Pantry and Supplement List
I often get asked where I get certain products. And you may have seen me mention this before, but we do not have advertisements on my blog. I get approached all the time to have advertisements on my website and I get offered thousands of dollars a month for it, but you know what? I tried it for a few days and I was horrified to see “healthy” chips and things that I would never recommend for people to eat. I found it so intrusive and it covered up the message I want you to leave my website with.
I ADORE that I now can fast forward commercials on the tv shows I record because right before bed I swear they always show foods like pizza and even though I wasn’t hungry, I wanted pizza after I saw it. I don’t want you to see temping junk food on my website. I want my website to be a safe place to be educated and encouraged on your ketogenic lifestyle. Not tempted by junk.
Check out my Ketogenic Shopping Guide with Coupon Codes HERE.

White Chocolate Torte with Hazelnut Praline
- 1/3 cup Natural Sweetener or erythritol and 1/2 tsp stevia glycerite
- 1/4 cup decaf espresso or strong organic coffee
- 1 cup hazelnuts toasted, husked
- 12 ounces "healthified" almond bark prepared and finely chopped (Click HERE)
- 5 tablespoons unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or unsweetened macadamia nut milk or lowfat box coconut milk)
- 2 cups chilled heavy whipping cream
- 2 1/2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
- 2/3 cup decaf espresso or organic coffee
- 7 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate chopped
- 3/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or unsweetened macadamia nut milk or lowfat box coconut milk)
- 1/3 cup Natural Sweetener
- 1 teaspoon Kahlua extract or rum extract
- 4 large eggs room temperature
- 1/3 cup Natural Sweetener or erythritol and 1/2 tsp stevia glycerite
- 2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/8 teaspoon Redmond Real salt
- 1 cup blanched almond flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 tablespoons butter flavored coconut oil (or butter) softened
- FOR THE PRALINE: Place sheet of foil on work surface. Bring natural sweetener sweetener and 1/4 cup water to boil in heavy medium saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring until sweetener dissolves. Boil for 7 to 8 minutes. Mix in espresso powder, then nuts. Scrape mixture onto foil; quickly spread out onto foil. Cool completely. Chop praline into small pieces. Try to leave some for the cake...these taste really good!
- FOR THE ALMOND BARK: Place cocoa butter in a double boiler and heat on medium high until fully melted (or use a microwave safe bowl and heat on high for one minute, check and heat for 30 seconds until melted). Melting cocoa butter takes longer than traditional fats. Stir in natural sweetener, extracts and salt. Pour into silicon candy molds or spread onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Cool in refrigerator until white chocolate is solid, about an hour. This can be done a day ahead of time.
- FOR THE MOUSSE: Stir the almond bark and 5 tablespoons almond milk in metal bowl set over saucepan of barely simmering water until almond bark is smooth. Remove bowl from over water. Cool to lukewarm, stirring occasionally. Using electric mixer, beat cream in large bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually pour lukewarm chocolate over cream, folding to blend well. Transfer 2 1/2 cups mousse to another medium bowl; gently fold in espresso powder. Cover and chill both bowls of mousse until firm, at least 6 hours. Can be made 1 day ahead. Keep chilled.
- FOR THE GANACHE: Place the baking chocolate in medium bowl. Bring espresso, almond milk, natural sweetener and extract to boil in small saucepan. Reserve 2 TBS of the syrup and pour the rest over chocolate. Stir until melted and smooth. Cover and store at room temperature.
- FOR THE CAKE: Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 15 x 10-inch sheet of parchment paper. Line 15x10x1-inch baking sheet with prepared parchment. Combine eggs, sweetener, 2 teaspoons espresso powder, vanilla, and salt in large bowl. Using electric mixer, beat until egg mixture is thick and fluffy and falls in ribbons when beater is lifted, 6 to 7 minutes. Sift almond flour and baking soda over in 3 additions, folding gently just to incorporate after each addition. Transfer 1 cup batter to small bowl; fold in butter flavored coconut oil (or butter). Fold batter from small bowl back into batter in large bowl just until combined; spread evenly on baking sheet.
- Bake cake until tester inserted into center comes out clean and cake begins to pull away from pan, about 18 minutes. Cool cake in pan on rack 30 minutes.
- Cut around pan sides. Slide spatula under parchment to loosen from pan and invert cake onto work surface. Peel off parchment. Cut cake crosswise into 4 rectangles, each about 10 x 3 1/2 inches.
- Place 1 cake rectangle on platter (I made mine into a round cake, but rectangles work too). Brush some of the reserved soaking syrup over. Spread 3 tablespoons ganache over, then 1/3 of espresso mousse (about 3/4 cup). Repeat 2 more times with cake, syrup, ganache, and mousse. Top with fourth cake layer; press lightly to adhere. Spread 2/3 cup plain mousse thinly over top and sides of torte to seal, then spread remaining mousse over top and sides. DO AHEAD: can be made 1 day ahead. Tent loosely with foil and chill.
Testimony of the Day:
“A year ago June my then 38 year old husband was in a health crisis. Type 2 diabetic who had just developed high blood pressure. His pressure was so high, his weight was almost 300 pounds and our new Family Doctor went through the roof. He was on the verge of a stroke or heart attack. He also suffers from Severe Sleep Apnea.
I started us on a diet back then which used lean protein shakes. When I learned about you, I switched over to “your way” or now known as the “Maria way or the ME way” (ME= Maria Emmerich) of high fat, moderate protein, low carb.
Almost a year down the road he’s lost 50 pounds his blood pressure is much better and his diabetes is under control. He had a sleep study done and his very severe sleep apnea is now moderate when he sleeps on his side and only severe if he sleeps on his back. I also have lost 50 pounds and that’s even after spending 3 months this Spring/Summer in bed with a broken ankle after a freak ice storm this past April.
We aren’t perfect at following you yet but we’ve already made such huge strides forward. We are working at changing the habits of a lifetime. So Happy to have found you!!! -Sherrilee”
Be still my heart! Lovely recipe!
I had a question–I’m in the UK right now and Truvia is non-existent. So is erythritol. Would xylitol work instead? I don’t have any pets, so I’m not worried about that.
I have access to a ton of good sugar free chocolate though! If I find any really good ones, I’ll let you know!
Wow, very nice!
links for both the almond bark & kahlua extract are broken – are these items still available?
I fixed them both above. Thanks!
So! Yummy-looking and I really want to make this for my birthday. The cake recipe calls for 3 1/2 t expresso powder, divided. The instructions only use 2 t of the expresso powder. And where do we use the other 1 1/2 t ?
That was a typo. I fixed it above. Thanks! 🙂