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Books for Bucks

By February 2, 2015February 8th, 2017Uncategorized

Books for Bucks

Today only we are participating in the Books for Bucks deal where 12 great Keto books (including Keto-Adapted) are available on Kindle for just $0.99!  Today only!  Go here to get in on the great deals!


  1. Keto-Adapted
  2. Keto Clarity
  3. The Keto Beginning
  4. KetoDiet Book
  5. The 30-Day Heartburn Solution
  6. Diet 101: The Truth About Low Carb Diets
  7. The Mouth Trap: the butt stops here! Low-Carb Edition
  8. Ketone Power
  9. Slimology
  10. Ketogenic Diet
  11. Low Carb Diet Cookbook Box Set
  12. The Everything Healthy Slow Cooker Cookbook


Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • krickt says:

    I can’t get it to work. I’ve subscribed and confirmed, but none of your books show up.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      In your email from them, click the nonfiction link that is under, “live event.” That will bring up all these.

      • krickt says:

        There is no live event link.
        I really hate dealing with companies like this, especially when they sign the name “Buck Flogging” at the bottom.

  • Amanda says:

    I am also having issues with the links. I have applied and now confirmed my subscription. But none of your books have come up.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      In your email from them, click the nonfiction link that is under, “live event.” That will bring up all these.

  • Amanda says:

    Oh wait… my comment just showed up on March 2nd.. Not March 3rd. Might my time difference have caused the problem?

  • Reid says:

    Me too, no highlighted link. I’d love to get in on such a great deal though. Thanks!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      In your email from them, click the nonfiction link that is under, “live event.” That will bring up all these.

  • Shannon says:

    In your email from them, click the nonfiction link that is under, “live event.” That will bring up all these.

  • Which of the nonrecipe books other than keto clarity do you recommend, Maria?

  • Robin J says:

    won’t work for me either…

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      In your email from them, click the nonfiction link that is under, “live event.” That will bring up all these.

  • Clare says:

    For those having trouble – just go directly to Amazon.com and look up the books individually.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      In your email from them, click the nonfiction link that is under, “live event.” That will bring up all these.

  • Janie Q says:

    After I received my email and registered, I came back to this page and clicked the link right above Maria’s Keto Adapted book. The link says:
    Books for Bucks Deal- Click here.
    Takes you to all the Keto books that are offered today!

  • Cathi says:

    I don’t have a Kindle… If they are just ebooks can I still get them?

  • Jill P says:

    they have a kindle app for computer

  • Jill P says:

    I finally got the list for the books but the keto diet is coming up 1.99

  • linda says:

    I seem to be caught up in the loop also. I have applied and been confirmed. The I received a welcome email from them, but neither one have “live event” on them. I tried clicking on other options in their emails, but nothing comes up with Maria’s books. I tried clicking on this site on the Books for Bucks Deal – Click here and that did not work either. Hmm….

  • Andrea says:

    Thank you for participating in the event. I easily purchased your book and keto clarity just now. Looking forward to reading.

  • Amanda Reed says:

    I had this on ebook already but it was on my husband’s account, therefore on his kindle instead of mine, so I grabbed it again so I can have it on my kindle, too. 🙂 Thanks!

  • arlene says:

    Very excited to get a copy of Keto Adapted. I’m reading Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism and this will give me even more information to get things under control. There is definitely a piece of the puzzle I’m missing..no grains or sugars for 4 years but cannot lose anymore weight.

  • Wendy says:

    Dear Maria-
    I’ve been trying to decide which program to purchase, the Keto 30 or the Keto 90? Besides the 60 days, what is included in the Keto 90 that is not in the Keto 30 plan? Thanks! btw I was able to purchase Keto Clarity for .99 but not able to purchase Keto Adapted ? The latter is still 9.99 Kindle price on Amazon.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      It was a one day sale that ended at midnight last night.

      Yes, the main difference in the 90 day is the additional 60 days of meal plans. 🙂

  • Melissa says:

    SO bummed I missed it!!!

  • Susan says:

    I just today received this notification of the Books for Bucks. I have subscribed, but none of the listed books are selling for 99 cents.
    I then looked up your books individually, and none of them are selling for 99 cents either.
    I tried the links as you directed others from the March replies above, and nothing.
    What’s up with this?

  • Judy Johnson says:

    Very frustrated with Bucks for books. I have subscribed and subscribed and subscribed 5 times and gone to email 5 times and been thanked, and thanked for joining and yada, yada, yada etc. but can’t get anywhere else. Have tried checking the list – no go- GRRRRR. So none of the suggestioms made previously work either. I’m beginning to think that his offer is void and it was only for some other time. It is Nov. 13, 2016 but maybe this was just not taken down when it was over but I’d really like to get at least one book and if I could get more for the 99cents deal I’ll get mote. Am new to all of this and have suffered from candida overgrowth for years so am now a Paleo Princess at 78 yrs old, however living on Social Security as my only income makes the 99cent deal necessary. If there is anything I can do at this point please let me know.

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