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English Toffee Fat Bomb

By December 4, 2015February 18th, 2025Desserts, Holiday Recipes, Nut Free, Vegetarian


English Toffee Fat Bomb

English Toffee Fat Bomb

English Toffee Fat Bomb

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Dessert, Nut Free, Vegetarian
Cuisine American
Servings 12
Calories 47




  • 1/4 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate


  • 1/2-1 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate depending on how dark you like it


  • 1/2 cup Natural Sweetener or erythritol and 1 tsp stevia glycerite
  • 1/4 cup strong brewed caramel tea
  • 2 large eggs
  • 4 tablepsoons salted butter or coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon toffee extract or a few drop toffee oil


  • Place cocoa butter in a double boiler and heat on medium high until fully melted (or microwave safe bowl and heat on high for one minute, check and heat for 30 seconds until melted). Melting cocoa butter takes longer than traditional fats.
  • Stir in natural sweetener.
  • Stir in extracts and salt.
  • Place into truffle mold and cool in refrigerator until white chocolate is solid, about an hour. Or the speedy method; you can place the molds in a freezer till they are set up, which will only take a couple of minutes versus and hour.
  • FILLING: Combine natural sweetener, tea and eggs heavy medium saucepan and whisk to blend; add coconut oil or butter. Whisk constantly over medium heat until mixture thickens and coats back of spoon thickly (do not boil), about 12 minutes. Pour mixture through strainer into medium bowl. Stir in the extract. Place bowl in larger bowl filled with ice water and whisk occasionally until filling is cooled completely, about 15 minutes. Can be made 1 day ahead.
  • TO MAKE TRUFFLE: Remove the mold from the fridge or freezer and fill with filling. Then top off the filling with a layer of the cocoa butter mix so that the lemon curd is inside and surrounded by the "white chocolate". Place back into fridge/freezer to set.


Calories: 47 | Fat: 4.7g | Protein: 1.2g | Carbohydrates: 0.3g | P:E Ratio: 0.2

English Toffee Fat Bomb


 Testimony of the Day

“Hi Maria- I wanted to share with you what I’m sure you’ve heard 1000000 times in similar versions. I’ve been on you (very) well-adapted ketogenic diet for about a month now. I stumbled across your site in a very roundabout fashion, but it plays into my “testimony”. I was suffering from severe constipation which required 2 daily doses of Miralax, and I had developed a chronic fissure from all the “not going”. I’m only 29 (28 at the time), and I’d had colonoscopies and scopes and work ups like you wouldn’t imagine. The answer always was “increase your fiber and whole grains”. You can imagine how that absolutely did not work. I was researching natural means of healing fissures when I began reading about coconut oil- which by the way, 100% healed me. After that, I started looking in to coconut oil and found you! Yay!

So, not only did I have constipation, but I would swing unpredictably between constipation and severe and painful diarrhea- all the time! In addition to the constipation/diarrhea debacle, it seemed like every time I went to the doctor, I was diagnosed with another autoimmune disease. I was 15 when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, 21 when I was diagnosed with Lupus, 26 when I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis (an extremely rare autoimmune condition where your body reacts to your natural progesterone spikes. Basically, in the days right before my cycle, I essentially became almost anaphylactic, with severe and massive hives, and angioedema which mainly affected my eyes and lips… (Eddie Murphy Nutty Professor style- seriously) I have to carry an Epipen just for my own period! Doctors had no answers for why this condition suddenly appeared, and why it went into remission about a year later), 28 when I was diagnosed with Hydradenitis Suppurativa (chronic, tunneling, painful boils), and 28 again when I was diagnosed with Psoriasis, including scalp and inverse (28 = not my year). And I would have bet my life on a Celiac’s diagnosis. The only conclusive answer anyone could give me as to why I was plagued with autoimmune diseases was “Pregnancy is a game changer”, and basically blamed all my “conditions” on the birth of daughter when I was 20. 

Over the past decade, I have literally ballooned- there is no other word for it. I was plagued with skin issues, abdominal pain and bloating, depression, anxiety, fatigue, chronic pain- you name it. I had near debilitating plantar fasciitis, and had recently just developed excruciating sciatica that was pretty much interfering with nearly every aspect of my life. I had pitting- I’m talking half an inch deep, pit for an hour- edema in my lower legs, that would occasionally move to my feet. Excema – everywhere, even inner ears! psoriasis, boils, joint pain, back pain- just complete pain and sadness and misery. I was nearing the end of my rope, and so tired of feeling like an old woman on her death bed. I was taking 3400mg plus of Motrin every day, Bentyl for stomach aches, prescriptions for my Lupus, thyroid, and depression, Ketoprofen, Tylenol, Excedrine- anything to combat the pain and swelling. And PMS, it would knock me on my butt and off my rocker! I would feel entirely exhausted on top of everything else PMS brings. And did I mention- I was constantly starving? All the time. ALL the time. Last year, I followed “Chose to Lose”, which is a version on carb cycling, and while I did rapidly lose around 40 pounds, I was literally ravenous, counting down my three hour intervals to eat, and I still suffered from all my ailments- and the constipation and diarrhea was sooooo much worse than it ever was! 

So, after I found you, it took me a while to commit, But I finally decided, 29 was my year (January birthday!), and went for it.

On day one of keto, I had NO foot pain from my fasciitis and my sciatica vanished – both of which I suspected were inflammatory. My edema has nearly subsided, and I can see all the bones in my feet again! Almost instantly, it was like someone stuck a pin in my face and let the air out! The difference is stunning. My knees don’t ache, my back barely aches anymore, and I’ve yet to see a single boil. My psoriasis is nearly completely healed (it is winter…) and I haven’t dosed on Miralax a single time, and all is well in that realm! The only time I’ve had diarrhea was from magnesium … Too much too soon. I am never, ever, ever hungry or hangry- and it feels amazing to not be a slave to food any longer. After my first deliciously fattening meal, I literally felt warmth in my chest, like my heart was expressing it’s thankfulness for finally nourishing my body. I am quite positive I have lost weight, although I have no interest in the scale at this point, I just want to focus on how amazing I feel right now. I haven’t made an appointment to check my Lupus labs yet, but I expect great things. I plan on working with a naturopath for lowering my Armour Thyroid dose, which I also expect to see improvement in.

And the final part- I had my cholesterol checked prior to starting this journey. In not even one month’s time- I shaved 45 points off my total cholesterol, which wasn’t even high to begin with, and 22 points off my LDL, which again wasn’t high either. My HDL took a 20 point dive which was perplexing, but I assume it will all even out as my body stabilizes and adjusts.

I am so looking forward to what the future holds, and for the first time since high school graduation- I can honestly say that I feel like my life is beginning and I cannot thank you enough. You have truly and completely saved my life, in ways you could never possible know.

Thank you just can’t express my gratitude and appreciation and joy enough- but thank you all the more!”  -Kyria

Click HERE to start your journey to a keto-adapted diet!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".

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