Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake
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I rarely waste time in the grocery store because I find everything online for a way better price! I even have a keto cheesecake delivery option if you do not want to make my pumpkin cheesecake yourself! Click HERE to find!
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Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake
- 1 1/2 cup blanched almond flour
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1/4 cup Natural Sweetener 2 tsp stevia glycerite
- 1 teaspoon Redmond Real Salt
- 1 cup coconut oil or butter
- 1 large egg
- 3 8- ounce cream cheese softened
- 3/4 cup Natural Sweetener or erythritol and 1 tsp stevia glycerite
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 3 large eggs
- 1 cup canned pumpkin
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1 dash ground cloves
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
- CRUST (NOTE, this makes a THICK crust. I personally only make 1/2 now): In a medium sized bowl combine the almond flour, coconut flour, sweetener and salt. Add the butter and combine well. Add the egg and stir to combine until smooth. Press onto bottom of a greased 9-inch springform pan.
- FILLING: Beat cream cheese, 1/2 cup of the natural sweetener and vanilla with electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Remove 1 cup plain batter; place in small bowl. Stir remaining 1/4 cup Swerve, pumpkin and spices into remaining batter. Spoon pumpkin batter into crust; top with spoonful's of reserved plain batter. Cut through batters with knife several times for marble effect.
- If using a springform pan, wrap the outside of it with tin foil so any oils don't leak out into oven. Bake 55 minutes or until center is almost set. Cool completely. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight. Cut into 12 slices. Store leftover cheesecake in refrigerator.
- If you don't want to make my keto pumpkin cheesecake, I have a keto cheesecake delivery option if you do not want to make my pumpkin cheesecake yourself! Click HERE to find!
“I can still hardly believe how much I’ve changed my health in a year!
God brought me through a series of major stressors but my body was worse for the wear. I tanked my adrenal system and gained a lot of weight. Step one was to accept myself with grace. Then a time came when I really started questioning how the weight was affecting my health. Is this the inevitable path of aging or can I change my future? I chose to go for a new life.
Knowing that I do better with low carbs, I researched and decided to try Maria & Craig Emmerich’s keto plan. I studied her online course and books, cooked her recipes, and immersed myself in their online group. I succeeded beyond my wildest dreams!• 75 pounds lost in a year.• From size 16/18 to a size 6/8.• No more heartburn meds.• Eating delicious food.• Feeling like myself again, but better.Thank you so much, Maria & Craig! You’re the best!” – Jaya
WOW! Hmm, since I’m new to baking and never made a cheesecake..should I make this instead:http://mariahealth.blogspot.com/2010/10/pumpkin-pie.html
Which one is better for a beginner?
I’m not a huge pumpkin pie fan, so I really recommend this one instead!!!
Okay, I’ll give it a try:)
The filling especially sounds really yummy. I also like to do this with pumpkin (i.e. make a cheesecake or a pumpkin cheese pie) as I’m not the biggest pumpkin fan either.
An aside: I wish I could have Truvia without the stomach upset. I wonder what it is that causes that since erythritol or Stevia on its own never cause gastric distress for me or my family. Unfortunately, 3 of us in the family react to it. I tried Steviva Blend – same problem. I was very disappointed, but since you are obviously able to have it, I will keep recommending it as an option to Splenda for those who are afraid of it.
Is Splenda bad? I see you Maria recommending Walden Farms products, they have Splenda right?? Or is Splenda something some people, but not all need to watch out for??
Well, granulated splenda has maltodexerine in it which is higher on the glycemic index than sugar! Sucralose however doesn’t…so I would just steer clear of any splenda in the granulated form. Maltodexterine is the bulking agent for splenda.
Hope that helps!
Okay, but if I see Splenda (or Sucralose) on a label such as sugar free syrup or jam it’s a good choice,or is it better to go with a product that has Stevia or Xylitol? I guess I ask because I see many more low sugar options out there with Splenda as an ingredient. For example many low sugar maple syrups I see are made with Splenda or Maltitol and much less expensive then say the brands using Xylitol. Would like your thoughts.
Thank you:)
I made this yesterday, but didn’t let cook it enough. I just did the 45 minutes and the middle never set. We did eat the outer edges today though and it tasted good.
So proud of myself Maria! made this and brought it to Thanksgiving dinner. It was soo tasty. Had a slice today after lunch:) Thank you!!
I made this last week and it is INCREDIBLE! I went ahead and added the whole can of pumpkin, also punched up the spices a little bit. It tastes much better now than it did when I made it, and has gotten rave reviews from my friends.
Thank you Susan! I LOVE cheesecake:)
Hi Maria! I wanted to let you know I made this pumpkin cheesecake [with a different crust] for Thanksgiving last week and everyone LOVED it!
Thanks for a great recipe! 🙂
Thanks Lindsay!
You totally made my day!!!
This cheesecake is in the oven as we speak! I’ll report back after dinner and let you know how it turned out. I made a few changes to the recipe. I didn’t have almonds on hand so I used a mixture of ground macademia nuts and walnuts in the crust. I also halved the coconut oil and the sugar in the crust because the nuts I used are oiler and I didn’t want a super sweet crust. The filling part I pretty much followed the recipe exactly, but used truvia instead of swerve and I used pumpkin pie spice mix instead of the individual spices because I wanted to use up that particular spice. I can’t wait to try this cake! I love pumpkin pie and I love cheesecake so I think this cake is going to be simply amazing. Thanks so much for posting this recipe, and for your blog too! I’m a huge fan and will be ordering your cookbooks as an early christmas present to myself 😉 This is only the 3rd recipe of your that I have tried, but I can’t wait to try more! Happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating in Canada this weekend!
Thanks! Happy thanksgiving! 🙂
I realized I forgot to report back, anyway the cheesecake came out delicious. No one in the family even realized it was a healthified cheesecake. I look forward to making this again. I also used my leftover pumpkin to make the pumpkin muffins on your blog yum!
This was so good I could have eaten the entire thing! Thank you!! I love pumpkin pie, cheesecake, pumpkin anything, so it was exciting to try and have it taste so amazing.
Thank you! 🙂
Maria, thank you! I LOVED this cheesecake. I made some for our office and they all loved it too! So I have a random question regarding attempting something and wanted your input and/or knowledge if you knew. I wanted to try making one of your cheesecakes but using mini cheesecake pans (Norpro 3919 Mini Cheesecake Pans). It’s for MY birthday for the office because I dont want sugar/grain filled cakes from the store! I’m just not sure how much I should fill each with crust and filling or how many pans or how long to bake them? I know that your crust is different in that it puffs up more than “nasty” graham cracker crusts! 🙂 Do you have any insight for me on these questions before I create a disaster of my ovens? HAHA. Thank you as always for your recipes, books and knowledge, Heather
Thank you! Glad you liked it. I would just mix a batch and try baking just one mini muffin. Depending how it bakes I would adjust from there. 🙂
Good idea and thank you. 🙂
Have you ever tried making this with Just Like Sugar or Xylitol? Any thoughts on that? I know Swerve isn’t supposed to have a cooling effect, but it does for me and my family. I LOVED it until the cooling effect overwhelmed me, though, so I want to be able to make it again!
Either of those should be a one for one replacement for this recipe. Thanks! 🙂
What is the cooling effect?
Just a sort of cool aftertaste you get with erythritol. 🙂
Will this work well with fat free cream cheese for the filling? I know some things don’t turn out as well with the fat free kind. Thanks!
Hi Jacklyn. I don’t recommend the fat free versions. They just take out all the healthy fats and replace them with sugar and other junk. The fat is not what we need to worry about. My diet is about 60%+ fat, moderate protein and low carbs. Thanks! 🙂
Thanks I haven’t thought about that. My dad was just diagnosed with diabetes a few weeks ago and I’m making Thanksgiving for everyone, so this is all to me, lol. I have another question though, I cannot find Swerve or the glycerite around where I live. What can I use in place of both. I can find Truvia, can I use that in place of Swerve? I am going to a whole foods store tomorrow to see what I can find. Thanks!
It is even more important to get good fat when your are diabetic. Fat is the only macro-nutrient that can help balance blood sugar. I get my Swerve online here. Otherwise, Truvia is an ok option if you don’t have access to online (like Swerve). I just prefer Swerve because it has non-GMO ingredients. 🙂
I always thought that sucralose was the same as Splenda so I have avoided ALL products that have sucralose as an ingredient even if it is the last ingredient on the list. I am a diabetic. So are you saying that sucralose is okay?
I am going to make this but I have to share that I’m pretty anxious about adding that much Stevia. Stevia is very bitter to me-I’m afraid it’s going to “ruin” the flavor for me. I know I’m not the only person that thinks Stevia is bitter-any suggestions?
You could just cut back on it and just have a little less sweet crust. Should be just fine. The Swerve doesn’t have any bitterness. 🙂
P.S. The carbs count is right, let me specify: where did the fiber come from? I’ve made a third of the recipe and it’s hard to believe it’s just 2.2 g net carbs for such a huge piece with lots of cream cheese in it 🙂 I’ve made the crust with pecans though, like in your book.
I just re-ran the this through my new recipe calculator (didn’t have back when I originally posted this recipe) and it came up with the above carb counts. So pretty close. 🙂
Maria, attended your talk earlier this month and learned sooo much. I can’t get the Swerve locally (we’re in Florida right now) and can’t get it in time for Thanksgiving from your Amazon store. Can I substitute Truvia in the cheesecake? At the same amounts?
Yes, it measures one for one with sugar. 🙂
Thank you! It’s just too good to be truth 🙂 I’m glad it is though! 🙂
Might be a stupid question, but what are ground cloves? I’m going to try to make this for thanksgiving, so making my shopping list right now…
You can find cloves (look for ground not whole) in the spice section at your grocery store. 🙂
Maria, would you please give a tip on how you make cheesecakes more fluffy? I tried making both pumpkin swirl and vanilla bean, and they turned out flat 🙁 The taste taste was still awesome, but may be I just didn’t put enough batter and it just spreaded thin… Thank you!
Hmm, how much to you whip the filling? Maybe whip if up a bit more until it is fluffier. 🙂
I whipped it a lot the first time, then realized I overbeat the eggs, and the second time mixed it just until blended. Same result 🙁 May be I should whip the cream cheese more, before adding the eggs? Some recipes call for just whisking everything gently to keep it fluffy, but I’m following your instructions, so there is something I’m doing wrong. May be overcook it? I’ll try again tonight 🙂
In that case I would say it was overcooked then. I like mine creamier so I cook until just a touch brown on top (and still pretty creamy inside). Thanks! 🙂
Okay, I made this today. Everything was going smoothly until about 40 minutes into baking. At that point I noticed that my oven was smokey. The pan was oozing some kind of liquid, and I mean liquid(clear). (the pan was put together correctly)
It was burning in the bottom of the oven, but I didn’t want to throw in the towel so I heated the other oven & began moving the cheesecake between ovens for about 20 minutes. The top of the cheesecake was kind of dark brown in a couple of spots but that was easy to remove. I didn’t want to take out the cheesecake at 40 minutes because it wasn’t near being set.
I can’t be the *only person to have this problem, right? Any ideas as to what happened here? I’ve never baked with these ingredients before–I can’t imagine what happened.
I added a note above about springform pans. If you use one you need to wrap the outside of it with tin foil so no oils leak out. Sorry. 🙂
Maria, We are some of those odd people who like pumpkin all year, not just Thanksgiving. We just made it again, this time with the springform pan. Unfortunately we also ended up with the smoky oven. No worries, though, we will use foil the next time.
I like the thick crust, but it is very hard. The crust is hard enough that it cannot be cut with a fork. It requires a knife to cut. It could be because we lost a lot of the coconut oil?
It is an incredible recipe, and it has an honored place in our dessert rotation. Any insight on softening the crust would be appreciated.
Thanks! I think the tin foil would help the crust not be so hard. Happy baking! 🙂
I made this for Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit! Everyone loved it. Next time I make it, I would personally use a bit less crust—but that is just my preference. Highly recommend the recipe!
Thank you! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! 🙂
I, too, made it for Thanksgiving and agree that the crust was too thick–nearly 1/2″! If I make this again, I would halve the crust ingredients and also reduce the sweetener in the crust.
Also, did the crust seem “soupy” to anyone else when first put into the pan? I prebaked it for around 8 min. before pouring in the filling because it seemed too runny. Perhaps it was runny because I melted the coconut oil?
Is there a way to make this with NO crust?
That should work. You might want to line the inside of the pan with tin foil to aide in removing it. Happy baking. 🙂
Got a ? I do not have any coconut flour and can’t find it locally and I am out of time. Is there something else I can use?
You could try a little more almond flour and less oil (and adjust based on the batter thickness). Thanks! 🙂
I know this is an old post, but I was looking through recipes for a dessert with items I already have in my kitchen, but would it be possible to make this crustless? I am out of flours and waiting for delivery of them, but I have a huge block of cream cheese and cans of pumpkin and thought I would make this without the crust or do you advise against this?
That should work. I would like with parchment to aide in removing it. 🙂
What a yummy cheesecake! Most surprising part of the recipe for me was how well the crust turned out. I thought for sure I’d end up with another blah soggy almond flour crust but it was really good. I have a springform pan and pressed the crust about halfway up the side and it turned out so pretty. Also, I used Erythritol with the Stevia Glycerite but not as much SG as called for. It still came out very sweet but I would like to try the Swerve sometime. I felt like I could feel little granuals of the Erythritol. Thanks for a terrific recipe!
How is the whipped cream like topping made!!
Maria, can I bake this in a normal pie pan?? Thanks!
Yes. 🙂
Made this today for family dinner dessert….rave reviews! Another wonderful winner…also made the spice cake Kai’s birthday cake as cupcakes and they were equally as awesome….my niece and nephew who say they dread eating at our house because we are grain free and sugar free left happy once again! One of these days it’s gonna kick in to the that they always leave full and happy!!!! Thanks again!
Awesome! Thanks!
Any chance I could make this with JUST Stevia Glycerite? I really don’t like the taste of Swerve or Erythritol.
Yes, just sweeten to taste. 🙂
Maria I made this yesterday but got my measurements wrong with stevia I have which is nevella powdered form I think I have added way too much of it. I have made it for a dinner party this evening !! Really worried I am going to do some damage to my guests help !! Will it be ok ?
There is no “damage” that can be done other than the recipe being too sweet. 🙂
How do we convert these older recipes to “keto numbers” (i.e. the fat/protein/carbs)?
Good question! 1 gram fat is 9 calories. 1 gram of protein or carbs is 4 calories. From there you can get percent of total calories. 🙂
Thanks! Do you remember the fat and protein for this recipe? Only the carbs are listed.
I redid all the calculations above. 🙂
I got the 22lb bag of swerve when it was on sale, so it’s fun to look at your recipes and know I will have all the ingredients. The only problem with this one is maintaining portion control and I’ve had it for breakfast the last two mornings!!! : )
It was a hit with everyone, so I had to share… Unfortunately, lol! I got several compliments on it. I think I’ll make it for Christmas, too.
I’m sitting in bed, watching the rain come down outside, and enjoying a piece of my Thanksgiving leftover cheesecake – fabulous. I used the Splenda since that’s all I had but plan to switch over to swerve. Thanks for an awesome and healthified recipe!
Wow. Exceptionally good cheesecake. Made it for our Thanksgiving dessert using half of the crust. Will be making another cheesecake with the other half. Absolutely delicious, Maria.
Hope you and your beautiful family enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday.
Just made this, so easy and OH MY GOODNESS, this is amazingly good! I haven’t been able to eat cheesecake for years and this is so good! Thank you!!!
We had this last night…. oh my goodness it’s WONDERFUL!!!!!!!
Thank you! 🙂
I had extra cheesecake batter so I used a muffin tin, put an almond cookie in ( your recipe from nutritious and delicious) and topped it with batter. Amazing little cheesecakes came out:-)
Maria, Why Pumpkin? Why not Sweet Potato? I am not a fan of Pumpkin. Is Sweet Potato acceptable or not?
Sweet potatoes have just as many carbs as potatoes (and more sugar). I would skip them. 🙂
Made this yesterday, delicious! And, I especially “love” the crust, tastes like graham cracker crust chilled…..great recipe Maria…
Bye! I’m off to the store. I am making this tomorrow!
Hi Maria! I am going to make this tonight (cannot wait!) but I am a little confused at the order of the batter you put in. Is the remaining batter what is left after you take the 1 cup out. And this is what I put the pumpkin in (not the cup I took out)? By the looks of your picture the non-pumpkin batter looks to be more dominant than the pumpkin batter. Maybe I’m just over thinking it! 🙂 And would you recommend the water bath as you posted about yesterday?
Yes, that is the remaining batter. Yes, a water bath is a good idea. If using a spring form pan, carefully wrap bottom in tin foil so water doesn’t get into crust.
So….I made this last year and didn’t write down my notes and here I am at 6:30 with everything ready to go and I couldn’t recall if I cooked the crust for a little while before putting in the batter. The recipe doesn’t mention that and I looked through all of the posts to see if anyone else asked – some of your other cheesecake recipes call for baking the crust for a few minutes….sorry to be such a pest on a busy night!!! Thanks Maria!!
No problem. You can pre bake it a little if you like, but it isn’t required. 🙂
I was wondering about adding some protein powder to the crust? How much would you recommend?
Hmm, maybe start with 1/4 cup?
Hey there! First, I wanted to say that, as a type 1 diabetic, I absolutely love the website and recipes! Just baked this and I’ve never made cheesecake before. It’s still awfully liquidy (none leaked thanks to your foil tip!) but I’m wondering if it’s supposed to look this way before freezing? Please let me know!
Thanks! The middle might look a bit jiggly until is fully cools. 🙂
I don’t have a spring form pan. What kind of alternate pan would you think would work okay? Thanks, Jackie
A cake pan will work. 😉
Thanks Maria. I am going to try this for New Years day. Have a Happy New Year!
Oh my, my sister made this for Thanksgiving since she is new to the Keto diet. It was so delicious!
Thank you!!!
Is stevia OK to use?
I made this for Thanksgiving and it was DIVINE! Everyone, non-low carbers included, came for seconds! Based on p4evious comments I used less sweetener (2/3 cup powdered erythritol in the crust and 1 cup in the filling). I did not use any stevia.
Thank you for the recipe!
Awesome! Thanks!
Is it possible to swap out the cream cheese for Kite Hill cream cheese or a different vegan cream cheese? I can’t have dairy. Thanks
You could use Kite Hill 🙂