Testimony of the Day
“I just had a baby 8 weeks ago and followed Maria’s WOE the whole time. I occasionally went up to 60g carbs a day because I LOVE fruit and like to have it fresh and in season. I had the best, easiest pregnancy I ever had! I had very minimal morning sickness and less fatigue than with the others. I had no swelling and my blood pressure was perfect. I never experienced that extreme discomfort that so many women complain of. I 100% attribute a great pregnancy to Maria’s WOE. I gave birth naturally to a very healthy 7lb 5oz baby boy. I’m actually sad he’s the last one because my pregnancy was so wonderful.” -Sue
Click HERE to get started on your keto-adapted diet.
“Maria helped me lose 75 pounds in just over a year. The Maria way cleared up many health issues I had been struggling with, some my whole life. Losing the weight and getting into the best health of my life also helped me and my husband get pregnant after 7 years of trying and two miscarriages. We are due with our little girl in February. Thank you Maria Emmerich for changing my life.” Leah
I get a ton of emails a few months after these consults telling me that they are ecstatic and are now pregnant but are wondering on what to eat now. As if this diet of REAL food would be harmful to a fetus. There are many reasons why to not add in certain foods like gluten and dairy. Many times when cravings get the best of pregnant clients and they consume these foods, the auto-immune response results in a miscarriage. But even if the clients are committed about staying away from gluten and dairy, they often worry that too low of carbs is bad for the fetus. You will never find evidence of this, but you will read it all over the web. The information that clients read have a few flaws:
1. A huge mistake is when people and doctors compare benign dietary ketosis to diabetic ketoacidosis. You can produce ketones in a starvation state. So instead of using a well-formulated low carb diet, they starved pregnant rats to get them into ketosis. The flaw in that evidence should be obvious.
2. The last form of this “evidence” is when they sliced up the brains of rat fetuses and saturated them in ketones. What happened was that the brain cells lived but it stopped producing new brain cells. This is thought to be evidence that ketosis causes retardation.
Now let’s dive into the facts. The lean human body is 74% fat and 26% protein by calories. Fats are a structural part of every human cell and the preferred fuel source of the mitochondria, the energy-burning units of each cell. A fetus naturally uses ketones before and immediately after birth. Many studies done on pregnant pigs that are placed on ketogenic diets have fetuses with “increased fetal brain weight, cell size and protein content. In the early stages of pregnancy there is an upsurge in body fat accumulation, which is connected to hyperphagia and increased lipogenesis.
In the later stages of pregnancy there is an accelerated breakdown of fat depots, which plays an important role in fetal development. The fetus uses transported placental fatty acids as well as two other products: glycerol and ketone bodies. Even though glycerol crosses the placenta in slight proportions, it is a superior substrate for “maternal gluconeogenesis” (remember earlier, I discuss regular gluconeogenesis where we make glucose from protein when needed which is the preferred way of making glucose), and maternal glucose is the main substrate crossing the placenta. Heightened ketogenesis in fasting conditions or with the addition of MCT oils, create an easy transference of ketones to the fetus which allows maternal ketone bodies to reach the fetus, where the ketones can be used as fuels for oxidative metabolism as well as lipogenic substrates.
During pregnancy, women become even more sensitive to carbohydrates due to an evolutionary adaption in which they become slightly insulin resistant to allow a positive flow of nutrients to the developing fetus through the placenta. If the mom was more insulin sensitive than the fetus we could end up in a nutrient shortage situation. Biology fixes this problem by making mom a little insulin resistant, effectively “pushing” nutrients to the fetus. This rationalizes just how important feeding you and your fetus a nutrient dense ketogenic diet is.
Breast-milk is naturally very high in fat as compared to baby formula which is high in carbohydrates and sugar; causing babies to be addicted to sugar early in life. If a newborn is breastfed, it spends a lot of time in ketosis, and therefore keto-adapted. Keto-adapted babies can efficiently turn ketone bodies into acetyl-coA and into myelin. Ketosis helps babies develop and build their brains. I love it when my clients continue to consume those “fat bombs” they ate to get pregnant because the coconut oil helps with the baby because coconut oil has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which keep the mother and baby healthy. The extra coconut oil also helps with lactation, but more importantly the coconut oil increases lauric acid in the breast milk. Lauric acid is a rare medium-chain fatty acid found in human breast milk that supports healthy metabolism. Read more about this in my new book Keto-Adapted.
Click HERE to get a limited edition of the Hard Cover.
Click HERE to get a soft cover.
Thank you all for your love and support!
Makes great push pops! Click HERE to find push pop molds.
My husband, Craig, has a strawberry patch in our garden. He remembers his grandpa growing strawberries when he was a little boy. Have you ever noticed the size difference of strawberries in the wild vs strawberries in the grocery store?
This is exactly what Gary Taubes writes about in his book: Why We Get Fat. In our paleo days, fruit was a rare treat…strawberries were only available for about 2-3 weeks out of the year and the certainly don’t resemble the giant strawberries found in the grocery store. The taste is also different, strawberries from our garden are a bit tart, where the store bought ones are so sweet. Also you should always purchase organic berries since there is no protective skin so they suck up all the toxins sprayed on them.
A zookeeper mentioned to me that they often cant feed the animals exactly what they eat in the wild because an animal that eats berries in the wild would develop a fatty liver and put on too much weight with conventional berries! Interesting!
As for avocado, it is nature’s first baby-food.
This pudding also makes a great snack to pack for a picnic lunch. Click HERE to find my favorite thermos.
To learn more on specific foods and how it effects our mood and our children, I have a very shocking class called Food Mood Energy and Weight Loss for only $25 and I also have a Healthy Kids Class. Just pay here to get the slides and video! 🙂 Click HERE to sign up!

Strawberry Pudding
- 1 cup avocado
- 1 cup organic strawberries
- 1 teaspoon strawberry extract
- stevia glycerite if desired
- 1 pinch Redmond Real salt
- In a powerful blender, I used a Blendtec Blender (click HERE to find it). It purees like NO other blender, place all the ingredients and blend on high until the mixture is very smooth and add sweetener if desired. Makes 2 servings (one for Micah and one for Kai!:)
If you are looking for more healthy kid snacks, check out my Kids Color cookbook The Art of Healthy Eating Kids!
Sadly, parents often think that rice cereal is the first food to introduce to a baby. Dr. David Ludwig of Children’s Hospital Boston, a specialist in pediatric nutrition, says some studies suggest rice and other highly processed grain cereals actually could be among the worst foods for infants. Babies don’t even produce the enzyme amylase, which is the essential enzyme for breaking down starch. The baby’s small intestine basically only produces one enzyme for starch, lactase; which is for the digestion of lactose. Feeding grains too early will cause food allergies later on in life because the protein in the grains sit in the stomach too long. This will cause the baby to have acid reflux.
“The number one ingredient in what we call rice ‘cereal’ is processed white rice flour. That’s all the rice there is. There are also some vitamins and minerals sprinkled in that babies could easily get in other ways. These don’t make this gateway junk food healthy … Metabolically, it’s not that different from giving babies a spoonful of sugar.” Stanford-based pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene.
SO, parents desperately go to the doctor for help; most likely putting the baby on acid blockers. This is the WORST thing to do because the stomach is a very acid environment with a pH at 2 or less. Stomach acid is essential for to absorb vitamin B-12 and minerals that allow you to release hormones from the pancreas, without which can lead to development of diabetes.
Stomach acid also helps breakdown protein. When you don’t have stomach acid to breakdown food, undigested proteins sit like a rock in the intestines. This slowly eats holes in your intestines and this inflammation begins a detrimental snowball effect. When you start to have holes in your intestines, food starts to leak into your bloodstream (leading to leaky gut syndrome). This is awful because the immune system goes into overdrive to kill the unknown substances in the blood…NOW we have food allergies! So if you are feeding the baby grains and cow’s milk, they will most likely develop a wheat and dairy allergy…oh boy!
There has recently been a 16X increase in the use of acid reflux medicine in infants. Even though a study showed that there was no difference in infants from a placebo! When families eliminate common allergen such as dairy, soy and wheat from the baby’s and breastfeeding mother’s diet, by day 3 or 4 the infants no longer suffer from acid reflux. This means a total elimination! Not just the 80/20 rule. It takes a lot of commitment by the family, but it is well worth the effort.
Milk based formulas often cause allergies while soy based formulas contain growth inhibitors, mineral blocking phytic acid, and plant forms of estrogens that has adverse effects on hormonal development. Soy formula is also devoid of cholesterol which is essential for the brain (our brains are 60% cholesterol!) and nervous system.
If you have a child or YOU are suffering from acid reflux, click HERE for natural supplements to heal your gut. Please contact me for a consult for additional help!
Hey! I came across your site and wanted to say I think it’s great. I’ve been thinking about changing my diet towards a more paleo diet and you’ve given me some great information!
Thanks Chuck! You made my morning!!!
i cant wait to make this for my 2 1/2 yrs old son! thankyou 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to write! Let me know if he likes it!;)
he taste is also different, strawberries from our garden are a bit tart, where the store bought ones are so sweet. Not to mention that berries should also
This is great! My mom made up a recipe similar to this using the cottage cheese. We like to freeze it and make it like frozen yogurt. VERY Yummy!!! Thanks, Maria!
I have a question regarding your comment about avocado’s not having to be organic because of the heavy peel. In my way of thinking, pesticides can be washed off by rain or watering. Can these pesticides then be absorbed by the plant/tree and contaminate the plant through absorbtion?
That is possible, and yes organic is always best if you can afford it. But the levels you would have from that in these fruits is much less than one where you eat the skin. 🙂
Hey there!
Looks very nice and yummy, something similar to foods we are making here sometimes. Definitely have to make it once strawberries are back in season.
Considering the fact you are writing about – the kinds of commercial and wild strawberries – these are just different kinds, with different content, taste and definitely the size. I always loved the wild ones more, lot more fun to pick, better tasting (less sweet) and nicely looking than those commercial frankensteins.
Keep up your good job,
cheers Metla of Paleoden and mmetla.wordpress.com
I see a lot of people that say WOE…what does that stand for? Also you have a lot of cookbooks. Which one do you recommend for first timer, I am also wanting to lose weight. I just want a well rounded book and maybe also a second runner up?
Way Of Eating. Definitely start with Keto-Adapted. 🙂
I am currently breast feeding a 16 mo old and was wondering how best to switch to a keto diet. I read on another of your posts that loosing weight can cause a release of toxins. What is the best book to start with? Is it ok to be on a keto diet while breast feeding?
I think Keto-Adapted is a great place to start. That is try about losing significant weight while breastfeeding, but if you ate pretty clean (whole foods and not processed stuff if lots of chemicals and additives) then you wont have many toxins stored in your fat cells so you would be ok. 😉
I love, love, love the pudding varieties! Especially the banana!
I’m 20 weeks pregnant and would like to switch to keto but I don’t see how without milk because I have many food aversions right now. Especially to meat. Milk products, mainly cheese, help make meals palatable. Plus I’m not sure how I would get enough fat not using dairy? Can you please give some suggestions or refer me to the best book for info? Thanks!
Well, my 30 day meal plans are dairy free, but do contain meat. I also have intro packages that are vegetarian. My book keto-adapted talks about what to eat (and keeping dairy free). 🙂
Maria, I am so discouraged….I need serious help increasing my milk supply. I don’t make enough milk for my babies. I have had 7 and have had to unfortunately supplement with formula with the last 5. I have followed you and tried to become as educated as possible for the last two years. I have read your keto book and others as well. I have been in ketosis for 2 mo now and have a 4 mo old baby. My milk supply has dwindled even more than normal and now it is almost completely dried up. I don’t know what to do. I prefer to feed her breast milk but I don’t know how I should go about increasing it. I feel fantastic and have had so many health issues improved except my milk supply. I have read I should be getting more carbs and calories. I am under 20 carbs/day. My percentages are usually 7% carbs, 23% protein, 70% fat with an average of 1800 cal/day. What kind of carbs should I be adding in to get me to where I need to be without using starchy ones?
Oh, I also eat about 3 fat bombs /day and take a couple of your listed supplements….
Borage oil
And drink tons of water
I am maintaining weight not trying to lose right now.
You can try adding Fenugreek. That can help increase supply. 🙂
Can this pudding be given to an 8 month old?
Yes, that would be a good option for an 8 month old. 😉
I followed this recipe to the T and both my 8-month-old and my 3-year-old loved it! I tasted it as well and I can see why! It didn’t turn out quite as red in color as yours but it tasted wonderful.
What is the best way to store this? I find avocados turn brown so quickly. Also, what kind of avocados do you use?
Thanks for this and also the great egg-yolk recipe! 🙂
Thanks! I store in fridge for a couple days. 🙂