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Vermont Beef Sticks

Vermont Beef Sticks

Today is my birthday and there’s nothing I love more than giving away keto goodies to all of you! So today I am giving away a box of Vermont Beef sticks and Vermont Summer Sausage as well as our book KETO: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet, including Simplified Science and No-Cook Meal Plans!

I get asked all the time for a recommendation on a protein bar for on-the-go keto snacks. Beef sticks are the only true “protein bar” that isn’t filled with unapproved ingredients.

You all know I LOVE camping, hiking, fishing, kayaking… pretty much anything in nature! When I go on these adventures, I always pack beef sticks! We just got back from camping on the North Shore of Lake Superior and my son Micah ate all of the uncured pepperoni sticks!

Vermont Beef Sticks is so gracious that they are offering all of you a coupon code! And if you use the code: MARIA20 you will receive 20% off your order! That is a great deal!

You can find all my suggested Keto Foods HERE. 

Click HERE to find Vermont Beef Sticks!


1. Like my NEW private facebook group called Keto!

2. Follow me @mariaemmerich on Instagram

3. Comment below on what your favorite keto recipe is!

4. Bonus points for sharing this post on Facebook or Instagram and tagging me!

Winner will be chosen on September 16th! Good Luck!

And the winner is… Cameron Christensen! Congrats!


“Hi Maria, I wanted to wait until I went to our yearly seminar to send you a before/after photo … so here is a picture from a year ago and last week! Thank you for all your support!! I’m down almost 70lbs! I started as a size 18 and now a size 6 and 4 loving this Keto lifestyle!! ❤


Most people I consult are doing keto totally wrong. Get fast results with the my NEW Keto School!

Click HERE to check out my NEW Keto School!


Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Keegan says:

    Happy Birthday! My favorite so far is Keto Peanut Butter Cup Cereal from aways back. There is no better combo in the world than PB and chocolate!

  • Lottie says:

    Happy Birthday, I hope you enjoyed the North Shore. We are going up there in a couple weeks. This will be the first time since starting Keto. We plan on making your ribs recipe in the smoker.

  • Marki Haynes says:

    Happiest Birthday Wishes!! My husband and I LOVE the breakfast chili recipe. We have three of the cookbooks and pre-ordered the Instant Pot book. Looking forward to discovering our next “favorite” keto recipe.

  • Marilyn Carini says:

    I have so many favorites! But yesterday my favorite was the Meatloaf Cordon Bleu.

  • Margaret Hutnick says:

    Happy Birthday! My favorite recipe is from your comfort foods book… biscuits and gravy! So yummy and it reminds me of my childhood with my Dad cooking B&G on Saturday morning. 🙂

  • Devon Hayzlett says:

    Happy Birthday! I am semi new to this and unfortunately have not had the chance to get a book yet. I have seen the little debbie cakes though and am dying to try and make those for my kids. Also can’t wait to try the breakfast chili. I see peoples pics of recipes on the facebook page lol.

  • Trisha W says:

    My favorite recipe? Any of the ice cream recipes…..BTW my kids love Vermont Meat Sticks. I buy them in my local food co-op regularly.

  • Harvey Geary says:

    I love any Keto recipe that includes fresh seasonal veggies.

  • Happy Birthday Maria!
    My fave keto recipe is your Rosti recipe from the 30 Day Keto Cleanse! I love making it in my waffle maker. So good! Have a great day 💚

  • Marge Brown says:

    Happy Birthday. I am new to Keto, so I don’t have a specific favorite recipe yet. I have made mashed cauliflower a lot, and like it. I live by myself, and work as a high school substitute almost every day. I find it difficult to take healthy cold lunches to school, so am on the lookout for things that I can take. I am learning as I go. My son, who lives in Washington state (I live in AZ) also does some Keto to try to help with his diabetes. He is a cook and has little time to eat, so the Vermont beefsticks will be a gift from me to him.

  • Valerie geib says:

    I have made the grandmas Kringle from the comforts book twice. I love that one best right now. When I try the next recipe I’m sure it will be my favorite. Happy Happy birthday, sweet Maria! May the year be filled with blessings for you and your family.

  • Mesha Tester says:

    Happy Birthday! I am in the beginning stages of my Keto Journey. I have most of your cookbooks and have enjoyed finding recipes for almost anything made in a Keto fashion. So far, my favorite recipe has been the Tex-Mex Breakfast Gravy and your Keto Biscuit recipe. I made the gravy with breakfast sausage and no taco seasoning. My husband and stepson really liked it also!

  • Loren Johnson says:

    I love all your recipes!

  • Amy says:

    Happy birthday, Maria!
    You’re the best!
    My fave all-time is sausage gravy & biscuits!!!
    Have a great day!

  • Cynthia Furman says:

    I love pizza sticks!

  • cari says:

    Love the sloppy Joes and the taco seasoning.

  • Lenore says:

    Love the breakfast chili.

  • Maria says:

    The Glazed Chocolate Donuts have to be my favorite so far. To be able to have such a decadent dessert, have it fit in my macros, and have it be healthy is so awesome! Happy Birthday!

  • Rosemary Lindsey says:

    Breakfast chili! I take it to work for lunch, and it always hits the spot.

  • Cyndie says:

    Happy Birthday Maria🌼

    I love following you. You have the kindest spirit.

    My favorite recipe…I have so many. I just made the cheeseburger soup and love it.

    Enjoy your day!

  • Jessica H says:

    Happy Birthday! I’m still new to Keto. I love the biscuits and gravy.

  • amanda m prioleau says:

    Hello!!! I really love the Ancho Pepper flavor, but all of them are delicious!!! ❤❤

  • Jessica says:

    Pots de Creme from Keto comfort foods

  • Vicki says:

    Happy Birthday Maria. New to Keto so I don’t have a favorite recipe yet. Looking forward to trying some of the recipes from Comfort foods.

  • Michelle says:

    Love the keto ice cream. Can’t wait to try the Vermont Meat Sticks!

  • Toni says:

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your quick and easy cookbook. The deviled green eggs and ham are scrumptious! Just ordered comfort foods. Excited to see what that brings.

  • Sharon says:

    Happy Birthday Maria!
    Wishing you and your family a year of ever-growing love and wellness.
    My all time favorite is the breakfast chili for several reasons; it is family friendly and everyone I’ve ever served it to has loved it. I can make an enormous double batch and freeze it in individual or family sized containers for an easy grab & go lunch or work day dinner. It makes a great chili spaghetti served over zoodles or a Mexican shepherds pie (chop the avocado up and stir into chili right before you bake it, whip up cauliflower mash season with mild Mexican herbs & a little shredded cheddar.) Next I’m going to sub it for Italian meat sauce in a keto lasagna.
    Your’s are the only cookbooks I buy sight unseen, haven’t been disappointed yet!
    Thank you for the wonderful work you do!

  • Debra Quick says:

    Happy Birthday Maria. My birthday is Wednesday the 5th of September. My favorite recipe is the chicken Alfredo. Thank you -I love your cookbooks.

  • Paul says:

    Happy Birthday Maria and my favorite recipe of yours will forever be the keto protein pudding using the hardboiled eggs, Love that it can be flavored with pretty much anything and it comes out amazing!!!

  • Karima says:

    Love your keto pizza crust!

  • Melinda Dent says:

    Craig’s pizza crust! 😍 happy birthday

  • Christina says:

    My favorite recipe so far is the south of the border salad! SO good! I’m super excited to try many more recipes!

  • Maria, yesterday I received 3 of your cookbooks. I have only had the time to peruse them, but I am sure that there will be numerous favorites. I am “brand new” to keto. I am a senior citizen who has tried many weight loss programs, including Atkins and W.W. without much lasting success since I have gotten older ( >75). I have subscribed to your you-tube channel; I have “liked” and visit you on facebook. Last week I made a request to join your private facebook group but have not received a response, so today I repeated the request.

    As I mentioned, I am a senior. I am also a female who has thyroid disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lymphocytic Leukemia, “B” cell lymphoma, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, IBS, and diverticulosis. SO I FEEL THAT I REALLY NEED TO SWITCH TO THE KETO LIFESTYLE! I have high hopes.

  • Susan McCollum says:

    My favorite recipe is creamed spinach. So easy! I have some of your books and also find a lot of inspiring keto recipes on Pinterest!

  • Jules says:

    Feliz Cumpleaños lady! Thank you for all you do. My favorite recipes (too hard to choose just one!) would be between the flourless chocolate torte, mouth watering pork carnitas and the Chef’s Salad. Have a great day x

  • Deb Dyslin says:

    Favorit keto recipe is cinnamon maple syrup…in dairy free book! Yum! Love it on your pancakes from that book also!

  • Deb Dyslin says:

    Oh..forgot to wish you a happy birthday! Hope it’s as wonderful as you!

  • Randa Sharpe says:

    We use your cookbooks all the time.

  • kesha says:

    Happy Happy Birthday!!! My favorite keto recipe is keto chocolate chip cookies!

  • Linda says:

    Happy Birthday to you and wishes for a wonderful year ahead! There are so many recipes that I love, but I always go back to the chocolate pudding made with the hard boiled eggs. I have shocked so many people when I tell them how it is made. Another of my favorites is the pumpkin muffins with cream cheese. For a main course I love the Mexican meatballs. The list goes on and on. I told you I couldn’t pick just one!

  • Lynn says:

    Happy Birthday! I love your chocolate pudding recipe.

  • Robin says:

    Happy Birthday!

    Too many to choose from. They’re all great!

  • Irina Stiles says:

    Sausage gravy & biscuits.

  • Franchesca Edwards Fomby says:

    I love many if the recipes that I have found, but my all time favorite so far has been a cauliflower rissotto.

  • Meg says:

    I have already accumulated 4 of your cookbooks in a very short period of time so I’ve only had a chance to try a couple recipes. The chocolate pudding is a keeper, but I have earmarked so many more to try soon. Thanks for all you do. Happy Birthday Maria!

  • Misty says:

    Anything peanut butter is my favorite! My guys would love to try these!


    Happy Birthday! Oh so many faves. I use your cookbook regularly. LOVE the Meatloaf Cordon Bleu!

  • Christopher Pelletier says:

    Favorite recipe is avocado chocolate chocolate chip cookies. 😀

  • Terri Warner says:

    Happy BIRTHDAY!! My favorite meal is anything steak..

  • Kristy says:

    The taco seasoning is a bit hit with everyone in my family. We use it on so many things!

  • Claire Moniz says:

    Yum,I love beef sticks!

  • Karen says:

    I’m new to this site and your cookbooks. I did make the peanut butter pie, but made tarts instead of a pie. It was great!

  • Carissa says:

    I have enjoyed all of your recipes, but I make the vanilla bean ice cream most often. Happy Birthday!

  • Laura says:

    Happy Birthday Maria! Our favorite is your Chicken “Noodle” Stir-Fry.

  • Happy birthday! My favorite recipe of yours is definitely the tiramisu cake! 🙂 hoping to win.

  • Sally Veliquette says:

    Happy Birthday!! I think keto lasagna or pecan bars are my favorite.

  • Jennifer Drewniak says:

    Happy birthday! I tried these muffins you make in the microwave! Wow…simple…easy…I add some rosemary to the mix when I mix it. So savory and really satisfies. Thanks!

  • Happy Birthday Love the alfredo sauce

  • Meredith Pedroza says:

    Your pumpkin muffins on your blog!

  • Carrie Jalonen says:

    Happy birthday!!
    Today my favorite recipe is Mama Maria’s sausage stuffed mushrooms (I’d never tried chorizo before! Yum!), but yesterday it was the chocolate pudding… it might be something else tomorrow because I feel like I’m tryimg a new recipe from your books every day lately! (I own 5 of them!)

  • Penny says:

    Hi Maria,
    I started my Keto journey following your blog. My favorite recipe from your blog is the low carb granola. Thanks for all you do and hope your birthday was great.

  • Lisa Stephenson says:

    Happy birthday, Maria! I love many of your recipes, but I have to say that my favorite is the breakfast pudding! Love it!

  • Melanie says:

    Ice creams all of them!😂😂😂

  • Jean Frederickson says:

    Happy Birthday! My favorite is Breakfast Chili.

  • Helen Dickey says:

    Happy Birthday!!! September 2 is my birthday day!! I hope you had a wonderful day! Beef sticks can be a lifesaver if your in a time crunch or on vacation. Love them! I have recently purchased 2 of your books and love them. Thank you for all you do!

  • Michele says:

    Happy birthday!! I have many favorites, but top recently is the Reuben Meatballs. Yum!

  • Judy says:

    We love the Keto biscuits and gravy. Happy Birthday!

  • Dan says:

    Biscuits and gravy!

  • Melissa says:

    Happy birthday! Hope it’s not raining by you. Madison, Wi area is getting hit bad. First, thank you for all of your wonderful recipes and info, Craig too! I’ve learned so much from you both. Autumn is my fav, so I have to say my favorite recipe is pumpkin muffins. I lost my Keto way, but am jumping back in soon. Can’t wait to try more recipes from you.

  • Shanna says:

    Sausage gravy and biscuits is delicious!

  • Kris Reeves says:

    Happy birthday! I love the keto lemon curd!

  • Carrie Kaschmitter says:

    Hi Maria. I’m brand new to your site. I have ordered ingredients and am looking forwarding to trying the Chocolate Pots DeCreme. Looks delicious.

  • Jen Matthews says:

    I love the malted milk ball cheesecake recipe! I just made it recently for the first time. It was amazing!

  • Lori Lambert says:

    Happy Birthday, Maria! Hope it was awesome!
    Love the Keto ice cream and cheesecake!

  • Jen says:

    Happy Birthday Maria! I love the slow cooker ranch chicken.

  • Marsha LaFreniere says:

    Hi Maria – I am trying to place an order for those Vermont sticks today and the website is claiming that the MARIA20 discount code isn’t valid. Was it only valid on September 2nd?

  • Karin Hunt says:

    I love the Bourbon Chicken! Happy birthday!

  • Terry Oostdyk says:

    Happy Birthday!
    One of my favorites is Simple Sesame Chicken – so easy & delicious!!

  • E.O. says:

    Happy Birthday! Wow, that testimony-of-the-day photo is amazing!

  • Susan says:

    Belated Happy Birthday, Maria. One of our favorite recipes is the Minute Hollandaise from your Quick & Easy Ketogenic Cooking cookbook.

  • Holly says:

    In our family the favorite keto recipe is almost everything from your Dairy Free book and 30 Day Keto Cleanse. While we have all of your cook books, those two are the ones we eat recipes from regularly.

  • Sara says:

    I love your desserts and your orange breakfast shake!

  • krickt says:

    I have so many favorites! We have a dutch baby (i only eat breakfast food once a week) at least 3 times a month! I am smelling the almond in the Keto Angel food cake I got from this site, at the moment (strawberry just doesn’t do it for me) I make popsicles, all kinds of cookies and deserts from this site!
    Just pick one, and I’ll nod that direction!

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