Are you or someone you know part of the increasing population having gall bladder surgery? It is becoming a very common operation. Is there something changing in our current diets that is causing this? Could it be the gluten over-load in our diets? Gall bladder disease or malfunction is often associated with celiac disease. CCK (cholecystokinin) is the hormone responsible for gall bladder contraction. The bulk of this hormone is produced in the duodenum. People with celiac, or sensitive to gluten, will have a reduction or of duodenal production of CCK; which will cause gall stones.
In the past few recent decades, we have been mis-informed that fat-free diets and healthy “whole grains” are the healthy way to eat. Even the medical profession is telling parents to have their kids drink skim milk! Don’t get me wrong, there are some fat to totally avoid, such as vegetable oils and trans-fats. But going on low fat diets is more harmful than you realize. This is why I always use full fat (and tasty) foods! High protein and grain-free diets alone are not the way to go. High fat is.
Galls are released by dietary fat. If you go on a little-to-no fat diet, the gall bladder starts to atrophy because it doesn’t need to work; just as when you don’t use your muscles, they atrophy and you are no longer as strong as you once were. Once the damage is done, and the gall bladder is removed, patients mistakenly believe that they can no longer eat fats without discomfort. This is not true, the bile to break down fat is made in the liver, then stored in the gall bladder. Even without a gall bladder, you produce bile and can (and should) consume healthy dietary fats.
After surgery (any surgery) you lose most of your beneficial bacteria; such as bifido bacteria, that keeps your intestines strong and healthy. Adding in probiotics and digestive enzymes are the first step to healing. Your body is smart, after years of low-fat dieting, it no longer produces lipase like it once did; lipase is the enzyme to break down fat (just as when a vegetarian adds in more protein after years of low protein, they feel sick… they no longer produce Protease, the enzyme to break down protein).
After a few days of increasing enzymes and good bacteria, adding in quality fats is essential for your body and cellular health; our brain and cells are composed of over 60% fat people! It is important! I suggest starting with MCT oil.
Coconut oil has both long and medium chained triglycerides (MCT). You can make MCT oil from coconut oil which is all medium chained triglycerides which is an awesome fat because it doesn’t require bile for digestion! I use this in place of butter for all my baked goods and it holds flavor like no other oil so it makes great salad dressing.
Click HERE to find SKINNYFat MCT oil.
Foods high in cholesterol are also essential! You NEED cholesterol to produce bile. Start to add in quality eggs (yes, the yolks…whites don’t count, the cholesterol is in the yolks), grass-fed meats, lobster and other shellfish. I am not talking about “oxidized cholesterol”… which is damaged cholesterol found in skim milk and many processed foods; which triggers heart disease. If you keep avoiding fats and cholesterol, your body will keep on pace with no lipase excretion or bile production causing a vicious cycle.
Click HERE to find my favorite MCT salad dressing recipe.
Click HERE to find my Nicoise Salad
Click HERE to find my favorite MCT pesto recipe.
Sugar Free Maple-Nut Fudge

Sugar-Free Maple-Nut Fudge
- 1 cup butter
- 8 ounces mascarpone cheese or cream cheese
- 1/4 cup Natural Sweetener
- 1 teaspoon stevia glycerite
- 1 teaspoon maple extract
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 cup pecans or walnuts
- In a small saucepan, melt butter over medium-high heat (heat until it turns brown, not black).
- Add natural sweeteners until sweeteners dissolve and the mixture bubbles just a little.
- Using a hand mixer on low speed, add in extract and mascarpone/cream cheese.
- Mix until combined.
- The mixture will not emulsify until it cools a little. NOTE: I placed the mixture into my blender and combined until smooth which caused it to not separate. If you use a hand mixer, it keeps separating until cooled. So after it cools a bit, whip it together.
- Stir in the nuts and ginger if using.
- Place a piece of parchment in an 8 x 8 square baking pan. Pour mixture into the pan lined with parchment. Refrigerate overnight, the mixture will thicken a lot. Remove from pan, peel away parchment and cut into 1 inch cubes.
Testimony of the Day
Photo Testimony: “I wanted to send a before and after of my arms but it turns out I do not have a before. I used to get red irritated arms just above the elbow almost up to my shoulder. It was like a small pimply red bumps all over…not any more! I also have better complexion with a lot less red in my face. Keto for the most part of 3 months and i never thought I would see this much difference in my skin. Thank You!” – Siobhan
Click HERE to become the happy and healthy person you deserve to be!
Does this fudge have to stay refrigerated like your keto fudge or can it be left at room temp?
Yes, I would store in the fridge. 🙂
YAY!! Thank you for sharing this recipe. The pix of fudge over the past few weeks were torture (in a good way), and this was the one recipe I was really hoping you would share. Thank-you for all you do and for all of your recipes. I can’t wait to try!!
Just made this and . . . it’s delicious!! I may lick the pan clean before any goes in the fridge to chill. Yum-O!!!!!
My hubby loves anything maple nut! Can cream cheese be substituted? So excited to try this! I love how you come up with wonderful holiday healthy treats, I love baking this time of year and really appreciate some good recipes !
Thanks! You could try coconut cream (skimmed off the top of a can of coconut milk) but it would have more moisture. 🙂
This is REALLY good, I’ve tried it the moment I saw this recipe.
I put some caramel extract, instead of the maple one. As a maple syrup producer (I know this is hard to be keto with this job !!) I cannot use maple extract, it would be outrageous ! 🙂
Thanks Maria for your recipe!
That photo entices me…to lick the screen. I will restrain myself and make the recipe instead! Thanks!
Ha! Thanks!
What is stevia glycerite, and where can I buy it?
It is a less bitter form of stevia. You can get it here. 😉
Any chance I could make this dairy free?
I’m going to check tomorrow and see if Rouse’s Grocery store carries a dairy free version of this cheese and will try it if they do. Hope to get back here with good dairy free version.
Mascarpone is an Italian version of cream cheese, usually made from goat or sheep milk. If you cannot handle dairy of any kind, then this cheese is off limits (as I found out yesterday). Ketoers have been using nut butters or avocado puree as a sub for cream cheese.
Here is a recipe for coconut cream cheese:
Cream cheese is a tough one to sub. 🙂
Hello, apologies off topic but I was wondering what your system for bulk storage was? I’ve been trying to come up with one that does not involved plastic or hundreds of glass jars. I recently took your advice and bulk bought 10kg almond flour and 5 kg coconut chips and have no idea how to store!
I actually really like these for storage in fridge or freezer. 😉
Awesome, thanks Maria! Did you happen to calculate calories, carbs, fiber (obviously that would only be if the nuts were included), and protein?
Oops, missed that. I added it above.
Can’t wait to make this! I am traveling from TN to WI for Christmas this year and will be making several of your sweet treats to send ahead of time in the mail. Thanks to the chilly temps, I know they will hold up during shipping! Can’t wait for my family to eat and enjoy them and then tell them how healthy they are!
Thanks! Have a nice trip. 🙂
I’m just now starting out on the low carb life style and love your blog! I got a bit overwhelmed with so many wonderful looking recipes! Do you ever do a “Best of the year” round up or something like that. Maybe your top 10 or 20 recipes of the year, or of all time, that would be so awesome to see something like that. Thank you for a wonderful resource!
Thanks! That is a good idea. I will have to look into that. 🙂
I just got the lab results back from my first physical since being on a ketogenic diet. I weigh 20 lbs. less than last visit but my cholesterol was elevated, enough so that my Doctor was concerned. My HDL was also up but the elevation of total cholesterol was enough he wants me to back down on fats and increase my carbs. I’m afraid to do that because the weight will come back. I’m not sure how to handle the situation so we are all satisfied.
Thanks for any suggestions,
First of all, you shouldn’t have your cholesterol checked while losing weight. It can be elevated during this time. Always wait at least 6 months after the weight has stabilized to check cholesterol. Second, Cholesterol is not the enemy, inflammation is. That is why I look for inflammation markers like triglyceride to HDL ratio, A1C, CRP. You want your trig/HDL ratio to be 2 or less, Ideally 1 or less. The Japanese Lipid Panel study of over 47,000 people found that those with the HIGHEST death rates had total cholesterol of 160 or less. Those with the LOWEST death rates had total cholesterol of 200-259. If it were me I would not be worried about those numbers.
Thanks so much for your response. That helps.
Is it wrong that I made this at 4 am?? Wonderful taste with the browned butter and I love the fact all the ingredients are already in my kitchen. Thanks again for a wonderful recipe!
Thank you!
wendy, can you help me with this recipe. did yours stick together? mine separated and looked so gross, but the taste was delicious. how did you get yours to not separate. no matter what I did, it separated. I blended it as maria said and then it separated. I then let it cool a bit and it separated… I don’t know what to do. I used Kerry gold butter, organic cream cheese and frontier alcohol maple extract and confectioners swerve. It all separated. the butter browned nicely and gives it a rice taste. I followed the instructions. do you have any advice by chance. thanks.
maria, would I be able to use flavored stevia drops in place of swerve? or will this cause a separation of the ingredients. swerve is too cooling for me? does the erythritol and glycerite combo have a cooling effect like swerve?
That should work. Yes, erythritol has a cooling effect. Stevia or monk fruit (lo han) would work.
I really like to use Swerve for sweetener and will look at the stevia glycerite on your site. Have you ever heard that artificial sweeteners mess up the enzymes in your “gut”, elevating blood sugar? I read that there is a study in “Nature” journal. Of course, I’m not sure if they are talking about sugar alcohols or just junk like splenda… My last blood test came back with A1c at just over 6 and fasting blood sugar at 111. When I take it in the morning, it’s around 108 and I’ve really cleaned up my eating so in 6 months my numbers will make my np happy. She wanted me to go on meds for diabetes and I told her no, give me 6 months.
Your thoughts on the above would be appreciated. I’m making the fudge for company we’re having tomorrow! THANKS!
I don’t think that applies to the natural sweeteners I use like stevia and erythritol. Can’t wait to see your a1c come down so you can show your doctor! 🙂
Hi Maria,
I made this candy for a party yesterday and there were rave reviews! Thanks for all you do!
Hey, I haven’t had a gall bladder for years. I was told it wasn’t a big deal, of course…mainstream medical. Is there anything special I should be doing in my way of eating?
The common bile duct, which still remains after the gallbladder is removed, takes over a lot of the function of the gallbladder when it is taken out. That is why you can have your gallbladder removed and not totally fall apart by not being able to digest any fats. Coconut oil is very good for someone without a gallbladder because it doesn’t require bile acids for absorption. All MCT (medium chain tryglicerides) are like this. You can also use dandelion and ox bile to increase bile production if needed. So eating this way is great for someone without a gallbladder.
Thank you!
I have all of the ingredients in my pantry except the Stevia Glycerite. Can I make this without it?
Yes, you can just sweeten to taste with your sweetener of choice.
I just made this, its in the fridge now. How much does this make, pound wise? Would this be considered a pound of fudge? Thank you for all your wonderful recipes!
Oh boy. I’m not sure. I didn’t weigh it. So sorry!