Baking with Coconut Flour
Converting Almond Flour to Coconut Flour
Are you wondering how to bake with coconut flour? It is a totally different flour than most!
You know how some people with different brands of coconut flour can’t get recipes to work?
Here is a chart to help when converting to coconut flour from other flours.

Testimony of the Day
“Hi Maria, You have been helping me get my life back by getting healthy. My main request was to help me get pregnant. Since starting your way less than 3 months ago I have lost 31 pounds and am off all my autoimmune disease medications. And today, I can tell you that I found out I am expecting. I am only a few weeks along and so I can’t share with everyone yet but I owe you my gratitude. After a year-long emotional journey, your way restored my body back to health.” Carrie
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We all would like to blame the thyroid when it comes to weight gain. The thyroid isn’t just responsible for weight gain or loss, it also contributes to how well we sleep, it produces stomach acid, can cause high cholesterol, and helps with the absorption of nutrients. Studies show that the thyroid isn’t going to make us gain 100 pounds, it really is only responsible for 5-12 pounds of weight gain if it is malfunctioning. Instead of focusing just on weight, there are some serious issues that can happen because of a thyroid issue.
There are a few main causes of thyroid issues:
1. It could be an iodine deficiency. This is a simple thing to fix. Get iodine tested if TSH is over 3.
2. Excess Bromide, (I suggest a blood test for this!). Excess bromides are endocrine disrupters which can be found in:
a. Strawberries due to the massive amounts in the pesticides sprayed on them
b. Citrus drinks like Mountain Dew, Fresca, Gatorade,
c. Medications: inhalers, nasal spray, as well as others
d. Bread (it is a dough conditioner)
e. Plastics
f. Others include: hot tubs, fire retardants and swimming pool cleaners
3. An autoimmune disorder, such as Hashimoto’s (under-active thyroid) or Graves (overactive thyroid): Thyroid nodules (cancerous or not) are often precursors to autoimmune thyroid disorders. I would request thyroid antibodies run (TPO and thyroglobulin if you have hypothyroid symptoms) (TPO, thyroglobulin, and TSI if hyperthyroid symptoms). This often happens after giving birth. During pregnancy, the immune system starts to change and circulate to protect the fetus. Once the fetus is born, the mother develops antibodies against her thyroid. In this case, adding 200mcg selenium while pregnant is not only very safe for the mother and fetus, it also lowers the autoimmune response after giving birth.
It is extremely important to know what is causing the thyroid issue before you begin any medication prescribed by your doctor. If it is an autoimmune disorder, then you would like to work with a person like myself who knows how to treat autoimmune disorders. If you decide to just jump into medication, then start to eat correctly to control the autoimmune response, you most likely will be taking too high of a dose. Once you address and eliminate what is causing the autoimmune response, we can most likely lower the dose.
If you take too much thyroid hormone and your TSH falls below 1.5 this can cause bone loss and other issues. Inflammation is the main cause of bone loss. This is why you need to address WHY first.
Another question I get is what is the best medication to take. Well, that really depends. If TSH is high, but t4 is normal the prescription medications called Synthroid or Levothyroxine is just going to give you more t4 which will help a little because there is more to give but not solve the problem. The problem is converting t4 to t3. This conversion doesn’t happen in the thyroid, it happens in the gut and the liver. Levothyroxine and Synthroid won’t help much. Armor would be better because it has t4 and t3.
But if it is low t4, some people do better on synthetic medicine (Synthroid and Levothyroxine) because of the fillers in natural medication (Armor). A few years ago everyone became upset because armor “changed their formula” but they didn’t change the amount of t3 or t4. They change their binding agents and just by doing that, many people reacted terribly. Some of these binders are cornstarch and gluten! No wonder! Those are common food allergens that can cause autoimmune responses.
In the case of a thyroidectomy, it is like removing gum from the bottom of your shoe. There is still some thyroid present. The thyroid is in a venerable area. In the case of Hashimoto’s (cancerous or non-cancerous nodules), there will still be antibody production against that small amount. You need to address the foods causing autoimmune responses.
I suggest rotating calories and nutrients, which I write about in my book, Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism to help with T3 production.
What is also interesting is that the thyroid produces stomach acid. If you are deficient in hydrochloric acid you can’t absorb the nutrients for bone health and thyroid function. A helpful supplement would be HCL with pepsin 500-700mg caps before meals.
In cases where you have the autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto’s or Graves, it is important to optimize glutathione status (click HERE to find), I suggest to optimize your vitamin D level, add in low-dose naltrexone (LDN) to help immune status. LDN works by blocking opioid receptors so the pituitary will somewhat normalize and the immune system functions better.
Also, adding in selenium which essential for the conversion of T4 to T3, which is the active form of thyroid hormone. You can eat 2 to 3 Brazil nuts a day or to ensure the proper amount, I recommend you can take a supplement: Click HERE to find.
Zinc also is responsible for converting T4 to the activated T3. I suggest 30-50mg zinc at breakfast (but note that as you increase zinc, it can cause nausea… slowly increase this). Click HERE to find.
GLA is an activated fatty acid that supports thyroid health. I prefer women to take 1,300mg of Evening Primrose Oil three times a day to help with hormone balance. Click HERE to find.
I also would seriously consider investing in a Reverse Osmosis water filter to get rid of all chlorine and fluoride in the water you drink. Click HERE to find.
If you or someone you know could use more help with their thyroid, Click here to get started on your journey to health!
Thank you! I have an excess amount of coconut flour right now & limited almond flour with a weekend to bake. This helps tremendously.