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The Ultimate Morning Routine

The Ultimate Morning Routine

Are you a night owl or a morning bird?

I’ve been a morning bird my whole life. I love waking up before anyone else and having hours to start. I start my day with my morning routines to help my day be the best it can be!

What I find most interesting is that the most influential people in the World have a structured morning routine to help enhance their performance!

The beginning of the year is a great time to start a new health routine and starting your day with a sauna is a great way to start healing and getting healthy!

The Ultimate Morning Routine starts with a sauna where your body gets rejuvenated while your mind can meditate or spend time in prayer.


The ultimate morning routine doesn’t start when you wake up, it starts the night before. I make sure to go to bed early so I get a good night of sleep before I wake up early.

If you are new to a morning routine, the evening before is a great time to visualize your new routine and mentally prepare for all the benefits of waking up and doing a sauna. Early on in my health journey, I often would visualize myself as getting healthier and more fit even before I would start a new health routine. It helped me to accomplish and follow through with my goals.

Doing a morning sauna is great for many reasons. One is the convenience as you can do it before your shower. Since you were going to shower anyway, doing it after the sauna in the morning means you don’t waste anytime with a second shower later in the day. You also have high cortisol naturally in the morning. It is one of the ways our body wakes us up. There are good stresses like sauna that can raise cortisol too, and that is OK, but doing it in the morning when your cortisol is already high anyway means you don’t get a cortisol rise later in the day.


Make sure to hydrate! Do not just drink water, make sure you add in electrolytes.

Also, the more you sweat, you lose zinc, so adding a zinc supplement or focusing on foods high in zinc is important. The thyroid screams for zinc! If you decide to add in zinc, start slowly with a low dose or you might get nauseous.

Consider doing an ice bath or cold shower. Doing a cold plunge after a sauna helps activate brown fat, increase mitochondria activity and it helps increase dopamine! Even my son Micah asked, “Why do I get so happy after the sauna and cold plunge?” Yep! This morning routine helps make you happier through the day!


We do not have a lot of space at our Keto Condo in Maui so a sauna blanket was perfect for getting all the benefits without taking up space!

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Click HERE to get a Sauna Blanket so you can experience the benefits yourself! 

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Sylvia Kessler says:

    So interesting receiving your email today….yes, I’ve always been a morning person. Yet, also a night person! I grew up in arid Arizona and loved the glorious sunrises, flora and fauna at 4:30 to 5 am and not to be seen after 6:30 am. That’s when I’d do my yoga. I was always a workaholic so I had all the “things” to do after my long work hours. And all the STARS visible after midnight!
    Well, yes, running my body on 4 hours sleep a night, max, you can imagine my current state of health at 72. I don’t regret my past, other than no one knew what PCOS was when I had it at 17. And, gut biome? Autoimmune disease? I can’t breathe in a sauna but give me a steam room any day. Go figure!

  • Angela says:

    What do you use to you clean your blanket between uses and users? It’s a bit vague online. I’m wondering if a towel with white vinegar would work?

    Thank you!

  • Amy says:

    I am a morning person as well! Might I suggest praying and meditating in the morning before the hustle bustle of the day begins. When I spend time in God’s Word and pray, thanking him for his goodness towards me and seeking his wisdom, it sets my mind and heart for the correct “posture” for the day. I feel God’s presence in all that I do because I haven’t neglected fostering a relationship with him that morning. I am a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, employee, friend…when I’ve prepared and equipped myself with the One who holds it all together!

  • Tammy Lancaster says:

    Such a good reminder! I used to have my mornings for my prayer and Bible reading before anyone awoke! A brain injury changed that 8 years ago, but reading your article reminded me how wonders that is to prepare us for our busy day! Setting my alarm now to begin this habit again.

  • maria says:

    thanks for sharing Maria. What would be best source of zinc?

  • Gloria M says:

    Maria, thank you for this. I have an infrared sauna that I have not been using. I have had a rough time getting my routines solid. I retired 2 years ago from a business I had owned. I was there for 41 years at different levels until I became co-owner. It has been hard finding a daily routine but I feel I am finally getting things in order. I have been trying to be consistent at meditation, yoga/exercise, but have been forgetting the sauna. I will put this on my list to do after exercise. It’s been a rough two and a half years trying to find myself again. I also got re-married as well and moved to a new area, I’m 63 now and trying to embrace new things has been more difficult than what I thought it would be. What I do know is I am beyond blessed.

  • Jacqui Douglas says:

    What if one is a night Owl!! I try as I might but can not sleep before about 1am… this makes me unable to wake before about 8-9am! I read that there are definitely two kinds of people… so I think it must be just the way I was born. I find meditating at night and journaling before I sleep makes me wind down but not before midnight… do you think I should try and change to be a lark?

  • Pamela says:

    I just ordered mine and can’t wait to try it. I am more of a early bird so my plan is to use it in the morning. But if I used before bed would it help sleep or hinder it? I’m just wondering because you talked about it helps increase Cortisol that helps wake us up.

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