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Why I Love my Sauna Blanket

I am in LOVE with my new sauna blanket and I couldn’t wait to tell all of you about it!

Once we found out Craig had Lyme Disease, we needed to take action! He went undiagnosed for 5 years and he was suffering terribly!

I personally didn’t want to get a sauna, but Craig convinced me it would help him and he showed me all the research on why I should be doing it too!


1. Fat Loss and Muscle Gains

Saunas help promote fat loss and muscle growth by improving insulin sensitivity and decreasing muscle protein catabolism. Intermittent hyperthermia has been shown to reduce insulin resistance in obese mice. The results were a 31% decrease in insulin levels and a reduction in blood glucose levels, both of which can contribute to an increase in fat loss as well as muscle growth. It has also been shown that a 30-minute intermittent hyperthermic treatment can cause a significant expression of something called ‘heat shock proteins’ in muscle, which is correlated with 30% more muscle regrowth after a week of immobilization.

Even if you don’t exercise yet you take saunas, you can still maintain muscle!

2. Helps Immune System 

Studies show that after saunas, there is an increased number of white blood cells, lymphocyte, and basophil counts. These studies are proving that saunas help to stimulate the immune system. Additional research also found that saunas are able to significantly reduce the incidences of colds and flu. Taking regular saunas lead to a 30% less chance of getting a cold or influenza.

There is another interesting study (source) showing that cold exposure or cold therapy, followed by heat like a sauna can increase our “natural killer cells”. Natural killer cells are cells that consume pieces of virus and also release cytokines which aide in the immune response. It has been shown that people who end up needing intensive care due to COVID-19 are very low in these natural killer cells (NK).

There is significant increase with heat, then cold and then exercise (incrementally more natural killer cells with each done after each other). So cold therapy with sauna and exercise is a great combo for building immune health.

3. Skin Health

Saunas cause deep sweating and help remove bacteria out of the epidermal layer of the skin. This increases the rate at which dead skin cells are replaced can be increased. This deep sweating helps the movement of fluid to the skin which helps deliver mineral-rich nutrients and also helps to fill spaces around the cells, increasing firmness and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.  It also causes increased capillary circulation, which can give the skin a softer-looking, younger appearance.

4. Increases Growth Hormone

Growth hormone is essential for repair and recovery of muscles, and studies show that two 20-minute sauna sessions elevated growth hormone levels two-fold over baseline. If you increase the temperature even more and do two 15-minute sauna sessions there is a five-fold increase in growth hormone. And two one-hour sauna sessions for 7 days has been shown to increase growth hormone 16-fold!

5. Detoxes Chemicals and Heavy Metals

This was the main reason Craig wanted the sauna. He had very high heavy metal levels and mold issues. The skin is a major detox organ, but most people do not sweat enough to get the chemicals out. Saunas help purify the body by eliminating unwanted chemicals such as heavy metals, PCB’s, toxins that are stored in fat cells, which release these unwanted chemicals when exposed to heat.


We do not have a lot of space at our Keto Condo in Maui so a sauna blanket was perfect for getting all the benefits without taking up space!

What I love about Bon Charge is their constant searching for creating products that really can enhance our health and wellness! BON CHARGE products help you naturally address the issues of our modern-day way of life effortlessly and with maximum impact.

Bon Charge is so generous when you use code MARIA, you get 20% OFF! That saves you $140!

BON CHARGE products are all HSA/FSA eligible, giving you tax free savings of up to 40%

Click HERE to get a Sauna Blanket so you can experience the benefits yourself! 

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Vanessa Lyns says:

    This is an infrared sauna blanket. Do you get the same benefits with a steam sauna and how hot does it need to be to get these benefits?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Same benefits with the convenience of it being light weight, portable and much more affordable 🙂

  • Elaine Showalter says:

    Will it melt my memory foam mattress? Thank You for all that you do You are wonderful!!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      It will not. Be sure to check out all the features listed on their website for full details and specs 🙂

  • Carrie Priest says:

    How hot does it get?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      From their website:

      Power – 1.2W

      Temperature – 25-80 degrees centigrade

      Timer settings – 5-60 minutes

      Voltage – 100-240V

      Size – 180cm (71 inches) long x 90cm wide (35.4 inches)

      Light – Far Infrared

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