Sugar-Free Strawberry Candies
Text from my on-going phone client Sheri: “Went to Cabo and I lost 2 pounds! Proud of myself. Normally would have gained 5-10 pounds! Was very watchful with my eating, drinking and getting exercise.”
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Sugar-Free Strawberry Candies
- 1 cup birch xylitol
- 2 teaspoon strawberry extract
- Few drops of natural food dye if desired
- Natural Food coloring a few drops
- 1-3 teaspoons citric acid natural sour taste (OPTIONAL)
- Place the xylitol in a medium sized saucepan over high heat. Bring to 300 degrees. If you get too hot, the xylitol will burn. It will become a liquid.
- Remove from heat. Stir in extract, natural food coloring and citric acid (depending on how sour you like your candy).
- Pour the hot liquid into candy and candy molds. Click HERE to find Strawberry candy mold.
- Place in fridge to set up fast. Let cool before consuming. It is best to let them setup over night.
Can’t wait to try these! The links to the xylitol, extract, food dye & Citric Acid are not working for me. Thanks!!
All fixed!
Strawberry Extract dye link isnt’ working
All fixed!
Can these be made with swerve instead of xylitol?
No. Sorry
Same here! Links are not working.
All fixed!
I had no idea xylitol turns to liquid. Thanks!
Is Organic Coconut Sugar good or bad? Was recommended by our health food store since they don’t carry Swerve.
What do you think about coconut aminos by Coconut Secret? Looks okay to me, but just checking. Thanks. Also, I am unable to link to the natural food dye. If I click on it, it underlines, but goes nowhere. Thank you!
Yes! I use it all the time!
Sorry. I can update the link when I’m back in the office😉
Thank you!
Hi Maria!!! I just purchased the The Keto Life – SUPPLEMENTS Class Video because I needed help figuring out what supplements to give my kids and to make sure that I’m taking the right stuff. I see the supplements that you suggest for kids, just not sure about the dosage? I have 3 preteens. Also, I have been taking grass fed desiccated liver capsules for K2, I wasn’t aware that there was a K2 supplement. Is liver an equal alternative. My Ferratin is at a 3 so I know that I need it.
I recommend 100mg. Even my kids do that dose;)
I’m unsure how much k2 is in your liver supplement so I can’t answer that. Sorry
100 mg of each supplement…k2, d3, magnesium, multivitamin and the vitamin c? I’m wondering about the dosage for each. Should I just follow the dosage directions after I purchase through the links?
Two questions:
Is ‘birch’ xylitol the brand? I have a bag of Now xylitol that I’d like to use up first. Will that kind work?
Is there supposed to be a link to the natural food dye? If so, it’s not working.
Thank you!
Does this make a hard candy or are they chewy? Thanks
Hard candy;)
Hello~ I made these last night, and let them set up till morning. Mine are soft and gooey. Not sure why. How long should you cook the xylitol at 300? I stopped it as soon as the temp reached 300. Could that be why? Is birch xylitol something different than the Now brand?
Thank you. They taste yummy, as I stand here digging them out with a fork and eating them. 😉
Yes. Try heating it to 350
Thank you for your reply, Maria.
It has now been 2 days since I made these and left them in the fridge, and slowly, a few are starting to turn a little more pinkish and getting hard. I flipped over the mold and they popped right out. DELICIOUS! Oh my goodness! I will wait for the rest to harden. So good! 😀
Awesomeness ❤️❤️❤️
My daughter had a real sore throat and was miserable. I made these into Thieves cough drops for her, it really helped. I had to heat the Xylitol to 400 degrees to get it hard. (high altitude maybe?) Let cool till 275 degrees and then added essential oils to taste. (I didn’t add Stur.) I just spread it on some parchment and let cool then broke into pieces. It really helped.
Great idea!
Hi great recipe, but what is stur, I am in South Africa and have’nt heard of this? Tkx so much
Stur is a natural stevia sweetener.