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Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes

By May 8, 2015June 5th, 2022Weight Loss


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Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes

Testimony of the Day

30 Day Accelerated Testimony: “Maria Maria Maria!! I’m so excited—I’m down 10lbs after about 6 weeks and what seemed an interminable stall—I went back thru all the Advanced Keto 30 day plan info and took your advice—eliminated all dairy, almond and psyllium flours and it worked! I’m on a roll! Could not be happier, even after a serious mishap and tearing my ACL/MCL right in the midst of our 1200 mile move from CO to VA! Doc says I can do rehab for the MCL and do the ACL surgery in 6 wks.

If I wasn’t so overwhelmed with our move I’d be trying to do the webinar! I’m just so happy that I’m 6 weeks into the program and feel competent to cope with all the current challenges. Thank you, again!” – Cathy

Click HERE to start your diet today! On SALE now!

Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes

I want to start out my reminding you that a Well-Formulated Ketogenic diet is very specific. I get clients all the time that are eating keto but when we dive into what they are consuming, I would be gaining weight too if I ate what they were consuming. Having higher ketones does not mean better fat burning.

A Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet also does not have the ill effects of when people first go low carb such as feeling tired, depressed and having heavy legs when walking up the stairs. A common mistake is that people start adding in fruits and more carbohydrates because they “feel better” when they add in carbs. The problem was their diet wasn’t Well-Formulated. When you first start a low carb or ketogenic diet you lose a lot of water weight. When clients first adapt to the keto-adapted lifestyle, one of the first side effects is a rapid improvement in insulin sensitivity. Eating low-carb causes insulin levels fall quickly, and your body starts to banish insulin resistance. As insulin levels fall, the kidneys begin to promptly release fluid. One common complaint I get from clients when they first adopt this lifestyle is that they are up in the middle of the night urinating more than usual. This will go away eventually, which is a good thing, but there is also some bad news that comes along with it.

The good news is that when you release that excess fluid, fat oxidation becomes easier. The bad news is that as the extra water goes, it also removes essential sodium and electrolytes. When sodium levels fall below a certain level, which can happen quite fast, there are some undesired side effects such as headaches, low energy, dizziness, and cramping.

This is the so-called “low carb flu” and hair loss that people complain of. If they do not supplement properly they experience these issues; then they add in carbohydrates such as fruit or higher carb veggies like spaghetti squash and claim they feel better, but the issue was they didn’t formulate the diet properly.

If you would like to learn more on how to test if you are in ketosis and how to Well-Formulate your ketogenic diet, I have a fun and educational class called The Keto Life. 

1. Using nuts, nut flours, seeds, psyllium for weight loss. DO NOT SUBTRACT FIBER. 

Ketosis isn’t just for weight loss. I have many clients trying to gain weight, put on muscle or just eat healthy in maintenance. That is why I have recipes with nut flours. My boys enjoy my chocolate chip cookies and breads that contain those things but my meal plans for weight loss are very specific and cut all nuts, nut flours, seeds, and psyllium.

Also do not subtract fiber from vegetable carbohydrates. This is a common mistake of many low carb dieters. My meal plans only contain the highest nutrient veggies without the high total carbohydrate counts.  I have many clients that are kicked out of ketosis with too much fiber.

This is why most of my cookbooks are nut free compared to most keto cookbooks.

2. Consuming Dairy.

I have to say, when I first heard you say I should omit dairy from my meals I panicked a little. But unbelievably, you were right! After not only removing dairy but also adding the supplements you suggested, I can now again consume lactose-free dairy without any adverse effects. I am so happy that you suggested this…it made a world of difference!” Kristen


Cut out all dairy, even “low-carb,” high-fat dairy. Skip the butter, cream, whey protein, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese and whey protein powder. I find that helps so many clients get to their goal weight. When you have a damaged and inflamed gut, there is a phenomenon called “atrophy of the villi.” that occurs You digest dairy at the end of the villi. So once you heal the intestinal wall with this anti-inflammatory, keto-adapted diet, you can incorporate those foods again (in smaller doses at first). I usually have people take L-glutamine and other things to heal the intestinal wall faster. This means no whey protein either. Click HERE to find my favorite tasty egg white protein.

I get people asking all the time, “If I cut out dairy, how will I get enough fat?” It really isn’t that difficult if you think about all the wonderful fat sources there are. My meal plans cut all dairy; including butter and whey protein. For 50% of my clients dairy is insulin producing and holds them back from any weight loss.

Click HERE to find The 30 Day Ketogenic Cleanse which is dairy free AND nut free!

Click HERE to find Easy Dairy Free Ketogenic Recipes which is dairy free AND nut free AND it is Easy! 

3. Drinking calories! This also means bulletproof coffee.

First off, butter is dairy. Cut it out.

Second, if you do bulletproof coffee in order to “fast” until noon, you are no longer fasting. Even if you ate only fat, eating over 40-50 calories takes you out of Intermittent Fasting which is a powerful tool for ketogenic dieting.

Third, drinking your calories do not signal the proper hormones such as leptin and ghrelin that give you the sense of satisfaction and signal that you are full. Chewing is a powerful tool. Use it.  I much prefer to chew my calories than drink them.


4. Eating when you are not hungry.

A SECTION FROM KETO ADAPTED: Breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day … “breaking your fast” is!

When I read about how you need to eat every two to three hours in order to fuel your metabolism and muscles, I find it so ridiculous. Sure, if you are a sugar burner, you will need to eat that often, not only because you are “hangry,” but because eating a high-carbohydrate diet burns up amino acids so you need insulin to increase muscle. But if you eat a well-formulated keto-adapted diet, it spares protein from being oxidized and therefore preserves muscle. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are considered essential because your body can’t make them, so you need to consume them for proper muscle building and repair (as well as for replenishing red blood cells). What I find so interesting is that BCAA oxidation rates usually rise with exercise, which means you need more if you are an athlete. However, in keto-adapted athletes, ketones are burned in place of BCAA. Critics of low-carb diets claim that you need insulin to grow muscles; however, with a well-formulated keto-adapted diet, there is less protein oxidation and double the amount of fat oxidation, which leaves your muscles in place while all you burn is fat!

The saying that you need to eat breakfast within an hour of waking is not helping your waistline. If you are constantly fueling your body and increasing insulin, you will be burning sugar rather than ketones and you will not get into the fat burning mode. Do not eat every two hours.

The reason behind intermittent fasting is based on the foundation that your body tends to burn glycogen from your liver, but there is only enough glycogen for six to eight hours. Once your glycogen stores are used up, what is left? Fat! Yahoo! That is what most people are trying to get rid of, right? So after eight hours, your body is forced to start metabolizing fat rather than glucose.

5. Consuming Alcohol.

When people go on a diet, they often choose the “light” version of their favorite alcoholic beverages in order to save a few calories. However, that is only a small piece of the puzzle. Fat metabolism is reduced by as much as 73% after only two alcoholic beverages. This scary fact shows that the primary effect of alcohol on the body is not so much how many calories we consume, but how it stops the body’s ability to use your fat stores for energy.

Muscle Tip: Drinking alcohol is the most efficient way to slash your testosterone levels; women…we don’t want this to happen either. Just a single event of serious drinking raises levels of the muscle-wasting stress hormone called cortisol and decreases the levels of testosterone for up to 24 hours. If you are working out to build strong fat-burning muscles yet consuming alcohol, this actually breaks down muscle further and you end up with a slower metabolism. This is because you break down muscle as you lift weights and you repair them as you rest if you have proper hormone levels…if not, you never repair your muscles properly!

Alcohol in the body is converted into a substance called acetate. Unlike a car that uses one supply of fuel, the body is able to draw from carbohydrates, fats and proteins for energy. When your blood acetate levels increase, your body uses acetate instead of fat. To make matters worse, the more you drink the more you tend to eat; and unfortunately, drinking will make your liver work to convert the alcohol into acetate, which means that the foods you consume at this time will be converted into extra fat on your body. If that didn’t sound bad enough; alcohol stimulates appetite and decrease your testosterone levels for up to 24 hours and increases estrogen by 300%. The infamous “beer belly” is really just an “estrogen belly.” Biochemically, the higher your level of estrogen is, the more readily you absorb alcohol, but the slower you break it down.

Also, we all know that alcohol dehydrates us. In order for fat to be metabolized, it must first be released from the fat cell and then be transported by the bloodstream where it is pushed to the liver to be used as fuel. If you are dehydrated, the liver has to come to the aid of the kidneys and can’t focus on its role of releasing fat.

Alcohol also affects every organ of the body; it’s most dramatic impact is upon the liver. The liver cells normally prefer fatty acids as fuel, and package excess fatty acids as triglycerides, which they then route to other tissues of the body. However, when alcohol is present, the liver cells are forced to first metabolize the alcohol, letting the fatty acids accumulate in huge amounts. Alcohol metabolism permanently changes liver cell structure, which impairs the liver’s ability to metabolize fats, which causes fatty liver disease.

To read more, check out my book: Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism. I have a whole chapter called “Alcohol, It’s Not Just the Calories!”


Ever notice that you thought you were going to lose weight in the summer because you are more active but you ended up gaining???

Sleep is extremely underrated when it comes to the weight loss puzzle! I used to I ask clients, “How well do you sleep?” And they would respond “Great! I sleep 6 hours like a baby!” I now include the question how LONG do you sleep!

You must get 8-10 hours daily. If you find yourself not being able to fall asleep, I suggest taking a cortisol test in the morning and at night to determine if cortisol isn’t falling like it should throughout the day. I also suggest getting a ferritin test to determine if iron isn’t getting into the cells properly. Low iron causes you to be extremely lethargic throughout the day, even though you might feel so anxious you can’t sleep. If you find yourself waking up too early (say 3am and wide awake) that is low progesterone.

If you need more help with sleep, click here certain supplements can help!

7. Not Eating Enough Protein

People fear something called gluconeogenesis where protein is turned into glucose. This results in eating too little protein and loss of lean mass over time. Not what you want. Also, when you eat too little protein you can see things like hair loss and low energy.

But gluconeogenesis is primarily a demand driven process. That means it produces glucose when glucose levels get too low. You have to eat a LOT of protein (like 3 times your goal in one meal) to meaningfully effect your state of ketosis.

Make sure to get at least 0.8 times your lean mass in protein grams each day. For a 150 pound woman with 30% body fat that means they have 105 pounds lean mass. So the protein goal is (0.8*105) 84 grams of protein a day. And don’t worry about going over on protein either as long as your fat for the day is under the limit.

8. Damaged Liver

Get your liver as healthy as possible! The liver performs more than four hundred different jobs and is the body’s most important metabolism-enhancing organ; it acts as a filter to clear the body of toxins, metabolize protein, control hormonal balance, and enhance our immune system.

Your liver is a “worker bee” that can even regenerate its own damaged cells! But our liver is not invincible. When it is abused and lacks essential nutrients, or when it is overwhelmed by toxins, it no longer performs as it should. Fat may build up in the liver and just under the skin, hormone imbalances can develop, and toxins increase and get into the bloodstream. The liver metabolizes not only fats, but also proteins and carbohydrates for fuel. It breaks down amino acids from proteins into various pieces to help build muscle, which directly impacts your calorie burn. The liver also transports amino acids through the bloodstream for hormone balance, a critical task that helps your body avoid water retention, bloating, cravings, as well other undesired weight issues.

The following demonstrates the effects of the liver on our bodies:

1. The liver is where T4 is converted to T3 (the activated thyroid hormone).

2. Excess estrogen blocks production of T3. T4 needs to be converted to activated T3, a process that happens in the liver. T3 is what makes us feel good. Click HERE to find supplements to help the healing process.

3. The liver breaks down fat if it is not tired and toxic.

4. This important organ not only helps you lose weight, but also controls your moods.

Everything you put on your skin gets absorbed into the bloodstream and is metabolized by the liver. I suggest re-thinking everything you put on your skin! Which is why I use THESE products for not only myself but also on my boys.


9. Eating Before Bed and Exercising at the wrong time of day.

Weight loss is all about hormone manipulation and you have a lot of control on not only insulin with your eating but also cortisol and human growth hormone.

Our natural surge of Human Growth Hormone is 30-70 minutes after you fall asleep, but its antagonist is insulin. If you eat before bed, insulin rises and our fat-burning hormone (Human Growth Hormone) will not rise since insulin is more powerful.

Cortisol is naturally high in the morning and should fall throughout the day. This is why morning exercise is awesome! If you wait until after work to exercise you get another surge of cortisol which messes with the natural decrease and can store belly fat. Read more on Cardio HERE. 

10. Adrenal Fatigue and Stress

Decrease stress. If you hate your job, it is time to find a new one that will embrace this new lifestyle, too. I had one client quit his job to become a fitness instructor. Man, he looks like a new person!

Exercise is a stressor too. Do not plan on running a marathon in the middle of a divorce or if a death occurred in the family. You only have so much stress hormone produced each day. During a stressful time in your life, yoga is a better fit. The majority of my before/after photo testimonies from clients are doing this with diet alone! No exercise!

Decrease stressful eating situations. This is also why I hate it when clients have business lunch meetings. It really messes with digestion.

Evaluate relationships that are causing too much stress. Are some people in your life toxic and trying to demolish your health goals? It may be time to find more supportive people in your life.


Want to do keto the RIGHT way? Our new Keto Courses are perfect for losing weight and healing fast. CLICK HERE to get started.

Thank you for your love and support!


Maria Emmerich

Maria is a wellness expert who has helped clients follow a Ketogenic lifestyle to heal and lose weight for over 20 years. She has helped thousands of clients get healthy, get off medications and heal their bodies; losing weight is just a bonus. She is the international best selling author of several books including "Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet.".


  • Terri B says:

    Great post Maria, thank you. I have some questions: Is ghee an okay replacement for butter when going dairy free? If so, what is the difference between cultured ghee or ghee that does not say it is cultured? Also, if my Ketonix is blinking in the red, does that mean I am burning ketones for fuel, thus am keto-adapted?

    • Annette says:

      Yes ghee is ok as what makes it butter is gone the milks solids and. The lactose. What is left is oil.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Cultured ghee will have little to no casein. So if using, use that one. But I would avoid ghee also for a couple weeks as part of the dairy free.

      Yes, you are burning ketones. 🙂

  • Wenchypoo says:

    As one who is allergic to dairy, ghee IS NOT a suitable substitute for butter–other animal fats, as well as coconut oil, are okay. If you do not have an allergy problem with whey or casein, then use the ghee–just make sure its free of agricultural chemicals and hormones.

  • Petra says:

    Great post Maria, extremely helpful and inspiring 🙂

  • Amazing tips Maria. I think I especially have to work hard on the last one, but at the same time I don’t want to give up my fitness, you know? I worked so hard to build to the base that I now.

  • Annette says:

    Great article Maria thanks I needed this.

  • Claudia says:

    I am having such a hard time. I got your book Maria. But still can’t seem to budge any weight at all. To bring up fat intake, I have a coconut oil treat with 1T of coconut oil, some shredded unsweetened coconut and a pinch of raw green stevia. If I feel hungry, I have another one of these treats. Sometimes up to three a day. Is this causing me to not lose weight? I eat eggs, grass-fed beef, shrimp, chicken thighs, salmon as my proteins and veggies romaine (lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, spinach, kale, cucumber, zucchini). I will cut out the butter for now. I don’t eat nuts anymore. The coconut oil treat helps me a lot. Oh, I also make a shake in the morning using Greak Lakes beef gelatin powder, 2 Ts, one egg yolk, 1/4 cup of coconut milk full fat from can, pinch of cinnamon, vanilla bean powder, and raw green stevia. Is this ok? Please help!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      I would watch your total carb intake as well as total protein. Try to keep total carbs at 30g or less, 20g or less is better. Also keep protein at about 50-90g a day.

      • Claudia says:

        Thanks so much Maria. I do stay under 20g of carbs but I will stop subtracting fiber, maybe that’s a problem. My protein is around 50-55g. I try to keep it on the lower side because I am short, 5ft tall. Right now I am not as active because I broke my 5th metatarsal, right foot. It has been depressing. It’s 10 weeks into recovery and I’m still not healed. I have been doing Pilates exercises the last couple of weeks. Before that, I couldn’t do hardly anything.
        Is my coconut oil treat ok?

  • Monica says:

    Mother’s Day is coming up and I’m asked by my crew (9), what I want. Considering the different packages. Any counsel?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      My Keto-30 packages are really great. They have all the tools you need to reach your goals and make it really easy all the way down to a weekly grocery list. 😉

  • Janet t says:

    thank you for this reminder Maria. I lost the weight by following that advice and your meal plans and the supplements you recommended. it was incredible how easy it was after the initial withdrawal from my sugar addiction. I love this lifestyle and once the weight is off, it is easy to maintain with the addition of the things, sparingly of course. too much of a good thing can pack on the weight also. thanks maria for staying on top of this and for your newsletters. I appreciate them very much.

  • MJ says:

    Great reminders…Awesome work as usual Maria…..thank you!!

  • What a great article, Maria! Concise, to the point and spot on. Thank you.

  • Donna says:

    I understand not drinking calories, but is a spoonful of coconut oil with meals or even in place of a meal when I’m busy considered drinking calories? I eat coconut manna for lunch with macadamia nuts because it is an easy on the go… I literally have to eat in my car on the way to see clients. I don’t have a lunch break, so it has to be something I can eat while driving. Do you think I should cut out macadamias and coconut manna too? Do you include coconut flour in with nut flours? Sometimes I make your corn bread recipe and top it with a coconut milk chocolate sauce…I’ve got to get the scale to budge but am having a terrible time of it after doing keto for 2 years!! I eat so few things I feel dissatisfied physically most of the time…like my stomach wants something else but what can I eat on the go??

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      No, I wouldn’t consider that drinking. You are chewing with it.

      I would consider coconut flour with nut flours as it is high in carbs.

    • Mary says:

      I hope this helps you … I keep a cooler with me in the car. In it, I have little discs of raw cocoa butter (pure fat) that I munch on while driving. I also keep a little container of pure coconut oil (solid) that I take a teaspoon full of and chew it for additional fat. Along with that, I usually eat a jerky stick (Vermont Smoke & Cure make great ones) or a cheese stick or a frozen protein bagel, popover, keto bread, etc. that is thawed by the time I’m driving and need a snack. Hope this helps you. Oh, seaweed snacks are a great way to replenish good minerals on the go too and they are low in carbs.

      • Maria Emmerich says:

        Great tips! 🙂

      • Donna says:

        Thanks for all of your great ideas Mary!

        • Mary says:

          Donna – I have a new trick for meals on the go. Whatever cooked meat is leftover from our dinner the night before, I grind in my food processor with coconut oil and add any spices that go with the meat. I freeze this in little baby food size containers and pop them in my cooler in the morning and by lunch I’ve got a meat pate to eat with a spoon. And yes, I can eat this while driving as I take a bite at the stop lights. I’ve tried this so far with leftover liver & onions, beef stew, corned beef & turkey burgers. I know it sounds strange but I got the idea from Liver Pate and am now in love with it and the various spice combos to go with the various meats.

  • Aisha says:

    Thanks Marie. This encourages me again. I started the meal plan on April 1st along with accountability exercising (with a friend). Felt great the first two weeks wnd lost 10 lbs in the first week. Didn’t lose for the second two (but felt good). After 3 weeks I hit a wall – tired, unmotivated and depressed – and stayed in pajamas for an entire weekend. I have been not eating on plan since and need to get back on it. Interesting you mention low ferritin. My testing last year was low. I can’t function if I don’t take my multivitamin so maybe that is why?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Low ferritin will definitely hold you back. It takes up to 6 weeks to fully keto adapt, so hang in there. Make sure to get extra salt, potassium and water (lots of water). That will help with energy.

  • momof8 says:

    i like the taste of coffee with mct oil and stevia. is there any anount of mct oil that would keep you in a fasted state? or could we have this later in the day…decaf…i like using mct oil to add fat and in dressings. I prefer coffee with mct oil alone…own all your books and meals plans…constantly tweaking as I get older…46 now…

  • Bev says:

    Is your mayo with avacado oil , from your amazon store, an ok option when trying to get into ketosis.

  • Terri B says:

    Maria, if my Ketonix is blinking in the red, does that mean I am burning ketones for fuel, thus am keto-adapted? I’m unclear if this means I am actually burning ketones for fuel.

  • Cindy says:

    How about decaf coffee (Dave Asprey’s) with Coconut milk, MCT oil, and stevia?. In iced form?. Dairy is so hard….

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      It is better to chew your calories to register leptin better. 2 eggs and 2 strip bacon is similar in calories to 1 coffee like this (depending on how much oil you put in). It is way easier to consume a LOT of calories when drinking like BPC. 🙂

      • Cynthia says:

        It’s hard for me to do breakfast before work or get something healthy at work. This iced coffee is actually a meal for me–collagen protein, coconut milk, decaf coffee, a little MCT oil and a little Swerve or vanilla Stevia. The ratios look pretty good–maybe not enough calories even! But I hear what you are saying about the leptin. I’ll play with it. Thanks for the response.

  • Kathy says:

    Maria, I’m considering one of your packages. . I’ve lost about 60 lbs so far, doing LCHF., another 60 to go.
    What plan do you suggest for someone like me who has a moderate amount of knowledge already? And who wants flexibility with meal plans?
    Are the hard/soft cover books available as an upgrade? Are the e books and videos available after the 30/90 days? Or can I download to my computer?
    Thank you!

  • Shannon says:

    Sleep! I never can get more than 6 hours of sleep regardless of what I try. I always wake up around 3:30 or 4:00 even though I take bio-identical progesterone, magnesium and Gaia “Sleep Thru”. Any words of wisdom???

  • Andrea says:

    Maria, can you please elaborate on the reason why one should avoid psyllium when trying to lose weight? I made a tortilla with it and egg whites and it tasted great but I did gain 3 pounds overnight and I think that was the cause.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Mary says:

    Thank you Maria. This brings some clarity. I just started keto eating last month after taking one of your courses and with tracking, I’ve discovered that apparently I’m one of those more difficult cases, where I need to stay far below regular ranges of carbs and proteins, compared to most people in order to stay in ketosis. And yes, I count total carbs. So thank you for the clarification that each person is different. Thanks again for all you do!

  • Lisa says:

    I have most of your books, but the majority of your recipes have a lot of dairy so I’m confused about your no dairy comment. 🙂

  • Kelly says:

    Hi, I like to take fiber more for my constipation, what do you suggest I should take. I really love your recipes!. If I was rich I would go to see you for all my problems!.

  • Mike says:

    The only thing that has honestly worked for me is the so called “superfoods” I hate the name, because it seems so fake, but they have really worked.

  • Eve says:

    Hi Maria, thank you for this concise overview… It’s a bit scary, though. Have been trying to lose (suddenly gained) weight for years now, and keto since November, but I don’t see any change. Cut out dairy since January, hoping this would boost things, but still nothing. Now I see you recommend cutting out nuts, too? No nuts, no dairy, being careful of protein, …. what is there left to eat?!
    I’m also doing intermittent fasting, and I must say, it’s taking its toll on social life, too…
    I’ve also noticed that I get fed up with meat, I miss my legumes, or quinoa… but now that I’ve been keto for some time, I’m really scared of the consequences when adding carbs again.
    Anyway, I hope I find a way to make this work for me. And if anyone/any website could help me through this, I’m sure it’s yours. Thanks!

  • michal says:

    Thanks for the great article!
    I have a question – I really need a coffee in the morging.
    Is a cap of coffee with just a little bit of coconut milk and splenda ok?
    Any other alternatives?

    Thanks a lot,

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Well, I don’t recommend splenda. I would use stevia, swerve or a monk fruit sweetener. If you implement the other tips and keep a cup of coffee and your weight keeps moving, then you are ok. If it stalls, then try removing the coffee. 🙂

  • Amanda says:

    Hey Maria,
    I work out every evening after work? I don’t have time in the morning before work. Anyway to make exercise in the evening work?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Yes, just don’t do it too late as it can energize you and inhibit falling asleep. 🙂

  • Catriona says:

    quick question: will things made with coconut flour have the same weightloss stalling effect as nut flours, Maria?

  • Nancy says:

    Hi Maria,
    I have three of your books and just finished the Keto class and I haven’t seen anyone else with this question. When I am trying to get into ketosis I get heart palpitations/skipped beats which are a bit unnerving. I did have a heart workup at the doctor and they said my heart is fine. Could this be a part of the “low carb flu” and do you have any recommendations? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  • Jen says:

    I need to heal my fatty liver and try to clear up the damage it has done to my skin, especially my extremities, as well as lose over 100 lbs. What book, plan do I need to purchase that not only helps with weightloss but especially will heal my liver?

  • lisa says:

    Thank you for this. It explains why my weight loss has stalled. Will cut back on the dairy and get back to the basics.

    That said, even without the weight loss I am generally feeling much better. I am much more aware of what my family is eating too. I don’t feed them carbs any more and I hope in time they won’t feed it to themselves either.

  • Koshie says:

    Hi, Maria! Thanks for all the info! Illuminating for the most part — but I am confused about the dairy thing. Is it necessary to remove dairy from your diet (for weight loss) if you are NOT dairy-sensitive? How do you know if you are dairy sensitive?
    If it helps, I am 58 and think I’m in excellent health except for wanting to lose 30 pounds to reach goal (appropriate BMI). I eat LCHF; however, I’ve been stalled in my weight-loss progress for about a year.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      From the 10 years of experience working with clients, I find that removing dairy helps get the weight moving faster for most people. You can test for dairy sensitivity. After removing it for a couple weeks weigh yourself in the morning, then have dairy and weight yourself again the next morning. If the weight went up you are retaining water and should remove dairy for another couple weeks. 🙂

      • Mary says:

        Wow – perhaps this is why my weight loss stalled and I went out of ketosis. I was dairy free for 30 days and added back in the dairy; but didn’t know about the test. Okay, guess I should cut dairy again for a month – bummer!

    • Koshie says:

      Thanks so much for responding. I’ll be doing this experiment soon!
      God bless you!

  • audi says:

    can the daily consumption of cocoa powder aggravate hair loss? I’m dealing with this right now and trying to figure out which foods to cut out.. I take 15mg of zinc, should I double that? Also is hair loss a sign for thyroid problems?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      I don’t think cocoa would effect that. Yes, try increasing your zinc slowly to 30mg. 🙂

  • Diane says:

    Hello – From what I understood when doing the 7-day cleanse, the bone broth could be drank at any time to help increase energy and tied you over until the regular 6-hour eating window. However, should it only be consumed during the 6 hours in order to be in ketosis and not “drink your calories”?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Well, to maintain your fast the total calories should be 50 or less outside the eating window. 🙂

  • Amy says:

    What supplement do you suggest for healing the villa in the intestines that will help with a dairy sensitivity?
    I do all dairy free except for butter, but looks like I should take that out as well

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Just removing dairy 100% for a month or two should let it heal. Also also Vera supplements can help heal (and l-glutamine). http://astore.amazon.com/marisnutran05-20/detail/B000S92RHM

    • Linda says:

      Eventually, you may be able to use the cultured ghee, as Maria states near the beginning of this post. I have been dairy free since January 1st, and have just recently added in cultured ghee… my only dairy I am allowing myself for healing purposes. It has great flavor!! It is wonderful to add a buttery component to my food again!

  • Wendy says:

    Maria, when you say don’t subtract fiber from nut/seed flours and vegetables, are those the only foods in which you don’t subtract fiber? If not, does this mean we should never subtract fiber from the total carbohydrates for any food?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      The only thing I don’t count carb in are sugar alcohols (like erythritol, Swerve). They are not digestible. 🙂

  • Amanda Reed says:

    So basically, most of your recipes on the website should only be used once you’ve reached goal? 🙁

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Most of my recent recipes on the blog are focused on keto weight loss. And my new cookbook will be 100% keto weight loss recipes. 🙂

  • Robin says:

    Interesting. It also gave those of us on the Atkins forums a lot to talk about. I stopped losing lbs so I cut calories, increased good fats, cut carbs…NET CARBS (yes, I substract fiber and sugar alcohols as well), started exercising more and started losing lbs. I lost 8 I had gained back and more. I’ll continue to lose with this plan. I can’t cut all dairy and expect to be happy. It’s too restrictive. I have cut the amount of cheese I eat, but I understood that keeping net carbs low was a key to ketosis.
    I’m doing well on my plan, and appreciate so much your recipes and most of your advice. But, like all things, we have to do what works best for us. It has to be a plan we’ll stick to for life.

  • Traci says:

    You mentioned leptin above with another question…. I have low leptin, below the range. I was told this makes my body’s metabolism slow down? I am opposite of high leptin- I do get full. Question- do I need to do anything special on keto diet to raise my leptin to normal level. I was told this May be reason I’m having trouble losing?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      The keto lifestyle by itself will improve leptin levels over time. The fact that you do get full is a good sign that things have improved. 🙂

  • Christine says:

    Is almond or coconut milk ok, or does it stall weight loss, also?

  • Kelly says:

    Hi Maria, what do you think about just like sugar – a natural sugar free sweetener made from chicory root dietary fiber?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      It is ok for some things. It is high in carbs (all fiber but still adds up) so I only use for a couple special treats. 🙂

  • Diana says:

    Hi Maria,
    I’d like to start on the classes. I have been following the wheat belly program but I have stalled for months . I suffer from palpitations , especially around my period and annoying rosacea. My face is always red. I thought LCHF would help. Where do you suggest I start?

  • Traci says:

    Maria- question about ketones. Been low carb since January- eating around 20-25 carbs daily- always 20 net. Earlier in process, month 2 and 3 I was getting ketone readings of .5-1.8.

    Now although I am sure I am Keto adapted, I can go without eating, metalluc taste in mouth, etc, my ketones average .2-.3. On average.

    I read our bodies will make less ketones as we are more adapted- an energy sparing mechanism of sorts. That our brain and bodies are now using most of what we need, and learn not to make access. Is this true?? Or is my diet off, thus low ketones? I feel like I’m chasing ketones! Lol

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      When are you testing your ketones? Morning in fasted state? If your carbs are at that level and you feel good, I wouldn’t worry too much about the ketone levels. Unless things change, you gain weight, etc. Then I would look into what might be causing it (dairy, nuts, etc.) 🙂

      • Traci says:

        I test different times- morning fasted, after workouts, nighttime when they’re supposed to be highest.. Yes, I have lost, but it’s been slow. I have my proteins per your suggestion of .8x LBM- so around 75-80. I do eat dairy, and some nuts… Maybe I should cut those out…?. So I do t need High ketones?? Still confused on that and weight loss.. Please explain :))

        • Maria Emmerich says:

          Ideally you want ketones over 1 or so for weight loss. Could be your body is still healing. We find that cutting dairy and nuts for a month or so helps most clients get the weight moving.

  • Traci says:

    Healing from what? I had high ketones early on.. Saw them at 1.5..
    Trying to understand if after being in ketosis for long period- over 4-5 months straight,if the body starts to make less, thus why I’m getting only .2-.3 now with blood meter.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Ah, ok. I thought you never got higher ketones. Yes, over time your body does adjust and produce less ketones and becomes more efficient. They will go up after intense exercise. Some client take a while to see good ketones as their body heals.

  • Traci says:

    Whew!! Lol- thank you Maria

  • Rahul says:

    outside of experimenting on myself, is there a way to test that dairy might be having an adverse effect on my keto genie efforts? Thanks in advance

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      The best way is to just remove it for a couple weeks and see if you get things going. 🙂

  • Tammy says:

    Maria- when incomes to building muscle while in ketosis, what’s the minimum we can eat. I read all kinds of amounts out there that are needed. From the lowest RDA of 40-50g a day to 1 gram per pound LBM. I find with higher proteins, above 70g I still have hard time getting into ketosis.

    Yet, I worry I won’t build LBM if lower. I’m in menopause, so don’t I need more protein to stop muscle loss. My current LBM is 98 and I lift hard 2 times a week and do cardio or HIIT 2 other days.

    Lastly, my energy has been lacking.been doing keto for 6 months.. Is there a correlation on energy levels and keto readings. I’ve been averaging .2-.3 and then get to .9 or so after hard workout. Should I lower proteins to get ketones up. Wanting to maximize my energy, and body recomp. Thank you!!!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      A good goal is 0.7 times you LBM. So you 70g is about right. I would lower carbs (maybe 10g total carbs per day) and raise fat to increase ketones. 🙂

      • Traci says:

        What aboutcorrelation between Keytone levels and energy? Do you find there to be a Keytone number for feeling the best?

        • Maria Emmerich says:

          Yes, there can be a big increase in energy if you get ketones from say 0.5 or 0.9 up to 2 or 3. That is what this product can do. 🙂

  • Tammy says:

    PS- since being in keto past 6 months, i have lost 10 pounds. Current bf is 23.5, trying to get to 18-20%. And build LBM. I have had higher ketones in past..with less protein. Just want to build a little more LBM. Thanks again!

  • Shelley says:

    My ferritin level is low…at last blood work it was 7. It was my acupuncturist that had me pull the ferritin, but I worked for six specialists (MDs) and one of them looked at my ferritin level and told me I have to get it up ASAP. He said it’s supposed to be around 50. My acupuncturist wanted me to take a supplement that contained iron, which I did, but wonder if there is something wrong that was causing the low ferritin other than say, iron deficiency anemia, as my hemoglobin, while somewhat low, was not horrible at all. Just wondering if there is a way to help restore ferritin levels that does not include iron. Thank you so much!

  • Miranda says:

    I’m I’ve removed all of these things in the list above (except dairy) and I was able to lose 10 lbs in about 3 weeks. All of a sudden I plateaued and my weight is fluctuating around the 250 mark and my legs are retaining so much water (when I press on my shin, I leave an indention for about an hour). Is there a reason this would suddenly happen? The only thing from the list I can say I do regularly is eat dairy products, but I was doing that before when I lost the 10 lbs.

  • Tammy says:

    Are Jay Robb chocolate and strawberry egg white protein powders ok? Or should we stick with unflavored?

  • SherriB says:

    Hi Maria. Thank you for the post. I had gastric bypass surgery last October and rely on whey isolate protein powder for at least some of my daily protein intake. I’ve been trying to follow a Paleo/Keto way of eating and am wondering if you have any experience at all with gastric bypass people. This seems to be an area where a lot of people either have very little knowledge or they just don’t want to comment. Any advice? Thanks Maria!

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      Yes! I work with clients like yourself all the time!
      My biggest tips are to not consume liquid calories for weight loss.
      Protein drinks often are too high in protein and turn into sugar.
      I also would cut all dairy.

  • Kelly says:

    Hi, is MCT oil & liquid coconut oil the same thing?, also which healthy oil is better – avocado or liquid coconut for salad dressing and nutrition?.

  • Kristen says:

    How do I stop my hair loss on the keto diet?

  • Kelly says:

    Hi, maria – what do you think about Aloe Vera Juice?, is it nutritious or dangerous?. Which oil is the most nutritious for salad dressings – Avocado, Olive, etc.

  • Amanda Reed says:

    So here I find myself once again. Desperate to feel better and keep losing weight. But still really struggling with cutting nuts and dairy. I know it’s time to bite the bullet. I know the new cookbook will help. Just so tired of being tired! I have 85 more lbs to lose.

  • kelly says:

    Could you please address the proper use of Keto OS? You have mentioned in the past that you yourself gained weight using it and that it could happen to anyone if not used properly. Well I have ordered 3 canisters and have gained 10lbs. On a 100lb body that’s a noticeable gain. I’m not overly worried about the weight but concerned about continued use since I’ve had a full 10% gain in 3 months. Please specify PROPER USE….

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      If weight loss is your main goal then you have to use Keto OS as a tool. It reduces appetite and gives you more energy. So use it to extend your fast or eat less. Also to move more and be more active. But alone, it does have calories and takes you out of fasting.

  • Cara says:

    Im new to your blog and new to keto diet. 3 weeks in, lost 4 lbs. I thought I was doing okay no sugar. Coffee in the morning with cream. meats, veggies and butter and cream cheese. I get the whole thing about dairy and I will work on that…

    But can you please expound on not subtracting fiber from veggies? so if brocolli has a total of 4 carbs, for example, and 2 g fiber. Total carb count should still be 4g and not 2g? why is that?

    really hope you can help me out. thank you!

  • Roxana says:

    Hi Maria! Really great article! I plan on going on keto, i’m doing my research first.
    I am still breastfeeding a 1 year 8 months toddler (that doesn’t want to let go of her favorite snack :)) and i am also interested in the effects of the diet on the milk and on my baby’s health.
    I have 79 kg (174 lbs) at a height of 1.75 cm and i really really want to lose at least 10 kg (22 lbs). Any advice ?

    Thanks a lot!!

  • Maria says:

    Hi Maria, thank you for the information. Please could you clarify something for me regarding fat intake – should I be including the fats present in foods (eg eggs) in my total fat intake or should I just be counting the added oils/fats.

  • Joey says:

    Cut all dairy ? really? What if you love it, and have no issues digesting it? For what purpose if you’re still in caloric deficit?

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      If you aren’t losing weight, then yes. It isn’t about the calories. It is about how it increases insulin.

  • Monica says:

    Hi, I’ve been in Ketosis (less than 30 total carbs/day) for 3 weeks now. I am at a healthy weight and an athlete. I spend a lot of time in the alpine, trad and sport climbing, mountaineering, backcountry skiing, road/mtn biking, etc. I have had a couple days that I was down 7-10 pounds in the morning, I’m 5/5 115#, and I noticed a huge drop in energy. I expect to have low energy the first few weeks and maybe a couple months since I was so sugar dependent but I’m having a hard time finding food/calories to bring in the backcountry. What has worked for me is the bulletproof coffee in a thermos, macadamia nuts, lettuce wraps with salami/bacon, scrambled eggs and coconut oil in a plastic baggie (with veggies when possible). After reading this article I worry that the macadamia nuts and bulletproof coffee are bad choices. Than would be a bummer because they are my two favorite things while skiing this winter. I do suffer from chronic constipation and have been having issues since starting the diet but haven’t noticed it getting worse the last week when I started eating the macadamia nuts. Also, is it advisable for me to eat more carbs for certain activities? Trad climbing requires so much power when dealing with ropes and gear and skiing/biking uphill burns a lot of calories. I would love any advice you have on the best foods to bring with in the mountains, how many calories I need to increase on big days (should it be the same day or before/after the activity), and the best place to find help/resources for athletes. I’m in the process of watching the ketosummit videos and can’t wait to see a few of the videos.

    • Maria Emmerich says:

      No added carbs, no. For low energy you typically need more water and electrolytes. Especially if active and sweating. I would shoot for a gallon of water a day and add extra salt (shoot for 6 grams of sodium) and magnesium and potassium supplements.

      If you are very active and feel you need a boost of energy, that type of thing can be ok. But when fully keto adapted (can take 6 weeks or more) your body should be able to make all the energy it needs (lipolysis). Even very lean athletes have over 40,000 calories stored in adipose fat.

      • Monica says:

        Ok thank you for the advise on the carbs, that was exactly what I needed to know. I do stay hydrated and am supplementing with salt, K+, mag bisgycinate. But I wasn’t measuring my salt, just eating a lot of Celtic salt since I’m craving it, so I will start keeping track. I apologize I definitely posted this question on the wrong page, had multiple tabs open while trying to research.

        The keto summit lectures talk about athletes cycling carb days after 3 months of strict ketosis, but your recommendation is to stay in strict Ketosis. I agree with your point of view and don’t see myself adding carbs, but I do find it confusing with so much information available. Thank you again.

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