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Carnivore “Corn” Dogs

It is Easter and it is an Easter that none of us will ever forget.

I usually love Easter and have my friends over for a huge keto brunch. This year is different for all of us and it is my first Easter completely alone. Yes, I am home alone. My flight home from Maui was a week earlier than my boy’s flight because I was scheduled to speak in Utah.

We also had a large snow storm today which is less than exciting when it is the middle of APRIL! Geez! I had to wear gloves and a winter hat on my morning run!

One thing I did decide to do to help cheer me up is a giveaway of my favorite Beautycounter Countertime product line! I purchased the Countertime line (worth $382!) and you could win it! To enter, check out my Instagram @mariaemmerich OR Facebook Keto Adapted.

So what do I do when I am sad and alone? Create recipes! The only problem is, there’s not a lot of food in the house. We have a ton of meats in the freezer so I dug in their to find hot dogs and decided to create a Carnivore “Corn” Dog!

So this was my Easter lunch. Not very elegant but it was sure delicious!

Carnivore Corn Dogs

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 7 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Total Time 13 minutes
Course Beef and Lamb, Carnivore, Main Course, Nut Free
Cuisine American
Servings 3
Calories 391


  • 3 hot dogs I used Applegate Farms brand
  • 1 cup pork rind crumbs
  • 2 large eggs beaten
  • 1/4 cup Duck Fat for frying or tallow or lard OR AIR FRY THESE DELICIOUS DOGS!


  • Place the hot dogs onto a Popsicle stick and set aside.
  • Place the crushed pork rinds and eggs into a medium bowl and combine with a fork.
  • Use your hands to form around the hot dogs.
  • Heat the fat in a large skillet over medium high heat. Once hot, add the coated dogs and gently fry and roll until golden brown on all sides.
  • AIR FRYER METHOD: Place the coated dogs on a piece of parchment paper and place in the air fryer at 400 degrees F for 6 minutes, gently rotate after 3 minutes. Air fry until golden brown.


Calories: 391 | Fat: 28g | Protein: 33g | Carbohydrates: 0.3g | Fiber: 0g | P:E Ratio: 1.2




“Almost one year to the date I received my Certification as a Keto Coach, one of my awesome clients shares this! To say my heart is full is an understatement! Thank you Craig Emmerich & Maria Wojcik Emmerich for the opportunity you’ve given me to change peoples health & lives by offering this. You’re my inspiration! Thank you Tasha for your incredibly kind words!! I LOVE being your coach!!”

Today is the LAST day to sign up to be a Keto and Carnivore Coach! Click HERE to check it out!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


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