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Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board

I love making Christmas extra special!

A Charcuterie Board is always a great idea to have over the holidays and making into a Christmas Tree is a fun project to do with your family!

Everyone can choose their favorite snack to have on the Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board so there is plenty of variety! Feel free to put other charcuterie foods on your board!

How to Make a Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board

I serve my Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board with lots of Primal Kitchen sauces!

Kai wanted to make sure we had Primal Kitchen Caesar Dressing and Ranch Dressing for the salami! Micah wanted the Primal Kitchen Pizza sauce for the mozzarella balls, my parent’s wanted the Primal Kitchen Greek Vinaigrette for the tomato, cucumbers and peppers, and I also used their Oil & Vinegar dressing as well as their Green Goddess.

My Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board is not only cute, it is really easy to make! Especially when all you have to do is open up Primal Kitchen sauces to create a delicious holiday appetizer to serve in no time!

Primal Kitchen is SO generous that they are doing a special discount for all of my readers! Use code: Maria for 20 % off!

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Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Appetizer, Egg Free, Nut Free
Cuisine American
Servings 8 servings


  • 1 package smoked salmon
  • 1 package Salami
  • 1/2 medium cucumber sliced thin
  • 1 medium red bell pepper sliced
  • 12 small mozzarella balls
  • 4 medium Cherry tomatoes
  • 4 sprigs Fresh rosemary for branches/garnish



  • Place the salmon on a large white platter in a Christmas Tree shape, outline the Christmas Tree with fresh rosemary to resemble tree branches.
  • Roll up the salami and lay on the edges of the salmon.
  • Decorate the Christmas Tree with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella balls and slices of cucumber.
  • Place one small dish at the top of the tree, 2 dishes in the middle of the tree and 3 dishes to line the bottom of the tree. Fill each dish with a different Primal Kitchen sauce.
  • Enjoy!



Linda came to my house last May for my PSMF class and I am SO proud of her! I had to share her testimony!

“I went from a size 14 in pants and large/XL top, to a size 2 in pants and small top. I’ve lost almost 50 lbs and I feel really good!

My asthma is non existent,

allergies are non existent,

gallbladder issues are gone,

pancreatitis is not active,

skin is better,

hair is thicker and growing,

headaches are better,

my back, neck and aches and pains are better,

I have more energy,

I sleep better,

my mood is better,

I’m happier,

my digestion is better and in general everything is BETTER!

Keto is not always easy but it’s simple, it’s doable, it gives major health gains, and I have never been hungry on this way of eating. This is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle and we have fully embraced it and all the benefits it gives us!

Before we started Keto I prayed for God to help me accept my weight, be healthier and be a better person mentally and physically to better serve Him or help me lose weight to do those things. He aligned our journey with Keto. All the Glory goes to God for helping me which then completely transformed my daughter’s health and future health! I am so thankful and feel so blessed the Lord gave us the tools and Maria Wojcik Emmerich and Craig Emmerich to completely change our health and ultimately our lives!

We can do hard things with the Lord’s help! He wants us to be healthy and feel good and gave us our amazing bodies that know what to do when fed and given the right things! It feels amazing to feel so much better than I have in years!” – Linda and Jozie

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Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".

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