Protein Sparing Bread Croutons and Protein Sparing Bread Flour
Testimony of the Day
“I found Maria Emmerich and I was hooked! I signed up for Maria’s VIP program and Personal Health Assessment. Best investment I ever made! She helped me every step of the way to get things started and she really cares about you!
The first 7 days I dropped 16 pounds! I was shocked! Within the first month I dropped 23 pounds; my skin had cleared up and was looking great. I noticed my hair had stopped falling out, no more hair filled brushes! All my body pain/aches were gone and my mood swings had stabilized! I felt normal for the first time in my life!
In only 3 months, I reached my first goal of 50 pounds lost which was reached 5 weeks and 2 days before dead line I set for this goal! And I did it without exercise. I feel great and I am ready for my next goal: 66 pounds , start exercising and able to jog a 5k by Christmas!
It has been a real learning process and I have had my ups and downs but I know Maria will always be there for me. I have learned so much and still growing. I am one of those people that have to learn everything the hard way. I now know what slows and stops my weight loss. Maria told me it would happen if I ate this or that but I had to eat it and learn it for myself. I guess that’s just how I roll! Maria has been a real blessing in my life.
Started at 315 pounds
3 months later, 265 pounds”
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Protein Sparing Buns
6 eggs, separated
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 cup unflavored egg white protein
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Separate the eggs. In a separate bowl, whip egg whites and cream of tartar until stiff. Then add the protein powder. Using a spatula, gradually fold the yolks into the white mixture, being careful not to break down the whites. Spray a cookie sheet with coconut oil spray and spoon the mixture onto the sheet, making 6 mounds. Bake for 18 minutes. Keep oven shut, turn off oven and leave the buns in there for another 5 minutes or until cool. We use these for our hamburger buns, but in this recipe we are going to make croutons out of them.
Protein Sparing CROUTON RECIPE:
1 batch of protein buns, cut into crouton shapes
4 TBS organic butter (or bacon grease for dairy freee)
1-2 tsp garlic, minced
OPTIONAL: additional herbs such as basil
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place the butter in a saute pan on medium heat until slightly brown (this is brown butter), add the garlic and bread pieces to coat. Place buttery croutons on baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes or until crispy. Let cool and enjoy!
Protein Sparing Flour option:
Just grind up the croutons and you can make a protein flour that you can sub for bread crumbs in any recipe! Just like flour if you grind it fine enough.
Pepperidge Farm Seasoned Croutons = 186 calories, 25.4 carbs, 2 fiber, 4.3 protein
“Healthified” Croutons = 162 Calories, 0.9g carbs, 0g fiber, 6.3g protein
Hi there! I just found your blog and I love your recipes! And you are in AWESOME shape 🙂 I have a question though-it seems that your recipes are pretty low carb…do you find that it’s hard to exercise because you don’t have energy?? That is how I feel when I go low-carb…was wondering if you had any tips 🙂 Thanks, I will be making some of these recipes soon!
Hey Becky-
I am also trained in exercise science. I teach a few classes on running and nutrition and how carb-loading can actually be harmful to inflammation in our joints and bodies.
You can actually train your body to burn fat for fuel which will carry your carb stores further so you don’t “hit the wall” in a marathon. I eat this way and also run marathons. My times have improved a lot and no inflammation!
Check out: Mark’s Daily Apple. He was an elite marathoner who has a lot of info:)
Do you eat anything during the marathon? what does your post marathon meal look like?
Thank you for all of the amazing recipes and information!!
I feel like a silly student that is finally “getting it” and want to do everything now! These were awesome! I haven’t had “bread” in a long time because of my candida but to finally have this and have no guilt was great. I’m trying to get my mom and dad to read this blog and get your book and actually cook. My dad is pre-diabetic and has high blood pressure. I think I’ll make them a few of these dishes to take home with them 🙂
Thanks girl! I really appreciate your kind words!
Keep it up;)
Lol I’m seeing cream cheese mentioned in the directions, but not in the ingredients. Help! I just went to Outback last night and would love to have had croutons on my salad!
Opps, thanks for the help! I fixed it:)
Recipe states bake for 18 minutes, keep oven shut and leave in for another 5 minutes or until cool. Of course they won’t ever get cool if the oven is still on, so I assume it means to shut the oven off then leave them in there until the oven and buns cool off?
I love all your recipes and I am getting better at making them! Thanks again.
Sorry, yes. I updated the recipe instructions above. Thanks! 🙂
my final “dough” is pretty runny…i whipped the whites for like 10 minutes with a hand mixer…did i do something wrong?? i think the buns are going to turn out pretty flat:(
okay…mine turned out REALLY flat:(
How can I make these dairy-free?
You can sub coconut cream for the cream cheese. (use the cream off the top of a can of coconut milk). 🙂
I am confused. One comment above talks about cream cheese in the instructions and not in the ingredients, and it looks like you change the instructions. Then here someone asks how to make them dairy free and you say sub coconut cream for the cream cheese? What? Is there supposed to be cream cheese in this recipe or not? Thanks!
As it is stated in the comments, you can sub 4 ounces cream cheese or coconut cream for the egg yolks (another variation of this bread from another recipe). 🙂
What would you say is the difference in texture in the buns with either
the sour cream or the cream cheese?
Which would you say is better for hamburger buns?
I’ve found a lot of Primal recipes for hamburger buns fall apart.
Are there any secrets to not make this happen?
Thanks so much!
My protein bread (or amazing bread) hold together really well. I don’t thing the texture changes much with either.
Hello! Tried these today, and they’re super flat, but I don’t think I whipped them long enough after watching your pizza crust video 😉 BUT, I noticed the recipe I used called for 6 eggs (from one of your cookbooks) and no protein powder – why the change? I don’t have any unflavored protein powder, so this is the recipe I have to stick with for the time being. I also noticed that they were perfect at the 18 minutes, color-wise, but after being in my off oven for 5 more minutes, they got too dark – anything I can do? Thank you so much!
The recipes are different. Just different ways of doing it. You do have to watch them close so they don’t get too done. 🙂
How do you store your croutons? Thanks!
I store in ziplock once fully cooled. In fridge if more than a week or so. 🙂
I cooked mine and left them to completely cool and they were crunchy. Then, I put them in a plastic bowl and popped them in the fridge. When I got some out to eat, they weren’t crunchy anymore, but spongy. Do yours do that? I toasted some last night to put on my salad and that crunched them back up somewhat but nothing like they were right after I cooked them. 🙁
You could leave out of fridge and that may help. But not for too long. 🙂
I may try just fixing smaller batches as needed so we can eat them fresh out of the oven. 🙂 Thanks for the tips!!