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By May 17, 2020December 3rd, 2020Nutrition Education, Weight Loss


We are so happy to announce our new and most comprehensive keto and carnivore calculator!

CLICK HERE to try it out!


This new keto calculator took a lot of time and money to create. My husband and I really want you to be successful on your ketogenic lifestyle and if you are struggling to reach your goals. This new FREE macro calculator will help you reach them! We put our 20 plus years of experience using keto to help clients into this new free tool. Whether you want to do keto, zero carb or carnivore, this calculator will get you the macros to succeed.

Check out this video explaining how to use it.

Getting your own personal macros is really helpful for maximizing your results! No matter if you are a keto athlete, want to lose weight, want to gain muscle, this keto calculator will get you to your goals fast!

Want to lose weight fast? The calculator includes Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF, click here for description) macros too!

Tell your keto friends! This is truly the best Macro Calculator ever!

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Carol says:

    Thank you Maria for your complete body of work. As I write this message I’m looking back and I see that I started Keto as a part of my healing process in 2017. My husband passed away from cancer earlier that year and I found myself burned out, overweight and on my own for the first time in a very long time with a greatly strained metabolism. We had raised a blended family of 6 kids. They were all well launched and now it was the first time since I was a teenager where I could focus on just my own well being. On the advice of several friends I decided to investigate this crazy sounding diet called “Keto”. It was far out there in my realm of thinking at that time. But after hearing from 3 different sources, what finally offered me great inspiration and pushed me to the point of being ready to try this was a client of mine in her 90’s. She had Alzheimer’s and every visit for several years I watched her gradually decline. But there was this one visit where I entered the room and she was sitting in her chair talking to me with better clarity than I had seen in a very long time. It wasn’t that she was perfectly her prior self, but she was present and aware and able to interact with me at a greater level. This continued for a period of time. I called her daughter and found out that the improvements were the result of the change in her diet. This was the only change that had been made. She had been on this diet for a period of time by the time I saw the changes. But it was absolutely remarkable to me. The first cookbook that I went out and purchased on 4/16/2017 was your “The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse” followed by “Keto Restaurant Favorites”. I’ve shed 43 pounds and have kept them off up to this date. I no longer suffer from metabolic syndrome and I just feel plain good.. I went on a “Keto Cruise” last year to the Bahamas as a gift to myself. I appreciated your contribution as a speaker. It was good to see you (at a distance) as a normal human being offering what you have learned and created from your heart. Thank you for walking your path and helping others to walk theirs. Wishing you and your family good health and great pleasure in life. Mine is the pleasure of living without pain and inflammation and looking forward to what is ahead. Thank You!!

  • Ryan says:

    Maria – how much is too much protein? If my results from the calculator says 126 grams protein and 97 fat, does it matter as long as I’m dropping fat grams? For example, if I ate 1 lb salmon and 1/2 lb chicken breast, and my macros are 165 G protein and 37 g fat, is that ok? Trying to stay keto via PSMF but don’t want to overdo the protein and have mixed results and don’t want to add fat just because.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Yes, if calories are staying under (fat is low) then going over on protein isn’t a problem. 🙂

  • I love the new macro calculator feature! It’s so user-friendly and makes tracking my nutrition so much easier. Thank you for continually providing us with these helpful tools, Maria! Can’t wait to put it to use!

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