I made an easy twist on a classic and created these delicious Root Beer Float Ice Pops and they are absolutely delicious and simple to make!
Today is the first day of the Minnesota State Fair and when I was little I remember getting Root Beer Floats! I loves a chilled glass of a creamy frothy root beer float while wandering around the state fair. Since we always have Zevia in our pantry and I always have my ice cream in my freezer, I could easily make Keto Root Beer Floats and they were delicious! However, I do know that you all love easy recipes and making homemade ice pops is something that you can make within 2 minutes… the hard part is waiting for them to freeze!
One thing that I do to save time is have things that I love delivered to my front door! Most of you know I do not like driving, I prefer to be on my bicycle! AND I do not like wasting time waiting in lines. This is why I get things like Zevia mailed to me every month. I do the Amazon Prime Subscribe and Save with Zevia. I usually get the strawberry Zevia and grape flavor for me and the root beer for my boys. Not only do I save time not going to the store, but it also is way cheaper online than it is in the grocery store!
Oh boy… after writing this, I MUST try the strawberries and cream ice pops with Strawberry Zevia!!!!
For those of you doing a Protein Sparing Modified Fast day, if you use unsweetened almond milk instead of heavy cream, you can do this during a Protein Sparing Modified Fast!

Maria Emmerich
Prep Time 5 minutes mins
Cook Time 5 minutes mins
Course Dairy Free, Dessert, Egg Free, Nut Free, PSMF Recipes, Snack, Vegetarian
Cuisine American
Using Almond Milk: trace calories, 0g fat, 0g carbs, 0g protein
Calories: 51 | Fat: 5.2g | Protein: 0.4g | Carbohydrates: 0g | Fiber: 0g | P:E Ratio: 0.1

“Hey Maria, I’m sure you get TONS of email so I don’t expect you to remember me. I found you back in 2015. That was my first foray into keto.
Back in March 2015, I purchased a health assessment from you. I also started keto for the first time back then. I was 40 years old. You provided supplement recommendations. I followed them and felt much better. I did that for about 6 months. I slowly trickled off after that. You know, because I felt good, right? I didn’t stay fully keto either. I did a lot of weight lifting at the time and you know what the rhetoric is about that. “You can’t be keto and build strength” and “you can’t be keto and build muscle” and that sort of thing. So I’d go back and forth with it.
Fast forward to January 2016. I’m 42 at this point. I’m noticing my period start to change a bit. My mom dies in late February. By August 2016, I’m having an extreme fear of my own death. I attribute this to my mom dying. I’m having unexplained panic attacks, headaches, heart palpitations for no apparent reason. This goes on into 2017. That is when the insomnia starts — followed by horrible overnight hallucinations. I was deathly afraid to go to sleep at night.
In February and March of this year, I was at the ER once each month. After the visit in March, the ER doctor who treated me came and sat down next to me. He was unusually compassionate.
He said, “Eileen, I know you’ve been in here twice now and we can find nothing wrong at this point. I see women around your age in here all the time. I don’t want you leaving here without knowing what is probably going on. You have anxiety.” I still remember that day because I couldn’t believe he was talking to ME. What happened to the confident, ambitious person I used to be? She was nowhere to be found. I was a mere fraction of that person. I didn’t know what to do. I thought I was going insane. Stupid or not, I refused to go see a doctor. I don’t trust them at all. They only know prescriptions and I am dead set against pharma. So I suffered for two more months. Debilitating anxiety, insomnia and hallucinations at night.
In May of this year, I had a breast thermography. It was my first ever non-self breast exam (never had a mammogram). Just about 10 days prior to that, I felt something in my right breast. Didn’t know what it was but I was definitely concerned. It felt like there was something immediately behind the nipple.
Thermography results come back a few days later. Left breast is level T1 low risk – nothing concerning. My right breast, however, is level T3 and there is a littany of RED in my armpit area. I expected there to be glowing red near the nipple. There wasn’t. The red was all in the armpit area. Lymph node territory. Holy shit.
That day, I was DONE. I was pissed off. I was DONE worrying about getting cancer. I was DONE being scared all the time.
I decided I was healing myself with keto and supplements. No doctors. No naturopaths — who, let’s be honest, are charging people like me multiple hundreds of dollars to diagnose and cure what I can diagnose and cure my damn self. I am well read on the topic of health and fitness. I know how to take care of myself. I just haven’t been doing it. NO MORE.
Right around May 20th, I went fully keto. The flu only lasted half a day when it finally showed up. After that, it was a breeze.
I pulled out your supplement recommendations from 2015. Guess what was on there? Every freakin symptom I had back in 2015 except much more severe this time. I knew I was estrogen dominant because I had nearly every symptom there can be to indicate that. So I got VERY aggressive with the supplements. I read all about estrogen and progesterone and knew the horrific anxiety and insomnia I was experiencing was a direct result of that. I double dosed the progesterone cream initially.
No kidding — 5 weeks on strict keto including no dairy, no nuts, no fruit, no starch, no sugar — plus consistent supplementation — and I am anxiety and insomnia free. 5 weeks is all it took.
I’m now almost 8 weeks in. I’ve dropped 25 pounds. I eat two meals a day typically (occasionally one if I’m not hungry). I have tons of energy. I’m clear headed. I just had THE most vibrant period I’ve had in probably 5 years. Sorry if this is TMI but it was astounding. It was bright red and just about the heathiest thing I’ve seen in forever.
I know I’m well on my way to healing. I’m taking supplements twice a day — only when I eat as I have very low stomach acid and I need HCl to digest them. Food helps tremendously in that regard. I’m hoping that heals over time.
I am back in the driver’s seat of my own life. I am never stopping supplementation again. I am committing to a ketogenic lifestyle every day. I actually look forward to my next thermography in early September. I hope to see great results from all the work I am doing. It’s incredibly empowering to know that I can be in charge of my own health. This was a much needed wake up call.
I want to thank you personally for all you contributed to me that made this turnaround possible. It may have been 2 years ago – and it’s still alive for me today.

Most people I consult are doing keto totally wrong. Get fast results with the my NEW Keto School!
I am SOOOO excited to try these!!! Thank you so much!!!!
I’m so excited to try this, Maria! I love Zevia’s ginger root beer. This would probably be great with their cream soda as well. 🙂 Thank you!!
You did not have any instructions on what to do make these pops.
Added above.
These look delicious❤ I can’t wait to tey them, thank you! ❤❤❤
Hello Maria and Craig,
Quick question: Is Bocha sweet is a keto friendly sugar ?
Thank you very much,
Simon & Sonia
Sorry it isn’t. It is kind of like fructose.
Thank you very much.
BochaSweet is a pentose not fructose and is absolutely keto friendly.
I have asked the company how it is metabolized and they replied that it is metabolized in the liver making it similar to fructose. It is not recommended.
Maria, what do you think about these with coconut milk? Thanks!
Also, do you have a preference for brand of stevia flavored extracts? The links to amazon in your recipes, particularly those that have strawberry, are broken.
Thanks again!
That one is here:
We also like the sweetleaf ones:
Yes! 🙂
I’ve never tried zevia mixed with dairy before!
Every time I try to print your recipes, a gray box appears. Are there others having this same problem?
We tried making these exactly as directions say however in the freezer we noticed that the cream and root beer have separated? The root beer is on bottom and cream on top. So my kids say looks nothing like the pops your kids have in the picture! lol. Is there a trick to blend them better and not separate as much?
Try to cool the mixture and then blend again before putting in mold and in freezer. 🙂