This is Maria’s husband Craig doing another guest post. Like a lot of guys out there I grew up loving pizza. Coming from Medford Wisconsin, the birthplace of Tombstone Pizza, we of course grew up eating lots of frozen pizzas. During high school I worked at Dirt Fighters with some friends. We cleaned the local bank and factories after school. Every night after school we would have several Tombstone pizzas that the 5 or 6 of us would split before we started work. Every single day after school. I know this is a familiar tale to so many as this was all we knew.So now that I understand about all the transfat, preservatives, petrolatum based ingredients BHA and BHT, and other “food like” substances (we remember what the mechanically separated meat looks like from my chicken nugget post!), I know I should avoid frozen pizzas.
Sure, I was 16 with a great metabolism and very active in sports so I was 145 pounds and very lean. But that isn’t the whole story. Just because our kids aren’t overweight doesn’t mean that they are healthy. Here is some great information and studies showing how you can be “Skinny fat”. When my metabolism and activity level slowed down in college, I gained 40 pounds and ballooned up to 185. I am sure I was on my way to pre-diabetes, digestive issues, etc. Thankfully I married this wonderful woman with a passion for health. Since finally following 100% of what she teaches (about 3 years ago), without changing my activity level, I slowly lost the weight and am now back to my college weight of 150. 🙂
So here is my “healthified” version. This crust tastes so much better than any frozen crust or pizza delivery ever did and with no inflammatory grains or sugar!
FAST FAMILY TIP: I made 3 of these one night and froze them for fast and easy family dinners! I just bake the crust as directed, remove and add toppings and wrap in tin foil to freeze. Then you just pull it out of the freezer and finish baking as instructed below!

Amazing Pizza
- 1 1/4 cup almond flour or 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup unflavored egg white protein powder or whey protein powder
- 4 tablespoons Psyllium husk powder
- 1/2 teaspoons Redmond Real salt
- 2 tablespoons grated parmesan
- 1 tablespoons Italian spices
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 2 large eggs 4 eggs for coconut flour
- 1 cup boiling water
- butter or coconut oil for brushing
- Toppings of your choice
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine all dry ingredients and mix until blended. Add eggs and mix until well combined. Add boiling water and mix until dough thickens and start to stick to beaters. Place ball on greased baking sheet. Spray a piece of parchment with oil and place on to of the dough to help spread without sticking. Use a rolling pin or your hands to spread the dough into a 16 inch round. Dough will raise 2-3 times its size so make the thickness one third of what you want the final pizza to be (I like a 1/4 inch thick crust so I start with about 1/8 inch or less thickness).
- Place in oven and Bake for 25 minutes. Remove crust from oven and brush with butter of coconut oil and return to oven. Broil for 3-8 minutes or until crust is crisp (Be careful, watch closely during this step to make sure it doesn’t burn, just crisps up). I start the broil with it flipped over to crisp the bottom and then flip over and broil the top. Add topping and broil for another 5-10 minutes until cheese is melted and starts to brown. Makes 6 servings.
For more great recipes like these amazing pizzas, check out our Savory cookbook HERE. Thank you so much for your love and support!
Testimony of the Day
“Maria, I came to you at the end of May and started eating differently and really working on my health 28 May 2013.
I came to you for a lot of reasons. I’ve been low carb for several years but I was stalled with what I figure is at least 70lbs left to lose. I knew I am allergic to gluten so I didn’t even eat gluten. But my stomach would cramp after I ate and I was constantly feeling unwell. Then I started feeling like I had the flu and I was ran down all the time. Eventually I had body aches and my hair was falling out by the clump. When I finally had some energy my heart even started racing for no reason. I was also very depressed and having insane mood swings. I was also feeling overwhelmed by life. All of these things are out of character for me. It got so bad I used all my leave at work trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Still no answer from the doctors. At the time I worked out 4 days a week with kettlebells and I did some cardio once in a while but I couldn’t keep the weight off. I’d lose and regain the same 20 lbs every month (so I’d go from needing about 70 to lose to 90 to 70… it was awful). I’d be ok all day and then have intense cravings at night. I thought I was having issues with my thyroid because I have family history with that but that wasn’t it. So, I was sick. Very sick.
Somehow I stumbled on your page. I’m so thankful! I read the recipes a million times and I was obsessed with your webpage. Everything looked tasty, and it seemed easy. Also there was gluten free bread and the ingredients were simple. I hadn’t had bread in over 2 years! I think I made 1 recipe of yours and didn’t tell my fiancé or my son it was new. They both loved it and I didn’t feel sick afterwards. I decided right there that I was going to do a consultation with you.
It didn’t even take a week to start feeling better or start losing weight. My heart stopped racing and I suddenly had more energy than before. I slept better and deeper than I have in forever. My mood swings stopped and I started feeling normal again. I actually feel healthy! I can’t even remember the last time I felt like this. My forearms and the tops of my legs look liked I had ingrown hairs and now you can’t even see that. And suddenly I started having color in my cheeks – people think I wear a smidge of blush – but I rarely ever wear makeup. I’m getting married in 2 weeks. My bridesmaids and even some of the vendors for our wedding have noted how calm and relaxed I am. I went and tried on dresses for the wedding and bought one in a smaller size. I went last Saturday to have it adjusted. The dress fit so perfectly that I only had to have the shoulder taken up and a bustle put on. (I can’t wait to send you those pictures!)
In the beginning my fiancé was sneaking the food thinking it was “bad” for him and enjoyed every bite with a smidge of guilt. I always got a laugh out of that. I also started feeding my 11 y/o son your food and he has so many favorites he can’t pick. He used to have eczema and “chicken skin” on his face, arms, and back. He even started getting acne – and I felt bad because I had it awful as a teenager. His skin has cleared up really well and you can’t even tell he started having issues. He even looks like he’s dropped a bit of weight too (love handles and his belly mostly). The real hardest part of eating this way for us is keeping food in the house. I haven’t been able to freeze anything because it’s gone the second I turn around! I spoke so highly of you to my parents that my mom started making your sub bread for my dad – who is also allergic to gluten. He loves it. He also loves the clam chowder.
So now I’m down 40 lbs and it was probably the easiest 40lbs. I dropped the weight between the last week of May until September and now I’ve been losing inches fairly rapidly. I love kettlebells still and basically use them 4 days a week and do some cardio (20 minutes or less) once in a while. I’m stronger than I was before by a lot and I am thinking clearer than I was before also. I have to be honest though – there are some weeks I’m so busy I don’t get a chance to work out (but I make sure I sleep)! This is the lightest I’ve been since my son was 4. Everyone has been telling me how much better I look. My dad said when I saw him in October that this is the healthiest he’s seen me in years.
I’m not done yet. I have some more weight I want to lose; our honeymoon isn’t for another couple months so I’m very excited to see what I can do in that time.
The cost of getting that consultation was completely worth it in my book. I even went and bought all of your books in ebook and print so I wouldn’t ever be without the recipes. I feel amazing and I can’t put a price on that. Yeah, you’re pretty much an angel in my book.
All the love in the world to you and your family,
P.S. This is a picture of me the weekend we got engaged – October 2012. I’m basically wearing a very tight 16 or in some clothes an 18. All the work I put in from September – May and I still looked the same. It was very disheartening. The bottom picture is of me last night. I am now wearing a loose 12 or in some clothing lines a comfortable 10. The hardest part now is keeping an outfit I like because in a month I end up smaller than before.” – Holly
Oh how I’ve been waiting for this post! You just made my holidays 🙂 Definitely be making this tonight or tomorrow night! Thanks!
Thanks! 🙂
I’ve been wanting to experiment with adding yeast, just for that familiar pizza crust aroma and flavor. I realize there probably wouldn’t be enough structure to capture the gas bubbles in the dough (except maybe by adding some xanthum gum), but I’ve noticed your recipes never use it. Is yeast an unhealthy ingredient? I really didn’t think dietary yeast would necessarily be correlated to an overgrowth of yeast in the gut.
Nutritional yeast is an ok ingredients. 🙂
Thanks for your prompt reply. I was talking about plain old active dry yeast as an ingredient, though. I understand nutritional yeast is a whole other animal. Is active dry yeast ok, too?
That should be fine, yes. My recipes don’t have sugar or starch though, so not sure what the yeast would feed on.
This looks like it’s going to be made and eaten soon here. My boys love pizza. Really what teen age boy doesnt’?
Thank you so much for posting this! I have been looking forward to a pizza crust recipe that uses the psyllium husk powder. I bought mine online and got a huge bag! I’ve only been using a few tablespoons here and there for the bread recipes so this will be another great use. I can also use the protein powder I bought! I am so making this tonight. Thanks so much to you both 🙂
could I possibly do this sans protein powder? I only have vanilla….and I’m sure that would be just gross. extra egg maybe?
You would try it without the protein powder. 🙂
I just made it without the protein powder and it was delicious! I definitely need to make some extra crusts and freeze! Thanks Maria!!
Thanks Cher! 🙂
Heather, did you use an extra egg? I bought all the ingredients today EXCEPT I cannot find unflavored protein powder anywhere. I’ve called all the Vitamin and Health Food and Whole Foods stores around me. Boo! I’d love to know if you can make it without or if there is a sub I can use. I have everything else I need including lots of fresh, yummy veggies! 🙂 So excited to try this.
Online it’s called ‘my protein’
You can just omit the protein powder if you like. Some other commenters said they had done this with good results. 😉
Thank you, Thank you! Making it now! 🙂
I actually used vanilla protein powder (just one scoop) and it was great! You couldn’t taste the vanilla. It’s all I had, so I decided to try it and it tasted great! I’m making this again tonight! 🙂 LOVE LOVE LOVE your recipes, Maria! Thanks! 🙂
I find many of your recipes use protein powder. I’m not sold on using protein owder so can I just it out, or is there a substitute
In this recipe you can omit protein powder. In many others you cannot. 🙂
looks great, I will have to try this! Don’t have unflavored protein, will have to seek some out unless there is a good sub
Maria how do you like this one, over your previous pizza crusts? What do you feel is the main difference and will just make the other ones too, or just this one from now on? (Nancy on facebook….) 🙂
This is my favorite! 🙂
Wow! That looks so good!! It actually looks exactly like a whole wheat crust I used to make back in the day. Love the idea of making them and freezing them. Yum!
Can I sub coconut flour? Cant do nut.
You can try coconut flour. It usually is 1/2 to 1/4 the amount for coconut flour and then double the liquid (eggs).
Can we sub a1/4 cup of coconut flour in place of the protein powder? Or ground flax seed?
You can try just omitting it. 🙂
Do you really broil this to finish it off? I am afraid I will burn it, I’ve never broiled a crust before.
Just for a little bit while the oven is going from 375 up to broil. Just to crisp it up a bit. You could continue to cook it at 375 until it is crisp if you like. 🙂
Ok — you just solved my what’s for dinner issue for either tonight or tomorrow and this weekend I will try your Kringle recipe (we spent 18 years on the North Shore of Milwaukee — so can’t wait)
Thanks Nancy! 🙂
Mullins Cheese factory in Kroenwetter (just south of Wausau, WI) has an amazing plain whey protein that tests really well on patients in our clinic. It comes to about $7.50/lb.
Do you have a full ingredient list? I don’t see one on their website. Thanks! 🙂
did you check this out??? thoughts??? good price.
As I stated above, I can not find a full ingredient list. Until I see that it is hard to say.
What kind of pepperoni do you use?
Here is what I use. 🙂
How long does 5lbs of almond flour last, I want to order enough to last a couple of months?
A 5 pound bag has a little over 20 cups. 🙂
Wow, that pizza looks so good!! Yum!!
I made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious! I made the crust as per the recipe and used an oiled silpat on top of the dough to roll it out flat. Worked great and didn’t stick at all. Then, I cleaned out the refrigerator for my toppings: pasta sauce, chicken, zucchini, marinated artichoke hearts, olives, and cheese. I will definitely be making this one again and again! Thank you so much! Happy Holidays.
Awesome! Thanks! 🙂
Silpats are the bomb. Love them. Demarle pans are good too, but no standard size loaf pan. But everything just pops right out. Good stuff.
What would you recommend instead of cheese on a pizza? I LOVE pizza but I really want to be 100% diary free. If you have any suggestions I’d appreciate it, thanks Maria+Craig!
You could try some fried eggs (crack a couple eggs on top and let them cook under boiler) or a goat milk cheese. A goat cheese and artichoke hearts pizza is awesome! 🙂
Caramelized onions are a great cheese sub
Nutritional yeast.
What number should my blood sugar be fasting?…and post meal? I know our goal is to keep our levels low…but what is low?
Also…after exercise, should I see a rise in blood sugar or a drop?
Laura Tyrrell
I recommend under 80. You can use a glucometer. 😉
This morning my blood sugar was 97. When I woke up I went to the gym and did an hour of cardio…my blood sugar is now 107 (with no food since last night). What are your thoughts on this? Isn’t my blood sugar supposed to drop after exercise…not rise? I am confused
also…what is the difference between fasting and skipping meals? I read that if you skip meals ghrelin increases…but then I also read how fasting is good for you…confused on this too
Thinking this glucometer is a good idea….is there one you recommend? I’m not a diabetic so I’m not sure where to start really…
Also should we stay 80 or below before and after meals? or under 100 after meals? just curious? and how long after eating something should we test? Knowing me I’d be testing every couple hours just to see. LOL….i’m sort of type A. 🙂
I like this one:
I think 70-90 is a good range. After meals you want the spike to be as little as you can and you want to test 1-2 hours after a meal to see the peak. 🙂
Maria add from the question above…do you recommend fasting? if so, how long? I see on he suggests fasts…what do you think?
Will a fast stimulate cortisol or will it keep the blood sugar level for a long period of time?
laura tyrrell
Hi, Yes. I write about it in my metabolism book in the last chapter. Thanks!
I have been reading your blog for awhile now. Over 2 years, I have lost 30 pounds, but have 10 more to go. I was wondering which book of yours I should buy to get a solid eating plan, and figure out where I am going wrong. I’ve had four children & gained about 40 with each pregnancy. At this point I’ve got a layer of belly fat that NEEDS to go, to reveal the beautiful muscles I’ve been working on so hard for 2 years. Thank you!
If you don’t already have it, definitely start with Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism. All the tools you need to keep on track. Thanks! 🙂
This morning my blood sugar was 97. When I woke up I went to the gym and did an hour of cardio…my blood sugar is now 107 (with no food since last night). What are your thoughts on this? Isn’t my blood sugar supposed to drop after exercise…not rise? I am confused
Laura Tyrrell
I’m not sure about it dropping after exercise but 97 is too high. Not sure what is happening there. Could be related to what you ate the night before or during the day.
My blood sugar rises after exercise, too. I am diabetic, but i have no idea whether this happens to non-diabetics. The harder i exercise (high intensity intervals, for example), the higher the readings post-exercise. I think it’s a result of cortisol released when my body is under the stress of exercise, which stimulates the release of glucose from my liver (I am low carb, so carry little glycogen in my liver). I have not ever been able to solve this. But regular exercise consistently has a positive impact on post-prandial blood sugar readings.
JoBlue, Here is what I found about this:
“Question: Why does my blood glucose (BG) sometimes rise after exercise?
Answer: If an inadequate amount of insulin is present in the blood allowing the BG to rise to about 250 to 300 mg/dl, then exercise may cause a further rise in BG rather than the expected drop. Low insulin coupled with physical activity stimulates the secretion of several other hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, glucagon, and growth hormone. Collectively these hormones trigger the liver to release glucose into the blood, thereby increasing the BG rather than decreasing it. The hormones also increase the breakdown of fat but limit the uptake of fat by muscle cells. The liver converts some of the fats to strong acids called ketones. The ketones may build up in the blood producing a state called ketoacidosis. This event is far more likely to occur in people with type I diabetes.”
Thanks Maria. It’s kind of counter-intuitive – and really confused me when i started experiencing it. I stopped the HIITs and returned to walking, but still experience the same response.
Maria, I am Brazilian and I love your recipes. My blog is
And I’ll try this pizza today.
Hugs from Brazil.
Friday night is the night that I don’t cook in our household. My boyfriend doesn’t mind cooking, but generally he just grabs a pizza on his way home. I now have a crust in the oven so that he can turn it into pizza later tonight. I have to also say that the aroma coming out of the oven smells like the real mccoy – I added a pinch of garlic powder and a pinch of onion powder to the mix. And spread it out to fit my 18″ pan. Can’t wait until tonight!
Thanks! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
i dont have unflavored whey i want to make this, what can i sub for the whey?
You can just leave it out if you like. Texture will still be good. 🙂
I ordered 3 books from Amazon…The Art of Healthy Eating: Savory, The Art of Healthy Eating: Sweets, and Nutritious and Delicious. I was especially excited about the Nutritious and Delicious book. But when I received them I was REALLY disappointed with the quality of the Nutritious and Delicious book. It’s all B&W and the quality of the pictures is really bad. It’s all grainy and fuzzy and doesn’t make me want to cook anything out of the book. It looks to me like something I could do with a cheap copy machine and some paper. I’m wondering if I got a bad copy or if they are all like this? Ideas or suggestions? I’m thinking of returning it. I feel for $20 the quality should be better. Thanks.
Being self published limits the options for printing. I wanted to have lots of great recipes at a lower cost. There are really great recipes in there. 🙂 My newer “The Art of Healthy Eating” series of books are full color but we have to limit the number of pages to keep the price down and still make a profit (could never fit the over 300 recipes in Nutritious and Delicious in a color book and keep it below $25). Sorry.
You can also order all Maria’s books through Amazon in Kindle format. I have Maria’s books on my iPad so during my frequent travels, I have her recipes at all times. Thank you Maria!
Thank you Julie!
Thanks so much for your prompt response. I’m a visual person and maybe since it came with the other two books it looks shabbier than if I ordered it alone.
Thank you.
I have worked very hard at making my “The Art of Healthy Eating” books to be like art books with great layouts (thanks to my wonderful friend Rebecca) and great photos. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks 😉
And they are GORGEOUS!!!! Congratulations on a job well done!! And I want to apologize for the way I stated my initial comment. I sounded like a jerk. I’m sorry. I have already flipped through Healthy and Delicious and the recipes sound fantastic!! Thanks so much!! 🙂 Happy Holidays!!
No problem. Thanks for your support! 🙂
what kind of pizza pan do you use?
I just put it on a cookie sheet. You would use a pizza stone too. 🙂
I made this for dinner tonight and it is AWESOME!! This is the BEST low carb pizza crust! No fork required. I could pick it up with my fingers. It has great texture and great flavor. Thanks to both you and your husband!!
Thank you! I’m glad you liked it. 🙂
I just made a half-recipe for lunch. It’s awesome! Thank you!
Thanks Becky!
We made it too! Loved it! My husband, who doesn’t officially eat low carb, loved it too! We made two pizzas out of this recipe, but next time will make 4 for a thinner crust. I’m excited to try freezing them for a quick dinner. Is it as good as doing them fresh?
Awesome! Love when the whole family likes my recipes. 🙂
WOW! This is AMAZING. Seriously, this is just like pizza crust made with wheat flour. I could trick my family with this! We made a whole pizza last night, and then tonight made another crust, brushed butter and extra parmesan on top when crisping it up, and cut it into breadsticks. I never thought I’d ever again have something bread-like that I’d enjoy dipping into EVOO (one of my FAVORITE old-lifestyle things to eat), but this was incredible. This will be my go-to recipe for both pizza crust and breadsticks. I can’t even tell you how happy this recipe has made me!!!
Thanks so much Liz! We love it in our house too! 🙂
Making the pizza tonight. Am about to broil for the first go-round. QUESTION….
Why does my pizza crust look soooo much darker than yours? Mine looks like rye flour or very, very dark whole wheat.
I’m guessing it’s the type of psyllium husk you use. Maria uses Jay Robb which does not turn your bread/crust that dark brown/purple color. I use the NOW brand and mine is also dark but the flavor shouldn’t be any different. Hope that helps!
Yes, the NOW psyllium turns it brown/purple. The Jay Robb (and other organic whole husks psylliums ground into a powder) don’t. 😉
What is the purpose of the psyllium husk powder? Is it hard to find? Thanks
It is what makes it rise and give the “Gluteny” texture that regular flour gives. You can get it at any health store. I like the Jay Robb psyllium. There are also a couple options in my astore. 🙂
I know this is an older post, but the only psyllium powder I could find was Vitamin Shoppe. It seems very fine and light golden brown. Do you or anyone else know if this will work well, or without turning purple.
I think the hubs might get weirded out! Lol
Thanks! Can’t wait to try this one!
I made this pizza crust last night and it was wonderful! I halved the recipe and used 1/2 cup boiling water, and the dough was very soupy, even after a lot of beating. So I added a good deal more of the other ingredients (keeping them fairly proportional) until the dough firmed up. Consequently, it probably made a crust as large as the original! So, I would suggest not adding the entire amount of water at first. I think this pizza crust is much better in flavor and texture than the wheat crust that DH had on his pizza. Yum!
Thank you! 🙂
i made this and posted my picture in instagram . my lowcarb followers asked me whats the recipe so i told them about your blog and to drink a lot of water bcoz of the husk lol! everyone was so happy with this recipe! your awesome! hug from seattle Wa 🙂
Awesome! Thank you! 🙂
little soggy and bread like? tasted amazing tho!! perhaps too thick?
Yes, you might need to roll it out thinner. Also, did you do the oil and broiler part to crisp up the outside?
Love the crust! Thank you for the recipe. Mine didn’t rise like yours did though. Do you have any ideas why it wouldn’t?
Hmm, did you use fine ground psyllium? Also, did you use boiling water? Both are important to get it to rise. 🙂
yes to both. It was still really good, just didn’t rise.
I was reading above and i am thinking this glucometer is a good idea….is there one you recommend? I’m not a diabetic so I’m not sure where to start really…I’ve searched on amazon but there are so many different kinds/types….
Also should we stay 80 or below before and after meals? or under 100 after meals? just curious? and how long after eating something should we test? Knowing me I’d be testing every couple hours just to see. LOL….i’m sort of type A. 🙂
Here is a good one:
As for the levels, everyone is a little different. Ideally you would want to be at the 75-90 level (fasting) and try not to spike much over 100 after meals. 🙂
Hi Maria! I’m planning on making this tonight but haven’t been able to find psyllium powder. Do you think flax meal would sub okay?
It would be ok, but it won’t rise like shown above. I think it would still taste ok. 🙂
Ok! I’ll give it a whirl and report back 🙂 Thanks!
Ended up using a combination of about 1tbsp of psyllium and 3tbsp flax meal and it was AWESOME! I even liked it better than the regular (gluten free) crusts we used to make. Mmmm! 🙂
Awesome. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂
Wowzers! It looks wonderful! I need to try this one, it seems wonderful recipe. Thank you very much 🙂
does this recipe make only one round pizza crust??? i have a family of 7….so just wondering if i’d need to double, triple…batch???? thanks!!!
It make one large (at least 16″) round crust. It is very filling and I can never eat 1/4 of this whole pizza. (this is Craig) 🙂
I made this using jay Robb’s vanilla flavored egg white protein and it still tasted great. I didn’t realize what I was doing until afterwards but it was fine. We loved the pizza and we love all the cookbooks. You are changing our family!
Thank you! 🙂
Husband really liked it. Thank you Craig. Couldn’t resist trying the Psyllium husk. I have wanted to try the cinnamon rolls sometime because of that Pizza crust happened first. Thank you Craig.
Thanks Philis! 🙂
love love love this!! thank you!
Maria, I made your pizza again the one with the psyllium husk powder but instead of almond flour I ground up some sunflowers seeds! I also divided the crust up – one in a skillet with marinara sauce topped with mushrooms, orange peppers, onions and cheese – no pepperoni 🙁 the other one in a glass pie pan with olive oil and rosemary! both turned out awesome. Thanks for all your recipes!
That sounds yummy! Thank you! 🙂
This was amazing! I have 3 boys 7,8,9 I have never found a pizza alternative that they like! Thank you thank you! You and your recipes are a gift!
Awesome! Thank you! 🙂
I made this pizza tonight, first time having pizza in 1 1/2 yrs because I didn’t have a good recipe as this one. wow, it is amazing, easy to make. and taste FANTASTIC! I used the “now” brand psyllium powder and I didn’t find it too brown. I did almost broil too long, so you must be careful on that part. I also accidently used the vanilla flavor jay robb whey powder, we couldn’t taste a vanilla flavor at all.SOOOO happy for this healthy pizza fix.
Thank you! I’m glad you liked it. 🙂
Can you use dry egg whites instead of Jay Robb protein powder (unflavored)?
I think that should work. Let me know if you try it. 🙂
How do you freeze? I know bake and add toppings but then what? Going to make 3 tomorrow and the breadsticks!
Just follow the direction until the part where you add the toppings. Then just wrap in tin foil and place in e freezer instead of putting back in the oven. 🙂
So so excited to try this!!! I’m on vacation at my in-laws and they wanted pizza. So I tried making my own almond flour pizza crust creation and topped it with leftover chicken & BBQ sauce and assorted vegetables. Just to be safe I told them to also purchase 2 of their favorite frozen pizzas from Trader Joes. Well my pizza was a hit but everyone agreed that my crust tasted more like a cornmeal crust. It was similar in ingredients to this one except I didn’t think to add psylium or parmesean. Next week I’ll try again but this time with this recipe! Thanks so much for the freezer idea too. Now my family can have a healthy frozen favorite when I’m working late!
Made this and it was pretty good. Had to play around with the thickness of the crust. I use one recipe to make two pizzas. Alos, the pampered Chef baking stones don’t work the best with this crust. I made one with a pesto, olive oil, garlic sauce, then topped it with a high quality pork sausage, goat cheese, black olives and tomatoes! Yummo! I also had one with pepperoni and canadian bacon and that was good too!
Thank you Kim. 🙂
maria i would love to thank you for inspiring me to make dishes that is lowcarb and glutenfree, i made this pizza a lot of times already and shared it to my followers in instagram, this recipe also inspire me to make a cauliflower gnocchi and it was delicious! thank you again. if you have time please drop by at my blog to see my cauliflower gnocchi inspired by this recipe.
Thank you! I do have to give credit to my husband for this one though. 🙂
Am i missing something. I made as directed and had to spatula into pizza pan. There was no way it would roll out. Waiting for it to come out of oven to see if it tastes different.
Did you use Bob’s red mill almond flour? For some reason that almond flour doesn’t work like others when baking. 🙂
I used honeyville…it baked up okay.. maybe not put so much of the water in…hmmm and now that you mentioned it, I did combine bobs and honeyville (cause I had a little left)… I will try again and take the almond flour right from the honeyville bag…
If I am not using the protein powder…….. am I substituting something else or simply leaving it out? I only have a vanilla flavored Isagenix protein. Thanks! Really want to try this!
Someone said they used vanilla and it worked great. Otherwise, you can just omit it. Someone said they did that and still liked it a lot. The texture will just be slightly different. 🙂
Hi! Thanks for the gteat recipe!! Can I ask you a question?can I omit the physium husk? Or can I use flax seed insread? Thanks!!!
No. flax is very estrogenic. It won’t work anyway. Sorry.
No. sorry flax won’t work and it is very estrogenic 😬
I tried it without and is was smelling and looking great……… error brushing with butter and putting under the broiler for 7 minutes….it is burnt! 🙁 Oh well all was good until this step. I will try again tomorrow.
Sorry, it happens quickly so I added a note about that step. I usually keep a close eye on it and pull it out as soon as it is a little crisp. 🙂
Hi Maria!
I came upon your book and blog thanks to Dr. Davis (Wheat Belly), and was so excited about transforming my life that I bought your “Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism” book along with Dr. Davis’ books. You are helping change the world!
Anyway, I’m 3 weeks into no-wheat/almost no-grains. Today, I made this pizza for lunch and I’m very encouraged that I’ll be able to eat pizza again! My crust was just a little thick, and I was afraid of burning it in the broiler, so it was just ever-so-slightly underdone. The toppings slid off a little, but again, this was my very first attempt.
Nonetheless, my husband and I ate it all! I’m so excited over going wheat and grain free… I just posted a photo of my pizza on my blog, and not only mentioned you and Dr. Davis, but also told my readers to get on over here and to get your book! More people need to hear your message.
Hugs to you! Thank you so much for helping me change my life.
Thank you so much! We put very little sauce on the crust before adding the toppings. That will keep the toppings from sliding off and then we just dip it in extra sauce when eating it. 🙂
What is the purpose of the parmesan? Could I leave it out?
It is for flavor. You can leave it out if you like. 😉
Would it be okay to use hemp protein powder instead of whey for this recipe? Thanks.
Yes, that will work just fine. Thanks! 🙂
I just made this. It’s definitely a keeper! Next time I’ll bake 3-5 minutes longer before broiling, since the bottom wasn’t as crisp as I would prefer. BTW, in my oven the broiling times suggested were way too long. As Maria/Craig said, keep an eye on it when broiling.
Thanks! I added more detail to the broiling above. I start broiling with the crust flipped over to crisp the bottom and them flip and crisp the top before adding toppings. 🙂
Just made this using our Big Green Egg and a Pizza Stone – the results are awesome! Cooking times etc are a little different on the Egg – cooked it about 20 minutes then removed to add toppings and back on the egg for about 5 minutes. We made 2 pizzas using one batch of the recipe.
Thank you Rachel! 🙂
Can you go into more detail about how you did this, I would love to do it on my Kamodo cooker (bubba keg).
Temps, times did you flip, when did you take it out top it and put back? How long does it take for the “broil” part of the recipe, what temp are you running at?
When I cook pizza on my grill often times the bottom is burned before the top is fully cooked but I love the wood-fired smokey taste it gives the pizza.
I just put my crust in and cook for 25 minutes to let it rise. Then I brush with oil (optional, to help crisp the outside of crust) and put under broiler until it is just brown, flip and lightly brown bottom for a few more seconds until also lightly brown (if using pizza stone this might not be unnecessary). Then I put out and top with topping and return under broiler until cheese melts and just start to brown a little. Good luck! Let me know how it turns out if you try it. 🙂
Sorry Maria,
I was hoping for insight from Cajun regarding the differences for doing it on the grill. You already gave excellent instruction in the original recipe but it might need some modification if doing it in the grill (broil step for one).
I finally got some psyllium husk powder this past week so I can make this pizza crust. It looks yummy! I haven’t had pizza in years!
Would it be too much to ask if you could include a print button with your recipes? Many websites/blogs have them and it makes it so much easier for non-technical types like myself to use the recipes. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your cooking results with us!
Thanks! Sorry, I don’t have that option on blogger. 🙂
Hi maria!! What if I wanted to make this a day before? Could I put dough in ball in fridge? Or essemble everything & instead of putting It in freezer put it in fridge? Thanks so much!!
Hi, Yes, we do this all the time. The note above the photo says:
“FAST FAMILY TIP: I made 3 of these one night and froze them for fast and easy family dinners! I just bake the crust as directed, remove and add toppings and wrap in tin foil to freeze. Then you just pull it out of the freezer and finish baking as instructed below!”
I mean could it go in the frige instead of freeZing it?
Oops, sorry. Didn’t catch that. You probably could, but the sauce might make the crust soggier. It is kind of like a frozen pizza. You keep it in the freezer until you pop it straight into the oven. 🙂
Hi Maria. 🙂 This looks so delicious. Do you think leaving out the cheese in the crust would make a huge difference? Thank you so much. By the way, your sub/panini bread is now the staple of my house! It’s wonderful!
Thank you! I think it would still work ok without the cheese. 🙂
OK- I thought I screwed this up by attempting to double the recipe– it was too watery, but I must have shorted the recipe of the required amount of dry ingredients. Once adjusted and out of the oven- Perfection. NORMAL PIZZA!!!! YES!!!! Also, I just wrapped the second one in foil naked (the pizza) and kept in the fridge for one week then just heated crust for 5 minutes on 350, added the toppings and broiled for 2-3 minutes and another happy Pizza Monday! Thank you Craig!!!!
Yay! Thanks so much! I eat these a lot and love them too! ~Craig
We can’t use almond flour due to nut allergies, what would the substitution be to make this with coconut flour instead? Thanks!
Yes! I have been making it this way recently. I updated it above with the coconut flour optoin! Happy baking! 🙂
Hi, cani generally sub in hemp protein powder whenever a recipe calls for unflavored whey or egg white protein? Thanks!
Yes, that works. 🙂
Soooo….. You can sub hemp protein powder (or could I use something else like flax or chia) for the egg whites??? That would be awesome! I make this for my family, but I can’t do the eggs or dairy, so I always miss out:( Can I do this with your sub roll recipe too? Any suggestions for conversion amounts? Thanks, Janet
Hemp Protein Powder can be subbed for Egg White Protein Powder or Whey Protein Powder. 🙂
Hi Maria! I saw your recommendation for a dairy free option with goat cheese and artichoke yum!!! Will the crust be ok without parm cheese? Should I add something to replace it?
Thanks! Yes, it will still work without the parmesan. 🙂
what exactly does the pysllium husk do for the recipe?
It provides the rising of the crust and the gluten-ey texture. 😉
I made this a few nights ago & it has to be hands down THE BEST pizza I’ve ever had! It’s so much tastier than any delivery I’ve ever gotten & I could have eaten the whole thing.
Thank you! 🙂
oooh! Just made this!!! Yay, it was great, hubby loved it too, we had homemade tomato sauce, and artichokes, and basil and tomatoes and mushrooms and haloumi cheese and a bit of freshly grated parmesan and it was GREAT!!!! Thanks so much for this idea!
Thanks France! This is Craig’s favorite. 🙂
Made this yesterday & ended up having to make another one for my husband. Our youngest is a fussy eater & he ate almost 1/2 of it (wanted to know if we could have it again for dinner tonight). This will for sure be the only kind I make from now one. Thanks so much, Sarah!!!
Awesome! Love when the whole family likes the recipes. 🙂
We made this with almond flour and really liked it! I was wondering how many readers of this blog like it best with almond flour vs. coconut flour. Also, has anyone tried to mix the two flours? I like the idea of coconut flour but wasn’t sure if it would make it to “coconutty” — one of my children doesn’t care for that flavor.
Coconut flour doesn’t have any coconut flavor. 🙂
Hi Maria
Thanks for a great recipe. Could xanthan gum be added to this recipe to give the crust a more chewy consistency? Do you recommend xanthan gum? Thank you!
You could try it. Let me know if you do. 🙂
Can you use almond meal instead of almond flour?
That should work, it just might be a little grainier texture. 🙂
Mine shrank when I put it in the oven for the first step (375 for 25 min). doubled the recipe but used only eggwhites and stopped just shy of the 2 cups of hot water. I had to knead it byhand as the dough blade on the ninja wasnt wanting to work.
The pizza shrunk from a 16 in to maybe 14. Still good taste! Aany idea what happened
Hmm, not really sure. It sounds like your dough was a bit dry. Mine is actually a little wet (I roll it out between 2 pieces of parchment) I bit more water might have been needed. Thanks! 🙂
Used the full amount of water last night, no shrinking happened!
Great! 🙂
We have to stay away from aluminum for my daughter that is on the autism spectrum. Do you know if there is something else we could wrap it in to freeze?
You could try wax paper and some tape. 🙂
So yummy and easy to make. My days of ordering greasy delivery are over! Thanks to you.
Thanks! So much better when you can add your own fresh toppings too! 🙂
I have ordered some blanched almond flour from Honeyville. Until it arrives, the only blanched almond flour I can get is Red Mill. Can I use Trader Joe’s whole almond meal in it’s place?
For this recipe, either of those should work. It will just be a slightly grainier texture. 🙂
Tried to convert this to Sunflower seed flour. It was pretty good, but I’m still not seeing the rise that you are with the almond flour. Somehow I just think the ratio of psyllium/sun-flour is not right. And unlike the sub rolls, I could really taste the psyllium so I don’t want to add more. I did add some lemon juice, since sunflower seeds combined with baking power/soda can turn green, lemon juice will help prevent that. Maybe I will try it with 3 egg whites instead of 2 eggs next time.
Maybe try a little apple cider vinegar (like 2 TBS). That should help it rise more. 🙂
Tried this tonight and it is fabulous! I made it per the instructions and DH loved it….I wanted a crispier bottom so I took a couple slices and put them in a skillet with coconut oil (deodorized version – no coconut flavor). This put the crust over the top for me!! Just like delivery…back off D’Giorno! thanks again…
Ha! Awesome! Glad you liked it. 🙂
Oh, and I have to try the frying of the crust. Yum!
I’ve made this recipe three times now, and each time I’ve tweaked it to make it better. This last time (tonight) I used my corn tortilla press (Yay! I have a use for it again) to make this into 8 individual crusts. I used parchment paper on top and bottom, and just peeled the top one off and used it again and again. Then I baked the crusts on the parchment paper on a baking sheet.
Absolutely amazing thin crust pizza! (We used to own an indie pizza restaurant, so we’re pretty picky.) I did find that 25 minutes was too long to bake them, so I’m doing 15 instead. They are thin enough they don’t need to be “crisped” up this way. Just brush with oil (so the sauce doesn’t make the pizza soggy), sauce, cheese, and top. Broil until perfect.
Thanks so much Craig and Maria! 🙂
Awesome! I have to try that! 🙂
Just an update for you. We ate 4 of the tortilla-pressed crusts when I made them. Then I par-baked the remaining 4 crusts for 15 minutes. I let them cool, left them on parchment, put a length of foil under them, and brushed them with refined coconut oil (keeps the sauce from seeping through). Then I put sauce on them, and cheese, and folded the foil over. Sealed them in a ziploc bag and froze them. Today I preheated the oven to 425 and baked them on the parchment paper on a cookie sheet for 10ish minutes until nicely browned on top (I added pepperoni before I baked them). They are sooo good! No need to broil this way, they are crisp enough and taste just like “real” pizza.
Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. I will add this to the recipe. 🙂
Where do I get the Psyllium husk powder and can it be substituted
No, sorry, no subs. You can get it here:
Followed the instructions exactly and it turned out great! Broiling the crust was quick so the warning to watch helped. The crust handled 1/2c of sauce without getting soggy. It held lots of toppings too and was easy to pick up. My bread loving diabetic husband loved it. I used Bob’s Red Meal Almond Meal which I had ground again to make it finer, ground psyllium husk powder, which yes did make it dark and unflavored whey from Wegmans.
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Maria and Craig,
I am SO excited to make this tonight for dinner! I have a question, do you grind up the psyllium like you do for the amazing bread? If yes, is it 4TBS ground or pre-ground of psyllium in the recipe?
Yes, grind it first. 🙂
Yes, I added it to the ingredients above. 🙂
Hi Maria and Craig,
I am still unclear on one thing that the last person asked. Do you measure the psyllium Before you grind it or After?
I can’t wait to make this for my family!
Thank you!
After you grind it. 🙂
I’m a bit of a sucker for cheesy crust pizza. Would I be able to put some cheese in the crust or would it mess it up? 🙂
That should work. Let me know if you try it. 🙂
I made this tonight using your directions for coconut flour and omitted the protein powder. The crust was easy to roll out. I’m thinking I needed to crease my pizza stone with a lot more oil because it stuck to it. There was no flipping of the crust for the broiler part. 🙂 The crust wanted to separate when I tried. It turned out well enough to eat with my toppings added. I’m hopeful to try it with the almond flour. Thanks for the recipe.
i made the pizza tonight – super yummy, but it was very large; i baked mine in a rectangular sheet pan! and then i just purchased the tortilla press from your amazon store and will try making the thin personal pizzas.
we are loving your breads – only problem is a slight grittiness – we think it’s from the now organic psyllium powder. for the pizza i used my coffee grinder to regrind the powder … but we still had some grittiness. is anyone else experiencing this grittiness?
thank you!
I have a problem with grittiness , can’t stand it, I have found this one brand on amazon it’s by Frontier that has barely any grit to it. It’s the organic one, a bit pricier than the rest but you get what you pay for I guess. Here is the link
hi lucy,
first i used “now” organic psyllium and then (based on some reports that it was a finer grind) i bought some swanson organic psyllium. results were still a bit gritty, altho less so.
someone was kind enough to give me some of her tips. use cold water and blend the wet ingreds in the blender and then add to the mixed dry ingreds. results were better.
then last nite i tweaked it a bit more – i mixed the psyllium with some water and then mixed the resulting jell with the other wet ingreds and then blended it before mixing the wet with the dry. finally – NO grit at all!
hope this helps anyone else with the grit issue!
I LOVE this recipe… make it every week..I don’t even need to look at the recipe anymore, know it by heart… I make 2 versions this one which I use for my pizza, but I also use it for sandwiches, have even used 2 pieces in place of tortillas to make quesadillas and tacos..LOL.. I also make a sweeter version.. instead of the 2 TBS cheese I use 2 TBS of brown sugar… and instead of the 1 TBS Italian seasonings I use 1 TBS of a mix of unsweetened coconut, cinnamon, and right now because I have it, pumpkin pie spice… so good toasted up with some natural peanut butter on them in the mornings.. I divide the dough into 8 balls and because I don’t have a tortilla press I lay the balls between two pieces of parchment and then use one of my saucepans to press it down…comes out the perfect size 🙂 I use the almond meal from Trader Joe’s… going to try it with the coconut flour this week to see which way I like better… thank you for this wonderful recipe! 🙂
Awesome! Thanks for the tips! 🙂
This recipe is one of my favorites, thanks!
Hi Craig and Maria,
I enjoy SO many of your recipes ! For this one, does your stove have both a “HI” & “LO” option for broil? If so, which one do you use ? Thanks.
We have just high. 🙂
Would you say egg white protein for baked goods or whey protein if I were to purchase one? And have you tried any other brands other than Jay Robb? Trying to avoid the lecithin, thank you for your time 🙂
Tried this for lunch today without the protein powder…and it was really good..
I didn’t add protein powder because it’s hard to find where I am, but this recipe is a keeper!
Thanks you 🙂
Has anyone tried using this dough to make calzones? I really want to make some but I don’t want to waste all of these expensive ingredients if they don’t turn out. I guess my biggest question would be…do you think this dough would be pliable/dry enough to form into calzones?
Yes, there is this one right here. 🙂
What do you suggest for getting the blood sugar down? I am sugar free, grain free, and am in ketosis.. I am 59. does it just go up with age? I dont exercise.. so is that a factor? Thanks for your pizza recipe.
This is a good read.
As long as inflammation is low, you can have higher glucose levels due to a few factors. 🙂
A few questions, mine was somewhat floppy and my husband prefers to be able to pick up his pizza slices with one hand and not have them flop around. Also, I greased the pan and it still stuck, anyway to avoid this? And lastly, the toppings didn’t want to stay put, they started sliding off the crust when I was cutting it. My husband is a carb and gluten addict and pizza is a favourite, he said he is okay with the crust, we just need to tweak these minor issues and he will be okay with this as his pizza option.
Did you do coconut flour or almond? I find the coconut is a little more like you described and the almond crisps up a bit better. Just keep the crust in the oven until it starts to crisp (if under broiler, lower it if it starts to burn but isn’t crisp yet). 🙂
I used almond flour, but I’m guessing I didn’t broil it long enough. I am bad for neglecting and forgetting resulting in burnt food so I was overcautious. Would the crispness lend to the toppings not staying put though?
I haven’t had that issue. Maybe add more cheese. 🙂
I’m totally making this!! Maria what pizza sauce do u use/like? I am having a hard time finding one that doesnt come in a bpa lined can and have a lot of crap in it..
I use a good no sugar added marinara like this and add some Parmesan to it. 🙂
This is my favorite recipe and it is so much easier than a whole wheat crust.
You are amazing. I don’t know how you come up with these recipes. This was very good. I think I’ll thin the crust a bit more next time and broil a little longer. But, very good and filling!
Mine did not rise at all? I followed the instructions and all the ingredients. Any suggestions?
Make sure the psyllium is a very fine powder. Also, boiling water and put it closer to the broiler and that should help.
My crust stuck to the pan (just a plain old greased sheet pan) so I just loosened it & toasted the top under the broiler. Any thoughts on what I may have done wrong? Did I need to put it on parchment paper?
Any hoot – I was amazed at how well it tasted. I’m adding it to my favorites & sending the recipe off to my daughters! Thanks so much!!!!
I make sure to spray the pan well with oil. 🙂
Do you think this dough would work good as a pinwheel type snack using bacon, cheddar, etc? I found this & it looks so good – would be an excellent appetizer at a get together:
I think that would work. 🙂
I know there are already a TON of awesome comments on this recipe but I had to add my two cents. (I didn’t read through all of them prior to this, so if this has already been stated, I apologize!)
I didn’t have any parchment paper or anything even resembling a pizza pan. I opted for making a dozen MINI-pizzas out of my dough and they are so stinkin cute! I have the 2nd batch in baking as we speak. I couldn’t stand it and ate one of them plain already, to see what it tasted like. I can’t wait to put toppings on. 🙂 I wouldn’t say we’re really a huge pizza family, but when I’m in a huge hurry, Little Ceasar’s $5 Hot and Ready has been known to be our go-to. (It’s also been known to never be hot OR ready, causing a long wait, and ALWAYS causes severe abdominal distress the following day….:P )
QUESTION – I’ve been meaning to ask this for quite some time, but what is the elevation where you’re at? Every single recipe I’ve tried of yours, I have to cut the time by about half. I remember seeing that you use a different type of oven, or if it’s the elevation because that has caused us problems in the past. 🙂 So far, I just try to remember to start really low…. haha
Thanks! My oven is convection and our elevation is about 900 feet I believe. 🙂
haha There you go! Thank you! We’re over 5,000 ft. here. I remember my mom telling me YEARS ago (when she was teaching me how to bake) that we never followed the baking instructions in cookbooks. “You always start at least 5-10 minutes less and never heat to more than 350*…”
🙂 Good thing I’m not going crazy and my oven’s not crapping out on me. 🙂
For the “cheeseless” pizza question: my friend used to make me pesto pizza. Pesto is an awesome base sauce if you are not going to use pasta-redsauce or whitesauce (marinara or alfredo). It goes really well with thin sliced veggie toppings. For meats, chicken goes pretty well with pesto, but I’ve only had pesto pizza as a vegetarian dish.
Thanks for the tips! 🙂
In general, I do not use protein powder. Can’t stand the taste/texture…but for smoothies, I do add a scoop of high quality gelatin,,,, I have osteoporosis and pain in my hips and this seems to help make a difference if I take it daily. But I have only added it in coffee and smoothies…
Could gelatin in general be substituted for protein powder in most recipes? I understand that this particular one can be made without protein powder. Just wondering,,,
I think the texture would be different. I haven’t tried it. 🙂
How do you put the recipe in that small box?
Not sure what you are asking here. 🙂
THANK YOU Maria – this is such a life saver this recipe !!! Delicious !!! HAPPY HAPPY slim person – thank you again
I have to say, I could barely use past 1/4 cup boiling water. And I had to add extra almond meal just to keep it from being liquidy. Isn’t 1 cup boiling water too much?
It is blanched almond flour. Not almond meal. Almond meal won’t absorb as much moisture. Also, make sure psyllium is finely ground so it also absorbs moisture and rises. 🙂
Hello , i did the pizza it taste great but , we like crispy pizza , this one absorb all the juices from the sauce(home made pizza sauce ; garlic, tomatoes, basil, onions, salt and pepper) i put fresh mozzarella and my boy love pepperoni so i put some there as well (taking the fat a little first heating it up ) do you have any recommendation to make it crispy ?
Here you go. 🙂