Today is World Diabetes Day. In honor, let’s spread the word of health to our friends and family!
Aren’t those Swedes smart? Sweden has become the first Western nation to develop NATIONAL DIETARY GUIDELINES that reject the low-fat carb-filled diet recommendations in favor of low-carb high-fat nutrition advice. Click HERE to read more.
If you would like to win this Le Creuset cookware set from A Sweet Life in honor of World Diabetes Day, click HERE to enter. Good luck!
Testimony of the Day
“Dear Maria, My husband was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (aka Type II Diabetes) ten years ago. The diabetic counselors gave him a meal plan for 60 carbs / meal, including a 60 carb snack at night to keep his blood sugars from spiking throughout the day. Eight years later, he suffered a heart attack, survived the ordeal with two stents placed. Fast forward to 2013. A visit to the cardiologist in February 2013 was a disaster. The doctor did not like his blood pressure, his weight, his cholesterol numbers, his blood sugar. John was despondent for weeks.
In March, we had an appointment with our holistic physician who encouraged us to read “The Wheat Belly” by Dr. Davis. That opened our eyes to the evils of grain. Within a month, John’s blood pressure and blood sugars were much improved, triglycerides had gone down 500 points. But while there was some weight loss, he wasn’t seeing the results he had hoped for. Via Dr .Davis’ blog, we found a link to your site. While Dr. Davis put us on the grain-free path, you opened our eyes to the low carb, medium protein, high fat diet. John’s insulin intake has dropped from 120 units/day to around 30 – 35 on a bad day.
I can’t wait to see his lab numbers, as well as the reaction from the cardiologist at his December appointment. We learned that not all fruit is created equal, and we were previously equating fruit to vegetables. The weight is coming off, joint pain is non-existent, our skin looks and feels healthier. John noticed that he had forgotten to take his inhaler (he is an asthmatic) for weeks, it just wasn’t necessary. He is down 30 lbs currently from his March weight. What I’ve discovered is that even though I’m only down about 10 lbs, I’ve gone down at least 2 sizes in slacks, soon to be 3.
Our arms are firmer, we have more muscle definition and this is without exercise. We now equate carbs to sugar. With some friends of ours, we took a road trip to attend your Metabolism 101 class this past Sunday, travelling 300 miles one way to attend. It was worth the trip. We are now the proud owners of all your books, autographed by the author and editor/photographer J. Not only did we get to personally meet you & Craig, we were able experience your knowledge, your enthusiasm, your sharing and caring attitude. What can I say? You are just amazing. Thanks so much!”
If you want to get started on a path to health and healing, click HERE. You will not regret it!
Anti-Aging Tips: Fructose and Glycation
Do you complain of sagging skin or cellulite? One of the big contributors to the aging process and development and perpetuation of degenerative diseases is Advanced Glycation End Product (AGEs) glycation. Glycation is where a chemical reaction occurs between proteins and either sugars, lipid peroxidation products (free radicals from oxidative damage), or the breakdown products of sugar. So sugar plays a big role in glycation as does oxidative damage (think PUFA oils and sugar inflammation).
Glycation is the forming of sort of a crust around our cells. Many different studies have shown that this crust contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, asthma, stroke, cataracts, glaucoma, PCOS, autoimmune disease and much more.
So what role does fructose play here? Studies have shown that fructose enables glycation reactions ten times more rapidly than glucose!
A high carbohydrate diet causes this glycation, in which the sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products, AGEs. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more AGEs you develop. As AGEs accumulate, they damage neighboring proteins in a domino-like manner. Collagen and elastin are the protein fibers that keep skin firm and elastic are most venerable when you are eating a high starch diet. Once the damage has been done, the supple and strong collagen and elastin become dry and delicate, leading to wrinkles and sagging.
AGEs deactivate your body’s natural antioxidant enzymes, leaving you more vulnerable to sun damage. Adding in 400 to 600mg of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) can help repair the skin from your past years of being a sugar burner. If you are going to spend the money on ALA supplements and serums, make sure to get it from a quality source from Germany. Chinese ALA is processed with harsh and toxic chemicals. Click HERE to find the oral supplement I prefer.
Shrimp Etouffée
The name Etouffée refers to “smothering” the seafood with a heavy sauce. If you want to make this a part of a Pure Protein and Fat meal, sub out the cauliflower rice and use Miracle Rice. Click HERE to find Miracle Rice.

Shrimp Etouffée and Cauliflower Rice
- 3 tablespoons coconut oil
- 1 medium yellow onion peeled and chopped
- 3 slices sugar free bacon chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon Redmond Real Salt
- 1/2 medium green sweet bell pepper seeded and chopped
- 3 cloves garlic peeled and crushed
- 3 tablespoons tomato paste
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 tablespoon whole basil leaves
- 1 tablespoon whole thyme leaves
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 4 green onions chopped
- 1 1/2 pounds shrimp peeled
- 3 cups “Cauliflower Rice”
- In a 4 quart or larger slow cooker add the oil, onions, bacon pieces and salt. Turn slow cooker on high and caramelize the onions until golden and very soft, for about 1-2 hours.
- Turn the slow cooker to low-medium and add the remaining ingredients, except the shrimp and rice. Cover and cook for 2-6 hours (the longer, the more the flavors will open up).
- Add the shrimp and cook for 30 minutes or until the shrimp are cooked through and are no longer translucent. Place the mixture onto a beautiful serving dish and garnish with green onions. Serve over “cauliflower” rice.
- To make the “cauliflower rice,” cut the cauliflower into pieces and pulse in a food processor until small pieces of “rice.” TIP: You can also use the heart of the cauliflower for rice, or use for making “French Fries.” Set aside “rice.” (TIP: can do this up to 2 days ahead of time and store in fridge for easy lunch/dinner options).
- Stir fry in a TBS of coconut oil (and desired spices/salt) for about 3-5 minutes or until cauliflower pieces are done to desired liking.
251 calories, 11g fat, 31g protein, 9g carbs, 3g fiber
Plan Plan Plan is the key to success
Recipes like this can be found in my cookbook The Art of Healthy Eating Slow Cooker.
One trick that works for our family is that Craig helps clean up after dinner, while I prepare dinner for the next night. I often fill my slow cookers with the main dish, side dish and dessert (yes, I have 3 beloved slow cookers). Then in the morning, all I have to do is take the slow cooker shell out of the fridge and turn them on. That takes so much stress and anxiety out of my day!
To get over 300 slow cooker recipes, check out The Art of Healthy Eating: Slow Cooker, click HERE to order.
My favorite slow cooker is $40 off today! Click HERE to find.
And this one is more affordable and is $10 off today. Click HERE to find.
Happy Eating! Thank you all for your love and support!
This looks delicious! I tried to watch the video on how to make cauliflower rice but the link wouldn’t work. 🙁
Sorry, video is now embeded above. 🙂
While placing an amazon order last night, thru your amazon store, you list yacon syrup. Does this mean that you think it is okay to use this product? Any limits of it’s use?
It is ok is small quantities where you need that molasses or brown sugar flavor (like BBQ sauce). It has a little fructose, but most of it is Fructo-Oligosaccharides (like in Swerve). So like 1 teaspoon in a 2 quart batch of ketcup. 😉
LOVE this recipe! Im going to make it for my high fat/high protein days!! Yum! I have your crockpot cookbook of course, but temporarily forgot about this recipe!
Something that will break the AGE bond–L-carnosine. I take 500 mg. twice daily.
So, what is the difference between ALA and L-carnosine?
Here is a description:
What is AGE bond??
Advanced Glaciation End products.
You mention above the recipe using swerve instead of sugar, but I don’t see it listed in the recipe? Also, do u add ant broth or water to make a sauce? I’m thinking after cooking or a while in the crockpot it would burn without liquid? Thanks Maria..making this tonight!
I don’t want to bore you with my tremendously long bio but let’s just say that I am a recovering (almost-I stopped the downhill slope before it caused irreversible damage) raw vegan/vegetarian and NOW I have found TRUE health in the high fat, low carb, gluten free PALEO/ANCESTRAL diet or actually, lifestyle and there are DAILY radical changes taking place! I realized that not committing 100% to this lifestyle forced my body to develop IBS and early symptoms of Hashimoto’s (my 66 year old Dad already has it) and after two debilitating episodes of IBS I finally listened to my body!! It’s now been about a little over three weeks and I’ve lost A LOT of water weight and my skin is healing too. One thing I noticed is that I can’t even eat non-GMO corn products (I felt dizzy and foggy-headed with gassiness).
I have a very important concern/question for you, now that my Dad is moving out and into an adult care home I will be paying all the living expenses and I need to eat good healthy food but on a budget!! I have my boyfriend (who’s content eating whatever’s available and fasts frequently) and my 10 yearold daughter who has insulin resistance to also think about in terms of meals that everyone will enjoy as well as not take more than 30-40 minutes to prepare AND most importantly, treats and desserts that do not require expensive ingredients and/or tools. I am more than willing to buy bulk almond, coconut, arrowroot, and other flours and those should last at least 1-2 months given the fact that we will be baking a lot because I refuse to buy conventional breads and convenience foods! I plan on having a baking day where we make a pizza for dinner, two loaves of paleo bread, one batch of cookies or bars, and one pie or cake to last the entire week. My daughter is fairly picky but I have found that she loves my parmesan-butter encrusted chicken tenders and ribs from Costco but we are in dire need of more dinner meal ideas pretty please! I read in a great book called “Beyond Broccoli” about a woman who was vegan for many years and then discovered it was ruining her health, anyways, she says that turkey is a thrifty meat and it is not injected with hormones unlike chicken. Anyhoo, much love and gratitude for all that you do and have done. My goal in the next couple years is to open a very unique gardens/farm/healthy cafe/used book store/gift shop/art gallery/natural playscapes here in Oregon and maybe it will develop into my dream-restaurant or perhaps a dessert bar…..?? 🙂
~Love & Light,
Amy, Amelie, and Patrick on the Oregon Coast
Thanks! I think my slow cooker cookbook is a great option. Lot of easy meals and tips in there:
Yes, I’ve already ordered your book “Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism” but I’m assuming that in order to get a more detailed response to my concerns, (esp. my Hashimoto’s symptoms), I’d need to schedule a consultation with you?? I’ve found an awesome book on Hashimoto’s using natural cures and diet and he also mentions Ashwanga and guggol. Anyways, please let me know- Thanks!
Yes, I have worked with many clients with Hashimoto’s. A phone consult would be best as it gives us a month to get things worked out. Otherwise make sure to add a health assessment to a meal plan package. 🙂
I started following this way of eating two years ago when I started reading books and articles from the Weston-Price Foundation. I feel better and have lost over 15 lbs.
PEA can increases focus and alertness and helps us feel connected to others.
On the other hand, the ingredients label might be where Shakeology truly
shines. s the first trademark smoothie appeared as a dairy free alternative to popular ice cream
based drinks of the era.
I was looking for a shrimp recipe with cauliflower rice and I just found this one… perfect. I wanted to watch the video to see how the cauliflower was supposed to look like after processed…
Now here’s the thin: I had to watch a Wendy’s commercial before the video started… I know that it’s not you… it’s just ironic and I had to share.
Oooops… it was supposed to say: “Now here’s the thing:”… I’ve got to trim my finger nails…
Yikes! Yeah, that is ironic. 🙂
Maria is the food processor in your store the one you recommend for cauliflower ricc? Thanks! Maria
Yes, I use this one and it works great! 🙂
Thank you Maria! Do you use the food processor for other things? I have been enjoying the meals and the weight is coming off. I have shared the fat bomb recipe with nieces, sisters and friends. They are a pleasure to have in a time of hunger.
Awesome! Thanks!