April PSMF Weight Loss Challenge
Who wants to lose weight eating my delicious protein sparing recipes AND win prizes?
Join me and my protein sparing support group on APRIL 1st for 30 days to do my Protein Sparing Modified Fasting Weight Loss Challenge!
Find my FREE Support Group for Protein Sparing Modified Fasting HERE!
Just by following my perfected meal plans in The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse and the my Protein Sparing Modified Fast Meal Plans you could WIN my April PSMF Weight Loss Challenge!!!!
Click HERE to get the FREE meal plans to follow!
Click HERE to check out my NEW Protein Sparing Package!

Just by posting your photos of your meals on my Keto Adapted Facebook wall or on Instagram and mentioning @mariaemmerich in your posts with the hashtag #psmfchallenge and #The30DayKetogenicCleanse
As a bonus you can join our PSMF group on Facebook HERE and post there too!
The prizes are gift cards towards anything at Keto-Adapted.com.
- Week 1: $50 gift card to anything at Keto-Adapted.com
- Week 2: $100 gift card to anything at Keto-Adapted.com
- Week 3: $150 gift card to anything at Keto-Adapted.com
- Week 4: $200 gift card to anything at Keto-Adapted.com
- The BEST before/after photo transformation will win $300 to Keto-Adapted.com!!!! (the transformation can include more than weight loss! Getting off medication, better moods, more energy or any transformation you achieve with the Protein Sparing Modified Fasting!
NOTE: Only one winner per week. Also, the final winner will be chosen on May 4th so make sure you get your final before after photo or story shared with the tags before May 2nd.
You can use the gift cards towards:
2. A subscription membership (I highly suggest a platinum membership with the NEW meal planner!)
3. any of my nutrition Packages!
4. any of my ebooks (or my hard cover books)
5. A personal health assessment!
6. Our Strength Training Programs!
7. Our Keto Coaching Certification Program!
April is such a great time to challenge yourself on setting NEW goals and my protein sparing modified fasting meal plan will get you to your goal FAST!
Good Luck!
NEW Protein Sparing Modified Fast Package!
Want to get a jump start on this challenge? Want to learn everything you need to know to succeed using Protein Sparing Modified Fasts? Our new package has it all covered!
Buy now and get instant Lifetime access to the Course and all the amazing content in this package including:
- All our PSMF ebooks! ($75 value, includes Protein Sparing Modified Fast ebook, The Art of Fat Loss ebook, Pure Protein Cookbook ebook)
- Lifetime access to our Protein Sparing Modified Fast Class! ($45 value)
- 7 Days of PSMF Meal Plans (with interactive grocery lists) you can pick days to add to your week
- 2 Weeks of Full Meal Plans (3 PSMF days plus 1 Over Feeding Day and 3 Keto Days Each Week)
- 4 Live weekly group webinars with Maria and Craig!
- Hundreds of hours of content
- Free Platinum membership for 30 days ($35 value, includes the following):
- Meal plan generator to make your own meal plans
- Personal Macros targets based on your goals
- Interactive grocery lists
- Over 2000 exclusive recipes
- Live weekly webinars with Maria and Craig
- Track your progress
- Workout Videos
- Question and Answer module to ask Maria and Craig questions anytime
- Much more!
- You get Lifetime access this everything in the package (videos, materials, meal plans, ebooks, class, etc.).
- You also get access to anything added to the package in the future!
CLICK HERE to get this package!
“When I finally stepped on the scale this morning, to my surprise I was ⬇️down 1 lb! My old self would’ve been sad that, “that was all!” My new self is jumping up and down that, 1 the scale moved…eeeekkk and 2 that I’m down .3% body fat! 💪🏻My inflammation is almost gone now! I know my body is healing inside! No more hives like I’ve had for 3 months! 💫🔥
Today I prepped a some psmf donuts 🍩and psmf mini bagels. I will make more tomorrow. My day rocked with my macros and I am so damn proud of myself! There’s more to this than losing weight. I’m regaining my control on food.” Dawn
#mariaemmerich #psmfchallenge
“So today was the day! I have been morbidly obese my entire life. Almost 5 years ago my friend Jessica turned me on to keto. I was 315lbs at my heaviest. I lost 85 lbs in the first year and then plateaued. I was able to maintain until the pandemic hit, then gained a 15-20 pounds.
January 1st, came with Maria Emmerich’s 30 Day Ketogenic cleanse and 3 days of PSMF per week. 36 lbs loss since January 1. Today I hit Wonderland!!!! I will be 51 in August, have not weighed under 200lbs since I was in 8th grade.
Thank you Maria Emmerich and Craig Emmerich for your wise words, guidance and excellent recipes.
(Pardon the wax on the scales)” Marcy
“Besides the fact that my mirror needs to be cleaned and I gave myself a double chin…this is beyond exciting for me!I woke up this morning and to my surprise I’m down 12.4lbs now in 7 weeks!I know the scale isn’t everything, but I’ve been doing this at a STALL FOR 5 YEARS total keto 7 years.I am shocked, kinda speechless which doesn’t happen too often! If you want to lose weight, start today!!! Maria Wojcik Emmerich and Craig Emmerich know what they’re talking about!!! I play mind games with myself daily and that’s ok! It’s all worth it and so are you! Do it!!!!!” Dawn #mariaemmerich #psmfchallenge
“End of week 3 of April challenge:Week 1 down 2Week 2 down 1Week 3 down 1April Total down 4 lbs and 3″Total down sinceNov 2021=25 lbs(When I started Keto-Adapted Emmerich method)I think I finally have my magnesium straightened out.Still amazed that quitting coffee helped me lose more weight, since the entire month of the March Challenge I only lost 2 lbs total.Thank you both!” Sara#psmfchallenge#mariaemmerich#30dayketogeniccleanse
“I lost 5 pounds on my trip!!!
I mean actually that’s going from my lowest weight the week before the trip but if you go by the actual day we left it’s 7 pounds!Y’all, I’m in the 150’s!156 exactly.Can’t wait to see what the last week of the challenge does!” Keto_60andsassy
“This is a point that I thought would never happen. In October I was determined to start and keep fighting to make it happen.•All my teen and adult life this weight has been a struggle.•I topped out over 300 pounds in 2007!•In 2009 started a new eating plan, working out and managed to lose 40 pounds. Then stuck again!•2015 I began keto, 20 more pounds lost but stuck again!•The battle continued trying to figure out the “right” thing that would help. Stuck again!•I worked out harder, longer…no more loss.•I tried fasting…stuck.October 2021, due to health concerns I decided to go clean keto (Emmerich Keto). No dairy, no nuts, lower fat and quickly lost 20+ pounds. I stuck with the eating plan and the began Protein Sparing Modified Fasting. @MariaEmmerich has amazing recipes that didn’t make me feel deprived. Often times I feel like I’m “cheating” because the food is so good! The most amazing thing is the weight loss! I’m amazed! I’m still a long way away, but I now have confidence that my goal will one day be a possibility. Next goal…under 200!!!“ @ketoninja_lady@mariaemmerich_recipes#psmfchallenge #the30dayketogeniccleasecookboo k
“I am so thankful to Craig and Maria Emmerich! I was stalled for a year now. I have been Keto for 3 years now but wasn’t losing weight. I decided to join her PSMF Challenge. I started out at 185 and in ONLY 2 weeks, I’m at 170!I lost 15 pounds in two weeks!I’m not starving, I’m eating better than I ever have. I am so excited to start week three and then four to see how much I will have lost in 30 days!! Thank you both so much!! 🤗😘“ Tina
Challenge weight losse
I hope you will join us! 🙂
Someone from the Facebook group linked me here but I can’t find the link to buy the challenge?
All of the information needed to join the challenge is in the post above. Click on the meal plan, and there are links provided for the cookbooks that the recipes come from (The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse Cookbook and The Art of Fatloss) 🙂
Hello! I’m sort of mixed up. I would like to start the challenge today. The meal plans are free, but I need both cookbooks to get the recipes? I have the Art of Fat Loss, but not the other one. I would have to order that one before I start, correct? Thank you!
Correct. You can get the Kindle version of The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse if you don’t want to wait for the book to be delivered 🙂
I was able to find the 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse at my local Barnes and Noble.
This is low calorie for every day. How can I do all my work without energy?
We only recommend PSMF 1-3 days a week, and we recommend regular keto the other days. We also build in overfeeding days where you eat closer to maintenance calories on weeks where you are doing 3 PSMF days. This meal plan provides plenty of energy to sustain your daily routine (although you may want to avoid strenuous exercise on PSMF days) while you lose weight 🙂
Not sure how to join
Just download the free meal plan linked in this post, get the cookbooks if you don’t have them (The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse Cookbook and The Art of Fat Loss–also linked in this post), follow the rules for posting/tagging/mentioning on social media and lose weight! 🙂
Am I able to do this with little to no eggs? It seems that I have a reaction to egg foods. I am really disappointed to discover this. Dreda
I’m sorry to hear that! Yes, Keto and PSMF is easy to do even if you can’t have eggs. Simply prioritize lean protein sources like chicken breast, lean beef, pork loin, tuna, shrimp, etc and add a low carb vegetable if you want 🙂