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Nontoxic Makeup, Skincare, and Household Products

How Your Skincare, Makeup and Household Products Could Be Wrecking Your Hormones and Harming Your Health!

When I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with PCOS so hormones is something I am very passionate and educated about.

Are you eating really healthy but still dealing with hormone issues? Do you have a slow thyroid? Do you have liver damage even though you do not drink alcohol?

It could be all the chemicals lurking in your home causing serious health hazards to you and your family!

If you are always using cleaning products filled with chemicals, you can eat as healthy as you want but your healing is limited if you are unknowingly drowning yourself in toxins.

Not only that, if you are always using lotions, nail polish, makeup, sunscreens that are filled with chemicals, your health will suffer. Many of the chemicals we are putting on our skin causes hormone imbalances that can not be corrected until you stop using the harmful products.

It is fascinating to me that in the United States there are over 11,000 toxic chemicals allowed in topical products marketed to us without knowledge of the harm they cause. In Europe there are only 11 chemicals allowed. Our government will never step in to help us! We need to take charge and change our health on our own!

Learn more about hidden health hazards in your home HERE.



Because I care deeply about your overall health and wellness, I have partnered with a few excellent companies that deliver nontoxic, organic, clean, and HIGH PERFORMING better for you products for the whole family!

Poofy Organics

What we put on our skin & use around our house can be just as important as what we put in our mouths. Poofy Organics has the BEST line of cosmetics, haircare, sunscreen, skincare, household cleaners and more that are 100% synthetics free!


If you are new to Poofy, you MUST enter my giveaway! ONE lucky winner will receive up to $100 in FREE Poofy Organics products!

To be entered to WIN you must do the following (we will check):

  • Comment on this blog post about why you want to try Poofy Organics products
  • Follow me on my Facebook Page @Keto-Adapted Maria Emmerich
  • Follow me on my main Instagram account @mariaemmerich
  • Subscribe to my YouTube channel Maria Emmerich
    • only those not currently working with or tied to another Poofy Guide are eligible to win***

Save 10% on your first purchase with code MARIA10

CLICK HERE to shop!

Click HERE to become part of my team!



**Giveaway is not sponsored by or directly affiliated with Crunchi, Poofy Organics, Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. This giveaway is sponsored by Maria Emmerich of Maria Mind Body Health, LLC.**


Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Layla Swales says:

    Hello Maria! 💜 I have been a follower of yours for awhile now. Your recipes and advice have helped me soooo much! I truly appreciate what you and your husband are doing for everyone. It is amazing. I am about 2 1/2 years into my Keto Journey. I feel amazing. For me, it’s the mental clarity, brain health and the energy that keep me hooked. I will never go back. I love it! I have also been much more aware of the chemicals in our products. It’s very scary. I don’t know why it took me 40 years to finally see things. I only wish I would have known a lot sooner. I am always looking for products that are safe for my family. I hope you have an amazing day! Sincerely, Layla 💜

  • Holly says:

    I have been using Beauty Counter products, but they are temporarily out of business, so I am looking for a new company to try.

  • Molly m says:

    Always looking to find the best non toxic cleaning products, body wash,and Deodorant!

  • Diane says:

    Hi! I have a granddaughter getting married in Sept. I do not wear make-up. I use very little products because of hazards. I would love to be my best on her wedding day! What a wonderful give-away! Thank you Maria for all you do!

  • Patricia says:

    I’ve been using Beauty Counter products, but would like to try Poofy products since they are also clean ingredients.

  • Lisa Armstrong says:

    I’ve been switching to organic laundry strips and lotions. I would love to try their skincare and cleaning products.

  • Paula Nelson says:

    Just out of surgery – double mastectomy for hormone-induced breast cancer. Looking to be as healthy as possible at this time of my life. Have followed Maria for the last couple of years and until I was diagnosed with breast cancer I couldn’t figure out why my health wasn’t improving at all. Now I know and it’s time to become a healthy and informed as possible. Thank you, Maria.

  • Tiffany Robbins says:

    You are someone I trust recommendations for clean and safe products I can feel good about using in my home, on myself. I appreciate everything you do! I’ve never heard of poofy before now, I’m excited to see what they offer and what I can use! Thank you!

  • Angela Fountain says:

    I’m excited to try the nail polish and the baby product line is so affordable!

  • Madeline Falkowski says:

    I’ve wanted to try Beauty Counter products, but I missed out. I’m looking for new safe makeup and products. I eat a clean, meat based diet and want to treat my skin just as well. I use a lot of tallow products, but need all new and healthy makeup. Poofy seems to have great products!

  • Heather Irgens says:

    Please enter me in poofy contest.
    Beautycounter gone. 🙁
    Need new source for beauty products. I am following you all over. Haha. Have been for years. Thanks for the opportunity!! ❤️

  • Betty Oberring says:

    I’m slowly replacing all our household and personal products with organic, clean versions. I would love to try these products!

  • Bridget Herbaugh says:

    I want to feel better about what I put in and on my body. I want to teach my children to treat their bodies as temples and live long and healthy lives. As a family we have anxiety issues and I feel that all the toxins that are in every day items are a big cause of this. I can’t wait to try these products.

  • Carrie says:

    I’ve been diagnosed with severe life threatening systemic allergies to polyester (and other synthetic materials derived from Ethylene Oxide), Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs), Propylene Glycol, Polysorbates, and their numerous derivatives that go by many different names thanks to the FDA. They’re literally EVERYWHERE and I have a hard time avoiding them in my daily life. I have to be careful about what I touch. I can’t and don’t eat ANY processed foods (THANK YOU MARIA & CRAIG!) because they’re allowed to hide these toxic chemicals under “natural flavors” and colors. I can’t ingest, breathe, or have any contact with personal care products, cleaning products, medications, or fabrics containing any chemicals derived from Ethylene Oxide without having severe allergic reactions and risking respiratory failure/death. Needless to say, it’s changed every aspect of my life and I haven’t worn makeup in what feels like forever — which is why I’d like to give Poofy Organics products a try.

  • marjke says:

    Oh wow Maria, what a great give away!
    Unfortunately I have to say yes I have a slow thyroid and yes I have liver damage and not drinking alcohol. A very sensitive skin and always looking for the best clean product to clean up my inside from the outside. Sometimes so hard to find…This looks and sounds so awesome. And I have full trust in your recommandations 😉
    So fingers crossed, like to join this give away. Followed you already on all the socials

  • Wendy says:

    I have started looking into an all natural face routine and cleaners. Would love to start with this product 😍

  • Liza Fitzgerald says:

    I want to try Poofy because I trust Maria Emmerich, and I just learned that I might be exposing myself and family to all the toxins in all these household, make up products

  • Jennifer D says:

    I would love to try these products because the nasty chemicals in everything else are so harmful!
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  • Robin Whiting says:

    I want to eliminate all chemicals in my life including cleaning.

  • Candice says:

    I don’t wear a lot of products but what I do I want it to be healthier!

  • Carol Anne says:

    I would like to wear makeup more often, especially for special occasions, but the toxicity of many products is concerning. Likewise, household cleaners are a concern. I am glad to learn of a new source.

  • Suzi says:

    Always looking for healthy alternatives to makeup and skin care! ❤️

  • Sharon says:

    I like to support companies that have our best interests in mind instead of their profits.

  • Tracy S says:

    Just starting in no chemical products, would love the chance to try Poofy!

  • Irina Stiles says:

    Because “nontoxic, organic, and clean” seems as an attractive way of life.

  • Julia Shonka says:

    Maria, I have been following you for a few years now and am subscribed to your newsletter. I have hashimoto’s hypothryoidism and am under treatment with Dr. David Brownstein. I started on the carnivore diet a year ago and for the first time in my life since I was originally diagnosed with hypothryoid 31 years ago, I have had to have my thyroid medicine dosage decreased. Really amazing to me that diet can have such an impact. Now I would like to explore how chemicals in skincare and cleaning products could be disrupting my hormones. I would love to get more information on what products are “clean”, but still affordable for me.

  • Sherree Quackenbush says:

    Working hard to eliminate plastic and chemicals and would live to try these products!

  • Wendy N says:

    Would love to try this! I’m always looking for clean ingredients in my skin care.

  • Elizabeth Boltz says:

    Would love to try these products. We are a fairly natural / organic household already and I frequent my locally owned natural health food store to get most of my products. I would like to try Poofy products as I have not found anything clean enough that really works with my hair, and I’d love to find new body lotions other than my Aloe based one I get at the farmer’s market. Your recipes and food have been such a blessing to me and my family, I’d love to try these new (to me) products!

  • Julie says:

    I was diagnosed with a blood cancer a couple of years ago and have since moved to doing my best to use clean products. I have been able to find a number of new products but unfortunately it is difficult to find clean products that work as well as the bad guys. I’d love to try Puffy if you are recommending them. You haven’t lead me astray yet!😊

  • Kathryn says:

    I have never heard of Poofy Organics but I am always looking to try new clean products with minimal ingredients.

  • Terri says:

    Looking to use cleaner products. Thank you for the chance to win.

  • Stella McKissack says:

    I would love to try a product without all the chemicals

  • Shelly Lynn Easton says:

    I do my best to make sure all our product we buy are as chemical free as possible. However, we live with my mother-in-law right now and she uses all the regular crap you see advertised on TV. I am trying to convert her! I would give her this set to try and help her move away from the chemicals.

  • Shandy says:

    I’m wanting to win in order to start replacing the toxic products I have with much cleaner versions.

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