheesecake to go with YUMMY whipped cream!
Bread recipes. Any ideas without nut flours too. Thanks
Side dishes that include high fat percentages, please.
Esther R. I’ve made so many of your recipes. Anything that is nourishing for us would be great!!!And you have a great looking family!!
maybe a chicken pot pie?
Oh my!!dessert and coco for the freezing temps!
I also would love to see a demo for bread, pizza and cracker or “chips”. I am really missing crunch!
amazing bread and pizza crust!
Anything in the slow cooker, easy and healthy.
I really struggle with baked goods. So, more of those would be great!
I am desperate for a replacement for condensed cream of type soup.
Desserts that do not use sweetener, I don’t use sugars or sweetener and would like some inspiration please
I would love a pancake recipe that isn’t like cardboard! Thank you
I would love to see you cook a keto pizza!
Something with asparagus, Chicken Ala King, Chicken Cordon Blue, swedish meatballs, sugar cookies, cheesecake (my favorite)!!
Maria, you never cease to amaze me with all the effects you are having with your blog and recipes! Keep it up!
I would love to see a crunchy cookie. Oh how I miss crunch
Definitely an easy quick bread that is actually bread like
Between the cookbooks and your blog I think you cook most everything I would want to make. Of course, more high fat meal options are always welcome; and I can never get enough simple desserts/cookies.
A cooking class is a great idea! I was thinking it would be fun to get my friends together to make “Mariafied” freezer meals. Would love to see you demo something like this!
tortilla replacement
i would like to see batch cooking ideas
thank you!
That would be nice for the holidays!
Green Bean Casserole!! (please)
I would love to see more vegetarian dishes.
A bread recipe that doesn’t taste like an egg. I would love to have an onion bread or roll that actually tasted like a real bread or roll.
I am a Soupaholic
I’m a believer, read the books, applying the plan to my diet, losing for the first time in 8 years! Any ideas you have I love trying teem out. I am a Maria test Kitchen now! keep up the good work, you are an inspiration!
Caramel! For some reason I screwed that up.
I am just starting to add in some bread-type things so I’d like to see baking de-mystified!
I would second Karen on the soups! I am in love with all your soup recipes and would love more ideas and maybe some of your favorite crock pot recipes!
Also, maybe some of your go-to snacks for your kids. Thank you again for all your do!
Soups and side dishes…love your site!!
Love the above comments and wonder what you will finally decide upon for your cooking class! I do have one suggestion: when holding your cooking class, maybe someone can video record the class for possible resale to those who aren’t able to make it to your local area? Thanks for a great site and the very helpful blog content :’)
Fat bombs, and dessert ideas that can be cooked in the slow cooker!
I would love to see some more unique salad recipes….I can never get enough salads and you always make delicious food!!
Dairy-free side dishes and goodies!
Soft cheese or anything warm
Easy pizza! Either meatza or other crust!
Breads. Cinn rolls. Cakes
I would love to learn how to make more meals that would appeal to my 13 year old son, who doesn’t want to eat anything healthy.
I’m struggling with sides right now. My husband is over steaming and roasting veggies. Thanks and love your blog!
Keto-friendly breads of any kind!!
How about ice cream?
More side dishes for sure!
An Autoimmune Paleo category (a few of your recipes already work, but it’s hard to find ones that are nut-free, seed-free, egg-free, dairy-free, nightshade-free –at the same time. Also, Butter Mints!
I would like to see more side dishes as well. Especially things that we could take to a holiday dinner and not have people wondering what it is. I really love all your recipes so whatever you do will be good.
Crackers and chip recipes!
stuffing for Thanksgiving and side dishes
Dessert recipes, please and really good egg recipes
any kind of “bread”!
I would like to watch you cook anything really and I would hope to be in on that class! I am not much help am I?
The holidays are upon us! Which means we will be faced with all those high carb goodies that will be EVERYWHERE!! How about some colorful Christmas goodies/cookies/bars, etc. to keep us on the straight and narrow?
appetizers and side dishes
Any type of side dish or a yummy dessert would be my preferences.
I would like to see several scenarios demonstrating how we can order at a restaurant and pull items from the menu to transform our meals into high fat, medium protein, low carbohydrate meals.
ravioli – yum!
ravioli or some other fabulous pasta dish- yum!
I would love to see my Keto adapted slow cooker recipes, like soups and stews…
Those powered sugar rolled cookies that I sometimes see called Wedding Cookies!
Some recipes would be awesome!
I’d love to know some ways to prepare and serve spaghetti squash.
Breads, crackers, desserts with whipped cream
the hardest part about Keto Adapted is planning ahead. I would like to see a weeks worth of meals cooked in a day and they stored for that week. One day of cooking in otherwords with recipes that would work to store for 7 days.
More breakfast recipe that is not egg
I would like to see you make a Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner with dessert as well.
Since being diagnosised with celiacs several yrs ago I have been gluten free and I love it and feel better but i would love to see a healthy gluten free chicken and dumplings
I’d love to see you make the fry bread or tortillas, I didn’t quite get it right. Also, seeing you pull full meals together, main, sides and dessert would be nice. I love all your demonstration videos but something about the protein bread just doesn’t translate. Maybe show us teaching someone else how to do it? I suppose this idea might work for other recipes too?
Some economical recipes with servings for 8-12 people…especially for the holidays. Main dish, side dish, snacks, desserts, what have you…anything would be helpful with family get-togethers over the next month or two.
Ohhh I want one!! Looks like a fun gadget and great for the holidays coming up!
Do you have an eclair recipe that you could share with all of us. It would be fun to watch them being made.
Side dishes! Things that would normally be a “starch” I have a husband that feels like the meal isn’t complete without rice, potatoes,pasta,fries etc. I need more side dish replacements please.
I know being Keto adapted isn’t the easiest thing to do being a vegetarian, so I’m hoping you can offer up some new vegetarian ideas? Just this morning, I was thinking how I used to love those Rice A Roni cheesy broccoli packets. I think this is totally doable with riced cauliflower! Care to give it a shot???
How about preparing a full meal?
Hi Maria,
Having 10 months old I’d love to learn some quick and easy meals I can serve to him but not only to him. He’s on solids since six months of age, following BLW method. Thanks!
All of the above!!!!!
Easy side dishes and snacks.
Egg casserole for a crowd at Christmas
I’d love to see more chicken and fish dishes!
More soups!
I’d like to see you cook your candy bars and breads. I seem to always mess them up. I measure and prepare as directed and they still don’t come out close to how they are supposed to. Thanks!
A segment on batch dry mixes (with recipes of how much liquids) for families. Pancake mix/waffle mix, biscuit, muffins, etc- all in large quantities. I would love to be able to make a large gallon jar of dry mix so I could scoop out of it and make some items for my larger family.
I’d like to see how you prepare your breads…mine always turn out gross.
Anything that will help our health. I’d be happy to see anything you make. Thank you for what you do.
Yes…I agree with the crunchy crackers.
We miss tacos and burritos. Making something to replace those that are low carb and no dairy. I get so many ideas here love your blog/page!!
Layer cakes and frosting
Any kind of side dishes
yes, appetizers, side dishes and easy snacks!
Anything Deserts.
Would LOVE to have a class on any of the bread-like substitutes..protein buns, loaves, even cookies, etc. Mine never seem to turn out right – theyre edible, but they never look like yours.
Bread and ice cream.
Dumplings. My husband is craving chicken and dumplings and I tried a recipe and got mush and had to throw out the chicken soup.
Still missing the crunchy texture—crackers and chips — potato chips were hard for me to give up!
I would love to see you bake a Chocolate Rasberry Cheesecake. Mine don’t come out very mice looking.
donuts of any kind. I really miss them and haven’t tried to make any of your delicious looking ones yet.
How about a Pasta alternative dish? Maybe something like spaghetti or hamburger helper or something that could be made instead of mac n cheese???
pizza and cream puffs!!
easy dinners with working and commuting 1.5 hours a day, quick easy mainstream dinners!
Definitely some kind of roll
Side dishes gets my vote!
Pizza and cookies
In honor or Thanksgiving, I would like to see you make sweet potato pie. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
Pigs in a blanket! I eat this once a year, and can’t make a suitable replacement! I miss pigs (or meat kolaches as my MIL calls them) so much!
Sorry, about the above note, this is my facebook addy!
Marshmallows: I can’t get this recipe to work for me:(
I’d ike to see a full course meal; entree, main dish, desserts and everything in between! If it had to be a specific dish, it’d be Baklava.
Also, how much does N20 cartilages cost?
Cauliflower crust pizza or keto brownies!
Pot pie
Desserts – I miss desserts!
I agree with the previously mentioned side dishes and bread demos!
Anything without dairy, grains and nuts.
Veggies please!
I love whipped cream and this makes it as fresh and instant as possible… Love this gadget! Thanks Maria for the opportunity! /add a little cocoa to the cream and voila…chocolate whipped cream!
Breads !!!!! please !!
I would love some easy keto snack recipes! Love this whip cream gadget.
side dishes!!!
Anything with bacon! Also homemade keto protein bars???
Pumpkin pie
Interesting things with faux noodles & cauliflower rice. I love them but make them the same all the time. I also have such problems with bread I have given up. It is purple and flat and heavy. eek!
The weird part is, I am a good white/whole wheat bread baker. But this type is kicking my butt!
I would love to take a “keto entertaining” cooking class! I always love hearing my guests shock and awe when I tell them what things are made of. A whole meal for entertaining would be so great!
Tortillas, pizza crust, buns- hamburger, hotdog, sandwich; custards.
I have been dyeing to try one !
I would like to see a thin crust pizza recipe. I can’t get mine just right. It’s either way crunchy or wet.
I’m new so I am up to learn anything.
Anything that I can use that beautiful whipped cream on – especially things that would be great for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
I am always on the lookout for more snack ideas, particularly something crunchy!
I would love to see some side dishes and bread making. Thanks so much!
My “personal” model ran less than $70 and my older unit
ran about $250 at the time, but has come down in price over the years and is around $200-$220 range now.
Right click on it and click “Run as administrator” to run it.
^ “ISO 32000-1:2008 – Document management – Portable document format – Part 1: PDF 1.
I would love this
Your amazing bread, pizza & brownies!
Bread. Gluten free bread that’s not crazy high in carbs and that is soft.
Keto recipes with less meat. Really, I’d watch you make anything:)
I would love to see different applications, other than whipped cream, to use this fantastic give away!
Hi Maria,
I would really like to see your take on a good Keto type shallot tarte tatin… Been missing that so much!
I would LOVE to see you make a pasta that tastes and has the texture of the REAL thing or a soy free milk chocolate bar. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
Anything chocolate!!
Ice cream or pizza or some great holiday recipes. Would LOVE to have the cream whipper!!! I’m in love with coconut milk and it would be so yummy whipped up over a pumpkin pie!!! Thanks Maria
I agree with the stuffing/dressing request. And crackers.
thanks Maria
Apple or pumpkin pie! My family is huge on homemade pies made from scratch and the perfect crust. I’m in charge of Thanksgiving dinner and I want to keep dessert keto.
A meal start to finish!
I know it isn’t cooking, but I would love to see someone break down a recipe showing how to figure out the nutrients per serving. There are several good home cooks that do not know how to go about doing so, also links to websites that might have apps to make it easier to do so with the math/ingredients/etc. Again, thank you so much for your time, talent, and inspiration!
Slow cooker, crock pot meals for busy moms.
Scones would be great!
This might be a bit much to attempt during a class, but I’d love to see the Almond Roca Mocha Cake. Most of your recipes that we try turn out great, but for some reason that one was a complete disaster – would love to know what we did wrong!
I’d love to see more easy meals… like 5 or fewer ingredients per recipe.
Number one go to meal.
Bread and maybe granola?
Oh this would be terrific to use. Main dishes as they are used everyday! Love your site
A holiday menu would be nice! Helpful hints for timing & planning, a plus!
We’re big on muffins in my house, I would love to see some of those!!
I was looking on the f’book page, the breakfast sausage looked interesting… will be going back there. In the mean time, I would love to win this whip gizmo….. Wait, did someone mention Holiday Menu? Now we’re talking
Things that seem intimidating. As in breads, muffins, something comforting for those days I want to hide in bed.
Breakfast and lunch seem to be so difficult to find something worth time/effort. It would be really helpful.
I would like you to demonstrate how to do protein bread without a big kitchen aide.
Cookies for kids. Anything to help wean my sugar addicted monsters.
I’d like to see bread substitutes. Love your recipes!
side dishes and snacks
I would like to see more dairy free recipes designed for healing and accelerating Keto adaption. Particularly breakfast and lunch recipes that are quick, or can be made ahead and grabbed when running out of the house. It would be great to gave some grab and go breakfasts and snacks. Also make ahead ideas for lunches to take to work. Basically, recipes for super busy people trying this lifestyle for the first time to help us stay the course! Thank you for asking us Maria!
Something festive for the holidays!
Slow cooker!
Croissants and pastries would be awesome…the flakey factor ..yumm!
Holiday cookies
I’d like to see savory low carb snacks
I wish upon wish that I could take a cooking class from you. Sadly I live in little Rhode Island and am not able to make the trip. I would love to see a tutorial on either some fun meals for the kids or on anything Thanksgiving. I struggle with a casein and gluten allergy and Thanksgiving is always a busy time for me, cooking-wise. Sure I attend family potlucks/dinners but finding things that I can eat have proven to be a challenge and it has caused me to prepare pretty much everything I have a desire to eat. I will admit that I am not the best of cooks, but I really love it and am learning everyday. I am more of a ‘little of this, little of that’ cooker and I feel like a lesson in preparing food for Thanksgiving would really benefit me.
On the other hand, fun meals for kids would also be a wonderful lesson. I am about to move to Sweden to become an au pair and I will be taking care of 3 wonderful children. All of the children are adventurous when it comes to food and I want to use this to my advantage. The meals that you make for your boys are wonderful and I think the girls that I will be caring for will really enjoy them. So either Thanksgiving or Kids meals please! Thanks!
I would like to see more eggless recipes and more nut free recipes.
Now that the weather is cold, more soups!
This will be perfect for all of the recipes in your Art of Healthy Eating Sweets book I just received. Yay!
I would love to see some easy portable lunch ideas and snacks.
Meals for taking on the go!
Creme brulee’! It is my absolute favorite and I really need a healthy alternative!
I would love for you to make a recipe for Barbacoa.
Any dessert. Love thanksgiving dessert!
Since it is close to the holidays maybe dressing to go with the turkey. Or ways to use turkey left overs. Desserts are always a good choice.
Kids approved snacks
I’d love to see you create a beautiful holiday cake, white , with rosemary sprigs for decorations, that’s moist and sweet and keto friendly. And, I’d like to see you bake some cookies that my kids can decorate themselves with a keto frosting. Maybe if I get them involved in the baking, I can convince them that keto cookies are yummy. They are losing patience with all my attempts at recreating baking recipes I find online and test on them. So far, I have not convinced them.
Healthy blackberry cobbler or maybe biscuits.
I would love a sugar free version of creme brulee!
I can never get enough of desserts…MORE DESSERTS {please}
As a mom of two young kids, I’m interested in seeing quick, inexpensive meals and/or side dishes that are kid-friendly (ie no fish bones or hard-to-chew foods like steak or raw carrots).
I love your desserts! Any of them and please more recipes
I would like more one dish skillet meals. Easy to make and great leftovers.
I’ve adapted to keto quite well over the past few years but like a few of the other posters, I’m missing ‘crunch’ so a savory or sweet cracker or flatbread would be nice.
I would love to see a lc teriyaki. I love teriyaki but it is full of sugar.
I’d have to ask you to make either crackers (something crunchy) or cookies (a quick sweet snack)!
I’d love to see how you make a crispy pizza crust. I have not been able to find a good one yet, and I do miss my pizza!
Would love to see more recipes casseroles
I would like see a hearty one-pot pressure cooker meals (beef, pork or chicken), hearty winter soups that utilize Vitamix / Blendtec blenders and stews. It would be nice to see an adapted Flammkuchen recipes (Alsace region) and any adapted German desserts ( which are less sweet than the American counter parts).
With the holidays coming up I would love love love to see you cook an entire holiday dinner from appetizers to the big bird or roast, side dishes all the way to grand finale dessert!
Dairy free keto pizza that kids would love, demonstration would be awesome!
I was just saying tonight that I wish you could’ve been in my kitchen to help with these darn tortillas!
Wish you could just come to my house
I’d love to see you cook some portable, yummy snacks for eating on the go!
30 minute meals. Love the crockpot meals. Working lady and hard to come home and think of dinner!
snacks, and calzones( mine never stayed together like yours), side dishes, and some mains
I love Vietnamese food! It should be easy to adapt to Keto!
If you do end up recording an publishing cooking videos, it would be nice to see the finished product. How it looks coming out of the oven or pan. How to slice or serve, and best of all how it tastes! Thank you!
I would love to see more snacks.
I have all three cookbooks. Ice cream is my go to treat. Also love toasting the bread.
Indian food would be nice as well as keto shakes or anything that takes no time at all. I often end up cooking separately for me and my family, which really means I cook for them and then just grab a hunk of cheese, a handful of nuts, a tablespoon of peanut butter with a little butter mixed in, or something along those lines. Would love the gourmet whip – an easy way to up the fat in almost any drink or dessert. Thanks Maria!
I need to make things Dairy free since our youngest is allergic to Dairy. I need a dairy free cook book I have tried to modify recipes and failed.
Christmas breakfast-French toast casserole, egg/sausage casserole,
Thanksgiving dinner of Turkey, gravy, stuffing, healthified whipped potatoes, sweet rolls, green beans wrapped in bacon, pumpkin cheesecake, and cranberry scones with pumpkin chai latte.
OHHHHH YUMMMMMM! I am so hungry now!
Have 3 kids we are trying to get off gluten and sugar. The whip giveaway would help me to show them they can still have treats and eat healthy! Thanks for your contest!
My family loves cheesecakes. I would love to see a few more “flavors”
Also looking for my side dishes…after years and years of rice and potatoes–it is nice to have variety now that they are out of our diets
I would love to eat onion rings again! Thank you for your website!
I would really like to have more ideas of simple meals, side dishes and deserts. Some of the recipes are way to complicated for me to make, i am not that great in the kitchen, and too time consuming! Also some ingredients are very expensive and i like that you give choices on which kind of (for an example) sweetner to use in recipes.
Here’s a possibly tricky one…spicy pork tamales
That’s the one thing I will have a HARD time staying away from these holidays :/
I would love a some gingerbreads filled with some sugar free jam,
or already sugar free jam would be awesome.
I have a lot of your books and you made A LOT of things it’s hard to think of things you could still try hehe
You could try some german Stollen?
All those yummy looking chocolates you’ve been posting. Will definitely get that new cookbook!
I’d love to see you demo making bread – I know you already have a video – but maybe doing a demo where you show all the different variations. Mine never rise like yours and they turn out purple
Luckily…they still taste good
I would love an easy, basic, all-purpose low carb bread recipe without too many fussy ingredients!
I’m totally new to the keto diet idea. Still gathering information, so all posts and videos are helpful.
Ice cream – chocolate and/or peanut butter
I would love to learn how to make the bread. I have tried but haven’t been succesfull yet!
Chocolate chip cookies
Thank you so much!!!! I think my son is as excited as I am! We both love to cook and love all of your recipes!!!