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How to Eat Keto While Traveling

By December 3, 2019December 3rd, 2020Camping and Travel

How to Eat Keto While Traveling

Craig and I had the great pleasure to speak at the most lovely keto event in Spain! The Low Carb Universe is one of the most amazing low carb events I have ever been to! Not only does the Low Carb Universe have amazing speakers, it is also at a beautiful spa on the island of Mallorca!

The photo above is a view of my balcony! This event also rents out the whole spa hotel so all of the food is catered to our needs. They serve only the most delicious keto foods!

I even did a cooking demo of my Flour-less chocolate torte with brown butter frosting and served that for dessert one of the evenings! If you would like to join us next year at The Low Carb Universe, click HERE. 


While we were in Europe, we also spent time in Paris, Munich and Amsterdam. Many people said it would be too hard to stay keto while we were in Europe but we didn’t have a hard time at all! AND we ate some of the most delicious foods we have ever eaten! I still dream of the pork knuckle in Germany! I thought I would give you my keto tips on How to Eat Keto While Traveling so you can still enjoy your trips to the fullest with delicious food that keeps you healthy!


On long flights, we always pack a few snacks so we are not at the mercy of airline food! We had Ribeye jerky, hard boiled eggs, Biltong jerky, Epic bacon bites,  Mission meats graze bars,  and Quality pork rinds.  

Click HERE to find great keto snacks for traveling and coupon codes!

One of our short flights on KLM served us turkey, cheese and a sliced hard boiled egg! It also had cute Dutch shoes for the salt and pepper shaker! I wish more airlines would serve snacks like this! It would be so easy for them!


Let’s start in Paris! I still dream of the keto food we ate in Paris!

We first arrived in Paris when we traveled to Europe. We were here once before so we knew a few of the best spots to eat. Our flight was overnight so right when we arrived at the hotel, it was still breakfast time. We LOVE Corette’s in Paris. They serve the BEST Scrambled eggs I have EVER had! They are like a coddled egg, so soft and creamy! We ask them to skip the bread, which they often laugh at us for, but the eggs alone are perfection!  It is about a 18 minute walk from the hotel we stayed at which was next to the Arc de Triumph. I loved how much walking we did! We walked to breakfast and then back to the hotel to unpack. It was a great way to keep awake all day after an overnight flight.

Every morning I would run the streets of Paris and then we would walk to Corette’s! We ate there everyday for breakfast while we were in Paris. My only tip is to be mentally prepared to say no to their desserts and breads which they are known for!

To read more on where Corette’s is located, click HERE to check out my Yelp account.

If you have no idea on where to eat in a new city, I highly suggest searching on Yelp for Steakhouses and Seafood restaurants. Especially in Paris, you can always find a seafood tower!

We took a long walk and Craig wanted to stop into this cute restaurant to try their oysters! It was called Le Pichet de Paris! It is only a block off of the Champs-Elysees.

Now let me tell you, Craig is a HUGE fan of oysters and eats them around the World. He said these were the BEST oysters he has ever had in his life! They reminded him of a  Kumamoto oyster that was huge!

We decided to make a dinner reservation there for that evening and boy we were happy we did!

I ordered the Lobster with Berre Blanc sauce. OH MY WORD! This was the most delicious bite of food I have EVER had! The only problem was, it was a fortune and I wanted 3 more plates of it! My suggestion, skip the seafood platter that we ordered and get 2 of the lobster dishes! It was so good, I was eating it with my hands!

We usually walked and explored different areas of Paris. I love the Perisian life, never do you walk and drink. You walk, then stop at a cafe for a drink. I always had bubbly water (I sometimes add my berry stevia flavoring to it). Sometimes we would order a small snack if something sounded interesting on the menu. One day we had Caviar on the Champs-Elysee. The caviar was served with chopped hard boiled eggs, chives, red onion and small pancakes. We skipped the pancakes and ate the rest piled onto a spoon.

Many cafes in Paris served hard boiled eggs with mayo, basically a deviled egg, which I love! Many days we walked and explored so much, we didn’t eat until dinner, which always blew my mind!

We also at at The Grill Room. It was the CUTEST restaurant that specialized in steak! I love how you can pick a steak, pick a sauce (I love sauce), and pick a side dish. We ate here twice and it was amazing! The staff was so awesome with any modifications we asked for! I ordered the burger without the bun with bearnaise for dipping and it was amazing! Craig ordered a steak with bearnaise and oysters.

If you are looking for a simple place to have the BEST BURGER OF YOUR LIFE, check out Schwartz Deli! We would get there about 10 minutes before 7pm when they opened and there would be a line to get in! The staff is VERY accommodating and doesn’t mind when you ask for no bun with your burger! The burgers are ground fresh so the patties are tender and delicious and HUGE!

Craig likes their faux gras burger and I prefer the burger with a fried egg and smoked duck (and you can always ask for bacon on your burger). My only complaint is, no one makes crispy bacon in Europe! lol

When we left Paris, we ate at the Paris airport and even the airport knows how to make delicious food! We ate at Red d’Hippo and got the XXL burger with no bun and no fries. The burgers were so juicy and delicious! I highly recommend it! I loved our waitress! She didn’t mind we didn’t want the bun!


No, we didn’t feel deprived at all while skipping the bread or pasta. We felt amazing! EXCEPT when there were things hidden in items where there shouldn’t be. For example, scrambled eggs. There was a day in Germany where I felt off, my stomach was turning. We had an early morning tour of the Neuschwanstein Castle. I got up extra early to run the lovely streets of Munich. Craig ordered room service for me of 4 scrambled eggs. I quickly ate before our driver came to pick us up. I immediately felt off. I still enjoyed the tour but I hate having stomach pains. Once we were back at the hotel, I asked the concierge to check if the scrambled eggs were real. Nope, they were from a mix. I was shocked! We were at one of the fanciest hotels in Munich and they served fake eggs? She said it was German Law but if I asked for them to make scrambled eggs with real egg, they would. After feeling so gross, I skipped eggs for the rest of the trip.

Germany isn’t really known for breakfast, most restaurants open at 10am. So I would run the streets and watch the city set up for the Christmas Markets and then we would walk about 10 minutes to a cute local restaurant called Augustiner am Dom that served Crispy Farmer’s Duck (I’m actually making that in my oven as I write… I miss duck!). I thought I didn’t like poultry and I never ordered it but oh my word! I had Duck Confit at The Low Carb Universe and I am hooked on duck!

Craig ordered the German Sampler plate which had a variety of meats and cheeses.

I asked the concierge at our hotel for a great steakhouse that served good sauces. I like steakhouses that are more french and serve Bearnaise with the steak. She told us to go to Hoiz. WOW! Both of us still dream of the food here! We both ordered the filet mignon that comes with Bearnaise. They you can choose to “Pimp your steak” (that is what the menu stated…. which was printed in a book!)

We both “pimped our steak” with grilled shrimp and a side of truffle tartar sauce. OH MY WORD! The filet was like butter, the shrimp were crispy and flavorful…. and that truffle sauce…. we ate there so many times, they started to bring us big bowls of it at the end!

Craig also ordered the steak tartare which he says was his favorite of the trip!

You can’t go to Munich without trying Pork Knuckle! Also known as Schweinhaxen (click here to find my recipe). 

There are MANY restaurants that serve pork knuckle! But be careful, many restaurants serve with the beer gravy poured over it. I suggest going to Haxnbauer im Scholastikahaus. The wait staff was cool about not getting potatoes and if you like salad, ask for the herbed sour cream dressing.

We also ate around the German Markets which was really fun! There are 7 meat shops all in a row! I got truffle salami!

I didn’t know I liked truffles (the mushroom, not the chocolates). SOOOOOO good! There are cheese markets everywhere and I would get the truffle cream cheese by the tub! I know this sounds weird but I often water it down with broth and make a salad dressing with it and bring it with my when we eat out here. I don’t want to eat vegetable oils which sadly are in most dressings.

We also walked around in the afternoon and would get things at the German Market. I loved the HUGE Chicharrones which I dipped into my truffle cream cheese! Delicious!

I had extra chicharrones that I brought to the airport in Munich. I made a sandwich with all of my German Market goodies!

Eating Keto in Amsterdam

This was my first time in Amsterdam and I immediately fell in love with the biking lifestyle! Even thought it was only 35-40 degrees F out, people biked all the time!

It was also interesting that even the breakfast restaurants do not open until 10am! That town is dead in the morning! But I enjoyed the solitude on my morning run. Here us a photo of my run!

After my long morning run, we would walk down to our hotel restaurant that offered a Breakfast Buffet with our stay. The restaurant is called Jansz. It was a really cute restaurant with amazing staff! The buffet had tons of meats, cheeses, smoked fish and seafood.

You could also special order eggs!

Craig always ordered the Eggs Benedict without bread.

I ordered scrambled eggs (which I had to ask them to use real eggs instead of the mix), one Eggs Benedict without bread and I often grabbed some seafood from the buffet table.

We had the BEST Burgers at The Butcher.  

The wait staff was SOOOOOO nice! They made the burgers right in front of us on an open grill  and he put it on a lovely salad with truffle mayo, but since Craig has to stay carnivore, he took his off the salad. It was so delicious!

We also dined at Black and Blue which was a short walk from our hotel and was packed every night!

The food there wasn’t very good, despite it looking delicious but we have been spoiled so if this would have been our first eating experience in Europe, it probably would have rated better.

Amsterdam also has a ton of cheese shops if you love cheese! Lots of tasting opportunities!

My favorite part of Amsterdam were long walks along the canals with a stop here and there for a drink. I love how no matter how cold it is, everyone is outside and mingling! Such a great culture!

So that is how we eat keto while traveling. I love the food we eat and do not feel deprived at all. Sometimes it is hard to explain that you don’t want the bread on a burger but in the end, it always worked out!

I love exploring the World and I feel so alive seeing new things around every corner!

Craig and I do not buy tangible gifts for each other for Christmas because that is not our love language; our love language is quality time and experiences. Having a new car isn’t important to me, I never owned a designer handbag, I cut my own hair, BUT I do love new experiences and traveling. It makes me feel alive! This is why we gift each other experiences rather than gifts.

If you are like me and want to travel and see the World, maybe ask for a Keto Trip to Italy with me!

No matter if you eat keto or not, there is NO JUDGING on this trip! You will have wonderful keto food served (they made special zoodles instead of pasta, keto eggplant Parmesan, and even my flour-less chocolate torte!!!) but if you want to have traditional Italian food, I do not mind. I will teach you keto while we travel but I will not judge and neither will others on the trip. Everyone is on a different journey in life so as long as  you do not judge me, I will not judge you:)

“Italy, Keto and Maria”

When: May 30 – June 7, 2020

LIMITED SPACE: SIGN UP EARLY: Only 20 to 40 people.

To learn more and to sign up for the Keto Italy Trip of a lifetime, click HERE. 

Remember to click Maria Emmerich on “How Did you Hear About Us” for your FREE gift!

I look forward to traveling with you!


“I would kick myself if I didn’t write this post…if you have ever had a desire to see Italy, learn more about the keto way of eating, please watch for the next announcement on Maria’s page for the next Italy tour.

I was there…and while I was not at my ideal weight, I came away with more powerful information from Maria than before. She gave very powerful speeches that reinvigorated my desire to be back on track.

You know what else? Maria is NOT judgmental...she realizes that everyone is on a path to better health, and she is there to share tips, tricks and great knowledge to help you get there. I admit that I was intimidated, but once I met her, how could you not fall head over heels for this beautiful person who only wants to share her passion for better health by simply changing our diets?! (Food is thy medicine!) I will definitely try to make the next #ItalyKetoMaria tour next year, and for those of you who didn’t go this time, don’t miss out…it was PHENOMENAL!!! 🇮🇹♥️” Katya

This group will be friends of mine for life!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • wow, what a round up! I thoroughly gobbled up this post. If you don’t mind me asking come up with you ordered the deviled eggs, and it came with me oh, didn’t they make the mayo with hydrogenated oils?

  • Allison Hilf says:

    Thank you for posting this, as so many people think it’s difficult to travel on Keto. I am on strict Keto for Epilepsy and went to Ecuador for a month. I did need a Drs. note to bring much of what I needed on the plane and through customs, but it worked. I was often in very remote locations and wasn’t sure what besides meat, eggs, butter and cheese would be available for Keto. I bought 20 boxes of Heavy Whipping Cream from Trader Joe’s (no refrigeration needed), 30 bottles of a high fat low carb salad dressing and 10 lbs of Macadamia Nuts for snacks. It worked as we used Heavy Whipping Cream and Salad Dressings to make sauces for meats, veggies, etc.

    Granted I am on a stricter version of Keto, with limited protein; but I was able to travel Internationally for the first time in 15 years. My blood ketones stayed between 3-6 for the majority of the trip!

  • Pattie says:

    Looks an awesome trip. Super helpful that you posted what you eat on your journey. People often ask me how I can go to Italy or France and not eat pasta or croissants. It’s not hard at all. In fact I think it’s easier eating Keto in Europe then when traveling in the US. I find the Europeans seem to serve more wholesome, real food and not things that are processed and fake like in the US. Less additives too. Glad you had a great trip. You both deserve it.

  • Angelique says:

    I’m allergic to seafood . I feel it makes the selection even less

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