Just Thrive Probiotic Discount
Use code Maria15 for 15% of your order!!
Many of you know that I suffered from terrible IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) when I was a teenager. My doctor sadly recommended that I take Citrucel daily and I did! It was filled with fake fiber, orange food dye and sugar! I wish my doctor would have prescribed a quality probiotic like Just Thrive!
I LOVE Just Thrive and we all take it daily! My boys are from Ethiopia and you would assume, not being exposed to American illnesses and viruses, they should have been sick often but they were and are never sick! Their good gut bacteria helps keep them healthy! Probiotics are so important for gut health and so much more. Most of our immune system starts in the gut. I love that JustThrive probiotics don’t have to be refrigerated! Plus being non-GMO, dairy free, gluten free and more I know there isn’t any hidden junk in it that I don’t want in my body.
Probiotics are so helpful for moods too! Our moods come from a healthy gut!
A high-quality probiotic helps balance your bowel flora, which naturally can help eliminate Helicobacter (also known as H. pylori, an overgrowth of bad gut bacteria). A healthy gut contains good bacteria in the digestive tract that helps digest food and combat harmful invaders. These healthy bacteria release compounds that we can then absorb and make use of vitamins and minerals. You aren’t what you eat, you are what you ABSORB!
Acid reflux can often be caused by H. pylori, a pathogenic organism; it’s the only bacterial organism in the stomach that is never killed by hydrochloric acid. Probiotics can attack H. pylori and other harmful organisms.
A healthy gut contains good bacteria in the digestive tract, which helps digest food and combat harmful invaders. These healthy bacteria release compounds—such as vitamins D and K2— that we can then absorb and make use of. Taking antibiotics for the treatment of acne also kills good gut bacteria, which can cause Candida overgrowth and increase skin outbreaks.
Supplement with a high-quality probiotic like Just Thrive and take it in the morning before you eat. For most people, one capsule a day is an appropriate amount. Sadly Craig took very powerful antibiotics for a year to help kill Lyme Disease so he needed more probiotics during that time to restore his good gut bacteria. If you also had to take antibiotics or have a recovering immune system, take two or three capsules a day until your gut health is restored and make sure to not take at the same time as you consume the antibiotic, then drop to one capsule per day.
One of the main reasons I love Just Thrive is because I do not have to refrigerate it. I once thought I needed a refrigerated brand but Just Thrive doesn’t need to be refrigerated and it works better than past brands I purchased! I keep a bottle in my suitcase since I travel every weekend and I no longer worry about needed a refrigerator in my hotel room to keep it cold.
I also order Just Thrive’s K2 Supplement and we all take it daily! I love that is has a quality chelated magnesium in it too!
Use code: Maria15 for 15% OFF your order!
Click HERE to check out their probiotics!
Just Thrive is SO generous they are giving away 90 day supply for 3 winners!!!!
1. ONE ENTRY for joining my Keto private facebook group called KETO.
2. ONE ENTRY for following me on Instagram @mariaemmerich and @justthrive
3. ONE ENTRY for commenting below on how the keto lifestyle has helped you or a loved one!
4. ONE ENTRY for sharing my giveaway on Facebook or Instagram and tagging me!
Good Luck! Winner will be chosen November 14th!
Love this! I would really like to try Thrive supplements! Keto healed my fatty liver, my gerd issue, took away my anxiety, makes my skin look amazing, I feel great all the time now & sleep wonderfully!!
Maria, your supplements and supplement recommendations have truly helped me. Thank you for everything you do.
Maria- thank you for all you do for my health! Keto keeps my weight, mood and blood sugar stable. I’m currently taking the probiotic recommended in your gastro supplement package. Do you recommend JUST THRIVE instead?
Hi Maria, Do you know if both of these items are Veggie Based as I am allergic to shellfish
I love a great probiotic recommendation!
Keto has not only helped me lost inches and pounds, but it has also helped relieve the constant body ache I had and psoriasis that affected my body for over 40 years. It is all gone – not a trace! Also my A1C has gone from 6.7 to 5.8. This process has taken over a year and a half but it is well worth it. I have not tried Thrive supplements but will definitely look into them.
It has helped my joint pain
Keto has killed my sugar dragon!
The probiotic I currently use comes on a blister card, so it doesn’t need to be refrigerated. I have always heard that once the capsule hits the air, or as soon as the container gets opened, it will need to be refrigerated. Can you tell me what is different about Thrive?
Also, do you recommend a prebiotic in conjunction?
Cici – Just Thrive uses four strains of spore-based probiotics that are specifically designed by nature to survive digestion so they can colonize the gut microbiome. Until they reach their destination, spore probiotics exist in a sort of hibernation where they’re completely shielded from the environment around them (no refrigeration needed). Once they arrive in the gut microbiome, spore probiotics spring to life and claim their space along the lining of the large intestine. They kill off bad bacteria and create a friendly environment for other beneficial bacteria.
The strains used in Just Thrive actually have the unique ability to read the microbial environment. In fact, these strains have the ability to:
Survive the harsh conditions of the stomach 100%
Identify pathogenic organisms (and once they do this, they produce natural antibiotics to help kill off the bad bacteria…)
Competitively exclude the overgrowth of opportunistic organisms
Create compounds and nutrients to feed the good bacteria in the gut
Since adopting a keto lifestyle full time, year round, 5 years ago, I have been able to get control of my Type 1 Diabetes and normalize my blood sugar levels, along with attaining an A1C in the mid 4’s. It also helped me get back into competing in my sport of beach volleyball at a semi professional level and finish in the top 3 in over 18 tournaments I’ve entered since my diagnosis 5 years ago. It has been an amazing journey and a ketogenic way has definitely been key.
I would love to try Just Thrive. I’ve had a problem in the past where I’ve forgotten to place my probiotics back into the refrigerator & I’m not sure if they are still good but they are too expensive to throw away. I cross my fingers & hope for the best. Just Thrive would be so much easier since it doesn’t require refrigeration.
Probiotics really do help with the keto lifestyle, and theywork wonders to keep us healthy.
The probiotics we are currently taking have to be refrigerated, so it would be awesome to try the Thrive brand as it would be the perfect option when traveling.
No more blood sugar swings
Eating Keto has me eating healthier food, less processed foods. I hope to win Thrive’s Probiotics. Could use it with my health issues!
Keto = No more HANGRY! And losing fat that I’d never thought I’d lose. And improving my cholesterol numbers (though they really weren’t that bad after all…). And running an entire 5K without walking AT ALL (huge for me!). And it’s helped my parents, too! My dad has lost weight and isn’t as forgetful and mom’s lost weight and reduced her hunger, too!
I have so much more energy and my mind is more clear when I eat nutrient-dense whole foods and plenty of healthy fats. I would love the opportunity to try Just Thrive!
I love eating Keto and have noticed so many changes. I’m a slow-loser, so I am trying not to get discouraged, but to be encouraged that I have less pain (from inflammation) and just feel better overall (no heartburn/indigestion, etc.).
Keto has helped control my IBS and finally manage my weight and energy! Hubby has been slower to adopt the lifestyle but was forced to further cut the carbs this summer when A1C came back in the 400s (!). His memory has improved, and he’s at his lowest weight in years.
I would love to try the Thrive Probiotics. I love everything you recommend and fell I can trust your opinion.
Going keto over 3 years ago has helped me loose over 50 pounds and bring me to probably the healthiest state I have ever been in. I am looking for new supplements so this would be great to try!
I have heard good things about Thrive probiotics. I have read about many suggestions on quality probiotic brands and have tried most of them, except Thrive. My question, if you would be so kind to answer or point me in the right direction is – which probiotic is best for what conditions? Is there a guideline? Or do you just pick a recommended brand from someone you trust and hope for the best? The good brands of probiotic are very expensive and it would seem more cost effective if I explored a brand that matches my symptoms or needs.
The reason I ask this is that I recently tried a very “recommended probiotic” and then had my gut microbiome tested and only one strain of the probiotic (out of 4) showed up in the evaluation of my gut. I was shocked. Maybe it was not the right one for me. So it started me thinking what one is right for me?
Keto life style has helped me to lose weight, cut down on my medication and relieved much of the pain that I previously had. I am a work in progress!
Thanks again for a very helpful give away.
Keto is healing my body.. it’s a journey and there is jumps and hurdles but with help like you Maria. I’m getting through them. In 2 short months I’ve released 47 lbs forever. I would love to try the Just Thrive products. Thank you and Craig for all you do.
I’d love to give these a try!
Keto has drastically helped reduce pain and inflammation and also sugar cravings.
Eating Kept has helped my Whole Family eat healthier!!!! My 2 boys ask “this is Healthy, Mom”?!!
Love probiotics! In fact, if I go a couple days without taking any my gut is not happy!
I love the keto way of life. I’m more active at 57 than I was at 40!
I have more energy.