French Soda
When I was in high school I worked at the cutest coffee shop in Medford, WI. One of the drinks we offered was a French soda, which is basically bubbly water with a shot of a flavor of your choice with some heavy cream mixed in and topped with Ready Whip.
I like to serve drinks like this to my friends in cute glasses to make it feel like a special drinks without the alcohol.
I also get asked why I do not recommend alcohol. I wrote a whole sub-chapter on alcohol in my book Keto-Adapted, so I won’t bore you here with the depressing details of that. But I would like to summarize a few points:
1. Fat metabolism is reduced by around 73% after only two alcoholic beverages in a one-hour time period. This scary fact shows that the worst thing about alcohol is not so much how many calories it contains, but how it stops your body from using your fat stores for energy.
2. When alcohol is consumed, the body converts it into a substance called acetate. Studies find that blood levels of acetate are 2.5 times higher than normal after only two drinks. This quick rise in blood acetate puts the brakes on fat burning.
3. The more you drink, the more you tend to eat. Unfortunately, drinking will make your liver work to convert the alcohol into acetate, which means that the foods you consume at this time will be converted into extra fat on your body.
4. Alcohol decreases your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after you finish drinking. Athletes make a huge mistake by lifting weights the morning before a night of drinking in order to “earn their calories.” As you lift weights, you break down your muscle; as you rest, you rebuild muscle and get more muscle … but you need testosterone in order for this to happen. Therefore, if you work out really hard Friday morning and binge drink Friday night, you will wake up on Saturday morning with a slower metabolism than you had on Friday! Alcohol causes a quicker aromatization of androgens into estrogens, which explains why men who are heavy drinkers often get gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) over a period of time. A “beer belly” isn’t really a beer belly, it is an “estrogen belly!”
5. We all know that alcohol dehydrates us. In order for fat to be metabolized, it must first be released from the fat cell and then be transported by the bloodstream, where it is pushed to the liver to be used as fuel. If you are dehydrated, the liver has to come to the aid of the kidneys and can’t focus on its role of releasing fat. Hydration is important to pay attention to when starting off a keto-adapted low-carb diet because excess ketones are released through the kidneys along with a lot of liquid. This is one reason why “low-carbers” will complain of headaches and low energy at first: their diet isn’t a “well-formulated” program.
Hydration has a lipolytic, or fat-burning, effect. Research clearly demonstrates that dieters who consume a lot of water have increased lipolysis. When you drink water, especially ice-cold water, your body burns calories in order to bring the water to body temperature, but that increase doesn’t amount to all that much. Your blood also dilutes for a bit until the water equilibrates with the fluid in all the tissues, an effect that takes some time. When the blood is diluted, the amount of various substances traveling in the bloodstream decreases, which means that insulin levels fall. Blood volume is about 5 L. If you drink a liter of water, this will momentarily increase the blood volume by about 20%, and therefore cause the concentration of insulin and other molecules in the blood to fall by 20%. A 20% drop in insulin levels allows fat to release from the fat cells and enables transit into the mitochondria for burning.
6. Is that enough reason to skip that glass of wine at night? If not, one more fact: grapes are one of the most pesticide-sprayed fruits. Where does wine come from? Grapes, and it is very concentrated. So when you drink wine, you are ingesting a lot of pesticides, too.
Read more on hydration, hormones, liver health and much much more in Keto-Adapted.
Click HERE to get a limited edition of the Hard Cover.
Click HERE to get a soft cover.
Thank you all for your love and support!
Why not make this yummy bubbly drink instead for your New Years gathering!

French Soda
- 2 cups sparkling water from Soda Streamer or LaCroix Mineral water (any flavor)
- 1 teaspoon fruit punch stevia or other flavor
- 1/4 cup unsweetened macadamia nut milk or low-fat coconut milk
- Coconut cream or organic whipping cream, whipped (sweetened with a touch of erythritol confectioners or stevia glycerite)
- Lime wedges or lemon
- Mix together the sparkling water, flavor of your choice, unsweetened macadamia/coconut milk in a concoction of pure yumminess.
- Top with sweetened coconut cream (or real cream if not dairy sensitive) and a slice of lime/lemon.
If you are trying to go dairy free, but still want a little “whipped cream” on your drink or keto-pie, try my trick: Place a can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight. Gently remove from the fridge and open the can (cream will be on the top and coconut milk will be on the bottom). Scoop out only the cream and place into a medium sized bowl (leave the water in the bottom). Scrape the seeds from a vanilla bean into the coconut cream and sweeten to taste with a little Swerve Confectioners or stevia glycerite. Enjoy!
Testimony of the Day
“Good morning Maria, I had to share some exciting news with you! This morning I weighed myself like I always so and for the first time in over three years, I weighed UNDER 200lbs. 199!!! It’s been three and a half weeks since I started eating your way and reading your metabolism book.
I just got your HAQ assessment over the weekend and finally just got all the supplements in the mail yesterday. I have lost 24lbs in 3.5 weeks but most of all I feel incredible and have a healthy happy relationship with food that I have never had before. I know this is just the beginning, but I had to share my milestone with you! I had many days before I found you that I thought I would NEVER weigh under 200 again. You have given me hope and empowered me to take back my health. Thank you!! With my warmest regards, Shauna”
Photo Testimony
“Maria, I just have to give you a BIG BIG thank you! I just started your 30 day meal plan and in 2 weeks, I’ve dropped 11 pounds total. I can definitely tell and it’s making me super excited to keep going. I am NOT hungry ever and I love how easy it is to follow. It takes all the pain and thinking out of the planning. It’s so, so simple and fail proof. I am learning how to eat proper proportions and and what to eat and when. I hate calorie counting and never wanted to do that. This was definitely the best thing I’ve ever done. Thank you girl. You are a huge inspiration.” -Rebecca
Click HERE to get your 30 day meal plans and start your transformation!
We have an all new 30 day meal plan package. It is a maintenance package that is great for people that don’t have weight to lose but want to heal their body. It is also great for when you lose the weight and reach your goals but want to continue to eat healthy and keep your autoimmune, metabolic syndrome or other issue at bay.
This package is available for to anyone who purchased the 30 day meal plans for just $100.
This starts to add quality dairy and a wider selection of tasty recipes all with fat/protein/carb % for everyday.
We ring in the New Year with a nice seafood dinner at home, good old hockey game and realaxing on the couch as the New Year rings in.
We wear new clothes to celebrate new things all day and red underwear to promote love in the new year
We enjoy some finger foods and watch the countdown on tv and then we call/text everyone and wish them a happy new year.
My husband & I ring in the new year by cooking a special meal for my grandparents & spending the night watching old movies & the televised fireworks with them. It allows us to have a quiet night being grateful for family & also allows my mother & aunty to have a break from caring for my grandparents & have a well deserved night out. It’s a good deed, which I think is a great way to bring in a new year 🙂
Quiet night at home with family enjoying some appetizers and watching the countdown shows.
I love to celebrate the New year with a run to ppray and thank God for each of my blessings.
An evening with my husband and two little boys! The past several years we have done a New Year’s Day run, so it’s typically an early evening for us and we ring in the New Year when we get up in the morning!
Thank you for the information on alcohol, I started losing weight eating healthy low carb, cooking with almond flour and taking care of myself back in June 2013, I have lost 65 pounds and have more to go. I only discovered your blog a couple of months ago and LOVE IT! The information is great as are the recipes. Back to my original point; over the holidays I drank vodka which has zero carbs, I cooked and ate low carb healthy, mountain biked and worked out but still gained weight. The only explanation is the alcohol and the information you provided explains it well. I will avoid alcohol except for rare occasions.
I like to stay at home all snuggled up!!
It’s always good to be armed with another good cookbook!
I love to celebrate bringing in the New Year by just spending a quiet evening at home with my family.
I need all the help I can get to feed non paleo types in my home.
Spending time with family and friends. If I don’t do that watching movies and have some me time.
New Years used to be a big deal when I was younger, but now that my husband and I have a small child, I’m just as happy to pass out well before midnight. 🙂
We ring in the New Year quietly at home, enjoying our time with one another and reminiscing about the past year and making plans for the one ahead. Happy New Year!
I almost always stay in with my son, watching the events on TV. This year, I’ll actually be driving to the airport on my way to see my boyfriend who lives over 900 miles away!
Our family makes lots of finger foods and appetizers and gather around the TV watching the ball drop as a family.
Dinner at home with close friends…
Movies at home, watching the fireworks as time passes to January 1 around the world.
Always made pigs in a blanket for nye. This year might create a new tradition with some friends.
Late fondue dinner and nice bottle of wine at home
I plan to plan for the New Year!
The town I live in has fireworks around 8 pm. At midnight watching the ball drop in NYC – love NYC! Then watching the fireworks on my local channel. Have a SAFE, HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
We love to ring in the New Year by cooking a fun dinner at home and watching the ball drop straight from our sofa 😉
movies at home
New Years Eve is best staying home or with friends playing games.
Spending time with good friends and good food. Looking forward to a new year of eating clean.
I celebrate new year’s eve with my family especially since my sons birthday us on January 1st!
Always with a love one!
Celebrating with friends and family with plenty of ME appetizers!
We’re usually low-key – an evening at home with our kids and closest friends – but we’ll attend a party occasionally.
Spending time with family and friends!
New Years is always a quiet evening in for us. Will focus on gratitude this year and work on decreasing stress.
I love being with family, playing cards and talking.
Movies and “healthified” snacks at home with our 3 little ones!
I love to spend a quiet New Years with my little family at home!
Stay at home with each other and avoid the maddness of all the parties and over indulging.
We love to stay at home, with a good English Mystery on Netflix, some “healthified” munchies & drinks!
We traditionally stay home, play games and try our best to stay up until midnight. We ring in the New Year with cheesy Dollar Store hats, blowers and poppers, kisses all around and off to bed we go. Not a wild ride, but it’s perfect for us!
We usually stay home. We have friends coming tonight. The kids will play games and the parents will hang out and visit. We’ll have various finger foods.
Family…doesn’t matter where we are or what we do as long as it’s together! 🙂 Perfect way to bring in the New Year!
Celebrating with Family and Friends and we always have King Crab Legs!! I have a really good supply of huge ones this year from my Target Store in Edina. Yum, can’t wait 😉
A quiet evening at home with family ONLY…..
New Year’s Eve is about family and setting the tone for the New Year surrounded by the people you love.
Spending it with my hubby after we celebrate early with the kiddos. We spend it talking about the years great events and making goals for the New year.
I’m going to celebrate by sleeping! I have a 15 month old. 🙂
We enjoy gathering with friends for a New Year’s Eve skate at our local outdoor rink.. complete with entertainment, live music and fire works!
My favorite way to spend New Year’s Eve is to have family time playing games.
We will be having a quiet time at home this year for New Years…maybe watch the fireworks outside.
I’ve been a bartender for 13 years. I like to celebrate by NOT going out, making a pizza with my wife and kids and probably falling asleep by 10 :30 watching a movie.
Celebrating – just my hubby and myself – at our cabin in the woods. Hope to ring in the New Year while sitting in the hot tub and counting the stars!
We celebrate the New Year with friends and a lot of good, healthy food!
New Years Eve is best when staying in – especially when it’s going to snow and be below zero! 🙂
The kids all have parties so the hubby and I will have a movie fest
Celebrating with friends and family, as we reminisce about the year that is coming to an end and looking forward to the new year that’s just around the bend.
Love spending New Year’s Eve with my kids, their spouses, and my husband playing games, good food, watching movies.
We celebrate at home with a big family get together. We play card games, usually Nerts and/or Uno. We have snack foods to pick at throughout the night. And movies playing in the background. This year will be a healthier one because the menu has changed. Thanks so much for your great recipes Maria!
With three small kids at home, we love to stay in, play games and hang out with friends.
Usually a quiet night at home. We’ll watch the ball drop in NYC on TV and then head to bed.
Dinner party with friends (only Keto foods of course
Brisket is on the smoker!! Healthy sides soon to be prepared. Game night with the hubs and 5 kids. This year it’s DICEcapades!! Movie time will be Croods and Turbo!! I can’t wait!!
At home with my kids.
Braving the cold to go out with great friends and ring in the new year!
I’ll be working at the hospital tonight, but I usually like to spend it with friends or family eating lots of snacks and watching the ball drop.
Can’t wait to try it
Picking up the ingredients today for our party tonight! Thanks for the motivation not to drink the wine I love!
At home with the kids, grateful for all of our blessings and praying for the safety of everyone on the roads!
This year I’ll be making healthy appetizers and treats. And I bet they won’t notice they are “healthified” because your recipes are that good!
Stay in with the family and watch the ball drop with a glass of champagne.
Just enjoy family night with a good movie.
Something light, tasty, refreshing without making me sick the next day. Yummy!
We have (wild caught) shrimp for dinner and then go to bed early…! LOL!
Just a quiet evening at home, reading and/or watching TV.
My daughter and I start the new year with goals that we would like to achieve; her goal this year is to make a high score in her competitive ballet class and to learn how to garden and mine is to continue to lose weight and get off my diabetic meds. We end the night by firing fire crackers and watching all of the Avenger movies. Happy New Year, Craig, Maria and the handsome little guys!!!
Spending time with my family and planning for the new year .
Just a quiet evening, still recovering from surgery. Otherwise, we’d be at our church’s game night with lots of low-carb, medium protein, high fat snacks to share with others.
Either watch celebrations on TV or go to local ball drop event.
It’s my husband’s birthday, so we celebrate that. And we have young children, so we might not make it til midnight. 🙂
Its my daughter’s 31st birthday, I wish I could say I was going to be with her but alas, she is in the southern hemisphere. We’ll raise a glass in celebration of another healthy prosperous year!
Can you please comment on the report about the dangers of Stevie found at the attached link?
Safe at home with hubby and fur babbies enjoying the evening with fireplace going and healthy munchies to enjoy.
We play in the snow at midnight with neighbors and friends. Fireworks are a tradition!
We make a variety of tapas, play games with friends & enjoy our dogs!
Can you tell me what brand of fruit punch stevia you use? The link to this product is broken. Thanks!
No worries — I found it in your Amazon store!
We celebrate east coast New Years because we can’t make it to 12!! Lots of dancing with the kids!!
We have always stayed home with our kids and celebrated with different appetizers (all homemade) and games. Even though our sons are 19 and 24 (married), the tradition will continue tonight.
I like to ring in the new year with family…normally a pretty low key evening after so much craziness for the holidays.
Hang out at home and relax with the family!
Stay home and enjoy being with the family.
At the end of the year, we stay off the roads, safely tucked away from drunk driving folks and enjoy blessed family time together.
p.s. We are also celebrating/enjoying as a couple being 50 pounds less at the end of this year than last! Whooohoooo! 🙂
I prefer to stay in on New Year’s Eve, and play games with the kids. Low key fun with plenty of low carb treats!
Love to spend the time with family and friends. Eating finger foods and snacks. Watching movies, playing cards and other games.
Staying home with the kids.
Going to a movie with my husband
I love to pull out board games and puzzles to enjoy with my family.
Being grateful for the past year and making goals for the new!
good information about the effects of alcohol on our systems……… I am not a big drinker, but do enjoy a glass of wine from time to time. Will have to keep it to 1 at a time instead of 1 OR 2.
Spend time with family & friends…
with my hubby
I am going to friends house tonite with my Buffalo Chicken Dip, Celery and Carrots and Flackers to dip in there.
Staying home !
I love to celebrate safe at home with my family
We stay home, make a nice dinner and celebrate new year’s eve with the family.
My husband and I stay in, have a good meal and a movie, act like we’re in Time Square at midnight, kiss and say good night at 11pm CST!
I’m from Spain so I midnight we welcome the new year by eating 12 grapes and drinking champagne ……..okay let’s celebrate Feliz Ano Nuevo Happy New Year
Just a quiet night at home, not up to being out after working all day!
I enjoy spending time thinking about the good things the new year will bring in 2014 and beyond!
We stay home and relax. Usually have seafood but tonight we had bacon wrapped beef tenderloin and mashed cauliflower. So good!
I like to just sit around the house and watch TV and go to bed early.
Went to dinner with friends but rang New Years in with a bit of sparkling wine with my husband.
We snuggle and listen to the neighbors shoot off fireworks. Watch movies.
So quality time alone with my favorite person. …me
With friends and good healthy food!
I’m a night shift nurse and I usually ring in the new year at work. It’s better than being at home and trying to sleep through all those celebratory fireworks! 🙂
Just me and my kids – we watch something fun together and stand outside listening to the fireworks and setting off sparklers while the dogs run around. We like things simple!
We go to a movie together and then come home and relax until midnight. I love having my family together.
New Years Eve is spent with a large group of friends who have been getting together for a gourmet, multi-course meal for the last 33 years. One couple has been hosting it AND preparing it for all those years. I will confess to cheating this year. But, the course I enjoyed the most was the most close to legal: roasted carrot and onion soup. Divine!
Love just staying home with my little family.
My family always has a fondue on New Year’s Day. We all gather in the kitchen to prepare the food and then all 8 of us sit around 2 fondue pots filled with broth and cook meat and vegetables, eat them with homemade sauces and sip wine. It’s my favourite family tradition!
Family. Table games. Popcorn.
We Celebrate New Years Eve with friends and let the kids stay up to celebrate too!
Love to spend New Years at home with friends and sharing dinner
Celebrate with good friends and family 😉
Usually, we celebrate New Year’s Eve with a little family-friendly party at our home with friends. But this year, I was 3 hours out of town, so it was a very quiet evening when I arrived home at 10 p.m.!
Dinner and a movie at home with family
News years eve is usually quiet for us. Kids are grown etc…
I sleep. Its no big deal to me.
We hiked into a remote cabin in the mountains, played games, took in the bazillion stars in the sky and rang in the new year with others who also hiked in! Beautiful.
stayed in – nice and warm – played games and watched old videos when the boys were young! Fun night!
This is a fun and tasty recipe. Thanks for the creative options you give us! I just saw this article on the dangers of stevia use. I have always heard it is quite safe, but this article makes it sound scary. What do you think?
Most of what is written there has no truth to it. Also, anything can be over processed and that is why I look for good sources.
I love new cookbooks!
We go out to eat with friends and back to someone’s house for games. Always a fun night.
I served French Soda at the New Year eve and all my guest were quite impressed with it. Thanks for sharing this exotic flavor to us.
Celebrate with friends! It’s always nice to celebrate with people we love and have great food/wine around too! 🙂
I fell asleep before midnight. Can’t seem to stay up late.
i can never stay awake – its a running joke in my house…
We stay at home with our two young sons. We usually invite some friends and family over to play games, and snack.
With friends and family and the whole gang of kids who come with us at my parents house in the peaceful town I grew up in. We set the clocks forward and let the kids celebrate when the ball drops in New York (we’re on the West Coast) and then put them to bed. Then it’s hang out game time for the grown ups. Lots of fun!
I write two letters, one thanking the past year for all of its lessons and gifts and one to the new year, welcoming it 🙂
Keep ideas like that coming!
This is such an exciting blog !! 🙂
Past tense, spent NYE in quietly due to my husband being in our New Year’s Day parade here in Philly.
New Years is best when you celebrate with good food, great friends, thinking back on the year past and looking forward to the year ahead!
My family and I stayed home and played monopoly ! So fun!!
at home with my family and some movie foods and a great movie and some games thanks
I always take it super easy. January 1st is my birthday so I just spend as much time as I can relaxing and enjoying it.
This year my husband and I discovered a new favorite tradition! A local Irish pub was celebrating New Year’s Eve and counting down to 12 midnight Ireland time (7 pm eastern!) It was great to celebrate with some friends and then go to bed at a reasonable hour. 🙂
This year we had friends surprise us from Dallas – so we set around playing cards – it was fantastic!
I have LOTS of kids so FIREWORKS! Always! 🙂
This New Year’s Eve we were married in Woodstock NY, we will celebrate our anniversary and enjoy a new healthier way of eating ! Thank you Maria.
I have stalled on weight loss in week 2. I need some guidance and encouragement. I am using the vegetarian option so elimination of dairy would be very difficult. I am also battling a constipated feeling even with using magnesium supplements and cabbage. I am in ketosis moderate to large per the urine test strips. What else should I do? I want to be a success story.
I would just keep with it. Some people take a bit longer to heal. You can also try intermittent fasting. Eating 2 meals in a 901am until 3-4pm window. 🙂
Regarding your mention of SodaStream products and “fizzy water”, I have a few questions. As the weather’s gotten warmer and we vacationed for a week, I’d indulged in diet sodas and was plagued with what felt like electric shocks in my neck–they were both scary and momentarily debilitating. I’m hoping they’re caused by the diet sodas as, that would be a quick fix. Back to the SodaStream … Do any of you own a unit? If yes, which one? Or do you just buy their fizzy water? What do they use to sweeten their flavors? Any information would be most helpful. Thank you so much!
We have one. It is nice and we use it quite a bit. Getting carbonated water and adding your own flavoring works just as well too. There are some great flavoring here. 🙂