Crab Louie Salad
Crab Louie salad
Funny story, I ordered a Crab Louie salad at a some-what upscale restaurant in Hawaii, assuming that lit would have REAL crab…nope! Imitation crab! YUCK!
Click HERE to learn what is in Imitation Crab!
All keto…. of-course!
If you would like to get a sneak peak of what I eat while camping, check out my Instagram @mariaemmerich

Crab Louie Salad Dressing
- 1 pint mayonnaise homemade or Primal mayo (use egg free mayo recipe if needed)
- 1/2 pint tomato sauce
- 1/2 cup diced dill pickles
- 3 tablespoons juice from the dill pickles
- To make the dressing, dice the dill pickles until tiny pieces. Place in a medium bowl, add the mayo, pickle juice, and tomato sauce.

Crab Louie Salad
- 1 head romaine lettuce
- 4 slices sugar free bacon
- 8 ounces canned crab
- 4 large hard-boiled eggs
- 1 medium tomato diced
- 1/4 cup red onion
- 1/2 cup Sliced Black Olives
- 3/4 cup Louis Dressing
- Dice the bacon and fry until slightly crisp, about 3 minutes, stirring often. Remove from skillet and set aside on paper towel to drain and cool
- Make a bed of romaine lettuce on a large plate. Top with a row of each: crab, bacon, quartered hard boiled eggs, tomatoes, onions and black olives. Drizzle with Louie dressing.
If you are looking for tasty exclusive recipes and meal planning with grocery lists that have perfect ratios check out my new eBook! All NEW exclusive recipes! Click HERE for more info!
Thank you for your love and support!
Platinum Member Testimony: “I’d been Keto for 6 months, but hadn’t lost a pound.
I lost 6 lbs this week! It’s because I used the numbers you gave to me as a platinum member and I tracked them using the meal planner. It works!” – Kathy
Platinum members get live weekly meetings with me and you can ask Kathy at our meetings all about her experience! As well as exclusive recipes, technology to make your own meal plans that are perfectly formulated as well as tailored to your needs (dairy free, egg free), grocery lists and much much more!
What do you mean “I wonder if anyone reads it anyway”? Of course we do! Always love getting the blog posting. Keeps me motivated, gives me new ideas. Thanks for blogging and enjoy these beautiful summer days with your family
Awe!!!!! Makes me soooooo happy!!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I couldn’t agree more with kellyj.
I need to get myself some dill pickles for this!
Understandable that everyone is “out there” doing their summer thing, that’s what summers are all about 🙂 and thank you for sharing yours and showing us that you live and wonderful full, loving life. I appreciate your blogs, read them and am inspired.
You are so kind!!!😍
Understandable that everyone is “out there” doing their summer thing, that’s what summers are all about 🙂 and thank you for sharing yours and showing us that you live a wonderful full, loving life. I appreciate your blogs, read them and am inspired.
You didn’t lose weight for 6 month? Oh no! That’s my primary reason for going on this. You need a platinum membership to get this information on how to track using the meal planner???
Most people (and many “Keto” blogs) make mistakes when doing Keto. That will hold back weight loss. My site makes it easy to follow taking out any guesswork. 🙂
I just recently found this lifestyle and your blog and and bought your book and have lost 10lbs in 3 weeks and feel fantastic. Though getting off sugar and into ketosis that 1st week almost landed me in jail for assault. Seriously though, you are seriously amazing and thank you for all the great info and recipes. Very inspiring. As a homeschooling mom in Milwaukee, I can say…. I.AM.READING.IT! Plus,,, no one should blog as much in the summer. That should be like a rule on the internet or something. If you’re a keto blogger and you’re in front of the screen everyday, then you ain’t living the example. Plenty more future cold weather coming. :>) Thanks again!
Awe!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Of course we read! So happy you are back. Sounds like you all are having a lovely summer so far
I read you every Instagram every newsletter I get so you’ve been read for sure! Welcome back! 🙌🙌🙌🙌
I am trying, for the third time to post a comment, keep getting errors, but don’t know what I am missing as the fields under the Post A Comment field do not show the required elements.
Try using a different browser like Chrome.
Wow, finally succeeded by guessing at the fields under the Post a comment section, so the first is name, the second is email and the third is email. At any rate, as a newbie to this world, this is the first blog I have seen; please continue posting. I have purchased two of your cookbooks and tried three recipes, two very successful, but failed miserably on the mayo recipe; not sure if I have the right immersion blender. At any rate, please know that your blogs are read, even if you do not think so.
Of course I read your blog! What a thought!
I apologize and want you to know that I have been exploring nature with my boys; swimming, kayaking, fishing, paddle boarding, biking and I took them on their first tent camping adventure!
You’re having a series of in-depth “experience” counseling sessions with your two top clients–nothing whatsoever wrong with that! That’s how memories are made. I signed up for your mailing list to act as an alert when you posted something again.
YES, WE READ YOUR BLOG, AND HANG ON EVERY RECIPE!!! But we realize that you’re a mom now, with numerous priorities, and only two arms….and school’s out (oh wait–you home-school, don’t you?).
So what have you got cookin’ for July 4th this year?
I think smoked ribs…;)
I enjoy seeing your email posts!! Eating keto for a year and a half and loving it. Not sure how you do what you do being a mom, blogger, home school, and tend to your clients. Thank you for all you do. You know what I was thinking the other day…..I wish you were my doctor. MD’s look at you like your crazy! Ha
I’ve never heard of a crab louie salad. Sounds good though! I hope you’ve been enjoying nature!
uh- yeah we are reading!! LOL!!
Yes!! We read!!
I read your blog while I eat lunch at my desk. The pictures keep me inspired and helps me stick to this!
I read your blog! Please don’t stop – where else will I get all these wonderful recipes, hear your fantastic inspirational stories, and just generally enjoy everything I read on it. Thank you for your blog!
You even have a reader and fan in Belgium 😉
I made this salad today for my family. It’s really good! The dressing is enough for two salads, which is good because the pot of cooked real crabmeat from Costco is one pound or about 450 grams. That rations into two salads-worth. I can make it again tomorrow and use the dressing from today.
My wife is allergic to eggs. Are egg beaters suitable?
No. I would just skip the hard boiled eggs on the salad. 😉