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Carnivore Lover’s Giveaway

Carnivore Lover’s Giveaway

Nothing makes me happier than to gift my favorite products and nothing is healthier than a huge box of delicious and nutritious organic meat!

And today’s giveaway is extra special from Carnivore Crisps!

My family fell in love with Carnivore Crisps when we first tried their crispy meat chips and we made nachos with them! (click HERE to find!)

Carnivore Crisps are the most delicious healthy keto product! They are filled with nutrients and always have them packed with us when we travel.

If you miss crunch on the keto diet, you must try Carnivore Crisps!

New Carnivore Prime Grass Fed Beef!!

I’m extra excited because Carnivore Crisps is expanding and they now offer the most delicious steaks and meat that can be delivered to your front door! Carnivore Prime are some of the best and tastiest cuts of meat you will find.

You know I do not enjoy going to the grocery store and get food mailed to me!

Not only are they really tasty, but you can get some amazing cuts like the incredible bone in ribeye shown in the photo above with my boys! They also make great organ meat blended hamburger which is great for ramping up nutrient density! The organ meat blend contains heart, liver and kidney. It is really tasty and about the most nutrient dense thing you can eat! Add it in place of hamburger in a recipe and you won’t even notice that it is organ meats.

What I also love about Carnivore Prime is that the cuts are nice and big. Great for a carnivore or protein focused keto diet! You get a good portion, none of this 3 ounce fillet stuff. You get a nice big cut for getting your protein in.


As a special offer to our followers you can get a free 1 pound package of the organ meat blend with your order!

CLICK HERE to get a box. Just use coupon code: maria


In addition to this awesome deal, we are also giving away one of these massive 50 ounce Tomahawk Ribeye’s and a box of the organ meats blend!!

If you would like to WIN this carnivore lover’s giveaway, Carnivore Crisps is SO generous, he is graciously donating a box for a lucky winner!


1. Like my Keto private Facebook group called Protein Sparing Modified Fasting.

2. Follow me on Instagram @mariaemmerich and @carnivorecrisps

3. Comment below on how the carnivore diet helped you or a loved one!

4. Bonus points for reposting on Facebook or Instagram and tagging me!

Good Luck! Winner will be chosen December 5th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Wenchypoo says:

    That last pic of the pooch licking his/her lips is THE BEST advertisement for this product I can imagine! “So good, even your dog will go nuts for it!”

  • Emily says:

    I have much mor eenergy!

  • Tina says:

    Eating carnivore has finally helped me conquer sugar cravings! I have more energy, a clearer mind and a happier outlook on life!

  • Laura Fischer says:

    Hi, Maria. It’s Thanksgiving Day, and I just wanted to let you know that I’m thankful for you and your blog this year. I’ve been doing keto for years, but I hit a plateau and didn’t lose weight for several years. 2020 was rough, and I gained pounds and started allowing more and more cheat days, to the point where I’d gained back 70% of the weight I had originally lost when I started doing keto.

    In the middle of this year, 2021, I decided to get serious about my health again. I did some research and found your blog, and I started following your calculator and doing PSMF days. I really think now that the problem is that even those days when I was following keto and not cheating, I was just eating too much fat!

    After I raised my protein and lowered my fat intake, I was astonished at how quickly the weight fell off. I felt like I’d finally cracked the code. Now I’m doing three PSMF days a week with one overfeeding day and three normal keto macro days, and I’m eating food I love and losing an average of 2 pounds a week. Several of your recipes have become staples for me, especially the protein bread, and I’ve bought a couple of your books and want more.

    I’ve lost 45 pounds since the beginning of July. At this rate I will EASILY have lost fifty pounds by the end of the year, and very quickly I’ll be under the level where I originally plateaued. I’m going to keep going. I feel like I finally have a solid plan in place, and I know how to take care of my body, and I’m excited for the future. Thank you for all that you do.

  • Mary Ann Nettles says:

    Eating carnivore has helped me break a 6 month stall. On my way to better health.

  • RENEE K DUNN says:

    Carnivore is helping me get healthy as as side effect help me get to a healthy weight and cure cycle issues.

  • Amy says:

    Carnivore diet has helped my thyroid numbers!!

  • TamiP says:

    My mind fog of over 15 years is finally clearing after going carnivore.

  • Julie says:

    The carnivore diet has been wonders. Clearer skin, more energy and it’s even make all my meals a lot easier. My kids are even becoming more on the carnivore side which I am loving. They have even made me convert their traditional poutines to a carnivore style. Now it’s a staple in our home.
    Thank you very much for making our lives healthier and easier 🙂

  • Susan Silva says:

    Eating Carnivore has helped me and my family feel, look and eat great! We are not only losing weight but combating health issues and gaining mental clarity!

  • Kelley says:

    I just started Carnivore 1.5 months ago to heal my gut and get a handle on my autoimmune. So far, my gut and inflammation has improved tremedously and even have lost 10 pounds. I love my journey so far and will continue! Thank you for helping me along the way with your blog and social media posts.

  • Cindi Hoag says:

    Carnivore has made me feel so much better. I started out low carb following Maria years ago, then evolved to Keto, and now find that Carnivore is the healthiest of all. At 63, I have more energy and feel better than I have in years. Eating this way improves so many things in my body. It’s become a lifestyle. Amazing.

  • Jacquie Z says:

    I have more energy and feel much better also.

  • Kimberlee R Eldridge says:

    I have not started the carnivore diet, but this would be a great way to get it started!!

  • Christina Carrion says:

    I love the energy and not feeling full or bloated! Meat is my love language! Lol

  • Christine McGee says:

    Carnivore diet is helping me with inflammation and weight loss. I’m surprised by how good I feel eating mostly meat.

  • Jennifer Shepardson says:

    I feel so much better when I follow the carnivore diet. Thank you so much for making it so easy to follow!

  • Aileen says:

    I am mostly carnivore (ketovore I guess it’s called now!). Eating this way has increased my energy even more.

  • Carissa says:

    Relieved a lot of inflammation

  • Stella McKissack says:

    Always feel so much better, less bloating, aches and pains, and mind clarity

  • Linda S Clapp says:

    It’s so easy to make meals as my dog can eat the same wonderful food that I eat. We both have more energy!

  • Lauren says:

    I feel so healthy when eating meat.

  • Paul says:

    Switching to 98% carnivore has helped me manage my Type 1 Diabetes so much more. I also do not have the stomach issues I had when having veg most days. The only holdout for me being 100% is my love of avocado and jalapeno, so those are still in the rotation, but still very meat heavy.

  • Allison says:

    Carnivore has helped me not only lose weight but reverse my pre diabetes and helping to reverse my second stage liver disease!

  • Danielle Mullen says:

    Carnivore has helped my husband’s blood pressure and triglycerides come down to normal. Babe

  • Christine M. says:

    It helped my husband lose weight and not need metformin that his Dr. had prescribed for him.

  • Cherie says:

    I started a carnivore lifestyle about 6 months ago. I decided to try this due to an autoimmune disease I was born with, Lupus. When I saw it helped Craig so much with his Lime’s disease I figured it was worth the try. I have felt better than I have in years. I am very thankful for Maria & Craig for always answering questions and helping so many people.

  • Charlotte D. Sween says:

    More energy and feel better!!

  • Shelly Easton says:

    I feel so much better when I follow a high protein diet and cut out all those carbs!

  • Katy G says:

    Carnivore makes me feel better, even if I do get funny looks from people when I don’t eat veggies as much any more!

  • Nancy Gordon says:

    I have been Keto for almost 5 years, but adding protein, lowering fat, has taken it to a whole new dimension. I lost more weight, and after 3 Cancer surgeries over the past year, I am finally regaining strength and cognitive clarity. I am so grateful for all I learn from both Maria and Greg. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Jacqueline Brown says:

    Hi Maria!

    Over the past few months I have been making the transition from keto to carnivore for my health and I wholeheartedly believe with the changes I have been making, it’s allowed me to survive the covid virus! I honestly don’t think I would have made it being on the standard american diet.

    My goal is to set an example of good health for my kiddos 🥩

  • Martha McVeigh says:

    I feel better! Lean meats have become my friend.

  • Claire Moniz says:

    Carnivore helped my inflammation/pain ,it’s gone!

  • Carol Crosby says:

    Feeling great with carnivore- arthritis gone!

  • Kathy Bishop says:

    Carnivore and adding in PSMF days have finally allowed me to start losing weight again. Better that that, I feel so much better and have the energy to keep up with my 2 year old grandson.

  • Patricia Yarascavitch says:

    Carnivore keeps my type 2 diabetes under control without medications and helps me feel my best.

  • Kazumi says:

    Carnivore is the only way to kill my sugar craving! Now that I don’t consume sugar, a lot of things improved; appetite control, no fatigue, no bloating, no sluggishness, sleep better, no more cavities, no more depression and anxiety, no mood swing. Better human being over all!

  • Anna says:

    Going carnivore after losing my colon has changed my life and given me freedom and energy again! It’s kept me out of hospital beds and in action with my sweet son 💗 SO THANKFUL!

  • Joyce Lawrence says:

    I wake in the morning without thinking about laying back down.

  • Jerry S. says:

    I’ve had 4 heart attacks now – first one @ 30 years of age. None of the “Approved” diets have helped with my high triglycerides. LDL yes – HDL a little – but triglycerides not at all. Mega doses of statins, dried cracked skin, brain fog, muscular fatigue and cramping – all yes – without moving the dial on my triglycerides. Moving to a carnivore diet has not only helped improve my lipid profile but has also reduced my joint pain and even improved my mood! I mean who doesn’t like meat right?

  • Kelly White says:

    Way more energy!

  • Keri Daniel says:

    My health had been going downhill. I started keto and had wonderful results – more energy, better sleep quality, etc. I started researching carnivore to ramp up my health quest even more. Wow! Life changing!

  • Irene Herrera-Shan says:

    Great giveaway! Good luck everyone!

  • Christie says:

    My husband has lost 60 pounds eating carnivore and has never felt better!

  • Kris Reeves says:

    I’m still learning about eating carnivore but am excited to see the results for everyone!

  • Catherine says:

    It has helped me to lower my A1C from 7.7 to 5.1. Off almost all insulin.

  • Rosaura says:

    Best holiday gift ever. 😋😋😋😌😍

  • Susan W says:

    It is probably saving my life!

  • Dee says:

    Since going Carnivore, my joints and whole body feel better! No more inflammation!

  • Julie Roybal says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win! I am only four months into eating low carb and now I’m new to what you call carnivore. I want to learn all I can so I am following your YouTube channel. I am happy to say I am 50 pounds lighter but can stand to lose another 50. I am here to stay! I love your family and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Debbie says:

    With carnivore, I’ve treated decades of inflammation and auto-immune diseases and put them behind me.

  • Amy says:

    Helps me concentrate.

  • Maria says:

    This past year I finally came to terms with my weight and started my journey, losing 90 lbs so far. I started with Keto and transitioned to carnivore this month. I haven’t seen super results yet but I feel great and I plan to continue. Thank you for your inspiration, knowledge, and great recipes.

  • Lisa Holzman says:

    No more stomach problems , lost weight and I feel amazing!!😊

  • Lianne says:

    I started keto 3 yrs ago, I lost 83 lbs. But most important is that I regained my mobility!
    I was at a point where my inflammation combined with my weight had me unable to even drive, do simple things like wash dishes, ect. I have learned to keep my food simple and as pure as possible and I feel so much better for it- I have tested this by going completely off nutritious food and back to S.A.D. for 2 months and it sure made me sad! It all began to come back: swelling, pain, night sweats, bloating, and just an overall ick! I have learned my lesson I will stick to grass-fed meat and leave the other garbage behind!
    Thank you for this opportunity as I would love to try Carnivore Prime, but I do not have Instagram.

  • Joan E Elkins says:

    I was told my A1c was getting dangerously high, started my journey to learn all I could. Thankfully found Dr. Berry and Dr. Jason Fung which has taken me to a new level of awareness, because of you and many others, am so glad I did. My RA has stopped rearing its ugly head and I am able to move with much more agility.

  • Rebeca says:

    It has really helped with my neuropathy. My trigger fingers are healed.

  • Abby Myers says:

    The education that you and your husband have shared with everyone is invaluable. That in itself has helped guide me back onto the path of becoming way healthier. I started having the most horrible yeast infection ever and finding that my A1C was at a 10.1. I knew I had to take action immediately. I found you and I have been like a sponge since trying to gather and learn all I could about my body. I was able to turn my A1C to around to 6.2 in a matter of a few months. This lifestyle has taught me how to eat properly. I had to have my gall bladder removed at age 28. I have abused my body for years and you and this lifestyle has taught me how to regain and revitalize and for that I am indebted. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • Elizabeth Gerads says:

    Carnivore has helped my RA flares so much. I hardly have any

  • Angela Fountain says:

    I have enjoyed increased energy and learned to enjoy different types of meats with more fat, rather than lean no flavor meats.

  • Delores Jean Robinson says:

    I have been following you for a while now! I love all that carnivore has done for me. I’ve got off heartburn meds. I have lost some weight. But mostly inches. I feel awesome! Your recipes are great! I’ve always wanted to order the meats but can only afford cheap stuff on my retirement check. But I bet this is great meat. I’ve always been afraid the order meats would not be good.

  • Chris Blazak says:

    I feel so much better when I limit my carbs and liberally eat protein. It helps my joint pain and lipidema immensely. Thank you so much for al you do to help people live healthier lives.

  • Tracey Middendorf says:

    I am getting ready to try carnivore. I just purchased your book and waiting for the binded copy. I hope it helps with depression and over thinking

  • Michelle Lewandowski says:

    Carnivore diet has helped my energy and overall just feel better.

  • Ashley says:

    It has helped manage and keep my blood sugars stable as a type 1 diabetic. Life is not so scary when I don’t have to worry about my sugars constantly and eating this way helps so much.
    Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all you and your family do to help teach true health

  • Michelle L. says:

    The carnivore diet helped me get my autoimmune condition under control.

  • Jennifer Getz says:

    Hello! Thanks Maria! As always you’re wonderful!! Carnivore helped me with sugar addiction and gives me energy but I sleep better too!

  • Yvette Phillips says:

    Hi Maria, I’m pretty new to keto just a few months in and 20 pounds down. Until last week I was eating plenty of veggies on my keto diet because of becoming irregular even with stool softener and laxatives. Thankfully I saw you on a couple of YouTube videos explaining we don’t need fiber babies don’t have any and go all the time. It seemed counter intuitive to me but I decided to give it a shot and after three days of more carnivore type diet I became regular again and no laxatives. Two things I really crave during the days now are protein and water. Although I’m no completely carnivore yet I’m moving in that direction.

    I have been really working on cleaning up my diet (increasing lean protein) which has been hard in some way cause like your son I really don’t like eggs but I have tweaked you PSMF bread recipe a bit and am loving it. Thank you for all you do, I love watching your videos and learning from you!!!


  • JOE HUSOSKY says:

    carnivore is like keto on steroids

  • Beckie says:

    Carnivore helped everything about my health. Most of all, the gut issues and the weight loss.

  • Ann Margolis says:

    Who knew eating meat and protein is healthier than eating grains and veggies? I feel so much better since I’ve gone carnivore. So simple and easy too.

  • Miranda says:

    I am newer to this, but just after a couple of weeks of the supplements and more protein I am feeling more alert and I am sleeping a lot better!

  • Amy Machin says:

    Yum, yum, yummy! Starting carnivore now that Thanksgiving is over :o)

  • Stephanie Harpole says:

    My husband and I started eating a mostly carnivore diet a year ago. With the help from all the information that Craig and Maria have put out my husband has lost 60lbs and I have lost 15lbs. We both have so much more energy during the day.

  • Cathy and Gary Amerine says:

    Lowered my husband glucose from 200 to 111 in 3 weeks and I’ve lost 10 pounds. Been shadowing you for year then watched your videos and got on board.

  • Calli Cremeans says:

    I have lost alloy more weight

  • Kailey gray says:

    My husband and I have done carnivore for a couple of months now and we love it and neither of us feel deprived!

  • Beth Mahoney says:

    We’ve been carnivore/ketovore since last Christmas. We’ve both lost weight, husband got off blood pressure meds, I reduced my arthritis and gut inflammation.

  • Dixie says:

    Overall I have more energy and feel the best I have ever felt!

  • Christina Livingston says:

    My gut is sooo much happier with carnivore! So thankful

  • Jackie says:

    I’m just beginning my new life journey to obtain better health!

  • Tracy S says:

    Carnivore eating is helping me by having more energy.

  • Sarah Myers says:

    I have Lupus, and felt 80% better after going keto for. Finding that certain things still bother/trigger me, so made the decision to go carnivore. Just recently bought the Carnivore ebook, had a health assessment and have started the supplements! I’d love to try the mixed organ meat!!

  • Wynette says:

    I love how much better I feel on carnivore. I’m definitely healthier than I’ve ever been. Still a work in progress, but it’s good.

  • Debra Krause says:

    I have been low carb or keto for several years but have plateaued and are not losing now. I have decided to try carnivore so will report back soon 😊 Thank you Maria for all your expertise, you are a Godsend!

  • Ashley Vasquez says:

    I haven’t had one headache or flare up from my gerd since going carnivore! I was having both 3-5 times a week before.

  • Valerie K says:

    Lost weight on carnivore, have more energy, easier meal prep, and just so delicious!

  • Tamara Hight says:

    I have an autoimmune disease where I was prescribed Humira. I was kn the medication for 8 years and decided I didn’t want those risks. I have not used any medication for the last two years!

  • Applejacks1221 says:

    We are not 100% carnivore but my husband is keto. Definitely an increase in energy was seen.

  • Aimee Perrin says:

    I’ve been carnivore for 3 years! Carnivore allowed me to manage my type one diabetic blood sugar much easier and to be able to take less insulin especially when I can limit myself to only beef and lamb. It has allowed me to enjoy my food and the simplicity of cooking just meat and not fooling with vegetables!

  • KRISTI says:

    Carnivore takes the guess work out of eating!

  • Amy says:

    Love that more companies are getting into providing high quality meat thru home delivery!!

  • Robin Tompkins says:

    51 pounds of weight and fat since carnivore! Having energy and sleeping habits have improved tremendously! This is the best lifestyle choice I’ve ever made.

  • Liz says:

    My skin has cleared up and I’m off all T2 diabetes meds! 🎉🎉🎉

  • Ann Marie says:

    Eating this way has been a huge help to my health!

  • Karen says:

    Carnivore has helped me loose weight, lower my hunger, fix my constipation and just feel better!!

  • Judy says:

    Carnivore has improved my energy and less cravings 🙂

  • Wendy N says:

    The biggest benefit is steady blood sugars! Love walking this journey with my friend. We try new recipes, keep each other motivated and encourage each other.

  • Noreen Dennis says:

    I have more energy and less puffiness- love how simple it can be. Doesn’t have to cost lots of money. Thank you for all you do 😊

  • Jill says:

    On Keto and I could not lose weight- figured out through Maria that “salad” was a fiber that my body did not digest well. Once I went Carnivore-my weight started coming off. So grateful! Happy Thanksgiving!!! xoxo

  • Pam Howard says:

    No more bladder leaks!

  • Gloria says:

    I have so much energy and a clear mind all the time. I have been losing weight steadily and loving every minute of it!

  • Cyndi Steinke says:

    My husband has really focused on being keto after his recent cancer diagnosis, follicular lymphoma – never going to be fully gone from what we were told, (I wish it hadn’t taken that for him to believe me). What he doesn’t know, is that I’ve been helping him prep and he’s basically carnivore! He’s lost 30 pounds, wasn’t the goal, feeling better, and keeping the cancer at bay. Thank you for explaining keto to him in a way that I’m unable to!

  • April says:

    Carnivore helped me break the cycle of my food addictions. Also it significantly lowered my pain levels from fibro.

  • Anne Auve says:

    Eating carnivore helps clear my skin and makes me feel fantastic!

  • Anne Auve says:

    Eating carnivore clears my skin and makes me feel fantastic!

  • Renny Chang says:

    Carnivore has helped me keep it simple and “kondo” all the junk that had made me feel terrible, sluggish, low energy for most of my life.

  • Deborah Rafferty says:

    Carnivore is so simple, it helps me simplify my life. Love it!

  • Jennifer Pellicone says:

    I have just started implementing a carnivore food regime. I feel more energetic and less achy. I’m sure I will have more improvements yet to come!

  • Skave says:

    Carnivore has helped relieve my inflammation and joint pain.

  • Tina Drake says:

    Thanks for the giveaways! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays. I feel so much better since going Keto. I’m so thankful for your guidance through it all.

  • pamela jablonski says:

    My fibromyalgia and arthritis pain are so much better!

  • Heather Chase says:

    Carnivore gives me energy, reduces pain from inflammation!

  • Adrienne says:

    This method of weight loss has been the only way I found I can lose weight. After my thyroidectomy, I have not found anything except PSMF to be effective. My husband adores the PSMF bread by the way! Thank you!!

  • Dianne Harris says:

    Helped me cure my diabetes!!! Yes!

  • Karyn Belanger says:

    The carnivore diet helped me AND my family by giving me my life back. I was having so many issues due to Type 2 diabetes. It was becoming difficult to rise off a chair. I now walk 3 miles every day! I had been 2 years trying to overcome plantar fasciitis and it disappeared within two weeks! My migraine has greatly decreased and I look forward to waking up every day with a healthier body! I will never go back to SAD! 🥩

  • Lori says:

    Starting again after some medical issues!

  • Penny Reveile says:

    Carnivore eating has helped me reset my healthy eating by killing the sugar cravings and lessen inflammation!

  • Pat Schaffer says:

    Carnivore days are my best days. Looking at greater protein to restore hair health and reduce inflammation.

  • Cynthia Murphy says:

    Agreed! Carnivore increases satiety and squashes sugar & carb cravings!

  • Lori says:

    I just feel good. I can actually walk better because it helps inflammation. Hoping to heal all other health issues but I know that takes time.

  • Megan says:

    It’s helped my family to reduce digestive distress!

  • Steph says:

    Helped with weight loss

  • Kelly says:

    Carnivore helped me calm down my autoimmune Lupus while I healed from the root causes. Made life tolerable 🙂 My gut has healed and now I can include some variety but mostly I’m content eating just Meat!

  • Norma Tumberg says:

    I am wanting to try carnivore. I haven’t had success with keto… maybe carnivore is the answer

  • Gini says:

    I’m not full carnivore, I’m heading that way though! I feel better on carnivore days- less inflammation, tummy issues, and joint pain.

  • Niurka Gomez says:

    No more joint pain, no cravings, better sleep etc.

  • Melissa killing says:

    Feeling healthy eating this way thanks to Maria!!

  • Dawn Walbeck says:

    Carnivore seems to be the only way of eating that leaves me with less bloat and higher energy. It makes me feel fantastic

  • JB Hill says:

    Wow has it helped me (& my husband)!!!!
    I had high blood sugar and now I am in the normal range, given me tons of energy, cleared up my vision, feel 100% better, lost weight, eccetera. I am the most happiest about how much it has helped my husband!!!! For the last 20 years he has had tons of health problems along with being on high blood pressure meds, arthritis meds, acid reflux meds, pain meds…….and now is off ALL meds!!!! He has lost a bunch of weight, toned up, has more energy, and his arthritis is under control!!!! He wasn’t as much of a believer that food is the best medicine…..but now we are both advocates of it!!!!

  • I’ve lost 130 lbs. on Keto/Carnivore. I’m 71years old and plan to stay in this lifestyle forever. My husband has never had to diet for weight but now he’s joined me to address some health issues that the diet addresses. Thank you, Maria, for all the help you give us.

  • Michelle R says:

    Looking forward to getting started! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • Amanda says:

    I’m just starting to learn about carnivore and it may be the answer to so many of my issues. Keto made me feel better but never lost any weight and got discouraged. This would be an amazing jump start!

  • Anna Pelonis-Mills says:

    I need to do more carnivore because I have 120 pounds to lose, after gaining so much weight with my fourth child. Sadly, I lost both of my amazing and beloved parents last month to covid and took my disabled brother in to care for him. I also have an autistic son, so I need to get healthier and lose this extra fat since I need to be around for my family & especially for these amazing people in my life!

  • Nadine says:

    Sounds great, pick me!!!

  • Brenda Dubois says:

    I feel more alive! Best l have felt in years. Unfortunately l went off the plan and now Im trying to get back on it. Ugh.

  • Sarah Oswald says:

    I just started carnivore so I can’t honestly say how its helped other than filling me up so I’m not hungry and it helps me keeping off sweets.

  • Kristie Bueno says:

    Through the knowledge shared by Maria & Craig, starting out Keto and transitioning to carnivore helped me relearn everything I knew about food. I have lost 80 pounds and no longer need to be on the 7 prescription medications I had to take for years! Living the best life now…all thanks to Maria & Craig!

  • Andrea Denmon says:

    I’m more ketovore than carnivore, but it’s helped me loose over 50 pounds. Overall feel so much better. My journey started with several food allergy problems and needing to improve my overall health.

  • Rust says:

    I have more energy, less weight, and I am sleeping better.

    • Ashley Barker says:

      I’ve finally broken a long weight loss stall. I lost 27 lbs and been able to keep it off for 4 months which I’ve never been successful with before. I’m getting compliments more often and feeling less joint pain due to adapting a carnivore diet.

  • Lacie says:

    Just starting my journey after seeing how good it’s been for my mom. She has so much energy and her health is great!

  • Eric G says:

    More energy, less inflammation and its who doesn’t like eating steak with a side of steak for every meal. 🙂

  • Sara says:

    Less pain and inflammation.

  • Jennifer Terrien says:

    I have not tried carnivore but zi am interested!

  • Jessica Patt says:

    Before the carnivore diet, I had yeast overgrowth, SIBO, and could not digest my food properly and had constant bloating for 3 years. The carnivore diet has cured my stomach problems and my yeast and eczema are completely gone!

  • Mia Phipps says:

    My 21 year old son has a tremor. He’s had it since he was a young boy and eating carnivore makes his tremor go completely away.

  • Carrie L says:

    I’m down 35 pounds in 1 year! Hoping to loose another 35 pounds next year! Thank you so much!

  • Christina says:

    Less inflammation and has lowered my A1C!

  • Debbie says:

    Carnivore has been so good for me, my stomach has never felt better. No more bloating and discomfort.

  • Candice says:

    Overall feel just way better! Mind is clearer!

  • Claire L. says:

    I was already on Keto for two years but I couldn’t stay away from keto bakes and were eating terrible macros. Carnivore really helped to manage my cravings and go on a higher protein keto! I now feel so much better!

  • IRINA STILES says:

    We lost weight quickly and feel better.

  • Doris says:

    Helped with my food sensitivities as I don’t eat those foods anymore. I don’t miss them.

  • Alan Robertson says:

    I was over weight and about to start to take diabetes medication and did side to start doing psmf and have now hit my goal weight and in perfect health. It saved my life

  • Donna says:

    I was never so regular as I was even eating carnivore!

  • Debbie St. John says:

    The best thing about carnivore for me is the major reduction in joint pain and aches.

  • Gigi Hoke says:

    This has helped me beyond words can truly express. Not only has my mood and health improved but so have my relationship with food. It’s weird to write that last part but it’s true! What I thought I knew and grew up with was not working for me. Just as our bodies, minds, and certain tastes/discretions change, well so should our diets. Thank you for all the advice and guidance.

  • Sarah says:

    no more energy crashes or hangry need to eat now moments. 💖

  • Rachel says:

    Switching to the carnivore diet (well, mostly carnivore), lead me to FINALLY start losing the weight I had gained my first pregnancy. I had more energy, less brain fog, more confidence. It also helped with my minor blood pressure issues, my complexion (adult acne), digestive issues, and some regular pain I had in my knees. Pretty much everything I had wrong, big or small, eating this way has helped! Now of course, prices are rising, especially with meat, so it gets a little harder to… BE HEALTHY! So this is awesome of you guys to do these giveaways! 🙏

  • Rose Christopher says:

    Carnivore has helped keep me “in check”! I feel like all the inflammation in my body is disappearing and I have slept so much better! I love Maria’s recipes! No way NOT to stay on track if you follow her!

  • ROSITA ACE says:

    Keto and a protein focus has changed my life for the better. I breath easier, move better, have better energy, and improved mental health. I’ve lost approx 110 lbs and feel great! I’ve remained keto for over 2 years and have no plans to stop as I know my body operates better without sugar.

  • Lisa Gruchot says:

    Eating strictly carnivore/zero carb for over two years helped to speed up recovery from a wicked traumatic brain injury! Meat is so good for the brain and the body 💗
    Separately, loving your new Pure Protein Cookbook!

  • Jennifer says:

    Eating keto has change how I see food. And how I react to being hungry. Sugar gave me migraines and never was full eating processed junk. So glad my husband and I changed are eating habits.

  • Crystal B says:

    I’m going to try carnivore as soon as I get my book.

  • Nancy Gordon says:

    Maria, Joe asked me to also comment for him. He has lost over 50 pounds since following your way of life. His lifetime struggle with debilitating plague psoriasis has also been cured. He no longer has diabetes, and has the energy he had in high school. Thank you. 🙏🏻

  • Susan Lyle says:

    Ketovore is my life! Following your Instagram, blogs and videos is inspirational! Love seeing the kiddos eating their meat & living the healthy lifestyle. It’s so refreshing to see wholesome recipes, tips and beautiful scenery. Eating meat & seeing others thrive eating my way has changed my life I feel better & have dropped 19 lbs plus inches and ALL cholesterol levels are down. My inflammation has decreased and I can’t wait to see more positive outcomes!! Thank you Maria and Family 💟

  • Tammera J Lowe says:

    Carnivore has helped me have increased energy while being able to maintain my weight loss at the same time.

  • Joanne Schultz says:

    Sounds yummy!I’d love to try it! If it’s good for keto, it’s good for diabetics doing low carb!

  • Tammie Venne says:

    I have been wanting to try carnivore and seen influencers that showed great improvement in numbers after but always worry it will be too restrictive or hard on my stomach post gastric sleeve

  • Sherri says:

    This diet reduced inflammation, pain and blood sugar levels.

  • Dawn Hensley says:

    I love the energy I have.

  • Avery Charvet says:

    Maria, What is the red light mask that you wear? Thank you, Avery

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